Sunday, August 21, 2016

Obama’s Trilateral Commission Team

Obama’s  Trilateral  Commission  Team

Barack Obama appointed eleven members of the Trilateral Commission to top-level and key positions in his administration within his first ten days in office. This represents a very narrow source of international leadership inside the Obama administration, with a core agenda that is not necessarily in support of working people in the United States.

Obama was groomed for the presidency by key members of the Trilateral Commission. Most notably, Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller in 1973, has been Obama’s principal foreign policy advisor.

According to official Trilateral Commission membership lists, there are only eighty-seven members from the United States (the other 337 members are from other countries). Thus, within two weeks of his inauguration, Obama’s appointments encompassed more than 12 percent of Commission’s entire US membership.

Trilateral appointees include:

* Secretary of Treasury, Tim Geithner
* Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice
* National Security Advisor, Gen. James L. Jones
* Deputy National Security Advisor, Thomas Donilon
* Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee, Paul Volker
* Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Dennis C. Blair
* Assistant Secretary of State, Asia & Pacific, Kurt M. Campbell
* Deputy Secretary of State, James Steinberg
* State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Haass
* State Department, Special Envoy, Dennis Ross
* State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Holbrooke

There are many other links in the Obama administration to the Trilateral Commission. For instance, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is married to Commission member William Jefferson Clinton.

Secretary of Treasury Tim Geithner’s informal group of advisors include E. Gerald Corrigan, Paul Volker, Alan Greenspan, and Peter G. Peterson, all members. 

Geithner’s first job after college was with Trilateralist Henry Kissinger at Kissinger Associates.

Trilateralist Brent Scowcroft has been an unofficial advisor to Obama and was mentor to Defense Secretary Robert Gates. And Robert Zoelick, current president of the World Bank appointed during the G.W. Bush administration, is a member.

According to the Trilateral Commissions’ website, the Commission was formed in 1973 by private citizens of Japan, Europe (European Union countries), and North America (United States and Canada) to foster closer cooperation among these core democratic industrialized areas of the world with shared leadership responsibilities in the wider international system. 

The website says, “The membership of the Trilateral Commission is composed of about 400 distinguished leaders in business, media, academia, public service (excluding current national Cabinet Ministers), labor unions, and other non-governmental organizations from the three regions. The regional chairmen, deputy chairmen, and directors constitute the leadership of the Trilateral Commission, along with an Executive Committee including about 40 other members.”

Since 1973, the Trilateral Commission has met regularly in plenary sessions to discuss policy position papers developed by its members. Policies are debated in order to achieve consensuses. Respective members return to their own countries to implement policies consistent with those consensuses. 

The original stated purpose of the Trilateral Commission was to create a “New International Economic Order.” Its current statement has morphed into fostering a “closer cooperation among these core democratic industrialized areas of the world with shared leadership responsibilities in the wider international system.”

Since the Carter administration, Trilateralists have held these very influential positions: Six of the last eight World Bank Presidents; Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the United States (except for Obama and Biden); over half of all US Secretaries of State; and three quarters of the Secretaries of Defense.

Two strong convictions guide the Commission’s agenda for the 2009-2012 triennium. 

First, the Trilateral Commission is to remain as important as ever in maintaining wealthy countries’ shared leadership in the wider international system. 

Second, the Commission will “widen its framework to reflect broader changes in the world.” Thus, the Japan Group has become a Pacific Asian Group, which includes Chinese and Indian members, and Mexican members have been added to the North American Group. 

The European Group continues to widen in line with the enlargement of the EU.

Update by Patrick Wood

The concept of “undue influence” comes to mind when considering the number of Trilateral Commission members in the Obama administration. They control the areas of our most urgent national needs: financial and economic crisis, national security, and foreign policy.
The conflict of interest is glaring. With 75 percent of the Trilateral membership consisting of non-US individuals, what influence does this super-majority have on the remaining 25 percent?

