Sunday, March 26, 2017

Tough Job!

Trump wants to make America great again?  Tough Job!
Here is a sample of what he has to work with!

The biggest problem is.......... they Vote!
Lord help us if they breed!

Jim Stone, World Class Investigative Reporter

A hearty Amen to Mr Stone for accurately describing the corrupt medical profession in America. He could have just as easily described our corrupt political, banking, judicial, law enforcement, educational, & legal rackets (systems) by simply inserting respective field identity. 

Drain the swamp!
Does not matter if you start at the bottom or the top, just drain the damn swamp----permanently!

Obamacare repeal failure

Many of you already know that Trump has been stopped from doing almost everything he campaigned for, not by his own will. And the recent failure to repeal Obamacare is a prime example.  It is a prime example of the now self evident truth that we no longer have a representative government.I am not sad Ryancare (falsely labeled Trump care) did not get implemented, because people did not ask for a new version of Obamacare, they asked for a complete and total repeal of all of it. Who wants medical insurance that costs $500 a month, has a $5,000 deductible, and then gets used as a racket to feed a massively corrupt medical system $50,000 for things that in other countries cost $100 cash in hand, no insurance needed?
If people are even talking about health insurance at all, they are supporting the American medical scam that has become so entrenched that no one in America can understand that a fairly priced medical system won't even have, as a component, any insurance at all. And I have understated this.
Google has duly expunged the Anascorp story, where a woman was charged $100,000 for treatment with two shots of Anascorp after a scorpion sting, which in Mexico would have cost less than $200 total.  This is the problem with American medical: The system is nothing at all but an extortion racket, where people are forced to destroy their lives paying for treatments, which in a modern system, should be practically free. And Americans just suck it up and call it normal.


1. If any hospital charges more than a 30 percent markup on medical items, and asks for more than $5,000 for any surgery;2. If any hospital charges more than $200 per night for a private room, or more than $65 per night for a 4 bed divided room;
3. If any dispensary charges more than $20 as the top price for any 7 day antibiotic (or antibiotic provider asks for so much a dispensary can't provide it for $20 after charging 30 percent markup no matter what antibiotic it is;)
4. If any doctor charges more than $30 for a diagnostic visit, that can be truncated to 15 minutes; $50 for a half hour
5. If any manufacturer produces a wilfully damaging product, such as all vaccines grown in human tissue and/or have adjuvants that are based on the same materials that form the building blocks for the body's biological systems,
CONSEQUENCE: without warning, a SWAT team will arrive and round up the hospital/factory/dispensary/doctor's fleeing management that scammed the people so badly and jail them.


