Friday, February 24, 2017

Democrat Party gets a bite in the butt!


During a ‘Conversation about the Constitution’ segment at today’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Senator Ted Cruz took a moment to destroy  former Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) for setting the stage for the Democrats’ worst nightmare: allowing President Trump to get all of his cabinet picks confirmed.

Reid was behind the dramatic move to eliminate filibusters for most nominations by presidents when Democrats held control of the Senate and it was 'president' Obama who was making nominations. That move has come back to bite Reid and the weakened Democrat Party in the butt… Big League!

“Since January 20th I’ve raised the glass and toasted Harry Reid,” Cruz joked. “Because Harry Reid employed the so-called ‘nuclear option,’ broke the Senate rules to change the Senate rules, lowered the threshold for confirmation from 60 votes to 51 votes and it is a direct result of Harry Reid that we now have the most conservative cabinet in decades!”

The most conservative cabinet in decades. Sweet music to our ears.

Cruz then ran down a list of names that Harry Reid’s short-sighted move helped get approved recently – 

Jeff Sessions
Scott Pruitt
Betsy Devos … 

and Cruz said he “look(s) forward to thanking Harry Reid for Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch!”

Yeah!  WE give OUR THANKS to good 'ole Harry Reid, too!  Be CAREFUL Harry to not let that exercise machine fall on you again Harry!





Doesn’t it feel great to know the adults are taking over?

After years of watching the Democrats blow through trillions of dollars and increase government payrolls by untold thousands, it’s refreshing to hope and know President Trump and his trusted cabinet are really going limit government growth and cut back on the excessive waste.

That brings me to General James Mattis, our new Secretary of Defense. When he walks into the room, his presence calls for respect and admiration, and he will definitely give the same. But know one thing, he’s got a huge job to do and he’s the kind of person to make things happen with no excuses.

From Daily Caller:
Secretary of Defense James Mattis took his first steps toward creating a more efficient and effective military by issuing two memos which aim to streamline operations and free up capital.
The first memo called for the reorganization of certain undersecretary roles, a chief innovation officer, an improved chief management officer position and the optimization of cyber operations.
After putting the Pentagon on notice about streamlining operations, Mattis informed them what he was planning to do with the U.S. military:
The second memo called for the establishment of “cross-functional teams” to be formed across military services in order to avoid the duplication of capabilities. Both memos were addressed to the deputy secretary of defense.
“It is my expressed intent to field a larger, more capable, and more lethal Joint force,” said Mattis in the second memo. “It is incumbent on each of us to accomplish this task in the most cost effective, efficient manner possible.”
Mattis is not there to make friends and chew gum. He’s there to work and help make America respected and safe again. And he’s not there to be coddled. The guy carries his own bags. He’s a no-nonsense, hard-working military patriot who deeply loves the country. And make no mistake, if he has to move mountains past lazy workers or fire them, he will. 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Websites Are Censoring & Removing Comment Sections

Why Mainstream Media Websites Are Censoring & Removing Comment Sections

Readers  influenced  more  by  comment  section  than  the  article  itself

Mysterious Radiation Spike Coming From The Arctic

'Mystery  From  The Top  Of  The  World'  Alarms  Experts - Scientists  Warn: 'Billions  Being  Exposed'  As  Our  Food  Chain  Is  Decimated

Was  Mysterious  Radiation  Spike  Coming  From  The  Arctic  A  Russian  Nuclear  Weapons  Test?

February 23, 2017
Stefan Stanford 

In the most recent story from ENENews, they report scientists are very concerned that the radiation now hitting the US will only continue to worsen with this dire warning: "BILLIONS are being exposed."  Warning us the damaged Fukushima nuclear reactors will continue to pour radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean "for the rest of time", their story is just the most recent proving the Northern hemisphere is getting hit by a whole lot of radiation, with a huge new mysterious radiation spike that has alarmed and baffled scientists and experts now striking Europe from 'the top of the world'.


