Monday, June 19, 2017

Cellular & Wifi - How is CERN involved?

  11 Cellular & Wifi DARK SECRETS
 You Must Hear
  How is CERN involved?


Silent Weapons - Quiet Wars

They lied big time !!! 
We are all being slowly cooked
Phone towers are basically EMP weapons at will


Published on Jun 18, 2017

This is no joke people, and at the power level most of them are putting out at present, they are effecting everyone biologically, and causing death through brain tumors and many cancers. Many people are going to say, the government would never allow such a thing to happen, but you have to remember this, those people in power have been in power for a very long time, and they intend to stay in power by what ever means they deem necessary. This weapon is invisible, and it is effecting our minds as well as our bodies make no mistake about it folks. So what are you going to do about it. ? Phone towers are microwaving us very slowly at present, but they can crank up that power any time they like.

Also many people have had dreams and visions of an EMP strike on the USA. What if this strike was a false flag done by our own government, and not by a bomb dropped from a Chinese or Russian plane, but only made to appear that way, just like the false flag 9.11 event. Make no mistake about it folks, the shadow government wants to take the USA down, so they can implement their NWO plans.

Stay strong in the Lord, and fear nothing, just be alert to what is going on, and inform as many others as you can.


Cell Towers Exposed!
Cell Phone Carriers Do NOT Want You To See This! 

Published on Jun 15, 2017





 Interview With a Death Tower Whistleblower
 (Madison Star Moon)



PBS Frontline 
Cell Tower Deaths and Six Billion Dollar Bet  
What about those 'Smart Phones'?




SWARMS of major earthquakes worldwide

6/17/2017 -- Dutchsinse on regarding Yellowstone + Update New deep M6.1 Earthquake

Buy your food from the CIA: Amazon buys Whole Foods

Buy your food from the CIA: Amazon buys Whole Foods
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Buy your food from the CIA: Amazon buys Whole Foods
By Jon Rappoport
When Amazon boss and billionaire Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post in 2013, he also had an ongoing $600 million contract to provide cloud computing services to the CIA. That meant the Washington Post, which already had a long history of cooperation with the CIA, renewed their wedding vows with the Agency and doubled down on the alliance.
By any reasonable standard of journalism, the Post should preface every article about the CIA, or article sourced from the CIA, with a conflict of interest admission: TAKE THIS PIECE WITH A FEW GIANT GRAINS OF SALT, BECAUSE OUR NEWSPAPER IS OWNED BY A MAN WHO HAS A HUGE CONTRACT TO PROVIDE SERVICES TO THE CIA.
Now Bezos and his company, Amazon, have bought Whole Foods for $13.7 billion. Whole Foods is the premier retailer of "natural" foods in America.
The degree of profiling of Whole Foods customers will increase by a major factor. Amazon/CIA will be able to deploy far more sophisticated algorithms in that regard.
It's no secret that many Whole Foods customers show disdain for government policies on agribusiness, health, medicine, and the environment. Well, that demographic is of great interest to the Deep State, for obvious reasons. And the Deep State will now be able to analyze these customers in finer detail.
At the same time, the Amazon retail powerhouse will exercise considerable control over the food supply, since it will be selling huge numbers of food products to the public. Amazon will have new relationships with all the farmers Whole Foods has been using as suppliers.
Then there is this. The CIA has its own private company, called In-Q-Tel, which was founded in 1999 to pour investment money into tech outfits that could develop new ways to facilitate "data collection," and service other CIA needs. In-Q-Tel, Jeff Bezos, and Amazon are connected. For example, here is a 2012 article from
"Inside a blocky building in a Vancouver suburb, across the street from a dowdy McDonald's, is a place chilled colder than anywhere in the known universe. Inside that is a computer processor that Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and the CIA's investment arm, In-Q-Tel, believe can tap the quirks of quantum mechanics to unleash more computing power than any conventional computer chip. Bezos and In-Q-Tel are in a group of investors who are betting $30 million on this prospect..." described the deal this way: "Canadian companyD-Wave Systems raised $30 million to develop quantum computing systems. Bezos Expeditions, the personal investment company of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, and CIA venture capital arm In-Q-Tel participated in the latest funding round, the firm announced. The company's quantum computing technology seeks to speed up data-crunching. If successful, the technology could aid automated intelligence gathering and analysis."
Yes, automated intelligence gathering and analysis are exactly what outfits like Amazon and the CIA need for profiling the public. Other companies who have purchased products from D-Wave Systems? Goldman Sachs and Lockheed Martin. Let's see: Amazon, CIA, Goldman, Lockheed---a formidable collection of Deep State players.
"Buy your food from the purest natural retailer in the world, the CIA. Oops, I mean Amazon. Oops, I mean Whole Foods."

