Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Fundamental Orders

In the spring of 1638 three Connecticut towns, Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield, chose representatives and held a general court at Hartford. At its opening session the Reverend Thomas Hooker preached a powerful sermon on the text that "the foundation of authority is laid in the free consent of the people." On January 14 following, by the Julian calendar in use at the time, which would be January 24, 1639, by today's Gregorian calendar, the constitution given here was adopted by the freemen of the three towns assembled at Hartford, and is usually named The Fundamental Orders. Nowhere in this great document is there a reference neither to our dread Sovereign "or" our gracious Lord the King, — nor to any government or power outside of Connecticut itself. It did not even limit the vote to members of Puritan congregations. This appears to be the first written constitution in the Western tradition which created a government, and it is easily seen to be the prototype of our Federal Constitution, adopted exactly one hundred and fifty years later. However, see also the Iroquois Constitution and the Mayflower Compact of earlier times.

Note that the year recorded in the document is 1638, because the British calendar in use at the time began the New Year on March 25 instead of January 1 as does the Gregorian calendar we use today. Britain did not convert to the Gregorian calendar until 1751, when 11 days had to be added to their dates to get the Gregorian dates. In 1639 they were 10 days behind the Gregorian calendar.

For as much as it hath pleased Almighty God by the wise disposition of his divine providence so to order and dispose of things that we the Inhabitants and Residents of Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield are now cohabiting and dwelling in and upon the River of Connectecotte and the lands thereunto adjoining; and well knowing where a people are gathered together the word of God requires that to maintain the peace and union of such a people there should be an orderly and decent Government established according to God, to order and dispose of the affairs of the people at all seasons as occasion shall require; do therefore associate and conjoin ourselves to be as one Public State or Commonwealth; and do for ourselves and our successors and such as shall be adjoined to us at any time hereafter, enter into Combination and Confederation together, to maintain and preserve the liberty and purity of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus which we now profess, as also, the discipline of the Churches, which according to the truth of the said Gospel is now practiced amongst us; as also in our civil affairs to be guided and governed according to such Laws, Rules, Orders and Decrees as shall be made, ordered, and decreed as followeth:

(1) It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that there shall be yearly two General Assemblies or Courts, the one the second Thursday in April, the other the second Thursday in September following; the first shall be called the Court of Election, wherein shall be yearly chosen from time to time, so many Magistrates and other public Officers as shall be found requisite: Whereof one to be chosen Governor for the year ensuing and until another be chosen, and no other     Magistrate to be chosen for more than one year: provided always there be six chosen besides the Governor, which being chosen and sworn according to an Oath recorded for that purpose, shall have the power to administer justice according to the Laws here established, and for want thereof, according to the Rule of the Word of God; which choice shall be made by all that are admitted freemen and have taken the Oath of Fidelity, and do cohabit within this Jurisdiction having been admitted Inhabitants by the major part of the Town wherein they live or the major part of such as shall be then present.

(2) It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that the election of the aforesaid Magistrates shall be in this manner: every person present and qualified for choice shall bring in (to the person deputed to receive them) one single paper with the name of him written in it whom he desires to have Governor, and he that hath the greatest number of papers shall be Governor for that year. And the rest of the Magistrates or public officers to be chosen in this manner: the Secretary for the time being shall first read the names of all that are to be put to choice and then shall severally nominate them distinctly, and every one that would have the person nominated to be chosen shall bring in one single paper written upon, and he that would not have him chosen shall bring in a blank; and every one that hath more written papers than blanks shall be a Magistrate for that year; which papers shall be received and told by one or more that shall be then chosen by the court and sworn to be faithful therein; but in case there should not be six chosen as aforesaid, besides the Governor, out of those which are nominated, than he or they which have the most written papers shall be a Magistrate or Magistrates for the ensuing year, to make up the aforesaid number.

(3) It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that the Secretary shall not nominate any person, nor shall any person be chosen newly into the Magistracy which was not propounded in some General Court before, to be nominated the next election; and to that end it shall be lawful for each of the Towns aforesaid by their deputies to nominate any two whom they conceive fit to be put to election; and the Court may add so many more as they judge requisite.

(4) It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that no person be chosen Governor above once in two years, and that the Governor be always a member of some approved Congregation, and formerly of the Magistracy within this Jurisdiction; and that all the Magistrates, Freemen of this Commonwealth; and that no Magistrate or other public officer shall execute any part of his or their office before they are severally sworn, which shall be done in the face of the court if they be present, and in case of absence by some deputed for that purpose.

(5) It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that to the aforesaid Court of Election the several Towns shall send their deputies, and when the Elections are ended they may proceed in any public service as at other Courts. Also the other General Court in September shall be for making of laws, and any other public occasion, which concerns the good of the Commonwealth.

(6) It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that the Governor shall, either by himself or by the Secretary, send out summons to the Constables of every Town for the calling of these two standing Courts one month at least before their several times: And also if the Governor and the greatest part of the Magistrates see cause upon any special occasion to call a General Court, they may give order to the Secretary so to do within fourteen days warning: And if urgent necessity so require, upon a shorter notice, giving sufficient grounds for it to the deputies when they meet, or else be questioned for the same; And if the Governor and major part of Magistrates shall either neglect or refuse to call the two General standing Courts or either of them, as also at other times when the occasions of the Commonwealth require, the Freemen thereof, or the major part of them, shall petition to them so to do; if then it be either denied or neglected, the said Freemen, or the major part of them, shall have the power to give order to the Constables of the several Towns to do the same, and so may meet together, and choose to themselves a Moderator, and may proceed to do any act of power which any other General Courts may.