Fukushima/Scientists "Will Leak Until the End of Time/ Radiation/Europe"


According to a recent story from The Drive that Steve Quayle linked to on his website on Monday, increased levels of radioactive iodine have recently been reported all across Europe that appear to be coming from the Arctic Circle. As their story asks, "has there been a 'nuclear incident' in the Arctic"? 

Radiation Spike in Europe: Did Russia Just Secretly Test A Nuke in The Arctic?

In the 1st video below, our videographer takes a look at this latest mystery and asks, "has Russia conducted a nuclear weapons test in the Arctic region?"
The concern was great enough that the US has flown a nuclear 'sniffer jet' to the UK after the mysterious radiation spike in Europe, a plane designed to detect nuclear explosions that were also used after the Chernoby disaster in 1986 and were recently deployed around North Korea after they were alleged to have conducted a nuclear test in 2016.

Not surprisingly, according to The Independent, the radioactive Iodine-131 (most closely associated with atomic bombs) was found originally in Northern Norway back in December but authorities kept it secret, not announcing it until recently after it had also been detected elsewhere across Europe. Has a 'dirty bomb' been released by ISIS in Europe without the knowledge of authorities, its poisons silently spreading across Europe?

Like what is happening across the Northern hemisphere due to Fukushima now, radiation is the 'perfect poison', invisible to sight, unable to be touched or tasted or smelled and we certainly can't 'hear it'. We have no real way of knowing that it's even there short of technology most of us don't have.

From The Independent story: Mysterious radioactive spikes are being found across Europe – and nobody quite knows why.

Iodine-131, a man-made radioactive material, is being found in small amounts across the continent. It was found in northern Norway early in January, according to officials, but has been gradually moving across the rest of Europe ever since.

But despite finding the material in January, authorities didn’t announce that it had been found until recent days. That might be because it isn't at all clear where it has come from or how it got to be spread out.

Further information makes the find even more unusual. Iodine-131 is usually found alongside other radioactive materials, but it wasn't. And it has a short half-life – the time required for one half of the atoms of a radioactive substance to disintegrate – but a significant amount of it was found, meaning that it is likely that it was introduced very recently.

There is no imminent threat from the amount of material that is currently being found in Europe, according to the French IRSN, or nuclear security body. The IRSN said that it had shared the findings with the “Ring of Five” – a group of similar bodies across Europe – so that they can be further investigated.

With most of the mainstream media refusing to report anything of real significance to the American people, thus their 'fake news' label rightly earned, might America get some truth on the devastation that Fukushima radiation is causing from President Donald Trump?

If a chronic perfect poison is continually being released into the oceans, causing the mass deaths of Pacific Ocean life and putting BILLIONS at risk as experts have warned, shouldn't we have the right to 'officially' know or is Fukushima just another globalist depopulation method, sure to be censored forever and eventually bring our planet to extinction?

The February 5th story from ENENews reported upon a record number of dead whales scattered throughout the Hawaiian Islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Most of them 'sick and starving', officially, scientists are officially 'mystified' about what is causing the mass deaths of our planet's biggest mammals living in the sea.

We've called out our scientists over and over again in stories on ANP and will continue to do so within this story. As anybody paying attention to 'real world news' knows, the mass deaths of whales in Hawaii only continued a nearly 6-year-long spree of mass wildlife deaths across our oceans and planet Earth as has been extensively documented by End Times Prophecy.

Long ago we were warned by a very wise man who lived here in America long before the globalists came here to destroy our planet that 'man does not weave the web of life.  We are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do the web, we do to ourselves'. As one 'expert' warned about Fukushima to mainly 'deaf ears' way back in 2015, "what is happening in Fukushima, it's all going to cascade up to us" one day. That day is getting closer every day now.

In the 2nd video below, BPEarthwatch shares with us the news from scientists who warn that Fukushima will continue to 'leak until the end of time', completely poisoning and decimating our food chain (wonder why the whales are starving?!) while, in the final video, David Knight from Infowars gives us an update upon this disaster that is still being highly censored by the MSM and top levels of government despite the fact that it will NEVER go away.

NASA: Alien Life May Exist

TRAPPIST-1f - Photo by NASAWhy Is NASA Using The Discovery Of 7 New Earth Sized Planets To Promote The Idea That Alien Life May Exist?

