Friday, March 24, 2017



FBI rescues 82 children in sex trafficking sweep

FBI rescues 82 children in sex trafficking sweep; 15 arrested in Philly area

An FBI operation focused on combating child sex trafficking around the world resulted in the arrests of 15 suspected pimps and associates in the Philadelphia region, authorities announced Tuesday.

Eighty-two minors were rescued and 239 alleged traffickers and their associates were arrested as part of this year’s Operation Cross Country, an annual international crime fighting effort, according to the FBI and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

“Each year, Operation Cross Country shines a spotlight on the scourge of child sex trafficking,” said Michael Harpster, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Philadelphia Division, in a prepared statement. 

“Sadly, children are being sexually exploited in our area – and across the country – every single day. 

The FBI and its partners on our Child Exploitation Task Forces will never stop working to find and free them, and ensure traffickers are brought to justice.”

Satanic Church Rituals Cover Up

Whistle Blowers 
and the Hampstead Satanic Church
 Rituals Cover Up

Please Prevent Wholesale Anti-Semitism

By Anna Von Reitz

Let's draw a line in the sand between "Jews" and the Tribe of Dan.  

Dan was one of the sons of Jacob, and if you read the Bible, you will learn that the Tribe of Dan has a peculiar banner and emblem: the Serpent.  Hence, they are rightfully called "Serpent Seed".  

You will also learn that according to Jacob's blessing, Dan will be a "stumbling block" to the "Rider"----that is, to our reason and good sense. 

Later in the story, the Tribe of Dan "disappears" along with the other "Lost Tribes of Israel".   These tribes weren't really lost in the physical sense.  They were lost in the spiritual sense and fell into worshiping foreign gods. 

The Tribe of Dan actually settled along the sea coast of Israel, with a headquarters in Sidon.  Remember the King of Sidon?   He's the leader of the Tribe of Dan.  

The Tribe of Dan is the only one of the Israelite tribes that became famous for sailing and for being sea-going merchants.  

Perhaps it is because of this vocation that they fell into worshiping the God of the Sea--- known as Satan, Poseidon, and The Father of All Lies--- and his consort, Semiramis, known as Astarte, Ashtoreth, Isis, Cybele, and Columbia----- as in "District of Columbia".  

This ancient Sumerian and Babylonian religion of the sea was known to Jesus and his Disciples as the Great Abomination.  

Those who were ethnically Israelites---mainly the Tribe of Dan and some of the Levites (lawyers)--- who followed this foreign religion are the same that Jesus called "the Synagogue of Satan", and for obvious reasons that He stated.  

They appeared to be Jews, but weren't Jews.  

Then as now. 

They created the hateful portions of the Talmud, the Kol Nidre that absolves them of telling lies before they tell them, and much of the imprecise, crooked, constantly slithering descriptive language that causes so much conflict and heartbreak in commercial courts of law. 

The Tribe of Dan has prospered throughout the ages as merchants and sailors. Their path of migration from the Levant to Eurasia and North Africa is well-known. They settled and built the great port of Carthage, then went north to Rome and west to Britain, where they traded in Cornwall and Ireland from 600 BC onward. 

They were known as the Dannai, and later, as the Phoenicians.  That's where the word "Phony" comes from-----which denotes their constant habit of telling lies and stealing by deceit and fraud what they cannot take by force. 

So now we come to the Stone of Scone, the "Stumbling Block" of the Tribe of Dan.  Oh, they tell a nice story about the Stone of Scone being brought to Ireland by King Zechariah"s daughter and the Prophet Jeremiah.  They've always got a story for everything.  

The fact is that the Stone of Scone is their Stumbling Block, the symbol of their power to deceive and cause conflict and throw a twisted monkey wrench into everything so as to profit from the chaos they create. 

And that is what the British Kings sit on during their coronation ceremonies.  

They pretend to be British, but they aren't.  Then they tell you that they are Germans, but they aren't.  The House of Windsor is the Tribe of Dan in drag. They have over time pretended to be Jews, pretended to be Christians, and no doubt have pretended to be Muslims, too. 

Their modus operandi is always the same---- pretend to be whomever you hate the most, do terrible things "in their name", and leave them to take the blame for it ---while you ride off into the sunset with all the loot and plunder you've gained. 

Because they worship the Father of All Lies, every Lie is a prayer.  

They regularly pretend to be Jews, and because they are ethnically Jewish they often "look like" the stereotypical Jew ---but they don't follow the religion of Judaism at all.  

No, their religion is the religion of Ancient Summer and Babylon, what we call Satanism, which they practice with all its hideous attributes of orgies and drugs and infanticide and child molestation and cannibalism and blood-drinking -- and then blame it on the actual Jews, who are trying to have a quiet Sabbath meal with their families, thank you very much. 

So, again, folks, put your Shinola Sensors on "High" and look sharp.  There are many voices raised and saying, "It's the Jews!  It's the Jews!  It's the Jews doing all these bad things!  They are the problem!  Kill the Jews!  Get rid of them and you solve the problem!"  

We've heard that rant before in Russia and Germany and Italy and France and England, too.  Always, there is this hatred of the Jews, always these outlandish accusations against them. 

But it isn't "the Jews".  It's the Satan-worshiping Tribe of Dan, and we've been too clueless to know the difference even though Jesus told us.

The Queen of England doesn't appear to be a Jew, does she? She appears to be a great Christian lady, head of the Church of England.  Who would ever suspect that she is of the Tribe of Dan?  And that she squats atop their Stumbling Block?  

And now, doesn't that just explain a whole lot about the world and what has been done here in America by the British for the last 150 years?  

Deceit upon fraud upon false claim upon identity theft upon unlawful conversion.... all stock and trade for the Tribe of Dan, the Phoenicians, the Knights Templar, the Dutch East India Company, and so many other groups down through history that have bilked the world blind and then just "disappeared" the same way the rats are trying to disappear now into China. 

