Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Clinton's Server “Put Lives at Risk”

The FBI is Closing in on Hillary Clinton as News Breaks that Her Server  “Put Lives at Risk”!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016 6:48
by Onan Coca

Over the last few days the Clinton email scandal has grown uglier and more dangerous, not just for the Obama administration, but for the United States as well.

Last week, we learned that Clinton had left deeply secret information unprotected, perhaps even endangering the lives of American operatives. Now, we’ve discovered that at least 22 of Clinton’s emails were so secret that the State Department still can’t release them (even the redacted versions are still too classified for general consumption)!

However, the scandal may soon be spreading even further as the latest revelations implicate Secretary of State John Kerry in similar lawlessness and prove that  Obama has been lying to us for years!

Let’s start with Obama’s lie about Hillary’s private email server. Remember when he said this:   


So, he didn’t know huh?  That’s interesting because the latest data dump proves that the president and secretary Clinton had emailed each other on at least 18 separate occasions. The White House does not deny that the correspondence took place, but they are also arguing that Obama had no idea that the server being used was of private origin (despite the obviously non-governmental email address). The White House is also implying (though not guaranteeing) that these 18 instances are the only times that the two had any email contact.

“Of the 55,000 pages of traffic that was handed over by former Secretary Clinton to us for us to go through for release through FOIA, we have found these 18, and I do not expect that there will be more,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said late last week.

ObamaLiar2   At the same time that we were learning that the president may have lied (??) about when he learned that Clinton had been using a private server, we were also made aware of the latest blow to Hillary Clinton’s credibility. While the Clinton campaign still claims (contrary to the copious evidence that continues to build) that she never sent or received any classified material on her private server, the State Department now says that at least 22 emails from that server CANNOT be released to the public. Why? Because these 22 emails “contained highly classified information” that even when redacted were too sensitive to reveal to the world.

Mr. McCullough wrote that “several dozen emails” contained classified information, including some now determined to contain information at the “top secret/ S.A.P.” level. That designation refers to “special access programs,” which are among the 'government’s' most closely guarded secrets.

The Clinton campaign (and the State Department) argue that these emails did not contain classified “markings” when they travelled across the Clinton servers, but as MANY experts have already argued, the markings make NO DIFFERENCE.

CBS News: According To Intelligence Officials
It Doesn't Matter If Material Is Stamped Classified

However, it’s isn’t just Clinton and Obama who have been revealed as untrustworthy in the latest round of email disclosures. John Kerry has also been unmasked as a fellow lawbreaker.

Emails released by the State Department on Friday show that in 2011, then-Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry sent then-Sec. of State Hillary Clinton an email from his iPad that has been deemed to contain information classified as “Secret."  You can see the email exchange here thanks to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that is revealing the criminal activities of our political leaders.

According to the latest count from those keeping tabs, thus far 1583 of the emails that traversed the unsecure Clinton email server were classified in some measure, including the 22 that the State Department revealed on Friday to be of the highest level (“Top Secret”) of classification. That’s a lot of classified information.

As if all of these latest revelations were not damning enough, on Monday Fox News began reporting that sources within the intelligence community were also confirming that Clinton’s illegal server had “put lives at risk."

From Jeff Dunetz at Lidblog:  Fox News’ Catherine Herridge who has been at the forefront of exposing the severity of the security risks from Hillary Clinton’s use of a private non-secure server while secretary of state, has done it again.  Herridge is now reporting that those emails deemed to damaging to release even on a redacted basis, which she revealed on Friday, “contain ‘operational intelligence’ – and their presence on the unsecure, personal email system jeopardized “sources, methods and lives,” a U.S. government official who has reviewed the documents told Fox News."

The official could not discuss the specific contents of the emails but confirmed the description given to Herridge referred to the 22 top secret emails that the State Department announced Friday could not be released in any form, even with entire sections cut out.

The U.S. 'government' official’s description provides confirmation that the emails contained closely held government secrets. “Operational intelligence” can be real-time information about intelligence collection, sources and the movement of assets.
The official emphasized that the “TOP SECRET” documents were sent over an extended period of time — from shortly after the server’s 2009 installation until early 2013 when Clinton stepped down as secretary of state.

Other news outlets have now confirmed Fox News’ reporting but they’ve also added their own devastating twists to the findings. As John Schindler at the Observer writes (emphasis mine):

I can confirm that the FoxNews report, which lacks any specifics about exactly what was compromised, is accurate. And what was actually in those Top Secret emails found on Hillary’s “unclassified” personal bathroom server was colossally damaging to our national security and has put lives at risk.

