Saturday, April 22, 2017

How to Correct Your Political Status and Why

By Anna Von Reitz
Chances are you aren't obligated to be considered any form of federal Municipal CITIZEN nor as a federal Territorial Citizen, but you have been entrapped in a profit-making scheme that pretends that you have knowingly and willingly agreed to act as a volunteer federal employee--- specifically, as a "Withholding Agent" -- a Warrant Officer in the Merchant Marine Service, and that you have purposefully and knowingly enrolled in the Social Security program which is only available to federal employees in order to receive benefits from the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) which was organized in the wake of the Civil War for welfare relief of former plantation slaves. 

What?  You never worked a day for the federal government?  You were never told that "Social Security" is only for federal employees and dependents?  You aren't a former plantation slave?  You never got any benefits? 

Well, then, you have to stop calling yourself any kind of "US citizen" --- because citizens all work for the government.  They have a duty and obligation to obey every statute, code, and whim of the government as a result, and they are also liable to pay federal income taxes.  You also have to stop voting in any "US elections" including "State of State" elections, because the States of States are just local franchises of the federal corporation(s) defined at 28 USC 3002 (15).

So, Step One--- withdraw and rescind any and all applications and enrollments as a "registered voter".  You have no natural interest in the elections of a foreign corporation that you don't work for, right? 

If you don't get a paycheck direct from the federal government and you don't want to function as a for-free Withholding Agent and aren't interested in any "benefits" that you pay for yourself and don't want to be held subject to the whims of a foreign entity that is supposed to be providing you with Good Faith Service instead-- then read on. 

You have been mis-characterized and defrauded and you have prima facie evidence of that readily available.  You think of it as your Birth Certificate, but it isn't.  It is a "certification" that a federal MUNICIPAL "PERSON" was created and named after you and that at one point in your life you were a real American.  You were born on your birthday, but the MUNICIPAL PERSON has a birth date which is several days or weeks later---the filing date shown on the certificate.

Please note that the "Birth Certificate" is printed on bond paper. It is a security instrument.  Please also note that it has been signed by the Registrar --- an officer of the probate court.  This is prima facie evidence that your earthly estate was probated when you were only a few days or weeks old and that it was seized upon by the State of ___________ or STATE OF_________ and operated for its benefit from that time on. 

So, Step Two---- ditch the federal MUNICIPAL PERSON and the responsibilities and obligations associated with it. 

You need to get the Birth Certificate authenticated if that is still possible in your state, or certified, if not, and then you need to endorse it and "surrender" it to the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
(Please note the two dots between the "U" and the "S"----- the U.S. Treasury.) and make Steven T. Mnuchin the Fiduciary responsible for IT.

The endorsement is simple but exact.  The authenticated or certified Birth Certificate that the birth State Secretary of State sends back to you will have a cover page riveted or hard stapled and firmly attached to the front of the BC.  You leave that cover page attached and on the front of the BC itself in the upper left hand corner and in red ink you write: "Accepted by Drawee" and sign it by: Your Upper Lower Case Signature, and date it. 

Then turn the BC over and on the back anywhere write: Pay to the Order of the United States of America, U.S. Treasury. Without Recourse.  And again, write--- by: Your Upper and Lower Case Signature, and date it. 

Next comes the Form 56, which is the IRS Form called "Notice of Fiduciary Relationship".  This is your Notice to Mr. Mnuchin that you are making him and his office responsible for the PERSON named after you. 

