Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Reason Why You Have to Get Moving

By Anna Von Reitz

In recent days I have encountered somnolent people asking me, "But why do we need to do anything?  Won't the government just take care of all this?"

Here is the quick and easy answer: if you act and think like herd animals, you will be treated like herd animals.

I trust that everyone can observe what happens to herd animals. 

Herd animals are disciplined to follow certain patterns and rules.  They can go into this pasture, but not that field.  They are aroused at a certain hour every morning to be fed, watered, and milked.  They are rounded up at a certain hour every evening and returned to the barn. 

They receive a modicum of care.  Their stalls are mucked out.  They are fed.  They are guarded and herded by dogs and their food is guarded by cats --- our friendly four-legged capos in the agricultural domain. 

Herd animals are kept to produce goods.  Those goods are primarily fabrics, skins, milk, meat, fertilizer, and more herd animals. 

Now apply this to yourselves as herd animals and the "government" currently running the "farm" and you will notice the striking similarities. 

Think -- when the alarm bell rings every morning and everyone gets up like an automaton and turns on the coffee-maker and then heads to the garage to go to work.  How is that any different than a cow waking up at four A.M. to be milked? 

Think -- when you see a police cruiser and you automatically check your speed and direction and all the other cars on the street.  How is that any different than a Border Collie herding a group of sheep?

Think -- when you do your drill everyday, what do you produce?  Some product or service, right?  But also, you produce sales and taxes. And you produce children to replace you and serve in the military which keeps this whole system in place. 

Think -- when you clock out at five P.M. or whenever each night and join the vast Rush Hour, realize that all these other people are being herded and controlled and harvested in one way or another just like you. 

You are being treated like a herd animal.  You are being controlled like a herd animal. You are being "cared for" in the same way and for the same reasons as a herd animal.  It is inevitable in such a scenario that you will be "harvested" like a herd animal.

And you are allowing this.  You are contributing to the denigration of mankind by going along with this and making no effort to exercise your brain and take charge of your affairs and your own government and your own life. 

In this country, people are supposed to be "self-governing".  That means that you don't hand over your rights and responsibilities to some proxy in a legislature or sitting on a board or commission or city council or congress.  It means that you get up on your hind-feet and speak for yourself and take charge of your own assets and do the work of "self-governing". 

To do that, you have to realize who and what you are. 

You are the owner of the farm. 

It's your responsibility to correct the public records and assert your actual political status.  It's up to you to realize that you have been inappropriately and deliberately mis-characterized as a "federal citizen" obligated to serve the "federal government" which is nothing more than a giant governmental services corporation.  You have to realize that the vast majority of Americans aren't "citizens" at all. 

You have to stop calling yourself "citizens" and "residents" and "humans" and "persons"--- which just gives these con artists an excuse to continue treating you like animals.  "Citizen" equals "slave to the government". 

Is that you intention?  Is that what you accept as your status? 

It's up to you to repudiate any claim that you are a "resident" in your own country and to take back title to your own land and home and estate.  Even your Trade Name has been stolen and "administered" by these vermin----and they have done it all while on your payroll. 

Put a stop to it and do it now, while you still have the chance. 

We have ten months to overcome all this balderdash and restore the actual, factual American Government of the people, by the people, and for the people.  The clock is ticking.  We have to organize 3100 counties and fifty land jurisdiction states. 

Americans --- not "US citizens" --- are you up to it?

So get a move on and rouse your family, friends, and neighbors to correct your records and reclaim your names and estates.  And once you have your private affairs in order, get busy and hold the public meetings and convene your local jural assemblies in every county and every state.  Many hands makes light work. Don't stand around waiting for some centralized power to do this for you.  Take the advice and follow the example of the Michigan General Jural Assembly and do it for yourselves. 

This is what self-governance is all about.

And, if there are any Federales reading this and thinking, oh, well, we have to stop the herd animals from getting out of their pens!  Oh, sound the alarms!  Bring out the dogs to the South Forty! 

Think again. 

Without a land jurisdiction there is no sea jurisdiction. 

Without us and our "natural and unalienable rights" ---- you have no rights at all, not even civil rights.  Without us and our land jurisdiction and our land jurisdiction government, you have no assets yourselves, no guarantees, and no jobs.  You have no flags and no authority over anything at all. 