So next time someone gives you some story about "Benevolent Chinese Elders" just wink and ask, "Oh, really?  Where were they during the Chinese Revolution? Pass the Kim-Chee, please?"  

The point of this story is that we have been "had" and "had" and "had".  We have proven to be so unobservant and trusting and gullible that we have earned the name of sheep and cows.  We have been driven--- very efficiently--- between two goads:good and evil, Republican and Democrat, Jew and Gentile, black and white, rich and poor--- until we've forgotten all the in-betweens and other choices and possibilities. 

It is crucial now that we all remember and take nothing for granted.  We must make the effort to discern the real truth, and in the end, Jesus gave the best, most stalwart advice of all: know them by their fruits.  

See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website

Our mission is to restore the lawful government that is owed to us.

By Anna Von Reitz

Our lawful government, sometimes called the "de jure" government, is called the United States of America.  The United States of America has been undermined from within by a commercial corporation calling itself the United States, which is under contract to our states to provide "essential government services".  (See the Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783 and Article IV.) 

The United States is controlled by the Pope and the British Monarch and operated by a Board of Trustees calling itself the United States Congress. 

The United States went rogue during and after the so-called American Civil War and just neglected to tell anyone. 

Ever since, the United States has been in one kind of "war" after another--- the war on poverty and the war on drugs and the war on terrorism--- as well as endless nasty political and police actions for profit. 

Yet the Civil War wasn't really a war at all.  It was an illegal commercial mercenary action carried out on our shores.  It was never declared by the Congress.  It was never ended by a peace treaty. 

President Andrew Johnson declared peace in public three times, and created a contract for peace, but that's not the same thing as a peace treaty. 

Obviously, the Popes and the British Monarchs and the people we so trustingly sent to Congress to represent us have failed to do the job. They have acted in Breach of Trust and commercial contract for 150 years right under our noses. 

They have used us as "muscle" to carry on endless wars for profit and illegal police actions throughout the world.  They've neglected our country's needs and stolen it blind while at the same time killing millions of innocent people and they have blamed us for it all. 

Now they are targeting the people of China to take our place as the Bully Boys of the world.  They have sent their bankers and lawyers and tons of our gold to China, intending to set up shop again and pull the same old crap over there. 

We've been stupid, folks, for a very long time. 

None of us remember a legitimate and fully functioning American government. All we know is the slow parasitic rot imposed on us by the British Monarchs and the Pope and the politicians in control of the United States. 

It's no wonder that millions of Americans detest what they think of as their government, but what everyone worldwide needs to understand is that that thing in Washington, DC, isn't our government.  

The United States, Inc., is a foreign corporation in the business of providing governmental services---hence the reason it is called a "de facto" government.  

It is really just an adjunct to our lawful government, like a catering service or housekeeping service, that our ancestors subscribed to. 

Given all this, it is apparent that America has been tragically deceived and defrauded and off track for a very long time. 

People around the world have grown to hate Americans and we have been blamed for the actions of the United States, which is nothing but a gigantic multi-national commercial corporation gone wild. 

It should surprise no one that the United States has used crooked bookkeeping to embezzle trillions of dollars out of our economy, and then, on top of it, has claimed that we didn't pay them and that they are trillions of dollars in debt, and are seeking bankruptcy protection because of it. 

This is the complete and utter mess that Donald J. Trump has inherited, and it is all directly attributable to the Popes, the British Monarchs, the treasonous members of Congress and the puppet Presidents who have run this country into the ground and worked to enslave the American people for the last 150 years. 

The "frog" is now well and truly boiled, but still alive.  And the "frog" is angry. That's understood.  It is painful and scary to wake up and realize that the men and institutions you placed your faith in all your life have grossly betrayed you. 

Bear in mind that the men and institutions guilty of these horrific crimes against us and against the entire rest of the world, have no friends left.  

They are trapped with the Americans on one side and the rest of the world on the other.  The British people have been just as shamelessly abused as we have, quite possibly more. 

From both within and without, then, these hateful monsters have carried out their war against Mankind and have used the churches and what appeared to be lawful governments as storefronts for their parasitic activities.  

At the end of the day, who is responsible? 

As a short list-- the Popes, the British Monarchs, the Lord Mayors of London, the Lords of the Admiralty, the British Parliament, the US Congress, the government corporations of the European nations, Japan, Canada, Australia----are all in the frying pan. 

The entire Earth is overdue for a political housecleaning, and Donald J. Trump has landed himself in one helluva position to be in. 

We, Americans, like the rest of the world have every reason to despise the renegade United States.  We have every reason to rise up and murder the members of Congress and desecrate Washington, DC, yes, every reason to raze it to the ground and piss on the graves of those who would defend it.  

We have cause to do that, but we would be supremely stupid to do that. 

Instead, we need to keep calm and get even.

The entire world now knows what has gone on here.  They know who the guilty parties are.  They are looking to us for leadership to find the way forward and they won't be disappointed. 

We've looked back to our roots to find ourselves again.  All across the country county and state jural assemblies are gathering.  Day by day, Americans are waking up and returning the false gift of "US PERSONS" that have been foisted off on us.  

Those who have defrauded and abused us are being recognized as international criminals.  Their foreign duplicitous Satanic religion is being recognized for what it is--- a reprise of Ancient Babylon brought forward like a cancer concealed in the Roman Catholic Church.  

Even the members of the US Congress are beginning to wake up.  Trey Gowdy and Rand Paul aren't the only ones speaking our language anymore.  

Quietly, with great resolve, America --- the real America----is on the move. 

Our goal isn't to destroy the United States, but to take back our rightful control of it and get to the bottom of the criminality infesting it.  As we go, we are learning our own history and filling the vacated offices that our lawful government is owed. 

We are going to completely restore our lawful Common Law court system, which is owed to the people of this country.  We are going to sort out the crooked government bookkeeping and dispose of the "National Debt".  We are going to bust the foreign media cartels.  We are going to secure our borders, mind our business, and let the chips fall as they may. 