The Form 56 is very simple --  the name of the PERSON is the NAME on the BC which you are returning to the Treasury.
The name of the Fiduciary is Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury.  You can look up the address online.  I believe it is 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20220. 
Section A (f) --- "Other" -- Public Commercial Trust Administration
Section B(4) -- Check (a) (b) and (h) "Other" and just say, "All forms that may be necessary".
On the back, Part II, 7 (C) "Other" --- Surrender of federal "PERSON" to U.S. Treasury
On the back, Part III "Court and Administrative Proceedings" --- enter the name and address of the agency issuing the BC. The "date proceeding initiated" will be the File Date which is never your birthday, but a few days or weeks later. The "docket number" will be the State File Number on the BC. The time will be the time you were actually born, and the place of "other" proceedings will be "usa".
On the back, Part IV, "Signature" ---- you write the word "by" like a by-line to a newspaper story---- by: Your Name (Upper and Lower Case), Authorized Representative, and the date.
Underneath the Signature is a blank space. It is appropriate to say that you wish to be indemnified against claims or losses under the sovereign usa Private Registered Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US.
This is basically a bond posted in behalf of all the actual states of the Union and all the people living in those states insuring them against any further claims related to the MUNICIPAL PERSON(S) they have surrendered back to Mr. Mnuchin.
And that is that. You have now surrendered the MUNICIPAL "CITIZEN" back whence it came and you have insured yourself against any further claims or losses or charges brought against that PERSON.
Along with the Form 56 you should include a brief letter stating that it is your instruction to operate exclusively under 100% commercial liability and without benefit of any limited liability or other benefit of the Public Charitable Trust (PCT). 
You are going to send this package of documents via Registered Mail to the Treasury. Each red and white Registered Mail label (available with instructions at all Post Offices) is unique and has an alpha-numeric identifier to track it. This includes a nine-digit number that is compatible with the federal system. As part of your assignment letter, instruct Mr. Mnuchin to open a Treasury Direct Account with that number and to please inform you when it is open for business. Also ask him to settle all debts and charges related to YOUR NAME and deposit the remainder and all other credits owed into the new Treasury Direct Account.
Thank him for his time and attention.
Well, that was a Royal Pain and you shouldn't have ever been entrapped and obligated by your employees in the first place, but now you have taken action to sever the presumption that you are volunteering to act as a federal MUNICIPAL CITIZEN, and nobody can say otherwise. From now on, "IT" is Mr. Mnuchin's problem and you are indemnified against any further claims or complaints related to "IT".
Step 3.... Notify both the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service at Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, P.O. Box 480, Holtsville, New York, 11742-0480 and the Internal Revenue Office of the Commissioner, Room 3000, 1111 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20204-0002, that you have retired from all presumed federal service and you are revoking your election to pay federal income taxes effective October 1 of 2016. Send these Notices via Registered Mail, too. Save a copy and the mailing receipts and the Green Card Return Receipt Requested for your Eternally Done and Over File.
No more Voter Registration, no more obligation to file Federal Income Taxes and no Municipal United States PERSON for the US DISTRICT COURT -- that is, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION DISTRICT COURT to address.
That much is done and over.
But there's more.
You also have to rebut and return the allegation of Territorial United States Citizenship. You do this by recording an Act of Expatriation.
This is as simple as saying that your allegiance is to the soil of your native birth state, say, Louisiana, and that you act only as a private American state trading vessel and birthright member of the unincorporated private trade association doing business as The United States of America.
Now, no matter what kind of word-smithing and duplicitous redefining of terms that goes on forever afterward, no incorporated entity or franchise of any incorporated entity can claim that you are operating as a Foreign Situs Trust belonging to them or abandoned for their benefit---- which was FDR's fraudulent claim against Americans in 1933.
You have declared that at home you are living on the land and at sea your Name is an American vessel engaged in international trade--- not subject to federal regulation of commerce and owed all the protections of the actual Constitution and treaties backing it.
So now they have no grounds to "presume" that you are a Territorial United States Citizen, either.
X and X.
Finally, the rats have created "International Organizations" and run them "in your name". You need to seize upon these organizations and file liens against them. You do this using a UCC-1 Financing Statement Form. The organizations doing business as your FIRST MIDDLE LAST and FIRST M.I. LAST are the DEBTORS and your non-Territorial Lawful Trade Name (aka Christian Name-- First Middle Last) is the Secured Party. This is not a Notice of your interest, because you have already given plenty of public notice. You can lien these organizations directly by checking the "Non-UCC" claim in Box 6.
When filling out the UCC-1 Form be sure to write the names in the proper style. Everything related to the DEBTORS including USA should be in all capital letters. Everything related to the Secured Party should be Upper and Lower Case, except that for the Secured Party it should be "usa" --- the actual organic states.
And now, finally, you have provided your employees with a fistful of paperwork refuting all their lies and presumptions about you. They can no longer presume anything about your political status, except that it is private and that you are operating lawfully and without any obligation to them or their organization. Quite the opposite--- they are in fact your employees and obligated to you.
Your final stop should be the State Secretary of State's Office to present him with another copy of "your" authenticated/certified BC.
I want you to stare that man or woman right in the eye and say: "This is prima facie evidence of a Public Trust....."
If necessary, continue on----- "and also prima facie evidence of intent to defraud."
"I have reclaimed my birthright political status and I want the proper passport I am owed. If you aren't authorized to issue it, get on the phone and find out who is."
If they attempt to drag you into one of their courts ask them where they will find the authority to address you? And where will they find a jury of your peers?
The Great Fraud is over.
The international trustees responsible for this Mess know that it is. You know that it is. It is just a matter of time before the whole world wakes up and goes---- WT.....?


