Sunday, June 26, 2016

Lesbian Demon Hillary Clinton, Along With the U.S. CIA, Linked to Orlando Massacre of 49 Americans for Political Purposes

Exclusive, explosive reports from the patriot
Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force,
operating on American soil for over 200 years

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the
corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly
propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Protect and defend
   YOUR   Constitution Bill of Rights,
the Supreme Law of the United States

Sunday   June 26, 2016

Lesbian Demon Hillary Clinton, Along With the U.S. CIA, Linked to Orlando Massacre of 49 Americans for Political Purposes

by Tom Henegan, International Intelligence Expert
CIA Director William Brennan and Hillary Clinton


UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that the U.S. Military Michigan and Tennessee Flag Officers have connected the dots fingering lesbian and Nazi neocon Hillary Clinton, along with her super PAC director, homosexual and former Kenneth W. Starr employee, David Brock, in operating as liaison to current U.S. CIA Director neo-Nazi William Brennan in orchestrating the mass murders of 49 U.S. citizens in Orlando, Florida at a gay nightclub to the attempted assassination of Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump.

We can now divulge that the alleged Orlando shooter Omar Mateen was in direct communication with his California co-conspirator James Wesley Howell and actually trained and participated in target practice with British MI-6 asset Michael Sandford who was hired to assassinate Donald Trump in Las Vegas.       

P.S.  Co-conspirators not only include the current U.S. CIA Director Bush-Clinton Crime Family stooge, neo-Nazi William Brennan, but Washington Post editor Bob Woodward and his noted hack and closet homosexual David Ignatius of the Washington Post.

Reference:  The criminal Washington Post is not a newspaper, it is a Nazi Paperclip-CIA-Israeli Mossad administered propaganda Joseph Goebbels-style intelligence front for the Bush-Clinton-Obama dictatorship.

Item:  It should be noted that the treasonous piece of shit Bob Woodward and his partner-in-crime, homosexual David Ignatius, tried to frame then Vice President, now year 2000 DULY ELECTED, natural born, non-inaugurated REAL President Albert Gore Jr. for making a fund raising phone call from the wrong room with the information leaked to the Washington Post by none other than then First Lady lesbo demon Hillary Clinton and then totally corrupt Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr who was actively, with the Israeli Mossad and the Washington Post illegally spying on Vice President Albert Gore Jr.

It can now be reported that the CIA, Woodward, and treasonous former Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr, planned to frame Gore as to cover up the 'smoking gun' evidence that Starr possessed aka "Deal Room" documents that fingered the Bush-Clinton-CIA Crime Family Syndicate in a massive, illegal narcotics, arms and Japanese yen money laundry, which was the back end of Iran-Contra, which eventually dealt, along with their bag man Marc Rich and Swiss banks, in the illegal embezzlement of $27 TRILLION from the U.S. Treasury.

The political plan was simple:  Frame Gore, clear the field for a future CIA-Bush-Clinton dictatorship.  This plan failed as did their attempt to assassinate then Vice President Gore, now year 2000 DULY ELECTED President Albert Gore Jr., over the skies of Chicago in 1999.

Finally, after all else failed for this criminal filth, the year 2000 presidential election was stolen in five (5) states with a massive CIA-NSA administered coup d'état against the American People.

At this hour, the U.S. Military Michigan and Tennessee Flag Officers have ordered a total decapitation of the U.S. CIA and the criminal Washington Post.

Note:  The U.S. Military Michigan and Tennessee Flag Officers are prepared to arrest criminal neo-Nazi CIA Director William Brennan and Washington Post editor Bob Woodward, along with closet homosexual David Ignatius.  All three will be tried, convicted and executed with due prejudice on the direct orders DULY ELECTED President Albert Gore Jr.
In closing, message to Joe Scarborough of MSNBC:  Quit lying and promoting bogus Washington Post disinformation including bogus polls or you too, bitch, will face the wrath of the U.S. Military Flag Officers.



