Wednesday, August 30, 2017

the Modus Operandi Syndicate

The following was anonymously sent to us with request to publish the following Expose' of Nazi Joseph Mengele and his son Michael Aquino
the Modus Operandi Syndicate of  

 The video shows testimonies of the victims of the Modus Operandi Gang. I suggest you to see at 7:35 a testimony of a businesswoman who confronted pedophiles.  

Retired NSA's General Michael Aquino, 
a satanist, pedophile and sadist is an Illegitimate Son of Nazi Fascist and Sadist 
Joseph Mengele!

War Criminal Joseph Mengele committed sadistic tortures and murders of innocent people during WWII and later in the USA.  Now his Son, retired NSA's General 
Michael Aquino, with other leaders-satanists of the Modus Operandi Syndicate, Israeli Mossad and US Fusion Centers are sadistically torturing and murdering innocent US citizens, including children, women and US Veterans.






1:58 NSA General Michael Aquino during his satanic rituals in a satanic church, wearing a hat with horns of the devil…

War Criminal Nazi Joseph Mengele participated together with Israeli Mossad and CIA/OSS in an assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Now, Mengele’s Son, NSA Satanist Michael Aquino, together with Israeli Mossad and Khazarian Jewish Mafia torture and murder innocent US civilians, including residents of the Santa Clara County of California.

This is Aquino's Father - Nazi Josef Mengele - with a new name:  Steven Rabel


Joseph Mengele's address & phone 

Joseph Mengele (born 1917)

Faked Death 2/7/1979, falsified DNA

Now, Joseph Mengele has a new name. 
He is now Steven T. Rabel
Address in 1999:
3688 East Ibis Cove Court

Hernando, FL 34442
tel: (352) 560-0260

Two War Criminals: 
Joseph Mengele & Michael Aquino 
The Old Saying Goes: The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree  

If some of you want to know more about atrocities committed by the Modus Operandi Gang and by a Son of Josef Mengele, NSA General Michael Aquino, you can always check files of two San Francisco court cases or to contact one of our US Heroes, Honest and Brave Mr. Douglas Millar.   Mr. Douglas Millar and Mr. Alex Jones provoked and brought twice NSA General Michael Aquino to the San Francisco Court.
Mr. Millar submitted to the court horrific evidence of atrocities committed by Michael Aquino-Mengele, the most horrific of which is kidnapping, torturing, raping, sodomising 88, 800 (eighty eight thousands eight hundred!) children from 8 (eight) US States, skinning alive babies, and consuming children's blood!
Mr. Millar presented to the court video-interviews of some of Aquino’s victims, who testified about Aquino’s atrocities to the US Army CID (Criminal Investigation Department).

Former FBI Senior Special Agent-In-Charge Ted Gunderson referred Mr.  Douglas Millar as 20/20, the national authority exposing Aquino-Mengele. Please download attached handouts which were given to me by Mr. Millar.
Friends, do you consider as the terrorists and war criminals those corrupted police officers, rogue Intel Agents, who have infiltrated US Intel Agencies, and some corrupted US officials, who are tied with the Modus Operandi Syndicate and who participate in the genocide of US civilians together with this criminal syndicate?

I stated in several of my documents that the members of the US Kharzarian Organizations who, armed and trained by Mossad in special so-called Mossad “self-defense” Units in the USA and in Israel, together with the Modus Operandi Syndicate and a Son of Joseph Mengele, NSA General Michael Aquino, participate in genocide of US civilians!

Israeli Mossad operates as the Secret Department within the USA, and Mossad Assassination Unit KIDON together with Modus Operandi Gang torture with Direct Energies and microwave weapons and murder Americans!

You can see in the end of the video below some types of the Direct Energy and Microwave Weapons which gangsters of the Modus Operandi Gang, mercenaries of US Fusion Centers, and the members of US Kharzarian  organizations, who are armed and trained by Mossad, use to torture and murder US citizens.

What is gang stalking   
                      In community 'no touch torture'                       


The video below shows testimonies of the victims of the Modus Operandi Gang. I suggest you to see at 7:35 a testimony of a businesswoman, who confronted pedophiles.   Please, remember that the Modus Operandi Gang can kill you just for fun, if they decide to announce you as their practice target to train their mobs. 


Organized Community Harrassment

aka  'Gang Stalking'



I  submitted some of my testimonies to the International Criminal Tribunals to Provost Marshals of the US Army and to the FBI.

One week ago, the organized crime syndicate kidnapped me and tortured me for one day in jail trying to silence me.  Now, the same organized crime syndicate prepares new provocations against me.

Please, save this information in your online files.

Respectfully submitted,
Ms. NS
President of the Northern California Tenant Association          


The Modus Operandi Syndicate: 


A Professional Gang Of Hitmen On Contract To The Security & Intelligence Agencies




The syndicate was presented to me, a gang stalker, as a kind of fraternity, a Masonic-like mutual profit organization with strong police-like overtones. The “advancement system” of the syndicate is a slippery slope. They make you give up your security privileges, so eventually all of your communications are watched and you have to attend meeting after meeting of mind-numbing pledges and chants. The premise is that if you sign contracts giving up personal liberties for the group, and you are genuinely innocent, then you will be promoted. I have only been promoted once, to the rank of manager, and I don’t feel as if it is a rewarding experience...
Worse, you are never allowed to leave because they think you will give away secrets. Leaving is only permissible with a special contract that permits the syndicate to destroy your credibility (usually they make sure that the most attention any secrets that you reveal get is from crackpot UFO magazines, or diagnose you with schizophrenia).  

There are other problems. If you have children, you have to send them to education in syndicate owned schools. If you have a wife, you have to report on her, allow her to be spied upon, and be prepared to target her if they decide to turn her into a TI. 