Michael Snyder
February 22 2017 

NASA told us in advance that there would be a huge announcement on Wednesday, and it certainly was not a disappointment.  NASA’s declaration that 7 new Earth-sized planets had been discovered approximately 40 light years away from our sun made headlines all over the globe, and the Internet immediately started buzzing with lots of discussions about the possibility that these newly discovered worlds may have life on them.  

This isn’t the kind of thing that I normally write about on The Economic Collapse Blog, but some of the things that were being said by the scientists involved in this discovery seemed quite odd.  It is one thing to say that some new planets have been found, but it is another thing entirely to start speculating about life on those planets.  

With each new discovery that is made, why does it always seem like NASA is trying to promote the idea that alien life may exist somewhere out there?  Could it be possible that they are trying to mentally prepare us for something?
After the announcement was made on Wednesday, I went to the official NASA website, and sure enough in the article that had just been posted about this new discovery there was discussion about the possibility of alien life
NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has revealed the first known system of seven Earth-size planets around a single star. Three of these planets are firmly located in the habitable zone, the area around the parent star where a rocky planet is most likely to have liquid water.
The discovery sets a new record for greatest number of habitable-zone planets found around a single star outside our solar system. All of these seven planets could have liquid water – key to life as we know it – under the right atmospheric conditions, but the chances are highest with the three in the habitable zone.
“This discovery could be a significant piece in the puzzle of finding habitable environments, places that are conducive to life,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator of the agency’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington.
“Answering the question ‘are we alone’ is a top science priority and finding so many planets like these for the first time in the habitable zone is a remarkable step forward toward that goal.”
If this discovery is confirmed, it is definitely quite remarkable.

But why engage in speculation about whether or not we are alone in the universe?

You can view a YouTube video from NASA about this new discovery right here.  

As you can see from the video, the scientists involved in this project are extremely excited…

 A treasure trove of planets found

Of course we must acknowledge that nobody has actually seen any of these planets.  Based on data that astronomers have been able to observe, they assume that those seven planets must be there.  The following comes from Smithsonian Magazine
To detect these other worlds, Gillon and his team used the so-called “transit” method, one of several techniques for hunting planets. Other techniques include measuring the wobble of a star caused by a planet’s gravitational pull, observing how light from a distant star bends around a planet or capturing a direct image of the planet.
The power of the transit method comes from its simplicity: Astronomers measure the level of light from a star, and look for any dips in brightness that could be the result of a planet passing between the star and Earth.
By seeing how much and how often the level of light is reduced during each “transit” of the planet in front of the star, astronomers can then estimate its size and orbit.
So it is entirely possible that scientists may be misinterpreting the data.

Someday we may find out that there are more planets in the system, or we may discover that there aren’t any planets there at all.

But assuming that those planets are actually there, what has astronomers buzzing more than anything else is the possibility that they may contain “life”
“Looking for life elsewhere, this system is probably our best bet as of today,” study co-author Brice-Olivier Demory, a professor at the Center for Space and Habitability at the University of Bern in Switzerland, said in a statement.
The key is that these planets appear to have the right conditions for water to exist.  Without water, it is generally assumed that a planet would not be able to support life.  

The following comes from an article posted on the website of The Independent entitled “Nasa’s ‘holy grail': Entire new solar system that could support alien life discovered“…
No other star system has ever been found to contain so many Earth-sized and rocky planets, of the kind thought to be necessary to contain aliens.
The researchers might soon be able to find evidence of life on the planets, they have said.
British astronomer Dr Chris Copperwheat, from Liverpool John Moores University, who was part of the international team, said: “The discovery of multiple rocky planets with surface temperatures which allow for liquid water make this amazing system an exciting future target in the search for life.”
And of course NASA is not just looking at these planets in their obsessive search for alien life.