Discussions with Intelligence Community officials have revealed that Ms. Clinton’s “unclassified” emails included Holy Grail items of American espionage such as the true names of Central Intelligence Agency intelligence officers serving overseas under cover. Worse, some of those exposed are serving under non-official cover. NOCs (see this for an explanation of their important role in espionage) are the pointy end of the CIA spear and they are always at risk of exposure – which is what Ms. Clinton’s emails have done.

Not only have these spies had their lives put in serious risk by this, it’s a clear violation of Federal law.  This is HUGE.

The entire scandal has been a monstrous example of the disgusting corruption within the Obama administration, but this latest story is the most disturbing revelation yet. People have gone to prison for FAR LESS, and it’s time that Hillary Clinton and her aides joined them there. 

The rumors are that the FBI desperately wants to prosecute Hillary Clinton and her closest aide, Huma Abedin. The question is, will it happen? Given the Obama administration’s bent towards lawlessness, I have my doubts.


Women Who Won’t Support Hillary

Feminists Shame Women Who  Won’t Support Hillary

As recently as the last Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton was still suggesting that her gender alone is a viable reason for voters to support her presidential ambitions. Snapping back against claims that she is the establishment candidate, Clinton said she could hardly imagine anything less establishment than being the first female president of the United States.  But if Clinton joined the race believing that American women would rally around this historic opportunity, she was sorely mistaken. Among Democratic and independent female voters under 34, she is losing to Bernie Sanders by 20 points.

That fact led to a couple of sour incidents this weekend when two famous feminists tried to shame millennial women for not getting on board. One salvo came from former secretary of state Madeline Albright, who introduced Clinton at a New Hampshire rally on Saturday. “We can tell our story of how we climbed the ladder, and a lot of you younger women think it’s done. It’s not done,” Albright said. “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!” (Let's send this crowd there first class trip!) 

Worse yet, feminist leader Gloria Steinem appeared on Bill Maher’s HBO talk show on Friday night and made a rather shocking statement about why young women were going to Sanders. “When you’re young,” she said, “you’re thinking, ‘Where are the boys?’ The boys are with Bernie.”  Maher was taken aback by the comment, telling Steinem that if he’d said something like that, she would have been the first one to criticize it. Steinem waved off the suggestion and stood by her statement.

Assuming these comments have any effect at all, they will almost certainly not draw millennial women over to the Clinton camp. These women already lashed out at DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who suggested two weeks ago that young females were getting “complacent” about abortion rights. If today’s feminists can’t even take that kind of weak criticism, they’re unlikely to sit by and be told that they are only supporting Bernie Sanders to fill out their date cards.

Truth is, it’s hard to think of anything less empowering for women than to suggest that they somehow owe it to the feminist movement to vote for Hillary Clinton. Do you think any of these feminists would have said anything of the kind about Carly Fiorina? Of course not.

You have to support a woman, but only a specific kind of woman with a specific set of political beliefs. Kind of like how black leaders have been utterly silent about Dr. Ben Carson.

If Clinton is to the point where she’s going to guilt-trip women into voting for her, she might be in more trouble than even the polls indicate.



Immigration Laws Aren’t Being Enforced

Border Agent: Immigration Laws Aren’t Being Enforced

The president of the National Border Patrol Council testified Thursday before the immigration subcommittee of the House Judiciary, claiming that the Obama administration’s approach to enforcing border security was in serious need of reform.

“Immigration laws today appear to be mere suggestions,” Agent Brandon Judd said at the hearing. “There are little or no consequences for breaking the laws and that fact is well known in other countries.  If government agencies like DHS or CBP are allowed to bypass Congress by legislating through policy, we might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether."

Judd told House representatives that under recent changes made by the Department of Homeland Security, illegal immigrants were no longer being deported in an efficient manner. In fact, he said, many of them weren’t even being tracked by federal authorities. As long as the immigrants meet two criteria: no felony convictions and a claim to have been in the U.S. since January of 2014, border agents were being instructed to release them back into the wild.

“The operative word in this policy is ‘claim,’” Judd said. “The policy does not require the person to prove they have been here which is the same burden placed on them during deportation proceedings. Instead, it simply requires them to claim to have been here since January of 2014."

In other words, Obama’s version of immigration enforcement comes down to theater and nothing more. He’s stretched prosecutorial discretion beyond the breaking point, he’s defied a federal judge’s orders to put a stop to his amnesty declaration, and he has presided over a systematic weakening of our border security.  