In the midst of this humongous endeavor, it is imperative for everyone to stay grounded and think things through.  None of this is rocket science, but it took 150 years for this situation to develop. We can expect the clean up to last more than a decade.  Meantime, the sky is not falling.  We are not broke.  We have the power to change things peacefully using Due Process and our own Public Law.

What could go wrong? 

We could trust the wrong people again.  

That is the chief danger we face. There are among us paid provocateurs and an equally common breed of opportunists eager to seize power for power's sake. 

These Bad Actors always show their colors eventually, so pay close attention to both words and deeds.  

We now have among us men who are preaching a False Gospel.  They are saying, "Hey, we are the people!  We can do anything we want!" 

The same thing can be said of any gang of outlaws--- until the rest of us catch up with them. 

Men who have been oppressed by a commercial corporation masquerading as their own government have a right to be angry, but our power and our just cause lies in restoring our rightful and lawful government, complete with its system of checks and balances intact, so that nobody and nothing can oppress any of us again.  Otherwise, we merely jump from one oppression to another. 

Our very greatest danger is that some demagogue like Hitler will arise from our disillusionment and discontent and like the Pied Piper, lead the world down the road to senseless war again. 

We've heard that tune and followed it too many times before. 

The greatness of America does not lie in our force of arms, but in our generosity of heart.  Our future does not lie in the mind of any one man, but in the hopes and dreams of us all. 

I have done my level best to clue you in and teach you right from wrong. I have been a faithful guide and defender of the innocent, a proponent of peaceful and orderly and lawful change.  

God willing, I will be here a while longer to help guide the work, but in the meantime it is imperative for every American to study their own history, learn the structure of their own government, and stop being gullible. 

Turn your Shinola Sensors on "High". 

And like the song says, "Don't get fooled again!" 

See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website

San Francisco considers blacklisting construction companies that bid on border wall

Wall between United States and Mexico was key promise for Trump campaign

A border wall in Tijuana, Mexico, with memorial markers for those who died attempting to cross. A number of disconnected fences and barriers exist at various points on the border already.
© Tomas Castelazo, / Wikimedia Commons

The federal government is now accepting design proposals for the Trump administration’s promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, but San Francisco lawmakers say that any contractor who puts in a bid will be on the outs with the city.
District Three supervisor Aaron Peskin and District Nine supervisor Hillary Ronen will introduce new legislation at Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting effectively blacklisting construction companies who offer their services on the border wall project.
“Simplest explanation, it would prohibit the city from contracting with any companies that bid on the wall in the future,” a Ronen spokesperson told Curbed SF.
“We are not going to spend billions of dollars and line the pockets of businesses that engage in work that goes against the values that we hold most dear,” Ronen told the San Francisco Chronicle.
The proposed border wall was a key campaign promise for Donald Trump. Five days into his term, Trump signed an executive order instructing his administration to:
Secure the southern border of the United States through the immediate construction of a physical wall on the southern border, monitored and supported by adequate personnel so as to prevent illegal immigration
No actual construction may begin until Congress approves a budget for the project, but the Customs and Border Protection office began soliciting design prototypes last week, specifying:
The wall design shall be physically imposing in height. The Government’s nominal concept is for a 30-foot high wall. Offerors should consider this height, but designs with heights of at least 18 feet may be acceptable. [...] The wall shall prevent digging or tunneling below it for a minimum of 6 feet below the lowest adjacent grade.
Fencing in Southern California.
Public Domain
Prototype specifications also include instructions that the north-facing side of the wall be “aesthetically pleasing.”
The border is nearly 2,000 miles long. Estimates about the cost of the project vary, but in February a leaked Department of Homeland Security report put the figure at $21.6 billion.
In January, a Hoover Institution poll found that 35 percent of Californians predict a border wall will help the state, while 45 percent think it will hurt. Twenty percent were uncertain.
No region-specific polling of the Bay Area is available, although the San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward census area voted against Trump by the widest margin in the country in the November election.
Earlier this month, Berkeley was the first city in the U.S. to propose divesting from any company that plans on working to build the border wall.

Proposed CA Bill Would Cause Massive Tax Increase and Potential International Trade War