In fact, NASA is sending a probe to one of Jupiter’s moons named Europa specifically to search for alien life
NASA believes there’s a gigantic ocean locked beneath its frozen surface and is planning to send a robotic craft to see if aliens are swimming in it.
This week, the space agency has revealed its three goals for the upcoming search for life.
It wrote: “The primary goal is to search for evidence of life on Europa.
“The other goals are to assess the habitability of Europa by directly analyzing material from the surface, and to characterize the surface and subsurface to support future robotic exploration of Europa and its ocean.”
So why is NASA so sure that alien life must be out there somewhere?

Do they know things that they aren’t disclosing to the rest of us?

As a society, we are constantly being conditioned to the idea that “alien life” must exist.  This is one of the major themes in our movies, our television shows and our video games.

And now the scientific community has fully embraced this idea.

Could it be possible that the stage is being set for “the great deception” that authors such as L.A. Marzulli are constantly warning us about?

If someday a big announcement is made that “we are not alone” in the universe, humanity will already have been heavily conditioned to accept it as the truth.

Unfortunately, we live at a time when deception is running rampant, and that is why it is absolutely critical to not let someone else do your thinking for you.

They're converting your kids to Islam!

"They're converting your kids to Islam!"
Muslims infiltrating our education

The #1 International Bestseller 'The People vs Muhammad' by JK Sheindlin 

Welcome to the NBT Network - the most politically incorrect media network on the internet. Please subscribe and share this video!

Guess who just got BUSTED??

Guess who just got BUSTED as Russian Agents?!

Wikileaks Drops Solid PROOF 
That'll land people in JAIL!

Lisa Haven 
Feb 22, 2017

RE McCain: A traitor can NOT be a War Hero

Donald Trump Opens McCain's 
Treasonous Can of Worms
A traitor can NOT be a War Hero
Published on Jul 22, 2015
Donald Trump Opens McCain's Treasonous Can of Worms -
A traitor can NOT be a War Hero.
Gordon Duff article of Veterans Today: Gordon Duff has first hand knowledge of John McCain's involvement with blocking the return of POW's.
" 33 POWs faced execution for treason after Vietnam until Nixon pardoned all POWs. McCain was on the list of the 33, in fact at the head of it.

Here are the facts as we know them:
According to Colonel Ted Guy, John McCain’s commander as a POW, McCain collaborated with the enemy.
McCain is accused of giving information that led to the downing of 60 US aircraft
McCain is accused of training North Vietnamese air defense personnel
McCain is accused of making over 30 propaganda broadcasts against the US, broadcasts he moved to have classified when he was elected to the senate
These 4 accusations are the only real and supportable accusations against McCain. The evidence for these acts exists and is substantial.

What is stranger still is McCain’s longtime war against veterans, other POWs and their families. When John was a bit younger and better capable of looking after himself, he was often both verbally and physically abusive to POW families, POW activists and veterans

We hear nothing of these brutal outbursts of McCain’s though they continue to this day, now taken as the ravings of a mental defective." (Gordon Duff, VT).
1) Trump Opens McCains Treasonous Can of Worms, Veterans Today, by Gordon Duff, July 20, 2015.
2) John McCain - Wikipedia images public domain


He Eavesdropped on Classified Trump Calls 
& Fed to MSM!

And this TRAITOR, after all these years, is STILL walking the halls of CON-gress!



While disinformers like M.T. Keshe, Gordon Duff or Sandor Kakasi think they must spread fabricated lies as “evidence”, we expose REAL criminals.

Today we show why Keshe is supported by Veterans Today by taking a closer look at Keshe’s NWO buddy Gordon Duff, whose real name isn’t even Gordon Duff, but Bob Foote.

Aside from using fake names, “Gordon Duff” seems to work for the Rockefeller faction of the Illuminati. This explains why he supports Keshe. BOTH are NWO agents.

Read the following excerpts for yourself (sources below):

“… we may ‘expose’ Gordon Duff a bit today and further go about exposing the fact this man may be a ‘dual loyalty’ citizen. NO! Not Israel and the US, dummy. He may have a citizenship card with the internationalist cabal while claiming citizenry with ‘We the People’ !”

“Gordon Duff, AKA Bob Foote, works for the Rockefeller wing of the JWO and hangs with us to subtly push the elite agenda while pretending to be against it.”