Senate bill 1241 - US Gov threatens to take all your cash

Now U.S. government threatens to take                                   all your cash


New Senate bill 1241 empowers feds to seize everything you own - we are not the criminals - THEY ARE!!!!

June 18 2017

The 'government' has been GUILTY of the below listed CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. NOW the government intends to make We the People AUTOMATICALLY QUILTY even when we are NOT engaged in these activities.  We are not the money launderers.  Those in the 'government' and their cohorts are the criminals and money launderers, AND THEY ARE WRITING THIS BILL TO USE AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE????  What about the proceeds from the RV and PPs?

WASHINGTON – In the name of fighting 'terrorism financing'????, a new U.S. Senate bill threatens to force private corporations to monitor your financial activity and empowers government to seize all your assets if you fail to comply with the new law.  (Wait a minute. The PEOPLE HAVE NOT.

Even failure to fill out one form is license for the federal government to take everything you have.

Sponsored by Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Senate Bill 1241, “Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017,” was introduced last month and represents what some financial experts say is a new assault on cash and digital currencies.

Proponents say it’s needed to fight criminal and terrorist money laundering efforts, yet the banking institutions that will be given orders to look for evidence are themselves the primary architects of the schemes that make this activity profitable on a massive scale.

If the bill becomes law, Americans would be subject to a whole host of government intrusions. One little slip-up would open a Pandora’s box of governmental inquiry into your financial life,” says Peter Reagan, a financial-market strategist at Birch Gold Group. “For example, failing to complete a single reporting form would result in the government being granted abilities to freeze and seize not just a portion, but the entirety, of your assets. The bill even goes so far as to include the contents of safety-deposit boxes.”

As the bill stands today, precious-metals holdings are not covered under the required declarations. Most other ‘monetary instruments’ would be locked down tight.

The war on cash and financial autonomy has been underway for some time,” says Reagan. “But this bill would solidify a serious loss of freedom we’ve been fearing for years.”

Because fighting “terrorism” is one of the purposes of the legislation, it allows any business with government ties to act as a de facto arm of the Department of Homeland Security to take your monetary assets, including Bitcoin and so-called “crypto-currencies.

Claire Bernish, an independent investigative reporter, says the bill would impose “autocratic financial controls in an attempt to ensure none of your assets can escape one of the state’s most nefarious, despised powers: civil forfeiture.”

Civil forfeiture grants the government robbery writ large: your cash, property, and assets can be stolen completely sans due process, your guilt – frequently pertaining to drug ‘crimes’ – matters not,” Bernish says. “A court verdict of not guilty doesn’t even guarantee the return of state-thefted property.”

She says the bill also severely curtails the right to travel freely with more than $10,000 in cash. To do so, a citizen will need to file a report with the U.S. government. 

Other assets that would be at risk for violations of the law include bank accounts, prepaid cards, gift cars, prepaid phones and prepaid coupons. 

Violators face prison terms of 10 years.

“And if that weren’t enough, this bill also gives them with new authority to engage in surveillance and wiretapping (including phone, email, etc.) if they have even a hint of suspicion that you might be transporting excess ‘monetary instruments,'” reports Simon Black of “Usually wiretapping authority is reserved for major crimes like kidnapping, human trafficking, felony fraud, etc. Now we can add cash to that list.”

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Texas judge pushes U.S. toward 'sanctuary nation'

Texas judge pushes U.S. toward 'sanctuary nation' warns scholar



'Unless the courts are reined in, they will create a de facto policy'

