Wednesday, October 18, 2017

A Gentle Reminder


Dear Church, Stop Giving Your Crap to the Poor
I was getting ready to leave for a trip to Kenya a couple of years ago when a church emailed and asked if Mercy House had any specific needs. I quickly responded and told them I wanted to give Maureen, our Kenyan Director, an iPhone, so we could communicate during (almost weekly) power outages. I told them if they would buy one instead, we could use the money for other needed items.
On the church’s Facebook feed a few days later, I saw an appeal that said something like, “We want to support a ministry with a used iPhone. If you have an old one you can donate, please let us know.”

I was given an older iPhone a week later. On the ground in Kenya, I realized it wouldn’t hold a charge for more than 10 minutes. The phone was junk.  So, when I left Kenya, I gave Maureen my used one that worked. 

The church contacted me after the trip and asked how Maureen liked her new phone? I told them it was useless and said, “Don’t worry about it. I gave her mine.”  “Oh, we feel badly, please let us replace your phone! We want to buy you a brand new one, an upgrade. You deserve it,” I told them I used my husband’s upgrade and already had a replacement phone. “OK. Instead we would like to write you a $500 check for the inconvenience.”

Give it to Maureen, I said.  And they did.

While the church tried to make it right, I was bothered by the fact they were more than willing to buy me a new phone I didn’t need. I have noticed this mentality permeates the church as a whole: The poor will be happy with our leftovers. They don’t know any better. They live in Africa or Honduras.  They don’t need the latest technology or the best brands like we do. They will appreciate anything we give because something is more than nothing.

Why do we give others—often those in service to the poor or the poor themselves—something we wouldn’t keep or give ourselves?

Somehow collecting clothes for immigrants has become the perfect opportunity to get rid of stuff we don’t want and gathering baby items for new moms is the perfect excuse to toss out stained and worn clothing we wouldn’t dare use again. I’ve packed suitcases with beautiful donations, but mostly I’ve pilfered through piles of junk donated in the name of Jesus.

It’s time to stop giving our crap to the poor.

There’s nothing wrong with used or second-hand. It’s often my first and favorite choice. Many organizations and ministries depend on used gifts. But if we give used, it should be our best. I’m not saying when we clean out older clothes or toys or things we don’t use any longer and donate them—that this is wrong. I am saying if we give it away, it should be something we would use ourselves.

The poor may not have wealth, but they have dignity. I’ve met people without electricity or running water who swept their dirt floors daily, pressed their clothes neatly, walked miles to work on muddy roads, dodging sewage, and never had a speck of dirt on them. They value their own worth.  We should, too.

I’ll never forget meeting a woman in Africa who supported her large family by reselling used clothes from America. But when she held up clothes to show me what was for sale—clothes Americans had donated in clothing drives—they were tattered and stained. I was embarrassed.

Her best depended on our worst.

Just because our donation feels like we are helping, in reality, we could be hurting. Bales of used clothes are sold to African countries for resell and they end up flooding the market and often put local textile businesses and seamstresses out of business.

It’s time to think about not only what we give and how we give it, but also why we give it. Just because it makes us feel better (and cleans out our garage at the same time) doesn’t mean it’s the best for those in need. Perhaps we should look a little deeper into our hearts and wallets when we can say, 'I don’t have money to give to the poor, but I have a lot of stuff'. Maybe we need to buy less stuff, so we have more to give?

“We’re not giving what we’re called to give unless that giving affects how we live—affects what we put on our plate and where we make our home and hang our hat and what kind of threads we’ve got to have on our back. 

Surplus Giving is the leftover you can afford to give.  Sacrificial Giving is the love gift that changes how you live—because the love of Christ has changed you

God doesn’t want your leftovers. God wants your love overtures, your first-overs, because He is your first love.” Ann Voskamp

There have been times over the years I’ve gasped and grinned at the beautiful items I’ve sorted and packed for the impoverished. When we give our best, we are living our best. We are saying with our donation, 'You are valuable'. We are whispering with our gift, 'You are worthy of the best'. We have the opportunity to speak self worth when we give generously.

