Tuesday, February 2, 2016


You could never make this up.


Judge Carolyn Walker-Diallo, a Muslim, was sworn in as a New York City Civil Court Judge on 10 December 2015

Claim: New York State Judge Carolyn Walker-Diallo is Muslim and was sworn into office using a Quran.


Open Season Declared on Cattle & Ranchers!!!

From: Caren
Subject: URGENT ALERT / CALL TO ACTION / Open Season Declared on Cattle & Ranchers!!! / Facebook allowing page to promote criminal acts, including animal cruelty
Date: February 2, 2016
There's a Facebook page now promoting shooting cows on “public” land. It's been reported by thousands but Facebook replies every time saying it doesn't violate community standards… even though the page is promoting felony criminal actions!
The group page is "Public Lands Hunt Club”   
Unfortunately, according to the link to the page (see above), they are not just promoting killing cattle, but ranchers as well. The page has 248 likes presently and has been shared way too many times. Please don’t feel the need to share the page.

The page has targeted New Mexico rancher Adrian Sewell in particular, but is also attacking others. There are reports of arrests in Oregon for cow killing since the page has been put up. Attached the picture as well as the document they posted.  They claim open season on livestock on public lands and claim to have already killed 23 as of yesterday.  
The page lists a link to www.shootblmblmcows.com . That link doesn’t take you anywhere right now, but redirects you to ww2.shootblmcows.com and some apparently unrelated links.
There are several things that YOU can do NOW:
·         If you are a Facebook user, please report the page, noting that is promoting the criminal acts of shooting people and animals, as well as animal cruelty
·         Alert your local law enforcement of the threat to you, your family, your animals and your livelihood
·         Alert your neighbors and friends of the threat and the need to remain on alert
·         Contact your local media and ask if they will help spread the word about the danger in your community
·         If you believe you have lost cattle to this campaign, immediately contact local law enforcement, your New Mexico Livestock Board inspector, your local game warden and the federal or state land management agency(s) you deal with.
·         Document any dead cattle and / or any other signs of damage or destruction on your ranch. Remember that in the past fences have been cut, water tanks drained, bolts removed from windmill or water towers and more. There is actually a whole book on Monkey Wrenching livestock production instructing on how to best harm ranchers.
And the thing you shouldn’t do:
·         Don’t confront anyone engaging in cow killing or suspicious activity on your property, leases or allotments.
Please share this message as you see fit.
Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association, 505.247.0584,nmcga@nmagriculture.org.
Be safe out there!!!

Kirk F. MacKenzie. All rights reserved.
Administrator: Kirk@DefendRuralAmerica.com
Website: www.DefendRuralAmerica.com

MORE information regarding what immigration of muslims is doing worldwide

What Islam is doing to Europe and the UK

Islam in Europe and the USA

Disturbing Video 
Islamic Invasion of Europe

BLM admit they steal land

BLM admit they steal land
Burns, Oregon 

Published on Jan 21, 2016

Obama Flooding Small Towns With Refugees?

Why Is Obama Flooding Small Towns In The Most Conservative Parts Of                                   America With Refugees?

I don’t see how there could be any confusion. Obama himself says that we are bringing in 100,000 refugees a year for the next two years.

Not all of these refugees are coming from Syria, but the vast majority of them are coming from countries where a radical version of Sunni Islam is practiced as a way of life.

When large numbers of refugees are injected into a small community, the character of that community can be fundamentally altered and, at this point, it appears that there is a concentrated effort to funnel large numbers of these refugees into small towns in some of the most conservative states in the country.

If you are concerned about what is going on in places like Missoula, Sandpoint and Twin Falls, you might want to check on what your own local politicians are doing.

