Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Your pill spies on you!

Your pill spies on you
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Your pill spies on you
The pill reports when it's taken
By Jon Rappoport
Source: NY Times, 11/13, "First Digital Pill Approved to Worries About Biomedical 'Big Brother'."  
Here's the new equation: A medicine is a pill is a sensor that reports when you took the pill.
Achtung! Take your medication on time!
They're starting with Abilify, used to treat schizophrenia and depression. The patient signs up voluntarily to be monitored. The sensor in his pills will inform up to four designated people.
It's wonderful. Don't worry, be happy.
The Surveillance State has a new eyeball, and it's in the patient's mouth, throat, and stomach.
Otsuka manufactures the pill, and Proteus makes the sensor, which is composed of copper, magnesium, and silicon.
The pill reports when it's taken.
The elderly, of course, are a main target in this new scheme. They'll sign up for the program in droves---because they're already drugged to the gills and they easily forget everyday details.
"Wonderful! I want all my pills to have sensors in them, so I can be sure I'm doing what my doctor wants me to."
Pharmaceutical slaves on parade.
The overriding principle here is: what starts out as a voluntary program eventually becomes mandatory, for "the good of all." The voluntary phase is just the warm-up, to secure general acceptance. The whole vaccination schedule is a perfect example of the shift from voluntary to mandatory.
Eventually, you'll hear something like this: "Bob, are you still taking those pills without sensors? I didn't think they were even making them anymore. What's wrong with you? Don't you want protection? Last month I forgot to take my antidepressant on time and thank God my smart phone alerted me. It could have been a disaster..."
Or how about this, someday: "The governor of California has signed a bill mandating that all workers in the state who are prescribed bipolar medicines take them with embedded sensors. The governor said, 'There is a real danger to the community when people with bipolar are unmedicated or miss their dosing schedule. This new law will protect all our people'."
Pharmaceutical slaves on parade.



Hal Turner Radio Show
November 14  2017

The King of Saudi Arabia has admitted members of the Saudi Royal family helped Orchestrate the attacks of 9/11 upon the United States, and they have now been ARRESTED.

Saudi Arabia’s Prince Mohammed bin Salman recent ‘anti-corruption’ crackdown on the powerful elite has included dozens of powerful 9/11 conspirators, including Osama bin Laden’s brother and royal family members.

The new purge that saw the mass arrests of royalty and billionaires saw dozens of elites placed under house arrest, including 38 cabinet members that were accused of being the architects of 9/11.

President Donald Trump is said to have had a significant influence on the recent purge, which saw the Clinton/Bush globalist era come to a sudden close.

Clinton allies and donors, along with 9/11 conspirators, have all been arrested signaling the end of the globalist influence on the world.

Many Americans have been aware of the role Saudi Arabia played in the 9/11 attacks; 5 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis.

In 2002, the bipartisan Joint Congressional Inquiry conducted an extensive investigation into the intelligence failures in the lead-up to 9/11. President George W. Bush sealed the section covering Saudi Arabia's possible involvement, presumably to avoid damaging relations with one of America's closest Middle Eastern allies.

Since then, the 28 pages have been locked in a basement room at the U.S. Capitol; lawmakers can read them, but are forbidden from revealing their exact contents. Spearheading the campaign to have them declassified is former Sen. Bob Graham, who co-chaired the inquiry. "The 28 pages primarily relate to who financed 9/11," he said last year, "and they point a very strong finger at Saudi Arabia."

But before Trump, weak leaders like Bush, Clinton, and Obama failed to stand up to the Saudis, thus selling out the American people.

Then the Massacre at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas took place. According to radar recordings from the nearby McCarren airport, at least seven helicopters appeared to have been used in that attack. Three of them hovered over rooftops near to both Mandalay Bay and to the Country Music festival which was attacked. The hovering was presumably done to drop-off shooters.

Regardless of whatever shots may have been coming from Mandalay Bay, video from Las Vegas clearly shows MUZZLE FLASH coming from mid-air, away from Manadalay Bay - which could only have come from a helicopter.

It turned out that certain Saudis owned the top five floors of the Mandalay Bay, and according to highly confidential information, members of the Saudi Royal Family were in Las Vegas the night of the attack. Perhaps even the King of Saudi Arabia himself!