For example, when Chrysler entered bankruptcy under the oversight and control of the Obama administration, it was quickly decided that the Italian carmaker Fiat would take over Chrysler. The deal’s point man, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, is a member of the Trilateral Commission. Would you be surprised to know that the chairman of Fiat, Luca di Montezemolo, is also a fellow member?

Congress should have halted this deal the moment it was suggested.

Many European members of the Trilateral Commission are also top leaders of the European Union. What political and economic sway do they have through their American counterparts?

If asked, the vast majority of Americans would say that America’s business is its own, and should be closed to foreign meddlers with non-American agendas.  But, the vast majority of Americans have no idea who or what the Trilateral Commission is, much less the power they have usurped since 1976, when Jimmy Carter became the first Trilateral member to be elected president (Project Censored Story #1, 1976).

In light of today’s unprecedented financial crisis, they would be abhorred if they actually read Zbigniew Brzezinski’s (co-founder of the Commission with David Rockefeller) statement from his 1971 book, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, which states that, “The nation-state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.”

Yet, this is exactly what is happening. The global banks and corporations are running circles around the nation state, including the United States. They have no regard for due process, Congress, or the will of the people.

Why have the American people been kept in the dark about a subject so great that it shakes our country to its very core?

The answer is simple: The top leadership of the media is also saturated with members of the Trilateral Commission who are able to selectively suppress the stories that are covered. 

They include:

• David Bradley, Chairman, Atlantic Media Company
• Karen Elliot House, former Senior Vice President, Dow Jones & Company, and Publisher, the Wall Street Journal
• Richard Plepler, Co-president, HBO
• Charlie Rose, PBS
• Fareed Zakaria, Editor, Newsweek
• Mortimer Zuckerman, Chairman, US News & World Reports

There are many other top-level media connections due to corporate directorships and stock ownership.

For more information, this writer’s original 1978 book, Trilaterals Over Washington, is available in electronic form at no charge at This site also has many papers analyzing various aspects of the Trilateral Commission’s hegemony in the United States and elsewhere, since it’s founding in 1973.

Source:  August, January 30, 2009
Title: “Obama: Trilateral Commission Endgame”
Author: Patrick Wood

Student Researcher: Sarah Maddox
Faculty Evaluator: Peter Phillips
Sonoma State University 


Saturday, August 20, 2016



Bethany Blankley

August 20 2016

Thanks to Judicial Watch and WikiLeaks, more information continues to come out proving the involvement of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in creating and funding the terrorist organization, ISIS.

Several pages of a 2012 report were released, which reveal communication among Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, and the Department of State’s involvement with over throwing Assad’s Syrian regime, funding al-Qaeda, and the likelihood of ISIS emerging as a prominent force in the Middle East region.

On page 289, the report explains the involvement of al-Qaeda, and which countries supported and opposed the Syrian regime change.


The report confirms that Hillary Clinton read it, from the recipient marking: “RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHINGTON DC.”

Additionally, WikiLeaks leaked documents supporting the facts stated in this report that Obama was supporting al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI); and al-Qaeda simply changed its name to ISIS. The report also accurately predicted that ISIS would take over Mosul, Raqqa, and Ramadan.

Former Pentagon official Michael Maloof, argues that Obama and Clinton created the unstable political situation in Syria, and provided the money, training, communications and weapons equipment needed to overthrow Assad, which are all now being used by ISIS:

 Obama and Hillary 'created the conditions for ISIS'
Former Pentagon official

Feds force transgender policy on homeless shelters


It seems homeless shelters all across these United States are discriminating against a certain group of people. I wonder if you can guess which group? I’ll give you a hint – even two.

Hints: It’s all the rage today and Bruce Jenner. You are correct. ThinkProgress is reporting that our federal government wants to protect “transgender individuals from discrimination by homeless shelters. The thought of ensuring that transgender people can find shelter if they need it has enraged many conservatives.”

Has it really? We evil conservatives are angry over homeless transgenders and wish to bar their entrance to homeless shelters. Really?