Despite being faced with a steady stream of unaccompanied minors for the last two years, Obama has actually cut away many of the resources Border Patrol agents need to secure the United States. When this president was sworn into office, he promised to faithfully execute the laws of the U.S. Not only has he failed to live up to that vow, he has used the majority of his presidency in an ongoing attempt to thwart the laws of the U.S. If we were talking about minor infractions of political procedure, that would be one thing, but we’re talking about the security of this nation. We’re talking about a demographic shift that could forever change the meaning of American culture. We’re talking about chipping away at our own sovereignty. The stakes couldn’t be higher, and here’s hoping that Americans won’t forget that as we move closer to picking our next president. 



LaVoy Finicum: The FBI’s Drop Gun

FBI sends message to patriots and constitutionalists

Warns of Martial Law, Cashless Society

Top Libertarian Warns of Martial Law, Cashless Society

What the media's not telling you

Americans Express Support When Told Russia Has Been NUKED

Zombie Americans Don’t Care - Express Support When Told Russia Has Been NUKED

The 'government' owns your clone!

Meet your Strawman!
The 'government' owns your clone!

Look at what our 'government' employees make!

Look at what our 
'government' employees make!


Monday, February 8, 2016


Nothing but the truth here.

Our Elite Rulers Spread Zika. Rockefellers are Culprits

Thanks, Margaret. Everyone who cares about themselves and about others 
needs to expose this flagrant creation and release of the Zika virus by our 
diabolical elite rulers. When enough people find out this appalling truth, 
then they will refuse the forced vaccinations that have been widely reported 
as having been designed to kill populations. If too few of us awaken others, 
do you realize that it will spell our own demise, because then the dumbed 
down cops and military will obey their orders to kick in our doors, disable us, 
and force vaccinate us unto death. This is not hyperbole. This is the law that 
is being imposed now. As these ruling elite have us misled and divided by 
fearing the fake threat of Muslims and Sharia law, the deceived population 
is slitting their own throats by unwittingly allowing the real enemy to 
exterminate us by way of deception instilled in the populace.        John

----- Original Message -----
From: James Geiss 
Date: Monday, February 8, 2016 8:16 am
Subject: 8 Feb 16, zika on sale for $516
To: John Dinardo , "charlesgh

(NaturalNews.com) Over the last several days, the alternative media has 
revealed astonishing details about the true history of the Zika virus.

With many outstanding articles already published, such as this one by 
GlobalResearch.ca, Natural News set out to investigate Zika virus origins 
and availability more deeply.

We've now been able to confirm three astonishing facts about Zika virus 
(h/t to others in alt. media who initiated this line of investigation):

1) YES, Zika virus traces its origins back to the Rockefeller Foundation. 

2) YES, Zika virus can be purchased online. We were able to find two 
suppliers who offer three different strains of the virus to qualified level-2 
biohazard laboratories.

3) It appears to be conceivable that a bioterrorist organization could set 
up a level-2 biohazard lab and use it to acquire Zika virus in a deliberate 
attempt to use it as a weapon against humanity. There do not appear to 
be adequate safeguards in the industry to prevent this from happening.

Zika virus origins: Rockefeller Foundation and Dr. Jordi Casals

Some of the alt. media have misreported the Zika virus as being "patented" 
by the Rockefeller Foundation. We have not been able to find any patent 
on the virus, but we have found numerous references to the virus being 
"isolated" by Dr. Jordi Casals who worked for the Rockefeller Foundation.
  JD: I interject this report from Mark, a former "Special Operations" 
  soldier during the Persian Gulf War [sent to me on facebook]: 
     ‎Marcellius E Xavier‎ to John DiNardo
     February 4 at 12:00pm · 
     John it's Mark in Georgia, this Zika Virus is epidemic in South Florida now 
     four counties... John, this ZIKA VIRUS is a WEAPONIZED DENGUE FEVER 
     VIRUS... A C.D.C. Service Officer, refuses to give me the GENOMIC 
     CHARACTERIZATION of the ORGANISM... Like, ECOLI 357 as example? 
     And this proves its Man-Made to make Babies come out with Microcephaly 
     or Complacent Brain Damaged Babies... To handicap the next Generation 
     so they can not Resist the New World Disorder... Call C.D.C. To get 
     Genomic Characteristics and watch them refuse you... And they will, 
     since I asked them to come out with something that makes no sense? 
     I have a molecular biologist friend here who will figure this out as soon 
    as I get my demand answered... What is the Genomic Characterization 
    of ZIKA VIRUS, and it's really DENGUE FEVER, Weaponized to damage 
    babies Brains...
According to this NYT article, Dr. Casals died in 2004 at the age of 92. He was also the discoverer of the Lassa Virus and was nearly killed by it in 1969.