An insidious agenda is at work, and I have a feeling that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Questions BEING ASKED Behind the Scenes:

1.) Why would Syrian refugees make the dangerous and extremely long journey to European nations and U.S. (who hold damnable doctrine and life-styles according to the Quran) rather than the Arab nations (who are Islamic oriented) around them?
2.) Why has it taken 5 full years (length of civil war in certain parts of Syria) for Syrians in the particular regions to leave?
3.) Why are refugees tossing out good water and food given to them by western governments on their arrival?
4.) Why are the vast majority of the refugees young men?
5.) Why are the 5 wealthiest Gulf Nations refusing to take even one refugee? What do they know that we don’t?
6.) Could it be this refugee crisis is not really a crisis at all but a Trojan Horse?
7.) Could it be that we could be looking at the most massive Infiltration of Muslims and the religion of Islam the West has EVER seen in History
8.) Could it be this “refugee crisis” is a planned takeover of Islamic Teachings?


Is Congress Declaring War on ISIS…or on You?


Ron Paul
Prison Planet.com
February 1, 2016

Passage of Senator Mitch McConnell’s authorization for war against ISIS will not only lead to perpetual US wars across the globe, it will also endanger our civil and economic liberties.

The measure allows the 'president' to place troops anywhere he determines ISIS is operating. Therefore, it could be used to justify using military force against United States citizens on US territory. It may even be used to justify imposing martial law in America.

The 'president' does not have to deploy the US military to turn America into a militarized police state, however. He can use his unlimited authority to expand programs that turn local police forces into adjuncts of the US military, and send them increasing amounts of military equipment.

Using the threat of ISIS to justify increased police militarization will be enthusiastically supported by police unions, local officials and, of course, politically-powerful defense contractors. The only opposition will come from citizens whose rights have been violated by a militarized police force that views the people as the enemy.

Even though there is no evidence that the government’s mass surveillance programs have prevented even a single terrorist attack, we are still continuously lectured about how we must sacrifice our liberty for security. The cries for the 'government' to take more of our privacy will grow louder as the war party and its allies in the media continue to hype the 'threat of terrorism'

A 'president' armed with the authority to do whatever it takes to stop ISIS will no doubt heed these calls for new restrictions on our privacy.

Following last year’s mass shooting in California, Obama called for restricting the Second Amendment rights of any American on the “terrorist watch list.” The 'president' also used the attacks to expand the unconstitutional gun background check system via executive action.

Can anyone doubt that Obama — or a future anti-gun president — will use the absolute power to do whatever is necessary to stop terrorism as a justification for imposing new gun control measures?

Using the war on ISIS to justify more gun control will be particularly attractive since even many pro-gun politicians will support gun control measures if they are marketed as part of the war on terror.

As the American economy faces continued stagnation, and as challenges to the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency mount, an increasingly authoritarian 'government' will impose new restrictions on our economic activities and new limits on our financial privacy. In particular, our ability to move assets out of the country will be limited, and new reporting and other requirements will limit our ability to use cash without being treated as criminals or terrorists. Those who carry large amounts of cash will find themselves at increased risk of having the cash confiscated by government agents under civil asset forfeiture laws.

If 'Senator' McConnell’s declaration of perpetual war passes, presidents could use the war on ISIS as a justification to impose new restrictions on our use of cash and our financial privacy via 'executive' action. After all, they will say, the 'government' needs to make sure cash is not being used to support ISIS.

The only way to protect both liberty and security is to stop trying to impose our will on other countries by military force. The resentment created by America’s militaristic foreign policy is ISIS’ most effective recruiting tool. Adopting a non-interventionist foreign policy that seeks peace and free trade with all would enable the government to counter legitimate threats to our safety without creating an authoritarian police state.

This article was posted: Monday, February 1, 2016 at 7:27 am


Empty Shelves And Store Closings

Retail Apocalypse: 2016 Brings Empty Shelves And Store Closings All Across America

Michael Snyder
End Of The American Dream
February 1, 2016

Major retailers in the United States are shutting down hundreds of stores, and shoppers are reporting alarmingly bare shelves in many retail locations that are still open all over the country.

It appears that the retail apocalypse that made so many headlines in 2015 has gone to an entirely new level as we enter 2016.  As economic activity slows down and Internet retailers capture more of the market, brick and mortar retailers are cutting their losses.  This is especially true in areas that are on the lower portion of the income scale.

In impoverished urban centers all over the nation, it is not uncommon to find entire malls that have now been completely abandoned.  It has been estimated that there is about a billion square feet of retail space sitting empty in this country, and this crisis is only going to get worse as the retail apocalypse accelerates.