Anonymous: NASA Says World Should Prepare For Visitors

Anonymous: The CIA Is Now Going After Wikileaks

Seeking the Truth as a Way of Life

By Anna Von Reitz

Seeking the Truth is often uncomfortable business.  You have to give up your own opinions on the way, and often let go of things you have been taught since childhood. Those losses of what we always believed make us feel lost, as if the firm and settled boundaries of our lives are suddenly as fluid and uncertain as waves on water.  Sometimes--often-- things you dearly cherish, things that add to your sense of security and value, get mashed along the way.  

Although I most often hammer away on the Truth about our government, what has happened to it and so on--the search for Truth is amazingly open ended.  Once you start seeking the Truth about one thing, you start seeking the Truth about all things.  
That includes the Truth about medical science.  No surprise that the field of medicine has been hijacked by the same feudalistic Robber Barons who have corrupted our government and for the same reasons-----profit and control.  They long since took over the medical schools and drug companies and have been using one to push the other for several generations with great success.  
They haven't made us healthier, wealthier, or wiser---- but they have filled their pockets and left us sickly and fat and dependent on pills, which is precisely what profits them and makes us miserable.  
Many of you had the opportunity to watch Ty Bollinger's expose, The Truth About Cancer series.  And now, a friend just forwarded The Truth About Vaccines. 
Watch it, download it, do whatever you can to learn and to share the information being provided for you and your family free of charge---today is the beginning of the final broadcast: 

The Doctrine of Scarcity -- Calling Out Pope Francis

By Anna Von Reitz

For many generations the Doctrine of Scarcity has been enshrined in the politics of the Roman Catholic Church. It has been a core teaching of the Church that the poor are blessed and that there is something precious and noble about the suffering of poverty, starvation and deprivation of all kinds.
Being poor was thought to be a virtue, indeed, a necessity of virtue.
Everything related to a healthy human life-- the need to eat and drink and have sex and even wash our bodies--- has been denied in the name of the Doctrine of Scarcity.
You have said that you want a "poor Church". That's fine. Divest it of its riches, its pomp, its self-adoring and venal glories. Make of it what it was meant to be, a simple fellowship bound together by the Holy Spirit and the teachings of Jesus. Let all the Orders stand in awe of the Franciscans and the other Mendicants, who have placed their faith so utterly beyond the grasp of Mammon.
Indeed, Francis, if there is any virtue in poverty it is simply this---that by being poor, the poor give us the opportunity to grow beyond our own selfishness.
They give the rest of us someone to give to, someone to help who needs help.
And that is a great service to humanity.
I don't miss the point, I simply know that the same lessons can be learned by other means and that there is no reason to cling to the Doctrine of Scarcity any longer.
That is why I have placed the Credit of Jesus on the books of the Vatican Chancery Court, declared the beginning of the Thousand Years of Peace, authorized the payment of any debts held against any Names or NAMES, and have initiated the Doctrine of Abundance.
There is no longer any logic to the idea that many must be downcast in order for humanity to be lifted up.
The Doctrine of Scarcity has been a manure pile and yes, from it our Father has grown roses; but the Doctrine of Abundance is the truth and the law of our Father in Heaven, who has provided far more than enough for all his children to have health and happiness on earth.
So let it be that peace reigns instead of war. Let the truth of abundance overwhelm the lie of scarcity. Let true knowledge of our Father fill the earth as it has been decreed. And let us enter into the Thousand Years of Peace.