Are sanctuary cities becoming the law of the land in America? At least one analyst thinks so after a federal judge in Texas ruled that the Bexar County sheriff violated the constitutional rights of a Mexican citizen by holding him in jail on an immigration detainer after his criminal charges were dismissed.
The Bexar County Jail regularly honors ICE (Immigrations and Customs Enforcement) detainers, which are requests that local jails hold detainees who are set to be released for an extra 48 hours if the detainees are suspected of being in the country illegally.
The 48-hour period gives ICE agents time to get to the jail and apprehend any criminal aliens before they are released back onto the streets.
However, Judge Orlando Garcia of San Antonio ruled the sheriff’s office does not have probable cause to hold onto aliens who are not suspected of any crime – other than the crime of illegal entry. He ruled the sheriff violated the plaintiff’s Fourth Amendment right to protection against unreasonable search and seizure.
Daniel Horowitz, senior editor at Conservative Review, reacted in horror to what he saw as another example of “judicial amnesty.”
“Once again, the courts have conflated criminal law with immigration law,” Horowitz wrote. “Nobody has the ‘right’ to break into our country, unilaterally assert jurisdiction, and then be allowed to disappear into the population without detention just because there is no probable cause of another crime.
“The courts are now essentially granting judicial amnesty to anyone not accused of another crime outside of illegal entry. This decision will likely impact many other sheriff’s departments that want to comply with ICE detainer requests.”
Horowitz, author of “Stolen Sovereignty: How to Stop Unelected Judges From Transforming America,” said sanctuary cities are old news at this point.
“There might be 375 jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities, but unless the courts are reined in, they will create a de facto sanctuary nation policy by preventing even cooperative states and localities from following the law,” he declared.
Dan Cadman, a fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, was more circumspect in his analysis of Garcia’s ruling, but he admitted the decision will hinder ICE’s ability to secure cooperation from local jursidictions.
“It’s going to really thoroughly complicate things, and it probably makes life right now pretty miserable for county sheriffs and police officers in the state of Texas as well, given the anti-sanctuary statute,” Cadman told WND. “Everybody is going to be scratching their heads trying to figure out what the limits of cooperation are so they can all go forward.”
Who REALLY rules America? Stand up against the unelected tyrants in black. Find out how in “Stolen Sovereignty: How to Stop Unelected Judges From Transforming America.” Available now at the WND Superstore!
He was referring to SB 4, Texas’ new anti-sanctuary city law that Gov. Greg Abbott signed in May. The statute, which is not scheduled to take effect until Sept. 1, creates penalties for jurisdictions that fail to honor ICE detainer requests and prevent their law enforcement officers from inquiring about immigration status.
Several jurisdictions have filed lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the statute, and Garcia is scheduled to hear the cases later this month.
Cadman said Texas should absolutely be allowed to compel county jails to honor ICE detainers.
“If anybody has the ability to dictate the terms and circumstances under which police officers and sheriffs operate, it’s the state, which issues the statutes that give them the basis of being law enforcement officers in the first place,” he said. “And Texas, it’s worth noting of course, like other border states, has a serious problem. And Texas is aware of it, and Texas knows that there aren’t enough federal officers to do their job without fundamental cooperation; and that’s to the detriment of the state itself.”
According to the Houston Chronicle, Garcia claimed “because immigration violations for the most part are civil matters that don’t incur criminal penalties, the sheriff’s office does not have probable cause to hold them [if they don’t commit an additional crime]”.
The judge wrote:
In short, the county’s assumption that probable cause must exist to detain any individual for whom it receives an ICE detainer request was unreasonable. Its routine detention of such individuals made it inevitable that it would engage in warrantless detention of individuals who were not suspected of any criminal offense, but who became the subjects of ICE detainer requests either because they fell within a noncriminal … enforcement priority or because a detainer request was lodged despite their nonpriority status.
Cadman thinks the judge may be a bit confused.
“The judge seems to conflate criminal and civil cases by somehow suggesting that there is a different Fourth Amendment and probable cause standard, and I don’t necessarily know that I agree with that,” Cadman said.
“My sense is that the judge is probably not hugely familiar with immigration law, how it works, and the fact that frequently immigration law, even though it’s ‘civil,’ very closely tracks the way criminal law works, and that’s deliberate.”
Horowitz, for his part, pointed out other lower-court judges have also required there be probable cause of a crime other than an immigration violation in order for a detainer to be honored. For example, a district judge in Illinois last year voided thousands of detainers and ruled ICE must obtain a warrant for each individual and prove the suspected alien is a flight risk.
Horowitz believes Congress must strip the courts of jurisdiction over immigration.
“It’s time to face a stone-cold truth: If we are going to continue perpetuating this myth that the unelected federal judiciary has supreme and exclusive jurisdiction over every major social and political question, and is the sole and final arbiter of constitutional interpretation (including the very ability of a nation to remain sovereign and control its own future and the orientation of its own society), we have already lost the war for this country,” he concluded.

Who REALLY rules America? Stand up against the unelected tyrants in black. Find out how in “Stolen Sovereignty: How to Stop Unelected Judges From Transforming America.” Available now at the WND Superstore! 

