Friday, September 23, 2016

Intel SITREP Report - GCR/RV, Republic, Military, Cabal, NESARA/GESARA

Intel SITREP Report - GCR/RV, Republic, Military, Cabal, NESARA/GESARA


Received via email for publication......

Good afternoon currency community,
Ok, here's what we know after last nights intel drop…

The final military special ​forces ​ops and ghost ​tactical sweeps have begun​, we are hearing the mission is casually being called "Operation Catch & Release​" for obvious reasons.  This ​sweep ​includes corporate bad actors of the cabal as well as military and government ​high profile ​targets​, basically anyone on the ​"​super naughty list​"​ is ​now ​being ​permanently terminated--no questions asked​, no arrest​s, no courts, no stinking badges.

Sadly​,​ this ​is the ​​ultra aggressive military action many have been asking for.  ​It's cold blooded and comes without warning.  It also was ​astrologically and strategically ​begun ​after Mercury ​Retrograde went direct in Asia​, as this is what the Chinese believed was the optimum day and time to start the final phase of execution.  Know they are very precise with everything they do and say.  So as arrogant and entitled Westerners, it's wise we listen to what the Chinese have to say now… as they're running the world's finances just as Russia is now the new international super​cop on military scene.  Ears open, mouths shut 'cause there's a ​few new sheriffs in town.  ​

​The month of ​September was ​always the month for final implementation of all aspects of the GCR, with the RV and Paris Agreement being key components.  As October 1, 2016 marks the international legal and fiscal start of the new CIPS/Promise/Quantum Satellite delivery platform.​  All monies have long been settled in necessary domiciles and accounts, and it sits waiting for mass release.  Smaller releases have occurred, and continue to occur, with the larger release still awaiting "go authorization" from the military generals now in charge.  ​

So whatever hot spots militarily remain, or political like ​here ​in the USA, ​consider all now being satisfactorily resolved before the month's end.  Know​ too​ that all solutions ​to existing problems have long been in place and ​just ​waiting ​on ​execution orders​ once the adversary has bleed out and surrenders.  There is no struggle on the part of the new global authority to impose their will​ on the cabal​.​  their higher mind strategists have mathematically eliminated the cabal going back centuries… yes centuries this process started to arrive at this historic moment of transition and release.  ​

As an example, we hear now that Russia has yet to submit its Paris Agreement ratification at the UN General Assembly--which runs until Monday 9.26​.16.  This was highly unexpected come Wednesday morning when 60 total nations had submitted their ratification, but only 48% carbon emissions were accounted for.​  ​Russia's 7.35% carbon emissions rating being ratified immediately puts the Paris Agreement agreement into force with 55%+ (i.e. in compliance.)​.  We ​also ​now understand Russia's ratification not only implements the Paris Agreement, but also activates the new global gold standard which is buried secretly within the Paris Agreement.​  This was always planned… there's nothing new or shocking about this tactic.  And there was never any delay, because they always planned on waiting till the last possible moment before releasing. 

Every drop will be drained out of the cabal swamp before mass hydration begins without exception, including sovereign nations and their government leaders(T1), corporate boards and executives plus sovereign family individuals (T2) or private citizens of any stature or standing (T3)--BAR ABSOLUTELY NONE!  This corresponds to what Bruce on the Big Call has always said in terms of there being a "shotgun start".  As the release event is truly a moral and physical moment of fairness and parity for all humanity to begin anew as equals. 

​This is also why we believe Putin ​holds all the final RV release cards and why nations like Israel, Turkey, Ukraine and even the USA must surrender all military objectives because he has cleverly waited everyone out in every major crisis area such as Ukraine, Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Palestine to resolve the matter in his favor (because no nation good or bad can hydrate without Russia's ratification paperwork).  General Li waits on Putin.  General Dunford waits on Putin.  As Mr. Putin is not so suddenly the most powerful player in the world at this moment, per the Elder's and PROC's consent.  For Russia's military might alone holds the fate of the gold standard via the Russian ratification of the Paris Agreement, which creates insurmountable political leverage both militarily and financially on every remaining bad nation-state actor and/or individual in the banking sector.  