As the NYT reports:

Jordi Casals-Ariet was born in Viladrau, Girona, in Spain on May 15, 1911. He served with the Spanish Army before earning his medical degree from the University of Barcelona in 1934. After interning there, Dr. Casals moved to Manhattan and worked at Cornell University Medical College from 1936 to 1938, when he joined the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research in Manhattan.

The Rockefeller Foundation, of course, is the same globalist institution that helped destroy alternative medicine while establishing a market monopoly for pharmaceutical-based medications and vaccines.

Purchasing Zika virus online

Natural News confirmed that live Zika virus specimens can be purchased online from at least two science research cell line providers.

ATCC, found at this link, offers a Zika Virus VR-84 strain for $516.

BEI Resources, found at this link, offers three different strains of Zika Virus: Zika virus MR 766, Zika virus IbH 30656 and Zika virus DAK AR 41542.

See screen shots here:

Both ATCC and BEI are currently sold out of Zika virus inventory. "Due to the recent high demand, the strain is currently on backorder pending production of a new lot," says ATCC.

BEI states, "This item is currently in production. Please allow ample time for distribution lots to be made available. Quantity limit per order for this item is 1. This item can be ordered twice a year. Orders over this limit will be sent to NIAID for approval before shipment."

Are restrictions on sale of Zika virus adequate?

Both ATCC and BEI limit their sales to level-2 biohazard labs, but beyond that, there seem to be no limitations on who can purchase Zika virus samples. Because I run a forensic food science lab, I'm very much aware that laboratories are able to purchase some astonishingly dangerous substances over the internet. For example, I can readily purchase something like hexavalent chromium in liquid form, which is an extremely dangerous substance in terms of its chemical toxicity. (My own lab, however, doesn't mess around with infectious  biohazard viruses. That's insanely dangerous and not our area of focus... mostly, we just purchase external standards for heavy metals testing and pesticide analysis...)

As ATCC explains:

Zika virus is classified as a biological safety level (BSL) 2 pathogen. In order to request Zika virus from ATCC, requestors and their institutions must demonstrate they have appropriate facilities and safety programs (in accordance with Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) guidelines) in place for the level of the material requested. Only qualified researchers and laboratories are eligible to order and receive Zika virus from ATCC.

Aiding in vaccine research? Or inadvertently supporting bioterrorism?

ATCC says that it is providing the Zika virus for the purpose of aiding researchers in the search for a vaccine or other treatments against Zika. This seems like a reasonable explanation to me. Obviously, various labs around the world need to acquire the Zika virus in some way in order to be able to test possible treatments against it. (But they still won't dare test any plant-based medicines for fear that they might work better than vaccines and pharmaceuticals.)

As ATCC says in this press release, "ATCC, the premier global biological materials resource and standards organization, is poised to assist the medical and life science researchers that are working to address the evolving concerns around Zika Virus infection."

In order to achieve this, ATCC is apparently producing a much larger quantity of Zika virus than usual, which is also completely understandable given the current circumstances. "ATCC is now working to respond to the greatly increased demand for the Zika virus in an effort to support a better understanding of its biology and to foster development of accurate and dependable diagnostic tests."

The real question in all this, however, is whether ATCC might inadvertently ship Zika virus to some organization intent on using it to commit bioterrorism. This is actually a much larger question than just Zika. All the dangerous viral pathogens that are available through research supply companies -- Ebola, Lassa, bird flu, etc. -- might conceivably fall into the wrong hands at some point and be used in acts of bioterrorism.

Many in the scientific community, including myself, are very concerned about the ease of availability of these specimens through viral cell line supply houses. What furthers this concern is the new explosion in low-tech, low cost genetic engineering techniques such as CRISPR which theoretically might allow a lone bioterrorist to modify pandemic bacterial strains (or possibly even viral strains at some future date) in order to deliberately release them  into the public space. See New GMO "gene drive" technology could be used to unleash the world's most devastating biological weapon. (See search results for CRISPR on GoodGopher.com.)

While it's crucial to support scientific research, I believe we need a much more serious national discussion about the ease at which some of these viral strains can be acquired.