250 Christian kids 'kneaded in a dough mixer'

Horror  as  250  Christian  kids  'kneaded  in  a  dough  mixer'

 Look for the body parts - heads, hands, bones, paid for by your US dollars contributed to the United Nations

 Oldest child just 4 years old


The U.N. was scolded for ignoring genocide.  The US has been paying the most to the U.N., subsidizing the freeloader nations and paying for the murder of innocents by ISIS.


The American Center for Law and Justice, an organization that works on behalf of persecuted Christians both in the United States and overseas, has scolded the United Nations Human Rights Council for ignoring the plight of Christians in Iraq and Syria.

In a statement it released following its presentation to the UNHRC, the organization warned that ISIS is carrying out genocide against Christians and other minorities.

“Through our affiliate, the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ), we made an oral intervention before the United Nations Human Rights Council on behalf of Christians facing genocide in the Middle East,” the organization said.

“We gave our most detailed account yet of the atrocities carried out by ISIS against Christians and other religious and ethnic minorities.”

Sign the petition to encourage President-elect Donald J. Trump and the Republican Congress to use all available means to encourage allies of the United States and Israel to withdraw from the United Nations and withhold all funding and official recognition from that organization.

It told the council:
The actions of ISIS against Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq and Syria clearly embody the definition of genocide as enshrined in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
The ISIS campaign to destroy these religious minorities and decimate their homelands and cultures undoubtedly meets the definition of genocide, and as long as the UN does not recognize it as such, these vulnerable groups remain unprotected and in peril.
We got the report of a Christian Syrian woman who saw “‘Christians being killed and tortured, and . . . children being beheaded in front of their parents'”. She said, “250 children . . . were put in the dough mixer, they were kneaded. The oldest one of them was four-years-old.”

MSM ignoring this story from last week: Sunni ISIS fed 250 poor little Christian Children, from as young as 4 years old, into a commercial dough kneader such as in this video. Yet although ISIS and Al-Qaeda are Sunni, Obama's choice for Syrian refugees in 2016 was 6,625 Sunnis (99%) and 23 Christians. Yet a 'President Clinton' has promised to increase this outrage by 550%.
Do you have kids? I have 2 little girls and can't help imagining if they were one of the 249 poor children waiting in the line of absolute terror, after the first screaming child had been fed in.  The US MUST get OUT of the United Nations and STOP FUNDING the UN altogether.

ISIS tortured a boy while demanding his father and  two others renounce Christianity before executing all four by crucifixion. 

Eight Christian women were publically raped and beheaded. 

There are “mass graves of Christians”.  

The victims of ISIS’s genocide deserve the recognition and protection of the international community. It is imperative that the U.N. acknowledge the ISIS campaign for what it is – genocide – end these atrocities, and seek justice for the victims. 

While the ECLJ calls for swift and decisive action by the international community to stop the genocide and protect the victims, it also understands that first the U.N. must recognize that the atrocities constitute genocide.
The U.N. council, however, “has remained silent while the Islamic State has continued its barbaric work."

ACLJ said it was calling on the U.N. “to declare that the atrocities carried out by ISIS against Christians and other religious minorities are genocide. The victims of these acts of genocide desperately need recognition, protection, and support from the international community.”

ACLJ said it previously has written then-U.N. Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon, the U.N. Office of the Special Adviser, then-U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power and others.

WND had reported only days earlier that Ambassador Nikki Haley confirmed a review is underway of America’s participation in the council.

The U.N. has been under pressure from the U.S. to reform itself since President Trump’s election after years of concerted bias against Israel, the leading advocate for democracy in the Middle East and a key U.S. partner.

WND reported in April a letter to the U.N., signed by all 100 U.S. senators in rare unanimity, demanded the global body change its behavior toward Israel.

“Too often, the U.N. is exploited as a vehicle for targeting Israel rather than as a forum committed to advancing the lofty goals of its founders,” the senators stated. “These actions have at times reinforced the broader scourge of anti-Semitism, and distracted certain U.N. entities from their original missions.

“As both the U.N.’s principal founding member and its largest contributor, the United States should insist on reform. As duly elected representatives of the American people, we take seriously our responsibility to conduct rigorous oversight of U.S. engagement at the United Nations. We are deeply committed to international leadership and to advancing respect for human rights."

A growing movement urging the United States to stop funding the United Nations and even exit the global body includes a petition drive. 

Sign the petition to encourage President-elect Donald J. Trump and the Republican Congress to use all available means to encourage allies of the United States and Israel to withdraw from the United Nations and withhold all funding and official recognition from that organization.