Political: If any bureaucrat continues supporting a system where the medical records of an individual are not completely open, and not stored as the sole copy, within the individual's residence, - if any bureaucrat continues supporting the current system where medical records and comments are sealed and held by the medical community, rather than the individual, said bureaucrat is to be blackballed and imprisoned no less than FIVE (5) years. The American system of not allowing people to be the sole holders of their own medical records should be a class B felony AT LEAST on the part of the people who made this system a reality.2. If any bureaucrat demands more from a medical practitioner than a single script issued after each visit, for the patient to add to their own medical record on their own terms; - a paperwork process so simple it happens in 30 seconds at the end of a visit, said bureaucrat is to be blackballed from politics for the rest of their life.
Folks, the Mexicans have a system like the one I described. Hospital, private room: $100 per night, and it is like a hotel room at a place like the Marriott. If you wanted a crap hole hospital the room will be a LOT LESS. A vast majority of American hotels won't match the quality and cleanliness of a high class Mexican hospital room. Modern, clean, comfortable. For $200 you get an attached conference room for business meetings while you are sick. On top of this, the niceness so vastly exceeds American hospitals that it would be an absolute revolution to get America to where Mexico is with this.
When you go to a pharmacy, the doctor is there, and it will be a good doctor. If you don't like a certain doctor, choose another pharmacy. For practically nothing, the doctor will give you a full physical and check up, and give the CORRECT medication if needed. Total cost for something like an ear infection? less than $20, antibiotics included.  And it does not stop with that. A majority of pharmacy doctors will set broken bones and give you stitches, and the end cost will always be under $50 if you can't find a doctor who will do it for free. Claudia just told me that there are many places that will take care of broken bones for FREE. Not state subsidized. You don't need any medical coverage at all for that, and the state is not the one paying. If you go private, Stitches are typically $1 USD each. It will cost about $15 to set a broken arm, and another $30 for the cast.
Obviously if you have more money, you will have a private doctor but even in these cases a broken arm and 20 stitches would never ring up more than $200 in the worst case scenario, x-rays and all. And since x-rays actually only cost $10 to do, and it takes less than an hour to set an arm and apply a cast, with the cast being nothing but gauze mixed with cheap plaster, why should it cost $2,500 plus, the way it would in America? Broken arm X-rays in Mexico are crystal clear, and cost less than $20 leaving a margin for the hospital to turn a 100 percent profit. Why should an arm x-ray cost up to $1,000 in America?
NO OBAMACARE. NO RYANCARE. Simply TOTALLY de-regulate medical, do the proper jailings and let competition do it's job. THAT is the real health care fix.
I would never believe this if I was not in Mexico to see it for myself. Contrary to what you are told in the scamming MSM, Mexicans are not walking around spewing disease and dropping body parts. Their medical here is more than equal to America's and it is actually affordable with no insurance or government subsidy at all. 
Contrary to what you are brainwashed to believe, America has horse crap medical care. Dark dungeon spooky hospitals that stink, are proven to not be sanitary, and present like death centers. Hospitals don't have the same feel in Mexico, they, aside from whatever is wrong with you to put you there, are quite cheery. Yes, they all have WIFI that people use the whole day from their beds if they are able to.
I have had a medical incident here that would have destroyed me in America, yet medical is SO CHEAP all I had to do is say I had a problem, and people who read this site took care of it in a day. That was nice to have happen. But it also shows that medical in Mexico is affordable. My problem was not "cheap" but I am certain it would have been end-of-life in America. $50,000 AT LEAST, with no real cure, only symptom management. The diagnosis for the latest problem was 20 pages long! The problem was so technical that everything had to be analyzed, including things like ph balance, blood toxin load, exact mineral levels to see what was doing what, I saw the diagnostic list and can't even begin to say everything that was on it. Stuff you'd never even think about. Caveat: She kept the list. She wanted me as a permanent patient. So what if she is going to fix problems (she obviously did) and not just manage symptoms for max profit.
Mexican medical costs for services you can cross reference with American prices easily, these prices are not subsidized or discounted, or in "cheap hell holes", these will be done in top level "cheery" "marriott" type hospitals:
Sonogram, complete with all print outs: $10-20
X-ray, complete with the plate/film/whatever it is called, it will be at least 11X17 in size: $20-30.
Cat Scan: Various prices, but less than $100.
MRI in the latest newest 2014 model GE MRI "donut" machine with 3 teslas or more: $150 - 250
Open bed MRI: Up to $350. These are used for comfort or when someone is too claustrophobic to handle a donut MRI.
These prices are current. Go check them out in the U.S. and see what your scam level is set at.

BOTTOM LINE: MEDICAL REFORM IN AMERICA EQUALS ENFORCEMENT OF ETHICS LAWS AND LITTLE ELSE. If this is not done, the problem will not be fixed AT ALL no matter what "Trump dream care" ends up being.

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Saturday, March 25, 2017



THE R.V…..

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
CGI's George Eaton: Trump Reverses Course
Follows Obama and Hillary's War Plans
Posted By: Rumor Mail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 25-Mar-2017 00:46:00

An article from CGI's George Eaton. CGI is RMN's readers forum where George is a member.
Priority Report
by George Eaton
March/April 2017

Trump Reverses Course, Follows Obama and Hillary's War Plans

What is going on? Trump fills posts with CFR members, International bankers and neo cons 

I have started to see vice president Pence in the news a lot lately which is a surprise. But, what I have seen has not been positive. Most recently he has been openly siding with the CIA programs against the privacy of the people. I did not expect this from the Trump administration.  I thought they would be the champion of the people and fight against big brother activities.
I don’t know much about Pence.  Vice presidents usually take a back seat in the administration and don’t play a key role. I do know he is religious, which means he could have a “holier than thou” attitude and want to dictate terms to others as an "instrument of god".  

In fact I used the Nazi term in a recent article to describe his pontificating about CIA secrets and how we must go after those that release wiretapping secrets to spy on Americans. The Nazis felt they were instruments of god to enforce god’s will on others. It makes me wonder if Pence has strong neo-con connections and tendencies. Which means Pence, along with Trump, may feel like anointed leaders to use the military for their ‘divine’ purposes. 

