Monday, August 22, 2016

FEMA Camps: 3 Ways to End Up in One


Obama's FEMA Camps: 3 Ways to End Up in One 

(must read!)

This video just went viral and became one of the most controversial videos on the internet.

This "Blacklisted video" uncovers 3 ways your family can end up in one of Obama's FEMA concentration camp...

...and an easy way to escape from FEMA's deadly clutches.


From an American 8-22-2016

To: General Dunford, Chinese Elders & Grandfather, and Chinese President
CC: All Americans
RE: Enough is Enough!
Right now the word coming out of Reno is no RV yet! Why? We are promised times to be finished but we find that others namely the Chinese keep adding to the pile of activities to be finished before the Chinese releases the funds. Enough already! Let’s release the RV and clean up afterwards.
STALLING, STALLING, AND STALLING! Someone is getting paid off!
Clean up the country after the funds are release, come on!!
It’s been said that the Chinese would rather be late than early, come on, you got to be kidding. Are you kidding the People of the World? You the Chinese will sacrifice the world for your procrastination.
We find American’s very upset with the circumstances since we all know those who are currently sitting in those seats on the east coast in DC are the same ones who are trying to either stop the RV. We all know they want to stall until after the election since they will try to rig this corporate election so their candidate wins so she can pardon them from all these crimes. We also know they have Trillions of Federal Reverse Notes to bribe anyone to do whatever they want to slow down or even someone to stop it and make look like it is working or going through.
The American people are not stupid!
Why does the General just order all the military, support National Guard and militia to stand now and walk into Reno, pull in all the characters into their offices with ARMED Military plus support, NSA, etc. to have the final step finished and release the funds?
Are you worried what the American People think? Like a Military Coup? Come on, get the job done!
We all know that United States is the code name for UNITED STATES INC. which has been bankrupted for years and continues to be the government services provided for the Military under General Order 100, which all has to stop, Military.
So it is high time that YOU and all YOUR military officers step up and do what is right and correct for our country and American’s. RELEASE THE RV, NEW CURRENCY, ARREST the GOVERNMENT!
Do we need to quote the Declaration of Independence to YOU? Do we need to quote your OATH of OFFICE to YOU?
Here is what I will do, the UNITED STATES INC. had congress set forth a law called ‘Trading with the Enemies Act’ and as a civilian, living, breathing, man who walks, lives and works on the land called united States of America, I hereby release you of all responsibility of the ‘Trading with the Enemies Act’ and move forward to remove the current Government under Treason, Ricco Act, Embezzlement, etc.
General Dunford, follow the Officers Commissioning Oath
"I, _____ , having been appointed an officer in the (Service) of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)
The American people are mad, tired of wait for your action, we now expect actions to be executed effective immediately! That also includes you Elders!
Robert, An American who loves his country!

Can US Citizens Defeat UN Troops on America Soil?

revolution tv show

The establishment is practicing to defeat rogue American units who will fight to defend the people in the coming martial law subjugation enforced by foreign troops from the United Nations in UWEX 16.

Troops at Ft. Carson will be working with foreign troops to defeat civilian forces with COMBAT TROOPS.

Foreign mercenaries are training in Northern Colorado to defeat Guerrilla forces consisting of American citizens.

Denver International Airport just conducted a mock Guerrilla raid on the airport.

Foreign troops from Poland and Denmark are training for mass incarceration and gun confiscation at Camp Grayling in Michigan.

The above stories will be covered in the next release of the Red List News. For now, these stories illustrate that the current Junta running DC is preparing to fight American citizens in a guerrilla war and we are the Viet Cong.


The Sides Are Drawn

The coming civil war will consist of the present administration, the DHS, the Chinese, the Russians, Polish troops, soldiers from Denmark, Germany and France as well as the Canadians, who are obligated by treaty to assist our government to put down an American insurrection, versus the American military and the American people. This will be a United Nations action
Could a guerrilla war succeed? Is America equipped to fight a guerrilla war?


Four Types of Conflict

Military strategists identify four levels of conflict; (1) nuclear war is the Trump card of all conflicts; 2) conventional warfare; (3) guerrilla warfare; and, (4) terrorism.

Terrorism is the least preferred option by any insurgent group. With terrorism, there is absolutely no hope of final victory because territory is never occupied. For that reason, nobody aspires to engage in terrorism if they have a viable alternative and the American people do have a choice, given how well armed we are. However, terrorism arising out of a defeated guerrilla force is a distinct possibility as it would represent American guerrilla’s fall back position should they be defeated.

Please allow me to make one point perfectly clear. All of us, in these dire circumstances, will be front line participants. Being a sheep will not ensure survival, it will only mean that you will die like a sheep. Most Americans will be targets of the occupation forces as the MIAC Report which labeled Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Second Amendment Supporters, Ron Paul Supporters, veterans and now Christians as domestic terrorists. Does it make a little more sense as to why DHS made these bold proclamations as to who is a  domestic terrorist?

DHS understands and has demonstrated their understanding of these facts and has also prepared for what I just wrote about in the previous paragraph.


Can a Guerrilla War Succeed?

Guerrilla warfare, for most of human history, is not new. Tribal war, which traditionally pits one guerrilla force against another, is the oldest form of warfare. The new “conventional” form of warfare, which pits guerrillas against “conventional” forces, is more recent as it arose in Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago.

The good news for future American freedom fighters is that guerrilla war has been getting more successful since 1945, but unfortunately guerrilla fighters still lose most of the time. An analysis of past conflicts featuring guerrilla war reveals that only 25% of guerrilla forces, out of 443 such conflicts since 1775, were successful. The government prevailed almost 64% of the time with the remainder of the conflicts ended in a stalemate. Conversely, since the end of WWII, the percentage of success for guerrilla forces has indeed gone up to 39.6%. Yet that still means that government forces have continued to prevail 51% of the time.

When the American people engage in a guerrilla war in the upcoming years, the people have less than a 40% chance of success.

