Saturday, July 22, 2017

'Muslim Mafia' spy says "Islam at war with us"

capitol-muslim-worshipISLAM  AT  WAR  WITH  US,  'MUSLIM  MAFIA'  

'This enemy has always been defeated on the battlefield'

WASHINGTON:  The man who infiltrated one of the largest Muslim organizations in the U.S. claims the nation is at war with Islam, but Americans  refuse to recognize that fact.

Chris Gaubatz, vice president of "Understanding the Threat",  joined  the "Revealing the Truth" Internet TV show with Rev. Eric Walker to discuss what he sees as an ongoing plot by organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR - headquarters in Richardson
[north Dallas]  TX) to turn America into an Islamic nation.

"The entire purpose of Islam is to make the Shariah the law of the land all over the planet, and the vehicle to do that is jihad," Gaubatz said.

He has insider information on the threat because he infiltrated CAIR as an intern posing as a convert to Islam, as documented in the book "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America." Since then, Gaubatz has studied Islam from Muslim sources.

Despite claims that jihad is simply a "spiritual struggle," he said, from "a Shariah perspective, jihad is total warfare."

Help defend Chris Gaubatz and the First Amendment right to expose the Muslim Brotherhood's infiltration of America through your contribution to his legal defense

"They define jihad as warfare against non-Muslims, but it's not just people shooting things and blowing things up. That's one jihad. The other aspect of the jihad is media manipulation, political influence operations, espionage, intelligence gathering, and propaganda," Gaubatz stated.

"Islam defines itself as a complete way of life - social, cultural, political, military and religious, all governed by Shariah. It's all about Shariah."
Gaubatz believes free people are at war with Islam, and Islamists are winning because free people refuse to fight back. He said  'the U.S. is only a few years behind Europe in Islamic encroachment on freedoms, and if Islam is allowed to grow much further, it will be very hard to uproot".
"Once it gets entrenched, there's almost no softer, kinder, gentler way to defeat this," he said. "This enemy has always been defeated on the battlefield. And if we don't stand up now and start fighting, then what we're going to face is going to be completely brutal, and we're going to wish that we had fought harder when it was just at the phase of being an information war."

Your government is not doing all it can to protect you -- hear it straight from a DHS whistleblower. Get "See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government's Submission to Jihad" now at the WND Superstore!
"Free people are not only ignoring the war, they are allowing the enemy to set up bases under the guise of mosques within U.S.A. communities, according to Gaubatz. muslim-mafia17
"We need to understand what a mosque is," he explained. "In the Shariah, Muhammad is considered to be the perfect example of a man, so if we want to know what a mosque is, we just have to ask what did Mohammad use a mosque for. Muhammad used the mosque for social gatherings; he used the mosque to pray. He used the mosque also to store ammunition and weapons. He used the mosque to have jihadis stay there, jihadis train there, jihadis plan the jihad. The mosque was the place from whence the jihad was launched. That's what a mosque was at the time of Muhammad. That's what a mosque is today."

Gaubatz warns of a conspiracy in the U.S. to create anarchy, perpetrated by what he calls the "Red-Green Axis."

"You have the hard-left Marxist, socialist groups, whose goal is to create chaos and overthrow the United States government and create their Marxist, anarchic, utopian society," he said. "You have the jihadi groups who agree with the Marxist revolutionaries that we need to create chaos and create a revolution. Out of that chaos there will be a revolution. They believe that they're going to have a Shariah society, under Islamic law. So they are not working alone in this."