We always get a wave of store closings after the holiday shopping season, but this year has been particularly active.  The following are just a few of the big retailers that have already made major announcements…

-Wal-Mart is closing 269 stores, including 154 inside the United States.
-K-Mart is closing down more than two dozen stores over the next several months.
-J.C. Penney will be permanently shutting down 47 more stores after closing a total of 40 stores in 2015.
-Macy’s has decided that it needs to shutter 36 stores and lay off approximately 2,500 employees.
-The Gap is in the process of closing 175 stores in North America.
-Aeropostale is in the process of closing 84 stores all across America.
-Finish Line has announced that 150 stores will be shutting down over the next few years.
-Sears has shut down about 600 stores over the past year or so, but sales at the stores that remain open continue to fall precipitously.

But these store closings are only part of the story.

All over the country, shoppers are noticing bare shelves and alarmingly low inventory levels.  This is happening even at the largest and most prominent retailers.

I want to share with you an excerpt from a recent article by Jeremiah Johnson.  The anecdotes that he shares definitely set off alarm bells with me.  Read them for yourself and see what you think…

I came across two excellent comments upon Steve Quayle’s website that bear reading, as these are two people with experience in retail marketing, inventory, ordering, and purchases.  Take a look at these:

#1 (From DJ, January 24, 2016)
[Regarding the] alerts about the current state of the RR industry. This is in line with what I’ve been noticing as I visited our local/regional grocery store, Walmart, and Target this week in WI. I worked in big box retail for 20 years specializing in Inventory Management. These stores are all using computerized inventory management systems that monitor and automatically replenish inventory when levels/shelf stock get low. This prevents “out of stocks” and lost sales. These companies rely on the ability to replenish inventory quickly from regional warehouses.
As I shopped this week and looked at inventory levels I was shocked. There were numerous (above and beyond acceptable levels) out of stocks across category lines at all three retailers. And even where inventory was on the shelf, the overall levels were noticeably reduced. Based on my experience, working for two of these three organizations in store management, they have drastically/intentionally reduced their inventory levels. This is either due to financial stresses/poor sales effecting their ability to acquire new inventory, or it could be the result of what was mentioned earlier regarding the transporting of goods to these regional warehouses. Either way this doesn’t bode well for the what’s to come.  Stock up now while you can!”
#2 (From a Commenter following up #1 who didn’t provide a name, January 26, 2016)
“I’d like to tailgate on the SQ Alert “based on my experience…” regarding stock levels in big box stores. This weekend we were in two such stores, each in fairly isolated communities which are easily the communities’ best source for acquiring grocery items in quantity.
I myself worked in retail (meat) for thirty years so I know exactly what a well-stocked store looks like, understand the key categories and category drivers, and how shelves are stocked and displays are built to drive sales and profits. I also understand supply chain and distribution methodologies quite well.
Each of the stores we were in were woefully under-stocked.This time of year-the few weeks following the holidays-is usually big business in groceries and low stock levels suggest either poor ordering at the store level, poor purchasing at the distribution level or a purposeful desire to be under-stocked.
Anyone familiar with the retail grocery industry is also familiar with how highly touted “the big box store’s” infrastructure is. They know exactly when demand is high and for what items and in what quantities. It is very unlikely that both stores somehow got “surprised” by unusually high demand.
It is reasonable then to imagine that low stock levels in rural areas with few options is a purposed endeavor to assure that both the budget conscious and the folks in more remote areas are not fully able to load up their pantries.
Simply put I believe the major retailer in question is doing their part to limit the ability of rural America to be sufficiently prepared. Nevertheless, we are wise to do our best to keep ahead of the curve. God bless your efforts, Steve.”
Yes, this is just anecdotal evidence, but it lines up perfectly with hard numbers that I have been discussing on The Economic Collapse Blog.

Exports are plummeting all over the globe, and the Baltic Dry Index just plunged to another new all-time record low.  The amount of stuff being shipped around by air, truck and rail inside this country has been dropping significantly, and this tells us that real economic activity is really slowing down.