Guerrilla wars are rarely short and as a result do not favor the American culture and our collective psyche of instant gratification. When Americans flip the switch on the wall, we expect the light to come on. Will Americans set aside their entitlements as well as their entrenched soft lifestyle and rise to the occasion? Only time will tell.


Successful Guerrilla War

The Vietnamese culture with an external locus of control predominating the people in which the group is more important than the individual is the perfect mindset for guerrilla fighters. This could prove to be the American rebels biggest challenge because guerrilla warfare is not something that one does like driving over a speed bump. It is a way of life, a very hard way of life filled with misery, extreme sacrifice and unspeakable losses.

Successful guerrilla leaders such as Lawrence of Arabia, Mao, Castro and Giap all concur that there are three phases of any guerrilla war. However, before the phases can unfold there are two preconditions which must be met.

The first condition which is a prerequisite for guerrilla war, is based upon the fact that there has to be a decisive battle for the belief systems of the people as a whole. The globalists have invested billions of dollars in order to dominate the mainstream media. On the other side is the alternative media. Both sides are vying for control of the belief systems of the country and the bad guys are winning given the recent and unconstitutional enactment of Net Neutrality and now the takeover of the Internet by ICANN.

There are two very distinct ideologies playing out today in the court of public opinion. On one hand, the future rebels are adept at exposing the loss of national sovereignty and civil liberties every chance they get. Conversely, the globalist dominated media is spending billions of dollars to convince the masses that there is no such thing as a conspiracy theory and despite some governmental incompetence, the government loves and protects its people. And the globalists are being somewhat effective. Have you ever noticed that when you are describing a globalist inspired conspiracy such as what happened at Benghazi, and no matter how well documented your position is, that your audience frequently responds with “you must be one of these conspiracy theorists.” Our facts are rarely attacked because they are accurate, but the idea of the existence of any kind of conspiracy is what is challenged. This kind of programming coming from the media is brilliant and effective. Who is winning this war of words? The jury is still out, but the unmistakable conclusion is that the ideological battle lines for the upcoming conflict have clearly been drawn.
The globalists sell the sheep on the notion that we have to control you to protect you (from a threat of our creation), and the other side is saying, “we will take our chances, give us freedom.”

The second precondition which must be met prior to descending into guerrilla war consists of both sides engaging in an arms race. In response to the Obama administration’s threat of seizing our guns for the false flag events of the Aurora Batman massacre and Sandy Hook, Americans went on a gun-buying frenzy which continues to this day. DHS has engaged in their own arms buildup as they have purchased 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition to go with 2700 new armored personnel carriers and that is not all. The federal government has invested in 30,000 drones, super soldier robots and intelligence gathering techniques which are mind-blowing.

The architect of the Viet Cong Resistance, Vo Nguyen Giap, once said that the war against the French, and later against the Americans was a “People’s War”. The center of gravity is always the people. This isn’t only the center of gravity of the enemy but also the center of gravity of one’s own forces. The “hearts and minds” of the people decide the victor in any “People’s War”.


Vo Nugyen Giap

Giap further proclaimed that, “The war of liberation of the Vietnamese people proves that, in the face of an enemy as powerful as he is cruel, victory is possible only by uniting the whole people within the bosom of a firm and wide national united front based on the worker-peasant alliance.”(The Military Art of People’s War, p. 97-98).

General Vo Nugyen Giap, the architect of the Viet Cong strategy.

General Vo Nugyen Giap, the architect of the Viet Cong strategy.
Giap tells us that fear of the oppressor is a strong ally. Tell your neighbors about DHS and their 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and their 2700 armored personnel carriers. Speak about the Civilian Inmate Labor Program. Let people know they can be snatched off the street without due process under the NDAA. Talk to your friends about the detention camps and the Wackenhut buses that will take you there along with the trains containing shackles. Ask your neighbors how we can pay off $238 trillion dollars in unfunded mandates?  Make your friends see that a currency collapse is imminent.

It is time to scare the excrement out our fellow countrymen because these threats are real and they are life-threatening for the majority. Fact-based fear and repetition of the message are our best friends in terms of driving the public to our side. Subsequently, when Phase Two of the guerrilla war commences, we have the support of the people. However, don’t waste time on the hard core sheep among us. We do not need a majority to wage a successful guerrilla war.
Giap and his colleagues were brilliant at couching their words in such a way as to demonize his enemies, thus drawing closer support from the people. Notice his use of the term “The People’s War.” The “people” already resent the elite because they know that they are not and never will be part of the elite.

Average people understand that the golden rule is based upon those who have the gold, get to make the rules. Giap was a master at turning envy into resentment and then into hatred. People emote before they act. Consequently, we in the alternative media need to continue to appeal to the emotions of the people.
Remember, the use of the term “people” builds a sense of collective identity that is needed in every successful revolution. Therefore, fellow patriots, every word coming out of your mouth must speak of these problems in the collective. It is us vs. them, not black vs. white, gay vs. straight, citizen vs. illegal. The latter conflicts are the creation of the globalists to distract us while they continue to enslave us. This is class warfare and you need to pound the message into people’s head that the leaders of the major corporations pay no tax and you work until June of each year paying off your debt to this criminal government.
If you are talking to your friends about baseball, the weather and your child’s report card, do not fail to drop in a zinger about the globalists.   


Winning the Minds of the People 

The late Colonel David Hackworth, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran, once told PBS that he knew very early on, that if the US was going to win the Vietnam War, they had to win the people. The French made the mistake of ignoring the people and the Americans committed the same mistake. The Viet Minh and later the Viet Cong won the hearts and the minds of the people and thus, won each guerrilla conflict.

Hackworth related the following metaphor in his PBS interview, “The guerrilla is the fish and the people are the water. If you want to kill the fish, you remove the water. If you want to kill the guerrilla, you remove the people, because they find all kinds of assistance, medical help, they put out the booby-traps, they provide the intelligence and they provide the trail-watchers. They are the sea in which the guerrilla swims.”