Help defend Chris Gaubatz and the First Amendment right to expose the Muslim Brotherhood's infiltration of America through your contribution to his legal defense


Over  Forty  Thousand  Civilians  Were  Butchered  During  The  Taking  Of  Mosul

Theodore Shoebat

A new report reveals that over forty thousand civilians were butchered during the taking of Mosul, as we read:
More than 40,000 civilians were killed in the devastating battle to retake Mosul from Isis, according to intelligence reports revealed exclusively to The Independent – a death toll far higher than previous estimates.
Residents of the besieged city were killed by Iraqi ground forces attempting to force out militants, as well as by air strikes and Isis fighters, according to Kurdish intelligence services.
Hoshyar Zebari, until recently a senior minister in Baghdad, told The Independent that many bodies “are still buried under the rubble”. “The level of human suffering is immense,” he said.
Kurdish intelligence believes that over 40,000 civilians have been killed as a result of massive firepower used against them, especially by the federal police, air strikes and Isis itself,” Mr Zebari added.
Mr Zebari, a native of Mosul and top Kurdish official who has served as the Iraqi finance minister and prior to that foreign minister, emphasized in an exclusive interview that the unrelenting artillery bombardment by units of the Iraqi federal police, in practice a heavily armed military unit, had caused immense destruction and loss of life in west Mosul.
The figure given by Mr Zebari for the number of civilians killed in the nine-month siege is far higher than those previously reported, but the intelligence service of the Kurdistan Regional Government has a reputation for being extremely accurate and well-informed.
Isis prevented any monitoring of casualties while outside groups have largely focused on air strikes rather than artillery and rocket fire as a cause of civilian deaths.
Airwars, one such monitoring group, estimated that attacks may have killed 5,805 non-military personnel in the city between 19 February and 19 June.
Mr Zebari accuses the government in Baghdad, of which he was until recently a member, of not doing enough to relieve the suffering.
“Sometimes you might think the government is indifferent to what has happened,” he said.
He doubts if Christians, Yazidis, Kurds and other minorities, who have lived in and around Mosul for centuries, will be able to reconcile with the Sunni Arab majority whom they blame for killing and raping them.
He says some form of federal solution for future governance would be best.

Time for McCain to go - FINALLY

American  Media  Freaks  Out  That  McCain  Is  Dying,  Meanwhile  Doesn’t  Care  About  Actual  Helpless  Child  Being  Tortured  To  Death  By  The  Government

Secret Locations of All U.S. Troops in Syria Revealed!

Islam’s  Caliph  Erdogan  Betrays  The  U.S.  And  Leaks  Secret  Locations  of  All  U.S.  Troops  in  Syria

We gifted you ......

Sent by a reader who asked this message be shared:


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Actual Judicial Notice now up on Anna's Website

This link will give you the Judicial notice and filing information for the actual signed Judicial Notice of Claim  of June 29, 2017, filed in Alaska.

These are in JPG format. In other words they are a picture of the actual documents.

To print you need to save them to your drive, then open them in a graphics program like Photoshop, or Corel, then print them from that program.

Paul Stramer

Warning About Swissindo and Any Similar Offers

Commerce works by implied contracts.  If you "accept" these offers, you don't know what you are "granting" in exchange.  Oh, there's a lot of hype and feel good crappola, but nothing specific, is there? 

So these vermin are left to define the "contract" you entered with them by accepting these payments from them.  Remember, all contracts have to be "equitable"---- so what are you giving up in "equitable exchange"?

Example --- you go to a restaurant and order dinner.  They bring the food.  Are you expected to pay for it?  Yes.  Will they call the cops and try to intercept you if you try to leave without paying?  Yes.  Did you enter into an "implied contract" with them by ordering the food?  Yes, you did. 

Same thing here--- there is a hidden quid pro quo.  You are getting this money and that caps what you can ever ask or expect to get back-----and here's the kicker----- you don't know what these vermin owe you. 

You might rush to get that six million, and then find out that because you did that, you were "presumed" to sign away your right to have six trillion. 

Or, that you were "presumed" to "voluntarily donate" all the rest of what you were owed to "Swissindo"--- whatever to hell that really is, and whoever controls and owns it. 

Wake up and grow up, because these kinds of "offers" are going to be very common and very attractive and a lot of people will be dumb enough to fall right in line and set themselves up for perdition.

Anna Von Reitz

Gift Horses

How did we ever get in the situation most of us are in? 

Our parents were tricked into signing undisclosed contracts disguised as government forms that appeared to be simple records about babies being born. 

Wrong on two points. These undisclosed contracts were not being offered by our government. And they were not harmless records about babies being born. 