So instead of trying to undermine the efforts of these Americans, you all need to wake to hell up, too.  All "US citizens" need to get in line and back up their employers and do it right smart quick. 

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here:

ALERT! AMENDMENT TO THE BRADY BILL!!!! Here is how the Swamp Works - They still want your guns.



Notice it references "firearms" which is legally defined as a sawed off shogun, sawed off riffle, an automatic firing machine gun, and a silencer. Long guns, shotguns, revolvers, and pistols are NOT firearms by legal definition! H.R. 11654 (Dick Act 1902) otherwise knows as the "Separation of militias act" forbids any future gun legislation. So they use word-crafting to trick the people into thinking a gun is a firearm! They train people with language in everyday life with movies, tv shows, magazines, news, and advertisements by only using the term "firearm" to reference guns. All their statutes and codes revolve around "firearm". I walk into a firearms store and cannot find any legally defined firearms. I can only find guns (Arms) for sale. ~Freewill

Saturday, December 9, 2017

"There is a cleansing needed in our FBI and department of justice-- Jeanine Pirro



The White House, Washington
December 9, 2017
Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
If you wish to receive regular email updates from the White House, please Click Here. You may also wish to follow President Trump and the White House on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence

Wikileaks – Hillary Clinton’s emails the world needs to read

Sent to us from a regular reader of NESARA for your information ...............


Worse than Treason


WikiLeaks released documents explaining why U.S. AIRCRAFT were never sent to rescue the USA embassy and Ambassador Stevens under attack in Benghazi. 

President Obama and Hillary Clinton had a secret reason to order a stand down of the rescue troops.

July 25th, 2012 a Chinook helicopter was taken down by one of the US own Stinger Missiles, but the idiot Taliban didn’t arm the missile and the Chinook didn’t explode, but was forced to land anyway from impact damage. An ordnance team recovered the serial number off the missile which led back to a cache of Stingers being kept in Qatar by the CIA.

At 9:40 PM, September 11, 2012, members of Ansar al-Sharia attacked the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi resulting in the deaths of U.S Ambassador to Libya John Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith. 

At around 4:00 AM on September 12, the group launched a mortar attack against a CIA annex approximately one mile away, killing CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty and wounding ten others.

Obama and Hillary were in full panic mode and sent Ambassador John Christopher “Chris” Stevens to Benghazi post haste in order to retrieve US made Stinger missiles supplied to Ansar al Sharia without Congressional oversight or permission. Hillary Clinton brokered the deal through Stevens and a private arms dealer named Marc Turi. Some of the shoulder fired missiles ended up in Afghanistan being used against American’s own military. This was a “do-or-die” mission, which explains the stand down orders given to multiple commando teams. 

It was the State Dept, not the CIA that supplied them to the USA sworn enemies, because David Howell Petraeus, director of the Central Intelligence Agency wouldn’t supply these deadly weapons due to their potential use on commercial aircraft. Then, Obama threw David Petraeus under the bus after he refused to testify that he confirmed their Bullshit smokescreen quoting points about a spontaneous uprising due to some YouTube video. 

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton committed treason. THIS is what the investigation is all about, why she had a private computer server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and why Obama, two weeks after the Benghazi attack, told the United Nations, sticking to the smokescreen YouTube video, knowing full well it was all lies. 

Further - the Taliban knew that this administration aided and abetted the enemy without Congressional approval when Congressman John Andrew Boehner created the Select Committee, and the Taliban began pushing the Obama Administration for release of five Taliban Generals. 

Just days after U.S. Army Private First Class Bowe Bergdahl went missing from his base in Afghanistan in 2009, the men in his platoon were ordered to sign papers vowing to never discuss what he did or their efforts to track him down. Bergdahl was just a pawn and a traitor.  

President Obama is not only corrupt but compromised, Hillary Clinton exposed as a serial liar, perjuring herself multiple times at the hearings.

This would explain why no US military aircraft were NOT called in – the administration knew their enemies had US made Stinger Missiles.

America now may have not only it’s first woman president but the package contains an habitual liar running their country with her finger on the button.
Your vote can stop this before you won’t have a USA.