(7) It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that after there are warrants given out for any of the said General Courts, the Constable or Constables of each Town, shall forthwith give notice distinctly to the inhabitants of the same, in some public assembly or by going or sending from house to house, that at a place and time by him or them limited and set, they meet and assemble themselves together to elect and choose certain deputies to be at the General Court then following to agitate the affairs of the Commonwealth; which said deputies shall be chosen by all that are admitted Inhabitants in the several Towns and have taken the oath of fidelity; provided that none be chosen a Deputy for any General Court which is not a Freeman of this Commonwealth. The aforesaid deputies shall be chosen in manner following: every person that is present and qualified as before expressed, shall bring the names of such, written in several papers, as they desire to have chosen for that employment, and these three or four, more or less, being the number agreed on to be chosen for that time, that have the greatest number of papers written for them shall be deputies for that Court; whose names shall be endorsed on the back side of the warrant and returned into the Court, with the Constable or Constables' hand unto the same.

(8) It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield shall have power, each Town, to send four of their Freemen as their deputies to every General Court; and Whatsoever other Town shall be hereafter added to this Jurisdiction, they shall send so many deputies as the Court shall judge meet, a reasonable proportion to the number of Freemen that are in the said Towns being to be attended therein; which deputies shall have the power of the whole Town to give their votes and allowance to all such laws and orders as may be for the public good, and unto which the said Towns are to be bound.

(9) It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that the deputies thus chosen shall have power and liberty to appoint a time and a place of meeting together before any General Court, to advise and consult of all such things as may concern the good of the public, as also to examine their own Elections, whether according to the order, and if they or the greatest part of them find any election to be illegal they may seclude such for present from their meeting, and return the same and their reasons to the Court; and if it be proved true, the Court may fine the party or parties so intruding, and the Town, if they see cause, and give out a warrant to go to a new election in a legal way, either in part or in whole. Also the said deputies shall have power to fine any that shall be disorderly at their meetings, or for not coming in due time or place according to appointment; and they may return the said fines into the Court if it be refused to be paid, and the Treasurer to take notice of it, and to escheat or levy the same as he does other fines.

(10) It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that every General Court, except such as through neglect of the Governor and the greatest part of the Magistrates the Freemen themselves do call, shall consist of the Governor, or someone chosen to moderate the Court, and four other Magistrates at least, with the major part of the deputies of the several Towns legally chosen; and in case the Freemen, or major part of them, through neglect or refusal of the Governor and major part of the Magistrates, shall call a Court, it shall consist of the major part of Freemen that are present or their deputies, with a Moderator chosen by them: In which said General Courts shall consist the supreme power of the Commonwealth, and they only shall have power to make laws or repeal them, to grant levies, to admit of Freemen, dispose of lands undisposed of, to several Towns or persons, and also shall have power to call either Court or Magistrate or any other person whatsoever into question for any misdemeanor, and may for just causes displace or deal otherwise according to the nature of the offense; and also may deal in any other matter that concerns the good of this Commonwealth, except the election of Magistrates, which shall be done by the whole body of Freemen. In which Court the Governor or Moderator shall have power to order the Court, to give liberty of speech, and silence unseasonable and disorderly speaking's, to put all things to vote, and in case the vote be equal to have the casting voice. But none of these Courts shall be adjourned or dissolved without the consent of the major part of the Court.

(11) It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that when any General Court upon the occasions of the Commonwealth have agreed upon any sum, or sums of money to be levied upon the several Towns within this Jurisdiction, that a committee be chosen to set out and appoint what shall be the proportion of every Town to pay of the said levy, provided the committee be made up of an equal number out of each Town.

14th January, 1638, the 11 Orders above said are voted.


NESARA announcements expected in 2018

NESARA announcements expected in 2018

A thorough and extensive 'history' of events and participants in the NESARA saga as put together by Alcuin and Flutterby  

Alcuin and Flutterby
Monday, January 01, 2018

NESARA is the covert National Economic Security and Reformation Act (March/October 2000). Notice that the S stands for Security; not for Stability. (S for Stability is a Bait-and-Switch mirror fraud; so is GESARA. More background here). NESARA is an American legal initiative with radical and benevolent global consequences.

The NESARA global prosperity programmes are on the cusp of being announced and activated. One of the protected funds said to be involved is called The Saint Germain World Trust. This fund contains deliverable precious metals and currencies worth upwards of one quattuordecillion US dollars. The word quattuordecillion is sometimes spelled quatrodecillion. It means ten thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, million dollars. Or $1 with forty noughts after it.


Among other projects, this money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks and pharmaceutical cartels, and it will zero out (permanently cancel) all personal, corporate and national debts worldwide. More about universal debt forgiveness and the imminent global debt jubilee can be found here.  

The Saint Germain World Trust resources are additional to, and separate from, The World Global Settlement Funds and the Global Collateral Accounts (pdf; 120pp).

The NESARA money was originally scheduled to be released in the year 2000, but the Bush White House and its banking and legal conspirators worldwide prevented the disbursement. And, through corporate pan-global control of mainstream media outlets, nearly all knowledge of NESARA's existence was suppressed. This is now changing.

When the NESARA global prosperity programs are openly and publicly announced, perhaps during January or February 2018, they will permanently change human civilization in every money-related way.

In early to mid 2017, there was said to be a delay among lead agents of Tier 1 signatories due to technical disagreements about how best to monetize and book the vast quantities of off-ledger gold held in Asian and other bunkers. Some of this gold was not quantised or stamped in bar form.
The funds are now ready. The gold-backed global currency reset is ready. The conduits for the benevolent capital flows are clean and clear.  They will bypass the BIS, SWIFT, the US Fed and the ECB completely. People have begun to talk numbers not in Quadrillions, but in Quintillions. 

( ► Note to readers: Future history is developing fast now. Most of this development is not being explicitly reported with appropriate emphasis in the Western mainstream media. We are maintaining a dated compilation of links to geopolitically significant commentary at the foot of our Future Historians' List page here.)

The whole human population will benefit from NESARA. Earth is a most abundant planet. There is more than enough gold-backed human money currently in existence on Earth for each and every human being to be a GBP millionaire without debts of any kind. GBP = Great Britain Pound. 

NESARA is about sharing the resources of the planet around fairly, and NESARA is about putting benevolent banking systems in place worldwide to deliver this monetary fairness. No individual anywhere on Earth will be beyond the reach of the NESARA wealth redistribution programs. And no individual or organization anywhere on Earth will be able to stop it.

NESARA will cancel all credit card, mortgage and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government corruption worldwide. Income tax will be abolished. A new 14% flat rate tax on non-essential new items will provide the revenue stream for national governments. 

There will be increased benefits for senior citizens. 

In the USA, there will be a return to Constitutional Law at every level of the legal system.

When the NESARA announcements are made, the US President and Vice President and all the officials in their administration will be removed from office with immediate effect. So will all members of the US Congress and their Khazar Zionist bosses. They will be replaced with constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates, possibly including people such as Joseph Francis Dunford, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Timothy J. Holton, Paul Craig Roberts, or a retired Pentagon White Hat such as Michael T. Flynn or Carter F. Ham. Donald Trump may be allowed a temporary rĂ´le in publicly exposing the machinations of the Bush syndicate and the Clinton Foundation, and in releasing details about the Satanist disinformation nexus connecting the US mainstream media and PsyOps cells within the US intelligence services.

There will be new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days of NESARA's announcement. These elections will be carefully monitored to prevent vote theft, hacking and other illegal election activities by special interest groups or covert syndicates.

A new USA Treasury rainbow currency will come into being, backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals. A new USA Treasury Bank System will be initiated in alignment with Constitutional Law. The Federal Reserve Board System will be abolished. Personal financial privacy will be restored. 

All judges and attorneys will be retrained in Constitutional Law. 

All aggressive USA government military actions worldwide will cease and global peace will be established. 

Every American citizen over the age of 21 will receive $100,000 a month for 11 years, but the Farmers' claims will be paid first. Here, the settlements will include debt forgiveness of $300,000 (including mortgages, credit cards and loans) for each farming family. Similar reforms will take place in every country in the world. 

Enormous sums of money will be made available for humanitarian purposes. New hitherto suppressed technologies such as free energy devices, pollution cleanup equipment and sonic healing machines will be released for the use of all. More about the Quantum Healing Computer Technology can be found here.

By the first half of 2016, it was apparent that the precise term "NESARA" might not be used, initially at least, to publicly describe the global package of prosperity, humanitarian, infrastructure and currency refinancing which had become necessary. With over a decade and a half having passed since the year 2000, and with the corrupt deterioration of most aspects of life in the Western world having reached such visible degradation, the "NESARA" aspects of the necessary reforms would need to be folded into (i.e. added to) a number of other financial and organizational rescue initiatives in which Asia and the BRICS would take the lead.

Further background details and links about the NESARA global prosperity programs and their history can be  found further down this present blog page, and from James Rink here, from Patrick Bellringer here and from Mark Clarke here. In response to a critical interlocutor, Patrick Bellringer explains the legal history of the NESARA funding processes here (16/17.06.08). There is a useful compilation of NESARA links and material at here. And a recent clone-related NESARA article can be found here.

Some historical information about US White House corruption which intersects with America's blocking of the global NESARA reforms can be found on other pages of this blog here (Citibank scandal), here (Bush White House begins to disintegrate) and here (The crucifixion of Chief Justice John Glover Roberts).

For the rest of the story, go to: 

A letter from Twitter

Dear Freewill,
As part of our recent work to understand Russian-linked activities on Twitter during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, we identified and suspended a number of accounts that were potentially connected to a propaganda effort by a Russian government-linked organization known as the Internet Research Agency.
Consistent with our commitment to transparency, we are emailing you because we have reason to believe that you either followed one of these accounts or retweeted or liked content from these accounts during the election period. This is purely for your own information purposes, and is not related to a security concern for your account.
We are sharing this information so that you can learn more about these accounts and the nature of the Russian propaganda effort. You can see examples of content from these suspended accounts on our blog if you're interested.
People look to Twitter for useful, timely, and appropriate information. We are taking active steps to stop malicious accounts and Tweets from spreading, and we are determined to keep ahead of the tactics of bad actors. For example, in recent months we have developed new techniques to identify accounts manipulating our platform, have improved our process for challenging suspicious accounts, and have introduced new measures designed to identify and take action on coordinated malicious activity. In 2018, we are building on these improvements. Our blog also contains more information about these efforts.
People come to Twitter to see what's happening in the world. We are committed to making it the best place to do that and to being transparent with the people who use and trust our platform.

Government shutdown? errr... Corporation UNITED STATES shutdown? Good Idea!

The UNITED STATES INC. was chartered in 1871 to provide 19 governmental services to the people. They no longer provide these services and have become a plantation owner with their own rules. It is about time they shut down and hopefully for good! The DeJure county and state assemblies are being resettled across America. The people are putting themselves into a position to self govern in a DeJure Constitutional Republican form of governance. We are ready to dump the laws of the sea that have been forced against Americans on the land. Time to end the inland piracy. Time for self governance.

Friday, January 19, 2018

The Clintons, The Red Cross and Boxes of Billions in Cash

The Clintons, The Red Cross and
Boxes of Billions in Cash

QAnon: The Storm and The Awakening

QAnon: The Storm and The Awakening


An introduction article into the QAnon posts


QAnon: Preface

A Patriot has surfaced that is giving many hope and he goes by the name of Q.

Let me start off by saying that the Q Anon / Q Clearance Patriot posts are so vast in scope, to summarize ‘everything’ is nearly impossible. The posts paint a huge picture around the basis that ‘everything is connected and everything has meaning’.

Q appears to have connections at the highest levels and has posted many things that seem to verify that he/she is the real deal. The information that Q has revealed is mostly in the form of a Question leading you to fill in the blanks.

I’m going to give you my feeble attempt at the cliff notes version of an ‘intro’ into some of what is going on and expand on it a little.

QAnon: Down the Rabbit Hole

The Special Counsel is not corrupt. 

Let me say that again - the special counsel, headed by Mueller, is not running a corrupt investigation. He’s doing the job properly under the guise of investigating the Trump team. This has lowered the guard of the true targets because nobody anticipated it, including the media.

If the Mueller revelation turns out to be correct, it will have a profound impact on the outcome on everything we are seeing (and what we're not seeing). There are an unprecedented number of sealed indictments across the nation right now that have not been executed, over 9000 sealed indictments at last glance. What are they for?

Many high level officials will soon be arrested to actually ‘Drain the Swamp‘ beyond what anyone thought was possible. Once the corruption and the 'type of corruption' is revealed to the American people, it will trigger ‘The Awakening’. This event will be something unlike anything you’ve ever witnessed, Americans will unite behind Trump and his administration for cleaning house.

Even an Atheist knows and must be intelligent enough to know, that Satan worshipers are real, Cults are real and ‘True Evil’ exists. 

Disinformation is also real. It’s the job of the media and the entertainment industry to keep the public saturated with stimulus designed to keep us blind and distracted. This is where most people ‘tune out’ because it’s too hard for them to swallow. They don’t want to believe that there are people in this world buying children to rape and kill them as sacrifices. It’s tough to stomach but who are we if let this continue, who are we if we choose to turn a blind eye. Evil exists, and it exists at the highest level of the United States government. Don’t be naive and think ‘it can’t happen here’ because I assure you that it is.

The level of importance of this operation equates to a ‘Good vs Evil’ battle that transcends politics. 

This is a ‘Global Evil’ that attempted to takeover America. Many in our government actively worship Satan, Moloch/Molech and participate in Pedophilia, Spirit Cooking, etc. Most Americans are afraid to look this Truth in the eye but True Evil does exist regardless of your religious views. This is not a joke and most definitely not a game. Thousands of Pedophiles and Child Traffickers have been arrested since Trump was sworn in. They are all under heavy investigation, including their funds and their affiliations.

Saudi Arabia, Rothschild and Soros are the puppet masters that fund this Global Evil. 

For the first time in history, this triangle of funding has lost one of it’s sides and is beginning to collapse. The old Saudi Arabia was funding child trafficking, Hillary Clinton, false flags and various other evil activities. The New Saudi Arabia is just taking form as Saudi Arabia’s King Salman, the same King who honored President Trump during his visit, made an abrupt change in the line of succession. He appointed his younger son Mohammed bin Salman (people call him MBS) as Crown Prince and is reportedly going to step down this week due to dementia, which will make MBS King. 

As soon as MBS was named Crowned Prince is when ‘The Purge’ in Saudi Arabia began. Hundreds of Officials and other Princes were arrested for corruption charges, many with ties to Clinton, Podesta, Huma, Obama, etc. All of their corrupt dealings and bank records are being investigated. As this unfolds, the paper trail will likely lead to charges here in the United States and could possibly be some of the sealed indictments. MBS has a good relationship with Trump and has vowed to 'Make Saudi Arabia Great Again', less strict and more moderate. Saudi Arabia is now working with Israel (highly unusual) and Trump against Iran, Radical Islam and efforts to defund terrorism.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity take out this Global Cabal of Satan worshiping pedophiles.
Military Intelligence and NSA Director Admiral Rogers has played a vital role in rooting out this evil. The ability to avoid ‘other agencies’ and oversight through the power of ‘State Secrets Privilege’ has played a vital role and once the special counsel has concluded, they will have played a vital role as well.

State Secrets Privilege is an ability of Military Intelligence that shields it’s secrets from the Judicial Branch. It has been upheld by the Supreme Court and was established with United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953) and expanded during the Bush admin after 9/11. The criteria for invoking this privilege is when:
'there is a reasonable danger' that disclosure [of evidence] will ‘expose military matters which, in the interest of national security, should not be divulged.’ The invocation must come from “the head of the department which has control over the matter, after actual personal consideration of that office.
Admiral Rogers, Director of the NSA, Head of all 16 Intelligence Agencies, the man who briefs the President every morning, is an interesting figure in all of this.

Adm. Rogers was in charge of NSA under Obama and kept his position with Trump.

Rogers met with then President-Elect Trump at Trump Tower November 17th 2016, without letting the Obama White House know. 2 days later, Obama was considering firing him before leaving office.

Many believe that Admiral Rogers may have warned Trump about Obama’s Intelligence Community (James Clapper and John Brennan) spying on their activity from the FISA warrant they obtained in October 2016.

Just scratching the surface

This doesn’t even cover 5% of it or even get into the ‘Breadcrumbs’ that Q posted. Regardless of whether you choose to believe Q Anon or not, the momentum that this has created is enormous. Americans have felt a lot of this in their gut for a long time, that something just wasn’t quiet right with these people. ‘

Stay strong, have Faith and Pray. The Patriots are in control now.’ 

What Really Just Happened Over Michigan?

CNN's Biggest Trump Fail Ever! Youngstown Ohio Loves Trump!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

'Elites' Now Stealing Everything Before Their Arrests

'Elites' Now Stealing Everything 
Before Their Arrests 
Dr Wm Mount

Catholics and Muslims are run by the SAME POWERS

The Islamic Connection
Catholics and Muslims are run 

This is a TRUE breakdown of how Islam and Catholicism are one in the same! 
The SAME POWERS run BOTH religions.

FBI Investigates the Clinton Crime Network

Opens 3 Criminal Investigations
into the Clinton Crime Network
Alex Jones



Why are most of the Supreme court justices in America Catholic?
Why is the head of the republican party the speaker of the house Catholic?
Why are most of the Presidential candidates Catholic or secret Catholics?
Is there a conspiracy underway to take over America by the Vatican?

Watch how Donald Trump subtly exposes such a conspiracy of lies by Ted Cruz.

Presidential candidate Donald Trump is hinting that Ted Cruz is a fake Evangelical which implies he is a secret Catholic.

Please prayerfully consider supporting this work to bring hope to the world.
Join Us and Donate at

Love Revolution is the name of the Global Revolution that is coming from Jerusalem by The Kingdom of David. The name 'Love Revolution' is chosen for several reasons. Love is the most powerful force in the universe and global revolution is what is required for any hope of real change.

The Kingdom of David and The Upwards Movement Presents
A Global Love Revolution coming from Jerusalem


Wells Fargo Glitch Leaves Customers With Empty Bank Accounts

CBS Local — Many Wells Fargo customers got a terrifying shock after finding their checking accounts drained due to a series of errors by the embattled bank. The Jan. 17 glitch reportedly emptied several customers’ accounts after processing their online bill payments twice and doubling transaction fees.

Starbucks Has A Secret Harry Potter Menu
According to CBS News, the banking error also triggered overdraft fees on many checking accounts as customers around the country were mistakenly informed they had a zero balance. The bank’s phone lines were reportedly jammed through the night as angry customers demanded answers for the embarrassing mistake. Wells Fargo later put out a brief statement on Twitter explaining the situation.

The social media outrage was immediate as customers replied to the statement, many who were left without a way to pay for any goods.

Wells Fargo gave an update on the situation on Jan. 18 as the issue is apparently still unresolved.

‘It’s No Joke Down In Philly’: Minnesota Travel Agents Warn Vikings Fans About Philadelphia
“We are aware of the online Bill Pay situation which was caused by an internal processing error. We are currently working to correct it, and there is no action required for impacted customers at this time. Any fees or charges that may have been incurred as a result of this error will be taken care of. We apologize for any inconvenience,” Wells Fargo’s Steve Carlson said, via KCCI.

The glitch is the latest black eye for the company, which was involved in a massive scandal in 2016 after it was discovered Wells Fargo employees opened millions of fake accounts to meet sales goals. Several high-level executives at the banking giant have lost their jobs since the scandal broke.

America will NEVER forget OR FORGIVE

Lest America would forget

The 'story line' put out to the public by the Clinton crime syndicate 'government' was a TOTAL fabrication
Those who knew Koresh know the TRUTH
Including the Sheriff and those in the county around them
Include this devilish fiasco with information concerning other crimes and murders that are coming out now and that soon will be revealed
Think of the Clintons in particular
And the fact that the Clintons murdered Janet Reno because she would NOT obey their orders to carry out their 'plan' 
The Clintons then CLONED Reno to coverup
The Clintons even ordered the murder at Waco of some of those who had been serving them in their crime syndicate to insure they never revealed the true extent of the Clintons crimes that they had been involved in carrying out - such as the murder of the two young boys in Arkansas and the train running over them on the Arkansas railroad tracks
Watch this and do your own research and you should be able to discern the TRUTH
This should NEVER happen in our nation - NEVER
But the Clintons (among others) never considered this
nation and its people anything other than as their slaves and their property to do with as they pleased

Forced to work to support illegals

        "There is no Greater tyranny, than that
         which  is perpetrated under the shield
         of law and in the name of justice."  
                             ~ Montesquieu ~

Fake news awards are out!!

1.17 - Fake News Awards/Plane Diversions/Detroit "Meteor"/Another Dead Dr.

#GREATAWAKENING: Q Intel Confirms Active Total Deep State Take Down #FLY...

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Deep State, in Panic, Tries to Drop Fusion GPS Dossier, As Predicted by QAnon

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Deep State has begun a counterattack to distance itself from the Fusion GPS dossier in a move that was predicted by QAnon on Jan. 13.

In a C-Span interview broadcast on Jan. 15, New York Times reporter Scott Shane, a specialist who reports primarily on the U.S. intelligence community, argued the Fusion GPS was a product of Russian intelligence disinformation designed to mislead the FBI, not a product of Clinton campaign opposition research that served as the basis for the DOJ obtaining FISA court approval to conduct electronic surveillance of Donald Trump, his campaign officials, and top players in the transition team.

QAnon warned in the Jan. 13 post to “be ready” because the mainstream media was coming in a “big way” with a “conspiracy push.”

A thread posted on Twitter by @GalacticRedPill analyzed Shane’s interview with C-Span, commenting:

The premise Shane lays out, as a hypothetical, is that the dossier and the Neo-McCarthyist hysteria it unleashed against 45 is actually the product of a Russian disinformation campaign.
The conclusion @GalacticRedPill draws is that this shift in strategy by Deep State operatives is a communication from the Clinton and Obama camps to President Trump and Attorney General Sessions that they are willing to make a deal.
  With House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes preparing to release proof the FBI and DOJ used the Fusion GPS dossier to trick the FISA court into authorizing electronic surveillance of Donald Trump and his top advisors, the Deep State conspiracy is a plan to deflect Nunes “by claiming the black hats who did break the law to illegally unmask team trump were only doing so because they were tricked. is also reporting today that former “high-level” CIA officer Kevin Shipp is warning the Deep State is “terrified” of President Trump.
Shipp says:

They are terrified, they are terrified right now.  They did not expect Trump to do what he is doing now.  The reason they tried to get him even before he was elected is they knew he was uncontrollable, and they knew if he got in there, they would not be able to manipulate him, and that is exactly what’s happening.
There are some people, and there is no doubt about it, that are running scared right now…
Donald Trump is questioning the Deep State and the shadow government.  He’s rocking that place left and right.  The news media is terrified of that.  Their editors are telling them to attack him just like they are attacking him from the inside.  It’s just dirty pool because they want him taken out.
Shipp concludes: “Trump’s making tremendous progress despite tremendous resistance.  They have already done a character assassination on him, and I think they could go further than that.  Trump is making progress, and he has them running scared.”

Illegal On Trial For Murdering Cops Warns Judge: 'I Will Break Out Soon, And I Will Kill More'...

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — An explosive day in the courtroom as opening statements began in the trial of Luis Bracamontes- the undocumented immigrant accused of killing two deputies in 2014.

A judge ordered the jury out of the room, during an outburst by the defendant as he admitted to murdering the peace officers. Bracamontes said there’s no need for a trial, but the judge ruled it will still go on.

“There was no need to prove all this s***,” Bracamontes said. “Be silent!” the judge yelled back.

“I want to f***ing plead to this,” the defendant responded.

As if the smiles and smirks coming from the accused cop killer’s face weren’t shocking enough, the outbursts from Luis Bracamontes stunned the courtroom, first calling one of his alleged victims a coward, before yelling expletives while describing the fact that he killed the officers and didn’t regret it. Bracamontes also said he wished he would have killed more.
“I killed f***ing cops. They’re f***ing dead. I don’t f***ing regret that,” he said, while laughing.

The undocumented immigrant is accused of murdering Sacramento County Sheriff’s Deputy Danny Oliver and then Placer County Sheriff’s Detective Mike Davis, Jr. during a crime spree that also included carjacking and other shooting victims in October of 2014.

As the prosecution laid out the horrific details, Bracamontes continued to laugh—a mental state his lawyers asked the judge to re-evaluate. The request it was denied, as were CBS13’s requests to speak with both the families of the victims and Bracamontes.

The defense told the jury its client is responsible for both deputy’s deaths but also claimed he was high on methamphetamine at the time and didn’t know right from wrong. But in another outburst, Bracamontes warned the courtroom and our CBS13 cameras, that he would do it again, saying, “I will break out soon and I will kill more.”

Court resumes Wednesday with the presentation of evidence. The judge told the jury it needs to render its verdict on the evidence it hears, not on the outbursts by Bracamontes.

The Antitrust Case Against Facebook, Google and Amazon

A few technology giants dominate their worlds just as Standard Oil and AT&T once did. Should they be broken up?




16 January 2018
Hmm, let me guess - They were observing the "anomaly" the whistle blower (below) mentioned that they were already aware of from the day before, had systems locked, activated the anti missile defense system practically instantly, shot down the launched missiles within a minute, killed the sub, AND THEN, 38 minutes later, gave the all clear. How about that for a back story? Obviously it can't be confirmed, but it sure beats the "bumbling fool" on alert button ludicrosy.

Hawaii update

The new line from the MSM is that the police knew it was a false alarm five minutes after the alert was given. I CALL BUNK, because if that was true, how on earth did the EAS take 33 additional minutes after that to give the all clear? Would they not be the first to know? The police should have gotten the all clear from the EAS. If they did not, who gave them the all clear? It's not like all the cops have a secret line to military command post X. I CALL BUNK, it is a cover story for something much bigger.











Remember a few years ago when there was a confirmed missile launch off the coast of California that was also subsequently scrubbed and white washed? It was proven that it was launched by a Chinese Navy Jin class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, and it got scrubbed by the Pentagon and debunked by Snopes. Yet it was so freaking obvious what it was that no one, even hunch backed emma believed the Pentagon. What happened in California is a SOLID, ROCK SOLID PRECEDENT for there to have been a real missile launch and shoot down off of Hawaii, with subsequent media white wash. You can't trust a damn thing the media says, they are all a bunch of scamming traitors.

The real back story to the Chinese missile incident is that it was a warning shot to the U.S., to prove China could circumvent detection by the U.S. The missile was fired 30 miles off the coast, and sent on a trajectory that caused it to land 400 miles to the west, in the Pacific. The U.S. claims territorial waters 250 miles out, and China totally violated that but what could the Pentagon do? Encourage them to launch another missile the other way?


"Confident" is the best I can do when it can't actually be proven. But the back channels of the internet have filled up with massive numbers of trolls that are onto this story like maggots on a rotting dog, trolls that are saying the most stupid things, like "I wonder what nation owned the sub, Paraguay? (as if they are serious) and other absolutely ridiculous crap.

FACT: There is only ONE nuclear nation that has submarines that fit the description that is not Russia or the U.S. and that is ISRAEL.

The banality of the trollage points ONE DIRECTION: ISRAEL. Naked banal we have seen it everywhere countless times predictable stupid ISRAELI TROLLAGE.

"Now we have to scream "Nazi" sniff, and force Germany to cough us up another sub . . . . . sniff. I was a little bit skeptical of this until I saw the nature of the trollage. Now I am like - "Oh my God!" 14 January 2018

Commanders Face Criminal Charges For Ship Collisions That Killed 17 American Sailors


The commanding officers for two American warships crippled in fatal accidents are facing military criminal charges ranging from negligent homicide to dereliction of duty.

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Fitzgerald was involved in a tragic collision with a merchant vessel in June that ended the lives of seven American sailors. Two months later, ten more sailors were killed when the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS John S. McCain collided with a tanker.

The two 7th Fleet vessels will require hundreds of millions of dollars for repairs.
Cmdr. Bryce Benson, the former commander of the Fitzgerald, together with three junior officers, face military criminal charges including dereliction of duty, hazarding a vessel and negligent homicide. Cmdr. Jessie L. Sanchez, former commander of the McCain, faces the same charges, according to USNI News.

The charges come after a comprehensive investigation into the cause of these deadly accidents. Numerous Navy officers, including the former head of the 7th Fleet, have been removed from their commands due to concerns over their leadership abilities.

Adm. John Richardson, the chief of naval operations, concluded that the accidents were “avoidable” byproducts of devastating command and training failures on the part of both officers and crew.

Freewill is asking for a little help from patriots.

As many readers of nesaranews know I am involved with some important things to make life much better for our country. Like Anna Von Reitz sometimes the costs exceed what we can pay out of our own pockets and need some help. I am hoping some of you value what I am doing and feel like you can chip in to help. Work is slow this time of year and bills are bigger. That leaves less resources to poke the bear in the eye with a sharp stick.

I thank anyone who can help out. Our freedom and independence is worth it. 

I thank the 15 donors that helped out. Much appreciated.


All set for now. Any new contributions will be appreciated and saved for future need.


Vaulting across the Universe

Heavenletter #3935 Published on: September 3, 2011

God said:
You are growing in love and wisdom right and left. And the growing is not always easy. Your ego is being wracked right and left, and that is how you grow. Ego is forced to step aside, at least for a while, and you see yourself rising to the sun. You did not get burned. Your ego did.

Ego doesn’t go up in flames without a fight. I talk about ego as though you have no responsibility for it. Never mind, you are learning to get along without it or without so much of it.

You are really beginning to learn that there are no affronts to you, only to your ego. Oh, beloveds, think of what it will be when ego no longer pesters you and gets the best of you and when you stand above it. Picture yourself standing tall, ego on the floor beneath, and with your foot on ego, you keep it down. Now ego submits to you, instead of your submitting to ego. Now you have risen, and you are vaulting across the Universe knowingly with Me.

Ego has cramped your style. You are just beginning to find out what your style is, your true style, your true way of being unshackled from ego and ego needs. When you don’t have ego, what do you require? Without ego, you who are everything have everything you need. And, if there should be something you don’t have, then you don’t need it. You did very much need to be without commandeering ego, that selfish twit of an ego who got in your way. I say this as it is.

We do not make an ode to ego, nor do We hold animosity toward the now fallen ego. Although ego has been an opponent, it had its purpose for you. It brought you to where you are now. Now you are a hero to yourself. Without ego, you can truly love your God-given self. Ego was like a rash, hot and itchy, and now you are not inflamed. Now you are calm and cooled down. You have removed the hair shirt of ego. No longer do you bow to it. Now you bow to the sun and to the God in you.

Let Us thank ego for helping you and the world to see what ego really looks like, hardly the picture you had of it and the importance you held it in. Now you remove your foot from the prone ego and let it go off with its tail between its legs. Ego was all an illusion anyway. It never existed except as you gave homage to it. Ego had you twisted around its little finger. How presumptuous ego was.
Now you are free of ego. Even though it had you in its power, it had no power except as you granted it. You fed ego’s ego. And now you are free. Or almost free. You certainly are getting there.

What is there to say about ego when it is gone or well on its way out? Ego really never had anything to do with you! It was your ego! Instead of your training this errant ego, you let it train you! And now you are getting out from under ego. You used to be prone on the floor of life, and ego had its foot on you. You let ego go. Avast, ego, avast. At last, you are releasing your hold on it.

Let’s have a party. Let’s have a Thanksgiving Day. Hurray, you are outliving ego and all the pictures of the past.

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: – Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.


Bannon Subpoenaed By Mueller, CFPB Backs Away From Payday Lending Rule, and Trump Admin. Appeals DACA Decision to Supreme Court: P.M. Links

  • Former Brietbart News chief and advisor to President Trump Steve Bannon has been subpoenaed as part of Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the U.S. election.
  • The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will “reconsider” its controversial payday lending rules.
  • Trump will appeal a 9th Circuit ruling blocking his DACA repeal to the Supreme Court.
  • A broken rail reportedly caused a Metro train to derail in downtown D.C.
  • California couple arrested for shackling, torturing their 13 kids.


The Doubling Of The Muslim Population And The Barbarism Of Islam Every Ten years In Europe

US And China Brace For Trade War That Could Rattle Global Economy

As we reported last week, the US non-petroleum trade deficit with China and Mexico – two of its largest trading partners – climbed to its highest level for a 12-month period in December, an embarrassing development for the Trump administration, which has repeatedly promised to protect US industry by raising trade barriers.

However, the rising deficit, bolstered by a weakening US dollar, could ratchet up the political urgency of the Trump administration’s trade agenda. And as the Wall Street Journal points out, the White House is preparing a mix of tariffs and quotas to confront the growing economic threat from China.

Though this confrontation could be potentially disruptive for the global system of free trade, even potentially leading to the collapse of the World Trade Organization, a group the Trump administration believes China should never have been allowed to join.

In his column, the WSJ’s Andrew Browne points out that the last time the US became embroiled in a trade war, Ronald Reagan was president. And its adversary was a close US ally: Japan.


At the time, Japan’s economy was much smaller than the US economy. Today, the Chinese economy has by some measures eclipsed the US. Such an unprecedented trade showdown between the US and China could have far reaching ramifications.
A trade war isn’t a certainty, but if it comes, it will look nothing like the battles that raged in the 1980s over Japanese semiconductors, cars and TV sets.
The forces are more evenly matched this time: America has never faced off in a trade skirmish with an opponent like China in terms of economic size, industrial capabilities and global ambitions.
Japan was a U.S. ally, China increasingly a rival. That raises the risk of tit-for-tat escalation, especially since support for Beijing is crumbling across the U.S. political spectrum as well as in the U.S. business community, traditionally a strong advocate for China trade.
Anti-trade rhetoric has been embraced by both sides, with President Donald Trump’s “America First” proclamations and President Xi Jinping’s “Chinese Dream” scenario.
In this brewing battle fueled by protectionists in both camps (Mr. Trump’s “America First“ finds its nationalist counterpoint in President Xi Jinping’s “China Dream”), each side has an exaggerated sense of its own advantages.
“A trade war is coming because of ideological zealotry and absolutely contradictory estimates of who has more leverage,” says Scott Kennedy, an expert on Chinese industrial policy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based think tank.
Global markets are wildly unprepared for a full-blown China-US trade war, WSJ  reports. Earlier this month, the Eurasia Group highlighted “protectionism” as one of the biggest geopolitical risks of 2018. One of the reasons, Eurasia Group argues, is because industrialized economies are embracing a wider tool chest of pro-trade measures, including indirect subsidies and bailouts.
Governments aren’t just trying to protect comparative advantages in traditional sectors such as agriculture, metals, chemicals, and machinery out of concern for lost jobs or domestic economic interests. They’re also intervening in the digital economy and innovation-intensive industries as protecting intellectual property becomes an increasingly important priority.
But instead of traditional measures such as import tariffs and quotas, today’s tools of choice include “behind-the-border” measures such as bailouts, subsidies, and “buy local” requirements designed to bolster domestic companies and industries. These measures don’t necessarily circumvent WTO commitments; they rely on a collective inability to update and strengthen existing global trade rules.
WSJ  agrees: Once under way, the repercussions of a trade war would be felt well beyond the combatants themselves. US friends and allies along Asian supply chains would be early collateral damage. China is still to a large extent the final assembly point for imported high-tech components from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. Navigating increasingly complex global supply chains in a constant state of disruption would be hugely problematic for businesses across industries.
Furthermore, if it escalated far enough, a trade war could take down the entire global trading architecture. That could be Trump’s goal. Many in his administration, including trade representative Robert Lightizer, believe the biggest mistake the US ever made was to usher China into the World Trade Organization in 2001. Aides say Trump regularly threatens to pull out of the rules-setting body.

Trump has in the past suggested that Chinese help on North Korea could head off US trade action. In a phone call  with the US president on Tuesday, Xi suggested that trade issues should be resolved by “making the cake of cooperation bigger.”

Meanwhile, Trump expressed disappointment that the US trade deficit with China has continued to grow” and made clear that “the situation is not sustainable.”

In private, however, senior Chinese officials believe Beijing has many tactical advantages: Some are cultural – the Chinese people, one says, are more prepared to endure economic hardship.


Perceptions of US bullying would rally the population around the Communist Party, whereas US opinion would fracture among constituencies for and against trade hostilities.

US manufacturing giants like Boeing in General Motors would probably throw a fit and withdraw their support for Trump and his agenda. Both companies see China’s economy, which is fairly open relative to Japan’s in the 1980s, as a crucial growth market. If US initiates a trade war – something that Trump has already threatened with his investigation into Chinese IP practices – China has a detailed game plan to respond, and the total flexibility to carry it out. For example, the Chinese government would abandon Boeing in favor of European Airbus. Diversifying soybean supplies – possibly relying more on Brazil – would be another option.

Browne says the US should count on Chinese retaliatory actions being highly targeted – state by state, congressional district by congressional district – to inflict the maximum US job losses, and single out those politicians most gung-ho about trade action.

Many US trade experts don’t mince words: They believe China would prevail in a trade war with the US, and that the US economy would suffer lasting damage.
Nicholas Lardy, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, thinks China would win. Among his reasons: China’s ability to concentrate pain, and the outcry from affected businesses in America’s more open political system. He argues that “the political costs to the Trump administration of maintaining new protectionist measures will be much higher than the costs of retaliation to the Xi regime.”
Derek Scissors, a trade expert at the American Enterprise Institute argues that the major US advantage is that China is far more dependent on trade for its financial health.
“A shorter, smaller-scale trade conflict favors China due to its comparative agility,” he says. “The more serious it gets, the worse China would fare because it’s badly outmatched monetarily.”
In the 1980s, Japan had to back down, agreeing to voluntary export restraints and moving large parts of its auto manufacturing base to the US to create jobs and defuse tensions. China won’t be pushed around in the same way.
Still, China has other leverage: Rumblings about China ditching Treasurys – reports that have been denied by Chinese authorities but still managed to rattle markets – show the PBOC might be willing to use its balance sheet as leverage against the US.

And as central banks across Europe flock to the yuan, the US could be increasingly vulnerable to rising interest rates as its share of global reserves dwindles.