How many homeless transgenders are there anyway – and if they are homeless, where on earth did they scrape up the coin to get reassignment surgery? Maybe that’s how they all ended up homeless. They spent all their money on the surgery. Or could it be that all these transgenders merely “identify” as women (or men, but mostly women). That’s more likely.

5414974_origAnd apparently the “special” civil rights of transgenders are being abridged. To solve this, the new regulations will allow anyone to stay in the shelter of their choice based on the gender they “identify” with. Well, I don’t see a problem with that – do you?

ThinkProgress writes that the spoke to the president of the American Family Association (AFA), one
Tim Wildmon, regarding the impending HUD regulations do to be finalized in September. Evidently, Mr. Wildmon does see a problem. Go figure. ThinkProgress also goes out of their way to classify the AFA as an anti-LGBT hate group. But I suppose any organization who disagrees with the radical left on anything is a hate group. That’s the Alinsky way.

“Wildmon complained that everyone else will be made uncomfortable and unsafe if room is made at shelters for the ‘sexually confused.’”

What ThinkProgress and our 'government' doesn’t get (or does and doesn’t care) is that predators are neither “sexually confused” or stupid – as a Gospel Rescue Mission guest overheard someone on the street say, “Dude, if you go down to the rescue mission and tell them your transgender, you can sleep in the women’s dorm and even shower with them.”

But fear not all homeless females and minors. HUD is on the case as are all 'federal government' departments. The new mandate, “contains provisions for making case-by- case determinations to ensure the health and safety of shelters.” ThinkProgress writes that the policy explicitly ensures that, “Nothing in this proposed rule is meant to prevent necessary and appropriate steps to address any fraudulent attempts to access services where legitimate safety concerns that may arise in any shelter.”

Yes – our one-size-fits-all 'federal government' will make case-by-case determinations, because they excel at that – and correct me if I am wrong, but if safety concerns arise, that would mean something has already happened to cause the concern. By then, it is too late to prevent it. I know – knock it off with the logic. We’re talking transgender feelings!

And can you say federal lawsuit? Because of this ridiculous overreach by the feds, missions and shelters will be left in a no-win position. If they do allow all supposedly transgender people in, there will surely be incidences of abuse. You can bet on it. But if they refuse entry – the slighted she-male will run directly to the nearest HUD 'government' office crying discrimination and the feds will file suit against the shelter. You can bet on that also.

Unlike the Clinton Foundation, these charities have zero dollars to defend themselves, so they would be forced to accept everyone – which will garner them the reputation of being the predator shelter and close down. Either way – there will be no more homeless shelter – all due to the “special” civil rights of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the population – homeless transgenders. But  hey – you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet – or advance the agenda. And, as usual, that’s what it’s really all about.  


Tyson Foods

 Tyson Foods

Trending petition
There's a new petition taking off on, and we think you might be interested in signing it.
Petitioning Tyson Foods

Tyson: Stop Starving Birds

Petition by Compassion Over Killing

Tyson Foods keeps its breeder birds perpetually starving and desperate for food. When I started my investigation, I was prepared to see animals forced to live in miserable conditions, but I wasn’t prepared for was just how extreme that misery actually is. This is the first time anyone has worked undercover inside a “broiler” chicken breeding factory farm.

The egregious abuses were the most horrifying to witness: Tyson employees kicked, swung, and threw live birds by their wings, violently shoved them into cages, inhumanely and improperly killed them, and even punched or suffocated some animals to death. Workers also ran over birds with forklifts, crushed them with transport cages, and left them to slowly die.

I was also shocked to discover a
cruel and painful practice that few people even know about — it’s  never before been documented on hidden camera: workers grabbed young male breeder birds by their heads and stabbed dull plastic rods or “bones” through their sensitive nostrils, commonly referred to as “boning.” The wide plastic rods block the birds from fitting their heads inside certain food containers in order to limit what and how much they eat.

The good news is that after watching
our investigative footage, Tyson announced that it’s immediately ending this cruel and barbaric practice.

But there’s still a crucial underlying issue that Tyson needs to address about this practice: why was it being done in the first place?