If you currently work in the retail industry, your job is not secure, and you may want to start evaluating your options.

We have entered the initial phases of a major economic downturn, and it is going to be especially cruel to those on the low end of the income spectrum.  Do what you can to get prepared now, because the economy is not going to be getting better any time soon.

This article was posted: Monday, February 1, 2016 at 7:09 am


Burns Oregon--Shawna Cox son in law killed in fire

 Shawna Cox son-in-law killed in fire 
Burns, Oregon
Published on Feb 1, 2016


Fulford Report: February 1 2016

The Empire Strikes Out as Khazarian mafia fake Zika virus, negative interest rate offensives fail

Weekly geo-political news and analysis
Message from Benjamin Fulford
Posted by benjamin
February 1, 2016

(Full Report)

Clearly the Khazarian mafia is running scared and running out of ammunition. The fact that the Khazarian mob controlled Bank of Japan was forced last week to resort to negative interest rates proves their fake fiat money is now worth less than nothing. The Federal Reserve Board will soon be forced to do the same thing. The more you put money in their banks, the more that money vanishes. More about that later.

The other thing that is clearly failing is their ability to create mass panic, fear and loathing, their traditional control tools. Their latest attempt, upgrading a relatively minor illness known as Zika virus into a baby head-shrinking pandemic is so totally fake, with nothing but computer graphics of small headed babies as evidence, that very few real doctors or hospitals are taking it seriously. Time to round up the criminal liars at the WHO.

The latest attempt to create disease panic may be related to efforts to force the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to cede control over their vaccination and other “medical” (eugenic) activities to meritocratic management.


Bill Gates is also now the point man for computer fraud to make sure a Khazarian mobster wins the upcoming US presidential “election.” This is being presented as Microsoft volunteering the use of its “app” to count votes in Iowa.


Of course, the Khazarian mob is not going to be allowed to steal yet another US election, US agency sources say.

Instead, the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton is being “expanded to intel agencies to purge her moles and embedded Bush/Israeli agents,” a Pentagon source says. A CIA source, meanwhile, put his neck on the line by predicting Hillary will be “indicted by February 28th.”

If the Pentagon and the agencies are serious about taking down Hillary, they should, as Russia’s Vladimir Putin so eloquently put it, “go after the dog’s owner.” Here is Hillary describing her master in her own words spoken on July 15, 2009 at the Rockefeller controlled Council on Foreign Relations Washington DC offices:

“I am delighted to be here in these new headquarters. I have been often to, I guess, the mother ship in New York City, but it’s good to have an outpost of the Council right here down the street from the State Department. We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future.”


Many clear signals are already being sent to the Wall Street mobsters in New York. For one thing, their corporate media control grid is being hacked. According to Pentagon sources, “Rupert Murdoch’s Fox Network has been ordered to

reboot the x-files program to reveal truth in plain sight about alien technology, free energy, anti-gravity, 911, NSA, depopulation etc.” Agency sources say “Bush cancelled the show in 2002 to prevent it from exposing 911.” Meanwhile, the CIA has declassified its UFO files.

Other corporate media outlets have also joined this sudden return to real reporting with such outlets as the New York Times and Time Life reporting 911 truth.


The US, Russian and Chinese alliance against the Khazarian mafia is also proceeding well in their take down of the Khazarian mob regime currently enslaving the brainwashed people of Israel with fear and paranoia.

The Israeli power grid was hacked and taken down on January 25th, after which, on January 27th, US top general Joseph Dunford and Defense Secretary Ashton Carter visited the US cyber command “to encourage cyber troops to up the fight against ISIS and their sponsors.”

In a clear sign that sensible Israelis are reading the writing on the wall, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon tried to blame Turkey for being in charge of ISIS.


The US has also now joined the EU in a demand for labelling and boycott of all goods produced in the illegally occupied West Bank.

US, Russian military cooperation against Israel has also meant that Iranian affiliated troops have now arrived at the Israeli border while the Israeli airforce remains grounded and unable to do anything about it. As the Mossad linked news site DEBKA puts it “leaders opt to avoid action on three menacing fronts.”