Friday        June 11th    DHS contractor British Intelligence linked G4S Kevin James Loibl killed singer Christine Grimme in Orlando

Sunday      June 12th    DHS contractor British Intelligence linked G4S Omar Mateen and his psyop team of 5 killed 49 at the Orlando PULSE nightclub

Sunday      June 12th    DHS contractor British Intelligence linked G4S James Wesley Howell of Indiana got scared and asked police for protection

Saturday   June 18th     Illegal British Michael Sandford attempt to assassinate Trump in Las Vegas trained with Omar Mateen and James Howell

June 18, 2016   Tom Heneghan Intelligence Briefing   ...We can now divulge that James Wesley Howell of Indiana was on the payroll of British Intelligence linked G4S

Note: Omar Mateen the shooter who slaughtered 49 Americans in Orlando, Florida was also employed by British Intelligence linked G4S.

We can also report that Kevin James Loibl of St. Petersburg, Florida, who killed Orlando singer Christine Grimme, on the Friday night before the Omar Mateen slaughter, was also employed by British Intelligence linked G4S.

Both were also G4S “crisis actors” in the Terror Drill that took place in Tampa, Florida the end of May.
DHS has contracted British Intelligence linked G4S to handle security at 90% of America’s nuclear plants.  MORE


Failed Trump Assassin Michael Sandford Trained With Omar Mateen

Fox News Says Orlando ISIS Terrorist Omar Mateen Connected to My Pal Radical Muslim Imam Marcus Dwayne Robertson
Orlando Imam Marcus Robertson Filed a 2012 Federal Lawsuit on FBI Claiming he Worked for FBI & CIA Who Wanted Him to Fire on American Citizens in West Africa
Former Secretary Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message involving problems caused by her use of a private homebrew email server, the State Department confirmed Thursday. The disclosure makes it unclear what other work-related emails may have been deleted by the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

The email was included within messages exchanged Nov. 13, 2010, between Clinton and one of her closest aides, Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin. At the time, emails sent from Clinton's BlackBerry device and routed through her private server in the basement of her New York home were being blocked by the State Department's spam filter. A suggested remedy was for Clinton to obtain a email account.

DULY ELECTED President Albert Gore Jr.
awaits inauguration, our U.S. Constitution that is
the Supreme Law of the United States demands it!

As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000,

U.S. Constitution DULY ELECTED, non-inaugurated,
natural born REAL President of the United States.

Al Gore on Restoring the Rule of Law

. . .