Date: Thursday, 23-Mar-2017 15:02:06
It boggles the mind at the stupidity of those running Kali-pornia. There is a mass exodus of wealthy people leaving the state, in droves.
Despite multiple tax increases being adopted by voters just last November, SB 567 (Lara) was introduced that, if enacted, will result in another multi-billion dollar tax increase on businesses and individuals. And, the bill could once again raise the ire of major international trading partners, including Great Britain and Japan.
With the newly acquired super-majority status of Democrats in both the state Assembly and state Senate, the business community has been concerned about potential tax increases brewing in the Legislature. SB 567 represents the biggest threat so far.
SB 567 would make four major changes to California tax law. According to the bill’s author, this measure “will close four popular loopholes that benefit millionaires and ensure high income earners making above one-million-dollars annually, pay their fair share in taxes.” Senator Lara also claims, “Millionaires have mastered our tax code to take advantage of popular loopholes. As a result, the super-rich and the largest corporations in California do not pay their fair share in taxes.”
The approach of seeking new sources of revenue, such as that contained in SB 567, seems counter-intuitive after the electorate adopted multi-billion tax increases just a few months ago by passing Prop. 55 (12-year extension of the Prop. 30 personal income tax increases), Prop. 56 (a $2 tax imposed on each pack of cigarettes), and Prop. 64 (which includes several tax increases on marijuana and marijuana products).
What is different for the 2017 session is that Democrats have achieved the necessary 2/3 majorities in the state Senate and Assembly to pass tax increases without any Republican involvement under the requirements of Prop. 26 (amending Article XIIIA, Section 3(a) of the California Constitution), assuming signature by the governor – or enough votes to override a gubernatorial veto. California is one of just a handful of states that requires a 2/3 majority for increasing taxes by a vote of the Legislature.
What does SB 567 propose? As introduced, the bill contains four significant tax increase provisions. First, for tax years beginning January 1, 2018, SB 567 would require charitable remainder trusts (CRTs) to be at least 40 percent of the initial fair market value of all of the property placed in trust. Existing state law exempts from state tax any charitable remainder trust including that the value of the trust must be at least 10% of the initial fair market value of all the property placed in trust.
A CRT is an irrevocable trust that generates an income stream for the donor to the CRT with the remainder of the donated assets going to charity. Unfortunately, proponents claim CRTs benefit charities but allow taxpayers to avoid paying taxes. The bill would raise the amount going to the charity by 300 percent. It would make a CRT less attractive and adversely impact charitable giving. It would also take California out of conformity with federal law, which creates administrative burdens for both taxpayers and the Franchise Tax Board in administering the law.
Second, for persons who died on or after January 1, 2018, SB 567 would revise the law so that no adjustment is allowed where the person who acquires the property has an adjusted gross income or net income over a specified amount. Existing state law, for the purpose of calculating the gain or loss upon the disposition of property, generally the basis of property acquired from a decedent is the fair market value at the date of death.
California conforms to federal tax law on the “step-up in basis” for appreciated property that has been inherited. SB 567 would eliminate this provision of federal law for those with income above $1 million, once again targeting those upon whom the State of California is ever dependent upon financially. As a result, the bill would create different rules for California taxpayers complying with federal law and force those individuals to pay capital gains on inherited property that has appreciated in value.
Third, SB 567 would retroactively to January 1, 2017 eliminate the deduction for compensation paid to CEOs for pay based on commission or on meeting certain performance goals. Retroactive tax law changes are fundamentally unfair to taxpayers as they change the rules midstream. This creates undue hardship and confusion for residents.
Existing state law, in conformity with federal tax law, provides that a publicly held corporation may not deduct remuneration paid to the CEO to the extent the amount of compensation exceeds $1 million, except where the amount is based on commission or on meeting certain performance goals. As such, a deduction for that compensation is permitted on that basis even if it exceeds $1 million. This change in law would take California out of conformity with federal income tax law by disallowing the deduction for publicly-traded corporations.
Fourth, SB 567 would retroactively to January 1, 2017 remove the water’s-edge election and specify that all existing electors would be unable to file using the water’s-edge method for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2023, thereby forcing all corporations to file on a worldwide unitary basis. Existing state law allows corporations to elect whether their income is determined on a water’s-edge or worldwide unitary basis.
While the U.S. Supreme Court upheld California’s use of “worldwide combined reporting,” the state allowed a “water’s-edge election” beginning in 1987 due to pressure from foreign governments and multinational corporations, as well as sound tax policy. SB 567 would re-open this debate and cause countries like England and Japan to again propose retaliatory measures against U.S. corporations.
The claim by proponents of this tax law change is that corporations stash money in tax haven countries and worldwide combined reporting is the only way to tax those revenues. SB 567 would repeal the water’s-edge election and force all corporations to pay much more in corporate taxes to California. Under this approach, California companies would end up paying taxes on foreign income earned outside the U.S. which would be inappropriately apportioned to California. The bill would represent a massive tax increase disguised as “fairness” in taxation.
Moreover, SB 567 would grant California the ability to tax income earned outside of the water’s-edge of the United States, a practice which is not followed by any other state in the nation. The practical effect would be to allow the state to tax income that has already been subject to taxation by a foreign jurisdiction. And California-based companies would be subject to retaliatory tax measures by other countries in which they are conducting business.
As the Legislative Counsel has correctly determined, SB 567 makes multiple changes in state statutes that would result in a taxpayer paying a higher tax within the meaning of Article XIIIA, Section 3 of the California Constitution and thus requires a 2/3 majority vote of both houses of the Legislature in order to reach the governor’s desk. Hopefully, the Legislature will reject this measure.
Chris Micheli is a lobbyist with the Sacramento governmental relations firm of Aprea & Micheli, Inc. He can be reached at
This piece was originally published by Fox and Hounds Daily.

WikiLeaks #Vault7 shows CIA has been infecting supply chains for at least 8 years

Thursday, March 23, 2017

BREAKING: Autopsy Results From Vince Foster’s Exhumed Body–Cause Of Death To Be Changed

March 22, 2017
By usapoliticsnow admin

A string of events this week has led to incredible results in a 23-year-old case that had gone completely cold. After a reporter for The Washington Examiner was shot dead in front of his home and a letter was sent to his editor on his behalf, an investigation began into the death of Clinton attorney Vince Foster. Foster’s death in 1993 had been ruled a suicide.

With new evidence, Rep. Trey Gowdy successfully petitioned a federal judge to have the body of Vince Foster exhumed for autopsy. The body wasn’t autopsied before burial the first time, which aided in the theory of a cover-up. Forensic specialists examined the body last night at the Naval Hospital in Norfolk, Virginia, concluding that the cause of death for Mr. Foster should be changed from suicide to homicide.

LT Col. James McFitting, head of the hospital’s forensics lab, told reporters in his office that Foster had not one but two gunshot wounds, both of which would have been fatal. There would be no way he could have pulled the trigger himself a second time. The wounds were also in the back of his head, meaning unless he reached all the way around to make it look like a murder and fired two identical guns at the same time, the original story was impossible.

The doctor who signed Foster’s death certificate died in a car crash a few months later and the police detectives who worked the case have both left the country, never to be seen again. Without the letter from the reporter, Mr. Foster may have never seen justice.

The case has been turned over to the FBI, who has clear jurisdiction at this point, for the difficult task of connecting the dots from Foster’s death directly to Bill and Hillary Clinton. Director Comey has assured the congressional panel that he will personally see to it that all of the bureau’s resources are made available.

In other words, Clinton will be getting away with murder…again.

Breaking: “The File Has Enough Names to Leave DC a Ghost Town or a Supermax Prison” – New Weiner Leaks Have Begun

From what I’ve seen over several months, YouTuber, Victurus Libertas (VL) posts good information.

