Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Update from Judge Anna...

Update from Judge Anna... February 10, 2016....

What has Judge Anna been up to the last few days?
Besides lecturing, teaching, writing institutional framework documents, analyzing new forms of currency and barter platforms, reforming the Federal Postal District Courts, preparing the international criminal complaints against the FBI in the wrongful death of LaVoy Finicum,
- negotiating with leaders of the Bar Associations for stand-downs and cooperation with prosecution of those responsible for the false claims that have been made against American assets,
- collection of American assets that have been purloined, placement of international liens, collection of international liens, setting up informational resources for peacekeeping and law enforcement officers,
- setting up more informational resources for local organizers to restore their local county and state governments owed to the land jurisdiction of this country, exposure of commercial mercenary armies operating on our soil under color of law disguised as trademarked government agencies--FBI, BLM, and so on,
- that have been acquired by buy-outs and mergers of older governmental services organizations, assisting in the release of Americans detained in federal prisons,
- demanding correction of political status and the establishment of orderly protocols and agreed upon procedures to accomplish this without further delay or obfuscation, the end of "14th Amendment" citizenship presumptions, repudiation of the the so-called "National Debt" and so much, much more..... not much.
I must plead with everyone again, please, please, please DO NOT send me your individual cases.
I can't possibly reply and when I do pile through my huge pile of daily mail, it is heart-breaking for me to hear your pleas and know that for the most part, I can't answer because
(1) my jurisdiction is limited by geography and
(2) there simply is not time.
I am only one old lady and I HAVE TO keep my attention focused on the Big Picture of ending these evils once and for all for everyone, not just a few.
Those who have gone through the court process of just minor cases know how time and energy consuming these are and also know that there are millions of Americans in the same boat.
My time has to be to spent resolving the fundamental issues so that criminals are brought to justice, misadministration of our government ends, the predatory banks are shut down and the vast majority of these vicious fraudulent court cases simply disappear as if they never were,
so that unincorporated counties and states begin functioning and protecting the people again, so that we have peacekeepers instead of law enforcement officers, so that we have actual money instead of hot air, so that families can be families again and so much more.
There is a lot to be done.
I am counting on all of you to grab an oar, educate yourselves, educate your friends, families, and neighbors, local politicians, sheriffs, police, military service members, clergy, teachers--everyone you meet.
You are the heirs of the Republic.
It is now yours.
You have inherited it the same way you might inherit a house.
It's yours to clean up, care for, remodel, and repair.
The heavy lifting in our Republic is done by us, the free, sovereign, and independent people in whom the entire government of the land jurisdiction of the United States is vested.
In our system, the people rule.
The power is delegated from the people to the counties to the states to the federal government and at each level the amount of power is reduced.
In our system, the Republic System, all county governments function as assemblies of living people, all state governments are also assemblies of living people, all our offices are Public Offices, with Oaths, with Bonds.
We honor and enforce the Organic Law of our nation--- The Articles of Confederation, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution for the united States of America, the Land Act of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance, the United States Statutes-at-Large.
We are literally self-governing and we owe it to ourselves and our children to expatriate from any presumption of Federal
United States Citizenship and provide ourselves with the government we are heir to and which we are owed without question or condition.
Our system is the exact opposite of the Top Down Federal Government model that has the President and the Congress dictating everything to "Federal States" which are franchises of the Federal Corporation --whichever one is providing services at any given time--- and "Federal Counties" which are in turn franchises of the Federal States.
The fundamental news that everyone has to understand is that when you incorporate ANYTHING you remove it from the jurisdiction of the land and move it into the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea.
You also move it out from under the Law of the Land (including The Constitution) and place it under the Law of the Sea, instead.
When the "federal government" incorporated after the Civil War it ceased to operate as a sovereign government and adopted the nature of a common commercial corporation.
See the Clearfield Doctrine.
The Public Offices were converted to private corporate offices. Same thing with the Federal franchises calling themselves "State of______" and "County of _________".
The men you have elected in good faith to act as your Sheriffs and keep the peace and ensure your property and your rights?
For years now, ever since the States and Counties incorporated in order to share in "Federal Revenue Sharing"--- that is, kickbacks from federal corporate racketeering--- the "Sheriff" has been "re-tasked" to enforce corporate policies and codes, statutes, and regulations instead.
Doesn't that just warm your cockels, when you consider that on average these guys and their pensions and benefits are costing over $500,000 per year and they aren't doing the job you thought you were electing them to do?
You've been paying in good faith for a Sheriff to protect you, and instead, getting a Code Enforcer bent on protecting the bottom line of a foreign for-profit corporation instead?
A lot of people have asked me where the hammer has to hit first and hardest.
For my money, it comes down on the local counties that have incorporated and abused the public trust in this manner and upon the "Sheriffs" who have failed to enforce the Organic and Public Law while continuing to call themselves a Sheriff.
It's high time that we all stood up and told these "counties" and these "Sheriffs" what we think of them and their private, for-profit governmental services corporations acting under conditions of semantic deceit and fraud and failing to do their duty owed to the people who have loyally paid their salaries all these years.
There are 3100 Counties in this country and they are all supposed to be Counties on the Land, not the Sea.
There are 3100 County Sheriffs and only about 500 of them belong to the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association.
Do you think it's about time we made that number 3100 out of 3100 and got rid of the dead beats and corporate scum like "Sheriff" Ward who not only has failed to obey the actual Public Law, but whose incompetence has cost the life of an innocent American?
How about Governor Brown?
Another corporate shill who took an Oath to the "Constitution" without mentioning which "Constitution" that was?
It's time for people to restore their real government all across this great land. We have to either liquidate these "states" and "counties" as the criminal syndicates they have become, or hold additional forthright elections to fill the vacant public offices owed to the land jurisdiction counties and states on the land.
If the Federal corporation wants to pay for all these fancy offices for corporate shills to "serve" their Federal United States Citizens, well, by all means, it's a free country.
Let them.
But don't give them a penny toward their expenses for such an enterprise.
After all, that's not part of your contract with them.
And feel free to kick them out of the buildings and premises that your labor paid for and bring suit against them for abusing names of States and Public Offices that belong to you for purposes of fraud.
You don't have to worry about electing or not electing "Sheriff David Ward" --the Burns County Sheriff who refused to do his lawful job and cost LaVoy Finicum his life-- just go ahead and elect your own Sheriff on the Land, Burns County, Oregon.
Maybe his name will be "Sheriff Andy Coleman".
Who knows?
But as long as Sheriff Andy knows his job and knows how to Deputize as many men as he needs to get the job done, "Sheriff Ward" and his ilk will be out of business soon enough and the real America we know and love can return once the Organic and Public Law is being enforced.
Once that happens, dear hearts, the Other Shoe drops---- and those fake "FBI" agents that have been terrorizing everyone, operating as commercial mercenaries under color of law on our soil?
Threatening our people? Murdering our people?
Trying to steal our land based on fraudulent claims made by foreign banks?
They are going to be facing international war crimes tribunals and most likely, they are all going to be hung with piano wire.
That's a fact.
I wouldn't be one of those despicable men standing around joking about how they shot an unarmed and innocent American for all the tea in China.
We will ride these corporations out of town on a tide of commercial obligation liens that would make the Aga Khan blush.
We will bring criminal complaints in our Common Law Courts and our Common Law Juries will learn how to investigate crimes and bring presentments once again to Sheriffs who don't need a DA to tell them what to do.
We will tear apart the Bar Associations and leave their members unable to hold any kind of court.
Their shame will be set before the entire planet for all to see, right along with the banks and the politicians responsible for this mess.
We will clean house, America, and we will do a good job of it, right down to gunk in the corners.
So get reading, get ready, get talking, and bring your mop and sponge.
Turn off the Boob Tube.
Forget their foreign elections.
That's not your government.
See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website