Tyson’s chickens have been genetically manipulated to grow so unnaturally obese so quickly that they often collapse under their own weight and some suffer from heart attacks. With such extreme growth, these birds have developed extreme appetites. However, unlike an average “meat” chicken, who will be slaughtered at less than two months old—before these ailments fully manifest—breeder birds must survive much longer.

Thus, to prevent these breeder birds from growing too big, too quickly, Tyson deliberately starves them -- leaving the birds in a constant state of hunger.

So while Tyson is taking a step in the right direction by
ending the cruel practice of “boning,” these birds will continue to starve and suffer until the company stops breeding and raising birds who have been genetically manipulated for fast growth.

The best way we can help birds is to leave them off our plates, but we can also take a stand against cruelty by telling Tyson to stop starving birds! 
- Rusty, a Compassion Over Killing undercover investigator
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I guess Newsweek decided to go out with a bang
Newsweek Closed Its Doors with a Slam at Obama
Newsweek Is Now History.  The liberal Newsweek Magazine is going out of business, but not before it attacks the President.  This is quite an article, even more so when you consider that NEWSWEEK finally had the guts to admit it. WOW!  Newsweek COVER!!!  It is their last cover before they fold.  Also read the article at the end. AMAZING!!!
Finally, Matt Patterson and Newsweek speak out about Obama.  This is timely and tough.  As many of you know, Newsweek has a reputation for being extremely liberal.  The fact that their editor saw fit to print the following article about Obama and the one that appears in the latest Newsweek, makes this a truly amazing event, and a news story in and of itself.  At last, the truth about our President and his Agenda are starting to trickle through the protective wall built around him by the liberal media...

By Matt Patterson
(Newsweek Columnist -- Opinion Writer)
Years from now, historians may regard the 2008 election of Barack Obama as an inscrutable and phenomenon, the result of a baffling breed of mass hysteria akin perhaps to the witch craze of the Middle Ages.  How, they will wonder, did a man so devoid of professional accomplishment beguile so many into thinking he could manage the world's largest economy, direct the world's most powerful military, execute the world's most consequential job?
Imagine a future historian examining Obama's pre-presidential life: ushered into and through the Ivy League, despite unremarkable grades and test scores along the way; a cushy non-job as a "community organizer;" a brief career as a state legislator devoid of legislative achievement (and in fact nearly devoid of his attention, less often did he vote "present"); and finally an unaccomplished single term in the United States Senate, the entirety of which was devoted to his presidential ambitions.
He left no academic legacy in academia, authored no signature legislation as a legislator.  And then there is the matter of his troubling associations: the white-hating, America-loathing preacher who for decades served as Obama's "spiritual mentor;" a real-life, actual terrorist who served as Obama's colleague and political sponsor.  It is easy to imagine a future historian looking at it all and asking: how on Earth was such a man elected president?  There is no evidence that he ever attended or worked for any university or that he ever sat for the Illinois bar.  We have no documentation for any of his claims.  He may well be the greatest hoax in history.Not content to wait for history, the incomparable Norman Podhoretz addressed the question recently in the Wall Street Journal: To be sure, no white candidate who had close associations with an outspoken hater of America like Jeremiah Wright and an unrepentant terrorist like Bill Ayers, would have lasted a single day.
But because Mr.  Obama was black, and therefore entitled in the eyes of liberal Dom to have hung out with protesters against various American injustices, even if they were 'a bit' extreme, he was given a pass.  Let that Sink in: Obama was given a pass - held to a lower standard because of the color of his skin.  Podhoretz continues: And in any case, what did such ancient history matter when he was also so articulate and elegant and (as he himself had said) "non-threatening," all of which gave him a fighting chance to become the first black president and thereby to lay the curse of racism to rest? Podhoretz puts his finger, I think, on the animating pulse of the Obama phenomenon - affirmative action.  Not in the legal sense, of course.  But certainly in the motivating sentiment behind all affirmative action laws and regulations, which are designed primarily to make white people, and especially white liberals, feel good about themselves.  Unfortunately, minorities often suffer so that whites can pat themselves on the back.
Liberals routinely admit minorities to schools for which they are not qualified, yet take no responsibility for the inevitable poor performance and high drop-out rates which follow.  Liberals don't care if these minority students fail; liberals aren't around to witness the emotional devastation and deflated self-esteem resulting from the racist policy that is affirmative action.  Yes, racist.  Holding someone to a separate standard merely because of the color of his skin - that's affirmative action in a nutshell, and if that isn't racism, then nothing is.  And that is what America did to Obama.  True, Obama himself was never troubled by his lack of achievements, but why would he be?  As many have noted, Obama was told he was good enough for Columbia despite undistinguished grades at Occidental; he was told he was good enough for the US Senate despite a mediocre record in Illinois ; he was told he was good enough to be president despite no record at all in the Senate.  All his life, every step of the way, Obama was told he was good enough for the next step, in spite of ample evidence to the contrary.
What could this breed if not the sort of empty narcissism on display every time Obama speaks?  In 2008, many who agreed that he lacked executive qualifications nonetheless raved about Obama's oratory skills, intellect, and cool character.  Those people - conservatives included - ought now to be deeply embarrassed.  The man thinks and speaks in the hoariest of cliches, and that's when he has his Teleprompters in front of him; when the prompter is absent he can barely think or speak at all.  Not one original idea has ever issued from his mouth - it's all warmed-over Marxism of the kind that has failed over and over again for 100 years.  (An example is his 2012 campaign speeches which are almost word for word his 2008 speeches)
And what about his character?  Obama is constantly blaming anything and everything else for his troubles.  Bush did it; it was bad luck; I inherited this mess. Remember, he wanted the job, campaigned for the task.  It is embarrassing to see a president so willing to advertise his own powerless-ness, so comfortable with his own incompetence.  (The other day he actually came out and said no one could have done anything to get our economy and country back on track).  But really, what were we to expect?  The man has never been responsible for anything, so how do we expect him to act responsibly?
In short: our president is a small-minded man, with neither the temperament nor the intellect to handle his job.  When you understand that, and only when you understand that, will the current erosion of liberty and prosperity make sense.  It could not have gone otherwise with such an impostor in the Oval Office.
P.S.  Please send this article to family and friends throughout America and ask them to read and distribute this article to others.


Supreme Court Justice Signs Off on Obama’s Removal

Barack Hussein Obama has been narrowly dodging impeachment ever since he first took office seven long years ago. Now, however, it looks like his luck has finally run out. 

There’s a bombshell of a rumor going around right now that Chief Justice John Roberts has signed off on Interpol to have Obama removed from office for multiple counts of treason.
The charges are to include declaring war without consent of Congress, Second Amendment infringements, and abuse of the Posse Comitatus Act during the Bundy land dispute.