In fact, it is my contention that we've already witnessed an act of corporate sponsored bioterrorism carried out by the biotech industry against Chipotle, where E.coli was deliberately sprayed onto Chipotle food using a simple handheld nebulizer.

If evil, profit-driven corporations can pull off acts of corporate sabotage using microbes like E.coli, imagine the havoc they could unleash if they wanted to unleash Zika virus in a place like Miami. It's worth noting that we've already seen shocking statements from many scientists about their desire to use genetically engineered viral strains to accomplish global depopulation goals.

We must be cautious as a society. Thanks to rapid advances in science and genetic engineering, the tools of bioterrorism are increasingly readily available to more nefarious corporations (biotech) and terrorist organizations such as ISIS. With something like a weaponized Zika virus, all it takes is one oversight on the part of lab supply companies to place this virus in the hands of some organization that intends to use it to cause widespread death and destruction.

Remember, building a level-2 biohazard lab might cost $10 million or so, but once that's done, acquiring Zika virus from ATCC is only $516.

(Historic News) Americans Free at Last – The ties have been permanently broken by Judge Anna – January 30, 2016

The END of 400 Years of European Meddling and Predation in America

Americans Free at Last – The ties have been permanently broken

by Anna Von Reitz
Saturday, January 30, 2016
In March, the IMF’s governmental services corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES (INC.) went insolvent. It was entered into Chapter 11 without naming a Successor to Contract. That left the “federal” side of the Constitution vacant and flapping in the wind.
The intention of the perpetrators is obvious. They meant to void the Constitution once and for all.
So, what to do?
We had already delivered Due Process to the IMF dba UNITED STATES and its franchises, resulting in a proper Judgment of Commercial and Administrative Default.
We had already entered a properly constructed claim in commerce to claim back all the assets naturally belonging to the American people.
We formed an alliance with the Lakota and the Athabasca, two of the largest Native American nations—-which are “federal” and which have internationally recognized tribal governments, and we filed Sovereign Letters Patent and a Declaration of Joint Sovereignty.
The Constitution was saved and a new foundation begun.
The Native Americans are now free to come home to land that they were “removed from”, no longer POW’s, they have regained their sovereignty as free, sovereign and independent people living on the land.
The united States of America and the free, sovereign and independent people living on the land of the organic states have regained their sovereignty in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
For the first time since 1789 Americans are in full control of both their natural land and sea jurisdictions. We are finally whole.
Those who have read our affidavit of probable cause, “You Know Something Is Wrong When….An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” know that the Founders cut a deal with the British King allowing him to retain control of nineteen enumerated essential governmental services, all in the jurisdiction of the sea.
This “split” the jurisdiction owed to American states and people and created two different populations of people from the outset—- the free sovereign and independent people of the United States and the British Subject inhabitants who remained to provide these services under the Constitution.
The so-called “Federal Government” was never a sovereign government. It was always an association of sovereign nation-states. And it was never our government though it was under contract to serve us. It was always a foreign government operating under the foreign jurisdiction of the sea and the equally foreign Law of the Sea.
So long as the British King remained honest and honored his obligation to us to act as our Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, the future remained safe— but almost immediately the “Troubles” began, as King George wiggled like a fish on a hook and sought to regain his position over the Americans.
Things appeared to settle down after the War of 1812, but by 1845, the then-Pope and the British King sealed a secret pact agreeing that the egalitarian American Republic was incompatible with the idea of Papal Supremacy and the Divine Right of KIngs. The Secret Treaty of Verona was a grotesque, criminal, and highly secret Breach of Trust by both the British Monarch and the Holy See.
Within 15 years members of the American Bar Association loyal to the British KIng had elected Abraham Lincoln, a lawyer, to the Office of President of the United States — CEO of the commercial trading company deceptively called the United States (Trading Company) —not the land, not the country, not the organic states, and not the people. The actual Constitution already had provisions denying any member of the Bar any public office, so in LIncoln’s case the only “Presidency” he could occupy was as the CEO of the trading company doing business as the “United States”.
It is not a mistake that Abraham Lincoln led our country into a vicious Civil War, the results of which we are still dealing with 150 years later. The Civil War was not about ending slavery, as you can see by closely reading the 13th Amendment of the corporate “Constitution” called the “Constitution of the United States of America” adopted by the perpetrators of all this criminality, betrayal, and fraud in 1868.
Though loudly proclaiming the abolishment of slavery, the 13th Amendment of this federal corporation document (which is actually a corporate by-law) goes on to enshrine slavery as a permanent part of the newly formed federal corporation doing business as The United States of America, Incorporated’s form of law. It makes criminals slaves and leaves the corporate “Congress”— an elected Board of Directors—free to define who the criminals are.
A close reading of the 14th Amendment shows that they made everyone who was a United States Citizen (Federal Citizen) a criminal by definition, a slave by definition, and a debtor, too. To this day, when these vermin bring innocent Americans into their private corporate tribunals (which are misrepresented as public courts) the charges are addressed to “persons” named after the victims. These “persons” are legal fiction entities defined as public trusts and more recently as public transmitting utilities—and they are already guilty by definition.