This has lead certain investigators to conclude the "worst mass shooting in US history" was actually an ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION of certain Saudi Royalty. The hit was financed by certain members of the Saudi government. The people killed at the concert . . . . were a DIVERSION from the real target: The Saudi royalty in Vegas that night.

President Trump dispatched Jared Kushner to Saudi Arabia via commercial flight on an UNANNOUNCED trip. My former colleagues in the FBI confirm Kushner brought with him, highly classified investigation materials showing who paid how much to whom in order to carry out or facilitate the attack, and telephone/email intercepts proving the Vegas massacre was a cover for an attempted "hit" against the Saudi Royals.

72 Hours after Kushner departed Saudi Arabia, "the purge" began, with round-ups of Royal Family members, current and former Ministers and others. 

Apparently, many of those arrested - BUT NOT ALL - have been financing/using terrorism for years to implement THEIR goals worldwide. Most of them were wrapped-up in one fell swoop when the Crown Prince had so many arrested. The cabal is out of business. Their compatriots in the AMERICAN federal government, are next.

The last 16 years have seen the Saudi regime continually block information that could lead to a full investigation of 9/11, leading implications for the wealthy orchestrators.
Trumps election promise to investigate 9/11

Many see the recent mass arrests as a sign the Trump’s election promise to investigate 9/11 is coming to fruition, which will deliver a long overdue justice to the Americans.

Trumps said: “First of all, the original 9/11 investigation is a total mess and has to be reopened,” Trump said during the election campaign, to widespread mockery from the press.

But whoever laughs last, laughs best. And Trump is developing the habit of getting the last laugh. During a February debate, then-candidate Trump took a crack at former president George W. Bush.

“The World Trade Center came down during the reign of George Bush,” he said in a February debate. “He kept us safe? That is not safe.”

Trump is no longer playing the cozy game of the deep state, hence the reason we are seeing such a backlash against him.

“Why did the administration at the time not take legal means against Saudi Arabia? Weren’t 19 of the high-jackers from Saudi Arabia?” Trump questioned February. “Americans deserve answers and I will definitely request a new investigation so that this horrible tragedy never happens again.”

9/11 conspirators in custody

Following the mass arrests, which now sees prosecutors working on cases, there may soon be light at the end of the tunnel.

“I’ve got to tell you, for all the elites out in the world, the Party of Davos guys are sitting there today gobsmacked, absolutely shocked,” Steve Bannon said.

“The largest financier in the Arab world, the Muslim world, is Prince Alwaleed. He’s got stakes in just about every high-tech company. He’s a huge partner of Rupert Murdoch. When he came to the United States back in the early nineties, he was actually a client of my firm as he got into Hollywood; he got into media. He owns a huge stake in Citicorp, he saved Citicorp from going bankrupt.”

“People are stunned today that he was put under house arrest, put under arrest yesterday in Saudi Arabia, in this situation of what they called corruption, money laundering, et cetera. People are thinking this is directly tied to the financing of the Muslim Brotherhood, this whole thing about cleaning up Saudi Arabia to take care of this.

“You’re going to see a lot of changes. This thing is far, far from over. You’re at the top of the first inning. You’re probably at the first batter,” Bannon said.


Many of you may be aware that a group calling itself ANTIFA (Anti-Fascist Action) had planned a massive "uprising" for November 4, with the publicly stated goal of forcing President Trump and Vice President Pence from office.

For months, these "rallies" were touted as "Nov. 4 It Begins . . . ." 

Well, November 4 came and went, and ANTIFA couldn;t even muster a thousand people (total) from all of the cities they planned their uprising in. It turned out, the money never arrived!

Why? Because three days earlier, a whole slew of Saudi Billionaires ended up under arrest.

So this ANTIFA nonsense that has plagued the United States since before the Presidential election . . . . was obviously being financed by certain rich foreign elements . . . . who are now under arrest and their money impounded. 

A lot remains to be done.

There are AMERICANS -- some of whom hold high federal offices -- who were involved in 9/11 and a slew of other monstrous atrocities since then. They are reportedly on the list of "things to do" for the Trump Administration.

Want some hints as to who they are? 

The ones in government screeching the loudest against President Trump will give you a really good idea; Republicans, too. 

In one case, a guy with a track record of betraying our country, has continued to do so for years . . . . and the son of a bitch dares to hold himself out as some sort of Honorable man. 