They were vicious undisclosed commercial contracts. 

We got you out of that trap, now you are being "offered" another undisclosed contract from "Swissindo". On the surface it appears to be "free money" --but instead, it is attached to "human obligation bonds". 

These Swissindo creeps are here to  make you an open-ended implied offer.  They are offering you $1200 a month but they aren't telling you what you are giving up or promising in return. 

When you take their offer, they take your bond and subject you and your property assets to their debts and rules and never bother to tell you how many billions you surrendered "voluntarily" or what slave status you "willingly" accepted in "equitable exchange". 

You are dealing with vicious international charlatans --slavers-- of the same kind that foisted "birth certificates" off on your clueless mothers. 

Act accordingly. And complain to every politician in view. Take it to the consumer protection agencies. Demand a Congressional investigation. Sue the bastards to make full public disclosure of exactly what "Swissindo" is and who owns it and what their interests are and how is it that they are on our soil soliciting improper undisclosed contracts from gullible desperate Americans? 

Anna Von Reitz

America’s WORST Nightmare

We are being reminded of and questioned by many of the readers about the following.  We have been repeatedly asked to post this for all to see and for inquiries of the General to be made about the concerns of Americans:  
Increasingly more instances of problems the American people and communities are experiencing with muslims in America have been reported, and about the increased sharia law and neighborhoods being established which is diametrically opposed to what this Republic is all about. It has been said that about a year to two years ago several reported that General Joseph Dunford planned to round up all the illegals and muslims and DEPORT them OUT of the united States, yet more and more are appearing on the scene, and more reports have surfaced in recent months of what is being discovered about the muslim plans for this nation. 
Below are some randomly selected video reports evidencing some of the problems. Multiply these several times over for a more realistic view of the problem that is building up and rearing its ugly UNAMERICAN head.
America has Obama and his muslim cohorts (and the Vati-CON) to look to for this invasion and their planned war on America.

Ex Muslim Warns all Americans. 

Ex-Muslim Woman Warns America

Trump Sends Feds In To Raid NY’s Islamberg
 After 2 DECADES – Uncover 
America’s WORST Nightmare

Drone Investigates Islamic Training Center

Islamberg, New York


Muslims Establishing No-Go Zones in America

A Million Muslims, mainly men, 
invading the West and no end in site

Comptroller of the Currency Letter, July 2017

July 18, 2017

Keith Noreika, Comptroller                                                                                              
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
OCC Headquarters
400 7th Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20219

