Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Posted By: glasc
Date: Tuesday, 23-Aug-2016 11:36:37

Published on Aug 23, 2016 by The Next News Network
Lachlan Markay for the Washington Free Beacon reports George Soros’ dark money group planned a seven-figure cash infusion for a Planned Parenthood fund that spent millions lobbying to preserve its taxpayer subsidies after videos showed the abortion provider negotiating the sale of fetal body parts, internal documents reveal. Soros’ Open Society Policy Center, his vast political network’s 501(c)(4) “social welfare” arm, sought a $1.5 million boost for a Planned Parenthood legal, lobbying, and rapid response operation it called the Fight Back Campaign.

The Second Summit -- British Government Gratitude Explained

by Anna Von Reitz

Yes, I have been quiet this week.  And yes, there is a reason.
I have been holed up all week with a small group of researchers following breakthrough information discovered last week scattered throughout the Foreign Affairs Manuel. The results will take several days to explain.
Look at these two groups of words "United States of America" and "united States of America" --- look close. 
In the first group, you have a proper name in Upper and Lower Case, something called "United States of America".  This name implies that the "United States" belongs to something called "America".  In the second group, you have the word "united" being used as an adjective to describe something called "States of America".   Same four words, totally different meanings and entities involved.
The "United States" belongs to America as a possession (territorial), but the "States of America" are united.
This is the kind of word-play that occurs throughout all federal documents. There is a reason that it is called "Federal Code"----it is literally encoded so that normal people read it but don't grasp its meaning. 
Now look at these words:  "United States Citizen" and "citizen of the United States". 
One is, again, a proper name describing a Person from the United States (origin) who has agreed to be considered a "Citizen"  in the same way that the word "Frenchman" describes a French man.  The second group of words implies that the "citizen" belongs to the "United States" in the sense of ownership or possession.
If you do "reside" in the United States (District of Columbia and 57 incorporated "States of States" that exist only on paper as corporations or franchises of corporations) and you have agreed to act as a "Citizen" then you are indeed a "United States Citizen".   This implies that you are a government employee or government dependent of some kind, obligated to serve the government corporation(s) and more broadly, that you are a British Subject, a foreigner living here among us to provide governmental services---military or civilian.
This is because--- although we are never taught this in school--- there were two populations left on this continent at the end of the Revolutionary War: "free, sovereign, and independent people" and "inhabitants" --- British subjects left here to provide governmental services.  You have to be one or the other, and they are different from each other as Ireland is different from Spain.
By now you can figure out how you have (mostly likely, unless you really are a government employee or dependent) been mischaracterized and why and by whom. 
Understandably, employees have to do whatever their bosses order them to do, so as a "United States Citizen" you are at the beck and call of Congress and its whims and every political administration that comes or goes.  You get to participate in popularity polls every few years to select new slave masters, but you have no constitutional guarantees and instead of Natural and Unalienable Rights, you have "equal Civil Rights" which are not really rights, but "privileges" that may be taken away at any time.
Sound familiar?
And then, there are the "citizens of the United States"---- corporate franchisees, who aren't really government employees, but who have "voluntarily" agreed to serve the government by allowing the government to claim ownership of them and their material assets and have subjected themselves----their labor and their private property--- as chattel backing government debt. 
When the 14th Amendment to the corporate "constitution" was passed, the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation operating as the "United States of America" seized the title to all the African Americans who were supposedly set free by Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation.  Private slave ownership was abolished and public slave ownership began in the same breath.
Over time, the Masters of Deceit running the American Bar Association and the endlessly gluttonous politicians have contrived to reduce everyone who isn't a government employee to this second status as a "citizen of the United States". 
Which one are you?  Most likely--- neither.
Most likely you aren't actually a government employee ---civilian or military--- and aren't actually voluntarily subjecting yourself to serve the government as chattel property, either. 
You've simply been lied about and mischaracterized and defrauded by self-interested criminals in suits.
So, except for all the government employees reading this--- which includes federal, federated state, and federated county employees and military service members --- you are not a "United States Citizen" and you are not likely to "voluntarily" embrace being a "citizen of the United States" either----so what are you?  Really? 
The old Federal Code has you defined at 8 USC 1101 (a) (21).  You are a national having a permanent allegiance to a state--- the actual nation/state you were born in.  You are a Floridian, Texan, New Yorker, Wisconsinite..... and so on.  You are a non-citizen American State National. 
In their eagerness to claim that you are chattel property, abandoned property, any kind of property belonging to them,  they've even tried to confuse this simple fact. 
They have a category of "non-citizen" called an "American National"--- but that only applies to Samoans and people from Swain's Island. 
Note the word-play again:  "American National" in Federal-speak equals an American Samoan or Swain's Islander, versus the very similar "American State National" which equals Minnesotan, Californian, Ohioan.....and so on.
Behind all this deceptive word-play is a need to explain how nearly a billion  Americans over the past 83 years have been defrauded, mischaracterized, enslaved and preyed upon by the British Government and the British Monarch controlling the "United States" and by Westminster controlling the "District of Columbia Municipal Corporation"--- when they are all sworn  by the most solemn international treaties to defend and protect us on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways and to show us perpetual amity, friendship, and aid. And also how the French Government sponsoring the IMF has contributed endlessly to this fraud and predation against the American People while maintaining such cordial relationships and pretending such gratitude to its Liberators.
They could only do this by practicing what is in effect national identity theft, and by willfully misrepresenting and mischaracterizing us--- which is a violation of the Geneva Conventions  and a war crime, but which they have nonetheless done to our great detriment and their great shame.
First, their Stoodge, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "mistook" our honest trade names for Foreign Situs trusts owned and operated by his own bankrupt governmental services corporation doing business as "the United States of America".  How he pretended to just suddenly come upon these assets and offer them as collateral backing the debts of a private, mostly foreign governmental services corporation--- and got away with it----is evidence of massive international fraud. 
This was made possible because the name "Mary Jane Evans" used as a Trade Name on the land looks exactly the same as "Mary Jane Evans" used as the name of a Foreign Situs Trust operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  It was also made possible because the British Government, French Government, and Holy See stood mum in the face of this shameless false claim and bilked the American People.
In one vile act of fraud based on "deceptively identical names" Roosevelt established false claims of indebtedness against Americans and mischaracterized them and removed them from the land jurisdiction they are heir to.  In so doing, he also deprived them of the Law of the Land and the guarantees they are owed under the actual Constitution for the united States of America.  He also created the false idea that we and our states of the Union were bankrupt and incompetent to handle our own affairs and left us and our property to the mercy of the "US Trustees"---- the misnamed DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE run by members of the State Bar Associations. 
We can now show you the actual forms these devils in suits and black robes have used to deprive you of your lives, your freedom, your labor, your homes, your land, and everything else worth having on Earth.
The Americans soldiered on despite this gross abuse and fraud and little by little, our grandparents, parents, and we, ourselves, paid off the false debt imposed by the Roosevelt Administration.  In 1999, the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc., was finally discharged and settled.
Slowly, bit by bit, in every corner, Americans began rebuilding their lives and their actual organic States on the land jurisdiction---but largely without realizing the immensity of the fraud committed against them, nor the necessity of addressing it and formally reclaiming their names and estates on the land.
Now, the international bankers are trying to foist off another Great Fraud. They are trying to claim that we are "stateless" and that we no longer have any "currency in international circulation" and that all our land, etc., is "abandoned property"---- ripe for the Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt IMF franchise doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC., to come in here and steal everything in sight. 
But not all of us have been asleep, and as long as one American still lives on the land and claims their due as one of the "free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States" it will not be possible for the rats to pull it off.  Such was the genius of our Forefathers that we are each one of us organic states of the Union, so we cannot be stateless.  Each one of us is fully vested with the government of the land jurisdiction of this country.  Each one of us is a nation under international law.  And even one of us can claim it all back for all the others.
Suffice it to say that the alarm has been raised.  The false claims have been objected to.  Appropriate action has been taken---- but a lot remains to be done. Millions upon millions of Americans must be awakened to the danger and to the fraud which has been perpetuated in our midst.  They must be taught how important using the right name and operating in the right jurisdiction (on the land) really is.  They must understand how this fraud was executed so that it can never happen again. 
Please help get the word out and get your name changes and deeds of re-conveyance on the record. As millions of Americans wake up and reclaim their Good Names and their property and as international understanding of the fraud grows, the bankers, lawyers, and politicians who have created and implemented this gargantuan fraud scheme will be caught out and brought to justice.  This is all clearly a matter of crime, of moral turpitude, fraud, and intent to harm innocent people via racketeering and inland piracy and not a political matter at all.
The gratitude of the British Government has been expressed as willingness to endanger, defraud, mischaracterize, and rob their American Allies without mercy for the better part of 100 years.
It is to our eternal glory that we have labored and paid not only for our own debts, but for the debts of most of the known world.  It has been our part to rebuild what was destroyed --- albeit, we have done it as the victims of inland piracy and press-ganging and enslavement and fraud.
It is to the eternal shame of the British and French Governments and of the Holy See that this has been allowed to go on, as well as to the shame of all the "American" politicians who stood belly-deep in the fraud and who have fed upon it like pigs in slop. 