This is why it does no good for anyone mischaracterized as a “United States Citizen” to claim the guarantees of the actual Constitution, and why these courts do not hear any of the laws or the facts of any case and also the reason that their own court rules for judges admonish them to provide “an appearance” of Justice where there is none. All that is really going on is a determination of how much these criminals will charge you for their “service” and whether or not you will be “impounded” as cargo or held ransom as chattel backing the debts of their corporation.
This heinous crime, duplicity, Breach of Trust, enslavement, and merciless abuse of the American people has gone on for 150 years and since the 1930′s things have only gotten worse. Until now.
The very mechanism they hoped to use to finish us off was turned against them. We slipped in, invoked our true standing, formed the new federal alliance, issued the new Sovereign Letters Patent, issued the new Declaration of Joint Sovereignty— and booted both the British and the French off our shores once and for all.
Our answer came by Divine Providence, even as representatives of the Wells Fargo Bank (owned by the US Attorney General) were claiming that the united States of America no longer existed, that we no longer had a national currency in circulation, that all the Americans had “voluntarily” given up their birthright and accepted the slave status of “United States Citizens”, that our land was “abandoned property” and the Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt UNITED STATES governmental services corporation should be allowed to come in under color of law and claim our land, our homes, our businesses and everything else to pay the debts run up under conditions of fraud by the IMF doing business as the UNITED STATES.
A few weeks later Jacob Rothschild showed up. He assumed he could just cut a deal with the IMF and move into place as the Successor to Contract and begin the long-planned seizure of our land and other assets via the use of commercial mercenaries disguised as employees of our lawful government—– just like what is going on in Oregon now with the Uranium land-grab and the fake “FBI”.
The “FBI” like the “BLM” are just brand names of old used-to-be units of other governmental services corporations long gone. They’ve been run under color of law for years as private security and property management subcontractors of the IMF dba UNITED STATES and its corporate municipal franchises. Those men shooting and threatening people in Oregon are private commercial mercenaries acting under color of law, impersonating government employees.
That thing is Washington, DC that you were misled to believe was “your” government and which you trusted accordingly was never your government. It has always been an abusive and criminally mismanaged foreign government perched on our shores, here under contract to provide “essential governmental services”.
We are not responsible for the debts of this foreign entity and we have repudiated them accordingly. All we ever owed the UNITED STATES were reasonable fees for nineteen services– most of which we never received.
It was our distinct pleasure to inform Mr. Rothschild that other arrangements have been made and his offer to act as Successor to Contract was accordingly refused.
We will be providing our own services and taking care of our own business and our own people from now on.
The drive is on to reclaim and repatriate all American assets to America and to Americans. The Bank of International Settlements has already agreed, the World Court has already alerted all six branches, and an initial brief has been filed. The American Armed Forces have been alerted and true Americans from every walk of life and corner of the globe as well as friends from around the world are rallying to our assistance.
The world is waking up, led by tiny Iceland, and now by the Americans. We have lived for a long time under the thrall of criminals, as have many other nations. The British and the French, the Germans, the Japanese, the Canadians, and the Aussies—- all direct victims of this same fraud and criminality, while the rest of the world has suffered both directly and indirectly from this plague of dishonest politicians, corrupt judges and the banks which have functioned as crime syndicates.
Please do your part to support this mighty effort to restore the peace, prosperity, and health of the whole Earth and the people living on it. Together, we are all the True Sovereigns— born to learn who we are, born to learn how to rule ourselves, born to be caretakers of each other and our beloved planet.
Please print, post, send, carry, do whatever it takes to inform every American. Especially inform all members of the police, the military, the so-called “law enforcement agencies”, the clergy, the community leaders, school officials, everyone who needs to know.
If you have resources, knowledge, or skills to offer, please stand by. There will be needs aplenty in the days to come. There may be possible disruptions of public services, possible disruptions of supply chains, possible confusion and very probably misinformation spewed by the Mainstream Media which is owned entirely by international corporations that have benefited from the fraud and very obviously failed to do their real job.
It is either criminally stupid or a purposeful malignant circumstance when all a country’s major news organs are owned by foreigners. Now that you know that fact, turn the knob. Take everything these talking heads say with two grains of salt, use your own brain and common sense.
Trust in yourself, your abilities, your skills, your friends, your families, your communities, your most cherished ideals, your fondests hopes. If you are like most Americans you will feel panic and anger and confusion when you realize just how close we have come to total disaster.
Believe in the Magnum Mysterium, the True God, the Great Spirit that shares One Life with all of us with One Love that is truly Divine.
Walk forward now, together, hand in hand, and fear no evil. When the Truth comes what is False must pass away.
See this article and over 150 others on Anna’s website here:  www.annavonreitz.com