Also, they may feel that god has raised them up to enforce the will of god at this time in history. This of course, is done in defense of the nation and “for the people”.  LOL. The subordinates around them are no doubt re-enforcing this notion on a daily basis, which is actually driven by the military industrial complex to create wars. They are being pumped up and given the feeling of invincibility and may be prone to believe they have a divine imperative. 

That kind of attitude in the hands of those that feel they are the arm of god can create a recipe for disaster. In fact, it is highly possible that the US/NATO leaders have advanced weapons at their disposal today that makes them feel they are invulnerable to defeat. They also feel that once a conflict starts that both sides would stay with conventional weapons to simply wear down an enemy. Only as the war progresses will the possibility of nukes materialize, creating a higher stage of confrontation.

In that area the US is also confident they will have the upper hand. The war room analysts believe that, even in that higher level of conflict with an enemy, the US will prevail. And, they have concluded at this time they are superior to both Russia and China, even when they are a combined enemy. They also believe that if they wait a few more decades, that military superiority may no longer exist. This makes this decade, in the mind of the military analysts, as the window of opportunity to make a confrontation and take out adversaries before it is too late. 

These conclusions are being told in secret to Trump and Pence. Since Trump has become president, he has telegraphed his agenda by putting Russia, Iran, North Korea and China on notice. That message is loud and clear, “There is a new sheriff in town! Straighten up and do as we want or we’re coming after you!”. 

Once the wars start I am not saying that America will lose.  They will very likely win. It is the cost of lives that concerns me, and the flippant nature the leaders embrace - in sacrificing human beings as acceptable “collateral damage”. There are other options to achieve peace, but those options do not follow the wealthy elite's ultimate desires. That agenda of the globalists is to wear down the nations to the extent the masses will accept a New World Order as their best choice, and to automatically reject nationalism, cultural integrity and state sovereignty. What they are after is communism with a smiley face. Instead of calling it communism they are calling it democracy and enlightened socialism.  

The propaganda makers have bundled up a collection of liberal issues and made the gullible, naïve crowds parrot those causes blindly. Those issues are so called racial equality, gay rights, women’s rights and financial equality between rich and poor. The last one mentioned, the inequality of wealth, is the driving force behind massive immigration. They feel that the poor in other countries shouldn’t suffer in poverty while the people in the affluent countries have more. So, to make things more “fair and even,” the conspirators are having migrants invade the wealthier nations and force them to take them in and share the wealth. It is a complete and total farce.

They repeat the lines that these minorities are just as good or superior to white people in Europe and the US, which is not the issue at all. And the public is conditioned to accept this, or be labeled a 'racist'. The fact is, if that were true, then why can’t they achieve good incomes in their countries then? If they have all the tools and abilities to prosper in their own countries, why not achieve it there? Why do they have to flood our nations to prosper if they are just as good or superior to us? 

It is all a scam to take us down to their level and make us a third world nation. The conspirators are trying to amalgamate all the races together to destroy cultural and national unity and bonding. They are easier to control that way, and the wealthy elite will of course remain above the fray and rule unchallenged.

The truth is the corrupt leaders in their countries are the problem, and moving the people around the globe to make things equal does not deal with that problem one bit. Our government is at fault for financing those corrupt regimes which in turn keep those people in poverty. Giving those nations money is then empowering the corrupt leaders to continue their rule, and keep people in poverty generation after generation. 

The conspirators pulling all the strings are not pushing this agenda for kind-hearted, altruistic reasons. Make no mistake about it.  They themselves do not believe in their own false propaganda. The socialistic propaganda they are spewing is for the “stupid” masse’s consumption – all for the globalist’s ulterior motives. What we face now is a realignment in politics that creates the illusion of change.

The popular uprising of the people in the US and in Europe was not fully anticipated by the socialist planners. But, once a patriotic movement starts in that direction, the globalists simply place their people inside the movement and then redirect it in the direction they want it to go. This brings us to the problem at hand. 

Millions of Americans were ignited on fire to take back the nation and turn it away from the path Obama had taken it the past 8 years. This was a genuine and powerful movement of patriotism and common sense. Against all odds Trump won and the nation breathed a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, the battle did not end with him being elected. Every Trump supporter has their own interpretation on what Trump will do as president, but those conclusions and opinions may not match up with reality. 