Society vs the Individual


I will side with the muslims






These (thugs for hire), posing for sickening PR as if these animals are human, are most likely the same ones who murdered LaVoy

It was pointed out they are in full US military gear.

I pointed out that, if they are FBI, why are they all bearded and not clean shaven?

These murdering thugs are thought to be supplied by Blackstone, MVM Security or Hunter Osen, or maybe even ISIS? 

No doubt these are hired guns by the witch Gov. of Oregon to send a message to any patriots that you aren't protected by 'law enforcement'.  Instead, law enforcement is for the protection of the corporation and it's interests in the land.  

The guy in the white hat has been seen in many photos near the Sheriff's office...

Statements Concerning The FBI / LEO MURDER of LaVoy Finnicum

Shedding Some Light On The Various Statements Concerning 
LaVoy Finnicum
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 27-Jan-2016 21:52:40

The Free Capitalist Project
BURNS, OREGON – on January 26, 2015 the FBI (with the help of other law enforcement) ambushed and murdered Robert “LaVoy” Finicum. Based upon two personal eye-witness accounts, it is clear that the stories being widely circulated are false (due to laziness, misguided motives, or wickedness) and the truth should interest the friends of liberty, and those who want to know the actual fate of LaVoy and how our government agents acted yesterday.
I had just been to visit LaVoy, Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Shawna Cox, and Ryan Payne the day before, and had only left the refuge yesterday morning in the very early hours. In fact, I left just after our last Free Capitalist interview. Shawna Cox was the last person I hugged.
I’ve already gone on record regarding my thoughts on the protest, on Ammon, and last night I did a Periscope broadcast related to the tragic death of LaVoy, along with the arrest of Ammon and Ryan Bundy, Shawna Cox, and others. But, as the news has filtered out today, in both the mainstream and the alternative media I have been alarmed at the false accounts, hearsay accounts, and speculation regarding the events of that night.
Since I was not a witness to the arrest and shooting yesterday, I too have spent time scouring the Internet for the latest word and updates. But, by this morning a disturbing and intolerable pattern had started to emerge and I cannot sit silently. Here’s why – during my visit to meet and interview these men, I not only made contact and got to know them, I was also able to observe the workings and activities at the Refuge. While I was there I observed, what now appears to be a portion of the sabotage that lead directly to the ambush, arrest, shooting and ultimately the murder of LaVoy.
I didn’t realize then, what I was observing at the time. In hindsight, it is now clear there were those on the inside working to help set last night’s police action. This was not only a betrayal of trust for the Bundy’s, LaVoy and others, but something more sinister. And, this is amplified by the false stories that are now circulating – and despicably so through outlets like Make no mistake, based upon the only credible first hand witnesses – LaVoy Finicum was strategically ambushed and murdered – and the factual accounts must be defended and the false narratives resisted by those who love and cherish liberty.
There are three eye witness statements related to the events so far. Of these, only two are credible.
First, the wife of Ammon Bundy, Lisa. She reported that she received a phone call from Ammon, after his arrest and while he was in the back of the police car. Ammon told her that LaVoy had been murdered, in cold blood with his “hands up” and that he had also been shot multiple times, even after he was on the ground.
Second, the driver of the first vehicle, Mark McConnell, was reportedly released after several hours of questioning, and he responded to the social media frenzy about LaVoy’s murder by debunking the concern, posting two videos arguing that LaVoy had acted aggressively and that LaVoy had charged at the FBI agents, provoking their shots.
Third, an 18-year old female passenger, Victoria Sharp, who was in the second vehicle that was driven by LaVoy, gave a detailed account of her experience and eye witness of LaVoy’s murder.
For the reasons explained below, only Lisa and Victoria’s accounts are credible. Worse, Mark’s account and the activities and messages a few other “Patriot” group leaders are spreading are more than un-credible, they are suspect.
Lisa Bundy’s Account: Lisa’s account was the first direct report of events that didn’t come from law enforcement or government sources. And, both Lisa and Ammon have a sterling track record of focusing on calmly, rationally, and accurately disseminating the facts and circumstances surrounding these events. Lisa’s account comes directly from Ammon – and given that Ammon is still in federal custody and there are no reports of anyone else having been able to talk with him, her account is highly valuable. Certainly, once having verified that this report actually came from Lisa and her conversation with Ammon immediately after the tragic events – there is nothing suspect. If Ammon Bundy says that LaVoy was murdered in cold blood – under these circumstances, and based upon my own assessment of Ammon’s character and the motives and interests at issue – then I give a very high degree of credibility to this account. For the record, Lisa’s first hand statements are “I talked to Ammon after he was arrested…they shot [LaVoy] in cold blooded murder” and “He called me right after, gave me the details and told me to tell everyone before the news got out the lies. Then got off the phone!!!”