VL is now claiming that he’s received information from “A very reliable source” about the NYPD. The New York Police Department are said to have cloned a copy of Anthony Weiner’s computer, prior to handing it over the the FBI last fall.

VL continues, “NYPD detectives, along with select FBI agents who are sick of the stonewalling of [FBI Director] Comey and the brass at FBI and CIA have started leaking information on their investigation into Anthony Weiner’s laptop…
“Among other things, we have learned from our insider that the Clintons and other politicians were engaged in money-laundering, child exploitation, sex crimes with minors, perjury, pay-to-play through the Clinton Foundation, obstruction of justice and other felony crimes.”

Now many of us (myself, included) with access to people who have inside knowledge of this situation have been hearing this story about the “fed-up” NYPD for months and nothing has happened.

This video contains an alleged prurient leak of a lewd and disgusting Twitter Direct Message that Weiner made to a 14 year old girl. In all likelihood, this deranged tweet will never be confirmed on any MSM outlet, if for no other reason than that it is too sick for family television.

VL continues, “Weiner has also contacted young boys and also still keeps in close contact with Chuck Schumer. A file marked ‘Life Insurance’, which we’ve talked about here may be leaked by the NYPD detectives because they are done sitting around while the politicians rape children and lie to the public.

“‘Nobody is above the law,’ said one source. ‘The file has enough names to leave DC a ghost town or a Supermax prison,’ according to one detective. ‘You literally have a third of the politicians dirty or worse,’ said one detective.

“Our source is a reporter in New York City and from what we know so far, four detectives have begun leaking the information and there will be clear connections made between Schumer, Weiner, Epstein, Dershowitz, Williams and Hillary Clinton and more.

“The NYPD has had it with Comey and his brass. Expect a flood of leaks immediately…our source said it’s already begun.

“After Comey went up to Congress and the hearing in Congress a couple of days ago…people are just outraged at Comey right now. From what I understand, NYPD was promised that this stuff was going to get leaked by the FBI. You cannot trust Comey. Everybody sees that right now. The white hats at the NYPD and at the FBI, they’ve had it. They’ve had it, Folks…

“The FBI cannot trust Comey anymore…he’s not going to do the right thing. He’s protecting the Clintons.”


AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta
S.D.R. Diplomatic Passport No. 04362, 12535
4001 North 9 th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA  22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia

White House INTEL Files Received and Acknowledged -

Today, March 23rd 2017, WikiLeaks releases Vault 7 "Dark Matter"

Dark Matter

23 March, 2017 
Today, March 23rd 2017, WikiLeaks releases Vault 7 "Dark Matter", which contains documentation for several CIA projects that infect Apple Mac firmware (meaning the infection persists even if the operating system is re-installed) developed by the CIA's Embedded Development Branch (EDB). These documents explain the techniques used by CIA to gain 'persistence' on Apple Mac devices, including Macs and iPhones and demonstrate their use of EFI/UEFI and firmware malware.

Among others, these documents reveal the "Sonic Screwdriver" project which, as explained by the CIA, is a "mechanism for executing code on peripheral devices while a Mac laptop or desktop is booting" allowing an attacker to boot its attack software for example from a USB stick "even when a firmware password is enabled". The CIA's "Sonic Screwdriver" infector is stored on the modified firmware of an Apple Thunderbolt-to-Ethernet adapter.

"DarkSeaSkies" is "an implant that persists in the EFI firmware of an Apple MacBook Air computer" and consists of "DarkMatter", "SeaPea" and "NightSkies", respectively EFI, kernel-space and user-space implants.
Documents on the "Triton" MacOSX malware, its infector "Dark Mallet" and its EFI-persistent version "DerStarke" are also included in this release. While the DerStarke1.4 manual released today dates to 2013, other Vault 7 documents show that as of 2016 the CIA continues to rely on and update these systems and is working on the production of DerStarke2.0.

Also included in this release is the manual for the CIA's "NightSkies 1.2" a "beacon/loader/implant tool" for the Apple iPhone. Noteworthy is that NightSkies had reached 1.2 by 2008, and is expressly designed to be physically installed onto factory fresh iPhones. i.e the CIA has been infecting the iPhone supply chain of its targets since at least 2008.

While CIA assets are sometimes used to physically infect systems in the custody of a target it is likely that many CIA physical access attacks have infected the targeted organization's supply chain including by interdicting mail orders and other shipments (opening, infecting, and resending) leaving the United States or otherwise.

Leaked Documents

HILLARY in DEEP TROUBLE: Trey Gowdy had Fed Judge Order Vince Foster's Body Exhumed!

BOOM! Ed Snowden Drops the Hammer on James Comey! Can't Trust Comey aft...

A Guide to Choosing Your Leaders

By Anna Von Reitz

 It is an unfortunate fact that by far the majority of men who assume positions of leadership in any organization are compelled to do so by their own egotistical hunger for coercive power and social recognition and control over others.

Just look at Capitol Hill.

Such men may appear as gentle as doves, yet inside be ravening wolves. They may speak of our Father and drape themselves with religious sentiment.  They may even appear as angels of light.  

Let me suggest that the proof of a leader's sentiment and commitment must be found in their works, in their sacrifices over time, in their willingness to study and do the grunt work, and in their patience to crawl before they walk and to walk before they run.   

Real leaders earn their position of trust and hold it dear, not for their own sake, but to share what they have learned and to protect those who aren't as strong and to ensure success.  They aren't devotees of themselves. They aren't anxious to grab the reins.  They don't promote an atmosphere of conflict. They are patient and fair and long-suffering. Power is something they bear, not something they seek. 
Bad leaders, by contrast, are always impatient, pushing and shoving, making every little thing urgent and important so that they can bask in the limelight, always clawing and accusing others, always gossiping and trying to increase whatever power they have, always trying to make themselves look good by making others look bad, always patting themselves on the back and letting you know about all their good deeds, always name-dropping, always bragging either openly or by implication, always working some angle to benefit themselves, always trying to palm off blame --in short, they are grown up renditions of the nasty little bullies and teacher's pets in grade school--- only because they are grown men, you are apt to take them more seriously. Maybe. For a while. 