Defeating a Superior Force?

Most people wrongly assume that American civil war will fail because the other side will have the most devastating weapons and greater numbers of military personnel. However, this fact did not prove to be the decisive factor in Vietnam. The third factor necessary to successfully engaging in a civil war will consist of the resolve of the rebel force.

Over two centuries ago, Chinese military strategist, Sun Tzu, spoke about the importance of placing an inferior military force on “death’s ground”.  The term, death’s ground, simply means that surrender is not an option as it equates to sure death. If an insurgent group feels that it has no choice but to win or die, they will become a formidable fighting force regardless of the discrepancies in military prowess. Therefore, it is incumbent for all of us to keep pointing out how the other side is already preparing for genocide through the use of catastrophic false flag events, mass roundups and indiscriminate executions. The motto of any rebel force must be that for every ten the enemy sends to our shores, we must endeavor to send nine home in a body bag for in the end, any insurgent group will achieve final victory through attrition. The civil war must become too expensive for the oppressing force to absorb.


How Long Would a Successful Civil War Last?

There is not a hard and fast answer to the question as to how long would the American people have to resist until the opposition makes a risk-reward decision to discontinue the oppression. The Russians, the DHS and the Canadians could be worn down in a few years. The Russians demonstrated their culture’s lack of resolve in Afghanistan. The Canadians are almost as soft as the American people are today. The DHS will emotionally crumble in a few years. However, any formidable military force from an Asian culture will likely have staying power.
The French dominated Vietnam for ages. However, when the Vietnamese people were invaded by the brutal forces of Japan in 1941, the people were placed on death’s ground. When Japan was defeated in 1945, the French returned to claim their former colony. However, Giap and the Viet Minh, the predecessor to the Viet Cong, refused to capitulate and the Giap forces defeated the French in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954. Are you keeping score, to this point? The Vietnamese people had been fighting nonstop for 13 years.

After the defeat of the French, French Indochina was partitioned by the UN into North and South Vietnam and it was done in such a way to guarantee the continuance of the hostilities and a civil war between North and South ensued. Eventually, the United States sent ground troops to Vietnam in 1964. The war continued until 1975. Yes, that is correct, in order to achieve final independence, the Vietnamese people endured 34 years of war. The Vietnamese used to have a saying, “Born in the North, to die in the South”.

The Chinese and the North Koreans will have the same resolve. However, the military planners in this country have plans for dealing with the Chinese very early on in this coming conflict based upon this principle and this will be revealed in the next part of this series.


America Will Fight

13603-1You say that you do not have the stomach for such a conflict? It is too late! War has already been declared on you when this administration passed the NDAA which gave Obama the authority to snatch Americans off of the street without due process for indefinite detention or worse. War has already been declared on you when Obama enacted Executive Order 13603 which allows the government to conscript its citizens in work brigades irrespective of health and age. War has already been declared on you when DHS reached agreements with the major league sports franchises and the malls to allow their facilities to be used as detention camps. War was declared upon the American people when an illegal alien, who was bred by communists, was allowed to occupy the White House and bring totalitarianism to America .



Personally, I do not wish for this scenario to unfold. Therefore, how can I be sure America will rise to the occasion and fight? When Americans witness their friends, family and neighbors being eliminated with extreme prejudice, Americans will come to realize that we have been placed on death’s ground and we will have no choice but to fight to the death.

How To Say No To Vaccinations and Smart Meters

NOTE: The contents and downloads on this page are not legal advice or legal services. This content is exclusively the opinion of the content contributors of this web site.

Downloadable Documents

(MS Word Format)
These documents are provided free of charge as a public service of for those who wish to oppose and resist unsafe and unlawful "advanced" electronic utility metering.
(Filename "a4): "Notice: Refusal of Unsafe and Unlawful Metering": DOWNLOAD LINK
Notice of Liability: DOWNLOAD LINK
Notice of Default: DOWNLOAD LINK
Notice to Police and Sheriff: DOWNLOAD LINK
Posted Notice - Constructive Contract: DOWNLOAD LINK
Notice of Self Defense: DOWNLOAD LINK
Vaccination Notice: DOWNLOAD LINK

If by any chance these links get corrupted by the cabal, I uploaded these documents to my server and attached them to this post: ~Freewill


First, open the file named "a2".
Those are your instructions on editing and mailing the template. "a4" is the template for you to edit and mail to your power company CEO. This notice reverses the authority from the utility company to the property owner. YOU ARE NOW THE BOSS! YOU MAKE THE POLICIES! THE UTILITY COMPANY IS IN CRIMINAL MALFEASANCE AND HAS LOST RIGHT OF CONTRACT! BUT YOUR NOTICE IS ONLY EFFECTIVE IF YOU ACT LIKE YOU ARE IN CHARGE AS YOUR NOTICE SAYS. This notice is used if you plan to go into headlong battle and force your power company to permit you to have a safe and lawful electromechanical meter.

Using the same process, send the Notice of Liability to your power company CEO or top executive. This causes that person to be personally responsible to pay all costs of harm and damages caused by the unlawful invasive radiation-emitting fire hazard they have put on the side of your home. This notice is used if you may not intend to force your utility company to permit you to have a safe and lawful electromechanical meter, but you plan to hold the company CEO personally, and the utility company, responsible to pay for any harm caused by the electronic meter.

After you send your notices, if your power company fails to replace your meter with a safe and lawful electromagnetic meter with NO ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS within the time allowed in your notices, edit and send the Notice of Default to strengthen your legal position.