Mark McConnell’s Account: Mark was the driver of the vehicle (a Jeep) that was carrying Ammon. Mark posted two videos that are being circulated among Oath Keeper members and other patriot group members (i.e. Melvin Less). In Mark’s report he is visually upset about the “rumors” and “asinine comments” regarding how LaVoy was innocent and murdered. But critically, he admits that he was too far away to witness the actual shooting. Yet, virtually every major media source is reporting his account as credible. In his videos, he estimates that the shooting took place approximately 1 mile from where he was being detained and that he only saw the second vehicle drive off “from about 200 yards” towards the road block about “a mile” away. But, the substance of his report is that he claims LaVoy subsequently exited his vehicle and “charged at the law enforcement” which provoked the shooting and his death. But, what is the basis for this? Mark says repeatedly, “I did not see the shooting” and that “I didn’t see it” and “I’m not going to speculate on it.” Yet, he claims that LaVoy was “foolish” and had been in a “heated discussion” with fellow passenger Ryan Payne. He contradicts himself repeatedly, because for some reason, he really wants people to “calm down.” Apparently, this desire is even at the expense of the truth, and it may be worse. Ryan Payne had exited vehicle number two (as described below) and was arrested and did was not present at the shooting. Thus, there are only two living, non-government witnesses to all of the events – Shawna Cox and Victoria Sharp. In sum, even Mark admits that his account is based upon second hand reports from Shawna Cox and Ryan Payne (both presumably still in custody) and based upon remarks that Mark said changed multiple times and that he was simply putting together “pieces here” and “pieces there.”
Victoria Sharp’s Account: Victoria was a passenger in the back of the second vehicle driven by LaVoy. She witnessed events from the initial stop of vehicle 1 all the way through to the shooting. She has given a lengthy interview describing events – consistently and calmly. In her report Victoria states that when LaVoy was first pulled over, he and Ryan Payne (who was the front seat passenger) repeatedly requested to talk to the county Sheriff rather than the FBI. Her report is that this angered the FBI agents. In response to FBI demands LaVoy put his hands – both hands – out the window to show he was not a threat. She also reports that from the moment they were pulled over there were approximately 20 laser spots she could see on her and the other passengers, including from pre-positioned snipers in the trees, positioned on the side of the road up in the forest. Significantly, she also reports that the first shots were fired by the FBI when Ryan Payne looked out the passenger side window and was shot at, but was not hit. She reports that no one in the vehicle ever returned fire or pulled any guns or weapons. According to Victoria, after the FBI refused LaVoy and Ryan’s request to remove the two woman from the vehicle (who had come along to sing at the anticipated meeting), LaVoy explained that he was going to drive down to talk to the Sheriff and started to drive away. At or about this point, according to her account, Ryan Payne exited the vehicle and was arrested. The two women in the back seat (Shawna Cox and Victoria) along with Ryan Bundy (also in the back seat) tried to take cover laying on the floor boards because as LaVoy drove away the FBI showered the vehicle with bullets – “at least 120.” Victoria recounts that she and Shawna were screaming and pleading that the FBI stop shooting. Victoria then explains that LaVoy drove the truck into some kind of snow embankment and it was stuck, so he got out of the truck with his hands up. She says he was “just walking with his hands in the air.” According to her account, she then personally witnessed that the FBI, and multiple shooters shot him multiple times, including after he hit the ground and that as he lay dead on the ground his hands were still up above his head. She then says, after this, the government continued to riddle the vehicle with dozens, possibly hundreds of bullets, and that the only reason the two women and Ryan Bundy survived was that the shooters had a bad angle. Ryan Bundy was hit by a bullet or shrapnel caused by this firestorm.
Thus, the most credible accounts, and the only complete first hand account, is that the government pre-planned this encounter, it was no “traffic stop” as the US Attorney is now reporting (“a traffic stop on protesters [that] turned deadly.”) It was deadly from before it started, because it was a pre-planned extraordinary show of force by the government, and shooting began without any shots being fired by LaVoy or the passengers in his vehicle. The government agents continued to fire on a fleeing vehicle despite having set up a road block and despite no threat of force by LaVoy or the passengers, and after one of the passengers exited the vehicle and was arrested. They shot LaVoy with his hands in the air, and continued to shoot him after he fell to the ground. The government then continued to fire upon the vehicle with three passengers huddling down in the back seat on the floor. This was, by all accounts, a military style ambush, and there is no indication that the government agents were in danger at any time, or that the excessive use of force was provoked or justified.
The credibility of Ammon and Victoria weighs heavily towards their accounts, while the sole contradictory account of Mr. McConnell is by his own admission, based upon him piecing together hearsay. But, is that all that’s going on here?