It's a genius strategy actually because if indeed the Paris Agreement​ is being ​held back from being put into force​, so too is the legal start of the RV.  ​Thus even China cannot override the system, but that's just how incredibly close​ we are​ to receiving this amazing blessing, yet still ​we must ​helplessly wait ​as ​the ​hard​​ core cabal actors accept ​complete ​defeat.​ 

Sources inside "The Committee" macro financial meetings in ​Beijing​ say global release has been any minute reality since the start of September​--this was committed in late August​.  ​So they ​too are waiting on ​said military issues to resolve--​as we know with certainty ​it's not a banking ​delay or issue at this point​, and has not been for several weeks.   Even the Wells Fargo John G. Stumpf (CEO OF WELL FARGO) public flogging was more about removing an individual bad actor from the block chain--not with Wells Fargo as the lead redemption entity in any way--Stump was a pruning or thinning of the herd at the top so to speak.  

​In the meantime, tons​ and tons​ of unbearable pressure is now being p​laced upon all non​-complying ​cabal ​actors here at the very end.  It's not just Russia​ applying the pressure, it's all sovereign nations waiting to get paid, but Russia​ ends up taking ​all ​the heat--and why Obama ​called them specifically​ out​ in his UN speech.​  The Chinese and Russians are draining the cabal swamp down to the last possible drip to ensure they cannot fight back with a re-hydration of funds from a systematic level.  Either play by their new rules or leave the game.  Negotiated options are not acceptable at this stage.​  Comply or cease to exist as an individual or nation.  Harsh measures, sure, but absolutely necessary if you understand the depth and scope of the cabal's global octopus of corruption against all humanity. 

​Now yes, sadly, excruciating suffering is also being allowed ​in third world nations​, all nations of the world in very different ways, in order to set the GCR/RV/GESARA foundation right to insure this new platform of human existence can properly hold the moral weight of an upcoming 1,000 years of light.​  We're all paying an earthly price for s a heavenly blessing, because just as we all suffer so too shall we all be blessed beyond our wildest comprehension.

As for the US Presidential elections there's a few things to consider before making a decision on what's really happening.  First, it's out understanding that the USA, Inc's form of government has defaulted per ruling from the World Court, meaning, the office of President we all grew up with is no more because the form of government we all grew up with is no more.  Second, both the DNC and RNC are remnant entities created by the old USA, Inc. intended to control the candidates that you the mass population of the USA voted on.  Thus, neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump, nor any candidate presented in the current election scenario can win an office that legally no longer exists.  Fourth, to replace the now default USA, Inc., like in any bankruptcy, a work though plan had to be created and approved by the World Courts in agreement with the USA's major financial creditors where were China and Russia (via our US Treasury Bonds). Those countries asked that the old Republic of the United States be resorted per the original US Constitution circa 1776, and as a result, quietly without public mention, leaders for the Republic of the United States were selected and seated without attention.  These leaders have been running the affairs of Americans for nearly two years now without mass knowledge (for everyone's protection). 

In October, or perhaps a little before, public knowledge of this restored constitution Republic will be made known, and both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will be removed from consideration as potential Presidential candidates.  The election cycle will be lengthened per Congress' authority, per the original Constitution, till January 3, 2017.  New candidates will enter the arena, that have been pre-approved by the Chinese, Russians and World Court in agreement with the temporary leadership of the temporary leadership of the Republic (General Joseph Dunford).

