Sunday, January 31, 2016

For Arnie Rosner-- Reply to Suggestions Anna von Reitz

" St. Jude, Fill My Heart With Hope In The New Year. " Amen

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anna von Reitz <>
Date: Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 5:00 AM
Subject: For Arnie Rosner-- Reply to Suggestions

1.    The organic Constitution is installed as the supreme law of the land.  The Constitution, thank God, never left and doesn’t have to be “installed”—but it may (once we have educated ourselves sufficiently) need to be seriously corrected in some respects.  Term limits for Congress and no ability for Congress to exempt itself from the consequences of any action it takes and an end to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 all spring to mind. A complete reworking of the sections dealing with courts and the judiciary also. The Constitution is a marvelous thing, but it has been over 200 years and while many needs and issues remain the same, we don’t have to maintain a split jurisdiction allowing any foreign governments to meddle in our affairs. The time will come for a Continental Congress--- a real one, not a fake—that brings together Fiduciary Deputies from every state to take stock of where we are and where we want to be.
2.    It would seem that there should be some sort of NOTICE provided announcing the termination of all contracts and agreements with any current contractors/employees. Fortunately or unfortunately, none of these people are actually working for us, and even if we had the right to terminate employees of middlemen employers (which is arguable since we are ultimately the ones paying for all this “service”) – it would cause real panic and chaos because there is no other organized system in place yet.
3.    Some key issues with which we would consider dealing…
Washington, D.C. recognition revoked.  Start charging rent for space.
The discussion so far is to absorb DC back into the states that contributed to it to begin with and ensure that it is no longer operated as a separate Congressional oligarchy.
4.    Congress dissolved.  The incorporated Congress is a private body--- a corporate Board of Directors---of a bankrupt corporation, so it is already in receivership and its assets are under distribution by Trustees. In a sense, “Congress” is already dissolved, impotent, forced to operate through secondary corporations if at all.  The problem is that false claims have been made to the effect that we and our public and private property assets are “standing good” for this bankrupt entity and the Trustees are trying to seize upon us and sell off our property to pay the creditors of the bankrupt UNITED STATES, INC.  We have objected and refuted any such presumption on the part of the Trustees and have also repudiated the mounds of odious debt that the UNITED STATES, INC. accumulated in “our names” and left for us to pay, just like any other identity thief or credit card snatcher.
5.    The Judiciary has its authority revoked.  The strange truth is that unless you are actually involved in business on the sea or operating a corporation or are functioning as an employee or dependent of the federal government, the Federal Judiciary has never had any authority over you. 
     Except for a vague reference in Article I, another vague reference in Article VI, and Amendment VII, the real court system that everyone at the Constitutional Convention knew and thought of and took for granted was the then-functioning and powerful Continental Common Law Court system, which existed in the land jurisdiction and so was not part of the subject matter related to the Constitution. 
     The courts set up by the Constitution are all corporate administrative tribunals and Admiralty/Maritime courts--- precisely what you would expect of a document created to set up an organization charged with protecting the National Trust on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways and providing nineteen services all of which are in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  The Federal Government has nothing much to do with the land jurisdiction—by the Founder’s design---so The Constitution simply doesn’t make mention of the land jurisdiction court system which had been functioning since the first Pilgrims waded ashore and which has functioned barely to the present day--- except for those two vague references and very directly, in Amendment VII. 
     Another point for Americans to understand is that the “United States Supreme Court” is only “supreme” for the Federal United States and its corporation employees. It has no power over the free sovereign and independent organic states nor over the free sovereign and independent people living in those states. 
     The function of the United States Supreme Court is to interpret the Constitution’s trust indenture, treaty requirements, and service contract for the  federal corporation employees and elected officials, thereby setting the limits for them. Not for us.
     Our Federal Supreme Court that addresses those “federal issues” that arise on the land jurisdiction under the Commerce Clause is The Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
     Please note--- there is the “United States” which is organized according to United States Districts wherein operate United States District Courts which are all supposed to be limited to the jurisdiction of the sea and the Law of the Sea (though they fudge it).  There are also the Federal Postal Districts wherein operate the Federal (Postal) District Courts that are land jurisdiction courts that operate under the Law of the Land. There is The Supreme Court of the United States and there is The Supreme Court of the Commonwealth (not the State) of Pennsylvania at the top of the two different “federal courts” –one on the sea and one on the land.
     Anyway, please grasp the fact that the United States Supreme Court is not “supreme” over you--- it is supreme over them, the Federales.
6.    The Administration given 5 days to vacate the premises. Once again, you have to remember you are dealing with a private corporation that claims to own the property and until our counter-claims are made and successfully proven and prosecuted in behalf of the People of the United States, they have possession of them. Also remember that these outrages have occurred in the jurisdiction of the sea and under the Law of the Sea, wherein “possession is nine-tenths of the law”.  Unless we want to be accused of piracy we have to play the game and evict them properly.  
7.    All treaties, agreements and legislation declared null and void…subject to review and reconsideration by a new type of government, should one be formed. So far as I have been able to determine the Organic Law which includes The Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Constitution and Northwest Ordinance plus the original formation documents of each State of the Union are still valid and in full force, as are the United States Statutes-at-Large which form the only body of Public Law except those public State and County Public Laws passed prior to incorporation of these bodies. We are always free to reorganize on the county level and repeal or update or add to local laws at will.  In our system, the power stays with the people who delegate to the counties which delegate to the states which delegate some of their powers and responsibilities to the federales.