The American people deserve ever so much better leadership than that, but you will have to demand it. And go out and draft it.

Otherwise, you see what you get----whatever the cat drags in, whoever thinks he can make a buck, or worse.  

I draw your attention to these simple facts in hopes that you will apply the yardstick I have just given you to those who propose to be your leaders.  When you see men and women quietly going about their business, taking care of what has to be done without a lot of fanfare, a bell should go off in your brain. 

When you see him or her eschew trivial conversations leading to gossip and instead keeping attention focused on the work at hand---ding! ding! --- another clue that you may have a good leader in the making.  

When you see that man or woman patiently persevere in times of personal and professional adversity, the bell should go off again.  

And when they make no move toward the center stage and don't grab the microphone and don't advertise themselves and their accomplishments, why, then, you should really be suspicious that you might have someone worthy of being a leader.  

Both Doucette and Hamilton are preaching a false Gospel.  They say, "We can do anything, because we are the people!" 


The same exact thing can be said of any gang on a rampage.  We can all do whatever immoral, lazy, incompetent, unjust, unfair, violent, lawless thing we want---- until someone else asserts their rights and shows up with more guns.  

Is that how you all want to spend your time?  

Sooner or later the grown ups in the room have got to recognize this brand of leadership for what it is---and start looking for and demanding the mature, effective, unselfish leadership that is needed.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Public Notice of Gross Judicial Misconduct

By Anna Von Reitz

This Notice is issued to the Public in regard to the activities of Bruce Doucette and Michael R. Hamilton taking place as an unverifiable conference call March 22, 2017 claiming to have authority to alter Public Law, commandeer Public Offices, have ownership rights to the name "Continental Marshals" which has been an office of the lawful government of the united States of America for over 200 years, claims to have authority granted to them to change the nature, duties, authorities, jurisdiction, and chain of command of the Continental Marshals a fiat by an unrecognizable multi-state group merely calling itself a "national assembly" when the only true national assembly is vested in the Continental Congress----let all be made aware that this is an act of gross judicial misconduct amounting to criminal negligence. 

Insomuch as these men have agreed to honor the office of State Justices and have not honored the Public Law and have not proceeded according to Due Process and have not made a Good Faith effort to ascertain the facts and take the oaths of the offices that they have occupied and have not corrected their political status and have not deserved the respect and the trust that they have been given, let all free men and women who value their freedom be advised that no authority over the Continental Marshals belongs to any single state assembly, to any Grand Jury, to any State Justice or any State Militia leader. 

Continental Marshals operate as Federal-level officers employed by the states and the people to defend and protect their un-delegated rights and material interests in the international jurisdiction still owed to us.  As such they are officers and members of the Federal Postal District Courts and are not subject to review by any Grand Jury unless they are accused of a crime. 

Chief Marshal Bella Haywood has not been accused nor found guilty of any crime, but she has been the victim of a great deal of ill-founded gossip and false assumptions made by others.  Any action taken by those appearing on any conference call will have exactly the weight and authority of any phone call made by gullible people gossiping among themselves and attempting to usurp powers beyond their lawful offices. 

Public Offices Belong to the Public

By Anna Von Reitz

Public Offices Belong to the Public

Bruce Doucette and Michael R. Hamilton are attempting to host what they call a "national assembly" call tonight, yet they are once again refusing to obey the Public Law established by the American states and people.

Until they get their heads screwed on and their facts straight, nothing they say has any validity and imposes no obligation on anyone else. And neither do the actions of however many misguided and misinformed and unidentified people tuning into a telephone call. 

These two men haven't even bothered to correct their own political status and are still United States Citizens purporting to hold offices in the government of the states of the union.

Hello? Big red flags going up anywhere yet?

As it stands, both the de facto government and the de jure government have the right to arrest these maniacs and prosecute them for insubordination on one hand, and insurrection on the other.

These men assume that because they occupy a vacated Public Office that they own that office and are free to define or redefine its nature and its duties and its limits however they see fit. Oh, and everyone else's offices, too.
This is an obvious error.

Public offices belong to the public, are defined in Public Law, and are not subject to the whims of those occupying the offices.

Anyone who thinks about it for five seconds would have to agree.
It follows that just because they started the impetus to fill the vacated offices of the Continental Marshals they do not own and can not define those offices, their duties, or their jurisdiction.

A handful of unidentified people on a telephone call are not enabled to wave their hands and change international law. Anyone with a brain in their head should be able to sort that much out.

The sovereignty owed to the men and women of this country doesn't make them kings over others equally endowed.

The youth of today as never seen before: Powerful images capture the very different lives of children across the globe

Life for these children could hardly be more different, all born into situations over which they have no control until they grow up. Even then, their destinies will have been profoundly shaped by their childhoods.

Their arresting portraits were all captured in far-flung locations across the globe by photographers who have been shortlisted for the prestigious 2017 Sony World Photography Awards.

Judges selected powerful images across multiple categories, and here MailOnline presents the most compelling photos of children.

They represent a cross section of young lives from tribes in West Africa to Syrian refugees; toddler gymnasts in China to six-year-old bodybuilders in Russia; Sikhs in Italy to disadvantaged youths in Edinburgh.

The winners of the photography contest - the biggest in the world - will be revealed on April 20 at an awards ceremony at Somerset House in London. 