As I reviewed these facts, there are a few striking elements and events. First, the government clearly knew the travel plans of these parties – including the timing and the route. Second, the government made no advance effort to avoid violence – this was a secretive operation. The significance of this might be overlooked by modern presumptions and media spin, but fair observers have to remember that Ammon and LaVoy were repeatedly open to discuss matters with the government. They routinely went to the FBI operations center and the Sheriff’s station to discuss their protest and their grievances. And, earlier yesterday, approximately five hours before these events, the FBI had been invited by Ammon to come to the Refuge and have a face-to-face discussion. In all of this, neither Ammon nor LaVoy were given any demands by the FBI and they were repeatedly given free pass at public gatherings and eating at local restaurants, etc. The point here is that the government clearly used surprise, and massive show of force, against men who on all previous encounters had been civil, rational, and reliably calm and willing to talk. In addition, no demand had been made to them, except the Sheriff’s initial demand that they leave the Refuge. This is a critical point because – after the refusal of the Harney County Sheriff’s offer of safe passage – Ammon and LaVoy told the Sheriff directly that they would consider his offer at a later date. That is the LAST discussion prior to these events regarding any demand made upon the leaders of the protest and occupation. Thus, it should have been no surprise that LaVoy would have been caught off guard by this massive operation, and the massive show of force, and that LaVoy would specifically ask to go and speak to the Sheriff. Now, it may have been that LaVoy was wanting to go and speak with the Sheriff of Grant County (where this all occurred). It is widely known that unlike the Harney County Sheriff, Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer had publicly stated that the FBI should leave, and that the federal government should engage in a discussion of the grievances of the protesters. Quite literally, according to Victoria’s account, the massive ambush and use of force was employed by the FBI in response to LaVoy trying to go to the man in government and law enforcement that was most receptive to his prior request for safety and protection. That same man, Sheriff Palmer is also the central law enforcement figure in the county where this incident took place. This may not have occurred to anyone yet, but given that I work in the legal world for a living – an act to prevent LaVoy and others from petitioning for relief from the duly authorized Sheriff is ALSO quite possibly a felony violation of federal law, by the government – in fact, the same federal law under which these parties have now all been charged. The scheme of the FBI clearly interfered with the Sheriff’s ability to exercise his duty, and these citizens’ right to petition Sheriff Palmer. While the FBI could defend itself by saying that an arrest would only be a temporary restriction and both Sheriff Palmer and these parties could talk later – by implementing their plan, directly in response to LaVoy invoking this choice – that defense would be more difficult, particularly given that LaVoy is dead.
In any event, the significant consideration here is that law enforcement clearly had inside help. During my visit to the Refuge I observed purported militia members acting suspiciously and apparently giving reports of the travel plans for Ammon and Ryan Payne to someone outside and this included details of the timing of this very incident, less than 24 hours before it occurred. In fact, while I didn’t know it at the time, the subject of the conversation was a printed flyer advertising last night’s events – in Grant County where Ammon and Ryan were invited to be the speakers. Think about this, and the timing. It was widely reported, including by the New York Times, that Ammon and LaVoy had already reached out to Sheriff Palmer. Why? Because Sheriff Palmer is a member of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), had previously been that organizations “lawman of the year” and had openly challenged the jurisdiction of federal agents in his county. In fact, LaVoy knew that Sheriff Palmer had publicly challenged the notion that federal agents had any law enforcement or policing authority in Grant County, outside of the confines of the federal court house. Now, a community event was scheduled and Ammon and LaVoy and Ryan had been invited. It seems quite likely, that the federal government intervened, how and when it did, to prevent Ammon, Ryan and LaVoy from securing any further sympathy or assistance from Sheriff Palmer and/or the people of Grant County. Think this is too conspiratorial? NBCNEWS.COM is reporting the same thing. Pete Williams recently published, “The decision to carry out the arrests was set into motion when the defiant leaders left the refuge Tuesday to attend a community meeting in the town of John Day.” Given the massive show of force and preparation (snipers in the woods, road block etc.) and the short amount of travel time, this “decision to carry out the arrests” was pre-planned and prepared and when Ammon and LaVoy and Ryan decided they were going for sure – the plan was “set into motion.” I should also note, that everyone at the Refuge knew something was different, and early in the morning there were reports of planes landing nearby in the dark, and of pre-positioned supplies staged by the government around the perimeter.
Finally, all of this makes more troubling, any accounts by purported patriot groups or supposed militia members, that directly contradict Ammon and Victoria, based on nothing more than hearsay. As we speak, the Refuge is under siege, with the last remaining holdouts still refusing to surrender. The live video stream has revealed that the remaining armed resistance supporting the occupation are independent supporters with the exception of a few “3 Percenters” and one or two from outside militias. Where are the Oath Keepers? Where is the perimeter other groups openly told the FBI that they were establishing to “prevent another Waco?”