It is going to be a really wonderful day to see that one taken away in handcuffs.

God Bless Donald J. Trump and God Bless the United States of America.

The Sides of a Coin - Anna Von Reitz

By Anna Von Reitz

Ancient Romans were fascinated by the two sides of a coin.  Here were two faces of the same thing....  Quite a concept, isn't it?  

The two faces of America are the jurisdictions of the land on one side and the jurisdiction of the sea on the other.  And to make it more complicated, part of the sea jurisdiction is under the control of the land jurisdiction-- thanks to the so-called reserved powers.

Since 1860 the portion of the sea jurisdiction of America that was entrusted to and operated by the British Monarchs has been operated in fraud.

By Maxim of Law, fraud taints and vitiates everything, even the most solemn contracts known as treaties. Fraud voids all contracts "ab initio"---- "from the beginning".

There is no statute of limitations that applies to fraud. 

It's like that scene in "The Raiders of the Lost Ark" where the Holy Spirit of God comes out of the Ark of the Covenant and destroys the evil Nazis, leaving Indiana Jones and his girlfriend at peace. 

This is the Truth about fraud, and it is universally acknowledged, yet nobody quite seems to know what to do about a fraud this monstrous, this big, impacting virtually everyone on Earth.

Let's begin by assuring everyone that there is still an American government and that that honest government is responsible for the land jurisdiction of this country.  The whole confusion and uproar is on the "other side of the coin"---- that portion of our government operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea that was entrusted to King George and his Successors. So let's examine the situation.

The British government kept control of our international commerce (which is business between incorporated entities), our trade policies, our military, our coinage, and provided all the other services that we associate with the nineteen enumerated powers delegated to the federal government which was always as foreign to us as the government of Scotland.

If you never bothered to read or think deeply about The Constitution for the united States of America, please do so now, paying special attention to Article I Section 8 Clause 17, Article IV, and Amendment X. 

The British were supposedly here to provide us with "essential government services", under contract and under condition of trust obligation.  In exchange for all those powers, George III agreed to act as our Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways and to protect Americans and American vessels in commerce. (We are considered to be vessels engaged in international trade, not commerce, and our consciousness is our cargo.)

To accomplish this feat of political and commercial compromises, a constitution--- a debt agreement--- was agreed to, but in 1819 the upstart Americans decided that the members of the British Bar Association were not to be trusted and they passed the Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA) in that year.  Ever since, members of the Bar have been precluded from serving in our land jurisdiction government in each state and county, but not the portion of the federal government provided by Britain. 

Say what?  By now, your head is spinning as you realize that there are members of the Bar sitting on every city council, every assembly, every school board, every state legislature and yes, in the Congress.  And they shouldn't be there, except for one thing.  They have incorporated the old county and state governments and redefined them as franchises of the parent federal corporations doing business as the USA, Inc. and the UNITED STATES, INC. --- not the actual land jurisdiction government owed to you and to this country at all. 

So, what you think of as your government is not your government.  It's their government pretending to be your government.  According to them, we are a nation of 350 million public servants, all here to provide essential government services. 

There is the word that you need to keep your eye on: service. 

Military service....
Banking service.....
Postal service....
US Marshals service....
Legal service.....
And so on.....  

Absolutely every power this foreign entity exercises is a delegated power that they have been allowed to exercise under conditions of contract and trust, which they have violated and breached via semantic deceit, secrecy, and fraud.

So much for the "delegated powers"---- the federal corporations and the federal citizens responsible for providing the services and exercising the delegated powers have failed us, failed their duty, and participated in premeditated racketeering, abuse of bankruptcy protection, and fraudulent hypothecation of debt against us and against our assets. 

It was the obvious intent of these monsters to levy their own debts against us and our assets as presumed sureties, and to discharge their debts in bankruptcy---- leaving us and our children's children to pay for it. 

These are acts of crime executed against the American states and people by their own employees under conditions of fraud and breach of trust; but, remember these are all "delegated powers" and those who delegated these powers--- the American states and people, their heirs and assigns --- have their own ship of state which is reserved to them, their own language (American English), their own law (American Common Law) and their own republican form of government, and all the rest. 

Please keep it fixed in your mind that the "federal United States" which includes both the Municipal United States and the Territorial United States are foreign with respect to us. 