The Notice to Police and Sheriff protects you from criminal trespass by law enforcement who may attempt to enforce your power company's corporate policies. Law enforcement MUST have a court order or a criminal complaint to enter your property. Refusal of unsafe metering is not a criminal act.
More and more, police seem to be forgetting the limits of their authority. Law enforcement has NO AUTHORITY to enforce utility company policies. They can only enforce against CRIMES. It is very wise to remind them of those limitations with this notice BEFORE any incident occurs.
If police ever come to your property to enforce power company policy (civil contract) IMMEDIATELY demand to see their court order (they will not have one) and then order them off your property.
If they don't leave call 911 and report criminal trespass by law enforcement and your utility company personnel. If the police have a court order (extremely unlikely) read it carefully and make sure the terms are lawful and being fully observed by the police. Unless you have committed a crime or threatened someone that court order is probably unlawful and corrupt.

The Posted Notice file is for printing, laminating and attaching to your analog meter and your perimeter gate. We strongly recommend posting this notice. Office supply stores usually offer lamination services while you wait.

The Notice of Self Defense overlaps the notices above. You may want to use this if you run into pig-headed utility company employees or law enforcement who are unable to understand why you are refusing the harmful metering. Like the notices above, this notice provided legal foundations for actions against the violators later.

The Vaccination Notice
Vaccinations have been proven to be extremely hazardous, unsafe, contaminated and often completely ineffective. They have even been used to fraudulently deliver sterility drugs under guise of "Malaria" vaccines. Even after decades of tragedies and atrocities caused by vaccinations, pharmaceutical interests have been allowed to buy corrupt legislation to try and force literally every American to accept this invasive treatment. Vaccines have been scientifically found to be associated with a modern Autism epidemic and a host of other crippling and life-threatening injuries, illnesses and unexpected consequences. Pharmaceutical companies have even obtained legislation making themselves IMMUNE FROM LIABILTY for the harm they know vaccines cause! People only seek immunity when they KNOW THEY ARE GUILTY. If you feel you must accept a vaccine, DO NOT do so until you MAKE THE VACCINE PROVIDERS AND REGULATION ENFORCERS LIABLE AGAIN with the attached contract form. Before accepting vaccinations for you or your child it is critical to get the providers of those vaccines to sign this form accepting liability and admitting the hazards so that you will have recourse against the many serious injuries and illnesses which vaccines are known to cause. You are welcome to modify the form or have an attorney do so. Vaccine providers and regulators may refuse to sign this form because they know they are peddling poison, but refusal to sign the form is ADMISSION that harm may result from the vaccination. If the vaccination providers do not sign the form, they have no right to demand that you accept their dangerous and unproven medical treatments.
By the way, if you disagree with any of the above points and you believe people may be forced to accept risky medical treatments such as vaccines, then contact us. You may be invited to participate in a videotaped and published debate opposite medical researchers and scientists on the health effects and safety record of vaccines. Can you support the idea of mass forced vaccinations? Here's your chance!

Bill Clinton 'LOST' our Nuclear Codes!

OMG! EXPLOSIVE interview 
with Former Military Aide to Bill Clinton 
says he LOST our Nuclear Codes?

Published on Aug 16, 2016
That's right. You heard that correctly. Former Senior Military Aide to President Bill Clinton Buzz Patterson joined me. Buzz was in charge of our nuclear codes and Bill Clinton's "nuclear suitcase". 

In this EXPLOSIVE interview he reveals that former President Bill Clinton actually LOST our nuclear codes! According to Patterson, Bill Clinton was more upset that the press would find out rather than the fact that he lost the codes to begin with!  Bill Clinton was so careless with our codes that he had them written down on a piece of paper stuffed between his credit cards and wrapped with a rubber band! 

How anybody could ever want the Clinton's near anything that had to do with our National Security is beyond me.

Undeniable Proof!! Media Is A Fraud!!

Huge Anomaly In ABC Live Poll!! 
Trump At 70%! Hillary 8%! 
Undeniable Proof!! Media Is A Fraud!!

Published on Aug 20, 2016

ABC News has been running a live poll for a few weeks where you can vote for your pick for President. I have been following this poll webpage for the past few days and the Total voter count was over 200,000. This morning when I tried to go to the site I was redirected to a GoDaddy Ad page. ABC News has taken the page down! Surprise Surprise! With Trump showing a 70% margin and Hillary at 8% it proves without a doubt that the polling is rigged and we are all being lied to. You would expect that an Elite controlled ABC News live poll were be heavily bias toward Hillary, but what we are seeing here is the truth. Trump is crushing Hillary in the polls. This must have been a huge mistake by ABC News, but before they could pull the site down the damage is done. It is all rigged!

These numbers are more in line with what we are seeing with the Trump rallies compared to the Hillary rallies . What is the difference between a Clinton Rally and a Trump Rally? About 20,000 energized supporters! The contrast is stunning! Hillary has a rally in a high school gym in Des Moines on student registration day and draws a crowd of 1000 people. Trump has a rally on the same night in Ft Lauderdale and fills The BB&T Center with 20,000 people where people get in line 12 lines early. Trump rallies have the energy of a rock concert. Hillary rallies are 500 students being told by their teachers to show up for extra credit. Yet we are supposed to believe that Hillary has a 6-8 point lead in the polls. Really! How corrupt are the media and the pollsters! Now we know the truth. The video shows eyewitness account by TruNews that Hillary has trouble getting 1000 “supporters” to her rallies, whereas, Trump routinely draws over 20,000!

Clinton Workers Caught

Clinton Workers Caught 
Committing Voter Fraud In Las Vegas

Published on Aug 21, 2016
Out of state Clinton campaign workers caught committing voter fraud In Las Vegas. Voter registration is illegal if it is not non-partisan.