Wherever they are, the organized militia groups are not at the Refuge, are not there to defend these last few occupiers who believe wholeheartedly that they are making a stand against tyranny, and who are now emboldened by the ambush and murder of LaVoy Finicum. On their website Oath Keepers has a news report about events, and has published an official release from “The Pacific Patriots Network” issuing an “immediate “STAND BY” Order to all those who are mobilizing” in response to LaVoy’s murder, stating “[w]e will not pursue any action until all of the facts have been pieced together regarding the traffic stop and the arrest of Ammon Bundy.” See the parroted language of the government about a purported “traffic stop?” That is spin. Think I’m going to far? Again, even NBCNWS has noticed. Pete Williams also reports that “The FBI earlier described the stop as an “enforcement action” done by federal agents and Oregon State Police in connection with the occupation.” rather than as a routine “traffic stop.” Finally, Brian Miller and the official “Three Percenter” club is now stating that its members should wait “until we can clear everything up” and is advising those who want “to go and get involved to stay away from the refuge I repeat stay away.”
What happened is clear. Its the story being told that is getting all muddy, with all the hand wringing, posturing, and butt-covering. Look, I’m always for cooler headers, rational thinking, and sound strategy. But, that seems to be missing from Mr. McConnell and those spreading his hearsay, ironically after he has villified reports based upon one of only two actual eye-witnesses to the whole event – including LaVoy’s murder.
In the end, here is the truth. The government could have, but didn’t prevent this. The 3 Percenters could have, but didn’t prevent this. The Oath Keepers, the Pacific Patriots Network and other militia groups, could have prevented this, but didn’t. Blood has been spilled, as a significant group of Americans – from all walks of life and all over this country attempted to stand in resistance to tyranny.
Justice Scalia recently re-affirmed that “when the able-bodied men of a nation are trained in arms and organized, they are better able to resist tyranny.” The fact that LaVoy is dead, one day shy of his 56th birthday, is a rebuke to those of us in the liberty movement. It is a stinging rebuke. We are not well trained or well organized, and we are certainly not united.
More than 60 years ago, the great scholar and Constitutional advocate J. Reuben Clark warned that “we stand in danger of losing our liberties, and that once lost, only blood will bring them back.” He also warned, “I say to you that the price of liberty is and always has been blood, human blood, and if our liberties are lost, we shall never regain them except at the price of blood.”
I have deep respect for these militia groups I’ve criticized, and I have deep respect for our country and its government. I have come to love, respect and appreciate the Bundy’s and those who rallied with them, including LaVoy. Among his last words to me were a proclamation of his faith in Christ and in this Country and in the Cause of Liberty. He knew the risks involved, and he had a genuine, cheerful smile on his face – that accompanied what he profoundly risked. But all of this is not enough. Being “trained in arms and organized” means more than bravado, ammunition, big guns, and camouflage. It means more than prominence and respectability for big groups and big names. And it must also means more than Facebook and Twitter warriors, and less than credible alternative media reporters who advocate as much personal nonsense as they do principles of liberty.
If we want to recover from this stinging rebuke, we’ve got to do something that no generation of freedom loving people has yet done, since the time of America’s Founding. We’ve got to be organized, as Jefferson predicted, from the great national government, down through the states and counties, to the individual households of our people. We’ve got to be trained in arms and have organized militia’s but this is less than 1/7th of the blueprint. We will never outgun or out militarize the United States or any of her states. Thus, while force and militia’s are essential and invaluable, by themselves, they are the unorganized, infighting tragedy we’ve just witnessed. We’ve got to build a full society of men and women who are committed to the principles of liberty as enshrined in the Declaration and the Constitution. In addition to militias, we must command educational, financial, and media control – and this is all still only 50% of the blueprint. I could tell you more, and outline the blueprint here – but that will have to be for a follow-up publication or broadcast.
In sum, every time a tragedy like this happens, the hearts and minds of patriots are pricked, energy and passion flow, and the prevalent question is “what do we do now?” If the reader is honest, I think this is the question that is before us today – all of us. What do we do now? That has been the question I heard first as a boy, and it has resounded even in my own liberty organizations – every time our failure increases its intensity and the cause of liberty is revealed to be failing. Why?
I’ll tell you the answer.