“Then I got banned in the main comment area of VT (…) Unfortunately, Duff has been bragging for years how open and free “Veterans Today” is and that no one gets censored (…) Duff fired Chip Tatum and Stew Webb. Jim Fetzer left soon after and they reassembled at a place called Veterans Truth Network.”

“There is a huge war going on with Veterans Today right now. I have had my own war with Duff that I never asked for, where he has done nothing but slander me while plagiarizing my work in a really greasy way – I will nail a truth, and two or three days later “the Duffer” will publish the exact same topic making the exact same points perfectly reworded and spun in with so much crap it is seriously damaged and obviously with no credit given to the source – Duff is an enemy.”

If Duff has been ordered to discredit certain players it is because his bosses at the agency that employs him have ordered him to do so…  The events going down at VT may in fact be an in-fight between the FBI and a faction of the CIA and possibly other agencies, in essence a turf war. (…) There is also a scenario in which Duff is the “fox” set up for everyone to chase.  Why is it the guys out there talking about Duff don’t seem to get his role as an AGENT working for the CIA?  Don’t they get just what those guys are trained to do?  Disinfo is part of their tradecraft.  They use it whenever it is deemed necessary and useful.”

“I am not sure what Veterans Today stands for anymore. My guess is a hodge podge of nothing. Duff admittedly has high up contacts that control him so nothing he says nor advise he gives can be trusted. Duff plays it both ways on the Nazis cause he is trying to have a big tent but it basically means  that if you can critically think, you at some point realize Duff is full of shit …One minute he tells you all the wonderful things Hitler did and then he allows this total crap to posted in his name with no disavowel….You all have been warned!”

The shit continues to hit the fan in the psyop community called “Veterans Today” (…) Remember, Duff is a Jew who plays fast and loose with the truth as he was brought up to do living in a Talmudic mindset community amongst communist American Jews. (He Praises Hitler one day, condemns him another, floats alien theories with no proof but has no problem attacking keyboard detectives as “goofs”. In my book he has been outed and with this article below, so has Mike Harris and in fact, anyone still at VT, now, is suspect since they cleaned out the independent thinkers.”

“Too bad, Mike, you and Foote, cough, I mean Duff, no longer have any real credibility left with discerning watchers. Also, what the heck does that mean, “who is the controlled opposition and who is being ‘handled’ by their masters.” last time I looked “controlled opposition” is fake dissent and “handled by their masters” is what  occurs to those that are controlled opposition.  

Please note that we note Foote’s admission that he has a “handler”. Is the “handler” from the “Mickey Mouse Club” or the “Internationalist Cabal” that runs the US government.”

Above quotes are taken from this and this article.  Now you have solid EVIDENCE that Keshe does not want to free you from the 'elite'.  No! He wants to make things even worse. That’s why Rockefeller agent “Gordon Duff” supports him. 

Keshe’s and Duff’s modus operandi is simple: They pretend to oppose the 'elite' but, in reality, they not only support the NWO plan, they want to achieve something much more sinister than that.

The parallels between Duff and Keshe are obvious. Both claim to oppose what they support. Both claim to be open, but they control and censor. Both accuse and slander innocents.

It seems there is heavy infighting going on between different agencies and factions. What is most obvious to us is that pedophilia seems to be a main focus of ALL involved: Keshe, CIA, FBI, Illuminati, other cults, and so on. So we have to ask ourselves why this is so.

Why are Keshe and Duff constantly talking about pedophilia and accusing innocents, when they are not involved themselves?

To accuse former supporters of being pedophiles all the time is not only insane, it’s also pointless when there is absolutely no evidence. Keshe keeps making a fool out of himself. Keshe, Duff and Kakasi make up connections to Antwerp where there are none.

The REAL Belgian “Red Circle” has already been exposed. Unfortunately, in every country there is sexual abuse taking place, in some countries more than in others. The UK stands out, as does Belgium. A few years ago in Belgium, Laurent Louis published a long list of prominent names that were involved in such abusive crimes, and for that he was attacked heavily. (In this video, Laurent Louis speaks about state pedophilia.) Back then, I even emailed Keshe about Laurent Louis (I kept the email I sent to him on December 18th 2013), where I informed him about that pedophile network. So not only Keshe blew the whistle on pedophilia in Belgium, but Laurent Louis did. Once again Keshe takes credit for someone else’s achievements.