Get the quarterback!

Hi Freewill,
Thought this cute joke would be appreciated by all of your readers.

A guy took his blonde girlfriend to her first football game. They had great seats right behind their team's bench. After the game, he asked her how she liked the experience. "Oh, I really liked it," she replied, "especially the tight pants and all the big muscles, but I just couldn't understand why they were killing each other over 25 cents." Dumbfounded, her date asked, "What do you mean?" "Well, they flipped a coin, one team got it, and then for the rest of the game, all they kept screaming was, 'Get the quarterback! Get the quarterback!' I'm like, hello? It's only 25 cents!"

Hope you enjoyed.

Fulford - First meeting between Pope and Russian Patriarch in 1000 years...

Benjamin Fulford - First meeting between Pope and Russian Patriarch in 1000 years aimed at Khazarian Satanists (Partial Report)
Feb. 8, 2016
The first meeting between the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Pope in 1000 years is aimed at cementing an alliance against the Satan worshipping Khazarian mob, Russian and Pentagon sources say. This is important because forensic research by this writer has shown the Pentagon ultimately reports to the Roman Empire (as publicly headed by the Pope) and the power behind Russian President Vladimir Putin is the Russian Orthodox Church. “Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church agrees to meet the Pope in Cuba on Feb 12 as East-West unite to fight [the Khazarian mafia],” was how a Pentagon official described the planned meeting. Rockefeller stooge Henry Kissinger was “forced to accept a multipolar world and declare Russia not a threat but essential partner,” the official continued.
Another sign of Russian, US rapprochement is the fact that ex-Defense Intelligence Agency Chief Lt. General Mike Flynn is advising US presidential candidate Donald Trump. According to the Pentagon source, Flynn was “key to bromance between Putin and the Donald.” Military backing is why Trump and others can now safely and openly accuse Khazarian mob candidates like Hitlery Clinton and Ted Cruz of stealing elections.
In any case, the Russian/US alliance against the Khazarian mafia is producing many results, especially in the Middle East. Khazarian top level mobster German Chancellor (and Hitler daughter) Angela Merkel is flying today (February 8th) to visit embattled Khazarian Satanist Turkish President Recep Erdogan following major defeats of their proxy armies in Syria. Both leaders are being targeted for removal, according to Pentagon sources. Somebody should tell them their fuhrer Bush is no longer in control and that surrender is their only option.
Furthermore, Saudi Arabia, in a bow to Russia as the new power broker in the Middle East, arrested 33 ISIS supporters, including 9 American CIA agents, based on Russian intelligence tips, multiple sources agree. This makes it likely the Saudis will soon follow Iran and Russia in a move to stop selling their oil in Khazarian controlled so-called US dollars.
There are also reports Saudi Arabia has begun dumping its $8 trillion in US Treasury bond holdings. Many Saudis interpreted snow falling on Mecca as a sign from Allah that they were on the wrong path, which may explain their sudden change of tone.
Pentagon officials confirm that Russian Intelligence ties in the Middle East now include the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt. Israel, facing a global boycott and UN sanctions, is also now bowing to the Russians. This means that, if Saudi Arabia also leaves, as it seems to be doing, Turkey will be alone and will face disaster and partition as a result of Erdogan’s stupid attempt to use military force to recreate the Ottoman Empire. Already, 1300 Turkish hotels have been put into bankruptcy sale by the drop in tourists and severe fighting has erupted inside Turkey.
Also, in an exclusive to this news-letter, Indonesian officials are reporting that 4000 armed terrorists financed by Khazarian mobster George Soros were
Weekly geo-political news and analysis

The Unmasking of Maine….and Beyond

NYC attorney: “We run the country”

Source: CBS News 60 Minutes
View HERE.
(“This is an undercover expose showing how lawyers, particularly James Silkenat, the president of the Bar Association, launder money for global international shell companies through the United States, run the world, never going to jail because they write the laws especially to benefit the attorneys. This is exceptional exposure.”)
See what happens when hidden cameras capture New York lawyers being asked to move highly questionable funds into the U.S. Steve Kroft reports. Click here.