The official “compensation” policy is that you will get to keep the children if she lodges a divorce. However, you won’t get to keep most of her material goods. They only want her to lose in the divorce proceedings so she gets nothing, not so the husband gets anything, so the syndicate takes it back as a tithe.
Targets of Syndicate are divided into four categories:
1. Mercenary: Mercenary targets are bought by outside parties. We advertise under a range of guises, from ads by “individuals” claiming to be able to kidnap people, to practical jokers. Some groups, like big corporations and some governments (the government of ….pays us to keep some people busy, and Xxxxxxs when they have too many people protesting whaling) know fully well what sort of services we do, so we don’t really hide them. We get a lot of money from them, but we can still muster up a fair bit if worse comes to worst. I’m not sure so much about the NWO theory. Maybe the Xxxxxxx count, but you’d be surprised at how much money we can get from crimes…
2. Practice: The second type of target is the practice target. We use them to train mobs. The targets don’t actually change, because we don’t want TOO many people fighting back at us. But we do rotate trainees between practice targets. This stops the person seeing the same people every time there is a street show ones are chosen. (Note:  Can you imagine, Friends? Just for fun! You can be tortured or killed in the USA for FUN of those who hijacked police departments, the FBI, etc. )
3. Planning: Then there are planning targets. These are selected by the syndicate for some reason or rather but aren’t paid for by mercenaries. You can usually tell the difference between planning and practice targets because they send people with experience after them. They’re still chosen by the same people though. The practice ones are of course chosen for their timidity. I don’t know how the planning ones are chosen.
4. Enemy: Enemy targets are people that decide they’ve had enough and turn against us. Since they protest and try to foil our plans (which, considering that our jobs are already nervy, is a real pain in the arse), we try to really give them hell. The best way, of course, is through the psychs. Some people up-top are proposing that we just kill them and have them declared Natural Causes or Accidental by the coroner so some people at the top are in fact doing this. 
(Note:  Friends, I assume that these war criminals put my name in this category of targets.  This is why they committed 149 (One Hundred Forty Nine!) criminal offenses against me. These 'criminal offenses' are registered with the FBI and police.) 
The Branches of the Modus Operandi Syndicate

I introduce the main branches of the syndicate. Each branch recruits its own (everybody is a member of one of the branches) instead of people just joining a common pool. This keeps the work separate and stops people from finding out stuff that they shouldn’t.
1. The Scripting, Observation, and Execution Bureau (or “The Theatre” as it is popularly known). By execution, I mean the execution of orders, not the other kind. We do the work that the majority of people with any knowledge of gang stalking will be familiar with: pestering and scripting minor incidents. The Theatre is actually divided into two sub-branches:
a. Scripting Orchestration Officers (or “playwrights” as they call themselves)
b. Field Officers (or “thespians” as we call ourselves).
The syndicate has most variety in its recruits. Popular sources are the police, the fire department, the zoo, and technicians of any kind. But we recruit from all places. Most members are neighborhood watch types (not official Neighborhood Watch, but “concerned people”). The syndicate likes to "help" vulnerable people like abused women, women with cancer, mentally ill people, victimized minorities, etc. then recruit them for his hate campaigns. If a person is a key person (like a friend of the target) he will often victimize the person himself to "soften" them up, claim that the target did it and then use that to recruit them.
2. The Bureau of Authority (“The Moneybags”). They don’t actually control the syndicate, but they have all the right jobs and connections. So, a judge might have control over the judicial process, but he will answer to a superior in the syndicate. Psychiatrists belong here too. The Moneybags are so-called because they raise a lot of the money. It would be suspicious if big corporations funded groups like this, but they can invest money into front- groups. And the majority of the syndicate’s work is done through completely legitimate fronts. We can tap phone lines and access people’s records from behind government agencies. Usually, these are the guys that go after Enemy Targets. Normally, harassment is organized under several “action policies”. If a target isn’t an enemy, a standard policy is enforced. Low level organizers (the aforementioned “playwrights”) play around with the target for a while and rotate crews
When a target is an “enemy”, the policy doesn’t immediately change, but orders filter down from high-level organizers (usually the Supreme Council) which direct ‘Thespians’ to provoke the target or a similar action, and Moneybags to crack down on them once they get in the way of the system. This is called Mincing, because the thespians lure the “meat” (by making it complain or fight back) into the “mincer”.
“Doctors of Death” belong to the Bureau of Authority…” The Bureau of Authority also protects members of the syndicate. Normally, in a court case/psych examination or similar situation where a syndicate member is at the mercy of a moneybag, a special order arrives from above telling the moneybag to take it easy on the guy and let him off scot free. The order is always printed in blue, on fancy cherry-blossom paper, but in a very official border/font.
“Cherrying” is the name for this secret process. The Bureau of Authority has a very organized system of lawyers, judges, medical officers, etc. Whenever you’re committing a crime for the good of the syndicate, you must always report your location. Then they send Cousin Nancy (this is an affectionate term for the police in the employment of the syndicate that they send to arrest you instead of non- syndicate cops, so you can go straight through the appropriate channels without anything suspicious being seen) to tail you and “arrest” you the moment somebody calls 911.
They all follow a minimalist strategy though. For example, the mayor of a city isn’t a member of the syndicate. But several of his advisors and aides are. This way we can get laws passed in a discreet manner, and if a high-profile figure is targeted, our hold on an organization doesn’t loosen. We try to arrange elections of mayors that aren’t too headstrong. Though the government is mainly used as a minor nuisance. We prefer the courts for most activities
3. The Bureau of Technology (Field), BoT(F) is the group in charge of the electrical equipment. They work alongside us thespians and “gaffer” the targets by giving them the usual fatigue/headaches/medical problems. They can also destroy equipment, screw up televisions, the works. I think they are particularly sadistic.
Different crews use different Techs, but they’re all unpleasant. The incapacitators come in a lot of different forms.
a. There are ones that come as a lightbulb that slowly gives people eye-strain and makes them tired. You can fit some in computer/TV monitors and the glare irritates people.
b. Fridge magnets with electronic devices in them. That isn’t the extent of the BoT(F)’s machinery.
c. They manufacture pills that can cause deformities in the womb, as well as miscarriage and give them to women in their food. They can fake HIV/AIDS so the test shows up positive the first time, but subsequent tests show that it was a false positive. This faux-HIV can be put in the target’s food.
d. One Field Tech I knew had a penchant for giving people Syphilis. They could treat it easily enough with penicillin (and the syndicate always made sure that it would be diagnosed on time), but it showed up on the targets’ permanent records for medical treatment.
e. They also conduct extensive military testing without the target’s knowledge
f. Doctors of Death of syndicate give improper treatment that can result in the Protozoa going into one's organs (liver and kidney) and damaging them permanently
g. One TI we were monitoring was found to have a malignant tumor in his head (not our doing). He wasn’t experiencing any of the symptoms, so we gave him some through the incapacitators and had a few of his friends warn him about cancer. He had a test done, and just for fun, we had the doctor tell him how dangerous it could be and how he could die soon.
4. The Bureau of Technology (Communications) monitors the target’s phone calls, emails, and absolutely everything else. They tend to recruit from the national archives, census takers office, records office, credit card companies, medicare, insurance, etc. They are the logistics branch. As I said, most of the syndicate’s work is done from within legitimate areas. What the BoT(C) does (very often) is send a “receptionist applicant” over to a credit card company or government agency pretending she knows nothing about hacking computers or accessing records. We pull a few strings and she’s in. She then steals information while nobody is looking. A few old-timers like to have 100% control over the “records farm” but most prefer the minimalist approach. This is the bureau that gives out information and orders to everybody else, and also acts as a communications post for the whole syndicate.
The Supreme Council delivers orders through them. Outside orders are also taken in through the BoT(C), which advertises as a mercenary group through certain channels.
5. The Bureau of Alliances or “trading partners” handles our allies. As far as I know, the syndicate is Xxxxxxan only. The only other gang stalking group in this country is a West Xxxxxxxxan organization called the confederacy. Very often they try to move into the xxxxx xxxxx so we have to hold them back, diplomatically or otherwise. However, we have contracts with Xxxxxxan groups whereby we handle their targets when they move into Xxxxxx. The same with the Xxxxan groups and the confederacy. The other groups pay for their targets to be “handled” while they travel here. We make millions of dollars this way.
The Supreme Council
Finally, the Supreme Council controls the entire operation. I have no idea who they are, except that they have a fancy name instead of being a Bureau. They do not recruit their own men. They promote from the other departments. Most of them seem to be wealthy individuals with inheritances that manage to maintain their fortunes from investments. Not one is a CEO, Judge, or Politician. They are all just old money family types that live in the Xxxxxx Xxxxx and seem unusually lucky with their money (no doubt through insider trading).
Despite this, they have a lot of spiffy technology. They have a kind of reverse incapacitator that improves their health and increases their performance. Most of them look incredibly young for their age. We don’t see them much, though. Often, an audience with one of them is a kind of reward for good service.
Ranks of the members of the Modus Operandi Syndicate of Murdering and Torturing People
1. The lowest members are pawns. They’re not technically members, because there’s no permanent service contract and they don’t know they’re working for us. They take orders from us, but they’re not expected to attend meetings. We call our pawns “concerned citizens.”
2. The Authority bureau has “office boys” or “secretaries”
3. The BoT(F) has “lab rats” (who very often are paid volunteers for experiments, or people who don’t know what they’re testing)
4. The BoT(C) has “spelunkers”
5. The BoA has “travel agents”
Unfortunately, we’re not obligated to give protection to any of these people. So, we can give a vet an order to put down a dog, without telling him that it isn’t consented to by the owner, and he will do the job and get sued without us giving him legal protection. A lot of our street theater is done by people that don’t even know they’re part of a syndicate. They think they’re a grass roots movement and don’t know that there are other people harassing the target.
The BoT(C) recruits people that think they’re joining l33t hacker groups on the internet, or people that think that they’re just following orders from the archives.