Its because this is not a simple or quick fix. It is not something one person, or a small group can do. Its not a hobby or a club. It is not for the feint of heart, and it is not for broken homes and broken marriages that bicker over budgets and neglect children for fleeting hobbies. We have to rise above and work though these things. And, as a side note – a commitment to liberty can do that. The path forward requires dedicated Americans. Dedicated, red-blooded Americans from all walks of life, from all of our varied subgroups and subcultures, who are REALLY willing to stand up for freedom no matter the case – and unite under the banner of liberty. But, even this is still not enough. It takes a blueprint, so we can build a veritable liberty based society that can quickly and powerfully correct America’s course, and powerfully and uncompromisingly influence the course of her institutions – its churches, its schools, its governments, its medicine, its businesses, its culture and its play. That, my friends, is a tall order, so tall – that the vast majority of our patriots either give up, tune out, wimp out – or minimize and marginalize to focus on only a small piece of this puzzle. But, that won’t due.
When I last talked with LaVoy he was fascinated as I explained to him why I had come to talk with him, to discuss this circumstance of the occupation and to visit with Ammon and Ryan face-to-face. I told him that I saw the heart, the Spirit of the Lord, and the conviction of these patriots, that I could see it in their eyes, and in their actions and in how they had comported themselves. I told him that I was undeniably required to show him and Ammon and Ryan and the others my respect and love. But, I also told him about a broader view, and throughout the day, I told him that while I didn’t want to be critical or suggest that anything in the liberty movement or in the efforts of these protesters at the Refuge was bad, or wrong, or misguided – I did tell him squarely, that it needed to be pushed forward, advanced, and taken up to the next level. I told him that I respected what he and Ammon and the others were doing, and that I only wanted to see their goals successful, and that I had some experience and insight and an small, rebuilding group of liberty lovers spread across this nation who could help with the larger, overall cause. He agreed, and smiled hopefully. He arranged for us to meet with several of the key people at the Refuge, and we spent the day there. It was quite a day. Towards the evening we were able to listen to Ryan’s presentation and then start to share this same perspective of the broader blueprint with Ryan and Ammon and others. But, that was just the beginning.
Yesterday, those with eyes to see, saw an undeniable reality check, about where we stand with our freedoms and liberty, and how overstretched and oppressive federal and state law enforcement has become. We cannot deny how quick to anger we as a people have become – especially through our government. We cannot deny how slow to reason, to act in good faith, and how intolerant are our government agencies and their bureaucrats. We also saw how futile are our best efforts are- even through groups like I’ve mentioned. We fight our enemies and ourselves, and liberty suffers – and blood is spilled. In the end – we saw the deliberate and strategic ambush and subsequent murder of Robert “LaVoy” Finicum. Whatever others think of him, he was an American. He was a man committed to a cause – and that cause was liberty! The world is not better with him dead, our government is weaker with these horrible acts of tyranny and the people who know what is going on – are heart-broken, stunned, and many are angry. Hopefully.
Today, we have friends in jail. The US Attorney says they will be arraigned about 5 minutes after I publish this – after that they will prosecuted by a United States Attorney with the full force of our government and the financial and legal resources it commands. These friends will need defended. That will take resources, good minds, and passionate support. I here publicly pledge mine. Anyone who has direct contact with these men and woman are invited to reach out to me directly – I will help.
LaVoy confessed to the media that he believed freedom was sometimes more important than life. He has proved his sincerity. Have we? His test in this life is over. Ours is not. How much more blood must be spilled – before YOU, my friend reading this, will make a choice?
Do you think you’ve already made the choice? Do you already stand for liberty? Me too. But it is not enough! Self-evidently it is not enough. We have got to advance this cause. We have got to elevate our power and effectiveness. Too many Americans are living lives of quiet desperation – in all areas – while the tyranny of unjust men marches forward. It is simply not enough. Whatever you’ve said to yourself up until now, Robert “LaVoy” Finicum is a new witness, in a long line of witnesses – inviting us to pick up the torch and carry it further. But, we HAVE to carry it further. We have to build a real, veritable liberty society of patriots – or we lose.
We’ve been loosing a lot lately – politically, legally, socially, economically, etc. But, the cause of liberty will not lose. We can accomplish what no prior group of Americans has accomplished – we can finish the work of our Founder’s revolution and take liberty, prosperity and peace – even further. Let us come together. Let us awake and arise. I know that some of you, a few of you, can “hear” me. Let’s go. I invite you to reach out. Make contact with each other, with other lover’s of liberty – and with me. We’ve got to help our friends. What an example they have been. We’ve got to stand for liberty. This is not just about ranchers – its about all Americans.
We’ve got to do it based upon principles – and a strategic blueprint that can win!
Its a tall order. A very tall order. Nevertheless, it can be done. If not us, who? If not now, when?
If you only hope that is true – reach out. Make contact. I’ll show you.