In regards to: Release of American assets

Dear Mr. Noreika:
It has come to our attention that attempts have been made to disinherit us via false claims of federal Municipal and Territorial citizenship and via bankruptcies related to Municipal and Territorial “franchise persons” operated in our names without our knowledge or consent.   
These constructs include Cestui Que Vie ESTATE TRUSTS dba ACCOUNT designations in the form: JOHN MICHAEL DOE, public transmitting utilities operated under dba names in the form: JOHN M. DOE, Foreign Situs Trusts operated under dba names in the form: John Michael Doe, and numerous other variations. 
This amounts to press-ganging an innocent civilian population and transporting them into a foreign jurisdiction (kidnapping/human trafficking) and meanwhile impersonating them for the purposes of plunder, personage, and barratry.  These are all crimes of inland piracy that have been carried out against Americans with the help of your office acting by omission. 
We have returned to the land jurisdiction states of our birth and we have surrendered all federal PERSONS to the Secretary of the Treasury and have expatriated from any presumed Territorial citizenship on the public record and have re-conveyed our Trade Names back to the land and the soil of our birthright. 
Our ancestors have been here on American soil since before the Revolution and there is no evidence otherwise. 
As such, we are bloodline inheritors of the actual Constitution and the actual National Trust, and we are not pleased to learn that our inheritance has been seized upon by your office under false pretenses since 1863 and that a constant state of “war” has been alleged and engendered since that time. 
We are here to inform you that the so-called “American Civil War” was never declared by any act of Congress and no actual Peace Treaty exists ending the resulting illegal commercial mercenary action on our shores, despite three public declarations by President Andrew Johnson proclaiming peace and the surrender of Lee’s army at Appomattox, Virginia in April of 1865.
This communication is to inform you that the “war” insomuch as it ever existed, is over. 
We are innocent private Third Parties who have been attacked and had our property illegally subsumed into multiple public bankruptcies by foreign commercial corporations that have unlawfully converted our assets, infringed upon our copyrights, and trespassed upon our soil under color of law.  
At present, both the Municipal and Territorial governmental services corporations are in bankruptcy proceedings.  The UNITED STATES is insolvent and under liquidation and the USA, Inc. is under Chapter 11 Reorganization.  We have visited The United States District Court for the District of Columbia and have informed the Senior Judges there that we are alive and well and claiming our estates en masse, which requires action by your office to probate and return our property to us, including our copyrights, trademarks, patents, and all other intellectual and material assets. 
We have secured our claims internationally by Due Process.  We have Title, Lien and Bond in the global municipal jurisdiction and also Title, Lien, and Bond in the territorial and international jurisdiction of the sea.  Our Private Registered Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US is on file.  
We have come now to reclaim our land jurisdiction assets from your office in the name of the unincorporated United States of America and each actual state and each actual living American.
Please prepare for the orderly disgorgement of all purported foreign grantor trusts and assets back to the lawful owners, heirs, and beneficiaries without prejudice. 
Federal citizens and actual federal dependents are eligible for discharge of any federal franchise debts via bankruptcy.
All others are eligible for discharge of franchise debts and settlement of probate because they have been found to be alive, and because the debts accrued by the municipal and territorial persons are debts of secondary and merely presumed beneficiaries of the landed estates.
Please pull all American estates out of the bankruptcy Slush Pile absent credible proof of actual, factual federal employment or unearned federal dependency according to the stipulations already given to The United States District Court for the District of Columbia. 
Merely receiving or having Social Security accounts is not deemed proof of federal employment, nor are federal civilian or military retirees subject to any presumption of continued municipal or territorial citizenship past the date of service separation.

We are looking forward to your prompt and faithful performance of your duties with regard to the actual American states and people.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Two Different Populations

Folks, there are and have always been two different populations here in America.

Actual current federal employees (retirees don't count as active federal employees) and federal dependents (political asylum seekers, etc.) who receive actual paychecks or unearned benefits from the federal corporations are owed discharge of all "franchise" debts via bankruptcy. 

The rest of us are owed discharge of the same franchise debts via probate action.

The difference is that the probate action not only discharges debts accrued by secondary beneficiaries of our estates (the franchises operated in our names), it returns our land and our other property back to us unharmed and fully restored.

If you really ARE a federal employee or unearned dependent (for example, someone receiving SSI who never paid into and vested in Social Security), by all means, take the bankruptcy protection and run. 

But if you are NOT a federal employee or unearned dependent, claim your estate back. The debts will all go away just the same, but you will also receive back the land and homes and businesses and other things that are rightfully yours. 

It's that simple. 

Anna Von Reitz

Follow the Logic

The rats have identified you as a franchise of their bankrupt corporation.  

JOHN MICHAEL DOE (substitute your name in all caps) is a "ward of the STATE OF MICHIGAN" which is a franchise of the bankrupt UNITED STATES.  

What happens?  

All of JOHN MICHAEL DOE's assets get held as surety backing the debts of the bankrupt parent corporations and as a result of the bankruptcy, "HIS" debts get discharged in bankruptcy.  

His assets remain captive. 

What should happen is that you are recognized as an American and not a Federale, and YOUR presumed debts should be discharged AND you should receive back your actual assets, free and clear. 

That's what should happen and what must happen to clear up this mess. 

Anna Von Reitz

Only government employees are liable for the personal income tax!

Only government employees are liable for the personal income tax!

The only geographic area in which any United States District Court anywhere in America is authorized to hear and decide cases is the District of Columbia—and every such “court” is a kangaroo court[1], operating under color[2] of law, office, and authority, deceiving and extorting the American People, with no constitutional authority to be doing business in any county, parish, or borough in America.