In Guizhou, China, this little boy's parents are busy harvesting as his 90-year-old grandmother takes a quick break to enjoy a tender moment with him
In Guizhou, China, this little boy's parents are busy harvesting as his 90-year-old grandmother takes a quick break to enjoy a tender moment with him
This photo was taken at a cemetery in Manila, the Philippines, where a community of homeless people live, including this child who has found a balloon to play with among the unclaimed bones and bodies
This photo was taken at a cemetery in Manila, the Philippines, where a community of homeless people live, including this child who has found a balloon to play with among the unclaimed bones and bodies
Li was admitted to the Changchun weight loss centre last year where he undergoes traditional Chinese treatments including fire therapy, pictured, which involves burning a mixture of ingredients on a cloth over his stomach
Li was admitted to the Changchun weight loss centre last year where he undergoes traditional Chinese treatments including fire therapy, pictured, which involves burning a mixture of ingredients on a cloth over his stomach
Li Hang, an eleven-year-old boy from Harbin, China, has Prader-Willi Syndrome, a chromosome abnormality which means he can't stop himself from overeating. He weighs more than 340lbs and is currently undergoing medical treatment
Li Hang, an eleven-year-old boy from Harbin, China, has Prader-Willi Syndrome, a chromosome abnormality which means he can't stop himself from overeating. He weighs more than 340lbs and is currently undergoing medical treatment