8.    Transitional government agencies and resources.  We may have a somewhat rocky start dealing with the debacle of Obama Care, reforming banking and securities law and administration, coming up with a means to deal with transition first to a gold/silver monetary system and later a blockchain credit delivery system, but in the main, it is the duty of those in office to ensure a smooth and orderly transition.  Failing that, we have to take charge at the local level, form up our own unincorporated counties, elect our own Sheriffs. and take up the issue of continued services.  Ideally this entails organizing emergency relief organizations, food banks, hand pump water wells, medical supply storage, having alternative power ready including moth-balled electrical and sanitation facilities, use of churches and schools and other large buildings in each community to provide emergency shelter. Development of a safe community trading center would also be desirable and useful immediately--- such centers provide a place for vendors to sell locally produced goods and goods brought in by local people for sale --- like Farmer’s Markets, but offering at least a partially indoor venue where people can still trade comfortably and safely in bad weather. In the event of real social upheaval, such trading centers will have to have armed security to prevent raids and theft.
9.    Individual sovereignty is immediately recognized.  Our sovereignty has always been recognized---what has been misrepresented and obscured is our political status. To correct this in a sane and fair way, we need to set up a public process in which people are given full disclosure regarding their political status options and they are allowed to choose their option without coercion.  There are plusses and minuses whatever one chooses, but the right to make an informed decision for oneself is fundamental.
10. Monetary system established.  The “new” monetary system is already well on the way to being here.  Initially, it will mean a return to the old gold and silver standard, but quite soon there should be a worldwide alternative currency that permanently de-centralizes banking functions and provides a secure platform for trading itself and which also interfaces with national currencies to allow mutual translation and exchange.
11. Orderly transition of control over the military – Military protection for the people.   We have repeatedly asked for assistance from the Provost Marshals who are responsible for coordinating joint response task forces without success.  These men have been either dumbed down or redirected so as to render their crucial function worthless. The Coast Guard Commandant who is supposed to protect us from inland piracy has been equally unresponsive.  This is very problematic to say the least, but on the other hand, the military has not created any problems, either.  Hopefully the growing broad spectrum understanding of who and what the government really is will lead to better service delivery and performance overall.
12. Public safety – police, fire and rescue.  These functions are or can be headed up by volunteers in each community.
13. Legitimate judicial system.  The judicial system is already embodied in each and every one of us and is brought to full life by the process of reorganizing our county and state governments--- either by overtly dissolving the incorporated county and state or by creating a separate county and county court system for the jurisdiction of the land, the vacant offices of the public courts are filled at the same time as Sheriffs responsible for upholding the Organic and Public Laws are elected.    
14. Healthcare: See items above related to community organization.
15. Basic life support for the indigent.  We’ve seen hard times in this country before when we have had to open up poor houses and orphanages and hospices and “day hospitals” and shelters and we may come to that again, but in view of the amount of assets available there is really no reason for anyone in this country or any other to go without anything they legitimately need. All such suffering and deprivation has been caused by criminality and greed.
16. Other essential citizen’s services.  I am often asked about pensions and Social Security and other related issues.  The rats responsible for this fraud and mis-administration have gutted the Social Security funds along with everything else.  That’s the bad news.  The good news is that we know where it went and we are determined that just as we are all Priority Creditors the top Priority Creditors are America’s Seniors and Veterans, to whom we owe it all. 
17. All pensions, benefits and agreements previously in place are the responsibility of the previous management. All inquiries must be submitted to the United States of America, Inc.  This corporation is located in Washington, D.C..  Actually, we have claimed back all American assets and the only ones whose pensions are subject to any threat are Federal United States and Washington, DC citizens.  So far as I know at this point even “federal” pensions owed to anyone born in the Continental United States or whose parents were born in the Continental United States and who contributed to federal pension funds should be covered in the asset reclamation. In fact—another ray of very good news--- pensions should be considerably more generous and medical care and health preservation “extras” such as dietary supplements, massage, physical therapy, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, kinetic kinesiology, pain relief therapy, chiropractor services, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, exercise and spa programs, recreational therapy, assisted living services, and hospice care should be far more available for the elderly and injured and mental health services – especially early intervention and support services and assistance with drug and alcohol and tobacco addictions—should be much more readily available.  
18. It would also seem appropriate to notice all members of the federal government.  They must be given termination notices – perhaps given 5 days to vacate any offices and or facilities they currently occupy.  It is indeed appropriate to give Notice of the facts to federal employees and agency subcontractors in terms of what is going on, but not termination notices which would lead to a wholesale and disorganized panic and disruption of essential services people depend on. The “federal government” has to be turned over and reformed in a gradual and orderly way to prevent loss of national security, loss of domestic services and loss of life. The new services corporation will be considerably stripped down and reorganized, and federal employees may be widely re-tasked and re-educated to do other jobs, but there won’t be any extremely abrupt changeover if we can help it.
19. An interim administrative operation should be created to handle the details.
Provisions for protection of the people as well as a method to continue essential services need to be established locally. 
We anticipate the delivery of pensions and services will continue uninterrupted in most cases, but unlike the old system which promoted a permanent welfare population everyone will have sufficient credit to pay for all basic needs apart from any program or special entitlement or insurance so that the need for welfare programs and administration of welfare programs will dwindle and cease. People will simply have what they need and community assistance will be community assistance. We will always have the poor, the mentally ill, the addicted, the orphaned, and the infirm among us and we will always have to deal with these special challenges, but for many, many people the new system will offer immediate and permanent relief, mainstreaming them back into the community and freeing them to pursue new pathways. Marriage and family relationships will be encouraged, nurtured, and supported.   