The claim by Edward Snowden that 'bin bin baby' is not buried in the deep blue sea after all, but rather is still alive and living in luxury in the Bahamas with his wife and sons is certainly believable.  He has risked his life to get truth out to Americans on a wide variety of issues.  An interesting picture comparison of  Osama Bin Laden, then and now (without a beard, moustache and turban), is included at the link below. 
Think about it . .
Why didn't the muslim world go into an insane rage and rampage (as they are so easily inclined to do) at the report that Obama had OBL killed?  Why didn't they demonstrate en masse worldwide with violence and go after Obama to kill him for supposedly killing one of their own -- someone as famous and highly revered in the muslim world as OBL?  Had Obama's Muslim Brotherhood employees, whom he hired to work with him in the White House, been given the truth beforehand to pass on to muslim leaders worldwide to prevent such a reaction?  The calm after the fact worldwide was incredibly deafening.  The news reported that even OBLs family questioned the veracity of the story put out by the Obama administration and asked for proof.  They never sought revenge or financial payback, either, to my knowledge.  To me that spoke volumes.
Another big give-away about OBLs supposed death by Obama and clan being a huge lie was the news that our military had him hurriedly buried at sea due to being muslim. The lie backfired on Obama when muslims objected to that scenario, saying it went against Islamic beliefs to handle a muslim's death that way.  Obama, a muslim, should have known better and tried to prevent that from happening, but apparently couldn't because those in cahoots with him couldn't come up with a better lie to replace it.
So why was Obama and clan in such a hurry to sink a casket at sea purporting to hold OBLs body?  Most likely because the whole story was a farce to begin with.  They were afraid they'd be caught red-handed in their lie if his casket were ever exhumed and contents (if any) examined.  So they came up with the 'burial at sea' scenario where no one could find the casket and open it to prove otherwise; though one man did try.  I don't doubt there was a ceremony and burial at sea, I just don't believe OBLs body was in it.
There are other official reports that OBL died many years before this.  Were all those 'death' reports lies to buy time and keep OBL alive and hidden from bounty hunters worldwide seeking millions of dollars in reward, while the CIA worked out a way to secretly reunite the family and hide them in the Bahamas?  The CIA is known for their ability to hide famous people and by now have, no doubt, perfected their methods.
After 09-11-01 a US official claimed OBL was dead and his body was being "kept on ice" for use at a later date.  That would indicate a pre-existing plan, whether or not OBL was truly dead or alive, but why?  Could Obama's future term in office have been the occasion for which OBLs body was purportedly being "kept on ice?"  Obama is "a communist groomed for the presidency," per Tom Fife, a computer engineer and physicist, who was witness to "a thrilling revelation in Moscow in 1992."  It was revealed at that time that a young black man in Russia was in training for a future role as President of the US.  Someone apparently believed it would give Obama, a muslim, an opportunity to give Americans a sense of justice and closure for the events of 09-11-01.  All this to make Obama look good in order to get him 're-elected' to a second term.  Sad to say, it worked. (certainly NOT without the customary FRAUD in the American 'voting' process)
This isn't the first time a huge lie was perpetrated on the American people.  For instance, the conspiracies surrounding JFK's death and who did it have not been settled to this day.  
Then there's Saddam Hussein's supposed death at the hands of Iraqi justice.  No one was allowed to see him be put to death.  Why?  To give the Iraqis and their leader some respect at his death?  Really?  The leader whose country *we *(the Bush cabal to obtain the spoils of war and the treasures of history) took to war and reduced to ruins, whom *we later purportedly pulled out of a hole in the ground, showing pictures thereafter for the whole world to view?
In addition, the characteristics of the man who played the role of Saddam during his court trial did not even match that of the real Saddam Hussein (the look-alike's teeth were discolored, narrow and crooked, whereas Saddam's were bright white, wide and straight; etc.).  Saddam was known to have many doubles (look-a-likes) working for him.  Apparently, those who used a Saddam look-alike for the court trials didn't want to unfairly put their innocent look-alike(s) to death, so the world wasn't given the opportunity to see final justice done re Saddam Hussein.
So where is the real Saddam?  Last news report I saw said he was living out his life with his two sons in the thick forests of Russia.  Hah!  Upon reflection, the CIA must be laughing their heads off at how gullible Americans are.  No wonder Hillary claims she can get away with things because, as she said, 'Americans aren't smart'.  If they 'vote' for her to be their 'president', they'll prove she's right.  ;)  [News report link follows below.]


Marijuana could be made legal in the U.S.


26 June 2016

In the next couple of weeks one of the most important, and historic, decisions in America will be made that could forever change the face of the United States, indeed the world—but I’ve yet to find any major mainstream media sources telling you about it.  This decision, in fact, has already been made, but has not yet been released to the public, so let me tell you all about it.

First of all the information about this decision was flagged a few weeks ago from an American magazine named Inc. that is published on a monthly basis and is focused on new and growing companies and businesses and who reported that before the end of July marijuana could be made legal in the entirety of the United States.

Now here is what you need to know about this momentous decision:  Since 1970, marijuana has been criminalized in the US under what is called the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) that is a US law whose major purpose was to “enable the United States to meet all of its obligations” under international treaties.

The CSA and various UN treaties set out a system for classifying controlled substances in several “Schedules” in accordance with the binding scientific and medical findings of a public health authority, but these treaties only bind (legally obligate) the United States to comply with them as long as America agrees to remain a state party to these treaties.