Hungarian politician slammed for proposing pig heads along border to stop refugees entering country

AN MEP has been slammed for suggesting placing pigs’ heads across Hungary’s border to dissuade refugees from entering the country.
Hungarian politician Gyorgy Schopflin, of the nation’s ruling Fidesz party, made the incendiary comments in response to criticism of his country’s attitude towards refugees by a prominent human rights campaigner.
Migrants wait nearby the entrance of Hun
Slammed … Hungarian MEP Gyorgy Schopflin
Human Rights Watch director Andrew Stroehlein slammed Hungary’s use of eerie masks fashioned from vegetables to ward off migrants at the border in a tweet on Friday.
Hungarian officials have placed the masks across the nation’s vast border fence in an attempt to impede the movement of refugees seeking passage to countries in Western Europe.
While it appeared to work for a time, many refugees still attempt the dangerous journey.
Mr Stroehlein tweeted: “Refugees are fleeing war & torture, Hungary.
“Your root vegetable heads will not deter them.”
Hungary seals last gap on main border crossing to refugees
Blast … ‘your root vegetables will not deter migrants’
Indignant, Mr Schopflin replied: “Might do so.
“Human images are haram.
“But agree, pig’s head would deter more effectively.”
Mr Schopflin’s words have attracted criticism from Mr Stroehlein among others, who accuse the MEP of “spouting xenophobic filth”.



Published on Aug 19, 2016
Two days ago US Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James told Sputnik regarding the 50-70 B61 tactical gravity nuclear bombs stored at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey “We do have nuclear weapons and those nuclear weapons are safe and secure, and we are very confident in that.” 

Now Debka is reporting "...the United States has begun secretly evacuating the tactical nuclear weapons it had stockpiled at the southern Turkish air base of Incirlik and is transporting them to US bases in Romania.”

This reaction finally came after the worst Foreign Policy Administration in U.S. History remained quiet as power was cut to the Incirlik Air Base and was put on lock down while hordes of Turkish protesters gathered outside the base over the purported CIA link to the the recent Coup attempt, a link that winds its way back to Fethullah Gulen and his movement - the same Gulen who is protected by the Obama Administration and maintains a Charter School Empire in the United States that has angered labor Unions while siphoning money from American Taxpayers through the Charter Schools to fund his movement.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

State forces parents to sign vaccine docs


Stinging fight erupts over new 'attempts to invade families' privacy'

The will of We the People and the valid concerns for the safety, health and welfare of our children are being TRAMPLED upon by a pseudo corporation 'government'. This fraudulent 'government' is illegal and traitorous to this nation.

Bob Unruh
WND Exclusive

August 21 2016  

A fight has erupted over a decision by bureaucrats in Colorado to go, according to critics, well beyond what the law allows and threaten parents of home schoolers seeking exemptions from state vaccinations requirements for their children.

There was a plan before the legislature earlier this year that would have demanded homeschool parents sign forms stating things like, “My child/I may be at increased risk of developing …” and “Failure to follow the advice of a physician … who has recommended vaccines may endanger my child’s/my health or life and others who come into contact with my child/me.”

Officials with the Home School Legal Defense Association said they helped defeat the “attempts to invade families’ privacy.”

The proposal didn’t give parents the option – it simply demanded they make that particular political statement. But, the HSLDA explains, demanding that parents “affirm that by exempting their child from immunizations they are endangering the life and health of that child … is at odds with some parents’ personal and/or religion beliefs.”

By forcing parents to make this statement, the state of Colorado is unconstitutionally compelling speech.”

The issue now is that although lawmakers rejected the idea, “overzealous state officials are back at it – this time with an unconstitutional form which may force parents to violate their conscience in order to obtain immunization exemptions for their children.”

A new report explained the form was created in June by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment and “is mandatory for anyone seeking a non-medical exemption from state immunization requirements.

Persons who sign the form in order to obtain an exemption are required to affirm a number of statements which may go against their personal and religious beliefs,” HSLDA reported.

The HSLDA has protested to the state agency by letter, and already has collected nearly 12,000 names on a petition to Gov. John Hickenlooper asking him to have the forms modified.

Requiring a person to affirm a viewpoint which violates his religious or personal beliefs in a violation of the United States Constitution,” the petition informs the state. “The Supreme Court has clearly established that ‘just as the First Amendment may prevent the government from prohibiting speech, [it] may prevent the government from compelling individuals to express certain views.'”

Explained HSLDA about Colorado’s plan, “The mandatory forms require that parents affirm that by exempting their child from immunizations they are endangering the life and health of that child. (Parents are risking harm and even death of their children by agreeing to vaccinations, as it is not disclosed the harmful metals and toxic ingredients contained in the serums, and even if nano-particles and chips as well as DNA altering contents are included. The satanic NWO agenda is to murder adults and children worldwide, and the UN / NWO Agenda 2050 for America is well underway.)

“By signing such a statement, a person may be making an admission (whether or not it is true or he actually agrees with it) that could be used against him in a later civil or criminal proceeding.”

The HSLDA notes the issue is being fought right now in Colorado, but state borders aren’t likely to hold back such an idea.

“Are you a parent? This issue should concern you – whether you live in Colorado or anywhere else in the United States. If these burdensome regulations are accepted in Coloorado, it won’t be long until laws like this spread across the United States.”

The organization doesn’t necessarily advocate for or against vaccinations, but believes, “whether to immunize a child is a medical decision that HSLDA believes is best made by fully informed parents in accordance with the law and without undue interference or burdens imposed by the state.”

Further, the state law only allows officials to have a “statement of exemption” for home school families.
The organization suggests if the state isn’t willing to retreat to what is constitution, litigation is unavoidable.
“HSLDA suggests that parents (or others) who have an objection to using the CDPHE form continue to use the same signed statement they always have for their respective exemption,” said HSLDA spokesman Mike Donnelly. “Although CDPHE considers its form mandatory, HSLDA is willing to defend those whose conscience is violated by the form.”

The fight over vaccines has been going on for years, and no middle ground has appeared.

The giants of the medical industry and its government supporters insist that vaccines are necessary, with only the tiniest fraction of a percentage of cases developing complications. But WND columnist Barry Farber wrote that there is evidence of a connection to autism.

Citing the new movie “Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe,” he said it’s “incontrovertible” that in the 1950s autism was almost unknown.

“There was a clinic in California with maybe half-a-dozen cases. Then along came one case of autism for every ten thousand children who’d undergone the MMR vaccine. Then came one such case out of every 250. The latest figure is one out of 50!”