Everything that will happen in the future might appear shocking to most, but in reality, this work through strategy has long been in the making,g oing back to August 2013 when China and Russia began legal proceedings against the USA, Inc, which actually finalized when Puerto Rico defaulted in 2015, as the USA, Inc. was incorporated in Puerto Rico in 1871.  Not coincidental, Pope Francis suddenly arrived in the US for the first time, and declared the Golden Jubilee for the world ending on November 20, 2016.  This is important because Rome owned all corporations in the world, and thus released all corporations in the world at the same time--including all governments and banks they covertly owned without public knowledge.  

All of this information is offered now so that you fully understanding why you get to redeem currency for such a high price, without a massive public revolt or overt coup d'tat on your own soil.  What's occurring folks is biblical yes, but more so divine in nature and scope.  Humanity is being released, not just 800#s, and we're all being allowed to experience such infinite wealth because God has declared our sovereignty--not the Chinese, not Russia, not the World Court Head Magistrate, not the Elders, not Putin or Xi Jinping, and certainly not the better discernment of mankind on his own.

​Do remember ​this tutorial when you are participating in the restoration of your planet, ensuring the survival of your species and actively engaging in the second greatest moment of human history ever recorded; ​because such an honor ​does ​comes with a steep price, as it should, as it must​; for to much is given, much is expected.  So ​try and ​remain grateful ​as you wait this final phase out because to be even slightly aware of what is going on behind these scenes ​separates you from the overwhelming major of your family, friends, community, country and continent have absolutely no clue what's going down, let alone what's coming up.​  And the whole point of this global reset and revaluation of currencies, is to unify mankind and expose the cabal lie that we are in any way separate from one another.  ​


God is with us.

​(SIDE NOTES: 1) A few ZIM Private Negotiated Exchanges (PNE)​ have well exceed four digit rates in Europe​, Canada and Australia for select redeemers​--so keep that mind when asking for your rate--there truly is no financial ceiling as you understand it--the bigger question is what can you handle comfortably versus what rate can you achieve​​; 2) ​T​his ​blessing ​is the ​Chinese ​Elder's gift to humanity.  We go at their pacing, their rates, their dates, and their way.  ​If you don't like the rules of this game, don't ever have to redeem your currency.  Your notes can sit in your sock drawer forever and crumble into dust for all their care.  However, if you can stay plugged in, wait it out with all your brothers and sisters across the globe, there is infinite reward waiting for you far beyond your wildest dreams. Do you believe this?  Well, that's up to you.  It's risky either way you decide.  But consider this, at least you have been given some context as what's occurring​ in real time​​… and maybe, just maybe, the world is being reset to a loving Christ frequency that no man, woman, child or country can deny or resist, as no frequency of scarcity or lack will exist outside of such a harmonious setting.  That means poverty, disease, hunger, homelessness, unemployment, ignorance, war, crime, hatred, toxic air and water, etc… just won't be allowed into this new benevolent paradigm.  ​​​​Again, at least you have been offered some intellectual food for thought if nothing else.  Please do consider all possibilities pre and post RV as it relates to this being spiritual event.)
RV, Republic, Military, Cabal, NESARA/GESARA -

Thursday, September 22, 2016

John Kerry: Gave gaping yawn during Obama's UN speech!


September 22, 2016 2:20 pm

Mark Knoller, CBS News White House correspondent, caught a fantastic photo of Secretary of State John Kerry at the United Nations.

While President Barack Obama spoke on whatever left-wing topic suited his fancy at the moment, Kerry sat in on the speech and played the ever-attentive right-hand man.

Except for when he gave a gaping, uncovered yawn for all the world to see.

If that’s not embarrassing for the president, I don’t know what is.

. in the General Assembly chamber as delivers UN speech.

The photo was published by Knoller and posted to Twitter.

If you can hearken back 12 years ago to the 2004 debates between John Kerry and then-President George W. Bush, you may remember Kerry (as I do) as being, well, a boring speaker.

His lack of charisma played a part in his loss to Bush in 2004 — and apparently he feels the same way about Obama.