Now Keshe intentionally projects that story on me in order to divert attention away from his own wrongdoings. Because I exposed his lies and his plasma frauds, he attacked me and accused me of the crimes he committed himself. So once again, Keshe uses information he received from me against me. That shows what kind of “friend and brother” he really is. And Duff supports all that. They must use such made up stories because KF technology doesn’t work, so they need another sensation instead, to keep the attention alive.

But why would a “scientist” or a “senior editor” constantly be busy with thoughts about pedophilia?

Another piece of evidence:

Here we can read that Veterans Today is actually an FBI Cointel Operation. Watch this video for the same revelation to a worldwide audience!

And strangely, it just recently came to light that the FBI ran a child porn website themselves, rather than shutting it down. In an attempt to white-wash Duff, even VT themselves (!) reported on that, pointing their fingers at “them” to divert attention away from Duff, writing:  “… there were some allegations which pointed to the direction that the FBI was implicitly promoting child pornography.”  


“If the allegations against the F.B.I. are true regarding its control of the network [child pornography] for approximately two weeks, it actively participated in the revictimization of those depicted in child pornography…”

And THAT is the agency that Duff is working for. So here we have REAL evidence. It’s Gordon Duff who is involved in the running of pedophile websites through the FBI.  That’s why Keshe likes him so much! THEY are pedophiles supporting each other.

It was obvious that Keshe and Duffy DO have something to hide.  Otherwise they wouldn’t constantly be talking about pedophiles. And now it makes sense that neither the FBI nor the CIA have taken action against Keshe so far when they are all involved in this criminal mess.

So we would like to ask all our readers to look for more hints. If you find more connections between Keshe, Duff and child abuse, let us know.  We will be happy to publish it all on our website.

Here is another article which shows that Duff fires everyone who doesn’t agree with his lies. This is the same behaviour as Keshe’s. And there is also information about an assassination team that runs people off the road.  Doesn’t that sound terribly familiar in respect to Fabio Alfonso’s death ?

Quote:  “Gordon has boasted to me in the past that he could have people taken out with a few phone calls.” These are the “peaceful” people that Keshe surrounds himself with!  'WORLD PEACE'!

Keshe claims that his murder has been planned, based on cryptic texts,
however Gordon Duff made a clear murder threat
against the alleged leader of the imaginary “red circle”.

More info about the VT drama can be found in this article written by Duff’s former colleague Jim Fetzer.

Conclusion: The whole thing is one giant psyop to distract people from the ongoing efforts to establish the NWO. And in the meantime, they are engaged in their criminal activities, while trying to blame them on innocents. 

Whether Duff is now involved in CIA or FBI is really of no importance.  We have read enough of this mess and it is clear that he plays a very dirty game and, like Keshe, he rarely seems to speak the truth.

So all you guys who listen to Keshe and make GANS and coils and other KF crap are actively supporting the New World Order and their pedophile stooges and therefore the further enslavement of yourself and humanity. Keshe lost followers and credibility, so it seems he sold out to the NWO in order to receive support from Duff.

You want to free yourself from “them” (the ones who make your lives miserable) ? “Them” is narcissists like Keshe and Duff, and other paid elitist deceivers, manipulators and criminals who mess with your mind. YOU KF PEOPLE support “THEM”.

If you really want to have a better future, turn away from Keshe, and start thinking for yourself. Don’t let Keshe tell you what to think or what to believe, otherwise you will only get more of the same. Keshe lies when he opens his mouth, and only a fool would not see that. And as you have just read, Gordon Duff is an FBI troll and Rockefeller’s foote soldier.

You KF guys keep chasing one “blueprint” after another, hoping that they will give you freedom and happiness. But it seems you won’t ever be happy until Keshe and his elite buddies give you the FINAL BLUEPRINT.