Cliven Bundy says he’s ‘taking control’

Cliven  Bundy  says  he’s  ‘taking  control’  with  new  letter  vowing  Oregon  militants  will  stand  their  ground

Cliven Bundy speaking at a forum hosted by the American Academy for Constitutional Education (AAFCE) at the Burke Basic School in Mesa, Arizona (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

Pope Francis signed off on "binding Galactic Agreement"

Pope Francis signed off on what is being called a binding “Galactic Agreement” this past Sunday inside the walls of the Vatican,


Witnessed by Christine Legarde and legal counsel of the IMF

Former USA, Inc President Barack Obama will soon be revealed as a Rome/CIA operative, and publicly be made to relinquish Presidential status, and be amnestied to a foreign country – Dubai – it is rumored.  Privately, Obama’s resignation has already occurred and he’s just awaiting a public dismissal announcement.  Also the United States Congress, including all members of the Senate and House of Representatives, no longer hold legal authority to make any laws for the citizens of the Republic of the United States.  They too will all be dismissed or removed.
The same punishment holds true for all members of the Supreme Court, who secretively pledged allegiance to Rome before taking their oath to serve the laws and people of the United States.  Washington, D.C. is also no longer a sovereign territory exclusively serving the interests of the Holy Roman Empire under the control of the American Jesuit Order.
Other sovereign diplomatic territories have also been released of their international “safe haven” status, such as Vatican City, City of Jerusalem & City of London.  All Jesuit ordained operatives still in any of these “safe haven” territories are now being arrested, amnestied, exiled or exterminated depending on their individual agreements with the new global governance authority.  This clean up includes diplomats, bankers, lawyers, politicians and judges involved in the secrete conspiracy against mankind, known collectively as the cabal.
So lets get this straight for ALL the brain impared....the Poop is the Biggest problem is screwing all his cronies....
G I V E  M E  A  B R E A K !!!

DUH?! Wells Fargo Is Preparing for Complete Economic Collapse

For an 'Insider', Hodges doesn't know jack - There is a GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET in motion. The old FIAT worthless scam system HAS TO BE TAKEN DOWN - COLLAPSED - to bring in the NEW gold backed system. Both are done concurrently!!  WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE TEACH HODGES ABOUT THIS? HE LOOKS LIKE A FOOL!

'Insider' (?) Reveals Wells Fargo is Preparing for Complete Economic Collapse

CSS Offical-New-Logo2 
wells fargo crooks
In part, this article is a case of breaking news which is really old news.
In the video below, released on February 7, 2016,  the whistle-blower of doom, says he’s a teller. Ray Charles could see that this is not true. The referenced person is not a teller. The source is sophisticated enough to use an untraceable proxy server and has economic knowledge far beyond a common employee of a bank. This person’s message is that of a prominent insider who has the know-how with regard to covering his tracks and providing highly detailed insider knowledge.
How can ascertain these facts about the whistle-blower and the validity of his claims?
In the past, I have written about the credit swap derivatives exposure and the topic got very little traction. So long as people are driving to work and have some food on the table, and there is no looming crisis, most Americans will have a case of tunnel vision due to the fact that most of only live for Friday and cannot see into the future. Many of us in the independent media and even knowledgeable and respected economists such as John Williams and Joseph Meyer are all saying that we are on the verge of a complete economic collapse. And it will almost assuredly begin with a collapse of the banks. How do I know, read on, the banks, themselves, have already told you as much.