20. It would seem county governments and municipal governments can continue in this function but under the direct supervision of the local citizen’s commission.  Assemblies are supposed to provide this oversight function in the present system and for the most part have failed dismally. County and city governments are among the most corrupt organs in the entire system and it is up to the people to get motivated to “self-govern”. “Representatives” who “interpret” your needs through a filter of self-interest are no replacement for fiduciary deputies who have to act prudently and without nepotism or conflict of interest or improper contracting processes.  Basic reorganizations and new thinking are required especially at the local level.  
21. State government agencies and agents will be dealt with as required.  All employment arrangements and contracts terminated.  Again, this is not practical or desirable to do in any abrupt or wholesale fashion and everyone should realize that although public employment tends to be a revolving door at the higher levels, it doesn’t have to be that way.  Term limits, the end of the “two party system” and other measures to ensure dynamic interaction with the whole community have to be considered as part of the overall re-examination of government functions on every level.
22. State court system abolished immediately. The State courts are needed to deal with the issues that the state courts have always been tasked with, but need to be operated on the land jurisdiction and as public courts for people, not private courts for corporations.
23. Arrangements for lawful elections must be coordinated. The most pressing electoral process has nothing to do with public offices, but with political status and that is not a ballot process, but a true election that then determines the obligations and standing and law that an individual accepts. These political status elections need to be among the very first discussions and orders of business people undertake.
24. An interim citizen council would need to be formed to handle care-taking details.  Don’t know what you mean by this exactly.  Many communities and counties have already formed what are being called “Safety Committees”—groups of competent men and women who undertake the job of preserving the lives and the property of their communities.  These Safety Committees already engage in a wide variety of functions from planning for alternative power and fuel sources to developing “talent banks”--- who knows how to operate ham radios? ---who has paramedic training? ---do we have a dentist in the area? ---and organizing the local county infrastructure and elections to fill vacant public offices.
25. All current public officers and employees must be served termination notices effective in 10 days. These people aren’t our public officers and they aren’t our employees, either. Not directly, anyway. This is part of what is so hard for most Americans to understand.
     These are employees of a foreign government (federal) providing “essential governmental services” for THEIR citizens. The State is a “Federal State” and the County is a “Federal County” – franchises of the Federal corporation charged with providing these services and all of these entities are functioning in the foreign jurisdiction of the sea and under the Law of the Sea, not the Law of the Land, because they all incorporated themselves to share in the racketeering profits generated by the fraud.
     Your government --- which you thought you were paying for and electing people to fill offices in --- is vacant because you were deluded and deceived and mischaracterized as a “Federal Citizen” and failed to operate the land jurisdiction you are owed. Your government isn’t present.  Your parents and grandparents were fooled just as you were and they let it slip away gradually over a period of years and the end result is that we have to entirely rebuild the land jurisdiction government in America as unincorporated cities, unincorporated counties, unincorporated states, and have to seat a Continental (land) Congress as opposed to a United States (sea) Congress.
26. Notice also provided for new applications for employment being accepted by citizen commissions.  We are just now in the process of recouping our assets and reclaiming our land and our sea jurisdiction from these interlopers. This is being done on a volunteer basis at present. Any idea anyone has that we are suddenly all set up, have plenty of money, and can just go ahead and hire a new government to suit ourselves needs to step back about ten steps and take stock of where we really are.  A few Americans woke up in time to save the Constitution, save our land claims, pass the “federal contract” to Americans and reconsolidate our joint claim on our jurisdiction of the sea.  We are now pursuing American assets which have been stolen, given away, registered in foreign domains all over the globe, taken via false claims of abandonment, suffered hypothecation, false copyrights---you name it, we have to deal with it, folks----and that is just the nuts and bolts part of getting our land patents and land descriptions and copyrights to our names and our gold and silver that have been purloined and our credit that has been hijacked and our identities that have been stolen back in our control and possession.
     At the same time there are unincorporated county, city, and state governments to set up, Sheriffs on the Land to elect, rats to arrest, liens to be collected, law suits to be filed, crimes to be prosecuted---all on a worldwide and totally unprecedented in the history of the world scale.
     Some aspects of this will come together surprisingly quickly, but this is not going to happen overnight.  Even if we all grab an oar to Save America and pull our Ship of State off the reef these criminals were trying to drive us upon, it will take time and effort and long patient slogging to restore the government we are heir to.
Open to further suggestions and discussion. 
          As usual, certain people (names deleted) drive me crazy running out far, far ahead of the game, trying to resolve things that MIGHT be resolvable two years from now and chomping at the bit, wanting to know why it isn’t already all done right NOW? Yesterday, even?  I get the feeling that I am somehow responsible for this mess –at least in the minds of some- simply because I took action to try to correct it and raised the alarm.
          Like the feckless suspect in a murder mystery who wandered into the library, found the dead body on the carpet with a blood-stained knife beside it, and mindlessly picked the knife up just in time for the Chief Inspector and four or five witnesses to show up and accuse me of the deed?
          I have--- among all the other fascinating facts I have learned in this life—learned that if you discover a crime and report it, you are automatically suspected of being guilty of it or responsible for it somehow.   But, of course, if you discover a crime you have the duty to report and oppose it, or you become an accomplice to it----so you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t and you might as well just do your best, throw your hands in the air, shake your head-- and run full tilt screaming into the bushes.  
     The Hon., Anna von Reitz
     U.S. District Court Judge
     Western District