China and Russia Form Alliance Against USA

China and Russia Form Alliance Against USA
Published on Apr 21, 2017
China has formed an alliance with Russia to oppose further US intervention in Syria - while Russia is helping China to oppose US intervention in North Korea. Battle lines are being drawn and alliances are being formed. Nations are forming up on opposing sides as the potential for World War 3 becomes a greater reality.

PETITION: Make TREY GOWDY Speaker of The House

PETITION: Make  TREY  GOWDY  Speaker  of The  House

We’ve had enough of Paul Ryan. It’s time to get a true conservative as his replacement.


Petition is located at the top of the page.

In the wake of Ryancare’s failure, many began touting South Carolina Republican Trey Gowdy as Ryan’s replacement for Speaker of the House. Not only is Gowdy the best man for the job, but his vision of America fits perfectly in line with President Trump’s.

Way back in the 1990s, when Gowdy worked as a federal prosecutor, he helped to convict Mark J. Allen, a serial robber at one time listed among America’s Most Wanted, via GoUpState.
Gowdy’s position as a legal pit bull has been on display in Washington numerous times.

During FBI Director James Comey’s infamous testimony about why America’s top cops refused to fully investigate Hillary Clinton, or the numerous leaks engineered by the outgoing Obama administration, Gowdy grilled Comey in order to make the FBI Director essentially admit that Democrats are above the law, via YouTube.

Mr. Gowdy has been a thorn in the side of Obama-era flunkies for quite some time. Not only did he head the House Select Committee to investigate what really happened at Benghazi on September 11, 2012, but he is also currently leading the charge to prosecute serial liar Susan Rice.

Unlike the current Speaker of the House, Gowdy has absolutely no problem facing the hard Left head-on. While Ryan appeases the Democrats with big government proposals, Gowdy made liberal hero Elizabeth Warren look like a fool during official testimonies, via YouTube.

The biggest reason why Congressman Gowdy should be named as the next Speaker of the House is simple; he’s actually a conservative.

Paul Ryan more or less supports the current immigration system that we have in place.  Congressman Gowdy slams open border morons for failing to understand that immigrants and refugees pose national security risks, via YouTube.

On other domestic issues, Congressman Gowdy has maintained a steadfast adherence to conservative principles. He fought against John Boehner’s debt limit bill in 2011.  He has supported defunding Obamacare, and he has supported the idea of revisiting Roe v. Wade.

Gowdy, like Senator Rand Paul, could shore up President Trump’s conservative agenda with a more libertarian-centric approach. As Speaker of the House, Mr. Gowdy would aggressively attack those Democrats who seek to undermine the health, safety, and happiness of our country.

It’s time. Let’s draft Trey Gowdy to replace Paul Ryan as President Trump’s Speaker of the House.

Terrorists in All 50 States as Threats Hit Peak


FBI  Investigating  Radical  Terrorists  in  All  50  States  as  Threats  Hit  Peak

"Terrorists inside America plotting attacks 'each and every single day'" 

Where will the self proclaimed 'elitists' be hiding in safety when their plans for the destruction of our nation and the murder of Americans takes place?


Federal authorities have open investigations into radical Islamic terrorists in all 50 states, according to the Department of Homeland Security, which is warning that the threat of terrorism in the United States has reached an all time high with radicalized individuals in the country plotting to strike "each and every single day."

The FBI has "open terrorist investigations in all 50 states," according to DHS Secretary John Kelly, who disclosed on Tuesday that there have been at least 37 "ISIS-linked plots to attack our country" since 2013, a number that shows no signs of diminishing.

Kelly, in his first wide-ranging public address on the threat of terrorism in America since taking office, warned that America's borders remain wide-open and that there is evidence terror-linked individuals are exploiting these national security weaknesses and entering the United States.

"We don’t know their intentions," Kelly said during an address at George Washington University (a Jesuit university). "We don’t know why they’re here or why they’re coming. We are completely blind to what they’re capable of." (Question the Muslim Brotherhood and Obama, and the US military for answers)

Terrorist also continues to sprout inside American communities across the country, according to Kelly, who said that in just the past year, there have been "36 homegrown terrorist cases in 18 states."

"We’ve seen an unprecedented spike in homegrown terrorism," Kelly disclosed. "These are the cases we know about—homegrown terrorism is notoriously difficult to predict and control."