In the United States.  Therefore, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through its agency named the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the World Health Organization (WHO) are the governing parties of the CSA—which simply means that both of them must agree on a drugs “Schedule”, and if the FDA differs from the WHO, then the United States must withdrawal from ALL of its international treaties.

It’s important for you to note that the WHO bases its decisions on drug “Scheduling” on the recommendations from the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND)—and who this past March organized a massive letter sent to President Obama calling for the end of the criminalization of marijuana, and the following month in April a United Nation’s General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) called for total legalization saying “cannabis laws defy the current conventions”.

With a conflict then existing between the FDA and WHO regarding how marijuana should be “Scheduled”, and with President Obama facing the very real threat that if the US doesn’t comply with CSA treaty obligations all existing treaties will be null and void, the FDA rewrote their guidelines and submitted its recommendation on marijuana's scheduling to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as proscribed under American law.

So, and at this very moment, the FDA decision on marijuana has already been made and is in the hands of the acting head of the DEA Chuck Rosenberg—and about whom it should remembered just this past November (2015) rejected the notion that smoking marijuana is “medicine” calling the premise a “joke.

Regardless of DEA acting head Rosenberg’s thoughts though, and as correctly verified by the DEA's office of public affairs special agent Russell Baer, it is the FDA that has made this decision, not the DEA—We are bound by the FDA's scheduling recommendations”.

And here’s the most stunning thing you need to know about what the FDA has decided—if they have, indeed, decided to reclassify marijuana as anything other than a Schedule 1 substance, then medical marijuana would immediately become legal throughout the entire United States. 

With you knowing these FACTS about what could very well be the most monumental decisions in American history, and rivaling the end Prohibition in 1933, let me ask you—why don’t you know about this?

After all if marijuana is legalized how will that affect the US presidential election?  If President Obama goes against these UN treaties that govern the CSA and keeps marijuana criminalized, how fatal a blow will it land against his and his ally’s globalization agenda?  If marijuana is legalized by the FDA’s changing of its "Scheduling”, what then happens to the tens-of-thousands of Americans currently in prison who were put there because of marijuana offenses?

These are but a few of the many questions/concerns relating to this most critical of issues—but the most IMPORTANT one you should be asking yourself now is: WHY ARE YOU HEARING ABOUT ALL OF THIS FROM THE SISTERS AND NOT YOUR OWN MAINSTREAM MEDIAThe simple answer is because your 'elite' rulers think you’re all idiots who are to stupid to comprehend “big stuff” like this—and is, also, why Reddit created a new algorithm to censor the supporters of Donald Trump, and why Twitter suspended the account of gay conservative writer Milo Yiannopoulos and blocked the GaysForTrump hashtag, and why both Google and Facebook are quietly moving to block what they call 'extremist videos' without telling anybody what that means—and really doesn’t matter anyway because Facebook has already predicted the end of the written word and says that in 5 years everything will be video, so why even bother to read.

Here’s the bottom line folks—the so called mainstream media controlled by your 'elite' rulers wants to keep you as ignorant and as stupid as possible.  That’s called a FACT.

On the other hand we believe it is your RIGHT to know the truth and strive every hour of every day to keep you as educated and informed as possible about EVERYTHING  but “they” are winning and “we” are losing this war because of (and there’s no better way to say it) YOU!  Not because you want us to lose (we know that), but rather because the FACTS of labor and money and been taught out of you—and that means you’ve forgotten that YOUR money equals OUR labor, and if one part of this simple equation fails, then everything does…just ask anyone who has ever worked in the nearly entirely dead newspaper industry.  
So, and if you want to keep being treated as idiots, by all means click away and go read the dribble the mainstream media wants you to—OR, stand up for yourself and scream “I will not go silently into the night” and then click HERE and give what you can to help us survive.

IF VOTING .......