Farber said “the proud defenders of Big Pharma and the CDC still refuse to yield a centimeter.”

“And that’s what interests so many of us non-doctors and non-scientists. There’s the pungent fragrance of ‘body-panic’ as more and more anguished parents and alarmed Americans ask what’s going on here,” he said.

“The CDC’s cooking of the books has befouled the air thousands of kitchens away. Dr. Andrew Wakefield, distinguished research gastroenterologist, had his license revoked for the high crime of suggesting the MMR vaccine needed more study! CDC internal whistleblower Dr. William Thompson has more and more frightened onlookers hopeful that truth will prevail. 

The MMR loyalists, however, defend it like the fanatical war-time Japanese defended their Emperor Hirohito. The cause of this skyrocketing surge in autism, Big Pharma and the CDC assure us, ‘cannot be vaccinations, must not be vaccinations, will not be vaccinations!'”

Amid the growing alarm about vaccines, governments are adopting new techniques to pressure parents into allowing the injections on their children, and one of the newest, in Michigan, has prompted a lawsuit.

The Michigan policy, said Kate Oliveri, a lawyer for the Thomas More Law Center, allows government employees to take on the role of priests and pastors, molding religious beliefs to further the state’s agenda.”

“This is antithetical to the religious protections found in the Federal and Michigan constitutions and the religious protections enacted by the Michigan legislature,” she said.

The organization has filed a lawsuit against the state and county “seeking to stop a state-sponsored religious inquisition of parents who have religious objections to state vaccination requirements.”

The suit comes on behalf of Tara Nikolao, a Catholic registered nurse and mother of four.

She objects to vaccines made with cells of aborted infants and other vaccines on religious grounds.

However, the complaint contends, government employees are violating the Free Exercise and Establishment clauses of the First Amendment, the religious protections in the Michigan Constitution and Michigan law by grilling her about her faith and then telling her what she’s supposed to believe.

The complaint is against Nick Lyon as head of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, the Wayne County agency, county health chief Mouhanad Hammami and various other county officials.

It challenges a rule that “allows state employees to withhold public schooling unless parents submit to a religious inquisition on the substance and logic of their beliefs and endure false and misleading state sponsored religious instruction about their beliefs.”

A religious waiver from vaccination requirements previously was available on the statement of the parent, but the state implemented the new rule that requires parents “to travel to a county health department and speak with a local health department employee” to receive that waiver.

As part of that “inquisition,” the state provided a “fact sheet” about various religious beliefs that employees are instructed to use to argue with the parents about what they are supposed to believe.

For example, it warns, “Objection to vaccine for religious reasons may be masking the parent’s or guardian’s real question regarding safety, which is not a true religious objection.”

It also argues for the benefits of vaccinations without mentioning the possible fatal side effects. And it specifically lists arguments to use against Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Christian Science and Christian objections.

“In Mrs. Nikolao’s case, health department employees used the MDHHS Religion document, which falsely attributes a quote to Pope Benedict XVI, in an attempt to coerce her into violating her beliefs by vaccinating her children. The documents claims that, according to Pope Benedict XVI, ‘parents who chose not to give vaccines derived from [aborted fetal] cells would be in ‘more proximate cooperation with evil’ than those who gave their children the vaccines in question because of the life-saving nature of vaccines,'” the Thomas More Law Center explained. (

However, it said Pope Benedict never made such a statement.

“‘Moral Reflections,’ the Vatican document produced on vaccines containing the cells of aborted children by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life, also did not contain any condemnation of parents who refuse to vaccinate, especially not the MDHHS characterization of parents who do not vaccinate their children as ‘evil.'”

The law center said that when Mrs. Nikolao “explained that she had a religious objection to vaccines, the health department employees demanded that Mrs. Nikolao explain her actual reason for objecting.”

“Despite Mrs. Nikolao’s repeated insistence in the face of berating questions from state employees that her personal religious beliefs did not allow her to vaccinate her children – a belief that the Michigan legislature enacted a statute to protect – the health department employees would not accept her religious objection and insisted that no religions object to vaccines.”

Will Obama attempt to take over the elections?

Will  the  Obama  Administration  Attempt  to  Take  Over  American  Elections? 

Written by 
Thursday, 11 August 2016  

What started as news articles reporting potential danger to American elections from Russian hackers has quickly morphed into a call for a federal agency to protect our elections from those alleged Russian hackers. But many of the threats cited have nothing to do with the Internet, and giving blanket protective authority to a federal agency would grant broad powers far in excess of what the U.S. Constitution allows. (OR would be 'wise' to allow)

On July 27, the Washington Post carried an article by Bruce Schneier entitled “By November, Russian hackers could target voting machines.” Schneier detailed numerous security weaknesses in America’s electoral computer systems, and pointed to the lack of a voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) in many computerized voting machines. Schneier also wisely emphasized that our elections should have “no Internet voting.” (It has already been proven that the fraudulent election vote counts are coming from the offshore vote counting by George Soros'  companies.)

He will get no argument from The New American on those assertions, as this magazine has been voicing many of these concerns for years, and was the first national publication to advocate for a paper trail in electronic voting equipment in our October 13, 1986 issue. 

Additionally, in our October 9, 2000 issue, we published an article entitled "Voting on the Web" that warned of the dangers of Internet voting. The New American has since published numerous similar articles.

However, one portion of Schneier’s article would errantly lead many to believe that the states caused the problems and the federal government should be called in for the rescue: "But while computer security experts like me have sounded the alarm for many years, states have largely ignored the threat, and the machine manufacturers have thrown up enough obfuscating babble that election officials are largely mollified."

Schneier is correct in pointing out that many states, especially in recent years, have been major factors contributing to the decline of American election integrity. But it hasn’t always been that way. 