When cornered, District of Columbia Municipal Corporation legislative-branch officers—e.g., Federal judges, magistrates, and DOJ officers—routinely fall back on the policy of “Never respond, confirm, or deny.”

This approach, however, will not work under these circumstances for all Federal officers.

Please read case at:

Resource for the Holy Scriptures - sit back and listen!

King James Audio Bible

For those of you who don't care to read the Holy Scriptures, here's a great way to get to know who God is and what He expects of us. 

All you have to do is type in the chapter, sit back in your favorite chair and listen. 

King James Audio Bible

Another King James Audio Bible resource is up to the mainstream store apps soon. Grasp some copies for free.

Monday, July 17, 2017

MORE on Obama - It just never stops !




Humiliating Barack Obama Photo Leaks – Michelle Won’t Like This…

Obama RUINED: - Supreme Court Ruled He VIOLATED The US Constitution By…

Obama & Family - too bad - so sad





The Secret Isn't Secret Anymore

By Anna Von Reitz

Here it is, in black and white, the beginning of the whole web of  treachery, deceit and Breach of Trust that has caused two World Wars, multiple international bankruptcies, and the current plot to overthrow private property and self-government worldwide:  

CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE. 64th CONGRESS, 1st SESSION VOLUME 53, PART 7 Page 6781 25 April 1916, by Senator Owens: 

 "I wish to put in the RECORD the Secret Treaty of Verona of November 22, 1822, showing what this ancient conflict is between the rule of the few and the rule of the many. I wish to call the attention of the Senate to this treaty because it is the threat of this treaty which was the basis of the Monroe doctrine. It throws a powerful white light upon the conflict between monarchial government and government by the people. 

The Holy Alliance under the influence of Metternich, the Premier of Austria, in 1822, issued this remarkable secret document : [American Diplomatic Code, 1778 - 1884, vol. 2 ; Elliott, p. 179.] SECRET TREATY OF VERONA The undersigned, specially authorized to make some additions to the treaty of the Holy Alliance, after having exchanged their respective credentials, have agreed as follows :

 ARTICLE 1. The high contracting powers being convinced that the system of representative government is equally as incompatible with the monarchial principles as the maxim of the sovereignty of the people with the high divine right, engage mutually in the most solemn manner, to use all their efforts to put an end to the system of representative governments, in whatever country it may exist in Europe, and to prevent its being introduced in those countries where it is not yet known.

 ART. 2. As it can not be doubted that the liberty of the press is the most powerful means used by the pretended supporters of the rights of nations to the detriment of those princes, the high contracting parties promise reciprocally to adopt all proper measures to suppress it, not only in their own states but also in the rest of Europe. 

 ART. 3. Convinced that the principles of religion contribute most powerfully to keep nations in the state of passive obedience which they owe to their princes, the high contracting parties declare it to be their intention to sustain in their respective States those measures which the clergy may adopt, with the aim of ameliorating their own interests, so intimately connected with the preservation of the authority of the princes ; and the contracting powers join in offering their thanks to the Pope for what he has already done for them, and solicit his constant cooperation in their views of submitting the nations. 

 ART. 4. The situation of Spain and Portugal unite unhappily all the circumstances to which this treaty has particular reference. The high contracting parties, in confiding to France the care of putting an end to them, engaged to assist her in the manner which may the least compromise them with their own people and the people of France by means of a subsidy on the part of the two empires of 20,000,000 of francs every year from the date of the signature of this treaty to the end of the war.' 

 ART. 5. In order to establish in the Peninsula the order of things which existed before the revolution of Cadiz, and to insure the entire execution of the articles of the present treaty, the high contracting parties give to each other the reciprocal assurance that as long as their views are not fulfilled, rejecting all other ideas of utility or other measure to be taken, they will address themselves with the shortest possible delay to all the authorities existing in their States and to all their agents in foreign countries, with the view to establish connections tending toward the accomplishment of the objects proposed by this treaty. ART. 6. This treaty shall be renewed with such changes as new circumstances may give occasion for, either at a new congress or at the court of one of the contracting parties, as soon as the war with Spain shall be terminated. ART. 7. The present treaty shall be ratified and the ratifications exchanged at Paris within the space of six months. Made at Verona the 22d November, 1822. 