Visit Wikileaks Hillary Clinton database of emails [Click Here]

More Hillary Lies and Corruption

From the desk of Julian Assange

WikiLeaks begins its series on deals involving Hillary Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta. Mr Podesta is a long-term associate of the Clintons and was President Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff from 1998 until 2001. Mr Podesta also controls the Podesta Group, a major lobbying firm and is the Chair of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a Washington DC-based think tank. 

Part 1 of the Podesta Emails comprises 2,060 emails and 170 attachments and focuses on Mr Podesta’s communications relating to nuclear energy, and media handling over donations to the Clinton Foundation from mining and nuclear interests; 1,244 of the emails reference nuclear energy. The full collection includes emails to and from Hillary Clinton.

In April 2015 the New York Times published a story about a company called “Uranium One” which was sold to Russian government-controlled interests, giving Russia effective control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for the production of nuclear weapons, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of US government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off the deal was the State Department, then headed by Secretary Clinton. The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) comprises, among others, the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy.

As Russian interests gradually took control of Uranium One, millions of dollars were donated to the Clinton Foundation between 2009 and 2013 from individuals directly connected to the deal including the Chairman of Uranium One, Ian Telfer. Although Mrs Clinton had an agreement with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors to the Clinton Foundation, the contributions from the Chairman of Uranium One were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons.

When the New York Times article was published the Clinton campaign spokesman, Brian Fallon, strongly rejected the possibility that then-Secretary Clinton exerted any influence in the US goverment’s review of the sale of Uranium One, describing this possibility as “baseless”.

Mr. Fallon promptly sent a memo to the New York Times with a rebuttal of the story (Podesta Email ID 1489). In  this memo, Mr. Fallon argued: “Apart from the fact that the State Department was one of just nine agencies involved in CFIUS, it is also true that within the State Department, the CFIUS approval process historically does not trigger the personal involvement of the Secretary of State. The State Department’s principal representative to CFIUS was the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs. During the time period in question, that position was held by Jose Fernandez. As you are aware, Mr Fernandez has personally attested that “Secretary Clinton never intervened with me on any CFIUS matter.”

What the Clinton campaign spokesman failed to disclose, however, was the fact that a few days before sending his rebuttal to the New York Times, Jose Fernandez wrote on the evening of the 17 April 2015 to John Podesta following a phone call from Mr Podesta (Email ID 2053): “John, It was good to talk to you this afternoon, and I appreciate your taking the time to call. As I mentioned, I would like to do all I can to support Secretary Clinton, and would welcome your advice and help in steering me to the right persons in the campaign”.

Five days after this email (22 April 2015), Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon wrote a memo to the New York Times, declaring that “Jose Fernandez has personally attested that ‘Secretary Clinton never intervened with me on any CFIUS matter’,” but Fallon failed to mention that Fernandez was hardly a neutral witness in this case, considering that he had agreed with John Podesta to play a role in the Clinton campaign.

The emails show that the contacts between John Podesta and Jose Fernandez go back to the time of internal Clinton campaign concern about the then-forthcoming book and movie “Clinton Cash” by Peter Schweizer on the financial dealings of the Clinton Foundation.

In an email dated 29 March 2015 (Email ID 2059), Jose Fernandez writes to Podesta: “Hi John, I trust you are getting a brief rest after a job well done. Thanks no doubt to your recommendation I have joined the CAP [Center for American Progress] board of trustees, which I’m finding extremely rewarding.”  (Should be included in all investigations.)

Julian Assange

Letter to the President


Dec 9 2017

To White House





December 9, 2017

"Is this a test run for a future false flag [or secret attack] involving biological /chemical weapons?

Under the banner of Project HODOR [Hazards Of Dynamic Outdoor Release], the United States Department Of Homeland Security  will be holding drills simulating a chemical & biological weapons attack near the Oklahoma / Kansas border in January - February & June - July 2018.

Their first exercises in January 2018 will involve the airborne release of Titanium Dioxide [TiO2] and "Btk" [the Kurstaki sub-species of the Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria] combined in the form of bar-coded spores of the biological insecticide DiPel.  

They plan to use non-bar-coded airborne spores in their secondary exercises, which will require much more time and labor to execute.

So, not only doctors, but the makers of the DiPel insecticide themselves EXPLICITLY WARN people that it is HARMFUL IF INHALED, .......

yet the DHS and the United States federal government think that it is a good idea to release these toxins into our air supply? 