This Republic was founded under the U.S. Constitution with competition by the states to do a better job at running elections. As late as 1994 some of that constitutional competitive spirit was still alive as New Hampshire enacted the nation’s first paper trail law. In 1986 New Hampshire and North Dakota led the way in stopping the use of punch card voting systems. That was 14 years before the infamous 2000 presidential election fiasco in Florida where the nation witnessed all manner of partially punched chads and learned of myriads of other security problems in punch-card voting systems.

Amazingly, during the news coverage of the Florida fiasco, the liberal news media virtually ignored the fact that two states had stopped using punch-card voting systems for security reasons 14 years prior. Nor did the liberal news media question why the voting officials in other states didn’t react to the actions taken by New Hampshire and North Dakota by making informed decisions regarding whether those two states had it right or had it wrong. They had 14 years to think about it. Nor did the liberal news media ask similar questions of the vendor companies asking them how they could continue selling the punch-card voting equipment for 14 years knowing they couldn’t sell their equipment in two states owing to security concerns.

In addition to states causing problems with voting security, many of today’s election security weaknesses can be traced to unconstitutional (as well as unwise) actions at the federal level. It was Congress that passed the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, aka "Motor Voter," which ordered all 50 states to weaken the security of voter registration lists. 

It was Congress that passed the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA), which was the vehicle by which the states were forced to buy HAVA-compliant electronic voting equipment. As the states rushed to meet the HAVA deadlines, most states purchased equipment that didn’t have a voter-verified paper trail. 

It was Congress that sneaked the following dirty tricks into the National Defense Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2010 as a rider, stating, "The Presidential designee may establish 1 or more pilot programs under which the feasibility of new election technology is tested for the benefit of absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters claiming rights under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act."

The rider also stated:
the Presidential designee may consider the following issues:
(1) The transmission of electronic voting material across military networks.
(2) Virtual private networks, cryptographic voting systems, centrally controlled voting stations, and other information security techniques.
(3) The transmission of ballot representations and scanned pictures in a secure manner.
(4) Capturing, retaining, and comparing electronic and physical ballot representations.
(5) Utilization of voting stations at military bases.

A quick review of this rider shows numerous violations of the U.S. Constitution, including having the federal government implement Internet voting and unconstitutionally empowering the president to appoint the manager in charge of the computer systems. If there are concerns that Russian hackers are now capable of penetrating our election computers, why aren’t the fear-mongers such as Senator Thomas Carper (D-Del.) calling for holding President Obama and his presidential designee responsible for not having done these things “in a secure manner,” as the law foolishly assumed could or would be done, rather than calling for the Department of Homeland Security to get involved in an activity for which there is no constitutional authority at the federal level?

Senator Carper wrote a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson asking the federal agency to get involved in protecting our elections from foreign hackers. If Senator Carper really wants to find the cause of the security weaknesses that have been put into our elections, he can start by proceeding to the nearest mirror and look at himself. Senator Carper has been in office since 2001. He voted for both the Help America Vote Act of 2002 and the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2010, two aforementioned bills that established heavy-handed actions by the federal government that reduced the integrity of our elections.

In light of all this, why pretend the dangers to our elections are either solely or predominantly from Russian hackers? Only a few states even make public how many votes are cast using the Internet, but most experts agree that only a small number of votes are cast in such a manner. There is, however, a real danger of Internet based election fraud in those states that allow Internet voter registration. But that has been going on for a few years now, and fraudulent voter registrations via the Internet are obviously not solely the fault of Russian hackers. 

The solution to Internet voter registration is obvious: Stop all Internet voter registration and stop frustrating civic-minded groups such as True The Vote from verifying voter registration lists.

Much of this sudden concern for Russian hackers is a political football that started when Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump made some political hay regarding Hillary Clinton’s loose handling of classified information in her e-mails when he said, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.” Many Democrats have responded by trying spin that statement into some sort of political alliance between Donald Trump and Russia.

The fact that our elections have seen security eroded, in some cases seriously, is real, but Russian hackers are not the primary source of the problems, and a federal takeover of our elections is not the answer.

The federal government is the cause of many of our election integrity problems, and the correct solution would be to get the federal government to undo the damage it has done rather than unconstitutionally increase its role.

Would the presidential designee who was appointed by authority of the NDAA for 2010 please identify himself or herself and explain why the “in a secure manner” clause hasn’t been adequately addressed?

As an aside, if President Obama really wants to do something about electoral fraud, he should start in Chicago. 



The piece of GARBAGE in the White House is at it again.
Can’t people see Obama is a DEVIL and hates this country?

WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) — Early this morning, President Obama made what could very well prove to be the most controversial move of his presidency with the signing of Executive Order 13738, which revokes the federal government’s official recognition of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Under the new order, it is now illegal for any federally funded agency to display the pledge or for any federal employee to recite, or encourage others to recite, the pledge while on duty. This law also applies to federal contractors and other institutions that receive federal funding such as public schools. Individuals who violate this order can face fines of up to $10,000 and up to one year in federal prison.
During the press conference, the President explained his decision was based on a personal belief that the language used in the pledge is “divisive” and “contrary to America’s deepest held values.”
“The pledge excludes so many Americans who are vital to making this country what it is,” Obama said. “Asking someone to pledge their allegiance to our country excludes Jehovah’s Witnesses, Amish, Muslims, and many others whose religious beliefs prohibit strong displays of nationalism".
"By calling this ‘one nation under God’, we exclude the millions of hard working atheists and agnostics who call America home".
"By saying ‘liberty and justice for all’, we ignore the grievances of millions of Hispanics, African Americans and Muslims who feel they have neither liberty nor justice."
Obama told reporters that he believes the inclusion of “under God” runs afoul of the First Amendment’s establishment clause. He summed up his press briefing by challenging congress to create a new pledge that more accurately reflects America’s values.
“I am willing to rescind my decision here today and allow the Pledge of Allegiance back into the schools if we can all agree on the creation of a new Pledge, something that is includes everyone’s beliefs and not just the belief of one nationality or faith."
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has already offered her support of president Obama’s decree and has vowed to uphold the order if she wins in November’s general election.
She echoed his concerns about the pledge’s language and suggested that the pledge’s mention of God sends the wrong message to America’s children. “I fully support the President and the decision that he has made here today. In January, when I take office as the next President of the United States, unless I see otherwise, I will do my best to uphold this new law and ensure that it stays in effect.”
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump did not mince words when voicing his contempt for the president’s order, referring to the president as an “illegitimate Muslim traitor.” “As a Christian nation, the Pledge of Allegiance helps our children be the greatest children out there, the best there is, greater than all the other children in this world combined. Obama, who founded ISIS by the way, wants them not to be great. He wants them to be weak, and by banning the Pledge of Allegiance in our schools, he has proven that here today. This is the first step in many in his master plan to force Sharia law onto this great country of ours before he leaves office in January. We all must remember that this is one nation under God and not some guy and his beliefs in whatever he chooses to believe.” 
Sarah Bradley, a spokeswoman for Sock It Forward, a group that provides the homeless and those less fortunate with brand new socks, told ABC News that she approves of the ban. “When our children are forced to chant, ‘One nation under God‘, whose God are they referring to exactly?” Bradley said, “From birth, children are indoctrinated and subjected to mind control, efforts to shape them into the perfect beings that society wants them to be. The Pledge of Allegiance is just one of the many tools used in a child’s involuntary reeducation of basic beliefs and values.” Bradley continued, “Also, I just want to say a big thank you to everyone that has supported our cause in giving new socks to the homeless, it means so much. Please, donate what you can, every bit helps.”
Lawrence Ketchum of the Secular Coalition for America told reporters that Obama’s decision to ban the Pledge is a victory for all those who oppose government control. “This is a great day not just for Atheists, but for all Americans who value freedom. Forcing children to pledge blind allegiance to this country and profess a belief in a God is extremely dangerous in developing young minds and amounts to little more than government mind control.”

While Executive Order 13738 is likely to be a source of heated debate among Americans, constitutional scholar, Paul Horner, told ABC News that it is unlikely the law will be challenged in court.

“Since this law only affects federal employees and contractors and not the general populace, it is well within the traditional scope of a president’s executive authority to pass this law. Any challenges would lack proper legal standing and more than like be quickly dismissed.
Originally composed by Colonel George Balch in 1887, The Pledge of Allegiance was later revised by Francis Bellamy in 1892 and formally adopted by Congress in 1942. The Pledge is an expression of allegiance to the Flag of the United States and the republic of the United States of America. The official name of the Pledge of Allegiance was adopted in 1945 and the last changes made to it came on Flag Day in 1954 when the words “under God” were added.

The Obama Administration has set up a 24-hour hotline to address any questions and concerns the public may have regarding the new order. The number for the hotline is (785) 273-0325. 

FINAL WARNING to the world ---- Time is up !!!!!!!

FINAL WARNING to the world ---- Time is up !!!!!!! 
The Dragon gave him his power

Published on May 5, 2016
Obama, Prince William, and Pope Francis are Bringing about Biblical END TIMES 100% PROOF. This is a very informative video, and worth taking your time to watch. We are definitely in the last days. The credit goes to everyone involved in putting all this together, and the original up-loader.



Published on Feb 21, 2016

NWO Plans To Kill Billions of People

NWO Plans To Kill Billions of People

This video was once again taken down due to a minute long Clip exposing GMOS! I have removed the clip and will wait and see if this video gets taken down too!

They Really did Block this video when I uploaded it the first time. It was cited for TWO, roughly 20 second clips. Saying those clips were BANNED WORLDWIDE! What were the two clips of?? BOTH CLIPS were of george w. bush Talking.

TRANSCRIPT FROM DELETED CLIP #1 - President George W. Bush Speaks to the Nation

The First Clip was from one of his speeches aired tv. Where he speaks of having an "Opportunity to forge for ourselves and future generations a NEW WORLD ORDER. A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be; we have a real chance at this NEW WORLD ORDER. An order in which a credible united nations can use its peace keeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of its founders."

OVERVIEW OF DELETED CLIP #2 - President George W. Bush talks to Reps from the GMO Movement. They essential are saying that they need to do certain types of testing to achieve what they want, but they're being held up by the USDA's process. At the End of the conversation, George w. Bush makes a questionable Remark. He tells one of the Reps " Call me, we're in the "Dereg" business."

THESE TWO 20 SECOND CLIPS CAUSED MY VIDEO TO BE BLOCKED WORLDWIDE. I have removed them from this video, so i don't see why there would be any more problems.

To me it seems more than coincidence that the BLOCKED VIDEO CLIPS were of the same person saying Shady things.

What do you think??! Let me know in the Comments!

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For those simply getting to be mindful of the profundity and expansiveness of duplicity and trickery which has been deliberately developed and forced upon mankind, these are energizing and maybe notwithstanding elating times. One should however never dismiss the way that the genuine history of control, and process by which it has been built up and supported, is abominable and nothing not as much as malevolent.

Mindfulness and comprehension of that which is truly happening without further ado on planet Earth accompanies an obligation. Is it time now, whereby we should recognize and pick between the genuine or incredible; who and what is honest to goodness, and who and what is most certainly not. We are at a point in time where the debris must be isolated from the wheat.

The turmoil holding the Middle East is an immediate consequence of the procurement of money, weapons and observation to Israel by the US, the most recent Snowden spill delineates. Obama's "vulnerable separation" is only for demonstrate, the Intercept's Glenn Greenwald composes.

In a striking examination, the previous Guardian writer uncovers the astounding difference between what the United States says openly, and what it does behind the window ornament.

This includes President Barack Obama's clear deplorability over the Middle Eastern area, and in addition the American adoration for freely posting Israel as a risk to territorial peace during a period when billions of dollars of its weaponry and insight were being supplied to the Jewish state following the 1960s.

VIDEO BLOCKED WORLDWIDE NWO Plans To Kill Billions of People ILLUMINATI 2016 Comp Presented By THEhippieMODERNE