Terrorists in the United States are plotting attacks "every single day," according to Kelly.

"I tell you, without exaggeration, they try to carry out this mission each and every single day and no one can tell you how to stop it. No one," he said.

The United States, he continued, is "under attack" from a wide variety of bad actors, including "failed states, cyber-terrorists, vicious smugglers, and sadistic radicals."

"And we are under attack every single day," he said. "The threats are relentless."

Those who slip over the border undetected, including criminals and potential radicalized terrorists, pose an unparalleled threat to the country.

"We don’t get to vet them," Kelly said. "We don’t know their intentions. We don’t know they’re here. They slip into our country unnoticed, living among us, and we are completely blind as to what they are capable of." (Being brought in by the US military under cover at night and transported by paid American van/bus drivers to 'safe houses.')

These threats just scrape the surface of the danger posed to America by terrorists inside and outside of the country, Kelly said.

"This is all bad news, but it gets much worse," he explained. "Experts estimate that perhaps 10,000 citizens of Europe have joined the caliphate in Syria and Iraq. Thousands more are from nations in Asia, Africa and the Western Hemisphere. They have learned how to make IEDs, employ drones to drop ordnance, and acquired experience on the battlefield that by all reports they are bringing back home."

These highly trained terrorist fighters are likely to return to their countries of origin and "wreak murderous havoc" across Europe, Asia, and the United States, among other countries.

America lacks the ability to properly vet these individuals when they attempt to enter the country, according to Kelly, who warned that scores of radicalized individuals are trying each day to enter America. (and being purposely flown in)

"Many are citizens of countries in our Visa Waiver Program.  They can more easily travel to the United States which makes us a prime target for their exported violence," he said.

The threat to America "has metastasized and decentralized, and the risk is as threatening today as it was that September morning almost 16 years ago," Kelly warned. (Even MORE so)

"We are under attack from terrorists both within and outside of our borders," he said. "They are without conscience, and they operate without rules. They despise the United States, because we are a nation of rights, laws, and freedoms. They have a single mission, and that is our destruction."


Trump White House Has Been COMPROMISED

FBI Whistle-Blower :
Trump White House Has Been COMPROMISED (4/2017)
Published on Apr 21, 2017
Trumps odd behavior and flip-flopping has had millions of supporters asking what has happened. Now this fmr. FBI Agent is warning America about what is coming!

Russia's missile that can take out Texas


Russia has been in the news lately largely thanks to its attempts to relaunch the Cold War on the internet and its unquestioning support of the Assad regime in Syria. And now it's grabbed attention for another reason: They've debuted the sequel no one wanted to its "Satan" nuclear missile.​​​

The Satan 2, officially known as the RS-28 Sarmat, has been an open secret for a while now as Russia has more or less engaged in the geopolitical equivalent of a marketing campaign. And this is no different as the first specs were declassified by the Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau.

On paper the missile is state of the art, able to evade radar defenses and travel far enough to hit the East or West Coast of the US with a payload that could destroy an area the size of Texas.

Related: Photos of Russia's latest military exercise in Crimea

Russia's UNSTOPPABLE Zircon Hypersonic Missile

Claim: Russia Has Created A Devastating Zircon Hypersonic Missile That Will Rip Right Through U.S. Warships: “Unstoppable… Unbeatable… Undefendable”

Mac Slavo
March 27th, 2017

As President Trump ratchets up the U.S. military in his latest budget proposal, his counterpart, Russian President Vladimir Putin, has reportedly created a hypersonic missile with such devastating implications for the U.S. Navy that it is being called “unstoppable.”
Russia claims to have created a devastating hypersonic missile that travels five times faster than the speed of sound and could rip through navy warship defenses because it’s too fast to stop.  
The Kremlin’s Zircon missile has been called “unstoppable”, “unbeatable” and “undefendable” with a 4,600 mph speed that only one defence system in the world can destroy – that system is owned by Russia. 
The missile employs revolutionary scramjet technology to reach its hypersonic speeds whereby propulsion is created by forcing air from the atmosphere into its combustor where it mixes with on-board fuel – rather than carry both fuel and oxidizer like traditional rockets. This makes it lighter and therefore much faster.

The US Navy warns it could be fitted to Russia’s nuclear-powered Kirkov warship, where it would have a range of up to 500 miles. 
In comparison, the Royal Navy’s Sea Ceptor missile, which is designed to destroy incoming missiles, can only travel 15 miles and hit top speeds of 2,300 mph. 
Full report: International Business Time
Reports indicate that no counter measures for the Zircon missile exist. If true, then the majority of the U.S. Naval fleet has just been rendered obsolete.

The West DEFENSELESS against
Russian Zircon missiles


Major arrest rocks Obama's inner circle!

Major arrest rocks Obama's inner circle!

Published on Apr 16, 2017
JUST IN: MAJOR Arrest Rocks Obama’s Inner Circle

Check The Source Here:
A State Department employee left over from the Obama Administration was indicted Tuesday by a federal grand jury on charges that she used her position to secure gifts from Chinese spies in an effort to defraud the United States government.

Candace Marie Claiborne, 60, allegedly received thousands of dollars in gifts over five years, in addition to vacations, an apartment, Apple electronics, and tuition to a Chinese fashion school, the indictment charged, according to The Daily Caller.

The State Department employee then concealed the gifts and contacts with the Chinese, which violated her security-clearance requirement that she disclose any gifts from foreign nationals.

The arrest looks particularly bad for the Obama Administration, which has been accused of crooked activities since Trump won the presidency. According to various reports, Obama staffers who are still in the White House have been leaking sensitive materials in order to discredit President Trump. Claiborne isn’t known to be part of that effort, but her illegal activities speak to the kind of behavior that was occurring on Obama’s clock.

Claiborne had spent eight years in China. She had also spent time in Iraq, Sudan and several other foreign countries, according to the Washington post.

According to The Daily Caller, she wrote in a journal that she could “generate 20k in 1 year” through a Chinese agent, according to an affidavit.

The indictment charged that Claiborne knew that the Chinese agents she was involved with were spies, and after she had been caught, told co-conspirators to erase the evidence, which resulted in her also being charged with obstructing justice, according to The Post.

Although the Chinese nationals involved were not named, Claiborne apparently had known one of them since at least 2007 and the other since 2012.

The charges ranged from obstructing justice to making false statements to wire fraud.

She was arrested on March 29. If convicted of the wire fraud charge, Claiborne’s Washington home and her savings account would be subject to forfeiture. Additionally, she could face up to 25 years in prison if convicted of obstructing an official proceeding and making false statements to the FBI.

Acting Assistant Attorney General Mary McCord said that pursuing those like Claiborne who have endangered national security for personal gain was a “key priority of the National Security Division” of the Justice Department.

Trump has had enough

Fed Up Trump
Has Had Enough!

Trump did the 1 thing Obama NEVER could!

FINALLY! Trump Just Picked Up His Phone
 & Did The 1 Thing Obama NEVER Could!

Governments are moving underground

Governments are moving underground
Something strange in Antarctica
Chemtrails light up the sky

Friday, April 21, 2017

Let's Send Them a Bill, Shall We?

By Anna Von Reitz

I have just been told a most amazing thing. Nobody has sent the Queen of England a bill for anything the British Government has cost us since 1756.

There have been no end of bills addressed to us, for services they claim to have rendered---- but not a single one in return.

There has been no billing for American lives lost, American natural resources expended, American labor invested in all the bloody wars and mercenary conflicts that the British Monarchs and the British Crown and the Popes have foisted off on us for two-hundred plus years in Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract.

What do you say that we total it all up and send our bill to the Pope and the Queen and the Lord Mayor of London?

There's just one problem. How much is the life of a man worth? They tell me that a cadaver is worth $11.4 million in today's market, but a living man is so much more than the sum of his parts.....

How do you ever calculate that loss? I say that the loss of even one life is more than anyone can repay.

 I say there is no currency for that. So all these grand princes and potentates, the Popes and Queens and the Heads of State --- are in reality, all bankrupt, unable to meet their debts by any means.

Perhaps that is why no American bills have ever been sent. The ridiculousness of trying to put a value on what is beyond value must have plagued generations of accountants. They must have sat here as I have this afternoon, and left the calculation to God.

Paul Ryan's ex-lover

Learn a little something about 'president' Paul Ryan's past

  • Deneeta Pope, 40, dated Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan after they met at college
  • Admitted defrauding Ernst & Young out of $77,000 for fake training
  • Convicted in 2001 and spent five months in federal prison
  • Pope, now an Obama supporter, was thrust into the spotlight by the re-emergence of Ryan's
  • remarks that his 'college sweetheart was black'
  • Ryan said he suffered 'ugly comments' over the relationship
  • At Miami University, Pope was a cheerleader and he was in a fraternity
  • She donated $2,000 to his campaign to become a Congressman in 1997
  • But she also donated cash to Barack Obama's campaign in 2008
  • Ryan attended her wedding to Michael Thompson in May this year

  • Belinda Robinson

    Paul Ryan's African-American college sweetheart has spent time in prison for wire fraud, it emerged today.

    Deneeta Pope hit headlines after MailOnline revealed that she was the Republican vice-presidential candidate's ex-girlfriend who opened his eyes to the evils of racism.

    She served five months in prison after defrauding her employer Ernst & Young out of $77,000 in 1999, according to the federal Bureau of Prisons.

    Ms Pope admitted claiming funds from work to attend an educational course which did not exist.

    Mr Ryan has stayed in touch with his ex over the two decades since they broke up.  He even attended Ms Pope's wedding in May this year.
    The former cheerleader was indicted by a grand jury in November 1999, and two years later pleaded guilty to faking receipts and expense claims in order to steal tens of thousands of dollars.

    She would apparently transfer the fraudulently obtained funds to a secret bank account in Chicago, where she currently lives.

    Following her conviction, Ms Pope was sentenced to five months in federal prison, and was released in May 2002. 

    Ms Pope now claims to be a Democrat and is a donor to Barack Obama, but in 1997 she gave money to her ex-boyfriend Mr Ryan to help his campaign for Congress in Wisconsin.

    She registered to vote as a Democrat in Illinois in 2008. It is legal for ex-felons to vote in Illinois once they have served out their sentence.

    A spokesman for Mr Ryan declined to comment on the reports of his ex-girlfriend's criminal past.

    The news comes after Ms Pope told MailOnline how she met the future vice presidential candidate through friends at Miami University some 20 years ago.

    The 40-year-old said: 'Paul is a very nice guy, a kind guy and a family guy. He's very approachable and a very likeable person.'

    The relationship and the negative reaction he said he suffered from his so-called friends were a formative experience in the political evolution of the VP pick who described himself as a 'big, big fan' of Martin Luther King and is a staunch advocate of civil rights.

    But Pope, an I.T. specialist and realtor living in Chicago, denies that they experienced any racism as a couple.

    Pope also said that while their relationship was not very serious, they have remained friends through the years.

    'It tells you the kind of guy Paul is when you learn that he has remained friends with all of his friends that he met in college.'

    Michael Steel, campaign spokesman for Ryan, confirmed to MailOnline on Thursday that 'Mr Ryan dated Ms Pope in college' in the 1990s.

    In a 2005 interview, Mitt Romney’s future running mate said that he had been confronted with racism personally, because he had dated an African-American and also had a brother with a black wife.
    ‘I have a sister-in-law who’s African American,’ he told Milwaukee Magazine.  ‘My college sweetheart was black,' he added. ‘I just experienced some ugly comments, some racist views from people who I thought were friends of mine.'

    Pope, who married her second husband, Michael
    Thompson, in May said Ryan and his wife were present at the nuptials.  She said: 'A week before his vice  presidential nomination, Paul and Janna came to our wedding in Chicago to see Michael and I get married.'

    A registered Democrat since at least 2008, in 2009 she made three donations of $324 each to President Barack Obama's inaugural fund. 'I am indeed a Democrat. That’s no secret. But although I have a different political association to Paul, I support him and wish him continued success.'

    Father-of-three Ryan, who has been married for 12 years, took centre stage on Wednesday night at the RNC with a powerful speech attacking Obama, just weeks after he was thrust to the top of American politics weeks ago.

    Pope said she wasn't surprised by his electrifying remarks.  She said: '[Ryan] has always been a good speaker.'

    He appeared on the stage with his wife and three young children. But more than 20 years ago, it could have all worked out so differently.