Have some laughs on us! Michael Davis - Ford's Theater

Have some laughs on us!

Michael Davis - Ford's Theater

Part 1

Part 2


A New Madrid Earthquake Is Coming

A  New  Madrid  Earthquake  Is  Coming  And  America  Will  Be  Shaken  Like  Never  Before

Most Americans expect the next great earthquake in the United States to come on the west coast


Hillary admits server contained top U.S. secrets



22 emails censored from public, highest levels of classification

January 29, 2016
The Obama administration leveled a devastating blow to Hillary Clinton on Friday by admitting for the first time that her personal email server contained the highest levels of classified U.S. intelligence

The White House said 22 emails from former secretary of state’s “home brew” server must be censored from public view when the State Department releases its final batch on Friday.

Diplomatic Security and Intelligence and Research bureaus will now try to determine if any of the emails were marked classified at the time of transmission, the Associated Press reported Friday.

Fox News chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge has noted, however, that any discussion about marked or unmarked emails is a legal red herring because trained officials – like Clinton – can spot such intelligence without blatant indicators.

“It is the content that is classified – not the format it is in,” Herridge said Jan. 21, WND reported. “To suggest to people that there is somehow a big rubber stamp with ‘classified’ that’s smacked on every document is completely misleading and that’s something you only see in the movies. Mrs. Clinton knows better because she had to have special training as secretary of state because she has classification authority."

Sources told the network on Friday the emails were “too damaging” to release under any circumstances.  “The documents alone in and of themselves set forth a set of compelling, articulable facts that statutes relating to espionage have been violated,” a former senior federal law enforcement officer said.

Nearly 100 FBI special agents are attempting to determine whether Clinton violated a subsection of the Espionage Act related to “gross negligence” in handling government documents. Agents are also trying to discern whether co-mingling of the Clinton Foundation and State Department business violated public corruption laws.Clinton campaign spokesman Brain Fallon called the decision to censor Clinton’s emails “overclassification run amok."

“We firmly oppose the complete blocking of the release of these emails,” Fallon said statement, AP reported. "Since first providing her emails to the State Department more than one year ago, Hillary Clinton has urged that they be made available to the public. We feel no differently today."

The White House’s acknowledgment comes just over a week since it was revealed that Clinton’s server contained “special access programs,” or SAP.  Fox exclusively obtained an unclassified letter written by Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III discussing the documents.

“To date, I have received two sworn declarations from one [intelligence community] element. These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the confidential, secret, and top secret/SAP levels,” McCullough said Jan. 14 to lawmakers with oversight of the intelligence community and State Department.

According to the declarant, these documents contain information derived from classified IC element sources."

State Department spokesman John Kirby told AP on Friday there were seven email chains being withheld from the public due to the sensitive information they contain, which includes SAP.

“The documents are being upgraded at the request of the intelligence community because they contain a category of top secret information,” Kirby said.

Department officials would not say if Clinton was the one who sent the emails, AP reported.

Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release

Official:  Some  Clinton  emails  'too  damaging'  to  release

State Department declares 22 Clinton emails 'top secret'


Jan 30, 4:06 AM EST

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration has confirmed for the first time that Hillary Clinton's home server contained closely guarded government secrets, censoring 22 emails that contained material requiring one of the highest levels of classification. The revelation came three days before Clinton competes in the Iowa presidential caucuses.

State Department officials also said the agency's Diplomatic Security and Intelligence and Research bureaus are investigating if any of the information was classified at the time of transmission, going to the heart of Clinton's defense of her email practices.

The department published its latest batch of emails from her time as secretary of state Friday evening.  But The Associated Press learned ahead of the release that seven email chains would be withheld in full for containing "top secret" information. The 37 pages include messages a key intelligence official recently said concerned "special access programs" -highly restricted, classified material that could point to confidential sources or clandestine programs like drone strikes.

"The documents are being upgraded at the request of the intelligence community because they contain a category of top secret information," State Department spokesman John Kirby told the AP, calling the withholding of documents in full "not unusual." That means they won't be published online with others being released, even with blacked-out boxes.  Department officials wouldn't describe the substance of the emails, or say if Clinton sent any herself.

Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, insists she never sent or received information on her personal email account that was classified at the time. No emails released so far were marked classified, but reviewers previously designated more than 1,000 messages at lower classification levels. Friday's will be the first at top secret level.

Even if Clinton didn't write or forward the messages, she still would have been required to report any classification slippages she recognized in emails she received. But without classification markings, that may have been difficult, especially if the information was publicly available.  "We firmly oppose the complete blocking of the release of these emails," Clinton campaign spokesman Brain Fallon said. "Since first providing her emails to the State Department more than one year ago, Hillary Clinton has urged that they be made available to the public. We feel no differently today."

Fallon accused the "loudest and leakiest participants" in a process of bureaucratic infighting for withholding the exchanges. The documents, he said, originated in the State Department's unclassified system before they ever reached Clinton, and "in at least one case, the emails appear to involve information from a published news article.  "This appears to be over classification run amok," Fallon said.

Kirby said the State Department was focused, as part of a Freedom of Information Act review of Clinton's emails, on "whether they need to be classified today." Past classification questions, he said, "are being, and will be, handled separately by the State Department." It is the first indication of such a probe.

Department responses for classification infractions could include counseling, warnings or other action, officials said. They wouldn't say if Clinton or senior aides who've since left government could face penalties. The officials weren't authorized to speak on the matter and demanded anonymity.

Separately, Kirby said the department withheld eight email chains, totaling 18 messages, between President Barack Obama and Clinton. These are remaining confidential "to protect the president's ability to receive unvarnished advice and counsel," and will be released eventually like other presidential records.

The emails have been a Clinton campaign issue since 10 months ago, when the AP discovered her exclusive use while in office of a homebrew email server in the basement of her family's New York home. Doing so wasn't expressly forbidden. Clinton first called the decision a matter of convenience, then a mistake.

Last March, Clinton and the State Department said no business conducted in the emails included top-secret matters. Both said her account was never hacked or compromised, which security experts assess as unlikely.

Clinton and the State Department also claimed the vast majority of her emails were preserved properly for archiving because she corresponded mainly with government accounts. They've backtracked from that claim in recent months.

The special access programs emails surfaced last week, when Charles I. McCullough, lead auditor for U.S. intelligence agencies, told Congress he found some in Clinton's account.
Kirby confirmed the "denied-in-full emails" are among those McCullough recently cited. He said one was among those McCullough identified last summer as possibly containing top secret information.

The AP reported last August that one focused on a forwarded news article about the CIA's classified U.S. drone program. Such operations are widely discussed publicly, including by top U.S. officials, and State Department officials debated McCullough's claim. The other concerned North Korean nuclear weapons programs, according to officials.

At the time, several officials from different agencies suggested the disagreement over the drone emails reflected a tendency to overclassify material, and a lack of consistent classification policies across government.

The FBI also is looking into Clinton's email setup, but has said nothing about the nature of its probe. Independent experts say it's unlikely Clinton will be charged with wrongdoing, based on details that have surfaced so far and the lack of indications she intended to break laws. "What I would hope comes out of all of this is a bit of humility" and Clinton's acknowledgement that "I made some serious mistakes," said Bradley Moss, a Washington lawyer specializing in security clearance matters.

Legal questions aside, it's the potential political costs that probably more concern Clinton. She has struggled in surveys measuring perceived trustworthiness and any investigation, buoyed by evidence of top secret material coursing through her account, could negate a main selling point for her becoming commander in chief: her national security resume. 


Detroit maker investing $16 billion in U.S.

GM Rebuffs China Criticism

Detroit maker investing $16 billion in U.S.

General Motors is investing $16 billion into its U.S. business, including plant improvements.

Stung by jibes from the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page, General Motors Co. is planning to invest about $16 billion on U.S. factories and facilities through 2016, more than it will spend in China, the company said.

Last month, GM Chief Executive Dan Akerson said on the eve of the Shanghai Auto Show that planned to invest $11 billion investment for its joint ventures in China. That was an increase from a 2011 outline to spend $7 billion through 2015.

The Journal last week ran a commentary on its op-ed page titled, “Welcome to General Tso’s Motors,” saying China “is disproportionately benefiting” from the 2009 U.S.-backed bankruptcy reorganization of Detroit-based GM. The Journal’s editorial page previously has criticized the bailout. GM responded to the criticism in a letter to the newspaper.  General Motors Tonawanda Powertrain employee Tim Battaglia installs a timing chain assembly on an Ecotec I-4 engine. 

“The $11 billion in capital that will be spent in China by 2016 is coming out of our joint ventures rather than Detroit and is far less than the approximately $16 billion in capital GM will invest in the U.S. over that time,” Selim Bingol, GM vice president of public policy, said in a letter published in the Wall Street Journal.

Through its joint ventures, GM sold 2.84 million vehicles in China, its biggest market, last year and wants to boost that to 5 million by 2015. As part of its continuing investment in the Chinese market, GM expects to increase its capacity in China by 20% this year.

GM “was in China long before the economic meltdown of 2008-2009, and not one dollar of U.S. taxpayer rescue money was spent on our operations there,” Bingol said in the letter. “Our Chinese joint ventures are self-funding, meaning we require funds spent there to be generated there."

Previously, GM said it invested $8.5 billion in the U.S. since emerging from bankruptcy, including efforts to prepare for production for more fuel-efficient engines and vehicles.

GM has 43 manufacturing facilities, including 12 vehicle assembly plants, in the U.S., according to GM’s website. With its China investment, GM is increasing its number of assembly plants to 17 assembly plants, Bob Socia, the automaker’s China president, said last month. The total number of facilities in China will be 30 in 2016, GM said.

Vehicle sales by General Motors and its joint ventures in China increased 15.3% on an annual basis last month to an April record 261,870 units.

Shanghai GM and SAIC-GM-Wuling, as well as their Buick, Chevrolet, Wuling and Baojun brands, all reached all-time highs for April sales. Cadillac also set an all-time monthly sales record. GM’s sales for the first four months of 2013 were a record 1,078,243 units, an increase of 10.9% on an annual basis. Shanghai GM’s domestic sales in April were up 29.2% year-over-year to 121,559 units, SAIC-GM-Wuling’s sales in China were up 5.9% to 134,815 units and FAW-GM’s sales in the domestic market were down 0.3% to 5,124 units, GM officials said.

Buick sales in the domestic market totaled 66,923 units in April, which was an increase of 23.9% on an annual basis. The original Excelle family had sales of 25,336 units, an increase of 9.3%, while sales of the Excelle XT and GT increased 53.7 percent to 18,413 units.

Chevrolet sales in China rose 21.7 percent from the previous April to 50,559 units. Sales of the Cruze, the brand’s most popular model, were up 8.6% to 17,277 units. It was followed by the Sail, which sold 15,409 units, and the Malibu, which sold 8,786 units.

(GM invests $332 million development of powertrains. Click Here to read more.)

Cadillac sales in April were up 99.1% from last April to 4,077 units. It benefited from strong demand of 2,195 units for the SRX luxury utility vehicle and 1,802 units for the new XTS luxury sedan.

(Click Here to read about GM’s commitment to climate change.)

Shanghai GM was named “Best Car Manufacturer” at the Auto Shanghai 2013 Grand Awards. Its Ecotec 2.0-liter engine was named one of the “10 Best Engines” at the show.

Shanghai GM showcased 45 vehicles under its Buick, Chevrolet and Cadillac brands, with the theme of “Innovation Driving the Future.” The all-new Buick Riviera concept vehicle had its world premiere, while the Chevrolet Cruze hatchback and Cadillac Escalade ESV made their China debut.

4 Responses to “GM Rebuffs China Criticism”

dwight mannsburden says: Niedermayer (General Tso’s Motors, which is just SO amusing) is TTAC, just about the most anti-GM, anti-domestic website around. GM should have just told him he’s an idiot and to stuff it.

Jorge M. says: GM can spin it any way they want but the bottom line is that they used U.S. tax payer LOAN money to expand in China while tax payers were defrauded out of millions of dollars GM never paid back on the LOAN. The LOAN was intended to save U.S. jobs, not create C 

Michael Strong says:   Unless you’re privy to some paperwork, I believe the message was clear: Chinese money was used to bulk up the Chinese business. The question is do you believe that? In your case Jorge, I’m guessing you do not. 

Ragtop Man says:  Isn’t China big on local content and assembly? My understanding is that opening factories to give people fresh off the farms a paying job (fancy, that) was the quid pro quo of setting up shop on the mainland.No surprise at all the straphanger media (NYT, WSJ) on the island got it wrong; it’s more newsworthy when they actually get something right.;postID=1437532074171877337

Montana the latest state targeted for Syrian 'refugees'

Plan  to  infuse  small  towns  with  Muslim  migrants  meets  resistance 

Montana the latest state targeted for Syrian 'refugees'

Leo Hohmann
January 9 2016 

Another big battle is brewing over Syrian “refugees” sweeping into small-town America.

Rural folks in Montana are pushing back against plans by urban 'elites' to plant hundreds of Muslims from the Third World into Helena and Missoula. They plan a protest rally at 10 a.m. Monday in front of the county courthouse in Missoula and, if the pattern holds, of similar rallies in Twin Falls, Idaho, and Fargo, North Dakota.  A contingent of pro-refugee people will show up to counter protest.  Of all the 50 states, there are only two that have not received their “share” of the nearly 1 million Muslim refugees that have been infused into more than 180 U.S. cities and towns over the past 35 years, compliments of the U.S. State Department and the United Nations.  Those states are Wyoming and Montana.  Wyoming has received only five refugees from the federal resettlement program since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and is currently not participating in the program (although Gov. Matt Mead has indicated he’d like to restart the program). Montana has only received 61 refugees since 9/11 and none since 2008.

Compare that to neighboring Idaho, which has received 10,730 refugees over the same period, according to the federal refugee database. WND reported last week that Chobani’s billionaire Muslim CEO has been working with the 'federal government' to import refugees to work in his massive yogurt plant in Twin Falls.  That has caused tensions as far out as Sand Point in northern Idaho where mayor Shelby Rognstad tried to lay out the welcome mat for Syrian refugees but was forced to retract his proposal after extreme blowback from the community, the Boise Weekly reported.

Another neighboring state, North Dakota, has been on the receiving end of 4,912 U.N. refugees since 9/11, according to the federal refugee database. Colorado has absorbed 18,122 refugees, Minnesota 37,838, Washington state 36,395, and Nebraska 9,161.

As WND has reported, Obama’s plan to import Syrian and other Muslim refugees has met spirited resistance in South Carolina, Idaho, Minnesota, North Dakota and Michigan. Residents in many areas of these states have let it be known they are not on board with the progressive vision of a multicultural America. They argue, with mounting evidence, that such policies in Europe have led to rampant crime, mass rapes and terrorism.

And the multicultural vision is no longer limited to gateway cities like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles or Miami.  Small cities like Boise, Idaho; Fargo, North Dakota; Wichita, Kansas – and now Helena and Missoula, Montana – are vying for a bigger slice of the refugee pie.

Here in “Big Sky Country” local politicians in Missoula, working with pro-immigrant NGOs, are inviting the federal government to begin sending Syrians, comparing them to the Hmong refugees who fled Vietnam’s communists in the late 1970s. They have not been deterred by the fact that 98 percent of Syrian refugees are Sunni Muslims, the vast majority of whom FBI Director James Comey admits are impossible to vet for ties to terrorism

Despite Comey’s warnings, the Missoula Board of County Commissioners sent a letter on Jan. 13 to the U.S. State Department requesting Syrian refuges. “We look forward to seeing approximately 100 refugees per year resettled in Missoula,” the letter states.  "Missoula is an ideal city for resettling refugees,” the letter continues. “Our community enjoys good schools, incredible natural beauty, and a low unemployment rate, among other factors.”

Read the entire letter Missoula commissioners sent to the Obama administration.

A group of Montanans has mobilized against the plan. They are trying to educate their state and local representatives about how the refugee resettlement program actually works, including the high welfare usage of refugees, the costs of educating children who speak zero English and the risks to national security. 

Wild-eyed lefties in the Wild West

Monday’s protest rally is not just aimed at Democrats. Citizen activists described the resistance put up by Republicans in the state Legislature as tepid at best.  “They’ve done little to help us and have basically given lip-service,” said Paul Nachman, a Bozeman activist who described Missoula as a town dominated by progressive politics, due largely to the influence of the University of Montana.  “It’s a wildly left-wing town, known around here as the Berkeley of Montana,” he said.

Nachman says the commissioners Jan. 13 letter was astonishingly naïve.  Under the resettlement program, as governed by the Refugee Act of 1980 (authored by former Sens. Teddy Kennedy and Joe Biden), local elected leaders are not afforded any control over the number of refugees the federal government sends into their communities. The feds must “consult” with state and local leaders but are not required to abide by any suggested limits on the number of refugee arrivals. Nor is the federal government bound to restrict refugees coming from any particular country, such as Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan or any other jihadist-infested country.

The flow of refugees could begin with 10 Christians from Myanmar, for instance, but quickly evolve into hundreds of Muslims from Syria or Somalia. The Obama administration claims it has carte blanche authority over how many refugees will arrive in any given town and where they will come from.

Paul Ryan’s capitulation

House Speaker Paul Ryan paid lip-service against unvetted Syrian refugees, then turned around and orchestrated an omnibus funding bill that fully funded President Obama's expanded refugee program.Obama plans to send at least 10,000 Syrians to dozens of U.S. cities and towns this year and thousands more in 2017. The program as a whole will deliver 85,000 refugees to U.S. cities in 2016 and 100,000 in 2017, all completely funded by Speaker Paul Ryan’s Congress.

House Speaker Paul Ryan paid lip-service against unvetted Syrian refugees, then turned around and orchestrated an omnibus funding bill that fully funded President Obama’s expanded refugee program.

Since the controversy erupted last fall over Syrian refugees, Secretary of State John Kerry’s top refugee lieutenant, Anne Richard, has repeatedly said states have “no authority” to stop the flow of refugees.

Yet, the Jan. 13 letter shows a stunning lack of knowledge on the part of the Missoula County commissioners, said Nachman, who lives in Bozeman. The commissioners seem to believe they can simply put their order in for a specific number of refugees.  “They are practically begging” for 100 refugees per year, says Nachman, a 67-year-old retired physicist. He came to Montana from Southern California in 2005 where he was involved in that state’s pitched battles over illegal immigration.

As in many small towns and rural areas, debates on controversial issues in Montana often play out on the op-ed pages of local newspapers and on talk radio shows.  Nachman has written several letters to the editor to local papers, countering what he says has been dishonest propaganda put out by representatives of pro-refugee agencies that stand to make a lot of money off of the resettlement of Syrians in Montana. One group, Soft Landing Montana, is affiliated with the International Rescue Committee or IRC, which is one of nine major contractors the U.S. government pays to resettle refugees. It wants to bring Syrians to Missoula.

Stephen MalyAnother group, WorldMontana, is less advanced in it’s plans to seed Helena with Muslim refugees. It has held three meetings at the Plymouth Congregational Church to plan a “potential refugee resettlement,” according to the WorldMontana website.
Stepehn Maly, president of WorldMontana, said “fear is our nemesis,” according to a report in the Great Falls Tribune.  Maly said the discussion of bringing Syrians into Helena has become “very noisy and loud."  He said some city officials have spoken against the idea, but he believes state officials are prepared to support the resettlements in due time.

The Jan. 21 meeting in Helena was attended by representatives from Catholic Social Services, the Helena Ministerial Association and included input from refugee bureaucrats in neighboring Idaho along with Boise Mayor David Bieter. The agenda also included a presentation by a “social justice” grant-maker from Minnesota.

Maly said he has met with federal officials to discuss refugee resettlement in Helena and was told to “go slow, be transparent and inclusive, try to avoid the snares of partisanship and politicization” and to be patient and persistent, the Tribune reported.  But the “inclusiveness” only extends to those who are willing to jump on board with the program, say opponents.

Caroline Solomon lives in the city of Big Fork in Flathead County, which is tucked away in the northwest corner of Montana. She said rural Montanans are getting stirred up and frustrated by the bare-knuckle approach of the refugee-resettlement groups. 

Montana vs. Belgium

Solomon is a member of the local chapter of ACT For America, an organization that educates the public about the dangers of creeping Shariah law. She is originally from Belgium and lived near a section of Brussels that is now infested with jihadists, several of whom were recruited by ISIS to take part in the Nov. 13 Paris terror attacks.  She and her husband retired to Kalispell, Montana, in 1993 and quickly fell in love with the community.  “We have had 23 years here, and I tell you I cannot describe the way the people are here,” she said. “You get airlifted to Spokane with a medical problem, and before you know it people are in their cars driving to visit you. I could not understand that as a European. It’s like one big family. Everybody is nice. When you go shop, everybody talks to everybody. When I go back to the big city, I think I must look like a country bumpkin because I have a smile on my face. That’s why people come here."