In Mumbai, India, a little girl undergoes a Navjote, pictured, a ceremony similar to baptism which welcomes her into the Zoroastrian religion - one of the oldest on Earth. It means she'll never be allowed to marry outside of it.
A religious celebration at the Sikh temple in the suburb of Parma, Italy
In Mumbai, India, a little girl undergoes a Navjote (left), a ceremony similar to baptism which welcomes her into the Zoroastrian religion - one of the oldest on Earth. It means she'll never be allowed to marry outside of it. Pictured (right) a religious celebration at a Sikh temple in the suburb of Parma, Italy
Taha Sirhan (right), 11, carries the Iraqi flag through burned out oil fields in the city of Qayyarah south east of Mosul in Iraq. His father was killed by ISIS during their occupation because he was working for the Iraqi police
Taha Sirhan (right), 11, carries the Iraqi flag through burned out oil fields in the city of Qayyarah south east of Mosul in Iraq. His father was killed by ISIS during their occupation because he was working for the Iraqi police
Twin sisters Liu Bingqing and Liu Yujie go through rigorous gymnastics training at a Chinese sports school in Jining,  Shandong province, where they have studied and trained since they were infants
Twin sisters Liu Bingqing and Liu Yujie go through rigorous gymnastics training at a Chinese sports school in Jining, Shandong province, where they have studied and trained since they were infants
When photographer Mohamed Roushdy El dor took this portrait (left) in Cairo, Egypt, he asked the sad boy to smile but he said he couldn't
A small child in Togo, West Africa, with fresh wounds which will turn into scars, typical of the Soma tribe
When photographer Mohamed Roushdy El dor took this portrait (left) in Cairo, Egypt, he asked the sad boy to smile, but he said he 'couldn't'. Pictured (right) a small child in Togo, West Africa, with fresh wounds which will turn into scars, typical markings of the Soma tribe
In Benin, West Africa, a two-year-old member of the Betamarribe tribe endures a painful scarification ceremony in keeping with his ancient heritage
In Benin, West Africa, a two-year-old member of the Betamarribe tribe endures a painful scarification ceremony in keeping with his ancient heritage
Photographer Kamila Staniszewska captured her six-year-old daughter break into tears while doing her homework in Poland
Photographer Kamila Staniszewska captured her six-year-old daughter break into tears while doing her homework in Poland
In Senegal, a young girl clings to the edge of a bus window with a strained expression on her face as the photographer shoots from above
In Senegal, a young girl clings to the edge of a bus window with a strained expression on her face as the photographer shoots from above
Photographer Tim Topple took this image of his six-year-old daughter playing at their home in Cieszyn, southern Poland
Photographer Tim Topple took this image of his six-year-old daughter playing at their home in Cieszyn, southern Poland
A nine-year-old girl called Syuzanna takes shelter in the shell of a dilapidated car outside the abandoned building she lives in, in Gymri, Armenia, where the poverty rate is 47 per cent
A nine-year-old girl called Syuzanna takes shelter in the shell of a dilapidated car outside the abandoned building she lives in, in Gymri, Armenia, where the poverty rate is 47 per cent
In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, fashion designer Nassiba, who is pictured playing with her son, states: 'Society constrains the divorcee. What you can or can't do, remains under the control of others. As an independent single mother, I've made peace with the sacrifices I've had to make, but also managed to find happiness on my own'
In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, fashion designer Nassiba, who is pictured playing with her son, states: 'Society constrains the divorcee. What you can or can't do, remains under the control of others. As an independent single mother, I've made peace with the sacrifices I've had to make, but also managed to find happiness on my own'
In GouLingYu, Gansu province, this girl is just one of 61million 'left-behind' children in China's rural areas whose parents have left them to move into the city. This girl says her mother 'ran away' from her when she was six months old
In GouLingYu, Gansu province, this girl is just one of 61million 'left-behind' children in China's rural areas whose parents have left them to move into the city. This girl says her mother 'ran away' from her when she was six months old
In the jungle of Sumatra Barat, Indonesia, children share a joke with an elder of the Mentawai Tribe on Mentawai Island
In the jungle of Sumatra Barat, Indonesia, children share a joke with an elder of the Mentawai Tribe on Mentawai Island
A child plays in Kaifeng, China, by the warehouse of a man who kills dogs to sell
A Bedouin boy in Oman poses with his father's rifle. 'He is still too young to use it,' explains Mark Languido Vicente, 'but here, he is tasked to hold it in a safe position while his father receives guests'
Pictured (left) a child plays in Kaifeng, China, by the warehouse of a man who kills dogs to sell and (right), a Bedouin boy in Oman poses with his father's rifle. 'He is still too young to use it,' explains photographer Mark Languido Vicente, 'but here, he is tasked to hold it in a safe position while his father receives guests'
Photographer Germano Miele writes of this image, which he took in the small village  in Benin: 'It's very common, when you leave the big cities to go discovering little villages, to be received like an old friend coming back home with amazing and unforgettable smiles and calling me "Yovo" (white man in Fon, the local language). This is the pure Africa I really love'
Photographer Germano Miele writes of this image, which he took in the small village in Benin: 'It's very common, when you leave the big cities to go discovering little villages, to be received like an old friend coming back home with amazing and unforgettable smiles and calling me "Yovo" (white man in Fon, the local language). This is the pure Africa I really love'
Caught in the crossfire, Iraqi civilians displaced by fighting in the village of Shora, just south of Mosul, reach an Iraqi army checkpoint on the northern outskirts of Qayyarah
Caught in the crossfire, Iraqi civilians displaced by fighting in the village of Shora, just south of Mosul, reach an Iraqi army checkpoint on the northern outskirts of Qayyarah
A young boy pictured clutching two guns in the Honduran city of Rivera Hernandez, where according to the photographer, five warring gangs result in three dead bodies a day
A young boy pictured clutching two guns in the Honduran city of Rivera Hernandez, where according to the photographer, five warring gangs result in three dead bodies a day
In a remote village of India's West Bengal, children gather as this Sannyasi (religious beggar) parades a skull as part of a Gajan Festival, in hopes for rain and a better harvest in the coming year
In a remote village of India's West Bengal, children gather as this Sannyasi (religious beggar) parades a skull as part of a Gajan Festival, in hopes for rain and a better harvest in the coming year
A boy in Nakhon si Thammarat, South Thailand, rests his weary head on a buffalo in the mists of the early morning
A boy in Nakhon si Thammarat, South Thailand, rests his weary head on a buffalo in the mists of the early morning
Photographer Jian Seng Soh, who captured this image in Kyoto, Japan, wrote of it: 'Before I got off the bus at the next station, I gave my seat to this young elementary student with heavy bags and she immediately fell asleep'
Photographer Jian Seng Soh, who captured this image in Kyoto, Japan, wrote of it: 'Before I got off the bus at the next station, I gave my seat to this young elementary student with heavy bags and she immediately fell asleep'
Syrian refugee children shelter under plastic to protect themselves from the rain during transportation from a Turkish camp
Syrian refugee children shelter under plastic to protect themselves from the rain during transportation from a Turkish camp
Participants wait backstage during a regional bodybuilding championship in Stavropol, southern Russia, where the photographer says: 'Western magazines crammed with images of unrealistically muscled male and female bodies passed from hand to hand'
Participants wait backstage during a regional bodybuilding championship in Stavropol, southern Russia, where the photographer says: 'Western magazines crammed with images of unrealistically muscled male and female bodies passed from hand to hand'
In the poverty-stricken region of Gyumri, Armenia, mum Lusine sleeps with her five children in the only room they have. During the Soviet era, these huge buildings on the outskirts of the city accommodated around 60 families each. Today there are just four families living here, among decaying walls and corridors
In the poverty-stricken region of Gyumri, Armenia, mum Lusine sleeps with her five children in the only room they have. During the Soviet era, these huge buildings on the outskirts of the city accommodated around 60 families each. Today there are just four families living here, among decaying walls and corridors
In Denmark, 28 schoolchildren have a pillow fight at the institute of controversial Danish therapist Carl-Mar Moller, where they are encouraged to play freely without rules
In Denmark, 28 schoolchildren have a pillow fight at the institute of controversial Danish therapist Carl-Mar Moller, where they are encouraged to play freely without rules
In Shanxi, China, this laughing toddler lives with her parents in a traditional cave house where the photographer says they enjoy life
In Shanxi, China, this laughing toddler lives with her parents in a traditional cave house where the photographer says they enjoy life
Pier Mane captured this indigenous tribe of the Solomon islands. He said of the image: 'It seems kids learn to paddle before they walk'
Pier Mane captured this indigenous tribe of the Solomon islands. He said of the image: 'It seems kids learn to paddle before they walk'
At a school in rural southwest Uganda, children in uniforms pray earnestly in the early morning before classes commence
At a school in rural southwest Uganda, children in uniforms pray earnestly in the early morning before classes commence
A tired young student poses at a school near Sidone in Lebanon, where around a million Syrian refugees are supported by international organizations
A tired young student poses at a school near Sidone in Lebanon, where around a million Syrian refugees are supported by international organizations
A young boy in Senegal pictured travelling aboard a carriage guarding a bag of flour, which will be used to make bread
A young boy in Senegal pictured travelling aboard a carriage guarding a bag of flour, which will be used to make bread
In Edinburgh, Scotland, boys smoke cigarettes in a deprived area with high rates of unemployment, drug abuse and gang activity
In Edinburgh, Scotland, boys smoke cigarettes in a deprived area with high rates of unemployment, drug abuse and gang activity
For nearly ten months, members of the Native American Standing Rock Sioux tribe and their allies have been camped here in opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline crossing their land and water. Pictured here, 12-year-old Jesse Jaso enters their Unity Teepee, which has been signed by camp supporters from all over North America and the rest of the world
For nearly ten months, members of the Native American Standing Rock Sioux tribe and their allies have been camped here in opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline crossing their land and water. Pictured here, 12-year-old Jesse Jaso enters their Unity Teepee, which has been signed by camp supporters from all over North America and the rest of the world
At Mahim Bay, Mumbai, a group of kids were captured playing on junkyard cars. The photographer remarks: 'It's when I went closer that I realized how reckless they were and that they could not be distracted in their madness'
At Mahim Bay, Mumbai, a group of kids were captured playing on junkyard cars. The photographer remarks: 'It's when I went closer that I realized how reckless they were and that they could not be distracted in their madness'
In Brazil's Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, these children at a festival stopped to pose for a photo as they played in the streets
In Brazil's Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, these children at a festival stopped to pose for a photo as they played in the streets
A father places his hand protectively on the head of his son in a township in Cape Town, South Africa. Until the end of the apartheid, these settlements were reserved for non-white residents only
A father places his hand protectively on the head of his son in a township in Cape Town, South Africa. Until the end of the apartheid, these settlements were reserved for non-white residents only