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in a bar.  Donald leans over and, with a smile on his face, says "The media are really tearing you apart for that scandal."

Hillary: "You mean my lying about Benghazi?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "You mean the massive voter fraud?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "You mean the military not getting their votes counted?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "Using my secret private server with classified material to hide my activities?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything else?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for tax evasion, hiring cronies,and taking bribes from foreign countries?
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "You mean the drones being operated in our own country without the benefit of the law?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million, and right afterward it declared bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "You mean arming the Muslim Brotherhood and hiring them in the White House?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "Whitewater, Watergate committee, Vince Foster, commodity deals?"
Trump: "No the other one:"

Hillary: "The IRS targeting conservatives?"
Trump: "No the other one:"

Hillary: "Turning Libya into chaos?"
Trump: "No the other one:"

Hillary: "Trashing Mubarak, one of our few Muslim friends?"
Trump: "No the other one:"

Hillary: "Turning our backs on Israel?"
Trump: "No the other one:"

Hillary: "The joke Iran Nuke deal? "
Trump: "No the other one:"

Hillary: "Leaving Iraq in chaos? "
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "The DOJ spying on the press?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "You mean HHS Secretary Sibelius shaking down health insurance executives?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "Giving our cronies in SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 months later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "The NSA monitoring citizens' ?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "The State Department interfering with an Inspector General investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "Me, The IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "Threats to all of Bill's former mistresses to keep them quiet"
Trump: "No, the other one."

Hillary: "I give up! ... Oh wait, I think I've got it! When I stole the White House furniture, silverware and china when Bill left Office?"
Trump: "THAT'S IT! I almost forgot about that one".

Everything above is true, yet she still gets the Democratic votes!  Could there be that many stupid people in this country??? Does anyone understand this??  I think we're doomed!!!   

Unbelievable - What Your Government Is Doing Right Now!!!!!

Hegelian Dialect - We Are So Screwed

In the Hegelian Dialect a nation creates the problem, creates fear, and then comes up with the solution

See how this is done in this video.

Hegelian Dialect - What it Means To You - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

Military Radar Summit 2016

tel dan - Google Search

The Hegelian Dialectic

Thank You Intel Geeks: The Aluminum Tube Was Removed During The Budweiser and Exploding Picture Commercials about 15 minutes before Half Time and Deactivated - the Battery Was Removed.

Thank You KGB and CIA Agents.

Dutchsinse: West coast moves from CA to WA


2/08/2016 — Mount Saint Helens struck by seismic unrest — Whole West coast moves from CA to WA

by Michael Janitch
Mount Saint Helens volcano has been struck by a M2.9 (M3.0) earthquake.
In the past 24 hours, the whole West coast has moved from South to North, from the border of California / Mexico @ Salton Sea Volcanic buttes, all the way North to Mount Saint Helens volcano in Washington State.
past 24 hours california feb 8 2016
Worthy to note, both sides of this movement along the West coast to the North and South are locations which are volcanic in nature.
Starting in the North... a M2.9 (M3.0) just struck along the base / flank of Mt. Saint Helens volcano in Washington State.
mount saint helens earthquake feb 8 2016
Move all the way to the South at the California / Mexico border, and we find that a M2.8 (M2.5 revised) earthquake struck at Salton Sea Volcanic buttes, and another M2.8 struck near Cerro Prieto Volcano in Baja across the border.
Salton Sea was elevated to "active" status a few years ago, the same year sulfuric smells were reported to come from the location.  See the video report on Salton Sea here:
Cerro Prieto Volcano:
cerro prieto
Salton Sea Volcano/ Southern California:
salton sea volcanic buttes
Overall, this new round of movement occurring over just 1 days time means we need to seriously be on watch off the coast over the next few days for a possible larger event to strike.
Gorda Escarpment North to Vancouver Island BC, be on watch, just in case.
Michael Janitch | February 8, 2016 at 12:46 pm