Granted — it is possible, more than likely really, that John Kerry was exhausted from running from meeting to meeting, preparing whatever was set on his agenda for the next day, and that the yawn simply came from being overwhelmed with all the tasks he was undertaking.
Still — cover your mouth or something. You look ridiculous.

This is not the first time Kerry has made us all laugh. In fact, back in the aforementioned 2004 campaign, three different Davenport, Iowa, banks were robbed the same night both he and George Bush were campaigning in the city.

Kerry’s response?

“I just want to assure you that both President Bush and I have very firm alibis,” reported Ranker.

OK, that was kind of funny. And that time, it was on purpose.


Please share this on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think!
Do you think Kerry is in trouble with his boss?

Sneaky Name Change Has High Fructose Corn Syrup Hiding In Your Health Food

Consumers are finally catching on to the fact that what we put in our mouths effects our waistline as well as our health. Since consumers have become much smarter and finally waking up to these realities, they are demanding healthier food choices. Every food company is smearing 100% natural on every box of anything regardless of whats inside the box. Now we have to know the new sneaky name to know whether or not we are consuming High Fructose Corn Syrup or not. Obviously the best way to avoid this mess is to buy from companies you really trust. 

Big food companies are hiding ingredients they know we really don’t want to consume in their products. This time it’s the presence of a new version of high fructose corn syrup. But this is not the innocuous fructose that has sweetened the fruits humans have eaten since time began. This is a questionable ingredient with many names that could be causing all sorts of health problems. 


Wanta! Black Swan, White Hat : Secret Agent's Introduction on Panama / Noreiga Deep Cover Investigations, Authorized by R W Reagan



H.R. 20 - 103 rd CONGRESS ( 1993 - 1994 )





The Principality of Snake Hill [ Commonwealth of Australia Secession ]
Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta to the United Nations, United States
Diplomatic Passport No.  60160424
Country Codes :    QS    QSH     923
Telefon No.       (202) 379 2904  x001

'Black Guns Matter' Focuses On Firearms Education To Decrease Violence

Philadelphia, like many American cities, is trying to control gun violence. Last year, more than 200 residents were killed in gun-related homicides. A group called Black Guns Matter wants to bring those numbers down. The focus is educating gun owners. For NPR's Code Switch team, Bobby Allyn from member station WHYY reports. 

BOBBY ALLYN, BYLINE: Gun violence has plagued the city for decades. Instead of more regulations, Maj Toure wants to get more gun owners, licensed and unlicensed, educated about firearms. His target audience - it's a broad group.
MAJ TOURE: Rappers, drug dealers, lawyers, doctors, firearms advocates, anti-gun people - these are people that I call my circle. 

ALLYN: His group, Black Guns Matter, held a kick-off event recently at a firearms training center just north of Center City. Participants learn how a gun works, the kind of damage it can inflict, how to properly transport and store one and methods for toning down a conflict way before a gun is pulled out. Trainer Jose Morales, who's helping out Toure's group, spoke to about a dozen attendees. 

JOSE MORALES: Anybody heard of somebody who got their gun stolen from their home or their car? Raise your hand. Keep them up. Keep them up. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven - seven guns right now. 

ALLYN: West Philadelphia resident Jane Haney listened. Later, she began filling out an application for a concealed carry permit. 

JANE HANEY: I was a victim of a home invasion before. And my son been shot at 17. And I want to be able to protect myself and my family. 

ALLYN: She's exactly the kind of person Toure is trying to reach. At first, Toure seems like an unlikely leader of this kind of effort. He's an artist and activist and connected to Philly's Black Lives Matter movement. But he's also a dues-paying member of the NRA. 

TOURE: And I have certain questions about the NRA's movement at certain times in American history. 

ALLYN: Civil rights historian Charles Cobb says there's a long history of gun ownership among activists. Cobb wrote a book about the role guns played in the civil rights movement. 

CHARLES COBB: Fannie Lou Hamer had shotguns in the corner of her bedroom. Medgar Evers traveled with a rifle in the trunk of his car and a pistol beside him on the front seat. 

ALLYN: Cobb says one of the reasons why Toure's group is so exceptional is that much of the current gun rights activism is fueled by fear among whites.
COBB: Really, what they're peddling is that you need your guns 'cause there are savages out here. And they're black and they're Latino - or they're not white, anyway. 

ALLYN: Back at the event, Toure spoke about changing perceptions about black men carrying guns. He hopes that, with more conflict-management skills, law enforcement will view armed black men as less of a threat. He also hopes that, with his education focus, he should be able to find common ground with gun-control advocates. He's already gotten some qualified support from an unexpected corner. 

SHIRA GOODMAN: I'm Shira Goodman. I'm the executive director of CeaseFire PA. 

ALLYN: Groups like CeaseFire have been trying to combat gun violence by pushing for increased background checks and ways to stop people from illegally buying guns for others. Goodman disagrees with Toure's underlying premise that more guns make neighborhood safer. But overall, she supports Black Guns Matter's education campaign. 

GOODMAN: They're having this conversation within the community. It's not outsiders coming in. It's really important. 

ALLYN: And that's part of the mission Toure's on. He sees the Black Guns Matter campaign as a way of changing the narrative around firearms in black neighborhoods. 

TOURE: In our community especially, maybe even deliberately, there's a lot of misinformation and ignorance. And if we continue down that same path, we're going to keep getting what we've been getting. 

ALLYN: He admits that not everyone carrying a gun on the streets is going to be receptive at first. But he hopes that, as word spreads, more minds will open up. For NPR News, I'm Bobby Allyn in Philadelphia.
: He was "allowed" (LOL, Yeah, RIGHT) to drive away
: alive: White motorist armed with a GUN is filmed driving
: slowly through crowd of protesters in Charlotte

: A video surfaced on social media that purportedly showed a
: white man drive into the crowd of demonstrators and
: brandish a gun (circled) before he was "allowed"
: to drive away.. see video at link. 

: Read more:

Obama - Worlds Biggest Slave Owner

Obama  Becomes  Worlds  Biggest  Slave  Owner  As  Largest  Prison  Strike  In  US  History  Continues

A new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today on the largest prison strike in American history stunningly reveals that Barak Obama has now become the worlds biggest slave owner—and that contrary to what many believe, is still legal in the United States

According to this report, unlike any other developed country in the world, the United States still maintains the practice of legal human slavery that is allowed under their Constitutions 13th Amendment that saysNeither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”— and that US Supreme Court has upheld by their ruling thatslavery is neither a cruel nor unusual punishment”.

As Obama is the chief law enforcer in the United States, this report continues, the 2.3 million slaves he rules over are held in barbaric conditions and reside in 1,719 State prisons, 102 Federal prisons, 942 juvenile correctional facilities, 3,283 local jails, and 79 Indian Country jails as well as in military prisons, immigration detention facilities, civil commitment centers, and prisons in the US territories.

To how Obama’s slave numbers have been able to increase so shockingly large, SC analysts note has been due to the United State’s nearly fifty years “War On Drugs” that was begun in 1971 and still continues today—and that the Obama regime itself admits has been “an epic failure

With the actual crime statistics proving that violent crime in the US has dramatically decreased from 1971 to the present, in 1971 the US prison slave population was 143,000—but its rise to today’s shocking number of 2.3 million has nothing to do with crimes, but the free labor these slaves are forced to perform for some of America’s largest corporations—including Whole Foods, McDonalds, Wendy’s, Wal-Mart, Starbucks, Sprint, Verizon, Victoria’s Secret, Fidelity Investments, JC Penney, Kmart, American Airlines and Avis, just to name a few. 

The massive US corporations making billons-of-dollars
from the Obama regimes modern day slave racket has, likewise, benefited both Obama and Hillary Clinton as they’ve received hundreds-of-millions in campaign donations from them to continue this practice and, should Hillary Clinton 'win' the US presidency, would be insured to continue. 

Standing alone against their present owner, Obama, are these slaves themselves who for months have managed to engineer the largest prison strike in American history that began with dozens of prisons across the United States organizing through a network of smuggled cell phones, social media pages, and the support of allies on the outside—with the effort culminating in a mass refusal to report to prison jobs on 9 September, the anniversary of the 1971 Attica Prison Uprising and whose organizers wrote:
This is a call to action against slavery in America,” organizers wrote in an announcement that for weeks circulated inside and outside prisons nationwide, and that sums up the strikers’ primary demand: an end to free prison labor. “Forty-five years after Attica, the waves of change are returning to America’s prisons. This September we hope to coordinate and generalize these protests, to build them into a single tidal shift that the American prison system cannot ignore or withstand.”

Pastor Kenneth Glasgow, a former prisoner and a supporter of the Free Alabama Movement (the prisoner led group that first called for the nationwide strike) called upon the American people  to understand that “a lot of people are not realizing the value in what’s going on, they don’t realize that it’s slavery, that slavery still exists”  but whose voice has been silenced by the same US corporations who, along with slave owner Obama, are keeping the truth of what is happening from being heard. 

With Hillary Clinton now being exposed as being behind the new law that makes all American parents guilty of sex crimes for changing their babies diapers, the Obama regime Justice Department rejecting scientists findings that widely used forensic techniques that have convicted thousands of innocent men and women may not pass scientific muster, and the FBI’s use of child pornography website to destroy the US Constitutional protections against criminal warrant abuse (unless the US Congress acts by December),  the American people have no idea how many more of them are about to become slaves, too.

Interestingly, this report concludes by noting that US presidential candidate Donald Trump is the only person prepared to end slavery in America forever and demolish the Obama-Clinton gulag that has now grown so large it has surpassed the former Soviet Unions gulag—and who is, astonishingly, now being supported by Adam Walinsky, who was a top aide to both President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert Kennedy (both assassinated) and who yesterday movingly wrote

“I was a Democrat all my life. I came to Washington to serve President John Kennedy and Attorney General Robert Kennedy. When the president was murdered and his brother struck off on his own, I joined his Senate campaign and staff as his legislative assistant and speechwriter, until his presidential campaign ended with his own assassination. 

I ran on a (losing) Democratic ticket in the New York state elections of 1970. When I was working to enact my own program of police reform in the 1980s and 1990s, then-Governor Bill Clinton was chairman of my National Committee for the Police Corps.

This year, I will vote to elect Donald Trump as president of the United States.

So profound a change, and a decent respect for old friendships, requires me to deliver a public accounting for this decision.

Here it is. 

John and Robert Kennedy devoted their greatest commitments and energies to the prevention of war and the preservation of peace. 

To them that was not an abstract formula but the necessary foundation of human life. But today’s Democrats have become the Party of War: a home for arms merchants, mercenaries, academic war planners, lobbyists for every foreign intervention, promoters of color revolutions, failed generals, exploiters of the natural resources of corrupt governments. 

We have American military bases in 80 countries, and there are now American military personnel on the ground in about 130 countries, a remarkable achievement since there are only 192 recognized countries. 

Generals and admirals announce our national policies. Theater commanders are our principal ambassadors. Our first answer to trouble or opposition of any kind seems always to be a military movement or action.

Nor has the Democratic Party candidate for president this year, Hillary Clinton, sought peace. Instead she has pushed America into successive invasions, successive efforts at “regime change.”She has sought to prevent Americans from seeking friendship or cooperation with President Vladimir Putin of Russia by characterizing him as “another Hitler.” 

She proclaims herself ready to invade Syria immediately after taking the oath of office. Her shadow War Cabinet brims with the architects of war and disaster for the past decades, the neocons who led us to our present pass, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, in Ukraine, unrepentant of all past errors, ready to resume it all with fresh trillions and fresh blood. 

And the Democrats she leads seem intent on worsening relations with Russia, for example by sending American warships into the Black Sea, or by introducing nuclear weapons ever closer to Russia itself.

In fact, in all the years of the so-called 'War on Terror', only one potential American president has had the intelligence, the vision, the sheer sanity to see that America cannot fight the entire world at once; who sees that America’s natural and necessary allies in this fight must include the advanced and civilized nations that are most exposed and experienced in their own terror wars, and have the requisite military power and willingness to use it. 

Only one American candidate has pointed out how senseless it is to seek confrontation with Russia and China, at the same time that we are trying to suppress the very jihadist movements that they also are attacking.

That candidate is Donald Trump.” 

September 22, 2016
Sorcha Faal

Questioning honesty of the 'presidential' polls? Look below!

CAUGHT: Leaked email purportedly shows major polling firm rigging polls for liberals / Hillary!

NOTE:  Here is an opportunity to see on the inside of the 'polling' firms!!!  Think some of the poll results may well be RIGGED?!

Monmouth University Poll
West Long Branch, NJ 07764
From:  Nate Sliver


Subject: Change the Narrative Friday, September 16, 2016
732-979-6769 (cell); 732-263-5858 (office)
Priority Message Do Not Copy Secure Email / Slack Only

Key Notes:

Birtherism – “Backfiring”

Trump Unfavorables – “Climbing”

Minority Voices – “support Hillary”

Imply Racism (White Vote = Trump) – “Whites rally/cleave/etc. Trump”

Rubio / Murphy: Poll Accurately [ IMMATERIAL ]


AGE : Attached screens will move 80% of targets into the 30-50 age range. Use included statistical model to re-skew for publication.
LOCATION: The location-call screens will favor south Tallahassee, east and north Gainesville, Central Tampa, north and west Jacksonville, west and south Orlando, and much of Dade / Broward counties. Space Coast regions and similar must be carefully screened for demographic.
DEMOGRAPHIC:  This should be obvious. We are looking at a heavy minority foundation with a college-white salt. Favored are liberal arts degrees and, especially, sociology. See attached call-files.
EMPLOYMENT:  We prefer polling areas of high unemployment for minority response. More are available to take calls during working hours and far, far fewer of them support Republican candidates.
EMBEDED NARRATIVE  It is imperative to create a morale boosting narrative in the liberal demographics. Our last  published polling note gave liberals a “week before panic.” We must deliver on a turn-around in  polls or risk collapse of enthusiasm. The data from our call / email sieve as well as legitimate  polling indicates a level of despondency equivalent, roughly, to the Michael Dukakis candidacy. This is due to (a) Trump’s successful presidential-narrative surge and (b) a massive lack of enthusiasm on the part of minority and millennial voters who are beginning to view Obama as a failed president and Hillary Clinton as a ‘lying harpy.’ (word association testing focus groups). In order to rally the male-liberal base we will need to produce “resurgent” Florida polling. The conventional wisdom is that Florida will be the fulcrum state for the election and if it is seen as
lost to Trump then we will have domino defections throughout the other swing-states. Presently, our internal analysis shows the Democratic Firewall in extreme jeopardy. This week the news cycle MUST show Hillary regaining the lead in Florida.


Almost none. The voter-registrations in Florida are balanced but we need to have at least D+3 to have a credible story. We also need to greatly oversample women. This shouldn’t be hard to manage as they are more likely to answer the phone and chat. Liberal self-reporters are tanking (around 12% in real numbers). We are going to have it at around 30% which we can probably get away with. Below are the target demographics our screens should produce with minimal manual intervention.


Self-Reported 32%
Republican 34%
Independent 35%
Democrat 46%
Male 54%
Female 19% 18-34
             25% 35-49
             28% 50-64
             28% 65+ 69%
White 13%
Black 15%
Hispanic 4%
unweighted moe sample (+/-)

LIKELY VOTER Total 400                                4.9%
SELF-REPORTED Republican 128                   8.7%
PARTY ID Independent 134                             8.5%
Democrat 135                                                 8.4%
IDEOLOGY Conservative 131                          8.6%
Moderate 154                                                 7.9%
Liberal 100                                                      9.8%
GENDER Male 190                                         7.1%
Female 210                                                     6.8%
AGE 18-49 176                                               7.4%
50+ 222                                                                       6.6%
RACE White non-Hispanic 274                         5.9%
Other 118                                                       9.0%
COLLEGE DEGREE No 210                                      6.8%
Yes 186                                                          7.2%
INCOME <$50K 135                                        8.4%
$50-100K 113                                                 9.2%
$100K+ 116                                                    9.1%
Weaknesses abound. The first is that the birther message is penetrating: 73% of Americans are willing to say they don’t know where Obama was born. This was previously locked out via media shaming. Trump is immune so his followers are immune. The Florida geography is also working against us. Hillary has 53+ Field Offices and they’re empty of volunteers. This lack of enthusiasm is showing up in the voting responses and it’s killing us. The “cell phones” rationale will only hold out for so long.

PPP is burned. There have been too many leaks. Monmouth is less well known and less disparaged by conservatives. This is a good chance for you to build your brand both with naïve liberals and with some conservative moderates. The general reputation of Monmouth as a party-school will work against you here but we think that will be easy to gloss over with the chaos of the messaging. We also have a chance to build a White People Are Racist narrative. We’ve got some good story coming out of The Upshot with the headline that “Whites” are keeping Trump alive in Florida. If we can double down on that in the cross-tabs we can strongly insinuate that Whites (who code as racists in the media) like Trump (who codes as racist) and get an Ouroboros-Pattern established for undecideds. Finally, while we have been forced by intense public scrutiny to accurately report a Trump Surge, we think there is an opportunity here for demoralization by reporting a “counter surge” or “Trump Collapse” that will reduce momentum as the Trump narrative has shifted to talking about the polls.

People are leaking a lot 
. If you don’t want Enten’s gang all over you, we suggest you lock it down
. There are a lot of people poking around the edges that are on to things and a bunch of stuff out on the Internet that is more hit-than-miss. PPP’s extremely unwise decision not to disavow the leaks on Twitter has costs us a great deal of credibility and voters are a
lot  more educated about cross-tabs and skewing and we may not have as easy a time of it as we did in 2012. Finally, we know you consider Quinnipiac a “rival school.” Put that aside and stand down your hackers and arson-units. This is a team effort. If we lose this election we’re all *** Ensure loyalty in your staff by whatever means necessary. Keep appearances up. DO NOT SCREW THIS UP.
You will be required to do actual polling to give us insight into the information-battle space. We are seeing some disturbing things in the cross-tabs from our other arms. Please conduct testing to validate or invalidate the following trends: 

You will be required to do actual polling to give us insight into the information-battlespace. We are seeing some disturbing things in the cross-tabs from our other arms. Please conduct testing to validate or invalidate the following trends:

If these results hold, we are seeing a complete fracture in the national narrative. Hillary’s messaging has failed and her intentions are being read as subtext-for-text. Under these conditions it will be impossible to win a general election. The Liberal base is demoralized—but will become more enthusiastic the more Hillary is seen as an iconoclast who will overturn the last foundations of Western Culture (as such, links to corruption and even outright crimes are seen as a positive rather than a negative). On the reverse side, the media has not been able to convince most of America that these allegations are false (the dual-channels have, unfortunately, merged and the conservative news firewall has broken down). The messaging to liberals is  being consumed by middle America and they, for obvious reasons, do not like it. If the above responses hold for major swing states more drastic measures will be needed and we will need to begin  preparations sooner rather than later.