Can you say: Test Run For POPULATION CONTROL?"  


DHS Plans Chemical / Biological Weapons Drill in January

Emailed to me to post:

DHS Plans Chemical / Biological Weapons Drill in January

By Merit Freeman
December 9, 2017
"Is this a test run for a future false flag [or secret attack] involving biological /chemical weapons?
Under the banner of Project HODOR [Hazards Of Dynamic Outdoor Release], the United States Department Of Homeland Security  will be holding drills simulating a chemical & biological weapons attack near the Oklahoma / Kansas border in January - February & June - July 2018.
Their first exercises in January 2018 will involve the airborne release of Titanium Dioxide [TiO2] and "Btk" [the Kurstaki sub-species of the Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria] combined in the form of bar-coded spores of the biological insecticide DiPel. They plan to use non-bar-coded airborne spores in their secondary exercises, which will require much more time and labor to execute.
So, not only doctors, but the makers of the DiPel insecticide themselves EXPLICITLY WARN people that it is HARMFUL IF INHALED, yet the DHS and the United States federal government think that it is a good idea to release these toxins into our air supply? Can you say: Test Run For POPULATION CONTROL?"

Friday, December 8, 2017

Core Competency - Obama vs Trump


Yeah, this does explain a lot . . . most of which we who work for a living suspected. 

The question is . . . why did the American electorate repeat the mistake for the second term?

Answer:  Because main-stream media brainwashed them!

The Obama legacy has dissolved.  (Actually, the 'legacy' is NOT what he would want you to believe. Below is the TRUTH.)
Quite an eye opener!

These numbers help explain why these last eight years were disastrous for the USA. I read the last item and then look at Trump's Cabinet. 

No wonder Washington, DC is in a turmoil. Trump's picks are bosses who expect their employees to work. These are Eye Opening Numbers. This is what bothers a lot of people about Trump. He won't accept a can't do attitude, or inexperienced, incompetent performance. He will get results.  It just might not be smooth or pretty. 

Here are some amazing stats.  Make sure you read to the bottom. An eye opener!
1. These 10 States now have more people on welfare than they do employed!

 New Mexico
 New York
 Maine, and
 South Carolina

2. Last month the Senate Budget Committee reports that, in fiscal year 2012, between food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid and other benefits, the average U.S. household below the poverty line received $168.00 a day in government support.

What's the problem with that much support?  Well, the average household income in America is just over $50,000, which averages out to $137.13 a day.

To put it another way, being on welfare now pays the equivalent of $30.00 an hour for 40 hour week, while the average job pays $24.00 an hour. (No wonder the leftist snowflakes refuse to work and prefer to soak the people for more benefits.)

3. Check the last set of statistics!!

Below lists the percentage of each past president's cabinet who had worked in the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet. You know what the private business sector is: A real-life business not a government job.

Here are the percentages:

38% T. Roosevelt
40% Taft
52% Wilson
49% Harding
48% Coolidge
42% Hoover
50% F. D. Roosevelt
50% Truman
57% Eisenhower
30% Kennedy
47% Johnson
53% Nixon
42% Ford
32% Carter
56% Reagan
51% GH Bush
39% Clinton
55% GW Bush
8% Obama
90% Trump

This helps explain the bias, if not the incompetence, of the last administration: ONLY 8% of them have ever worked in private business!

That's right! Only eight percent - the least, by far, of the last 19 presidents! And these people tried to tell our corporations how to run their businesses?

How could Obama, 'president' of a major nation and society (let's be HONEST here - 'president' of a cabal crime syndicate PRETENDING to be a valid government of, by and for the people of these united States Republic - which it WAS NOT), the one with the most successful economic system in world history, stand and talk about business when he's never worked for one?

Or about jobs when he has never really had one? And, when it's the same for 92% of his senior staff and closest advisers? They've spent most of their time in academia, government, and/or non-profit jobs or as "community organizers."

Probably a good idea to pass this on because we'll NEVER see these facts in the mainstream media reporting.

This should help all America to further appreciate our President, Donald Trump, for his business savvy, wisdom and experience in selecting qualified people to work on our behalf and his ability to strategize successful ways to turn bad decisions around to good ones for America.