The London Daily Mail reported Haley’s comments at the opening of the UNHRC summer session. She explained the council and its actions are under review. “The United States is looking carefully at this council and our participation in it,” she said. “We see some areas for significant strengthening.”

She cited recent resolutions that the U.N. has used to target Israel, pointing out none have been issued against Venezuela, which is sinking deeper into poverty under the dictatorial rule of Nicolas Maduro.  Something should be done right away, she said: Venezuela should forfeit its seat on the council until it gets its “house in order.”

Haley, the Daily Mail said, called on the council to adopt “the strongest possible resolutions on the critical human rights situations in Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Belarus and Ukraine.”

The leave-the-U.N. campaign includes a call to evict the U.N. from its headquarters in New York City.   The senators’ letter, directed to Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, followed a statement from Haley declaring, “It is the U.N.’s anti-Israel bias that is long overdue for change.” The letter cited the U.N.’s “standing committees,” which some times “serve no purpose other than to attack Israel and inspire the anti-Israel boycott.”
They must be eliminated or reformed, the senators said.

Then there’s UNESCO, which denies “Jewish and Christian connections to Jerusalem.” The senators also criticized the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, which perpetuates “troubling anti-Israel bias and activities.”  

Most troubling is the United Nations Human Rights Council. Charged with shining a light on gross human rights violations, the UNHRC – whose membership currently includes some of the world’s worst human rights violator – instead devotes time to unwarranted attacks against Israel.” 

The letter explained, “The UNHRC even maintains a permanent time on its agenda ‘ ‘Agenda Item VII’ – to assess Israel even as numerous other countries, including some represented on the council, commit egregious human rights abuses.”

The U.S. pays about $3 billion a year to the general fund and more to specific U.N. projects.  It’s more than what 185 other countries pay combined.

The petition states, the U.N. “is a clear and present danger to the sovereignty and survival of the United States of America and its close ally, the Jewish state of Israel, despite being all but entirely dependent on American aid.”

The United Nations has voted more times to condemn Israel than all the other nations of the world combined. It also adopts procedures and policies to override national law and advocate for abortion. It routinely appoints nations with poor records on human rights, such as Angola and Senegal, to its Security Council. And it threatens Americans’ constitutional rights through its Arms Trade Treaty and even parental rights through its Convention on the Rights of the Child.

A petition issued by WND urging the U.S. to cut off funds to the U.N states: “It is outrageous an organization hosted on American soil, protected by American arms, funded by American tax dollars and built upon a global order sustained by the United States seemingly spends all its time attacking America and its ally Israel. It an insult to global decency that Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, is continuously targeted with the most outrageous slander and vitriolic attack as the United Nations allows some of the worst tyrannies on the planet to sit in judgment. Finally, as an independent republic, the United States of America has a responsibility to itself and to the world to cease subsidizing an institution which has not only proven hostile to the sovereignty of the United States and the security of Israel, but which has also shown itself to be a breeding ground of anti-Semitism and support for Islamic extremism.”

The movement also has caught the attention of the U.N.
WND reported when United Nations officials conceded there has been an atmosphere of “uncertainty” about their future since the global body’s latest attack on the sovereignty of Israel.  That’s at least partly because Congress has proposed a bill to remove the United States from the U.N. and eliminate the diplomatic immunity its officials now are granted on U.S. shores.

The move to exit the U.N. got some heavyweight support on the “Lou Dobbs Tonight” program on the Fox Business Network. Dobbs was interviewing David Horowitz, author of “Big Agenda: President Trump’s Plan to Save America,” as well as former Trump campaign economic adviser Stephen Moore.

Horowitz said, “I actually hope he [Trump] eventually pulls out of the U.N. and forms an organization that’s a true democratic alliance.

“Amen. I love that idea, by the way,” Moore added. “And I think we should withdraw from a lot of these international organizations – the World Trade Organization, the United Nations, the World Bank. All of these institutions have been highly anti-American over the years. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Donald Trump didn’t do that! He’s contemptuous of things like the Paris climate change treaty, and so on. And look, who says we have to live by these rules that these politicians have established for years and years? There’s a new sheriff.

Dobbs said: “Good for you, Steve Moore! You’re a bomb-thrower, I mean, you have shed the shackles of orthodoxy! I’m so proud of you!”

Sign the petition to encourage President-elect Donald J. Trump and the Republican Congress to use all available means to encourage allies of the United States and Israel to withdraw from the United Nations and withhold all funding and official recognition from that organization.