When Obama was sworn into office he took an oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America,” however according to the leaked document he’s guilty of the following crimes;
Article 1, Sect. 1
1. Used Executive Privilege in regards to Fast & Furious gun running scandal. When Government misconduct is the concern Executive privilege is negated.
2. Issued 23 Executive Orders on gun control – infringement of the 2nd Amendment.
3. Executive Order bypassing Congress on immigration – Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress.
4. NDAA – Section 1021. Due process Rights negated. Violation of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Amendments. White House: ‘War on terrorism’ is over Thursday, August 6, 2009
5. Executive Order 13603 NDRP – Government can seize anything.
6. Executive Order 13524 – Gives INTERPOL jurisdiction on American soil beyond law enforcement agencies, including the FBI.
7. Executive Order 13636 Infrastructure Cyber security – Bypassing Congress
Violations: Article 1 Section 1, Art. 4 sect. 4,
8. Signed into law the establishment of “NO Free Speech Zones” – noncompliance is a felony.
9. Attempt to tax political contributions –
1st. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Article I Section 7. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.
Violations: 1st Amendment, Art.1 sect. 7
10. Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) Law – Obama directed DOJ ( Dept. of Justice ) to ignore the Constitution and separation of powers and not enforce the law.
Article III, Section 3 – Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attained. White House: ‘War on terrorism’ is over Thursday, August 6, 2009
11. Drone strikes on American Citizens – 5th Amendment Due process Rights negated.
Article II Section 2. The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.
[The Trading with the Enemy Act (Public Law 65-91, 65th Congress, Session I, Chapters 105, 106, October 6, 1917) ] 18 USC 241 – Sec. 241
Violations : Art. 2 sect.2 , 5th amendment, 18 USC 241 – Sec. 241
12. Bypassed Congress and gave EPA power to advance Cap-n-Trade
Article I Section 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
Violations: Art. 1 Sect. 1
13. Attempt for Graphic tobacco warnings (under appeal) –
Art. 1 sect. 8 Section 8. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; (see list)
1st Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Violations: 1st Amendment. Art. 1 sect. 8
14. Four Executive appointments – Senate was NOT in recess (Court has ruled unconstitutional yet the appointees still remain)
Art. 1 sect 2 Section 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.
Art. 1 sect . 5 Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.
Violations: Art. 1 sect 2 & 5 ,
15. Obama took Chairmanship of UN Security Council –
Art 1 Sect. 9. Section 9. The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.
Violation : Art 1 Sect. 9.
16. Obamacare ( A.C.A. ) mandate – SCOTUS (U.S. SupremeCourt ) had to make it a tax because there is no Constitutional authority.
Art. 2 sect. 1 Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:–”I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Violations : Art. 2 sect. 1 , Amendments 1, 2, 9, 10, & 14, Art. 1 sect. 7
18. Healthcare waivers – No president has dispensing powers
1st. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
2nd. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
9th. The enumeration in the Constitution (narrative), of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
10th. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
14th. The Fourteenth Amendment, guaranteeing equal protection for all citizens, was necessary to secure for freed slaves the same rights as whites. Simply ending slavery was not enough. Prior to the Civil War, it was automatic in many states to treat blacks, whatever their status, as second-class citizens. A ruling by a court in Virginia in 1824 stated, without any effort at dissimulation, that, “And, yet, nobody has ever questioned the power of the legislature to deny to free blacks and mulattoes one of the fist privileges of a citizen — that of voting at election.”
Art 1: Sect. 7 All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.
Violations: 1st, 2, 9,10, & 14th Amendment, Art 1: Sect. 7
19. Refuses to acknowledge state’s 10th Amendment rights to nullify Obamacare ( Affordable Care Act ) .
Article I Section 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
Violation: Art. 1 sect. 1 , Art. 2. sect. 1 , 10th Amendment
20. Congress did not approve Obama’s war in Libya. Article I, Section 8, First illegal war U.S. has engaged in. Impeachable under Article II, Section 4. Obama falsely claims UN can usurp Congressional war powers.
Violations: Article I, Section 8, Art.2 sect. 1
21. Obama has acted outside the constitutional power given him – this in itself is unconstitutional.
Violations: Art. 2 sect 1
22. With the approval of Obama, the NSA and the FBI are tapping directly into the servers of 9 internet companies to gain access to emails, video/audio, photos, documents, etc. This program is code named PRISM. NSA also collecting data on all phone calls in U.S. Violation of 4th Amendment.
Violations: 4th Amendment.
23. Plans to sign U.N. Firearms treaty – 2nd Amendment.
Violation: 2nd ,4th, 9th, 10th , & 14TH Amendment, Art.1 Sect. 4 , Art. 2 sect. 1
24. The Senate/Obama immigration bill (approved by both) raises revenue – Section 7. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives;
Violations: Art. 1 sect 4th, 7 , & 8th, Art. 2 sect. 1, Art. 4 sect. 4,
25. Obama refuses to uphold the Business Mandate Law (ACA) for a year. President does not have that authority – Article. I. Section. 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States. The president ”shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed” Article II, Section 3.