They can have their own language(s) --- their so-called "Federal Code" --- and they can have their own "states" called "states of states" which are franchises of deceptively named parent corporations doing business as the USA, Inc. and the UNITED STATES and more recently, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  They can run their affairs as corporations, they can have their own offices, they can hire their own courts, they can promote political parties, they can hire the members of the Bar Associations and carry on however they wish, and as long as they are working for us, they can fly our flag under delegated power---- and none of it has anything to do with us, the actual Americans.  

Let that sink in. 

Your United States of America has never been bankrupt.  Theirs has. Repeatedly.

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website

Youngest Black Republicans Elected in Blue State


Cillian Zeal
November 14, 2017

Tyrell Brown and Ed Ford Jr. are thought to be the two youngest black Republicans elected to public office in deep blue Connecticut, and they’re going to drive Michelle Obama crazy.

Michelle, you might remember, thinks that the Republicans are the party of old, white men. She dropped this particular piece of race-baiting nastiness last month at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women.

“On one side of the room, it’s literally gray and white. Literally, that’s the color palette on one side of the room,” the former first lady said, according to The Washington Post.

“On the other side of the room, there are yellows and blues and whites and greens. Physically, there’s a difference in color, in the tone. Because one side: all men, all white. On the other side: some women, some people of color.

“And whenever I was sitting, I would always have a guest in that booth, and I was always the most embarrassed at the beginning when people would see that, because I’d say that, is it just me, am I looking at how governance works?”

Well, Mrs. Obama, why not ask Mr. Brown and Mr. Ford? According to WTNH-TV, they’re part of the “color palette on one side of the room.” And they’re neither pale nor senescent.

The two 20-year-olds, both juniors in college, first met each other playing touch football and were president and vice president of student government their senior year in high school.
On Tuesday, both were elected to positions in the town of Middletown — Ford to the school board, Brown to the Middletown Planning and Zoning Commission. 

According to WTNH, they are believed to be the youngest black Republicans ever elected in the Nutmeg State.

“When the results came in I was absolutely euphoric,” Ford, a psychology major at Central Connecticut State University, said.

Brown, a business major at Southern Connecticut State, was more pragmatic in his celebration: “When I found out I won, I said ‘OK, time to get to work.’”

They also noted that they definitely get it from family for being Republicans. “I definitely love Christmas and Thanksgiving at my house because it always gets interesting,” Brown said with a chuckle.

However, it doesn’t sound like they regret a bit of it. "If you have the will to do it, if you have the passion to do it, go do it now,” Ford said.

So, sorry, Michelle.

It’s not “literally gray and white” on this side of the room. And it’s getting more vibrant by the day as people realize what a scam the Democrat Party really is.

Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter to celebrate these awesome victories for two young Republicans.

Do you see either of these young men going to higher office?

Appeals Court Gives Trump Massive Victory

Appeals Court Gives Trump Massive Victory                                          Travel Ban to Go Into Effect

In a major victory for the Trump administration, a federal court in California has ruled that its travel ban can go partially into effect, allowing officials to prevent entry to individuals from six countries if those individuals have no ties to the United States.

According to Reuters, a three-judge panel on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled Monday that a lower court’s temporary injunction on the revised travel ban issued by the Trump administration on Sept. 24, could be temporarily blocked.

That would allow the Trump administration to bar entry to the United States to would-be travelers from Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen — all countries with security and/or terrorism issues — who don’t have formal connections to the United States.

“Those connections are defined as family relationships and ‘formal, documented’ relationships with U.S.-based entities such as universities and resettlement agencies,” Reuters noted.

“Those with family relationships that would allow entry include grandparents, grandchildren, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins of people in the United States.”

The plan had been blocked after a judge found that a lawsuit from the state of Hawaii challenging six of the eight countries on the revised list — North Korea and Venezuela, the only two countries on the list that weren’t majority Muslim, weren’t challenged — was likely to succeed.

“We are reviewing the court’s order and the government will begin enforcing the travel proclamation consistent with the partial stay,” Justice Department spokeswoman Lauren Ehrsam said, according to Reuters.

“We believe that the proclamation should be allowed to take effect in its entirety,” she added, referring to the implementation of the ban regardless of whether the individual has ties to the United States.