Seth Rich - the other side of the story than reported


June 18 2017
Amy P. 


Many have come to this conclusion about the events surrounding the shooting of Scalise. Not just a conspiracy. Really - this is what's going on. I realize it's a hard pill to swallow. Follow Liz Crokin, Sgtreport, Vulcrum News, Sheila Zilinsky, Lisa Haven


They will do ANYTHING to stop the appalling truth about pedophilia from coming out and being addressed.

Another detail very interesting which Thomas Paine and John Barnwell discussed in the video they made called Sleight of Hand; How Magician Mueller Will Protect the Clintons.  

Sleight of Hand

They pointed out that when Scalise went into the hospital due to the gunshot to the hip, he was cheerful and optimistic, and he was then taken to the SAME HOSPITAL as Seth Rich, and was soon reported in grave condition. They suggested he may have been about to be “Seth Rich - ed”.  They also reported that when Trump visited Scalise, he brought a new doctor for him.

If you missed it, a neighbor of Seth Rich said he was walking and not acting as though he’d been shot.  Someone has now suggested Rich was drugged, but you know how they throw out the misleading details to cover up the facts.

Read more:


Pizzagate Represents Only a Single American Franchise Within a Worldwide Child Trafficking Operation Known As Pedogate


Robert Steele reveals the truth of the reality of worldwide pedophile rings. "The American public now understands that the secret intelligence community, the media and our politicians are lying sacks of crap that cannot be trusted."  I love Robert Steele!

“A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) insider claims that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS/MOSSAD) are secretly behind the cover-up of the Washington D.C pedophile rings using their knowledge of politicians involved to blackmail and further their political agendas

3 Min. Video - MUST WATCH VIDEO: 

Podestas, Pizza and Pedos

“Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings”
Former FBI chief and whistle blower Ted Gunderson exposed satanism in the CIA, the Illuminati and pedophile rings and more before his death in 2011. There are some who believe he was killed by the 'elite' to shut him up.

This is a MUST WATCH… This is a terrifyingly honest look inside of the 'Elite' Circle that is 'The Deep State' – The murdering of children is what “broke him”…

PIZZAGATE: The Scandal That Will Take Down the Clintons and the U.S. Federal Government
This page has lots of links

What this young girl describes is exactly what happened to a personal friend of mine.

Anneke Lucas, #HumanTrafficking #survivor—trafficked at the age of 6 reveals the horror of rape and murder of children.

60 Minutes - LORDS & PREDATORS 

The Pedophile Ring in UK Revealed
'There is new evidence that some of the country’s most respected men were, in fact, depraved pedophiles, leaders that were preying on children as young as eight and nine.

Message from God in Human DNA Code!!

Scientists Discovered Message from God 
in Human DNA Code!!



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TACOMA WA. 98405

Improved Act of Expatriation

Act of Expatriation, Domicile Declaration and Allegiance

Whereas Anna M. Riezinger-von Reitz and Anna M. Riezinger-Von Reitz and ANNA M. RIEZINGER-VON REITZ  and all similarly named vessels in trade or commerce are all naturalized “citizens of the United States” under the Diversity Clause and are the age of majority and whereas such citizenship was never desired nor intended nor willingly nor voluntarily entered into under conditions of full disclosure They/THEY willingly and purposefully renounce all citizenship or other assumed political status or obligation related to the United States defined as “the territories and District of Columbia” (13 Stat. 223, 306, ch. 173, sec. 182, June 30, 1864) and its government, a corporation doing business variously as the UNITED STATES, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, etc., and permanently domicile upon and repatriate to the soil of Their/THEIR birth known as Wisconsin and freely affirm Their/THEIR allegiance to the same actual and organic state of the Union and do accept and reclaim Their/THEIR true nationality as American State Nationals and American State Vessels in all international and maritime commerce including all operations under Article X of The Constitution for the united State of America and Article X of The Constitution of the United States of America, owned and operated by Riezinger, Anna Maria  at 2390 South Park Road, Big Lake, Alaska Postal Code Extension 99652, c/o Post Office Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska, Postal Code Extension 99652
This action I validate and affirm this _____day of _______, 2016: ______________________ by Anna Maria Riezinger, all rights reserved.

Notary Witness
Alaska State
Matanuska-Susitna County
This _____day of ________ 2017 did visit one living woman known as Anna Maria Riezinger and she did establish this Act of Expatriation, Domicile and Allegiance freely and without coercion, in Witness whereof I set my sign and seal: ____________________________Notary; my commission expires on______________.