It’s a promise for them.
It’s a promise for us.

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” Proverbs 19:17

The next time we have the opportunity to share what we have with someone who is in need, let’s give from the pile we want to keep, not from the one we want to throw out.

Kirsten Welch  
Oct 6 2017


I was touched by Kirstein's message above, and decided to go a step further to the important message Kirsten shared with us. We rarely, if ever, get to see the faces and the living conditions of those we are 'donating' to whether it be a general donation for the needy, or for those suffering from man created wars, or from conditions following weather disasters, or just to help others who are very needy.  Below are some pictures to gently remind us just WHO these people are - our brothers and sisters of ALL ages and suffering hardships most of us would never experience. Let our hearts and minds be gently moved by their pictures as the pictures can speak loudly and say more than any words I could add here. You are blessed - share those blessings gladly with others - not our throw a ways but that which we treasure.  We are a nation blessed by our God.  Let us freely give what He has generously provided for us that we might be His hands extended.


Matt 19:21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. 

Luke 14:13  But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind

Luke 14:21  .... Then the master of the house ... said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.

Matt 25:45  Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. (so give your best as if to the Lord Himself!)

May our Lord bless you richly as you bless others!!!!  Amein......

Leo Wanta and the Missing $27 Trillion

Leo Wanta
and the Missing $27 Trillion 
That Could Change the World

Hurricane The Size Of The USA !?

Hurricane The Size Of The USA !?

Published on Oct 17, 2017
 October 2017 - Hurricane Brian update and future ones, including a Hurricane The Size Of The USA !? must see! 
More videos:
Suggested videos -


Mark Taylor Prophecy October 17 2017 

Intel Update: Las Vegas, Area 51 and 52, and MORE

Important Intel Update
Stew Webb, Tom Heneghan
Oct 17 2017

Get the information that has been hidden from you
for years!  Put the puzzle pieces together for
a better picture of the fraud and deception
perpetrated upon the American people.
Get info on Daddy Bush and Georgie boy, 
 Ollie North, Clinton, Schumer, 9-11, E-Systems, 
Raytheon, Brennan, Comey, Mueller, 
the 'Russia deal', drugs, insider trading, money 
laundering, pedophelia, child trafficking, Barney 
Frank, orphanages in the United States and MORE 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Women and children are being snatched up by militant looking men in vans by the hundreds. There is a lot of activity in Flint Michigan. But it’s happening everywhere in the United States
Oct 17, 2017
Hi Steve,

I pray with all my heart that this message reaches you. It is very very urgent. 

Women and children are being snatched up
by the hundreds by militant looking men in vans. There is a lot of activity in Flint, Michigan, but it’s happening every where in the United States. 

Michigan is ranked number two. They didn’t say who number one was. The assumption is they are being kidnapped for human trafficking. 

The “media” are not saying a word about this. The cops are denying it. 

In one area near Grand Blanc, Michigan, there were 40 women and children snatched up and the police are only reporting as 'missing persons'. This is so scary and so horrendous.  I don’t know what to do except get this information to people that have big audiences. This needs to become common knowledge all across United States so that people can be prepared.


According to this video, it looks like they are targeting women and children who are alone in public places like shopping centers. Women need to carry pepper spray and guns if they know how to use them. Nobody should be going to shopping centers or malls or grocery stores or anywhere by themselves. People need to be traveling in groups and carrying as many weapons as they can, especially in Michigan which is an open carry state. 

But more importantly, we have to get this information out to everyone. According to this video and others that I looked at and other sources, the men in the vans are not a specific race, so this may not be a terrorist operation, but I just thought that Michigan is a bigger target then other states because we border Canada and maybe they’re using the bridge or tunnel to escape the U.S.


How could anyone do this to people?

The people of God need to start rising up against this tyranny, and we need to protect ourselves. Please do all that you can to get this message out I beg of you. 



Three patriotic roofers stood with their hands over their hearts

Look: Roofers In Middle Of Job Notice National Anthem Playing At Nearby Football Game

"They had no idea anyone even noticed

Three roofers in Maine paused their work and stood during the national anthem, which was being played at a Waterville High School football game next to their job site.