For Austria :-----------------------------------------------------METTERNICH. 
For France :------------------------------------------------CHATEAUBRIAND. 
For Prussia :---------------------------------------------------------BERNSTET. 
For Russia :------------------------------------------------------NESSELRODE. 

I ask to have printed in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD this secret treaty, because I think it ought to be called now to the attention of the people of the United States and of the world. 

This evidence of the conflict between the rule of the few verses popular government should be emphasized on the minds of the people of the United States, that the conflict now waging throughout the world may be more clearly understood, for after all said the great pending war springs from the weakness and frailty of government by the few, where human error is far more probable than the error of the many where aggressive war is only permitted upon the authorizing vote of those whose lives are jeopardized in the trenches of modern war. 

Mr. SHAFROTH. Mr. President, I should like to have the senator state whether in that treaty there was not a coalition formed between the powerful countries of Europe to reestablish the sovereignty of Spain in the Republics of South and Central America? 

 Mr. OWEN. I was just going to comment upon that, and I am going to take but a few moments to do so because I realize the preasure of other matters. This Holy Alliance, having put a Bourbon prince upon the throne of France by force, then used France to suppress the constitution of Spain immediately afterwards, and by this very treaty gave her a subsidy of 20,000,000 francs annually to enable her to wage war upon the people of Spain and to prevent their exercise of any measure of the right of self-government. 

The Holy Alliance immediately did the same thing in Italy, by sending Austrian troops to Italy, where the people there attempted to exercise a like measure of liberal constitutional self-government ; and it was not until the printing press, which the Holy Alliance so stoutly opposed, taught the people of Europe the value of liberty that finally one country after another seized a greater and greater right of self government, until now it may be fairly said that nearly all the nations of Europe have a very large measure of self government. 

However, I wish to call the attention of the Senate and the country to this important history in the growth of constitutional popular self-government. The Holy Alliance made its powers felt by the wholesale drastic suppression of the press in Europe, by universal censorship, by killing free speech and all ideas of popular rights, and by the complete suppression of popular government. 

The Holy Alliance having destroyed popular government in Spain and in Italy, had well-laid plans also to destroy popular government in the American colonies which had revolted from Spain and Portugal in Central and South America under the influence of the successful example of the United States. 

It was because of this conspiracy against the American Republics by the European monarchies that the great English statesman, Canning, called the attention of our government to it, and our statesmen then, including Thomas Jefferson, took an active part to bring about the declaration by President Monroe in his next annual message to the Congress of the United States that the United States should regard it as an act of hostility to the government of the United States and an unfriendly act if this coalition or if any power of Europe ever undertook to establish upon the American Continent any control of any American Republic or to acquire any territorial rights. 

This is the so-called Monroe doctrine. 

The threat under the Secret Treaty of Verona to suppress popular governments in the American Republics is the basis of the Monroe doctrine. This secret treaty sets forth clearly the conflict between monarchial government and popular government and the government of the few as against the government of the many. 

It is a part, in reality, of developing popular sovereignty when we demand for women equal rights to life, to liberty, to the possession of property, to an equal voice in the making of the laws and the administration of the laws. This demand on the part of the women is made by men, and it ought to be made by men as well as by thinking, progressive women, as it will promote human liberty and human happiness. I sympathize with it, and I hope that all parties will in the national conventions give their approval to this larger measure of liberty to the better half of the human race."   -- Senator Owens.


Thank you, Senator Owens, now and forever--- from a grateful American Public and from all the people of the world, for forcefully and with great foresight bringing this to our attention now, a full hundred years later.  

The threat has remained with us all these years.