Now comes the Awakening, and with it, a great many accounts to be adjusted.
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com

Monday, August 22, 2016


Phone call leaked! 
All USA people need to see this! 
AUG-16 The NEW WORLD ORDER Exposed! 
Please Share

Published on Aug 10, 2016

Help USA! All American People Need to see this! Please share with urgency. 

While the RV continues to be delayed, here's what's happening across the nation

Soaring home prices and a shift toward weekend vacation rentals have created a housing crisis in ski country towns like Vail, Colo., above.  
Credit:  Nick Cote for The New York Times

BRECKENRIDGE, Colo. — On nights when she could not crash on a friend’s couch or unroll a sleeping mat on an attic floor, Chelsea Lilly tucked her silver Subaru into a supermarket parking lot or a dark spot along a mountain pass, wrapped herself in a green Army blanket and watched movies on her phone until she fell asleep.

Getting work at a day spa in this bustling ski town had been easy, but finding an affordable apartment this winter proved almost impossible. So Ms. Lilly, 34, bounced along an itinerant path of couches and borrowed bedrooms that has become a fact of life for workers in jewel-box tourist towns across the country. 

Nights in the Subaru got so cold that she shivered awake every few hours and ran the engine to thaw out.  “I didn’t know it was going to be like this,” she said.

The miners who once pried gold and silver from the heart of the Rocky Mountains would attest that living in paradise has never been easy. These days, soaring home prices and a shift toward weekend vacation rentals have created a housing crisis in ski country, one that has people piling into apartments, camping in the woods and living out of their cardboard boxes, tents, cars, trailers and pickup trucks (nationwide).

Local officials and housing experts say it is a symptom of widening economic inequality, one that is especially sharply felt in tiny resort towns hemmed in by beautiful but undevelopable public land. While the wealthiest can afford $5 million ski homes and $120-a-day lift tickets, others work two jobs and sleep in shifts to get by.

(Plan of the NWO - 2 levels of society - the haves and the have nots, the rich and the poor, the bosses and the slaves - right here in the united States to bring in the NWO and those to be picked up to go to the camps.)