We liked what Trump said in his speeches, but the words may not line up with what he actually does. There was no way we could have known all of Trump’s positions and policies before he was elected. I will not list all of the things he has done or tried to do, but I will say that he has not followed through on getting rid of the Obama hold overs in government positions. He has been weak in going after Obama and Hillary that were proven to be doing illegal and unconstitutional things. You can’t have a fresh start to turn the nation around by using the same players. You cannot forgive and forget what your political opponent has done while they are plotting your demise and removal. And, you cannot go full speed into war on the advice of the military industrial complex and assume it is the right move to make. That behavior is reactionary, reckless and juvenile. 

It is especially worrisome that Trump has sided with the anti-Russia crowd and continued the path to confrontation. Russia lost tens of millions of their own people to ruthless and diabolical communism. They know first hand how evil and destructive it was. They turned the corner against that political disaster. They have proven by their actions, they want to defend the innocent and stand against aggression, murder and evil. So, why is it that Trump and his team have designated Russia as the enemy? We should be partners with Russia, not enemies

We should reverse what happened in Ukraine and stand against the billionaire George Soros’ unethical activities – where thousands are now dead from that revolution. We should stop the unconstitutional activities of the CIA that worked with Soros to overthrow that nation. These are serious crimes, and yet, instead of Trump correcting the failures of Obama’s actions he has joined the globalist cause and readies our military for war. This makes no sense at all, it is insane! 

To make matters worse, Trump has also continued on the path Obama was taking in the Middle East. The world rejoiced when Russia rescued Syria and stopped the ISIS murderers in their tracks. The war against the ISIS terrorists was nearly over and they were on the run. Even the US special forces that were imbedded with ISIS were captured in Aleppo, to America’s embarrassment. But since that has happened, what does Trump do? He sends thousands more US soldiers INTO Syria, illegally, without permission from the Syrian government. Why? Who are the US forces fighting against? Let’s keep in mind that many on capital hill are still calling for regime change in Syria. The Russians have scaled back their operations and the majority of the fighters are Syrians, with a few Kurdish and Turkish fighters in the northern regions. The military are saying they are there to defend the Kurds from Turkey and also to fight against ISIS. None of this makes any sense. 

Trump is sending our troops into harm’s way to be in the middle of a blood feud between the Kurds and the Turks. The Kurds invaded Syria, upper Iraq and part of Turkey to create their own nation they call Kurdistan. Which means we will be involved in defending an invading army that is carving up Syria and two other nations! Who signed us up for that? It is inevitable that our forces will tangle with Syrian forces that are defending their nation. Not to mention the fact that Russia is still involved in Syria and will eventually be a target of US forces. 

This is a set up, a recipe for disaster. 

Has Trump thought this through? It is obvious the geo-political planners have not given up on the notion of regime change in Syria. The goal remains the same and they are pre-positioning the players on the chess board for the final battle. Their long term goal is the dividing of Syria, the removal of Assad, and the staging for a war against Iran. What they are doing is turning a defeat into a victory. The globalist concluded that war would wear down Syria and Russia financially to the point that the US and NATO could simply come in and clean up after the conflicts. All they had to do was wait it out a while, and pass on the agenda to the next president of the US. 

Their first choice was Hillary, which had a policy of going after Assad, carving up Syria, getting the oil and gas pipeline through to Europe and then attack Iran – and simultaneously go after Russia. So, tell me, what is the difference between Hillary’s plan and Trumps plan?!?? Answer: None.  There is zero difference from her plan and Trump’s plan. And the same goes for policies towards China, and North Korea.
How about on the domestic front?  What difference is there between Hillary and Trump? In high sounding words there is a stark contrast between the two. However, it remains to be seen what Trump will actually accomplish on domestic issues. So far he has allowed his political enemies to control the dialog, foment rebellion with riots, protests and activism. He has not drained the swamp to weaken his adversaries. He has made bold moves to stop Muslim immigration but it has been stopped by liberal judges. 

He has talked big about building a wall, but has not done the one thing that would actually stop the invasion, and that is to enforce and enhance the laws against employers from hiring illegals. Once you fine and arrest employers that hire illegals, the Mexican immigrants will have no reason to be in the US and will migrate back to their own country. A bigger wall is not needed if they would enforce the laws on the books. Is it possible that Trump and his team did not or could not think of that one thing? This is not rocket science. The obvious answers are being avoided and ignored on purpose. That is the sad reality we have to face as Americans. 

The next question we have to ask ourselves is...... 
- How far is this subterfuge, duplicity and deception going to go? 
- How many wars will we be fighting the next 4-8 years? 
- How much damage to our culture will we have to endure to be over run by foreigners invading our land? 
- How many more women and girls will be raped and citizens murdered by illegal aliens that should not even be in our land? 
- How many economic recessions will we have to face, along with inflation and poor wages will we have to live with? 
This is not what we voted for.  This is not a change for the better or even close to making America great again. 

Think it through.  We should judge politicians by their deeds, not their words. We have the right to speak our minds and tell it like it is.  In fact, it is our duty to do so. If any president does not fulfill what he promised and upholds his oath of office, we are obligated to speak up and tell the truth. I have seen very few positive things happen since Trump has become president. Oh wait, there is one - they stopped the push to allow transgenders to use girl’s restrooms in schools. Yippee. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside now. Those poor brainwashed militant feminists, pro-globalist, pro-immigrant, pro-communist girls will finally be safe from homosexual boys wearing lipstick and a dress. I feel so much safer now. Thank you Hillary, I mean Bush, I mean Mr. Trump. So much for making America great again, that didn’t take long. 

What is the motivation for these wars and conflicts? 

The international banks work on a program of money flow. In recent years they have hit a brick wall as far as expansion is concerned, and a war generates extra money flow that has a ripple affect throughout the economy. They have already exhausted a lot of financial tricks to keep the system going, so a war will solve several issues for them. And, it is intertwined with the long term goals of taking Russia down, and in time – China as well. 

The war college think tanks have thought this through, and they concluded that we could extract slave labor for a few decades from China. (Well, if Russia and China and their 'brothers' win this war, will they be shipping Americans to their nations as SLAVE LABOR?)  But, there would be a limit to how far we would let them go before we would stop their military expansion. As far as Russia is concerned, they are not going along with the New World Order plans and at the same time have huge oil and gas reserves that could be transferred to Europe. The conspirators kill two birds with one stone by "balkanizing" Russia, taking the resources, and eliminating a nuclear threat to the New World Order.
In the Middle East, they are also operating on a long term plan of eliminating potential enemies of Israel and getting oil and gas reserves flowing into Europe. These plans are not negotiable. They must carve up Syria so they are not a threat to Israel and the oil pipelines can run through that nation towards Europe. The word has been given to fulfill these plans, "or else". They have no plan “B” except for full nuclear war if need be.  They are up against the wall now and probably even a few years behind schedule. This is why we see neo-con politicians like McCain and Lindsey Graham pushing for a war with Russia. 

Things are heating up, and the stage set for any number of conflicts to break out. What they are trying to do in Syria is the “big switch”. The US wants to openly appear to be fighting against ISIS, and also be pre-positioned to "switch policies" and install a new government - once something tragic happens to Assad. Then the politicians will do their best acting routine, shrug their shoulders – as if things happened spontaneously and without planning, and it “tragically” ended up with Assad dead or fleeing the country. Then the politicians will say they "have no choice now but to ' do the right thing' and help form a new government”. Presto, you have regime change - and putting US troops into Syria made it all possible. 

Things are getting bad in Damascus. There are secret tunnels all over the city where ISIS troops are pre-positioning arms and explosives. There are dozens of citizens killed every week from ISIS insurgents. It is possible that it is only a matter of time until Damascus falls. This has been planned for a long time, and it is accelerating now that the US has quite a few troops on the ground in Syria. We don’t get the real numbers of troops in Iraq or Syria, but I would imagine it is about 6,000+ in Iraq and about 2,000+ in Syria – and growing every day. 

The US and Israel has been playing a very deceptive game with Russia and Syria. The US figured that they could get away with sending troops into Syria with the assumption by Syria and Russia that the US will help fight against ISIS. But the group the US joined up with in Syria are the SDF, Syrian Defense Forces, which are AGAINST the current government and are fighting to remove Assad. This little tidbit of information was conveniently left out in the majority of the news reports. In fact, right now US forces have been inserted on the West side of Raqqa to prevent Syria forces from approaching Raqqa and completing the campaign to get rid of ISIS. 

This is a tricky operation, and it appears they are going to go for the “big switch” which is - to be present in Syria when something happens, then be able to capitalize on it and be involved in regime change. In my opinion the Israelis and the US and others are laughing about what Russia has done in Syria. They allowed Russia to blow their wad of money and kill the expendable ISIS army, while the US and others conspired to take Syria down in another way. All they have to do is destroy the Assad inner circle, and it is game over. Once he is out of the picture, the US and others will assume control and force a regime change. It will look like it was a random change of events that just happened to arrive at that point where Assad is removed and the nation needs help. 

We have to realize we are dealing with the most ruthless and deceptive schemers possible. They have no qualms about innocent people being killed in the process or to create false flag events. The only thing that matters to them is the final result. Their motto is: "the end justifies the means". This kind of trick is no big deal to them, it is a cake walk.  

What Russia did in Syria was “allowed”, and now the ISIS army is nearly destroyed – except for the underground forces near Damascus which are pouring in from other countries on a daily basis. When you add that fact to the secret plans Israel has for Syria, this is a slam dunk for them.

I could be wrong about what will happen exactly, the plans the US has for Syria could get derailed along the way. But if there is a stumble in what ISIS and Israel does in the final push, they will have a back up plan and that back up plan is anyone’s guess, ranging from airstrikes from Israel to a rogue nuke going off somewhere, perhaps in Damascus. Besides, if a nuke does go off that eliminates Assad, the world will blame a destroyed and fading ISIS army. That way they get a freebie to use a nuke, take out their enemy, and blame it on an already destroyed terrorist group. 

Richie Rich grows up to be "Daddy War Bucks Goes To Washington."
Trump has filled his administration with CFR members and neo cons that are taking orders from the military industrial complex. I have spent countless hours and days looking into this, and believe me what I found was not pleasant. My good friend and researcher Kelleigh Nelson - who was an avid Trump supporter like I was - was very hesitant to accept the conclusions I was showing her. But, after pouring over overwhelming evidence and seeing a huge number of CFR members being appointed by Trump, she finally accepted it and believes it is too late. 

Trump has gone over to the dark side. The truth is, it is much worse than I have revealed. There is an on-going investigation by another researcher I contacted that is looking into a lot deeper issues with Trump. I regret to say that socialist billionaire George Soros has financed Trump business to the tune of hundreds of $ millions. Trump's son in law Jared Kushner and his brother have also received hundreds of $ millions from George Soros. There is also dozens and dozens of Israeli contacts with Trump that have literally loaned him $ billions. The truth is Trump is in the back pocket of the globalists and will do their bidding.

Lives have already been lost on his watch. He sided with Saudi Arabia to go after the people in Yemen. A Navy Seal died in that raid. He has sent over 2,500 troops into Syria to side with the anti Assad forces! That is as bad as it gets! He is siding with the globalists against Syria, and also against Russia who was the only nation to come and defend Syria from the ISIS head choppers. The list goes on and on. The only bright side to his moves is maybe we will finally get rid of the North Korean crazy leadership. But even that is contrived - that has been a festering cancer for decades, and the US has enabled and financed them through China and other countries, so who is ultimately to blame??? 

We have been duped and deceived. The conspirators build up nations and then destroy them - then act like heroes as they do so. 

Trump will be the war president. He is Daddy War bucks, and Richie Rich goes to Washington to play war games. I hope I'm wrong, and time will tell what he actually does. The majority of his appointees are Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) and neo-cons that work for the military industrial complex. The fix is in, the warmongers will advise Trump to start wars and they will in turn make $ billions.

This will not end well.
George Eaton 

We have been told that the Republic government was restored a year ago and that the temporary Congress, acting on behalf of the Republic, has been operating for several months.  Yet, we continue to observe the same people occupying seats in the Congress and the same attitudes and activities taking place.

We have been told that announcements about the restored Republic, the restored Treasury for the Republic and the restored gold backed currency were to be made, along with prerecorded video taped announcements providing the history of the nation and steps taken to restore the true government of our nation. 

We have been informed to prepare for a new election of those to occupy offices in the restored Republic government, yet nothing has been announced and no public preparation evidenced for those elections.   In fact, with each day it has become more and more evident that the 'government' is running exactly as it has been for years and years, and there has been no true change from the crime syndicate of Bushes, Clintons, Carter, et al.  It is 'business as usual.'

We are being instructed to be prepared for the global currency reset, and for Americans to be instructed on where to go to exchange currencies.

NONE of these things have yet to occur.  Delay after delay and excuse after excuse.  

Now we are observing President Trump - those whom he is surrounding himself with and the changes in direction from that which he told us in his campaign rallies. It is becoming more apparent that this nation is STILL under the slave masters, and that all hope for a safe, prosperous and healthy present and future are for nil.  To put it simply, there is simply a new resident in the swamp house in DC.  We sincerely hope we are wrong in our assumptions but, as time marches forward, it becomes more and more apparent that this is what is happening.
One has to seriously consider that Americans have yet again been deceived by those in whom we have placed our confidence and trust.