Having failed to win by military valor, the Popes and the failed monarchies of the European Continent have never repealed nor repented the content of this gross Breach of Trust, and the same parties conjoined with corrupt British Government interests, have still conspired to wreck all the free people of the world via fraud, deceit, undisclosed contracts, unlawful conversion of property interests, bankruptcy fraud, probate fraud, false claims of abandonment and similar legal chicanery to attempt to realize their goals and reduce the world to Commercial Feudalism.  

We have discovered the true enemies of freedom and human progress deeply embedded in the municipal and territorial governments of the world.  

Those governments are now bankrupt and we have the opportunity to peacefully and in an orderly way recoup the assets of each country and each Man and Woman, out of the dreadful snares that have been set for them and to return these assets to their lawful owners. 

The Popes and British and other European Monarchs who have pursued this course of action have been the principle cause of two World Wars, as they have sought to reduce the world to a form of modern feudalism in which billions of people and their assets would be made slaves for an unaccountable and totally immoral few.

The deceitful and duplicitous United States Congress has been a key component of this plan to overthrow all self-governing nations and most particularly, the fifty nation-state republics of the unincorporated United States of America.  The entire world has been confused and deluded by these fraud artists, encouraged to think that they exercise valid power related to the American states and people, when in fact they are our employees and have no territorial or municipal authority over us and are strictly limited to the exercise of nineteen enumerated powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea. 

Their usurpation and trespasses and acts of fraud against us have been fully researched and evidenced and they have been given Due Process and Summary Judgment.  Their false claims in commerce against the American states and people stand forever and fully and conclusively rebutted, including all claims of abandonment and presumptions of citizenship.   

The Popes are not proud of this history, nor should they be.  The kings and queens of Europe have acted more like floozies and gangsters than men and women with any common sense, decency, or heart.  It is time that we all turned our backs on feudalism of any kind, and cherished the God-given freedom we were born with.  

It's time to make a new start. 

Their plan to use bankruptcy and probate fraud and false claims of abandonment in commerce as a means to defraud the entire world have failed.  The Americans have returned to the land they never actually left, and their claim stands firm.  Let all those people around the world who have been similarly mis-characterized and defrauded come forward to claim back their assets and the assets of their lawful states and provinces.  

We call upon Pope Francis to repudiate the obnoxious Secret Treaty of Verona and the Breach of Trust that it represents against the American states and people. We likewise call upon the other Principals and Principles to honor their contractual obligations to our states and to us in every detail. 

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

BAR members aren't JUDGES, - fraud JUDGE in JAIL -

BAR members aren't JUDGES,  - fraud JUDGE in JAIL -
Common Law Wins again..

Obama Caught Spending $36.2 MILLION - He’s a Criminal


July 17 2017
The Angry Patriot

Obama ran the least transparent administration in American history, according to a new Associated Press analysis.

During former President Obama’s final year in office, the White House spent a whopping $36.2 million fighting off Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to cover up his administration’s crimes. (via AP)

For the last two years the Obama administration set the record for “lost” files. They were forced to tell citizens and journalists that they could not find federal records more than any other administration since FOIA became law.

President Obama received non-stop praise from the mainstream media despite running one of the most corrupt administrations in American history. If President Trump did half of what Obama did, he would have been impeached by now.

Former President Obama dedicated his administration to expanding the surveillance state allowing him to spy on average Americans and political opponents such as President Trump.

At the same time, the Obama administration was actively attempting to crush press freedom. Obama wiretapped and threatened journalists in addition to fighting FOIA requests on a daily basis.

The Justice Department was the leading culprit spending $12 million to prevent Americans from discovering their crimes.

This expense reflects the efforts to hide the details of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email scandal that unfolded over Obama’s final year in office.

In total, 77 percent of all information requests were denied or were answered with heavily censored documents, indicating that less than a quarter of people had their requests answered.

Way back in 2012, when he was still a private citizen, Donald Trump criticized Obama for his lack of transparency. “Why is @BarackObama spending millions to try and hide his records? He is the least transparent President–ever–and he ran on transparency.” He tweeted. (via Twitter)

President Trump is on track to be much more transparent than his predecessor – which is not much of a challenge.

Unlike Obama, President Trump has nothing to hide. He is working for the American people instead of against them.