Russian and US military cooperation is now extended to sharing information about China as well as about enemies like ISIS, “the bad guys in Israel,” Turkey, drugs, Saudi Arabia and “cabal targets.”

For example, the Russian Insider news site said the following about US State Department criminal Victoria Nuland, the chief agitator and trouble-maker in the Ukraine: “she is a target.”


The US and Cuban militaries are also now in full cooperation mode to cut off the flow of drug money to the Bush cabal and their ISIS mercenary proxies, Pentagon and Vatican officials agree. That is why Cuba was supplied with hellfire missiles to allow it to shoot down drug running planes, the Pentagon sources say.

There has also been agency and Pentagon cooperation aimed at preventing cabal provocateurs from starting a civil war inside the United States. This is the case with the dispute going on in Oregon where a large group of armed militia men seized a national wildlife refuge property. The dispute started with what appears to be a legitimate grievance over excessive persecution of two ranchers by Federal Agents.


However, this grievance is now headed for the courts where hopefully justice will prevail. In the meantime, evidence has emerged that Khazarian crisis actors have arrived on the scene in an attempt to provoke civil strife.


It is understandable for patriotic Americans to feel angry with the Federal Government. However, picking the wrong battle against the wrong enemy will only result in defeat. The enemy is not in Oregon, it is in Washington DC and New York, so, if you really feel like fighting for freedom, go there and attack the Khazarian mob bosses like the Bush/Clinton crime family and do not take it out on some poor working FBI stiff or local sheriff.

In any case, the real war will be won in the economic, financial and economic spheres and here things are going very badly for the Khazarians. For one thing last week, the heads of the African Union appear to have joined Iran, Russia, Western Europe and many others in moving away from Khazarian controlled debt instruments mislabelled “US dollars,” and agreed to go with gold backed Yuan instead.


The Khazarians continue to lose any real backing for their so-called dollars. For example, there are now 500 times more contracts to buy gold at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange than there is physical gold to back these contracts. Real, as opposed to paper, gold trading has now migrated to the Shanghai exchange.

Now the London Bullion Market Association appears to have lost control of the ability to set the price of silver when last week their price turned out to be 6% lower than the physical spot price.


After the Japanese Imperial family failed to find gold to back the yen when they went to the Philippines last week, the Khazarian controlled Bank of Japan was forced to join the European Central Bank and issue negative interest rates. This means real Japanese money will be fleeing to cash and to real assets like gold and silver.

The Khazarian slave bankers are under the illusion that negative interest rates will boost the real economy by forcing businesses and people to invest and spend their money. However, with Japan and the EU suffering from shrinking populations and economies, stealing the people’s savings is not going to boost production.

The Khazarian slave regime in Japan is on its last legs anyway. Last week Akira Amari, the Japanese economy minister who oversaw TPP negotiations, was forced to resign over bribery charges. Others will follow.

In Malaysia, too, now it turns out the Goldman Sachs and the Saudi Arabians were bribing Prime Minister Najib Razak.


You can be sure the trail of this bribery investigation will eventually lead to the truth about the Malaysian air flight 370 disappearance.

The Khazarians are now losing electronic control of the financial system as well, as banks worldwide are being forced to install CIPS, which will replace the current Khazarian SWIFT system. This will take some time, which may be why the Chinese delegate to the White Dragon, who is involved in bank computer systems, said 2018 will be the year when internationally traded US dollars will have a Chinese signature on them.

The Khazarian mobster hedge funds such as Soros, Carlyle, Nexus etc. have all said they are going to gang up and bet on a devaluation of the Chinese Yuan. However, what these people do not get is that the Chinese are busy shedding their dollar holdings on purpose because they know they will be replacing these dollars.

In any case, no matter how many dollars the Khazarians put in their bank computers, reality is a different thing. Even though a growing chorus of bankers is calling for a ban on cash, so that people will be forced to accept negative interest rates, they cannot ban reality. On this front, the global trade squeeze against people refusing to pay for shipping in Yuan is beginning to hurt. Pentagon sources say a shut down of New York ports by dockworkers “is a message to Wall Street and the Khazarian mafia.” Now South Korea has reported an 18.5% drop in trade in January.