It’s so much worse today than it’s ever been,” said Sara Flitner, the mayor of Jackson, Wyo., where the median single-family home price rose 24 percent last year to $1.2 million, according to the Jackson Hole Report. “When I go to the grocery store, I see the people who are sleeping in shifts. We see the gap continuing to widen between the uppermost levels of income earners and the rest.”
Ski towns across the West have been building affordable housing for decades — condominiums and apartments, row houses and cabins — but many officials say the demand is just too much.  Breckenridge is building 45 studio and one-bedroom apartments for workers with hundreds more in various stages of development. 

And the housing authority of Summit County, of which Breckenridge is the seat, is putting a new employee to work trolling vacation-rental sites to make sure people in employee housing are not illegally renting their homes to vacationing snowbirds.  “It’s so important that Breckenridge retain this identity of having locals live here,” said Elisabeth Lawrence, a Town Council member. “Real town, real people.”

Mitch Bishop works at a ski-rental service in Breckenridge, Colo., but lives 40 miles away in a trailer in Leadville. Credit Nick Cote for The New York Times

But a countywide housing survey from two years ago shows the challenges. It estimated a housing gap as high as 1,785 units by 2018.

In Jackson Hole, Wyo., carpenters and teachers are commuting from Idaho over steep, snowy mountain passes. Outside Crested Butte, Colo., so many seasonal workers and other visitors camped in the woods last summer that a local biological research station complained its research sites were being overrun by campers and cars veering off the roads.

“There are just tons of people here,” said Ian Billick, the executive director of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, which operates out of the mining ghost town of Gothic.

Local officials and employers have been struggling to find space for all the new arrivals and employees. Some are sleeping in their bosses’ spare bedrooms. The 2,300-person town of Telluride in southwest Colorado toyed with building tiny houses as a stopgap. In Steamboat Springs, Colo., where the vacancy rate for multifamily rental units was zero at the end of last year, bus drivers and hotel housekeepers have been living out of two motels converted to de facto dormitories.

Vail Resorts, which runs ski areas across the West, kicked up anger in December with a proposal to have its employees share bedrooms in the two-bedroom worker housing units in Summit County. The company said the option was strictly voluntary, and aimed at workers looking for a break in their rent.
Vail owns more than 3,200 beds to house flocks of wintertime employees, and said in December that it was dedicating $30 million to building more employee housing to address the crunch.

Yun Wang, 22, said she had easily found a winter gig delivering skis and boots to people’s condos and hotel rooms in the town of Vail. But she and her boyfriend, who grooms the slopes at night, could not afford anything near Vail, so they settled for the winter in an unheated basement in Gypsum, about 40 miles away.

Jacob Buettner shook snow off a rug at the trailer near Vail where he is spending the winter. Credit Nick Cote for The New York Times

She brought a space heater and was planning to buy a heated mattress pad with a gift card she got for Christmas. Her boyfriend rigged up a tarp to try to enclose their living space and conserve some heat. One night, out of curiosity, they brought a thermometer downstairs with them. It read 40 degrees, Ms. Wang said. "At least we have a roof over our head,” she said. “Vail’s having all these hiring events. They keep on hiring new people. Where are we supposed to live?”

The economic forces that are pricing middle-class families out of San Francisco and driving young professionals deeper into New York’s boroughs also sent Mitch Bishop farther and farther from his job at a ski-rental service in Breckenridge. After paying $200 a week to sleep on couches in Breckenridge and turning down the chance to share an R.V. for $600 a month, he ended up in a cheap rental trailer in Leadville, 40 miles from work.

The commute is beautiful, but the 7 percent grades can be a bit treacherous in his Ford Focus. One day, a snow chain snapped and tore up his car. Another day, he hit a patch of black ice and veered into a snowdrift.

Mr. Bishop said he was going to stick it out. He studied natural resources management in college and has worked as a kayaking guide and fly fishing instructor, aiming to make the outdoors his life. Colorado’s mountains are the place to do it, he said.  “I’m in the heart of it,” he said. “The economy here is booming. If you can’t find a job around here, you’re unhireable.”
Many workers floating from place to place said that, without money, having a sense of adventure was crucial to making it in the mountains. 

Jacob Buettner fitted out a trailer near Vail with a heater and gear to survive the winter. Drew Hannibal, who moved to Colorado from Michigan to work in retail, said he had camped in the woods until the October chill forced him inside. Rosalyn Gillund put all of her stuff in storage and in her pickup truck and is spending the winter on friends’ couches, making dinner or doing laundry as payment.  “I really didn’t know what else to do,” she said. “I can sleep anywhere. I’ve got that going for me.”


For the 'not-greedy' and self absorbed,  and those who have a REAL heart - not just lip flapping - to truly HELP - there are more than enough opportunities to help our fellow Americans.  The PROOF will come when - or IF - the RV is EVER released in this nation and the funds are SAFE (not confiscated by the banksters and/or 'government') in the banks while the various projects are underway.  THEN we will see who REALLY gives a da*n for his fellow man/woman.



Web  giant  caught  censoring  negative  information  about  Hillary  yet  again!

The ‘Clinton body count’ is an infamous list of alleged murders connected to the Clintons.

When a web user searches for “clinton body” on Bing or Yahoo Search, the suggested results all relate to the Clinton body count controversy.

However, search for the same term on Google and “clinton body” only returns suggestions related to auto-repair shops, and nothing to do with the Clinton body count.

Go ahead!  Try it for yourself.
While Google may not be outright censoring the information (people can still search for “clinton body count”), the fact that the term does not auto-complete clearly suggests that the company has altered its algorithm to clean up “conspiracy theories” about Hillary.

That’s interesting given New York Times columnist Farhad Manjoo’s demand that Google “fix” its search results by censoring information about Hillary’s ill health so as not to “give quarter to conspiracy theorists”

Back in June it was revealed by SourceFed that Google was indeed manipulating its search results to bury unflattering stories about Hillary.

“For example, when typing “Hillary Clinton cri,” Google’s auto-complete function brings up as its top choice “Hillary Clinton crime reform,” even though competing search engines Bing and Yahoo show the most popular search topics are “Hillary Clinton criminal charges” and “Hillary Clinton crime,” reported the Washington Times.

 Did Google Manipulate Search for Hillary? 

Published on Jun 9, 2016
UPDATE: Friday June 10

Google has responded to this video via an email statement to the Washington Times:

"Google Autocomplete does not favor any candidate or cause. Claims to the contrary simply misunderstand how Autocomplete works. Our Autocomplete algorithm will not show a predicted query that is offensive or disparaging when displayed in conjunction with a person’s name. More generally, our autocomplete predictions are produced based on a number of factors including the popularity of search terms."

Read the full article here:  http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2...

While researching for a wrap-up on the June 7 Presidential Primaries, we discovered evidence that Google may be manipulating autocomplete recommendations in favor of Hillary Clinton. If true, this would mean that Google Searches aren’t objectively reflecting what the majority of Internet searches are actually looking for, possibly violating Google’s algorithm. According to a research paper cited in this video, that kind of search result manipulation has the potential to substantially influence the outcome of actual elections.

Google Search Results Can Change Elections: http://bit.ly/1MTSboF
Wikileak’s Julian Assange Links Google and Clinton Camp: http://bit.ly/25LaEPF
Eric Schmidt, Head of Pentagon Board: http://bit.ly/21HREvG
Eric Schmidt Funds Groundwork: http://bit.ly/1FWIXar
Official 'Groundwork' Website: http://bit.ly/1WP53z3

In August last year, Politico reported on how “Google could rig the 2016 election” by altering its search algorithms.

“Google’s search algorithm can easily shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20 percent or more—up to 80 percent in some demographic groups—with virtually no one knowing they are being manipulated,” wrote Robert Epstein, who conducted experiments to prove it.

Epstein warned that Google can manipulate how people are thinking and influence their voting preference by utilizing the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME), which would include burying negative search terms that relate to Hillary Clinton.

Google adjusts its search engine algorithm 600 times a year, but the process is a closely kept secret. They rely on it being almost impossible to prove favoritism in search results, but it appears in this case the company has been caught red-handed.




Aug 21, 2016 10:00 am
Derrick Broze  

On Thursday construction of the controversial Dakota Access pipeline was temporarily halted near the Standing Sioux Reservation.

Cannonball, North Dakota – After two weeks of protests and arrests at the site of construction of the Dakota Access pipeline, local law enforcement announced that the pipeline would be temporarily put on hold. 

In a press conference on Thursday, Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirschmeier explained that the decision was related to safety concerns.

NPR Reports:

A spokesman for the company that is building the pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners, told The Wall Street Journal that “construction has been halted at the protest site” ahead of a court hearing next Wednesday, but that “it continues elsewhere.”
In July, the environmental group Earthjustice filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, seeking an injunction against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which authorized the pipeline’s construction.
“The construction and operation of the pipeline, as authorized by the Corps, threatens the Tribe’s environmental and economic well-being, and would damage and destroy sites of great historic, religious, and cultural significance to the tribe,” the lawsuit states.”
Last week protesters were arrested while attempting to block construction of the pipeline. The protesters have come from all around the country in support of the Sacred Stone Camp, which formed in response to the Army Corps of Engineers granting approval permits for construction.

The growing protests led North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple to issue an emergency declaration for southwest and south central North Dakota.

The protesters, or 'protectors' as they refer to themselves, are concerned that the pipeline will inevitably have accidental spills which will poison the local water supply. The project is set to cross the Missouri River not far from the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.

(This 'project' is taking place in the EXACT locations of concern for the platelets crossing the North American Continent in westward to eastward motion along with the forecast New Madrid Fault earthquake that will split this nation in two. The concern is definitely JUSTIFIED, and to continue this project in light of the forecasts pending tragedies is worse than irresponsible to our water, our land - food crops, and our people.  

See: http://www.infowars.com/a-new-madrid-earthquake-is-coming-and-america-will-be-shaken-like-never-before/ ;  http://www.charismanews.com/opinion/56874-foreshock-a-significant-earthquake-just-hit-the-new-madrid-fault-seismic-zone ; http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/new-madrid-earthquake-will-divide-united-states-half/ ;  https://dnr.mo.gov/geology/geosrv/geores/techbulletin1.htm ; http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3658855/Clock-ticking-megaquake-Missouri-cause-hell-break-loose-Middle-America.html ;  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1366603/Earthquake-map-America-make-think-again.html ; http://freedomoutpost.com/the-new-madrid-earthquake-that-will-divide-the-united-states-in-half/ )

The DAPL, alternatively known as the Bakken Pipeline, is owned by Houston, Texas based (wonder how deeply the Bushes are involved in this ridiculous project?) corporation Energy Transfer Partners, L.P., which created the subsidiary Dakota Access LLC.  The pipeline will stretch 1,172 miles upon completion and transport crude oil from the Bakken fields of North Dakota to Patoka, Illinois.

In response to the protesters concerns, Dakota Access LLC said the pipeline would include safety measures such as “leak detection equipment, and workers monitoring the pipeline remotely in Texas could close block valves on it within three minutes if a breach is detected.”

As The Bismarck Tribune reported, “Dakota Access LLC, a partner of Dallas-based Energy Transfer Partners, countered the Standing Rock lawsuit earlier this week by filing a lawsuit against several protesters, alleging threats to the safety of construction workers and law enforcement.”  (Total BS. Only the lawyers will 'win' - lots of monies in fees for their 'services' as they stretch their actions out as far as they can and as long as Energy Transfer Partners continues to pay the bills.)

The media has attempted to paint the protectors as violent and made allegations about the presence of pipe bombs. The allegations have not been confirmed and have been adamantly denied by the Sacred Stone Camp.

(Note:  Looks just like the standoff during the Bundy situation. Let's pray that no one gets hurt or killed, and that the rights of our Native Americans are upheld.)

Despite the temporary halting of activity near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, construction on the Dakota Access pipeline continues elsewhere. 

As of Saturday afternoon the Sacred Stone Camp was still full of supporters from different nations across the United States. 

The organization “Up To Us” is also calling for supporters to attend the injunction hearing in Washington D.C. on August 24. The hearing takes place at the U.S. District Court at 333 Constitution Avenue NW in D.C. from 1 to 5 pm.

Stay tuned to Activist Post for updates on the protests and the hearing. I will be reporting live from the Sacred Stone Camp from August 22 to 25.

Derrick Broze is an investigative journalist and liberty activist. He is the Lead Investigative Reporter for ActivistPost.com and the founder of the TheConsciousResistance.com. Follow him on Twitter. Derrick is the author of two books: The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion.

Derrick is available for interviews. Please contact Derrick@activistpost.com

Benjamin Fulford - The main factions in the battle for the planet earth and their current status

The main factions in the battle for the planet earth and their current status
Posted by benjamin
August 22, 2016
Notice to readers: Unless there are major upheavals, until August 29th, this newsletter will contain non-time sensitive, pre-written material as your correspondent will be on vacation.
The ongoing battle for control of the financial system, and thus control over the process of deciding what we as a species will be doing in the future, is reaching a climax. For this reason, this might be a good time to look at who the major players are and what their position is.
First of all, let us look at the Khazarian/Nazi faction that took over control of the Europe, Japan and the United States following the September 11, 2001 false flag attack in New York. This faction is led by George Bush Sr., David Rockefeller and their lackeys. Their plan was to reduce the world’s population by 90% through starvation, disease and war. Ample proof of this has been provided to various police, military and intelligence agencies around the world. Since the Nazi takeover of the United States was completed with the election stolen by George Bush Jr. in the year 2000 the government of the United States has tried to murder us through the release of bio-weapons including SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola etc.
To engineer mass starvation they released various crop diseases in the hope of devastating agricultural production. They also paid farmers around the world generous subsidies to produce “bio-ethanol” instead of food. This led to starvation in 33 countries that was only stopped when a World Bank whistleblower pointed out it was the subsidies for bio-ethanol that were responsible. This group has also attempted to start nuclear war with manufactured incidents in North Korea, Iran, Syria etc. They are now trying to accomplish this in the South China Sea by offering Australia, ASEAN, Japan and Korea as prizes to China if they start a world war.
This writer was invited to join the Nazi cabal by agents working for Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller. They explained that it was necessary to kill 90% of human beings in order to “save the environment.” They also explained that most humans did not produce anything useful and were of “inferior stock.” The genetic quality of the human race could be raised by getting rid of these “useless eaters,” they explained.
The members of this group are descended from a tribe of pastoralists known as the Hyksos who mastered the art of enslaving humans many thousands of years ago. They do this by controlling their food and information supply and by monopolizing organized violence (armies, police, secret services etc.).
The real reason they wanted to kill 90% of the population was that they were afraid of losing control over the planet as groups like the Chinese, the Muslims and the Hindus, who were not under their control, grew in population and power.
The Hyksos worship a goat faced being with a forked tail known over the ages by such names as Set, Baal, Marduk, Lucifer, Satan etc. They also practice human sacrifice, sometimes on a vast scale, such as in an engineered World War. There are probably no more than one million members of this group but they occupy controlling positions in many institutions of government, finance, religion, media etc. throughout the world. Many of them are erroneously labelled as Jews. To protect innocent people, we call them the Khazarian mafia. The top members of this group now have a one ton bounty on each of their heads and their names have been publicly listed up.
The main factions opposing this group in the Western world are the Christians, members of the Jewish faith who worship Yahweh, as well as atheists who believe only in the Golden Rule.
The elite members of this group tried to stop the planned massacre of “useless eaters” by proposing a carbon tax to raise funds to pay poor countries to preserve and expand their forests. The top people behind the global warming faction were from members of European aristocratic and royal families who supported Christian as opposed to Satanic ideals. They lost the power struggle in 2000 when their man Al Gore had the Presidential election stolen from him. The main problem with this group was that they created a lie about carbon-caused global warming to promote their tax. Their carbon trading scheme was also riddled with fraud.
Nonetheless, this group has considerable power exercised through the non-Satanic part of the Freemasons together with the element of the Catholic Church who had not been taken over by the Satanists. This group managed to replace Pope Benedict XVI in 2013. His replacement, Pope Francis, immediately began purging the Catholic Church of pedophiles, cleaned up the Vatican bank and reached deals with Cuba and Columbia to stop the flow of drug money to the Bush/Nazi faction of the CIA. There is talk of Francisco’s involvement in Argentina’s dirty war but so far his actions show he is trying to do good.
However, the leadership group that put Francis in power is still pushing for world domination through a carbon tax controlled and collected in secret by them. They will not succeed with this scam because it is based on lies and remains fraudulent. The group behind Francis is also pushing to have Donald Trump elected as President of the United States. If they succeed, Trump will start arresting many of the top bosses of the Khazarian mafia inside the US.
Working in harmony with these forces is the Red and Blue from Asia and their White Dragon Society allies.
The Red and Blue trace themselves back to organizations set up by Mozi (墨子)around 450 BC. These groups allied themselves in the 1700’s with the remnants of the Ming Bureaucracy, army and Navy in a fight to overthrow the Manchu conquerors of China. After many bloody failed attempts they finally succeeded in 1911 when they overthrew the last Emperor. This group then went largely dormant.
However, they came back into full war recently after they found proof the Bush regime had been spreading the bio-weapon SARS in an attempt to kill the people of Asia. They also learned about the Khazarian’s genocidal plans when they wiretapped the goings of at the Bohemian grove after Bush Jr. came to power. The Red and Blue were later joined by the dragon family which is a confederation of the old royal families of the world.
When the Asians sought allies in the West in their fight against the Khazarians, the White Dragon Society was formed. The WDS is a loose coalition that has its roots in the ancient traditions of the West that supported doing good works of all sorts.
These white knights were responsible for such things as the Magna Carta, democracy, chivalry, protection of the weak and the poor and the need to fight, if absolutely necessary, to protect all that is right and decent. WDS members are now in control of most of the US military industrial complex with the exception of the mercenaries working for the Bush/Clinton Nazi mafia. The WDS works in tandem with the Russian security services, British Secret Services, Freemasons, the real Muslim secret societies (as opposed to the fake Muslim Khazarian financed ISIS terrorists), Japanese secret societies, the illuminati, the Italian white nobility, the Royal Families of Europe, various martial arts societies etc. etc.
The Khazarians have now been reduced to a few pockets of control in Washington DC, New York, Saudi Arabia, Israel and a few rogue states.
If the Asians and their WDS allies make a big push it could be game over for the Khazarians and their ancient rule of terror and slavery as early as this year. Ending their rule would be one of the biggest events in human history during the past thousands of years. It could lead to world peace and an era of unparalleled prosperity.
This years’ autumn campaign will be one of the most important yet in this long hybrid war for control of the planet. This time real and total victory is a very realistic possibility. If everybody does their part we will be able to soon start a new age, a golden age, an age of wonder.

FEMA Camps: 3 Ways to End Up in One


Obama's FEMA Camps: 3 Ways to End Up in One 

(must read!)

This video just went viral and became one of the most controversial videos on the internet.

This "Blacklisted video" uncovers 3 ways your family can end up in one of Obama's FEMA concentration camp...

...and an easy way to escape from FEMA's deadly clutches.


From an American 8-22-2016

To: General Dunford, Chinese Elders & Grandfather, and Chinese President
CC: All Americans
RE: Enough is Enough!
Right now the word coming out of Reno is no RV yet! Why? We are promised times to be finished but we find that others namely the Chinese keep adding to the pile of activities to be finished before the Chinese releases the funds. Enough already! Let’s release the RV and clean up afterwards.
STALLING, STALLING, AND STALLING! Someone is getting paid off!
Clean up the country after the funds are release, come on!!
It’s been said that the Chinese would rather be late than early, come on, you got to be kidding. Are you kidding the People of the World? You the Chinese will sacrifice the world for your procrastination.
We find American’s very upset with the circumstances since we all know those who are currently sitting in those seats on the east coast in DC are the same ones who are trying to either stop the RV. We all know they want to stall until after the election since they will try to rig this corporate election so their candidate wins so she can pardon them from all these crimes. We also know they have Trillions of Federal Reverse Notes to bribe anyone to do whatever they want to slow down or even someone to stop it and make look like it is working or going through.
The American people are not stupid!
Why does the General just order all the military, support National Guard and militia to stand now and walk into Reno, pull in all the characters into their offices with ARMED Military plus support, NSA, etc. to have the final step finished and release the funds?
Are you worried what the American People think? Like a Military Coup? Come on, get the job done!
We all know that United States is the code name for UNITED STATES INC. which has been bankrupted for years and continues to be the government services provided for the Military under General Order 100, which all has to stop, Military.
So it is high time that YOU and all YOUR military officers step up and do what is right and correct for our country and American’s. RELEASE THE RV, NEW CURRENCY, ARREST the GOVERNMENT!
Do we need to quote the Declaration of Independence to YOU? Do we need to quote your OATH of OFFICE to YOU?
Here is what I will do, the UNITED STATES INC. had congress set forth a law called ‘Trading with the Enemies Act’ and as a civilian, living, breathing, man who walks, lives and works on the land called united States of America, I hereby release you of all responsibility of the ‘Trading with the Enemies Act’ and move forward to remove the current Government under Treason, Ricco Act, Embezzlement, etc.
General Dunford, follow the Officers Commissioning Oath
"I, _____ , having been appointed an officer in the (Service) of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)
The American people are mad, tired of wait for your action, we now expect actions to be executed effective immediately! That also includes you Elders!
Robert, An American who loves his country!

Can US Citizens Defeat UN Troops on America Soil?

revolution tv show

The establishment is practicing to defeat rogue American units who will fight to defend the people in the coming martial law subjugation enforced by foreign troops from the United Nations in UWEX 16.

Troops at Ft. Carson will be working with foreign troops to defeat civilian forces with COMBAT TROOPS.

Foreign mercenaries are training in Northern Colorado to defeat Guerrilla forces consisting of American citizens.

Denver International Airport just conducted a mock Guerrilla raid on the airport.

Foreign troops from Poland and Denmark are training for mass incarceration and gun confiscation at Camp Grayling in Michigan.

The above stories will be covered in the next release of the Red List News. For now, these stories illustrate that the current Junta running DC is preparing to fight American citizens in a guerrilla war and we are the Viet Cong.


The Sides Are Drawn

The coming civil war will consist of the present administration, the DHS, the Chinese, the Russians, Polish troops, soldiers from Denmark, Germany and France as well as the Canadians, who are obligated by treaty to assist our government to put down an American insurrection, versus the American military and the American people. This will be a United Nations action
Could a guerrilla war succeed? Is America equipped to fight a guerrilla war?


Four Types of Conflict

Military strategists identify four levels of conflict; (1) nuclear war is the Trump card of all conflicts; 2) conventional warfare; (3) guerrilla warfare; and, (4) terrorism.

Terrorism is the least preferred option by any insurgent group. With terrorism, there is absolutely no hope of final victory because territory is never occupied. For that reason, nobody aspires to engage in terrorism if they have a viable alternative and the American people do have a choice, given how well armed we are. However, terrorism arising out of a defeated guerrilla force is a distinct possibility as it would represent American guerrilla’s fall back position should they be defeated.

Please allow me to make one point perfectly clear. All of us, in these dire circumstances, will be front line participants. Being a sheep will not ensure survival, it will only mean that you will die like a sheep. Most Americans will be targets of the occupation forces as the MIAC Report which labeled Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Second Amendment Supporters, Ron Paul Supporters, veterans and now Christians as domestic terrorists. Does it make a little more sense as to why DHS made these bold proclamations as to who is a  domestic terrorist?

DHS understands and has demonstrated their understanding of these facts and has also prepared for what I just wrote about in the previous paragraph.


Can a Guerrilla War Succeed?

Guerrilla warfare, for most of human history, is not new. Tribal war, which traditionally pits one guerrilla force against another, is the oldest form of warfare. The new “conventional” form of warfare, which pits guerrillas against “conventional” forces, is more recent as it arose in Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago.

The good news for future American freedom fighters is that guerrilla war has been getting more successful since 1945, but unfortunately guerrilla fighters still lose most of the time. An analysis of past conflicts featuring guerrilla war reveals that only 25% of guerrilla forces, out of 443 such conflicts since 1775, were successful. The government prevailed almost 64% of the time with the remainder of the conflicts ended in a stalemate. Conversely, since the end of WWII, the percentage of success for guerrilla forces has indeed gone up to 39.6%. Yet that still means that government forces have continued to prevail 51% of the time.

When the American people engage in a guerrilla war in the upcoming years, the people have less than a 40% chance of success.

Guerrilla wars are rarely short and as a result do not favor the American culture and our collective psyche of instant gratification. When Americans flip the switch on the wall, we expect the light to come on. Will Americans set aside their entitlements as well as their entrenched soft lifestyle and rise to the occasion? Only time will tell.


Successful Guerrilla War

The Vietnamese culture with an external locus of control predominating the people in which the group is more important than the individual is the perfect mindset for guerrilla fighters. This could prove to be the American rebels biggest challenge because guerrilla warfare is not something that one does like driving over a speed bump. It is a way of life, a very hard way of life filled with misery, extreme sacrifice and unspeakable losses.

Successful guerrilla leaders such as Lawrence of Arabia, Mao, Castro and Giap all concur that there are three phases of any guerrilla war. However, before the phases can unfold there are two preconditions which must be met.

The first condition which is a prerequisite for guerrilla war, is based upon the fact that there has to be a decisive battle for the belief systems of the people as a whole. The globalists have invested billions of dollars in order to dominate the mainstream media. On the other side is the alternative media. Both sides are vying for control of the belief systems of the country and the bad guys are winning given the recent and unconstitutional enactment of Net Neutrality and now the takeover of the Internet by ICANN.

There are two very distinct ideologies playing out today in the court of public opinion. On one hand, the future rebels are adept at exposing the loss of national sovereignty and civil liberties every chance they get. Conversely, the globalist dominated media is spending billions of dollars to convince the masses that there is no such thing as a conspiracy theory and despite some governmental incompetence, the government loves and protects its people. And the globalists are being somewhat effective. Have you ever noticed that when you are describing a globalist inspired conspiracy such as what happened at Benghazi, and no matter how well documented your position is, that your audience frequently responds with “you must be one of these conspiracy theorists.” Our facts are rarely attacked because they are accurate, but the idea of the existence of any kind of conspiracy is what is challenged. This kind of programming coming from the media is brilliant and effective. Who is winning this war of words? The jury is still out, but the unmistakable conclusion is that the ideological battle lines for the upcoming conflict have clearly been drawn.
The globalists sell the sheep on the notion that we have to control you to protect you (from a threat of our creation), and the other side is saying, “we will take our chances, give us freedom.”

The second precondition which must be met prior to descending into guerrilla war consists of both sides engaging in an arms race. In response to the Obama administration’s threat of seizing our guns for the false flag events of the Aurora Batman massacre and Sandy Hook, Americans went on a gun-buying frenzy which continues to this day. DHS has engaged in their own arms buildup as they have purchased 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition to go with 2700 new armored personnel carriers and that is not all. The federal government has invested in 30,000 drones, super soldier robots and intelligence gathering techniques which are mind-blowing.

The architect of the Viet Cong Resistance, Vo Nguyen Giap, once said that the war against the French, and later against the Americans was a “People’s War”. The center of gravity is always the people. This isn’t only the center of gravity of the enemy but also the center of gravity of one’s own forces. The “hearts and minds” of the people decide the victor in any “People’s War”.


Vo Nugyen Giap

Giap further proclaimed that, “The war of liberation of the Vietnamese people proves that, in the face of an enemy as powerful as he is cruel, victory is possible only by uniting the whole people within the bosom of a firm and wide national united front based on the worker-peasant alliance.”(The Military Art of People’s War, p. 97-98).

General Vo Nugyen Giap, the architect of the Viet Cong strategy.

General Vo Nugyen Giap, the architect of the Viet Cong strategy.
Giap tells us that fear of the oppressor is a strong ally. Tell your neighbors about DHS and their 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and their 2700 armored personnel carriers. Speak about the Civilian Inmate Labor Program. Let people know they can be snatched off the street without due process under the NDAA. Talk to your friends about the detention camps and the Wackenhut buses that will take you there along with the trains containing shackles. Ask your neighbors how we can pay off $238 trillion dollars in unfunded mandates?  Make your friends see that a currency collapse is imminent.

It is time to scare the excrement out our fellow countrymen because these threats are real and they are life-threatening for the majority. Fact-based fear and repetition of the message are our best friends in terms of driving the public to our side. Subsequently, when Phase Two of the guerrilla war commences, we have the support of the people. However, don’t waste time on the hard core sheep among us. We do not need a majority to wage a successful guerrilla war.
Giap and his colleagues were brilliant at couching their words in such a way as to demonize his enemies, thus drawing closer support from the people. Notice his use of the term “The People’s War.” The “people” already resent the elite because they know that they are not and never will be part of the elite.

Average people understand that the golden rule is based upon those who have the gold, get to make the rules. Giap was a master at turning envy into resentment and then into hatred. People emote before they act. Consequently, we in the alternative media need to continue to appeal to the emotions of the people.
Remember, the use of the term “people” builds a sense of collective identity that is needed in every successful revolution. Therefore, fellow patriots, every word coming out of your mouth must speak of these problems in the collective. It is us vs. them, not black vs. white, gay vs. straight, citizen vs. illegal. The latter conflicts are the creation of the globalists to distract us while they continue to enslave us. This is class warfare and you need to pound the message into people’s head that the leaders of the major corporations pay no tax and you work until June of each year paying off your debt to this criminal government.
If you are talking to your friends about baseball, the weather and your child’s report card, do not fail to drop in a zinger about the globalists.   


Winning the Minds of the People 

The late Colonel David Hackworth, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran, once told PBS that he knew very early on, that if the US was going to win the Vietnam War, they had to win the people. The French made the mistake of ignoring the people and the Americans committed the same mistake. The Viet Minh and later the Viet Cong won the hearts and the minds of the people and thus, won each guerrilla conflict.

Hackworth related the following metaphor in his PBS interview, “The guerrilla is the fish and the people are the water. If you want to kill the fish, you remove the water. If you want to kill the guerrilla, you remove the people, because they find all kinds of assistance, medical help, they put out the booby-traps, they provide the intelligence and they provide the trail-watchers. They are the sea in which the guerrilla swims.”


Defeating a Superior Force?

Most people wrongly assume that American civil war will fail because the other side will have the most devastating weapons and greater numbers of military personnel. However, this fact did not prove to be the decisive factor in Vietnam. The third factor necessary to successfully engaging in a civil war will consist of the resolve of the rebel force.

Over two centuries ago, Chinese military strategist, Sun Tzu, spoke about the importance of placing an inferior military force on “death’s ground”.  The term, death’s ground, simply means that surrender is not an option as it equates to sure death. If an insurgent group feels that it has no choice but to win or die, they will become a formidable fighting force regardless of the discrepancies in military prowess. Therefore, it is incumbent for all of us to keep pointing out how the other side is already preparing for genocide through the use of catastrophic false flag events, mass roundups and indiscriminate executions. The motto of any rebel force must be that for every ten the enemy sends to our shores, we must endeavor to send nine home in a body bag for in the end, any insurgent group will achieve final victory through attrition. The civil war must become too expensive for the oppressing force to absorb.


How Long Would a Successful Civil War Last?

There is not a hard and fast answer to the question as to how long would the American people have to resist until the opposition makes a risk-reward decision to discontinue the oppression. The Russians, the DHS and the Canadians could be worn down in a few years. The Russians demonstrated their culture’s lack of resolve in Afghanistan. The Canadians are almost as soft as the American people are today. The DHS will emotionally crumble in a few years. However, any formidable military force from an Asian culture will likely have staying power.
The French dominated Vietnam for ages. However, when the Vietnamese people were invaded by the brutal forces of Japan in 1941, the people were placed on death’s ground. When Japan was defeated in 1945, the French returned to claim their former colony. However, Giap and the Viet Minh, the predecessor to the Viet Cong, refused to capitulate and the Giap forces defeated the French in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954. Are you keeping score, to this point? The Vietnamese people had been fighting nonstop for 13 years.

After the defeat of the French, French Indochina was partitioned by the UN into North and South Vietnam and it was done in such a way to guarantee the continuance of the hostilities and a civil war between North and South ensued. Eventually, the United States sent ground troops to Vietnam in 1964. The war continued until 1975. Yes, that is correct, in order to achieve final independence, the Vietnamese people endured 34 years of war. The Vietnamese used to have a saying, “Born in the North, to die in the South”.

The Chinese and the North Koreans will have the same resolve. However, the military planners in this country have plans for dealing with the Chinese very early on in this coming conflict based upon this principle and this will be revealed in the next part of this series.


America Will Fight

13603-1You say that you do not have the stomach for such a conflict? It is too late! War has already been declared on you when this administration passed the NDAA which gave Obama the authority to snatch Americans off of the street without due process for indefinite detention or worse. War has already been declared on you when Obama enacted Executive Order 13603 which allows the government to conscript its citizens in work brigades irrespective of health and age. War has already been declared on you when DHS reached agreements with the major league sports franchises and the malls to allow their facilities to be used as detention camps. War was declared upon the American people when an illegal alien, who was bred by communists, was allowed to occupy the White House and bring totalitarianism to America .



Personally, I do not wish for this scenario to unfold. Therefore, how can I be sure America will rise to the occasion and fight? When Americans witness their friends, family and neighbors being eliminated with extreme prejudice, Americans will come to realize that we have been placed on death’s ground and we will have no choice but to fight to the death.