House moves one step closer to approval of nationwide concealed carry

House moves one step closer to universal recognition of the 2nd Amendment with approval of nationwide concealed carry

(Natural News) The Second Amendment, which supposedly ‘guarantees’ Americans an unfettered “right to keep and bear arms” anywhere in the country, is by far the most restricted of all constitutional rights.

While there are some limitations on speech, for instance — you can’t yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater or slander someone — restrictions on gun ownership and use far outnumber those on speech, assembly and religious expression.

But thanks to Republicans in the House, the right of Americans to engage in self-defense with a firearm took a major step forward this week. 

On Wednesday, lawmakers passed the Concealed Carry National Reciprocity Act of 2017 by a margin of 231-198, with its chief sponsor, Rep. Richard Hudson, R-N.C., hailing it as an early Christmas gift to gun rights advocates, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

“For the millions of law-abiding citizens who lawfully carry concealed to protect themselves, for conservatives who want to strengthen our Second Amendment rights, and for the overwhelming majority of Americans who support concealed carry reciprocity, Christmas came early,” he said.

Passage was a major victory for the National Rifle Association, the much-maligned gun rights group that is often blamed for every single gun tragedy in the U.S. — but whose members never commit them. National carry reciprocity has been a top priority for the organization, and now that goal is within reach.

“This vote marks a watershed moment for Second Amendment rights,” noted Chris Cox, executive director of the group’s Institute for Legislative Action. “The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act is the culmination of a 30-year movement recognizing the right of all law-abiding Americans to defend themselves, and their loved ones, including when they cross state lines.”

As usual, gun control groups decried the legislation as inherently “dangerous,” claiming — as they always do, without evidence and proof to back it up — that the bill, if signed into law, will cause mayhem, chaos, and gunfights in the street.

“Congress has failed the American people,” said former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords, D-Ariz., who was severely wounded in a shooting in Tucson in January 2011. “After two of our nation’s worst mass shootings, Congress took direct instruction from the gun lobby and passed a bill that will override existing state laws and allow dangerous, untrained people to carry guns in every state and every city.”

She was referencing the Texas church shooting and the mass murder in Las Vegas, the latter of which Americans still remain in the dark about regarding killer Stephen Paddock’s motive.

Some say Giffords has every reason to oppose guns because she was shot by a deranged Leftist during a political event she was attending. But not lawmakers who have been shot share her desire to neuter a constitutional right.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., who was nearly killed by a deranged Leftist when he was shot during softball practice in the spring, feels even more strongly about supporting gun rights following his harrowing incident.

Asked by Fox News’ Martha McCallum in October whether the shooting has changed his view on the Second Amendment, he responded, “I think it’s fortified it.”

Like other House Republicans, Scalise said lawmakers ought to be more focused on supporting victims and law enforcement than advocating more gun control legislation.

“Because first of all, you’ve got to recognize when there’s a tragedy like this, the first thing we should be thinking about is praying for the people who were injured and doing whatever we can to help them, to help law enforcement. We shouldn’t first be thinking of promoting our political agenda,” he said.

The framers of our Constitution would agree, which is apparent since they saw the “right to keep and bear arms” as the second-most important “inalienable” right of all humans — that of self-defense, against those who seek us harm and an overreaching central government.

Read more of J.D. Heyes’ work at The National Sentinel.

Sources include:

(Related: Learn how the Second Amendment Foundation protects all our futures, our children, our liberties.)

Obama Russian KGB Agent for past 25 years!!

Obama chosen by the Russians 25 years ago

This is so typical of the Russian KGB.  In similar fashion to that of Obama (aka Barry Soetoro), the KGB destroyed Arafat's Egyptian identity (and real name) and changed it to look like he was a "Palestinian" so he could foment intifada's against Israel -- to help Russia gain control of the middle east by "dividing and conquering
Putin’s ploy right now is to conceal his alliance with the globalists and to feign lamentation over America’s fall to immorality because he knows this is what Donald Trump wants to hear. He wants to gain Trump’s confidence and ring his ears because his design is to deceive and weaken him, and to eventually elicit secrets out of him — a typical KGB tactic. 
David Martin
January 6, 2017

Tom Fife, an American physicist and businessman was at a gathering in Moscow in February 1992, when an ethnic comment made about Russians angered a female KGB agent in attendance and caused her to unveil threatening secrets about an upcoming U.S. president.
As he relayed on the Jeff Nyquist Show in February 2010, he and two others were in Moscow for a joint venture with a leading scientist from a Russian science academy, after which they were invited to a going-away dinner hosted by the scientist and his wife who was an agent for the Russian Communist Party.  In the course of the conversation, one of the Americans expressed his surprise over the influx of Mongol peoples in Russia, evident in their Mongol features, to which the hostess took offense (seeing her pure breed superiority slighted) and retorted that it is we Americans who have all the ethnic diversity and division, citing our riots, our racial history, etc.
She went on to say that the U.S. would soon receive a “black president” who was already chosen, stating that he had been “well groomed” by the Soviets to be “irresistible” to the American people.
One of the guests exclaimed, “It sounds like you know something we don’t know.”
“Yes, it is true,” she replied.  “This is not some idle talk.  He is already born and he is educated and being groomed to be president right now.  Have no doubt:  He is one of us.”
She described him as “a communist” whose father was a black African and whose mother was white. “It’s all been thought out.  His father is not an American black, so he won’t have that social slave stigma.  He is intelligent and he is half white and has been raised from the cradle to be an atheist and a communist.  He’s gone to the finest schools.  He is being guided every step of the way and he will be irresistible to America.”
She rattled off a complete litany on their protege, stating that he was from Hawaii [Ed., an apparent lie perpetrated by the communists as Obama is on video stating he was born in Kenya] and that he had been schooled in New York and California, with residency in Chicago.  She called him the “chocolate baby” because of his mixed ethnicity and said that his name was Barack.
Fife responded by saying that he believed the word “barack” in Arabic meant blessing, to which she emphatically agreed, stating that this black man would be a blessing for world communism.  She explained that the only remaining obstacle for the advance of communism was the United States and said he would be instrumental in converting America over to communist ways (change) so that the cause of communism could finally flourish worldwide without further hindrance from capitalism.
Fife was somewhat taken by her discourse, which he found convincing and indisputable.  What especially impressed him was not so much what she said, as it was the assuredness in which she spoke, and described her as an “authority” who spoke with command.  Though some of the Russians in attendance cleared their throats and made little signs for her to hush, they dared not interrupt her discourse, as if she had an air of “power” about her.
Thankfully, her vanity got the better of her so that her enemy America could know the truth.  It behooves Americans to capitalize on the truth and spread it abroad, since “The truth will make you free” (John 8:32).  The enemy banks on our apathy and fear to achieve their new order of global enslavement, so why give them their way?
Putin and his Kremlin cronies roar with laughter that Americans have fallen prey to their pacifist fairy-tale about communism dying in the early ’90s.  It was a ruse to throw us off in the advent of a coming Red assault on the West.  As they finalize their plan to incite worldwide revolution and terror, they don’t want the world to suspect what they’re about to do, so the Bear is simply playing dead in keeping with Lenin’s strategy:  “When you’re strong, feign weakness.”
Putin’s ploy right now is to conceal his alliance with the globalists and to feign lamentation over America’s fall to immorality because he knows this is what Donald Trump wants to hear.  He wants to gain Trump’s confidence and ring his ears because his design is to deceive and weaken him, and to eventually elicit secrets out of him — a typical KGB tactic.
If Russia were less powerful, they wouldn’t be able to manipulate our mindset so easily.  If people actually believe that communism collapsed and that Russia is now a “peace-loving” nation that “embraces religious liberty,” it only shows the great power that Russia presently exerts over the Western mind.  [Ed., Gorbacev is on record telling Russians that dissolution of the Soviet Union was a ruse, that someday they will smash America with their fists.  So much for being "peace loving."]
Hence, a good New Year’s resolution is for America to wake up and not fall prey any longer to Russia’s media hypnosis.  People may or may not buy Tom Fife’s testimony, but they cannot deny that what he disclosed in 1992 foreshadowed virtually everything Obama has done for the past eight years to implement his socialist, anti-American agenda at home.  The allegations that he is a “cradled Marxist” are certainly backed by his work. 
 “By their fruits you shall know them.” (Matthew 7:21).

A President who can't be bought

from 2011! Agenda 21 Plans to Burn Up Northern CA

FULL Judge Anna Von Reitz interview - Requested By Many To Upload As ONE...