Listen to this short interview about the Rockefeller “One World Order” and their total control plans. This is what you support when you believe and follow Keshe and Duff! 

Flood the White House With Post Cards of Prayer!"

A  Call  to  Action!  Starting  Now  through  March  14 - Let's  Flood  the  White  House  With  Post  Cards  of  Prayer!

Get your children involved!  Teach them to pray for the leaders of the nation and to send post cards of support along with yours!
This  is  a  call  to  action!  What  will  your  response  be?

Jane Hansen
Edit: J Miller
February 21 2017

TO THE WOMEN OF AMERICA:  At this special time in our nation's history, we know that we walk as Esthers in the earth - interceding on behalf of our nation, its peoples and President Trump. We know that since the beginning, women function under a mandate that exposes every evil plot of the enemy. While we were in DC recently, we learned of such a hideous plot called the Ides of March that has a dedicated Facebook page.

Those currently involved in resisting the new administration have targeted March 15th as a day to send President Trump a postcard expressing their opposition to him. Their plan is to overwhelm him with pink postcards symbolic of the pink slip that a person is given when fired. They plan to overwhelm the postal service by sending cards that contain hate-filled messages. Such as, "Sharpen your wit, unsheathe your writing implements, and see if your sincerest ill-wishes can pierce Donald's famously thin skin."

The enemy in this country just never gives up. It doesn't quit. It can't admit that they are in the minority in this country. If they are going to bombard the White House with HATE, then WE MUST BOMBARD the White House with SUPPORT, PRAYER AND LOVE.


Queen Esther wrote a new decree that trumped the one previously written.  I am asking you to begin sending in postcards to President Trump that simply say, "I am praying for you." 

President Trump said those were the most meaningful words that he heard while on the campaign trail. And with the current atmosphere of chaos and insanity in our nation, I want him to know that there is a worldwide army that is supporting him in prayer.

I ask that you share this opportunity with your friends, your family, at your workplace, and with your church.

Start NOW sending your cards of support, but also – let us all send one on March 14th (the day before) to counter the Ides of March plot.
The address to send your post cards is:

President Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

The Word of God tells us that we are to pray for all those in authority. I'm asking you to lay aside your personal, political views and join together for the good of our nation.

Let's counter the hate with grace and love. Let's flood Heaven with prayer and the White House with POSITIVE cards and letters for such a time as this!    

This is a call to action!  What will your response be?

Obama Identity REVEALED! HANG him for TREASON!


Who is Barack Obama? Stephen Sindoni shares his discoveries with BBS Radio talk show host Nancy Wallace of "Nancy's Metaphysical World & More."

John McCain! It's Over!

Julian Assange Just Leaked John McCain Email
 That Will RUIN His Life!


Published on Feb 21, 2017

IT’S OVER! Julian Assange Just Leaked a John McCain Email That Will RUIN His Life! OMG! It’s over for John McCain! A WikiLeaks document just surfaced that exposes John McCain as the CRIMINAL TRAITOR that he truly is! 

In case you forgot, it was John McCain who was responsible for the FAKE Russia dossier claiming Trump had ties to Russia and Russian prostitutes. McCain possible Russian hacking into John Podesta’s email was an “ACT OF WAR.”

But a 2008 WikiLeaks document has just leaked showing that McCain was asking the Russians for illegal donations to his campaign. THIS IS A FEDERAL CRIME!  "WE [RUSSIA] HAVE RECEIVED A LETTER FROM SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN REQUESTING FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION TO HIS PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN."  It is ILLEGAL for U.S. candidates to solicit foreign money. 

McCain is BASHING Trump over FALSE connections to Russia, and yet McCain had ASKED Russia FOR CAMPAIGN MONEY?!  Russia DENIED McCain’s request.  


McCain calls Trump a 'brutal dictator' as McCain  advocates for war in every corner of the globe, and McCain also FALSELY hammers Trump for 'working with Russia' after he/McCain begs Russia for money!

Someone needs to get the impeachment papers started for McCain's FRAUD because that, folks, is the very epitome of a snake!



TPP Is Not Dead: It’s Now Called the Trade In Services Agreement