The 9th Circuit Court’s decision was similar to a Maryland ruling that blocked the travel ban for those with ties to the United States, according to The New York Times.

While the meat of his state’s case was struck down in the 9th Circuit Court’s ruling, Hawaii Attorney General Douglas Chin acknowledged that the ruling went along the lines of a Supreme Court judgment in July on another iteration of President Trump’s travel ban that has now expired and said he was happy that those with ties to America would still be able to enter.

“I‘m pleased that family ties to the U.S., including grandparents, will be respected,” Chin said.

This is the third iteration of the travel ban. The second version had been scheduled to go before the full Supreme Court for review before it was replaced. Legal experts told The Times that the third almost certainly will finally see full judicial review.

Except for the first, hastily-crafted ban, the Trump administration has mostly won challenges on its immigration control policies.

The ultimate reckoning, however, is likely to come before the U.S. Supreme Court. And that, as the president likes to say, will be huge.

H/T The Daily Caller

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

How many indictments are coming?

How Many Indictments are Coming?


Podestas Face Indictment


As Infowars predicted, 'elites' move to sacrifice Clintons, Podestas 

Jamie White & Kit Daniels
November 11, 2017

Tony and John Podesta are facing criminal indictments linked to the ongoing Russian probe, according to sources, which explains why they’re shutting down the Podesta Group, one of Washington’s most prominent lobbying groups.

Sources tell Infowars that Tony Podesta in particular was told to prepare for indictments because Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s entire case against former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort goes through Podesta, and evidence suggests that Podesta has done everything Manafort is accused of doing, if not more.

“The Podestas might be used as sacrificial lambs for the Democratic Party,” radio host Alex Jones said, who was briefed by sources close to the matter.

The Podesta Group is entangled in Mueller’s investigation after it was revealed that the lobbying firm was recruited for public relations work in Ukraine by Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, both of whom were accused by Mueller last month of violating foreign lobbying law.

Still reeling from the loss of the White House, the Democratic establishment is also trying to separate the Democratic Party brand from the Clintons and their close allies which, naturally, would include John Podesta, the former campaign chair for Hillary’s failed 2016 presidential bid. 

“More and more evidence shows the Democrats are turning against the Clintons, who were once thought invincible but are now on the chopping block as the party realizes they’re destroying the brand and thus must be removed,” Jones added. “We may not just only witness the fall of the Podestas but the Clintons as well.” 

Kimberly Fritts, who was the Podesta Group’s CEO before she quit unexpectedly Friday, said the lobbying firm will be shut down by the end of the year, adding that employees may not be paid after November 15.

Infowars host Roger Stone predicted the Podestas’ downfall weeks ago, and Infowars also correctly predicted the power 'elites' would sacrifice the Clintons to savage the globalist agenda implemented by the Democratic Party. 

“You’ll notice [John Podesta’s] brother was forced to step down from their extremely lucrative influence-peddling operations in Washington D.C.” Stone said on The Alex Jones Show. “I think [John Podesta’s] becoming unhinged because they are getting exposed. Their whole carefully constructed Russia narrative is falling apart before their very eyes.” 

 Antifa Buys Full Page Ad in NYT
Calling for Overthrow of Trump
Nov 4th

Tony Podesta, who at one time was Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff, first stepped down as chief executive of Podesta Group last month after Mueller had begun investigating him. 

And as mentioned, Fritts then unexpectedly quit as CEO of the Podesta Group on Friday to start her own lobbying firm. 

The Podesta’s are so desperate to avoid charges that Tony’s lawyer sent Fox host Tucker Carlson a cease-and-desist for reporting on the Podesta Group’s ties to Manafort. 

The impending closing of the Podesta Group marks the downfall of one of Washington’s most influential lobbying firms of the last 30 years and signals the continuing collapse of the Russia/Trump narrative peddled by the Clinton camp who were simply projecting. 

John Podesta and Hillary Clinton
Caught Red Handed Dealing With Russia


Information on Subpoenas You can Research Yourself


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Subject: Defendant "A" Subpoeaned to North Las Vegas to testify against Podesta Group


By now, you have all seen the preview indictments against BUSH and KEVIN SPACEY. They are both being charged for extremely serious crimes and BRYAN SINGER has been outed, soon to be in court.