The 2016 Economic Crisis Is Worse Than 2008

The very same banks that created the last economic crisis have now created a 278 TRILLION dollar derivatives nuclear time bomb that could tear down the American economy in single and unannounced moment.
Interestingly and tragically, Wells Fargo appears to be a sound manager of its debt compared to the other banks.
From the  Economic Collapse Blog[3]:
“JPMorgan Chase
Total Assets: $2,573,126,000,000 (about 2.6 trillion dollars)
Total Exposure To Derivatives: $63,600,246,000,000 (more than 63 trillion dollars)
Total Assets: $1,842,530,000,000 (more than 1.8 trillion dollars)
Total Exposure To Derivatives: $59,951,603,000,000 (more than 59 trillion dollars)
Goldman Sachs
Total Assets: $856,301,000,000 (less than a trillion dollars)
Total Exposure To Derivatives: $57,312,558,000,000 (more than 57 trillion dollars)
Bank Of America
Total Assets: $2,106,796,000,000 (a little bit more than 2.1 trillion dollars)
Total Exposure To Derivatives: $54,224,084,000,000 (more than 54 trillion dollars)
Morgan Stanley
Total Assets: $801,382,000,000 (less than a trillion dollars)
Total Exposure To Derivatives: $38,546,879,000,000 (more than 38 trillion dollars)
Wells Fargo
Total Assets: $1,687,155,000,000 (about 1.7 trillion dollars)
Total Exposure To Derivatives: $5,302,422,000,000 (more than 5 trillion dollars)
Compared to the rest of them, Wells Fargo looks extremely prudent and rational.”

Confirming Data


can you hear me now verizon man
Below are two excerpts that I wrote 15 months ago which absolutely confirms what the “teller” says in the above video. Fifteen months ago, America did not want to listen. Can you hear me now?


November 16, 2014
On November 16, 2014, it was revealed that when you awakened, a new G20 policy was enacted which effectively stole your bank account.[5] For the time being, you still have some access to some of your money. If you have $100,000 in the bank, try taking that money out  today and see how fast the Federal authorities show up in your life. And if you did manage to get your money out of the bank, don’t forget about the cop on the corner poised to steal your money under the banner of “civilian asset forfeiture”. Pardon me, I digress.
All nations belonging to the G20 will immediately submit and pass legislation that will fulfill a new investment program.[6] This new program creates a whole new paradigm and set of rules whereby banks will no longer recognize your deposits as money.
Russell Napier[7] is declared November 16, 2014, as “the day money dies,” and according to Zero Hedge[8], Napier says the G-20 will announce “that bank deposits[9] are just part of commercial banks’capital structure[10], and also that they are far from the most senior portion of that structure.” Pay close attention America this means that following a bank failure, “a bank deposit is no longer money in the way a banknote is.”
This G20 legislation will formally push down bank accounts through the capital structure to a position of being mere material capital risk in any ‘failing’ institution. In our last financial crisis, deposits were de facto guaranteed by the state, but beginning November 16, 2014 holders of large-scale deposits will be just another creditor fighting to regain their share of the assets of a failed bank,” according to Zero Hedge. And how much will your former money be worth when you come to make your claim?

For reasons that will become apparent as you weave your way through this article and its conclusions, if you have $100,000 in a bank account, you will take home under $1200!  This is why for the past 18 months I have been telling the nation to not deposit your paycheck into the bank…


II. The Federal Reserve and the Bank of England Have Already Rehearsed the Theft of Your Bank Account

November 10, 2014
The theft of the people’s money has already been rehearsed by the powers that be in the banking industry. Regulators from the United States and the United Kingdom[11] got together in a war room to see how they will cope when the next big bank fails.
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and the UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, on November 10, 2014, ran a joint exercise simulating how they would prop up a large bank (e.g. Bank of America) with operations in both countries that has landed itself in trouble. Also taking part in the “bank failure drill” was Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and Bank of England Governor Mark Carney[12], and the heads of a large number of other regulators, in a meeting hosted by the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation[13]. Just like Jade Helm, if there were not going to do this, then why would they be committing so many resources to practicing to do it?
The FDIC has only about $25 billion in its deposit insurance fund, which is mandated by law to keep a balance equivalent to only 1.15% of insured deposits.
If a banking collapse were to be on the near horizon, the banksters are not going to notify you because they would not want to incite a bank run. With only 1.15% of all deposits being insured by the FDIC, your money would be left vulnerable and only the elite would be warned as they quietly transfer their money to a safer haven, such as gold.


This is not the part where this turns into a prepper article, although precautions should be taken on the part of every American (eg gold, guns, ammo, food, water, and alliances). This is the part of the article where I tell you to standby and wait for tomorrow’s article which shows you where this is headed. Suffice it to say that Special Operations Forces are already gearing up for what’s next. 
  1. [Image]:
  2. [Image]:
  3.  Economic Collapse Blog:
  4. [Image]:
  5. a new G20 policy was enacted which effectively stole your bank account.:
  6.  new investment program.:
  7. Russell Napier:
  8. according to Zero Hedge:
  9. bank deposits:
  10. capital structure:
  11. United States and the United Kingdom:
  12. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and Bank of England Governor Mark Carney:
  13. in a meeting hosted by the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation:
  14. [Image]: