Sunday, October 30, 2016

An Open Letter to General Dunford on military Oct 29 2016


In response to his letter to the military :  "You are acting under some common misconceptions" 
Anna Von Reitz
October 29, 2016

Dear Sir:

It is apparent from reading your open letter to our military personnel that you are acting under some common misconceptions. 

The word "citizen" has a legal definition and you need to take note of it.  Citizens of all kinds are obligated to serve the government.  While employed in military service, all personnel function as "citizens of the United States" and are de facto slaves under the municipal law of the foreign, independent international city state of Washington, DC which is run as a plenary oligarchy of the members of the United States Congress.

However, that same "Congress" is under contract and obligation to our states occupying the land jurisdiction of this country and by subrogation to us--- and so are you.

Federal civilian employees and federal dependents also function as citizens--- "United States Citizens". 

Such citizens are all British Subjects and part of the democracy adopted by the United States of America (Minor)---- a "union" of "American states" comprised of the "State of New Columbia" and the so-called Insular States, including Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the "State of State" franchises, sometimes called "inchoate states", such as the "State of Florida".

These are all purely secondary adjuncts to the actual, factual, physical organic states and living people and their states of the union operating as, for example, the "Florida State".  You are now talking to your actual employers, the "people of the United States", not the "People of the United States of America".  

All "citizens" of the "inchoate states and territories" are obligated to serve the government and obey all its codes---including military codes, statutes ---which are supposed to be applied only to entities created by statute---and administrative regulations promulgated "as" law by administrative agencies.

Please note that all the above applies only to "citizens" and none of it applies to the American states occupying the land jurisdiction of this country and the living, breathing people occupying the land jurisdiction who are known as American State Nationals: Ohioans, Virginians, Wisconsinites, and so on.  

Just as the citizens exist to serve the government, the government exists to serve the organic American states and the people who live in these organic states of the Union --- the American State Nationals who by their labor and the expenditure of their natural resources are your actual employers and benefactors. 

The "civilian government" you invoke as the leadership that you and other military personnel are obligated to follow and obey is in fact composed of citizens, like yourselves, not American State Nationals, the actual people you (and they) are under obligation to serve and protect.

Our contract is called The Constitution for the united States of America, not The Constitution of the United States of America.

The word "of" means "without" or "outside of" or "of" in the sense of possession, as in "Anne of Green Gables". 

The Constitution of the United States of America translates as "The Constitution Without the United States of America"-----and it governs only the United States of America (Minor) --- the Insular States and Territories and States of States which are franchises of the federal corporation and their citizenry all of whom are British Subjects or foreign Municipal Subjects---- not the actual, factual states of the Union and not the actual "free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States" defined in The Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783.

You are being deluded, Sir, regarding who you actually work for and what your actual job duties are. 

As "citizens of the United States" or "United States Citizens" you may vote in your own private foreign government's elections and you may for the purposes of those governmental functions administer things however you and the President and the members of Congress please, but with respect to our nation composed of fifty republican states of the Union, you are under obligation to perform nineteen enumerated services, one of which is to defend our states from "enemies both foreign and domestic".

That word "domestic" in your Oath refers to those fellow-civilians of yours who are citizens of the United States of America (Minor) and the Municipality of Washington, DC. 

In other words, Sir, you are under obligation to protect us, the American states on the land and the American State Nationals living here---the ones who actually pay your payroll and whose sons and daughters serve under your command--- from ALL enemies, including any you find in the White House or occupying seats in Congress, or administering government agencies are fair game.  

You are not compelled to take any orders repugnant to human decency, nor violate any of the Organic and Public Law underpinning this nation of nations, nor are you allowed to do so.

You are empowered and commanded to remove any threat to our peace and have been duly notified of all these facts since July of 2014. 

The most cogent threat to our peace is the rampant criminality infesting Washington, DC, and secondarily, the offensive attempts made by the various federal corporations to mischaracterize all of us as "citizens" under obligation to serve the government which we created to serve us.

Thank you, very much, but we do not need or desire any such interference from or misunderstanding with our Hired Help and with respect to us and our states, the "federal government" together with all its parts is exactly that--- Hired Help.  

In July of 2014 we informed you and the other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of a clear and present danger on our shores---- the presence of a burgeoning private commercial mercenary army composed of corporate federal agency subcontractors--- IRS, BATF, FEMA, DHS, BLM, FBI, CIA and so on---all operating under color of law on our soil and making obvious preparations for war on our soil. 

As American State Nationals who hold your foreign governments--both the district government and the municipal government--- under contract to our states of the Union, we ordered you and the other Joint Chiefs to take action to honor your commitment to protect us from ALL enemies both inside and outside ---"foreign and domestic" ----of the civilian administration of the various federal commercial corporations responsible for providing our states with the nineteen enumerated services, including the honoring of our National Trust set forth in the Preamble and Bill of Rights.  

It is important for you to realize that when and if any President or member of Congress fails to act as a Fiduciary and Protector of the land and the people of our fifty organic states of the Union, he or she is committing treason and Breach of Trust and must be removed from any office public or private and remanded to custody as directed by our General Civil Orders.

It doesn't matter what powers or authority these people assume within the foreign and territorial governments of the United States of America (Minor) or the municipal government of Washington, DC.  When these people betray our trust, attempt to mischaracterize, defraud, cheat, or commit any crime against us, it is your job before God and Man to protect us against them and to punish them for their crimes. 

They--- the District and Municipal governments which are foreign to us --are under martial law.  We are not. 

Our states and people have been at declared peace since 1865 and we mean to stay that way. 

In case it has escaped your attention, we have been targeted and dragged through private bankruptcy proceedings that we are not subject to, have had false claims of surety-ship attached to our names and estates by foreign corporations, have been mischaracterized as foreigners on our own soil, suffered what can only be termed a national level identity theft at the hands of our own employees. and private undeclared foreign agents (for example, the BLM) and bill collectors (IRS) pretending to be part of our lawful government have deceitfully abused and misidentified our people and overrun the country while perverted lunatics are holding sway under the Capitol Dome---and yes, General Dunford, this is your fault and that of the other Joint Chiefs. 

You have failed to protect us from domestic enemies---enemies operating the --to you and other citizens-- domestic government of the so-called Federal United States.  

You have a contract with the American people that supersedes all and any other domestic contracts you may have with the UNITED STATES, INC., the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, or any other "domestic" institution.

And you can't shrug and tell us that, "Gee, folks, I'm just a simple soldier and I don't know what "domestic" means."

The actual fifty states and nations have suffered numerous outrages for the past 150 years and it is more than past time for this sick and sorry non-performance of your duty to address the criminality of the "domestic" leaders of the District of Columbia and Municipality of Washington to stop.

Their crimes against us are war crimes under the Geneva Conventions--- mischaracterization of non-combatant Third Parties-- as well as vast commercial crimes that have been committed against the American People while those under contract and oath to protect us have stood around with their thumbs up their rumps. 

These crimes have been duly witnessed, reported, published,  signed and sealed and properly witnessed wet-ink copies of our affidavit of probable cause have landed on your desk.

You have obviously been mistaken about who your real employers are and where your real duties lie.  A prompt resignation or equally prompt action to apprehend the criminals responsible ----all of whom are operating under martial law as citizens and civilians and who are foreigners with respect to us and our states--- would be your best reply.

As part of our General Civil Orders--- that is, orders to the civil government, including all citizens thereof--- we, American State Nationals instructed the Joint Chiefs to fully re-commission the Grand Army of the Republic and to offer the command of it to General Carter Ham, if he would come out of retirement and accept it. 

Either get off your laurels and do your job or abdicate it in public, so that everyone can see that you have chosen to betray your duty.


Anna Maria Riezinger, one of the "free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States"
c/o P.O. Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska

(907) 250-5087

See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

NESARA : What Really Happened

What Really Happened....
re: NESARA....

Every one needs to tell everyone to read this and make copies so you won't look  s t u p i d around your friends..


Let us consider what happened with the creation of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA).

The Act was passed by the United States Congress on March 9, 2000 and then sent to President Bill Clinton for his signature. President Clinton signed NESARA into law on October 10, 2000. At that point NESARA, as with any legislation so acted upon, became a “law of the land”, but wait a minute!

No one wanted to enforce it. Why? No one wanted to enforce NESARA because this law required the physical and permanent removal from their government positions of all those who were treasonous.  Those who had deliberately acted outside the Constitution of the Republic had committed treason. Those who were treasonous included the United States president and vice president, the presidential cabinet, all members of Congress, various government departmental heads, all fifty governors of the fifty states, judges and others.

You ask, “Why would the United States Congress ever pass a law that would, upon enactment, instantly remove them from public office? On March 9, 2000 in a secret joint session of Congress with the walls of the House Chambers lined with Navy Seals and Delta Force, the United States Congress passed the NESARA law unanimously at gun point under the threat of death. They passed the law knowing full well that there was a plan already in place to forever delay NESARA from being enforced.

You ask, “Why would our president ever sign a bill and create a law that would remove him, his vice-president and his Cabinet from public office the moment he signed it?”

In the Oval Office on October 10, 2000 President Bill Clinton, surrounded by special forces, at gun point signed the NESARA bill into law, knowing full well that the Illuminati were in charge, and that this law was never to be enforced. 

To hide NESARA from public view and, thus, to prevent its enforcement by popular demand, the United States Supreme Court placed a gag order on all public officials, the United States military, law enforcement personnel, bankers, attorneys, judges, the media and anyone else, who knew about NESARA and, who might give information about NESARA to the public. 

If the people learned the Truth about NESARA, they would demand its enforcement. This could not be allowed. The plan to hide NESARA worked well for a time, but gradually news of NESARA began to be leaked to the public.

To circumvent any public action to enforce NESARA, “plan B” was created. The plan was to forever delay the enforcement of NESARA by fooling the people with trickery. NESARA was embroiled in fictitious legal procedures and court orders by both the United States Supreme Court and the International Court of Justice. This game of deceit could be played forever, NESARA could be permanently delayed, and the people of the world would never be the wiser.

To discredit NESARA and spread misinformation, a false website was set up by the United States Government under the direction of evil CIA/FBI personnel. Claims were made that there was no such law as NESARA, that it had no congressional file number, no sponsors and was only a thought somewhere under consideration. The public was told through the government websites of and that there never was such a bill, it was never acted upon nor passed by Congress, and that the president had never signed it. Even a fictitious name was given to it under the same acronym, and a fictitious rough draft was posted on the internet to mislead the people. This distorted information from an “official” government website served to mislead and cause doubt for thousands of people.

For the past three years and four months this game of deceit by our treasonous United States Government, United States Supreme Court and World Court judges has continued. On October 10, 2000 NESARA became the law of the land in the United States of America, but it has never been enforced. The story was created that the enactment of NESARA had to happen by an “official” public announcement. Why so? Has that ever been true of any other law passed by Congress and signed by the president? It is all a trick to fool the people.

Of the 40,000 laws passed each year in the United States, how many of them are known by the public? Very few. How many are ever enacted by public announcement? None. Yet, if you should break a law that you know nothing about, you are still held accountable for your ignorance of the law and your actions. Laws are made and become law the instant the president signs the legislation. That is the requirement of the Constitution of the Republic of the united States of America. There are no exceptions.

So, who has been fooled about NESARA? The serious and dedicated White Knights have been fooled. The Dove has been fooled. The NTAT people have been fooled. A and A and Jennifer Lee and D’ Yanna Amrito and Nancy Tate and Bob Towers and Patrick Bellringer have all been fooled. The world’s people have been fooled by the Illuminati and all their stooges. That is the NESARA Lie! 

These past three years and four months of delay have been only a scam by our government to avoid obeying the NESARA law. All this time the United States Government has been unlawfully in office and conducting unlawful business. They have been constitutionally unlawful since 1933, but now they are playing “double jeopardy”. 

Since October 10, 2000 we, as a nation, have been under our original Constitution of the Republic of the united States of America, but we have not realized it. Since October 10, 2000 we have been under common law, but the courts have continued to destroy us with their military law.

For three years and four months the Internal Revenue Service has been eliminated, but we have continued to pay our income taxes right on schedule because we  have been ignorant of the game of deceit being played against us.

Since October 10, 2000 we have continued to use fiat money and a worthless credit money system, unable to discharge any debt, while we were lawfully under a gold standard banking system. All this time we should have had our Farm Claim and Prosperity Program money. We have been tricked. WE have been fooled big time, and the dark side is laughing at us.

What proof do I have that what I say is true? The proof is in the banks. Under NESARA the new gold and silver certificate currency was printed and sent to the banks. It is currently being held by the bankers for our use. They have been “sitting” on our money all this time. To lawfully print the new gold currency, NESARA had to have already been enacted. Such information has been purposely with-held from the public. 

Also, as additional proof, under NESARA the bankers were ordered to have new computer software and data ready for use under the new gold banking system. They have been forced to comply with this requirement of NESARA but, again, such information is being carefully withheld from the public due to the gag order. 

The gag order in itself is a big joke. The gag order was unlawfully created by an unlawful United States Supreme Court to provide an “official” reason why the unlawful public officials can’t talk about NESARA. The gag order was done to stop the Truth, to stop NESARA from being known. No public official or media person or banker or judge or lawyer or military person wanted to tell you that he or she was a part of the plot to hide NESARA, to delay NESARA, to stop NESARA forever. None wanted you to know that they were your enemy.

My friends, think about it. Had NESARA been enforced on October 10, 2000, President Bill Clinton and our entire treasonous government would have stepped down at that time. The banks would have been changed to a gold system and the Farm Claims and Prosperity Programs would have been paid. What a difference for good that money could have made. There would have been no 9-11 disaster! There would have been no Iraq war! There would have been no Patriot Act I, no Patriot Act II, no unlawful George W. Bush election and no George W. Bush administration. 

All that has happened to you in the past three years and four months would have been vastly different. We have been tricked big time! What will it take to wake us up? Will it take another war with Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, or North Korea, Russia or China? Will it take Patriot Act III? Will it take World War III? How long will we remain asleep and oblivious to the NESARA LIE? When will we, as a people, say “enough?” 46391&threadid=92408

Open Letter to General Dunford

AN  OPEN  LETTER  TO                                GENERAL  DUNFORD

Anna Von Reitz
October 29, 2016

Dear Sir:

It is apparent from reading your open letter to our military personnel that you are acting under some common misconceptions. 

The word "citizen" has a legal definition and you need to take note of it.  Citizens of all kinds are obligated to serve the government.  While employed in military service, all personnel function as "citizens of the United States" and are de facto slaves under the municipal law of the foreign, independent international city state of Washington, DC which is run as a plenary oligarchy of the members of the United States Congress.

However, that same "Congress" is under contract and obligation to our states occupying the land jurisdiction of this country and by subrogation to us--- and so are you.

Federal civilian employees and federal dependents also function as citizens --- "United States Citizens". 

Such citizens are all British Subjects and part of the democracy adopted by the United States of America (Minor)---- a "union" of "American states" comprised of the "State of New Columbia" and the so-called Insular States, including Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the "State of State" franchises, sometimes called "inchoate states", such as the "State of Florida".

These are all purely secondary adjuncts to the actual, factual, physical organic states and living people and their states of the union operating as, for example, the "Florida State".  You are now talking to your actual employers, the "people of the United States", not the "People of the United States of America".  

All "citizens" of the "inchoate states and territories" are obligated to serve the government and obey all its codes---including military codes, statutes ---which are supposed to be applied only to entities created by statute---and administrative regulations promulgated "as" law by administrative agencies.

Please note that all the above applies only to "citizens" and none of it applies to the American states occupying the land jurisdiction of this country and the living, breathing people occupying the land jurisdiction who are known as American State Nationals: Ohioans, Virginians, Wisconsinites, and so on.  

Just as the citizens exist to serve the government, the government exists to serve the organic American states and the people who live in these organic states of the Union --- the American State Nationals who, by their labor and the expenditure of their natural resources, are your actual employers and benefactors. 

The "civilian government" you invoke as the leadership that you and other military personnel are obligated to follow and obey is, in fact, composed of citizens, like yourselves, not American State Nationals, the actual people you (and they) are under obligation to serve and protect.

Our contract is called The Constitution for the united States of America, not The Constitution of the United States of America.

The word "of" means "without" or "outside of" or "of" in the sense of possession, as in "Anne of Green Gables". 

The Constitution of the United States of America translates as "The Constitution Without the United States of America"-----and it governs only the United States of America (Minor) --- the Insular States and Territories and States of States which are franchises of the federal corporation and their citizenry, all of whom are British Subjects or foreign Municipal Subjects ---- not the actual, factual states of the Union and not the actual "free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States" defined in The Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783.

You are being deluded, Sir, regarding who you actually work for and what your actual job duties are. 

As "citizens of the United States" or "United States Citizens" you may vote in your own private foreign government's elections and you may for the purposes of those governmental functions administer things however you and the President and the members of Congress please, but with respect to our nation composed of fifty republican states of the Union, you are under obligation to perform nineteen enumerated services, one of which is to defend our states from "enemies both foreign and domestic".

That word "domestic" in your Oath refers to those fellow-civilians of yours who are citizens of the United States of America (Minor) and the Municipality of Washington, DC. 

In other words, Sir, you are under obligation to protect us, the American states on the land and the American State Nationals living here---the ones who actually pay your payroll and whose sons and daughters serve under your command--- from ALL enemies, including any you find in the White House or occupying seats in Congress, or administering government agencies are fair game.  

You are not compelled to take any orders repugnant to human decency, nor violate any of the Organic and Public Law underpinning this nation of nations, nor are you allowed to do so.

You are empowered and commanded to remove any threat to our peace and have been duly notified of all these facts since July of 2014. 

The most cogent threat to our peace is the rampant criminality infesting Washington, DC, and secondarily, the offensive attempts made by the various federal corporations to mis-characterize all of us as "citizens" under obligation to serve the government which we created to serve us.

Thank you very much, but we do not need or desire any such interference from or misunderstanding with our Hired Help and, with respect to us and our states, the "federal government" together with all its parts is exactly that--- Hired Help.  

In July of 2014 we informed you and the other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of a clear and present danger on our shores---- the presence of a burgeoning private commercial mercenary army composed of corporate federal agency subcontractors--- IRS, BATF, FEMA, DHS, BLM, FBI, CIA and so on---all operating under color of law on our soil and making obvious preparations for war on our soil. 

As American State Nationals who hold your foreign governments--both the district government and the municipal government--- under contract to our states of the Union, we ordered you and the other Joint Chiefs to take action to honor your commitment to protect us from ALL enemies both inside and outside ---"foreign and domestic" ----of the civilian administration of the various federal commercial corporations responsible for providing our states with the nineteen enumerated services, including the honoring of our National Trust set forth in the Preamble and Bill of Rights.  

It is important for you to realize that when and if any President or member of Congress fails to act as a Fiduciary and Protector of the land and the people of our fifty organic states of the Union, he or she is committing treason and Breach of Trust and must be removed from any office, public or private, and remanded to custody as directed by our General Civil Orders.

It doesn't matter what powers or authority these people assume within the foreign and territorial governments of the United States of America (Minor) or the municipal government of Washington, DC.  When these people betray our trust, attempt to mis-characterize, defraud, cheat, or commit any crime against us, it is your job before God and Man to protect us against them and to punish them for their crimes. 

They--- the District and Municipal governments which are foreign to us --are under martial law.  We are not. 

Our states and people have been at declared peace since 1865 and we mean to stay that way. 

In case it has escaped your attention, we have been targeted and dragged through private bankruptcy proceedings that we are not subject to, have had false claims of surety-ship attached to our names and estates by foreign corporations, have been mis-characterized as foreigners on our own soil, suffered what can only be termed a national level identity theft at the hands of our own employees. and private undeclared foreign agents (for example, the BLM) and bill collectors (IRS) pretending to be part of our lawful government have deceitfully abused and misidentified our people and overrun the country while perverted lunatics are holding sway under the Capitol Dome---and yes, General Dunford, this is your fault and that of the other Joint Chiefs.

You have failed to protect us from domestic enemies ---enemies operating the -- to you and other citizens -- domestic government of the so-called Federal United States.

You have a contract with the American people that supersedes all and any other domestic contracts you may have with the UNITED STATES, INC., the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, or any other "domestic" institution.

And you can't shrug and tell us that, "Gee, folks, I'm just a simple soldier and I don't know what "domestic" means."

The actual fifty states and nations have suffered numerous outrages for the past 150 years and it is more than past time for this sick and sorry non-performance of your duty to address the criminality of the "domestic" leaders of the District of Columbia and Municipality of Washington to stop.

Their crimes against us are war crimes under the Geneva Conventions--- mis-characterization of non-combatant Third Parties-- as well as vast commercial crimes that have been committed against the American People while those under contract and oath to protect us have stood around with their thumbs up their rumps.

These crimes have been duly witnessed, reported, published,  signed and sealed and properly witnessed wet-ink copies of our affidavit of probable cause have landed on your desk.

You have obviously been mistaken about who your real employers are and where your real duties lie.  A prompt resignation or equally prompt action to apprehend the criminals responsible ----all of whom are operating under martial law as citizens and civilians and who are foreigners with respect to us and our states--- would be your best reply.

As part of our General Civil Orders--- that is, orders to the civil government, including all citizens thereof--- we, American State Nationals instructed the Joint Chiefs to fully re-commission the Grand Army of the Republic and to offer the command of it to General Carter Ham if he would come out of retirement and accept it.

Either get off your laurels and do your job or abdicate it in public, so that everyone can see that you have chosen to betray your duty.


Anna Maria Riezinger, one of the "free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States"
c/o P.O. Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska
(907) 250-5087

See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website 

Clarification of What Happened to Our Government


By Anna Von Reitz
Saturday, October 29, 2016
No, neither the corporations running the District of Columbia nor those running the Washington, DC Municipal City State have any power to replace or mess with our government.  
They are both foreign governments under contract to our fifty state governments to provide certain stipulated and enumerated (19) services described as "powers" in the original Constitution.  Nothing more or less.

The only way it is enabled to replace our government in any way is if we fail to operate our own government ourselves. That is to a large extent what has happened.  
We mistook their government for our government because the state and county organizations that were operating our government all decided to incorporate as franchises of the federal corporation in order to get kick-backs known as "Federal Block Grants". 

When you incorporate anything you take it out of the jurisdiction of the land and place it in the international jurisdiction of the sea ---- a foreign jurisdiction with respect to us. 

As a result, what had been operating as our government was "vacated".   One day they were functioning as our government on the land jurisdiction, doing their jobs according to the law of the land and occupying public offices.  The next, they were operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea and occupying private corporate offices.  
The only indication of this fundamental change was in how the names of the various offices were presented and styled.

Jackson County became County of Jackson or JACKSON COUNTY, etc.,

It was never explained to the public and I am convinced, never explained to 95% of those who voted to incorporate the county and state governments, either.  It was simply a matter of the federales playing upon their greed and ignorance and acting in Breach of Trust and under conditions of non-disclosure to in effect create a "coup d'état on paper". 

However, since this was Breach of Trust and commercial contract and fraud and non-disclosure on their parts from the start, it cannot bear discovery.  Now that we know what went on, we can bring them to justice and occupy the vacated public offices and run our own country again without interference from the hired help.
I hope that makes it clear to you now and that you will share this information.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Hillary Clinton aids seller of human tissue and baby body parts

'Pay to Slay': Hillary link to baby body-parts biz revealed


Fugitive pair selling human tissue aided by Clinton State Department


WND Special
October 29 2016

It’s a new bombshell in the scandal that horrified Americans as they learned unborn babies had their body parts harvested and sold around the world: the discovery that Hillary Clinton’s State Department granted favorable treatment to a family involved in the harvesting.

The federal agency expedited the immigration of the Isaias family, whose ownership of the DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics companies made headlines again recently when the district attorney in Orange County brought a criminal lawsuit against them.

The baby body-parts trade was highlighted in 2015 in a series of  hidden-camera videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress, or CMP.

CMP said that for eight years, Planned Parenthood “supplied aborted baby hearts, lungs, brains, and intestines to DV Biologics, which DV Biologics then resold for profit.”

“In exchange for merely providing access to aborted baby body parts, Planned Parenthood received kickback contributions from DaVinci Biosciences over the course of their eight-year contract,” CMP said.

“The wheels of justice are beginning to turn against Planned Parenthood and their corrupt business partners in the illicit trade in aborted baby body parts. Planned Parenthood is not above the law, and law enforcement and elected representatives everywhere must now hold Planned Parenthood accountable for their barbaric profiteering off of pregnant women and the body parts of their aborted children.”

Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America said the Orange County district attorney “should be commended for suing Planned Parenthood’s business partners.

“Hopefully this lawsuit is the beginning of the unraveling of the entire for-profit fetal tissue industry, one that Planned Parenthood has played a key role in for years,” Hawkins said.

The details of the Isaias’ family’s links to the Obama administration and Clinton’s State Department were investigated by the pro-life group Operation Rescue, whose president, Troy Newman, is on the board of the Center for Medical Progress.

OR reported, under the headline “‘Pay to Slay:’ Foreign crime family reached Hillary Clinton for immigration favors so they could run a baby parts harvesting business,” the Isaias brothers – Roberto, William and Estefano Sr – “sought asylum in the U.S. in 2008, after looting millions of dollars from an Ecuadorian bank.”

They and family members now are listed as principals of the two California companies targeted by prosecutors.
“During that time, the family made hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions to Democratic and Republican political campaigns. Family members gave roughly $300,000 to Democrat politicians alone and reached out to Hillary Clinton thru (sic) her aide, Cheryl Mills,” the report said. “In return, the family received favorable treatment from the Obama administration and State Department under Clinton, which expedited their immigration into the U.S.”

It cited documentation from the New York Times, which profiled the “wealthy brothers” in 2014.

“The two men, Roberto and William Isaias are fugitives from Ecuador, which has angrily pressed Washington to turn them over, to no avail,” the Times said. “A year after their relatives gave $90,000 to help re-elect Mr. Obama, the administration rejected Ecuador’s extradition request for the men, fueling accusations that such donations were helping to keep the brothers and their families safely on America soil.”

The report explained the brothers were sentenced in absentia in Ecuador to eight years in prison for a “scheme to run a bank into the ground by making loans to businesses they controlled and then presenting false balance sheets to get bailout funds. Ecuador says it lost more than $400 million.”

Their donations, actually from the fugitives’ spouses and children, went to Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., Rep. Joe Garcia, D-Fla., Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and others, the report said.

Operation Rescue said the Clinton-led State Department “resisted numerous requests by Ecuador to extradite the Isaias brothers back to their native country to face punishment.”

The two companies now are facing a claim from District Attorney Tony Rackauckas for $1.6 million for profiting from the illegal sale of aborted baby remains, OR said.
“Some call the buying of influence ‘Pay to Play’ or “Pay to Stay,’ In the case of the Isaias family, I call it ‘Pay to Slay,'” said Newman.

The case contends that the Isaias companies “had no problem procuring on a regular basis tissue of aborted babies, including hearts, lungs, kidneys, brains, intestines, skeletal muscle and bones.”

“The tissue and often stem cells derived from the tissue was marked up ten times over costs, and sometimes more, creating a profitable revenue stream for the Isaias family,” OR said.

Hawkins commented that if a California district attorney “can file suit for illegally profiting off of baby body parts, there’s no excuse for law enforcement in other parts of the country not to do their jobs and put a stop to this criminal activity.”

CMP originally reported, when the video was released, on a conversation between Jennifer Russo of the Planned Parenthood organization and undercover journalists from CMP.

“Russo confirms that her Planned Parenthood affiliate is currently working with a local biotech company to supply aborted fetal body parts: ‘Yeah, it’s DaVinci,’ she states. 

DaVinci Biosciences, LLC, and its sister company, DV Biologics, LLC, are located in Orange County, CA and have been partnered with the local Planned Parenthood affiliate since 2008. Planned Parenthood Orange & San Bernardino Counties’ 2008 Annual Report lists Da Vinci Biosciences as one of the major financial donors to the abortion group,” CMP said.

Russo said, “They take the whole specimen.”

Invoices revealed Da Vinci Biosciences charged $350 for fetal liver, $500 for fetal thymus and $750 for fetal brain.
But CMP said the sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000.”

The local Orange County Register reported the case was brought in Orange County Superior Court and alleges the companies “advertised and sold hundreds of units of fetal tissue and stem cells to research facilities around the world, collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue.”

Rackauckas said, according to the paper, that the companies treated human parts as commodities.

“This case is not about whether it should be lawful to sell fetal parts or whether fetal tissue research is ethical or legal,” he said in the report. “This lawsuit is aimed at taking the profit out of selling body parts.”

In the first undercover video released by CMP, Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood commented on crushing babies.

“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact,” she said.