But what you certainly didn't know is we have now officially subpoenaed "Defendant A" to testify against Podesta Group, and compel them to answer the subpoenas with complete information. We are showing that here.

ggggg ggggg ggggg. ggggg. ...

Harry Reid, Gold Member Is our Senate leader in bed with America’s worst polluter?. Illustration by John Ueland In the back of Goldie’s, a dive bar in Elko, Nevada, I was talking rocks with a miner with a steadily growing heap of beer bottles in front of him. He was about 50, with a sun-scorched fac ...


November 8, 2017

You are requested to rendezvous with Christopher Hoye of the provost marshal’s office and direct the submitted questionnaire enclosed in the demand letter to the required address. Defendant Navarro is ordered to answer all of the ...

No other specific information is revealed about "Defendant A" , but Charles knows exactly who she is. We want complete and accurate on the record answers from the suspect, not threats, so we can draw a full picture about Podesta Group's activities.
Accordingly some of our associates are doing "double time" to drive the answers out of the defendant. Especially to get them delivered by mail with much better responses.

Right as this occurs, Podesta Group closes shop and both John as well as Tony Podesta are being indicted. You can imagine the rats fleeing the sinking ship, but that sure as hell won't help them with the Judges we have lined up in Nevada and elsewhere. As you can imagine, this has been a long time in coming.

John and Tony Podesta being indicted and tossed overboard!!

Perhaps one of you will accurately sleuthly predict who "Defendant A" happens to be..perhaps not. CLINTON is also at the center of this entire mess, and we are compelling answers on both ends to force SPACEY's indictment.

Curry is also very livid about this entire situation. We are going to assure that KEVIN SPACEY goes behind bars for quite a long time...or otherwise.

As always spread the word, and keep your ear to the grind stone!


From: * * * @ * * *.com

Anonymous (ID: FCUVGMWz) 11/08/17(Wed)20:55:00 No.148623439
>>148623783 >>148629998 >>148630778 >>148631296  >>148622838 (OP)

they already cut a deal with Podesta. Gave him immunity. Just like they did with Hillary and all her cohorts. This is a coup. Sessions needs to go. Anonymous

(ID: FCUVGMWz) 11/08/17(Wed)20:55:00 No.148623439
  >>148623783 >>148629998 >>148630778 >>148631296 ​- - -

50 more sealed indictments in eastern Virgina.  33 others are in DC.  These are 50 additional sealed indictments.  A big storm is a brewing

by IWB · November 9, 2017

And for quick reference here are the 33 from DC.

33 at 3:30

Allegedly here are some of the sealed indictments unmasked?

File: Screenshot_20171108-200017.png (312 KB, 1080x1920)

Sealed Indictments unmasked on court RSS Anonymous (ID: qND2XP2G) 11/08/17(Wed)20:50:23 No.148622838 [Archived]
>>148622898 >>148623092 >>148623129 >>148623216 >>148623294 >>148623366 >>148623439 >>148623484 >>148623524 >>148623875 >>148623973 >>148624092 >>148624163 >>148624257 >>148624311 >>148624443 >>148624621 >>148624628 >>148624721 >>148624950 >>148625925 >>148626759 >>148626763 >>148626889 >>148627620 >>148628088 >>148628353 >>148628762 >>148628831 >>148629851 >>148629901 >>148630140 >>148630411 >>148630642 >>148631277 >>148631487 >>148632396 >>148633078 >>148634358 >>148635691

was just trying to find the court docket and stumbled into the RSS feed 

found several cases filed under "Sealed" including names and a couple other names that peaked interest including "Sweigart v. Podesta.. What does it mean?

RSS Feed where data is pulled –

1:15-cv-00708 HUSAIN v. WARREN

1:17-cv-02187 BEAN LLC v. JOHN DOE BANK

1:17-cv-02187 BEAN LLC v. JOHN DOE BANK

1:17-cv-01060 SCHIRRIPA v. OSTROFF


1:17-cr-00056-1 USA v. DAVIS

1:17-cr-00048-1 USA v. PARKS et al

1:13-cv-01777 LOCKS v. LEW


1:15-cv-00708 HUSAIN v. WARREN

1:17-cv-00797 GREENWALD v. PRICE et al




RABBANI et al v. BUSH et al

1:17-cv-02330 SWEIGERT et al v. PODESTA et al (George Webb?)

Lots more guys. Currently browsing.