Prior to the Old Town and Waterville teams taking the field on Oct. 14, the three patriotic roofers stood with their hands over their hearts for the playing of The Star-Spangled Banner, WLWT-TV reported.

Spectator Michelle Cossar heard someone in the stands say, “Hey, look! They aren’t kneeling.”

The remark prompted her to turn and see the roofers taking a break from their work to show respect for America and the flag.

Cossar snapped a picture and later posted it to  Facebook.

Standing for the National Anthem at the Old Town Waterville football game today and from behind the stands we hear, 'Hey, look! They aren't kneeling.' When I turn to see who said it, this is what I saw...three men roofing a house and respecting the flag. #classyroofers #nokneelinginWatervilleJarred Spencer

“When I looked over the fence, I saw them standing and respecting the flag even though they didn’t have to,” Cossar told WMTW-TV. “I just thought the world could use a little more of that right now.”

Shanon Gurski Dixon, who was also interviewed by WMTW, said, “They had no idea anyone even noticed but our community did. Several people had taken pictures of this patriotic act of kindness.”

Through social media, appreciative citizens have learned the names of the roofers and the company for which they work.

“It turns out they were doing independent work that day, but they are roofers by trade and all work together for a company out of Oakland, Maine,” Dixon said. “Our little city would love to have them recognized!”

Cossar was at the football game watching her nephew play.

The Waterville Purple Panthers won the game, and many of the spectators were proud of the roofers, as reported by KGW-TV.

The photo of the patriotic roofers has gone viral, as Cossar’s post has been shared over 2,000 times.

Mikie Obama's 'legacy' at public library in Long Beach

Sexual Perversion Happening at Michelle Obama’s Public Library
Long Beach Ca

K. Campbell
Oct 16, 2017 at 11:17pm

One public library in California has come under fire recently after inviting a horned drag queen to read to children as part of an effort to teach the youngsters about “diversity.

Performer Xochi Mochi read to kids as part of the Drag Queen Story Hour at the Michelle Obama Neighborhood Library in Long Beach on Oct. 14, according to KCBS.

A photograph of the satanic-looking drag queen was shared on social media where conservatives have used the event to show the detrimental effect of the left’s politically correct agenda against any coherent values.

Omar Navarro, a Republican candidate running against Maxine Waters for the 43rd District, took to Twitter to express his outrage at the event.

“What are we teaching kids in school? Demonic teachings alive in Long Beach. I’m outraged they would allow this,” he said, sharing a photo of the horned performer with the children.

A photograph of the event posted to Twitter and Facebook by the Long Beach Public Library was later removed, but not before it caught the attention of the Church of Satan.

“Hail Satan!” the devil-worshipping organization tweeted in response to a comment that our children were being taught by satanic drag queens.

Teaching our children about diversity and respecting others is one thing, but this event went far beyond that and actually embodied this Satan look-a-like as a role model.

Of all the perverse things that liberals have encouraged, this one might just take the cake. What’s worse is the number of children whose parents willingly took them to this event.

We are in a culture war, folks. We cannot let this sick branch of liberalism become the norm in our society. The other side is clearly passing on its agenda to the next generation, making it more important than ever before that we pass down Christian, conservative beliefs to our children and grandchildren.

Like and share this article on Facebook and Twitter if you’re outraged that a library would host a satanic drag queen for a children’s book reading.       

The WHY of chemtrails - WHY the Pentagon REFUSES to STOP THEM


Tuesday, January 20, 2015
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) According to the document you're about to see, for the last eight years, government scientists have actively engineered viral vaccines designed to alter thoughts and beliefs by infecting the brain and suppressing genetic expression of neurological cells. 

Dispersal of these vaccines has been tested via high-altitude aerosolized sprays, highway vehicles, the water supply and even the food system.

As you'll see in the document and video below, the vaccine was intended from the start to be deployed against civilian populations, and 600 strains of infectious viruses were tested on human subjects. One of the transmission vectors documented in the testing exploited an influenza strain to spread the mind-infecting virus as a pandemic.

The point of all this is to infect the minds of the population and transform people into what the government calls "normal." From the government's point of view, of course, "normal" means "obedient and mindless."

This is all described in a video and a document that surfaced several years ago but which are only now beginning to connect the dots as the medical police state in America accelerates to insane levels of aggression against the population. See recent stories on medical kidnapping in Arkansas and CPS kidnapping of children in Arizona for starters.

Using aerosolized stealth vaccines as tools of behavioral control and mind alteration

Leaked Pentagon Video Shows Vaccine Designed to
~ Modify Behavior ~ 

This YouTube video, described as a "leaked Pentagon video," features a Bill Gates-sounding scientist explaining in cold, calculating language how engineered vaccines can "eliminate behavior" that's considered undesirable by the government.  (See more video reports at end of this report.)

Starting at the 3:00 mark, you can hear this scientist explaining how a vaccine can "turn a fanatic into a normal person." A normal person, of course, means a person who is obedient to government authority.

Here's a transcript of the presentation:

Scientist: And that would have the effect which is to essentially turn a fanatic into a normal person...

Audience: How would you suggest that this is going to be dispersed? Via aerosol?

Scientist: The present plan and the tests that we've done so far have used respiratory viruses such as flu or rhinoviruses, and we believe that's a satisfactory way to get the exposure of the largest part of the population... and we're quite confident this would be a very successful approach.

Audience: What's the name of this proposal?

Scientist: The name is FUNVAX, the vaccine for religious fundamentalism. The proposal has just been submitted, and I think the data that I have shown you today would support the development of this project and we think it has great promise.

Watch the video here, which carries the US Dept. of Defense identifier of "DOD ID 149AZ2."

Hello FunVax, Goodbye God Gene - Leaked Documents - Nanotechnology in over 1000 Products 


Designed to infect brain cells and alter beliefs and behavior

This document at appears to explain the design and intent of the virus in a summary entitled, "Quarterly FunVax Review."

The document says:

The objective of this phase of project ID 149AZ2 is to prepare a viral vector that will inhibit / decrease the expression of VMAT2 within a human population.

...the design allows the virus to infect the respiratory track where cytolytic infection occurs and then subsequent diffusion across the blood barrier to infect brain cells.

The document goes on to say that there will be "coordination between the research, clinical and manufacturing groups" taking place in 2007. This clearly spells out intent to take this project from the research phase to manufacturing and deployment.

You may wonder, therefore, against whom these weaponized mind control vaccines might be deployed, right? The answer is YOU.

Dispersal via air, water supply, highway vehicles and insects

According to the document linked above, the dispersal of the brain-modifying viral vaccine was tested in six different ways:

Six methods of ... virus dispersal were tested - high altitude release, water supply release, insect transmission, diffusion by a ground level object such as a car, diffusion from a stationary object such as a bottle, and infection of food supply such as cattle or produce.

As you take in the paragraph you just read, consider that now, nearly eight years later, we are witnessing the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes combined with outbreaks of bizarre neurological conditions across U.S. schoolchildren and mysterious health conditions all over the world.

The "high-altitude release" of this mind-altering viral vaccine has no doubt already been achieved through the aerosolized spraying of cities in crisscross patterns of aerosolized dispersal at altitude, often labeled as "chemtrails."

Suicide genes, field testing and future experiments

The same document cited above goes on to summarize a research group meeting that apparently took place on March 21st, 2007, in which the following topics were discussed:

• Proposal for a suicide gene
• Dispersal methods
• Testing efficiency in the field
• Inhibitors that may target a specific population
• Monkey knockdown progress
• Future experiments

Other directives in the document say things like:

"All 600 strains of VSV should be retested on human subjects..."

"Future experiments of VSV287 should allow the subject to breath in the virus rather than being injected with it."

"The use of FunVax could see an immediate effect within the target zones... the results of mass inoculation should be proportionate to the rate of infection. Behavioral indicators ... decrease in armed resistance... increase in communications that express discontent with religion or God."

Fully intended to be deployed against civilian populations

It's clear from the document that this mind-altering, brain-infecting vaccine was intended from the start to be deployed against civilian populations. In fact, the document discusses plans for covertly taking biological samples from dead civilians in order to determine the effectiveness of the aerosolized dispersal effort:

... a blood sample of militant casualties or deceased civilian would provide the most accurate estimate of the rate of vaccination... biological samples from living subjects may be covertly taken... the tests that should be repeated using the VSV287 are high atmospheric tests...

An airborne virus would be the preferred route of infection. A strain named VSV287 has been designed to spread via air... Only human trials can determine VSV287's effect on religiosity and spirituality... high atmospheric dispersal or dispersal by a ground level moving object appears to be the most practical.

The government has a history of using aircraft to disperse vaccines

The air-dropping of vaccines onto large populations isn't new, by the way. As I reported here on Natural News in 2012, the Texas government air-dropped 1.8 million rabies vaccines onto wild animal populations as part of a government-run scheme to vaccinate wildlife.

Yes, even wild coyotes and rabbits are not safe from the vaccine zealots. No animal on the planet is considered "safe" by health authorities unless it is first infected with a virus or two.

The Dept. of Defense plan is far more elaborate, however, using aerosolized dispersal with high-altitude aircraft or even dumping viral vaccines into the water supplies of large cities. Such an action would be considered an act of domestic terrorism if you or I did it, of course, but when the government proposes it, suddenly it's okay.

Has a mind-altering vaccine already been released over U.S. cities?

All this brings up the obvious question: Has this mind-altering vaccine already been deployed over U.S. cities? It's a legitimate question because the high-altitude deployment of this vaccine against civilian populations was clearly the intent of the program.

A mass "dumbing down" vaccine lobotomy would sure explain a lot of what's going on in America these days, such as how certain people still haven't figured out that every statement uttered by President Obama is a calculated lie. (I can't wait to watch the upcoming theatrical comedy show called the "State of the Union Address.")

I've also been wondering why we're seeing a wholesale abandonment of morality and ethics across the western world these days, and it's not an outlandish area of inquiry to wonder if entire cities of people have been intentionally exposed to a virus that infects their brains just as described by the scientist in the video above.

I know, it sounds like the actions of a Batman movie villain, but then again we already know the vaccine industry is largely staffed by mad scientists with villainous intent. Remember, this is the same group of disreputable scientists who knowingly committed scientific fraud by covering up the confession of a CDC scientist who admitted the agency manipulated data to eliminate any apparent link between vaccines and autism. It's no stretch at all to realize these same people would gladly deploy vaccines to dumb people down if that made them more compliant and docile.

The greatest enemy of the vaccine industry is, of course, anyone who can still think for themselves.

We also know that vaccines are being deployed right now to covertly sterilize women using sterilization chemicals secretly mixed into the vaccines themselves.

We also know there's still toxic mercury in flu shots, even though the establishment ridiculously claims flu shots are 100% safe to give to pregnant women, infants, toddlers, senior citizens and everyone else. This is an industry that actually seems to enjoy the power trip of causing widespread health harm, vaccine-induced seizures, comas, autism and even death.

Deploying vaccines at high altitude to invisibly fall onto large cities where they are inhaled by millions of people is an almost erotic fantasy come true for these anti-human vaccine zealots who despise life and openly advocate human depopulation.

Can good nutrition protect you from aerosolized vaccine weapons of mass mental destruction?

When I look around America today and witness the total abandonment of rational thought, the criminality of the medical system, the corruption at every level of government and the twisted insanity infecting the minds of the masses, I can only wonder if the population has been covertly but deliberately exposed to something nefarious.

Perhaps some of us are immune -- people like you and I -- while others fall victim to the virus because they live in states of weakened immunity. Perhaps people who eat the most nutritious foods and superfoods have the best defenses against covert vaccine schemes and are therefore the only ones to emerge with their minds and awareness fully intact.

Perhaps we're already five years into a massive war against human consciousness that's being waged every day at every level, from the droning idiots on the cable news networks to the brain-destroying medications dosed out to nearly every person who steps foot in a doctor's office. Combine aerosolized, weaponized vaccines with the mind-numbing effects of fluoride, TV sitcoms, chemical food additives and mass media social engineering and you end up with a nation of sleep walking zombies who are only capable of obedience, not independent thought.

Through these aerosolized vaccines, in other words, the hilariously-depicted "zombie apocalypse" may already have begun. And perhaps the so-called "mindless masses" are actually just victims of a nefarious, government-run behavioral modification program designed to turn a human breath into an unintended vaccination event.

For a leaked report showing further development of FunVax (Fundamentalist Vaccine), click here -

For further information on this disturbing Pentagon vaccine and what you can do, click here --

For dozens of revealing major media news articles on vaccine risks and dangers, click here --

For an abundance of reliable, little-known information on health industry manipulations, click here --

Is FunVax Possible? Dean Hamer and FunVax Scientist Discuss


Zika virus vaccine will genetically re-engineer your DNA

Zika virus vaccine will genetically re-engineer your DNA

Saturday, April 01, 2017

Touted as “the next great epidemic,” just the words “Zika virus” are enough to strike fear into the hearts of millions. With every pregnant woman on high alert and female athletes bailing out of the Rio Olympics in terror last year, the mainstream media created an epidemic of hysteria far greater than the danger posed by the disease itself. With conditions like microcephaly (babies born with abnormally small heads) and Guillain-Barré syndrome (an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks its own peripheral nervous system) being blamed on Zika, fear spread like a contagious disease – quickly and without reason.

But, stop and think: When was the last time you saw a Zika headline? How many babies actually ended up being born with microcephaly? How many people have you heard of that contracted Guillain-Barré after being infected with Zika? (RELATED: Learn more about the real story behind Zika, here.)

Note what the Washington Post, after being at the forefront of the media hysteria for months, quietly wrote nearly a year into the “epidemic:”

Nearly nine months after Zika was declared a global health emergency, the virus has infected at least 650,000 people in Latin America and the Caribbean, including tens of thousands of expectant mothers.

But to the great bewilderment of scientists, the epidemic has not produced the wave of fetal deformities so widely feared when the images of misshapen infants first emerged from Brazil.

The truth is, the whole thing pretty much fizzled out to nothing, but not until after millions of women endured an anxiety-ridden pregnancy, mosquitoes were sprayed en masse with dangerous neurotoxins like DEET, and Big Pharma established the popular narrative that Zika is a dangerous disease, and like all dangerous diseases, needs a – wait for it – vaccine!

Having pretty much come to nothing by the latter part of 2016, one would expect that to be the end of the Zika hysteria. A shamefaced media and medical community should be bowing their heads in shame and waiting for the whole thing to blow over, right? But no! 

In August 2016, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) proudly announced that it would start investigating a Zika vaccine for humans. Then, in November last year, the NIH announced the start of the first of five clinical trials to test the Zika Purified Inactivated Virus (ZPIV) vaccine.

This is not an ordinary, run-of-the-mill vaccine, either. This is how the NIH explained the mechanism of the proposed vaccine:

The investigational Zika vaccine includes a small, circular piece of DNA — called a plasmid — that scientists engineered to contain genes that code for proteins of the Zika virus. When the vaccine is injected into the arm muscle, cells read the genes and make Zika virus proteins, which self-assemble into virus-like particles. The body mounts an immune response to these particles, including neutralizing antibodies and T cells. DNA vaccines do not contain infectious material — so they cannot cause a vaccinated individual to become infected with Zika — and have been shown to be safe in previous clinical trials for other diseases. [Emphasis added]

So, this vaccine will work by injecting synthesized genes into your body, permanently altering your DNA, and presumably, the DNA of your children and all of their offspring. Naturally, the fact that this vaccine would alter the recipient’s DNA forever is enough to spook many people, but it also raises some other concerns.

Jon Rappaport, an award-winning investigative journalist, makes the point that with a vaccine like this, the sky would be the limit for the government. Under the guise of “vaccination,” DNA could be altered to make people more obedient or passive, intelligent and talented, subservient, etc.

Knowing as we do that the Zika hysteria was essentially a storm in a teacup, it really does make you wonder what the ulterior motive might be for developing such a vaccine, doesn’t it?



Monday, October 16, 2017

$10 Million “Bounty” On Trump

JUST IN: 'Famous' Liberal Places $10 Million “Bounty” On Trump


Another 'liberal' scumbag who thinks the country should be run on HIS terms. WHY isn't this bastard being investigated for less than honest business and personal dealings, such as pedophelia, prostitution, pornography, et al?  And, HOW does one put out a $10 million BOUNTY on ANY  individual, ESPECIALLY a sitting President ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE, and he NOT be arrested and charged with attempted MURDER?

Jeff Charles
October 15 2017

Is the left getting desperate? When Larry Flynt tries to buy President Donald Trump’s impeachment, it seems the answer is “yes.”

Fox Business reports that Hustler Magazine founder Larry Flynt is attacking the president in a full-page ad in The Washington Post. “There is a strong case (?? with literally thousands of Americans attending Trump's rallies and his innauguration? And with Clinton at almost zero?) to be made that the last election was 'illegitimate' in 'many ways' — and that after nine 'tumultuous months' in office ('tumultuous' for WHO? The far left traitor libtards who are watching the Trump Admin literally unwind all the unlawful cabal traitorous actions against the people?), Trump has proven he’s dangerously unfit to exercise the extreme power accrued by our ‘unitary executive,'” Flynt writes.

So how does Flynt plan to carry out his plan to have Trump impeached? By offering a $10 million reward for “credible information that leads to the impeachment of Trump.” The pornographer is requesting tax returns, records of Trump’s investments, or any “secret dealings with the Russians” that constitutes a “smoking gun.”

In the advertisement, Flynt justifies his actions by claiming that he is attempting to prevent destabilization in the United States. “Impeachment would be a messy, contentious affair, but the alternative – three more years of destabilizing dysfunction – is worse,” he writes. “Both good Democrats and good Republicans who put country over party did it before with Watergate. To succeed, impeachment requires unimpeachable evidence. That’s why I am making this offer.”

This isn’t the first time Larry Flynt has gone after a Republican politician. He used the same tactic to force the resignations of Louisiana Rep. Bob Livingston, and Sen. David Vitter — both of whom were involved with sex scandals. (Interesting in that Flynt's dealings are in sex and sex scandals.) This will be his first time trying to take on a president.

When Fox Business reached out to Flynt, the Hustler Magazine founder stated that he didn’t expect Trump’s wealthy associates to respond. “I don’t expect any of Trump’s billionaire cronies to respond.  $10 million dollars is a lot of money to a lot of people especially those who are in lower positions,” Flynt said. “I can’t think of a more patriotic thing to do than to get this guy out of office.”

It is not surprising that The Washington Post agreed to run the ad. In a statement given to Fox Business, they said “We give advertisers wide latitude to have their say – generally if the ads are not illegal or advocating illegal actions we try not to place limits on speech or content.” (Placing a BOUNTY on the head of a sitting President is not advocating illegal actions?)

Sure. They don’t want to “place limits on speech or content.” It makes you wonder what The Post would have done if a conservative businessman wanted to use the newspaper to offer a reward for information leading to the impeachment of Former 'President' Barack Obama.

The left-wing media, the Deep State, and even members of the Republican Party have tried to dig up dirt that could lead to Trump’s impeachment. The efforts started before he ever took office. So far, none of their attacks have been successful.

Apparently, the founder of Hustler Magazine seems to believe he can succeed where they have failed. It’s clear that the witch hunt for incriminating information about our President is still in full effect, and it doesn’t seem like it’ll come to a halt anytime soon.

IF YOU are a Hustler fan, try to appease your appetite in more appropriate manner and BOYCOTT this AHO.  Show your SUPPORT for the best President this nation has been fortunate enough to acquire, and show Flynt that his filthy money is NOT a motivating factor to allow this nation to be destroyed by Flynt's biased selfish destructive motives.


Spying on Americans