Contrast that with the no-go zones in Europe, or the growing enclaves in Minneapolis, Minnesota, or Dearborn, Michigan, and you can see why Solomon and others aren’t warming up to the changes proposed by liberals in Missoula.  “This subject (of refugees) is now a very hot topic here,” she said. “We had over 100 people at our last meeting, and the one in December we had over 300.  “They all say ‘not in Montana.’ Well it’s time to wake up because they are coming to Montana,” Solomon said. “They are asking the government to send them. We are about 100 miles north of Missoula, but a lot of us will hopefully be going to that rally Monday."

‘Assimilation is the problem'

She stressed that she is not anti-immigrant.  “I am an immigrant. So anybody saying I’m against that is absolutely wrong. There are people who need help in a serious way. That’s what this country is all about. What makes me mad and sad is they want to bring people in without knowing who they are or what they are involved with,” Solomon said. “Our own FBI says they can’t vet them. We know ISIS is using this loophole to get people into our country. We have seen it from the attacks on Europe and San Bernardino.”"  Assimilation is the problem, she said. Neither Europe nor America is demanding that its refugees from the Middle East assimilate. And 91 percent of refugees from the Middle East were receiving food stamps between 2008 and 2013, according to data from the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement, while 73 percent were on Medicaid and 68 percent were receiving cash welfare assistance.

“I have a problem with people who come here as immigrants or refugees and do not assimilate. They do not want to assimilate. I would have never thought that this little part of Brussels where we used to shop would be a place where terrorists hide in a no-go zone. The younger generation of Muslims, they do not want to assimilate, and I think there are forces pushing these young people (into jihad)."  Solomon said the county commissioners in Missoula are extremely uneducated about the refugee issue.  “That letter reads like an advertisement for tourists to come to Montana,” she said. “They say how wonderful the scenery is. What’s so dangerous is, I think that’s what they believe. You know, the kumbaya crowd, and that’s why we are doing what we are doing and trying to educate them and show what is really going on."

Ad hominem attacks

While a handful of state legislators and city officials have been receptive and sympathetic to residents’ concerns, the reaction is often hostile from the community organizers, she said.  “They call us all kinds of names, like Islamophobes, and I think CAIR is behind it,” she said, referring to the Council on American-Islamic Relations. “I think political correctness will destroy us. The Muslim Brotherhood, they said it in their Explanatory Memorandum (seized by the FBI as evidence in 2004 from a house in Virginia), that they will destroy us from within using immigration and political correctness as a weapon, and they are using it very aggressively at this time."

A WND report from May 2015 exposed the strategy of the refugee-resettlement industry to deride and intimidate any politician or activist who opposes its agenda to change the demographics of a town.  The report, titled “Resettlement at Risk: Meeting Emerging Challenges to Refugee Resettlement in Local Communities,” was authored by one of the nine federal contractors responsible for sending thousands of refugees to the states in return for lucrative taxpayer grants and fees. It calls for “new tools to fight back against a determined legislator or governor who has decided to challenge resettlement for political or other reasons."

Montana governor falls in line

The pro-refugee organizers in Montana have an ally in Democrat Gov. Steve Bullock, who is from Missoula and has been a vocal advocate of refugees including those from high-risk countries like Syria.

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock is a big supporter of refugee resettlement.
Gov. Steve Bullock of Montana.After the Nov. 13 attack on Paris in which 130 people were killed by eight ISIS terrorists, including two who are believed to have entered Europe through the ranks of Syrian “refugees,” more than two-dozen governors sent letters to the Obama administration requesting, to no avail, that the flow of refugees into their states be stopped.  But not Bullock. On Nov. 16, he issued a statement that Montana would remain open for business as usual with regard to refugees.

Solomon said she doesn’t buy President Obama’s theory that poverty is the main cause of violent extremism, or that providing jobs to disillusioned Muslims will solve the problem of global jihad.  “It’s in their book (the Quran) that they are not refugees they are migrants. They are on the hijra (migration), and Muhammad was the first one to migrate, going from Mecca to Medina and that is what’s happening, and all the pieces are falling into place,” she said. “A lot of them are not poor refugees but migrants. The migration is happening and that is what I am afraid of. They say they want 100 per year in Missoula, and the families will come and they will seed them. The first little seed is going to be planted in Missoula but then the families will come. What’s a family for them? They have multiple wives and many children."

Montana already has at least one mosque, near Montana State University in Bozeman, and several Islamic centers.  “Missoula has an Islamic Center and a very active MSA (Muslim Student Association) chapter at University of Montana,” Solomon said

The MSA was exposed as a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood in court documents filed during the Holy Land Foundation terror-financing trial in 2007. It has hundreds of chapters on college campuses across the U.S. and is notorious for stirring up anti-Israel sentiment and boycotts among college students.

Solomon said her ACT For America chapter met with Montana’s congressional delegation in Washington, D.C., last summer, and also with Texas Rep. Brian Babin, who is sponsoring House Bill 3314, which would halt all refugee resettlement until a full audit of the program can be conducted. So far House Speaker Paul Ryan has refused to promote Babins’ bill even though it has more than 80 co-sponsors.

Nachman, who fought many immigration battles in Southern California, said he, too, loves Montana. But the state has many communities that aren’t prepared for these battles and can be hoodwinked by clever pro-immigration activists. “You have a lot of naïve communities,” he said. “When I came in 2005, Montana reminded me of the Midwest in the 1950s. It reminded me of that, lost in time, sort of throw-back community, but the problems of big cities are bound to come here if we don’t fight them off.”