Finally, the official Chinese Xinhua News Site has confirmed a recent report by this newsletter that the Chinese Communist Party was moving towards power sharing with other political parties.


There can be no doubt about it.  The good guys are winning.


Four militia members remain in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

Four militia members remain in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge


BURNS, Ore. (KBOI) Four militia members remain in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge as the armed occupation in Southeastern Oregon is entering its second month.

The group's leader, Ammon Bundy, has repeatedly asked them to surrender.

The standoff started Jan. 2 when Bundy and several others upset over federal land-use policy took over the refuge.

Reports now say the four holdouts are without power, internet and cell phones.  Our crews in the nearby town of Burns have been hearing that the FBI has shut those capabilities down.

The group is known for constant online updates, and the social media and live streams have gone silent over the weekend. The lack of power is also met with below-freezing temperatures.

Our reporters have seen more convoys heading in and out of the refuge.

Dozens of protesters met at the Harney County Courthouse on Saturday, and another round of protests are set for Monday.

Many locals say the militia members are not respecting the opinions of the community.  "You know, people from out of town have come here and have been part of these organizations coming here saying they're supporting our freedoms, but anyone that speaks out against them or thinks differently it's shut up, you're a this or a that," said Tony Anteencio.

Militia supporters and opponents are both expected to be in attendance at Monday's protest.


LaVoy Finicum forced to rabbit

LaVoy Finicum forced to rabbit 


Published on Jan 29, 2016
There is video that we haven't yet seen and may never see and that is the audio and video from the officers and vehicles in the initial stop of LaVoy that followed him to his execution.

If they shot at him, his truck or his passengers I think any sane person would have attempted to leave.

Myself and AXJ are attempting to get the dash cam video of the vehicles and officers at the initial stop. These vehicles followed LaVoy and arrived at the scene before he was shot and their cameras would have captured the entire event.

The areal footage released by accident, leaked or on purpose by the keepers of the equipment, either the FBI or the Oregon State Police (OSP) was released because it causes speculation as it looks like LaVoy may have been reaching for a gun where a non fatal shot to the abdomen would have achieved the same result.


Burns, Ore: MORE coming out about corruption in the FBI

Special Agent in Charge BretzingSpecial Agent in Charge of Oregon Occupation Greg Bretzing Linked to National Security Breach, Fraud and Corruption in Salt Lake City 

Harney County Sheriff Worked for the BLM



Harney County Sheriff Worked for the BLM

How can we get this info to the Bundys? I wish I knew, because somehow I sense they aren’t aware. ~J   

(they actually have a facebook page. I can copy it on there)

 Harney County Sheriff Worked for the BLM

Published on Jan 11, 2016
Another Unbelievable Update: Why Does Harney County Sheriff David Ward Want Hammond Family Story Hidden?…

Full Story About What’s Going on In Oregon – “Militia” Take Over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge In Protest to Hammond Family Persecution… http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2...

Additional Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V7T_...

Oregon Sheriff Was BLM Agent 
Who Testified Against HAMMONDS!!!

Published on Jan 11, 2016
Local Judge Under Investigation For Being Bought OFF!!
Still think this is a hoax or setup? ... This is REAL LIFE revolution!

Here is info questioning whether Sheriff Ward is the same Dave Ward that worked for the BLM and who was a key witness in the case against the Hammond’s. 

Wouldn’t you like to know if this is the same person?
Per the CODGoddess youTube Channel: She questions whether Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward worked for the BLM. Sheriff Ward was appointed (?? Thought the people were to ELECT their sheriffs?) by a County committee that included Steven Grasty to replace the prior sheriff who had retired.

According to the information linked below, Ward worked for the BLM and was a key witness against the Hammond’s in the terrorism trial. See the affidavit court document on pg.5. Witness Number 11’s testimony is listed as BLM Range Specialist Dave Ward.

Also, according to Sheriff Dave Ward’s bio posted on the County’s website, he served in the army in Afghanistan and Somalia:
