Friday, April 21, 2017





Paul Ryan will have some explaining to do to his wife, his kids, his constituents, his pastor and the American people now that these pictures of him at an underground gay bar in Miami have been leaked by a jealous boyfriend.

Juan Miguel Escaperone says he will be kicked out of the club he’s been going to for 8 years for breaking the anonymity of another member, but he doesn’t care:

Pauly is a hypocrite. He runs on some 'family values' thing when his family has been right here in the Miami underground. He comes here at least once or twice a week in a private jet when his wife and kids think he’s working. He told me we would run away together once he was done with his government job. Then he tossed me aside because he’s afraid of how closely Donald Trump is watching.

Juan Miguel says that is the main reason why he wants people to see these pictures he took personally inside the private club known to the Miami underground as “Graffiti Beach.” The club’s exact location and who own it are still unknown. The pictures, however, are unmistakably Paul Ryan:

It will be interesting to see him weasel his way out of this one.

Why Civil Rights Are the Key to National Solidarity

By Anna Von Reitz

Civil rights are not--- strictly speaking--- rights, but are instead privileges conferred on Territorial and Municipal citizens by the US Congress.

Citizens by definition serve the government, whereas Nationals are served by the government. Therein lies the rub. A citizen lays down a greater or lesser portion of their natural sovereignty when they become a citizen.

This is a natural consequence of their duty to serve the government. In the wake of the so-called American Civil War black Americans were re-enslaved, not by private slave owners, but by the Territorial Government of the United States which arbitrarily conscripted them as citizens---public servants.

They went directly from being chattel owned by individual private owners to being considered public chattel owned via citizenship obligations to the federal government.

Thus, they acquired civil rights--- basically, whatever rights the Congress wanted to give them---and lost their claim to the free exercise of all their natural and unalienable rights.

The excuse for this was the pretension that as black Americans were never specifically included as state nationals by the separate states, they were "stateless" and could be claimed by any government that wanted them.

Similar arguments were recently made by the same feckless Territorial United States government with regard to all the rest of us.

They have claimed that we are "stateless" because we weren't (so they said) operating our own states of the Union or any association of states, such as the United States of America.

To quote Gomer Pyle: "Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!" There have always been civil rights exercised by members of the civil service and elected public officials and public employees who are all citizens of one sort or another, and since 1968, those civil rights have been defined as "equal"----but few people ever say "equal to what?"

The answer is: equal to the natural and unalienable rights enjoyed by American state nationals and American State Citizens (American State Citizens are the elected officials and public employees of the actual land jurisdiction state government--they owe their duty as citizens to the state government.)

What happens when and if there are no longer any American state nationals or American State Citizens exercising their natural and unalienable rights?

Well, then, the standard for equal civil rights disappears, because there is no longer anything for them to be "equal to".

The Congress would finally be enabled to rule as absolute despots, not only over the actual Territorial and Municipal citizens, but over the entire population.

Instead of a Republican form of government which we are owed, or even a foreign democracy such as the Territorial United States has been, we would be facing a Totalitarian Oligarchy similar to the old Soviet Union.

Nobody would have any actual rights. Everyone would instead have civil rights, but those civil rights would be entirely at the whim of the US Congress.

The rats would simply sit there smug on Capitol Hill and literally dictate whatever they pleased and everyone else would suffer the results of absolute despotism----- citizens and non-citizens alike.

And therein lies the key. Once the federal Territorial and Municipal employees and all the other people (people of color, new immigrants, political asylum seekers, federal dependents) who are defined as citizens whether they like it or not--- realize that their own equal civil rights are endangered by the continued liberal political jihad against those of us who are claiming our natural rights--- the worm will turn.

Without us claiming our natural rights, they have no guaranteed civil rights at all. If the American Republic goes down, so do they and their spiffy little democracy.

If we lose our claim to our natural and unalienable rights, they can kiss their "equal civil rights" good-bye. And that is why civil rights are the key to national solidarity.

All those who enjoy equal civil rights have a very urgent reason to defend us and our old fashioned claims.

Every federal and federated state official, every public employee in America has their future on the line---whether they realize it or not--- because their rights are utterly dependent on our rights.

 If we have no natural and unalienable rights, no constitutional guarantees---guess what? Then they have no equal civil rights to depend on, either.

Obama Just Got SUED


Though the media refuses to admit it, the conspiracy theory that Trump is a Russian agent is starting to crumble, and Obama’s legacy is going down with it.

Carter Page, a former and unofficial aide to President Trump, has launched a lawsuit against Obama and his officials after it was revealed that he was targeted and spied on for his alleged connections to Russia. (via Law Newz) Trump  brought Page in to help him work out the specifics of his foreign policy. Page was never an official advisor, but he was still named in warrants issued by the FISA court to be monitored.

Page is now suing the Obama administration for improper surveillance and violating his civil rights.

Furthermore, Carter Page is claiming that the Obama administration did not provide “strong” evidence of probable cause that he was a Russian agent to justify monitoring his communications.
Page says he is looking forward to the trial, since “The discovery process will be of great value to the United States, as our nation hears testimony from them under oath, and we receive disclosure of the documents which show what exactly was done in 2016.”

The Obama administration justified spying on Page on the basis of the now heavily debunked Trump dossier. The dossier made many wild claims, and was used by the FBI to launch their investigation into the Trump-Russia connection.

The information in the dossier was collected by former British spy Christopher Steele. Steele was hired by the Democrat party to dig up any negative information he could against Trump.

The Chair of the Judiciary Committee, Senator Chuck Grassely, has raised concerns about the use of the dossier by the FBI. “When political opposition research becomes the basis for law enforcement or intelligence efforts, it raises substantial questions about the independence of law enforcement and intelligence from politics,” he wrote. (via The Hill)

The more we learn about the Trump-Russia connection, the more it appears to be an attack wholly fabricated by the Democrats. The two major pieces of evidence connecting Trump to Russia were revealed by private intelligence agencies hired by the Democrats.

As Grassely notes, the real problem is how Democrat-sponsored research was used to justify actions by the supposedly non-political intelligence community.

This lawsuit is one piece of the larger puzzle of unraveling the picture of corruption that was the Obama administration.

Obama allowed his cronies to get away with anything so long as they worked to preserve his legacy. Soon the world will know of the most corrupt administration in U.S. history.

Benjamin Fulford April 17, 2017

Benjamin Fulford
Full Report

Monday April 17, 2017

Khazarian mafia attempts to start World War 3
stopped in Syria and in North Korea

Now that Donald Trump showed his true colours as a Zionist (Khazarian mafia) sleeper agent, he is becoming increasingly isolated and is guilty of provable war crimes, Pentagon, CIA and other sources agree. “Trump is toast,” was how a CIA source described the situation.

Trump has been pushed by his Zionist handlers into trying to start World War 3 because these religious fanatics still think they are somehow going to start a war between “Gog” and “Magog,” kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. To this end Trump ordered an attack on a Syrian airbase where Russian personnel were stationed. That is also why Trump tried to start a war with nuclear armed North Korea last week.

The situation with North Korea was designed by the Zionists to provoke to ultra-macho antagonists, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump, into a situation where neither man could back down without losing face. The North Koreans said they had a right to test missiles etc. any time they want, especially on the 105th anniversary of the birth of their country’s founding father Kim Il Sung. Trump said, “if you do that we will attack.”

So, a face saving solution was engineered with a missile that blew up immediately after launching. The North Koreans were able to claim they went ahead and did their test despite Trump’s threats. The Zionists were able to hint they sabotaged the test with unspecified secret weapons. The important point being that Zionist attempts to start World War 3 failed yet again and will continue to fail.

These provocations are just one sign there is something undeniably dysfunctional going on with the Trump presidency. A few weeks ago Trump was invoking President Andrew Jackson and hinting about nationalizing the Federal Reserve Board. Now he is saying FRB chief Janet Yellen can have another term in office. He also turned from provoking the Chinese and accusing them of being “currency manipulators” to brazenly sucking up to them and denying they manipulate their currency.

These flip flops may be connected to the arrival of yet another bankruptcy deadline for the United States Corporate Government, in this case the expected Bankruptcy of the US Corporation’s Puerto Rico subsidiary on May 1st. Despite efforts to paint this as a municipal bond type problem, this could trigger a domino effect that finally takes down Zionist central in Washington D.C.–sector.html

Sources close to the Japanese emperor say the arrival in Tokyo this week of P2 Freemason lodge and Vatican representative US Vice-President Mike Pence, as well as long term Rothschild agent and US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, was for the purpose of trying to get money from Japan to kick the can down the road yet again for the US Corporation. There is also a group calling itself the “Goldman family” that is trying to convince the emperor to either cash fake bonds with astronomical numbers on them or else place their man Ichiro Ozawa as Prime Minister of Japan, the sources say. Neither of these things is going to happen, the sources add.

While it is certain the Republic of the United States of America will get continued support from the rest of the world, the Zionist owned US Corporation will not. The entire planet is sick and tired of their anti-social and criminal behavior. The signs of this are everywhere to be seen now.

Getting back to Donald Trump.  Last week after trying to start World War 3 he was forced to say “We are not going into Syria.” He has also been denied a meeting with the Pope during the G7 meeting in Sicily scheduled for May 26th and 27th, a sure sign he is isolated, Pentagon sources say. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was also recently denied a meeting with the Pope, yet again exposed himself as a Zionist slave last week when he talked about North Korea sending Sarin missiles to Japan.

“Israel has been exposed as behind the false flag Syria sarin attack, along with former CIA boss [John] Brennan, [John] McCain, H.R. McMaster working for their Saudi and Israeli masters,” Pentagon sources note.

“Zionist bad boy Jared Kushner may be under counter-intel investigations for his ties to bibi [Benyamin Netanyahu], Russia, George Soros, Goldman Sachs, Heinz Kissinger and Rupert Murdoch,” the sources add.

This article about Trump’s Zionist handler Kushner shows his real agenda:

It notes Kushner’s “involvement with the college-based Chabad was a particularly important part of his resumé-building” and that “The Chabad Lubavitch sect is an extremely radical organization that espouses dogmatic end-time prophecies that are overwhelmingly favorable to the Jewish race.” Kushner is also almost certainly a Satanist because why else would be pay 3 times the previous price to buy a building with the address “666.”

Japanese military intelligence, for their part, say the real source of the problem is the Satanist controlled CSIS think tank in Georgetown University and suggest taking out that institution as a short cut to ending world terrorism.

For now though, Goldman Sachs is the one that is being targeted, Pentagon sources say noting that “Goldman made a huge bet so it could rake in profits from higher oil prices and got busted with no invasion of Syria.”

Trump is also guilty of war crimes for his attack on Syria since he attacked a sovereign nation without Congressional approval or approval of the United Nations. “Violating the War Powers Act is an impeachable offense,” CIA sources note.

The pretext for this illegal attack, a supposed Sarin attack by the Syrian government, has now been fully exposed as “a complete fabrication.” An interview with Syrian President Bashar Assad by the French AFP newswire was widely quoted in corporate media outlets like CNN, Bloomberg, Reuters etc. and makes clear even to the few remaining Zionist cool-aid drinkers out there that the entire Daesh, Sarin terrorism etc. business is run by Western powers. The interview can be read at this link:

The West was not supposed to represent perpetual war, false flag attacks, fake news, terrorism, drug dealing etc. The West I grew up in, and represented by my father as a Canadian diplomat, is supposed to stand for world peace, democracy, human rights, free press, ending poverty, protecting the environment etc. This is what it will revert to once the terrorist sponsoring Zionist or Khazarian beast is finally put down.

Pentagon sources note the “Big three [China, Russia and the USA] are cooperating on North Korea, Syria, the Ukraine and Daesh to usher in the
global currency reset.”

Part of this effort is a continued campaign to cut off the supply of drug money to the Zionists (ie Khazarian mafia). To this end they say a “CIA complex in Afghanistan was nuked to stop drugs trafficking.” US troops were also sent to Somalia for the first time since 1994 last week to “stop Daesh and Israeli infiltration of East Africa,” the Pentagon sources say.

It is also worth noting that Khazarian efforts to keep up the fake cold war with Russia are fading and that the G7 refused to impose any sanctions on Russia despite Zionist inspired efforts to make this happen.

Instead, the fact that Easter came on April 16th for both Western and Orthodox Christianity is a sign a new age of peace and prosperity dawns.

The key to this is to remove from Khazarian hands their last, and biggest, source of power, that being their control of the process of creating US dollars, Yen and Euros out of thin air. Heinz Kissinger is the man with the master codes that allow this currency magic to take place which is why he is the most hunted man on earth. If he is not killed or captured, then the system needs to be shut down and rebooted.

Rest assured the bad guys like Kissinger are all being taken down. George Soros, John Kerry, David Rockefeller, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton etc. are vanishing from public view.

Now we have also had the first of the long awaited arrests of US government officials on charges of treason. In this case, former Hillary Clinton State Department employee Candace Marie Clairbourne was indicted on treason charges, that is to say taking bribes from the Chinese to provide them with US state secrets. Prosecutors say this will be “the first of many” who will be brought to justice.

Removing the rot from the system is vital but we also need work on fixing the planet. To this end, the White Dragon Society will hand deliver a letter next week to a person (not Kissinger) who has the key to start the concrete, here now, process of turning this planet into a paradise. We hope to hear a positive response.

However, changing the direction a planet is moving in is like turning a super-tanker around at sea. It has to be done in such a manner as to not tip the ship over. That is why we are not giving any specific dates for an announcement. We are sure though, that the good guys are winning and humanity will be liberated.

REMEMBER: There is the 'good' side of the Pentagon, and the 'bad' side of the Pentagon - the 'bad' being the side continuing to serve with the cabal and continuing to provide the typical negative viewpoints of the leftists.  This is also true for those who are 'analyzing' and 'reporting' the 'news'  with the same slanted assessments of President Trump as the far left Democrats.  This appears to be the case with BF. He has NOT been 'the same' since his disappearance from the public for over six weeks back in 2016.  He is 'different' since that time.

Venezuela seizes GM car plant

GM car plant in Venezuela has been seized by the government with no warning

According to CNN Money, the Venezuelan government has unexpectedly seized General Motors’ car plant, causing the car company to halt production within the country effective immediately.???????

GM has described the takeover as an “illegal judicial seizure of assets,” and that the move was a “total disregard” of the company’s legal rights. The Venezuelan government has reportedly removed assets from the plant, including cars.

“[GM] strongly rejects the arbitrary measures taken by the authorities and will vigorously take all legal actions, within and outside of Venezuela, to defend its rights,” GM said in a statement.

The Valencia plant employed some 2,700 workers, but had stopped producing cars in 2015. It was primarily selling spare parts, according to a GM spokesperson. These workers will be given “separation payments” according to the automaker.
The Venezuelan people have been faced with an economy that has been consistently going downhill under the leadership of socialist President Nicholas Maduro. The country has been faced with shortages of everything from food, to medical items, to everyday necessities such as toilet paper.

Maduro has blamed his country’s misfortunes, not on his rule, but on the United States attempting to interfere in the country.

The failing economy, now in its third year of recession, has inspired massive protests and riots across the country. Maduro has promised the Bolivarian militia – government loyalists that number some 400,000 – that he will arm them all.

Pedophile Ring Investigators Arrest Top Army General

The crackdown against the DC pedophile ring continues, and retired Army general has just been arrested and charged with multiple counts of child rape. Former Vice President of DynCorp, Maj. Gen. James Grazioplene, was said to have committed these crimes between 1983 and 1989. And how do we know that he’s connected to the DC pedophile ring? The DynCorp connection.
In the following video, Right Wing News unpacks the long and sordid history of the pedophile ring and its activities through DynCorp. When operating in Serbia, DynCorp colluded with the Serbian mafia to provide underage prostitutes to its employees, none of which have faced prosecution. And despite DynCorp’s exploits being quite well known, with Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney even confronting Donald Rumsfield about it, the company is still doing business with the US government. Why is our taxpayer money going to support a company that exploits children and enables pedophiles?

Former Vice President of DynCorp, Maj. Gen. James Grazioplene, has been arrested and charged as part of an elite pedophile ring investigation with multiple counts of child rape which occurred between 1983 and 1989. His arrest is just the latest in long series of high-level pedophile ring busts by investigators tasked by President Trump with ending human trafficking and child abuse taking place at the hands of the elite in America. reports:
Details surrounding the case remain scarce, as the Army released no other information as to what precipitated Grazioplene being charged three decades after the alleged sexual assault.
According to the NY Daily News:
Grazioplene, from Virginia, graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y. and entered the Army in 1972 as an armor officer.
Before retiring in 2005, he worked as the the director of force development in thePentagon’s Joint Warfighting Capabilities Assessment.
Grazioplene’s LinkedIn page says that after leaving the military he has worked with the military contractors DynCorp International and Mission Readiness LLC.
While potentially just a coincidence, Grazioplene’s connections with DynCorp immediately raise a red flag, as the company has been embroiled in numerous high-level scandals involving the exploitation and trafficking of children for sex — dating as far back as the Bosnia conflict during Bill Clinton’s tenure as US President.

Revealing the extreme level of complicity, by DynCorp, in the illegal exploitation of children, former employee, Ben Johnston filed a RICO lawsuit against Dyncorp after he was allegedly fired for reporting human rights abuses by other employees during the Bosnian conflict.
In a 2002 report titled “Dyncorp Disgrace,” Johnston was quoted:
“…None of the girls… were from Bosnia… They were imported in by DynCorp and the Serbian mafia. These guys would say ‘I gotta go to Serbia this weekend topick up three girls.’… “DynCorp leadership was 100 percent in bed with the mafia over there.”
A report by Salon further detailed the systematic abuse Johnson alleged to have witnessed:
“Johnston recoiled in horror when he heard one of his fellow helicopter mechanics at a U.S. Army base near Tuzla, Bosnia, brag one day in early 2000: “My girl’s not a day over 12….… the bragging about a 12-year-old sex slave pushed Johnston over the edge. “I had to do something,” he says.
“There were kids involved.” …. At least 13 DynCorp employees have been sent home from Bosnia … for purchasing women or participating in other prostitution-related activities. But despite large amounts of evidence in some cases, none of the DynCorp employees sent home have faced criminal prosecution.”
Denoting widespread knowledge of the sexual exploitation of children engaged in by DynCorp within the halls of government, Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, during a hearing on the proposed 2006 Department of Defense Budget, asked at then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld:
“Mr. Secretary, is it policy of the U.S. government to reward companies that traffic in women and little girls? That’s my first question.”
Since that time, it appears DynCorp, while still enjoying the lucrative privilege of doing business with the US government at the taxpayers’ expense, has failed to reform itself or regulate the sexual exploits of its employees with children, according to numerous emails, released by WikiLeaks, between Cheryl Mills and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

An email from Mills, to Clinton, warns of a potential Washington Post article, which would describe an event where DynCorp employees hired a 15-year-old boy to do “mock lap dances” that involved “DynCorp employees putting dollar bills in the boy’s waistband, just as a stripper would a stripper’s garter.”
Additional WikiLeaks cables described the event as “purchasing a service from a child,” while denoting specific strategies to convince journalists not to cover the story – disingenuously claiming that it would “risk lives.”
Although the email between Mills and Hillary claims, “no sex took place,” the tradition of bachabaze in Afghanistan often involves rape, and young boys being “sold to the highest bidder.”
DO NOT MISS: Jeff Sessions Tells Pelosi To Expect Pedophile Investigations to Begin 
“The most disturbing thing is what happens after the parties. Often the boys are taken to hotels and sexually abusedThere are many people who support this tradition across Afghanistan and many of them are very influential,” according to a BBC report.
In spite of all these nefarious activities, DynCorp continues to be rewarded with US government contracts. In December of 2016, the US Navy signed a $94 million contract with DynCorp to “facilitate humanitarian aid, civic assistance, minor military construction and contingency programs to support exercises and other initiatives…”
This brings us back to the question asked of Rumsfeld by former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney:
“Why do these companies continue to receive government contracts?”
Please share this story to help expose this sickening corruption – as no company that allows the willful exploitation of children should EVER be awarded a contract by the US government!
Article posted with permission from The Last Great Stand


Trump Signs Legislation That Expands Veterans Access To Healthcare, Allows Them To Bypass VATRUMP  SIGNS LEGISLATION  THAT EXPANDS  VETERANS  ACCESS  TO  HEALTHCARE   ALLOWS THEM TO  BYPASS  VA

Any president who campaigns on making America great again would be well-advised to make sure the care and well-being of U.S. veterans are top priorities on the list of requirements to achieve that transformation.

And today, President Donald Trump did just that.

According to the Washington Examiner:
President Trump signed legislation Wednesday that will dramatically expand a program at the Department of Veterans Affairs that lets patients seek care from private doctors if they want to bypass the troubled VA system.
The Veterans Choice Improvement Act removes barriers that Congress placed around the original “choice” initiative and eliminates an expiration date that would have shuttered the program in August. 
The “troubled VA system” has long been a painful wound in the side of veterans seeking healthcare. It was a problem that came to light in 2014 during the so-called “VA scandal.”

As reported at the time
More than 1,000 veterans may have died in the last decade because of malpractice or lack of care from Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers, a new report … finds. 
The report aggregates government investigations and media reports to trace a history of fraudulent scheduling practices, budget mismanagement, insufficient oversight and lack of accountability that have led to the current controversy plaguing the VA.
The VA has admitted that 23 patients have died because of delayed care in recent years., but the report… shows many more patient deaths have been linked to systemic issues affecting VA hospitals and clinics…
The Washington Examiner adds: 
Lawmakers created the choice program in 2014 after a massive scandal involving wait time cover-ups at more than 100 VA facilities around the country. It was initially structured as a two-year pilot program that limited when and where veterans could choose to see private doctors. Patients could only use the choice program if they lived more than 40 miles from the nearest VA hospital or if they could not get an appointment from their local VA facility within 30 days.
Dan Caldwell, policy director at Concerned Veterans for America, says
Extending the Choice Program is the right thing to do, but only as a stopgap measure until better solutions are developed and implemented. 
Reauthorizing the Choice Act buys Congress some time to work with Secretary [David] Shulkin on broader choice reforms that will truly empower veterans with the ability to seek care outside the VA when they want to.”
The issue of the healthcare delivered by the VA also became an important issue in the last campaign, with both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton only begrudgingly admitting the agency needing reform and repeatedly warning that Trump wanted to privatize veteran’s health care.

Trump in response claims that he didn’t want to privatize their health care but did want to give veterans more choices for health care, including the ability to see private doctors.