The BoT(F) does 80% of its research at legitimate agencies like Xxxxxx’s XXXXX and its drug companies. The task of pawns is to think that what they’re doing is either normal and routine, or criminal in an individual isolated manner.
All the Bureaus wrap themselves up in different colors:
a. The Moneybags pretend to be a secret club for the elite (and many of them are indeed quite powerful and wealthy, second only to the Supreme Council).
b. The BoT(F) claims to be a “humane” research agency, or a means by which scientists can resist corporate greed, though it still attracts deviants.
c. The BoT(C) is conspiratorially minded, and pretends to be a group searching for the ‘secrets of the illuminati’ or the illuminati themselves.
d. The BoA claims to be a contract agency, traveler’s club, or accounting firm.
Recruits perform tasks that they know are illegal, or immoral, but they still generally believe that they’re doing it for a reason. Managers like me come above the recruits and do some actual organization, whether leading a crew to a street theater match or planning an attack. Generally, managers know everything about the syndicate except what its goal is. Most are greedy enough to accept that it isn’t a morally motivated group. We also engage in communication with other Bureaus to co-ordinate our activities. Finally, a rare few are promoted to the Supreme Council.
Different terms are used for different MOs: The Theater has “Playwrights” and “Leading Roles”. The moneybags have “Success Stories”. The BoT(F) has “Research Directors”. The BoT(C) has “Information Awareness Officers”. The BoA has “Arrangers”.

GLOSSARY OF TERMS (both colloquial and official)
CONTRACT- T.I. OR TARGET:This is the official term. Used as “Enemy Contract” or “Planning Contract”. Enemy contract is often referred to as “hostile contract”.
CHERRYING: Getting out of a legal tangle through the syndicate’s intervention.
NIPPLE-KISSER: a ‘deviant’ recruit, recruited because of a desire for sadism.
HOLY POLY: a ‘religious’ puritans recruit.

: the fact that greedy and sadistic recruits are selected for managing jobs more readily than anybody with integrity.

FBG (fertile breeding ground):
a crew of nipple-kissers, based on the idea that they are a fertile breeding ground for future managers.

Luring a target into the legal system.

: making faces at a contract, or otherwise intimidating them.
XXXXXX XXXXX SYNDROME: having a target so socially unpredictable and badly-off that you can’t really think of many ways to make their life much worse.
RAINBOW SHOCKthe fact that you have to act nice to the rest of the public immediately after you’ve stopped defacing a contract.
BREAK-A-LEG JOB: a particularly hostile attack against a contract, or a plan which involves approaching the target and talking to them.
SAKURAKAI: a crew that is particularly overt in its stalking and gets caught too often. In other words, it has to be cherried all the time.
CREW:A unit of recruits and pawns under a single MO. In other words, a group of gang stalkers.
ZAPPERATING:  using electronic devices to affect the health of a target.
XXXXXXX XXXXXrhyming slang. for big mistake, roughly means “we shouldn’t have used this method”.
UNCHAINED, UNCOVEREDauthorities that are not pawns or recruits.
COVERED:A member of the public that is under the control of the syndicate (as a pawn).
PUBLIC FACE: A recruit or manager’s official life outside of the syndicate.
PRIVATE LIFE:a syndicate member’s activities with the syndicate.
INCAPACITATOR: a device that affects the sleeping patterns/stress/fatigue/headaches of a contract.
VOODOO:the means of acting hostile to a target (pointing, staring, etc).
LOMOSEXUAL: a syndicate member with a knack for photography. (“There’s a lomo in every crew!”)
NYUNKIA: (Not Your Usual Nipple-Kissing Incapacitator Asshole), the “yu” is pronounced as the “oo” in ‘moon’. refers to a particularly sadistic or deviant BoT(F) member.
BONER: another word for an enemy target.
YELLOW MEAT:criminals, as opposed to “concerned citizens” refer to criminals recruited into the syndicate.
XXXXXXXX (verb): to Xxxxxx somebody is to run them over or chase them with a car.
GIGOLO-BOP: to make sexual advances to an unattractive target, term mainly used by “nipple kisser” deviants.
CANCELLING: causing a miscarriage.
CRASH TEST DUMMY: a practice target.
HANG-JOB: the experience of having a target that one has enjoyed tormenting suddenly commit suicide. Term used mainly by nipple kissers/nyunkias.
COUSIN NANCY: a police unit sent to tail a crew and arrest them before an unchained police unit can do it.
XXXXXX NECKTIE: a death threat made with no intention of it being carried out.
GENERAL LEEING: randomly chasing after a target and threatening to rape them before immediately running away.
XXXX’S LAW:a police department that is thoroughly under the syndicate’s control.
DEJA VOOOO:doing the same skit over and over again.

The Sworn Testimony of Former FBI Senior Special Agent-In-Charge Ted Gunderson  

I, Ted l. Gunderson, hereby swear under the pains of penalties of jury that the following statements are true and correct: 

My name is Ted L. Gunderson.
I am the owner and operator of Ted
L. Gunderson & Associates, an international security and consulting firm based out of Santa Monica, California.  I am currently a licensed private investigator in the state of California.
Previous to: my work as:a private investigator I spent nearly three decades in the F.B.I. Between 1951 and 19601 was an EB.I. Special Agent. In 1960 I was promoted as a supervisor at FBI Headquarters in Washington,. D.C., where I was in charge of Organized Crime and Racketeering investigations covering 26 Offices nationwide. Following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, I was re-assigned to Special Inquiry White House Matters at F.B.I. Headquarters. In 1965 1 was promoted again to Assistant Special: Agent-In-Charge of Internal Security and Anti-Terrorism of the F.B.I. New Haven, Connecticut Field: Office. In 1970 I was promoted to Assistant Special Agent­ In-Charge of the F.B.I. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Field Office, On July 12, 1972 I successfully negotiated with two terrorist hijackers of National Airlines Flight 496 for the release of 119 passengers at Philadelphia International: Airport In :1973 [was promoted to Chief Inspector at F.B.I.. Headquarters. Ted also served as Special Agent-In-Charge of the F.B.I. Memphis and Dallas Field Offices. I retired from the F.B.I. as Senior Special Agent-In-Charge of the Los Angeles Field Office of the F.B.I. with over 700 employees and a budget of over 22 million dollars in 1979.
Based on my investigative work, which includes intelligence from sources such as active and former members of the Intelligence Services (including the F.B.I., the C.I.A., the N.S.A. and Military Intelligence), information from informants active in criminal enterprises, and, victim testimonies, l have come to the conclusion that thousands of victims have been targeted by an illegal government rogue criminal enterprise that is active 24 hours a day within the U.S. This conspiracy is far too active to be controlled or operated by private enterprise whose goals are achieving financial gain. These operations require extensive financing with no return on the investment. This program's operations are financed by illegal black operations, i.e., narcotics, prostitution, child kidnapping (children sell at covert auctions for up to $50,000 per child), human trafficking, gambling and other rackets.

I have documentation and know that throughout the U.S., operating 24 hours-a-day and 7 days-a-week, there is a Central Command, located within the U.S., with multiple satellite offices, whose administrators can instantly initiate surveillance, phone taps and harassment against any individual in the country. They have the technology, financing and manpower to dispense illegal surveillance and harassment against anyone at any time day or night.. I have files on numerous cases of active, programmatic, illegal government harassment currently being conducted against thousands of Americans. This makes the F.B.I.'s former COINTELPRO program, which I. worked on, including in a supervisory capacity, look like a Sunday school program by comparison.

I firmly believe that most individuals working in the F.B.I., other intelligence agencies, and the government overall are honest, law-abiding public servants. However, a sophisticated network of rogue operatives has secretly infiltrated the F.B.I., other intelligence agencies including the CIA., and other key government positions. This rogue element seeks personal power and wealth and considers themselves above the law and the Constitution.
They are carrying out the aforementioned surveillance and harassment activities in conjunction with organized crime, the cult movement in America including Satanic cults, other commercial and political interests, and even misguided civic organizations and neighborhood groups.
This illegal surveillance and harassment program is being called gang stalking and organized stalking by the victims targeted by it. The Victims are targeted for a variety of reasons, including government and corporate whistleblowers, parties to financial and employment disputes, parties to marital disputes (usually divorced women), and even jilted paramours. Journalists, covering controversial issues, and, even attorneys and private investigators representing unpopular clients or interests, have been targeted by this program.
Individuals targeted by this program have been subjected to illegal and unconstitutional phone taps, illegal re-routing of business and private phone calls for purposes of harassment, illegal audio "bugging", surreptitious entry into home, office, and vehicle, visual surveillance in the home conducted by illegal placement of miniature remote, wireless cameras (often accessible via interne), illegal internet spyware, illegal GPS tracking (often through their own  mobile phones), regular fixed and mobile surveillance, mail misdirection, mail theft and tampering, financial and employment sabotage, slander campaigns and community ostracizing , internet disinformation and smear campaigns, poisoning, assaults and murder, illegal set-ups on drug charges and other felony charges, amongst many other civil rights abuses.
In addition  to high-ranking members of the F.B.I., other intelligence services, and the government overall, wealthy, powerful members of criminal syndicates, multi-millionaires and the corporate elite are using the government gang stalking program to harass enemies. They can get a targeted individual harassed for the rest of that individual life (individual cases of gang stalking lasting for over a decade are common), The higher status members of the gang stalking conspiracy initiate the gang stalking and coordinate logistics and funding. Lower echelon government rogue operatives, lower ranking members of the military (in violation of Posse Comitatus), petty criminals and street thugs perform the actual grunt work of daily monitoring and harassment of individuals targeted by the program.
Based on my professional experience, extensive intelligence  information and belief, It is my professional opinion that the F.B.I. is involved in and, has investigative files on the subject of gang stalking, related gang stalking methods, and gang stalking groups in the F.B.I.'s vast intelligence files, that are responsive to Mr. Labella's F.O.I.A. Complaint.  
Furthermore, I have personally referred numerous victims of gang stalking to the appropriate agents at the F.B.I. for investigation of their cases. I have also furnished the F.B.I. with documentation of an active, international child-kidnapping ring probably operated by rogue C.I.A. agents. The FBI has ignored my requests to investigate even though it is their responsibility to investigate kidnappings. I have a contact in Germany who advises me that the C.I.A. has set up secret operations on U.S. military bases for the kidnapping, sale and tracking or children worldwide.
The F.B.I. may be using a unique codename and nomenclature for the gang-stalking phenomenon in its records. The F.B.I. and other intelligence agencies are administering and covering up the rogue, covert, government criminal enterprise of gang stalking.
The gang stalking phenomenon appears in the records of both the F,B.I. and the N.S.A. in their records pertaining to the Echelon Program, Carnivore System, and Tempest Systems. In addition, the gang stalking phenomenon appears in the records of both the F.B.I. and the N.S,A, in their records pertaining to information collected by Narus systems. Narus is a wholly owned subsidiary of defense contractor Boeing that produces sophisticated, mass surveillance computer systems currently being used by both the F.B.I. and the N.S.A.

Dated this 23 day of April 2011.
Los Angeles, California 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Socialism: thick lipstick on a global pig

Socialism: thick lipstick on a global pig
By Jon Rappoport
August 29 2017
To give you an idea of the deception inherent in socialism, here is a quote from none other than Andrew Carnegie, once one of the richest men in America:

"I believe Socialism is the grandest theory ever presented, and I am sure it will some day rule the world. Then we will have attained the Millennium... Then men will be content to work for the general welfare and share their riches with their neighbors." (The New York Times, 1 January 1885, "A Millionaire Socialist")

Carnegie, of course, like several of his ultra-rich compatriots, devised a method to give away his riches while keeping them: the non-profit foundation. The last thing on Carnegie's bloated mind was becoming "equal" with the great unwashed.

He was a liar of the first order. He recognized that, when you win the game of free enterprise, your most corrupt bet is to turn around and find every possible way to block others from winning. Then, you stand at the top of the heap, unchallenged.  That is exactly what he had in mind. That's what socialism actually meant to him.

Let's see socialism for what it is. Not in the abstract, but in reality.

Socialism is:

The taking of money (taxes) from some people who work for it and giving it to others who don't work for it. On a grand scale. (Sounds allot like the American government's support of the 'immigrants' and 'illegals', doesn't it?)

The vast expansion of freebies doled out by central government. In order to create and sustain dependence.

The government protection of favored persons and corporations, permitting them and aiding them to expand their fortunes without limit, regardless of what crimes they commit in the process. (Monsanto would be a fine example.)

The squeezing out of those who would compete with the favored persons and corporations.

The dictatorship by and for the very wealthy, pretending to be the servant of the masses.

The lie that the dictatorship is being run by the masses.

The gradual lowering of the standard of living for the overwhelming number of people. (Eliminating the middle class for the benefit of the 'elites.')

The propaganda claiming socialism is the path to a better world for all.

In other words, socialism is a protection racket and a long con and a heartless system of elite control, posing as the greatest good.

Except in the specifics of its updated lies, it is just another form of top-down tyranny---as old as the hills.

A year or two ago, a person living in Europe told me that the European Union was not a problem because it was just another layer of socialism placed over the existing socialist governments of European nations, and no one really noticed the existence of the EU.  As if blindness were a reason not to worry.

As you can see from the elements of socialism I've listed above, America is moving more and more into the socialist orbit.

Protesting that America is, instead, a system of greed and inequality is merely saying that the central government is protecting certain corporations and favored persons.

The real and true definition of socialism accounts for that favoritism and protection.


Socialism is, in the minds of most people who advocate it, a vague sentiment about people being kinder to each other.

Consider this fatuous and ludicrous statement uttered by the mob boss of bosses of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev, in 1961: "The socialist economy has become so strong, so vigorous that from the summits we have reached we can issue an open challenge of peaceful economic competition to the most powerful capitalist country---the United States of Americaa"

Here is a correct translation: "Bankrolled and given vital technology by a few elites from the West, our vast society of socialist slave workers is now able to engage in capitalist competition with America."  The raving of a madman.

Today's youth who push and protest and riot and censor, on behalf of socialism, are working for the ultra-rich whom they despise. (totally IGNORANT of the TRUTH, mis-taught the FACTS of history and government in American 'schools' by 'teachers' and 'professors' who themselves had already sucoumbed to the same deceiving fate - dummies influencing dummies - the state of current American youth; cannot discern, cannot think, cannot research, cannot - have no logic, cannot think themselves out of a paper bag)

That's the long and short of "the glorious revolution."

The Carnegies and Rockefellers of today (including a miniature Rockefeller named George Soros) have engaged the young as foot soldiers, and they know the young are willing dupes for socialism, because they created, for the young, an education system that makes them clueless and mindless.  (WOW! What I was just alluding to!)

The Carnegies and Rockefellers of today are saying: "Bring on the new world, the better world, the more just world, the happier world---whatever you want to call it---so we can run it from the top and show you what we really think of you. Make every conceivable lever of power ours, and then we'll reveal what we really have planned for you."

Here is a relevant backgrounder I recently wrote about private property---

Once private property is abolished, the socialist crime bosses win. They build their heaven on earth, which means they can take what they want and run civilization, top-down. They can keep saying nobody owns anything, but in fact they own it all. They execute this squeeze play as if they were messiahs eradicating the prime evil: private ownership. This is such a preposterous stage play that, in a sane society, it would close down after one night. (BUT NOT IN AMERICA)

Newsflash: There is a difference between an idea and the way that idea is applied in practice.

For example, certain groups will take the idea of freedom and interpret it to mean, "We have the freedom to steal everything we can." (i.e., via the IRS, property taxes, 'licenses', et al)  Based on this practice, many people will claim freedom was always a failed and corrupt idea at the core. This is wrong, absurd, and dim. Very dim.

In the same way, the idea of private property can certainly be twisted to mean, "I, an elite banker, will steal what you have, make it my own, and then declare it is my property, over which I have control."

But the idea of private property remains independent of what people will do to distort it. A child used to be able to see this.

Centuries of struggle resulted in a shift from monarchs and priest classes owning all available land to individuals having the 'right' to own land. (a 'right' which in truth does NOT exist; THEY OWN IT and YOU ARE RENTING).  Once that principle was firmly established, groups immediately tried to modify the principle to their advantage.

In 1776, a group called the Illuminati declared its existence in Bavaria. One of its guiding ideas was: the abolition of all private property. That concept traveled down to Karl Marx and the Communist agenda.

Private property was called an inherent crime. Instead, the people/everybody would own all property. This garbled incoherent pronouncement would be backed up by the ruling government who would act as stewards for the masses---meaning the government would take control of all property until such time as the people evolved to the point where the State was unnecessary.

As a straight con, it was very weak. A two-bit hustler on a street corner with a folding table and three cards could see through it in a second.  

The people 'evolving'? The State withering away on its own? Equality defined as everybody owning everything?

Of course, if people injected their own utopian fantasies into the mix, if people assumed the government was a beneficent force for good, if people assumed there was an "everybody" operating unanimously, if people fantasized about a history of peaceful tribes (who fought wars against each other) gracefully abdicating the whole notion of individual property...well then, yes, the abolition of private property became a marvelous proposition.

In the light of day, however, with a clear mind, the idea was terrible. It was quite insane. It signaled a transfer of property from the individual to power-mad lunatics.

Needless to say, this idea of no-private-property is alive and well on planet Earth today. We are in another round of fantasy-drenched propaganda.

In a nutshell, the threat of pure private property is: it establishes individual rights that stand against the unchecked force of the government-corporate-banking nexus. It implies the individual is free, independent, and the ruler of what he owns.

To which the addled mind replies: "But suppose a person is polluting his land and the poison is running beyond his borders and endangering others?"

Well, that is called a crime. It should be prosecuted. It should be stopped.

The fact that it is often ignored doesn't negate the whole assumption of private property. It points to the corruption of public officials who refuse to prosecute the protected and favored offender.

Here is 'utopia' laid bare: the government and its partners, who are doing everything they can to limit, squash, and outlaw the individual right to own property, are the same force that is acting as the wondrous representative of all the people. Surrender to this force; give it power to appropriate all property and hold it in trust, for that day when the population has risen to enlightenment, when the open sharing of "everything" is a natural impulse. Then victory will be ours.

Not the iron fist. The open helping hand. Not the hammer. The smiling guide. Not the monarch. The servant of humanity.

If you buy that one, I have waterfront condos for sale on Jupiter's four moons. No terms. Cash up front. Construction begins in 2058. Promise.

The Homeowners Association actually owns the condos and the land. They are a subsidiary of the Jupiter Government Authority. There are rules. No flags of any kind flying from porches. No privately owned electricity generators. No growing of vegetables or fruit on the land. No weapons.

Domiciles must be shared with migrants arriving from Earth. The migrants are given beds, meals, and clothing. Possessions are shared. The prime directive: everything belongs to everybody.

Power to the people.

Any alert mind blows apart this delusional nightmare in a minute.    

ARE there any 'alert minds' out there these days?  It appears all their nuts, bolts and screws have shifted to the far left in most, leaving their thinking shifted waaaaaay out of balance in America - toward socialism/communism.

Urgent Notice Regarding Hurricane Damage

The govt is going to let insurance companies f**k America again
Check it out yourselves
Promoting common-sense policies for diversified food systems
Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone impacted by Hurricane Harvey.  We know that some of you are facing terrible losses of animals, crops, or your homes, and there are no words for what you must be feeling right now.

After you have secured your own safety and that of your animals, there are two immediate steps that you should take:

1. Document the damage as quickly as possible ---     preferably before the water recedes, and definitely before you begin any clean-up. Take pictures of everything before you do anything else. As you start cleaning up, document everything you do. A good option is to keep your notes in a spiral notebook or binder, so that you have everything in one place.

2. If you have property insurance (whether it is a homeowners' policy or a farm policy), send written notice of your intent to file a claim by Thursday at midnight.
It can be a very short letter or email, simply stating that you have suffered damage and intend to file a claim, and preferably including your policy number. A phone call is not enough, but you can submit the notice through the company's website if they provide that option. Keep a copy of the website confirmation page, your email, or your letter, so you can prove you submitted the notice in writing.
A new state law goes into effect on Friday that will make it harder to sue insurance companies for denying, lowballing, or delaying claims for property damage from natural disasters ---     thus reducing the incentive for insurance companies to treat you fairly. The new law doesn't affect your ability to file a claim, but it may affect how your insurer treats your claim.
We are compiling information about the resources available to help with disaster recovery from USDA, FEMA, SBA, and TDA and will send out more information shortly.
Read more about the insurance law changes in this Texas Tribune article

Houston: Fatalities linked to Harvey could soar


Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo
Tuesday, 29 Aug 2017 07:15 AM 

Crews overwhelmed by thousands of rescue calls during one of the heaviest downpours in U.S. history have had little time to search for other potential victims, but officials acknowledge the grim reality that fatalities linked to Harvey could soar once the devastating floodwaters recede from one of America's most sprawling metropolitan centers.

More than three days after the storm ravaged the Texas coastline as a Category 4 hurricane, authorities had confirmed only three deaths — including a woman killed Monday when heavy rains dislodged a large oak tree onto her trailer home in the small town of Porter. But unconfirmed reports of others missing or presumed dead were growing.

"We know in these kind of events that, sadly, the death toll goes up historically," Houston police Chief Art Acevedo told The Associated Press. "I'm really worried about how many bodies we're going to find."

One Houston woman said Monday that she presumes six members of a family, including four of her grandchildren, died after their van sank into Greens Bayou in East Houston, though Houston emergency officials couldn't confirm the deaths. 

Virginia Saldivar told The Associated Press her brother-in-law was driving the van Sunday when a strong current took the vehicle over a bridge and into the bayou. The driver was able to get out and urged the children to escape through the back door, Saldivar said, but they could not.  "I'm just hoping we find the bodies," Saldivar said.

And a spokeswoman for a Houston hotel says one of its employees disappeared while helping about 100 guests and workers evacuate the building amid rising floodwaters.

The disaster is unfolding on an epic scale, with the nation's fourth-largest city mostly paralyzed by the storm that has parked itself over the Gulf Coast. With nearly 2 more feet (61 centimeters) of rain expected on top of the 30-plus inches (76 centimeters) in some places, authorities worried the worst might be yet to come.

The Houston metro area covers about 10,000 square miles (25,900 sq. kilometers), an area slightly bigger than New Jersey. It's crisscrossed by about 1,700 miles (2,700 kilometers) of channels, creeks and bayous that drain into the Gulf of Mexico, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) to the southeast from downtown.

The storm is generating an amount of rain that would normally be seen only once in more than 1,000 years, said Edmond Russo, a deputy district engineer for the Army Corps of Engineers, which was concerned that floodwater would spill around a pair of 70-year-old reservoir dams that protect downtown Houston.

Rescuers meanwhile continued plucking people from inundated neighborhoods. Mayor Sylvester Turner put the number by police at more than 3,000. The Coast Guard said it also had rescued more than 3,000 by boat and air and was taking more than 1,000 calls per hour.

Chris Thorn was among the many volunteers still helping with the mass evacuation that began Sunday. He drove with a buddy from the Dallas area with their flat-bottom hunting boat to pull strangers out of the water.
"I couldn't sit at home and watch it on TV and do nothing since I have a boat and all the tools to help," he said.

A mandatory evacuation was ordered for the low-lying Houston suburb of Dickinson, home to 20,000. Police cited the city's fragile infrastructure in the floods, limited working utilities and concern about the weather forecast.

In Houston, questions continued to swirl about why the mayor did not issue a similar evacuation order. Turner has repeatedly defended the decision and did so again Monday, insisting that a mass evacuation of millions of people by car was a greater risk than enduring the storm.  

"Both the county judge and I sat down together and decided that we were not in direct path of the storm, of the hurricane, and the safest thing to do was for people to stay put, make the necessary preparations. I have no doubt that the decision we made was the right decision."  He added, "Can you imagine if millions of people had left the city of Houston and then tried to come back in right now?"

By Monday night, 7,000 people had arrived at the city's largest shelter set up inside the George R. Brown Convention Center — which originally had an estimated capacity of 5,000.  Red Cross spokesman Lloyd Ziel said that volunteers made more space inside the center, which also was used to house Hurricane Katrina refugees from New Orleans in 2005, in part by pushing some cots closer together. A shortage of cots means  some people will have to sleep on chairs or the floor. The center settled down at night, after an occasionally chaotic day that saw thousands of evacuees arrive in the pouring rain. Officers and volunteers at times rushed to attend to those with medical needs.

At the Addicks and Barker reservoirs, the Army Corps started releasing water Monday because water levels were climbing at a rate of more than 6 inches (15 centimeters) per hour, Corps spokesman Jay Townsend said.  The move was supposed to help shield the business district from floodwaters, but it also risked flooding thousands more homes in nearby subdivisions.  Built after devastating floods in 1929 and 1935, the reservoirs were designed to hold water until it can be released downstream at a controlled rate.

In the Cypress Forest Estates neighborhood in northern Harris County, people called for help from inside homes as water from a nearby creek rose to their eaves. A  steady procession of rescue boats floated into the area.

Harvey increased slightly in strength Monday as it drifted back over the warm Gulf, according to the National Hurricane Center.  Forecasters expect the system to stay over water with 45 mph (72 kph) winds for 36 hours and then head back inland east of Houston sometime Wednesday. The system will then head north and lose its tropical strength.  Before then, up to 20 more inches (51 centimeters) of rain could fall, National Weather Service Director Louis Uccellini said Monday. That means the flooding will get worse in the days ahead and the floodwaters will be slow to recede once Harvey finally moves on, the weather service said. 

Sometime Tuesday or early Wednesday, parts of the Houston region will probably break the nearly 40-year-old U.S. record for the biggest rainfall from a tropical system — 48 inches (120 centimeters) — set by Tropical Storm Amelia in 1978 in Texas, meteorologists said.
The amount of water in Houston was so unprecedented that the weather service on Wednesday had to update the color charts on its official rainfall maps to indicate the heavier totals.

In Louisiana, the images of the devastation in Houston stirred painful memories for many Hurricane Katrina survivors.  "It really evoked a lot of emotions and heartbreak for the people who are going through that now in Houston," Ray Gratia said as he picked up sand bags for his New Orleans home, which flooded during the 2005 hurricane.

In Washington, President Donald Trump's administration assured Congress that the $3 billion balance in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's disaster fund was enough to handle immediate needs, such as debris removal and temporary shelter for displaced residents.
The White House said Monday night that the president and first lady will visit Corpus Christi and Austin on Tuesday. They will receive briefings on the relief efforts by local leaders and organizations.

Harvey was the fiercest hurricane to hit the U.S. in 13 years and the strongest to strike Texas since 1961's Hurricane Carla, the most powerful Texas hurricane on record.



August 28, 2017

Catastrophic Hurricane Harvey Confirmed As Russian Weather Weapon Retaliation Attack

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her/his? Western Subscribers

Click HERE to view this report or put this link in your browser

A list of many of President Trump's accomplishments so far.......

Following is a list of many of President Trump's accomplishments so far..... 

1) He got conservative judge Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court.
2) The stock market is at an all-time high.
3) Consumer confidence is at an all-time high.
4) He created more than a million jobs by undoing Obama’s regulations.
5) Mortgage applications for new homes is at a 7 year high.
6) Unemployment rate is at a 16 year low.
7) Signed the promoting women in entrepreneurship act.
8) Gutted 800 Obama era regulations, thus freeing up companies to hire again and get the economy moving once again.
9) Ended the war on coal and caused a new mine for coal mining to open that will mine clean coal.  He also put the miners back to work.
10) Weakened Dodd-Frank regulations.
11) Promotes buying and hiring American.
12) Investments from major businesses such as Foxconn, Ford ,Toyota, Intel amd others will build here now.
13) Reduced illegal immigration by over 70%.
14) Bids for the border wall are underway.
15) He’s fighting back against sanctuary cities.
16) Changed the rules of engagement against ISIS.
17) Drafted a plan to defeat ISIS.
18) Worked to reduce the cost of the F-35 fighter jets.
19) Imposed a five year lobbying plan.
20) Sanctioned Iran over its’ missile program.
21) Responded to Syria’s use of chemical weapons.
22) Reduced tax reform plan.
23) He’s renegotiating NAFTA.
24) He withdrew from the Trans Pacific Partnership thus keeping jobs here.
READ: Jeff Flake Threatens President Trump With 2020 Primary Challenge

25) He pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accords thus saving us millions of dollars every year.
26) Created a task force to reduce crime.
27) The DOJ is targeting dangerous gangs like MS-13.
28) Signed independence and economic growth law.
29) Signed an executive order to protect police officers and target drug cartels.
30) Signed an executive order for religious freedom.
31) His administration is working on sending education back to the states.
32) He’s fixing the dept. of Veterans affairs so now vets can choose their own doctors and be covered. This also protects whistle blowers and allows VA to terminate bad employees..
33) Authorized construction of the Keystone and Dakota pipelines. The Dakota pipeline is up and running without harming the environment.
34) Created commissions on election fraud and opioid addiction.
35) Food stamp use is the lowest level in seven years.
36) Reduced the White House payroll saving taxpayers millions of dollars.
37) He’s donating his salary to various causes.
38) Signed 52 pieces of legislation.
39) Cut 600 billion from UN peacekeeping mission.
40) Gas prices lowest in more than 12 years.
You won’t hear any of this in the mainstream media. All they know is destroy, distract and damage. That shows that they don’t care about the people they claim to care about because, if they did, they would work with Trump and make the country better.
Trump accomplished all of this on his own without the help of CON-gress who are useless at this point. All the media cares about is how they can destroy him today. They have no solutions of their own. They are all deranged ideologues suffering from what is known as 'Trump derangement syndrome'. No wonder the media’s and congress’ ratings are lower than Trump’ s. His may be low, but theirs is lower.
In the areas of economics and national security, Trump is in the midst of healing this country’s true woes. He’s facing nearly insurmountable opposition from every corner of Washington and the media. But he’s started something in motion that will ultimately prevail. He has turned the ship around. That’s moral victory.

Only interjecting my personal observations for whatever it is worth to some of you, as we all have our 'opinions' and, since readers can give their comments, I will assume that 'right' as well! 

I am constantly - continually - being asked for my opinions on President Trump, as well as being asked to participate in polls - which I do gladly to the point of at least one a day.



I wonder what Warren would do if the Santa Fe Railroad would lay tracks across his billionaire estate?  Or if Texas Motor Speedway decided it was necessary to lay their race track around Warren's swimming pool and grounds to sell money making tickets for future races.  

What Kelcy is doing to our Native Americans in the Dakotas he should have to pay a HUGE price for.  Just because Warren has been successful in his personal endeavors does NOT GIVE HIM THE RIGHT to abuse the property belonging to others.  I am remorseful that President Trump gave approval for Warren to proceed with his abuse of and disrespect of the Sovereign Indian nations and their sacred Treaty and grounds.  This is criminal. And this gives me great concern for what may be in wait for each one of us as soverigns.

SO - the 'low ratings' of the President, again in my opinion, are nothing more than bu*lsh*t!!!! They are fabricated 'polls' bought and paid for to trash our President in the same manner as the main stream liars 'news'.  Pure and simple.  


President Trump has, in his first six months in office, done more than any other President - THAN ALL FORMER PRESIDENTS COMBINED - in our nation's history to right all the wrongs done to this nation and her people by all the TRAITORS, SNAKES and SCUM occupying offices in the SWAMP.


Monday, August 28, 2017

The Rat In The White House

BREAKING: The Rat in The White House That Has Been Leaking Was Just Exposed… Look Who It Was!


According to the reports, the fingers are pointed exactly towards Senator John McCain for the White House leak and the ease dropping on President Trump’s classified phone.  This could easily ruin the Senator’s life in politics. 

White House officials reveal that McCain is believed to have some how gained access to the content of President Donald Trump’s private, classified telephone calls with world leaders.

They analyzed McCain’s recent public statements, and when they coupled that up with information from intelligence personnel working with the Trump administration, they got a disturbing picture about the Senator. 

The officials believe McCain has inside knowledge of a number of President Trump’s telephone conversations, including at least one conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

What is more disturbing is that McCain shared what he knew with colleagues and his cabal of friendly mainstream media journalists in a dangerous clandestine campaign to damage Trump’s presidency even before it has a chance to succeed.

After this came to light, White House aides said they are confident one of the biggest leakers has been caught.

McCain told the information about Trump to anyone and everyone who will listen. This includes a Russian comedian who pranked McCain posing as Ukraine Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman. 

However, White House officials say that if it wasn’t for his reckless talking around, McCain wouldn’t have been caught. 

An administration insider said:
“He has been given transcripts or actually listened to the calls and is sharing what he has heard. There is no doubt. He is one of the major leaks.”
After all that has happened, it’s time for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to determine the level of McCain’s involvement and just how many laws he has broken. 

McCain will pay for what he has done.