Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Great Awakening Has Begun

Pray You NEVER Get Pulled Over by THIS Cop!!

Nothing much has changed ....

As over 2,000 years ago, the people today are STILL trying to rid themselves of the bankers/money changers 

Expulsion of the merchants (and bankers) from the temple. (By Andrey Mironov 777 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)
And Yeshuah (Jesus) entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. – 
Matthew 21:12 (also Mark 11:15) (ESV) 


Something Equality Missed!

This man’s job is to climb down London’s sewer network and blast away “fatbergs” that clog it. Have there been any calls recently for gender equality in the sewage clearance sector? Because the sewage industry seems to be dominated by men: perhaps it’s time to address this?

Be Grateful.....For the Russians???

By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, be grateful for the Russians. Very grateful. And not for the first time, either. You were never taught this in school, but during the Civil War the British were poised to come ashore and attack the people they were honor-bound to protect. It was the Russian Czar who sent his navy to impose an international blockade that prevented the British from attacking then. It is the Russian-Chinese Alliance that is preventing them from attacking us now.

The Brits were ready to tear us a new one back in the 1860's, but the threat of war with Russia over it was too great a risk to take for the pleasure involved. It's the same thing now. Russia is protecting us. The British Government, the British Crown Corporation and the old European Hegemony left over from the Holy Roman Empire is the threat. That's the group that has been feeding off us like vampires and embroiling us in wars for profit for the last 150 years. Not the Russians. Not the Chinese.

For those of you who can't read the Tea Leaves: France, specifically, Bank of France, is returning $475 trillion dollars of ours that they just happened to have in "safe-keeping" for us. Of course, they weren't saying a word about this arrangement to us. They were laying back in the weeds hoping that we would be too stupid to be able to follow the paper trail and figure out that we aren't the ones in debt. They hoped that we would just abandon all those assets and never exercise our creditor status, but..... we did. Thank God.

During the time period when they hoped we would be Numbnutz and allow them to claim abandonment of those funds, they generously used a portion of our own money to loan back to our servants in the Territorial United States Government and they launched what I have called "Le Neu Republique"--- the New (supposedly American, but actually French) Republic, in hopes of simply creating a new government service contract for themselves via a process of debt assumption. If we were dumb enough to assume the debt, they would be sharp enough to assume the priority creditor position and loan our money to our public servants at interest.

How cozy. France loans us our own money at interest, and to our Hired Help, appears to be the New Boss on the Block. Can everyone here say the Big Word--- "usurpation"? That's why we repeatedly rebuffed Jacob Rothschild and said, "Thanks, but no thanks." to the offer.

It's our money. We don't need to loan it to our Hired Help at interest. And we don't need French contractors in here providing us with "essential government services" last time I looked. With $475 trillion in the bank, we can afford to hire and fire whoever we want. We can have an actual American Republic instead of something that appears to be American and isn't.

Now, some of you who have been following the actual news instead of the fake news will remember talk last fall about Canada coming in and taking over the bankrupt United States? If the British Government had its way, we'd be at war with CANADA --which owes us a ton of money and would be hoping to win and thereby avoid paying---and the UN CORP, which is in a similar position.

But once again, the Russians came to our rescue, put their foot down, and said, "NYET!" to that plan.
Once again, as in the 1860's, the Russian Navy weighed in, very quietly, and gave the British Schemers enough to think about.

So it's because of the Russians that our unprotected borders are not crawling with Mexican, Canadian and UN Troops. It's because of the Russians that our country is at relative peace and making headway toward recouping our purloined assets and settling our business affairs responsibly. It's because of the Russians that people and countries that are deeply indebted to us-- the Brits, the European Union, and most of the rest of the world--aren't busily trying to kill us or take us over to avoid paying their own debts.

America, with respect to the British Government, has been like a stupid young school girl in love with an evil older man, the seventeen year-old who mistakes self-interested lust for love, and trustingly gives and gives and gives to Uncle Monty. It is long past time for everyone to grow up and wake up and figure out who our real enemies are and have always been.

For the past 150 years all we have heard about are the bad Russians, be afraid of the Russians, the evil Ruskies.... but the Russians have kept watch and stood at our back more than once and have defended us against powers and principalities that pretended to be our friends and allies ---and weren't.

Also, if you look at the situation in light of the Secret Treaty of Verona (1822) it is apparent that we and our American republican states, with our egalitarian ideals, and our desire for limited government---are natural enemies of the old Holy Roman Empire and the British Monarchs, as a mongoose is the natural enemy of a snake. They believe in the "divine rights" of Monarchs and Popes, but we don't and the Russians don't either.

We have far more in common ideologically with the Russians in terms of honoring the Common Man, aka, soldiers, workers, and farmers---than we will ever have with the Monarchists and Papists.
It's time we recognized the self-interested motivation that the old European Monarchies and the Popes have had for preaching anti-Russian propaganda to us for decades. They've kept us deluded about the "Russian Threat" because Russian Communism, like American Independence, is a threat to them and their power and their feudalistic system that requires enslaving the many to feed the gross appetites of a few.

Am I worried about President Trump working with the Russians? No, I am glad and grateful to see it. I am relieved to see it. It tells me that the President is not a fool, and that perhaps, at long last, we will have the common sense to give Uncle Monty a well-deserved kick the rump, clean up our own mess, and restore our own government.

We claimed our independence from Britain in 1776. It's high time we exercised it.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Service and Taxation

By Anna Von Reitz

Your private earnings are being deliberately mischaracterized as corporate income in order to tax you and make you liable to pay federal income taxes.

As I have said before, the federal government is totally foreign and is supposed to operate only in international jurisdictions.  So when you pay federal taxes you are paying them to a foreign government, as if you were a German paying taxes to France.

Federal services are supposed to be paid for by: (a) our states and (b) by sin taxes on alcohol, tobacco, and firearms and (c) by any special purpose directly apportioned or excise taxes that are truly necessary.

The states have resources and public lands to manage and sell and all that guarantees substantial income, so that they as the actual parties making the contract to receive services from the federal government are supposed to be paying the lion's share for those services that they would otherwise be expected to provide for themselves.

Above and beyond that, the federal government has the income from alcohol, tobacco, and firearms manufacture and sales.  Such so-called "sin taxes" placed on regulated substances bring in a lot of money to pay for federal services each year.  There are also special excise taxes placed on gasoline and oil purchases, telephone services, natural gas utilities, internet services, pension and insurance plans and international sales of goods and services. 

Between the deliberately mis-applied income tax and all these other taxes, the Average American pays between 50 and 60 percent of their earnings every year for services from the federal government corporations, and that is not counting the substantial bite taken out each year by inflation.

Inflation is, in effect, a silent and murderous tax that clicks along no matter where your money is or what it is or is not invested in. 

Compare these rates of taxation with the most abused serfs in the Middle Ages who paid the king up to 25% of their gross production every year, and you will see that we have indeed suffered through "great tribulation"--- as in paying "tribute" to Caesar.

The income tax is especially onerous.  It was imposed on federal employees as a "privilege tax" to be paid as franchise taxes, supposedly in equitable exchange for the benefits of public employment, and also on federally chartered corporations in exchange for the benefit of incorporation--- bankruptcy protection, stockholder asset protection, and so on.

This special tax on federal employees can certainly be seen as unjust, until you realize that these people have knowingly signed up to work for this foreign government and that people are free to accept or reject their offers of employment, warts, enfranchisement, income taxes, and all. 

The rest of us, however, who don't get a federal paycheck and who are not operating as federal franchises, are not now and never have been liable to pay federal income taxes.

Think about it--- can France tax a German?  No.
Can a German volunteer to pay a tax to the French government? Sure, if he wants to.

And that is what happened in World War II.  The Territorial United States Congress set up a Victory Tax program by which patriotic Americans could volunteer to have an amount equal to the tax paid by federal employees deducted from their take home pay and put toward the war effort.  We signed up by the millions..... but, even through the Second World War ended in September 1945, the end date on the Victory Tax legislation simply set the end date "as the end of hostilities" and Congress never repealed the legislation nor amended the language.

Using the so-called Cold War as its excuse, the Territorial United States Congress went right on taxing millions of Americans under false pretenses.  Ever since then there has been some kind of euphemistic, specious "war" going on which allows the cretins to claim that there are "ongoing hostilities" that justify continuing to tax Americans under these false pretenses.

Once unsuspecting Americans sign a 1040 under penalty of perjury stating that they are Withholding Agents, other juicy provisions kick in as well.  A "Withholding Agent" is a Warrant Officer in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service, and you have unwittingly sworn under penalty of perjury that you are one.  You automatically become subject to Territorial United States statutory law, are presumed to have voluntarily given up your political status as an American, and are required to file and keep filing taxes every year thereafter.  If you don't you are not doing your "voluntary" quasi-military job duties, and if you complain that you aren't really a Withholding Agent, you are dead in the water because you have already signed on the dotted line that you are one.  

In this way, the perpetrators not only get the fat tax revenue, they gain control over you and subject you to their territorial statutory law, which allows them to prosecute you under the British Equity Law system and allows them to use their "discretion" to dispose of you and your assets however they see fit.

Thus, what started out as a Good Faith effort by Americans to help win the Second World War became an instrument of oppression and false impersonation the likes of which the world has seldom seen since the days of Ancient Egypt.  Since 1941 the territorial Internal Revenue Service and the municipal IRS have pillaged and wantonly plundered the earnings and assets of millions of Americans who never held any kind of federal job, never realized any actual profit or benefit from this system, and who never actually owed any "income tax" at all. 

So, you say, there must be a remedy to this gross injustice.  If nothing else, the rats must have left an "out" for themselves, and so there is.  If you are not a federal employee or dependent and not operating in the capacity of a federal franchise corporation, you can "revoke" your election to pay federal income taxes that you never owed in the first place. 

All you have to do is send a Registered Letter, Return Receipt Requested, to the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service (Territorial) and the Commissioner of the IRS (Municipal) and inform them of your decision to revoke your election to pay federal income taxes and setting an effective date for the revocation.

This last bit can be tricky, as they keep changing the dates of their own fiscal years so as to trap unwary people with a few months of unaccounted for "income" left hanging---which they then use to prosecute the victim.  It used to be that July 1 was the beginning of the federal fiscal year for all departments and agencies.  Then some began using October 1 as the beginning of their fiscal year.

My advice would be to set the effective date a year and a half or two years prior to any current tax year.   For example, for the 2017 Tax Year due April 15, 2018, I would make the effective date July 1, 2016 or January 1, 2016, just to be sure I made the severance date include all possible taxes due for 2017.

For those who haven't filed in a few years for whatever reasons, you can revoke election to pay retroactively for up to ten (10) years, so long as you have not filed any of those years.

The bottom line is that if you aren't a federal employee or dependent and aren't operating as a federal franchise corporation as a result, you never owed the income tax in the first place.

But what about the Congressional Acts that tax Social Security income of retirees?  The Territorial United States Congress and its "Acts" have no authority related to an American standing on dry land.  That's for starters.  Secondly, the only portion or percentage of Social Security income that can be taxed would be that portion deriving from actual federal employment.

Say that you worked as a federal civilian employee for twenty years and then worked in the private sector for a Mom and Pop Store for twenty years.  The only portion of your Social Security that would be taxable would be the portion derived from actual federal employment. 

Please note that many Americans have trivial amounts of federal employment wages that contribute a few dollars per month to Social Security payments, mostly from part-time work such as firefighter wages for the Park Service, or a couple year stint in the military fifty years ago.  Each case is different so you have to look at your own employment history, but in the vast majority of cases the amount of federal wages and the resulting contribution to Social Security retirement payments is far less than the standard deductible and can be safely ignored.

So unless you actually worked for the federal government your whole working life, you most likely don't have to pay income taxes on 100% of your Social Security payments and may not have to pay any federal income taxes on your Social Security payments at all. 

Please note that the vermin will try to mischaracterize Social Security payments based on your actual labor as "benefits"--- which are welfare payments, not pension payments based on money you and your employers paid into the system. 

They will also try to mischaracterize Social Security payments as "income" instead of pension payments.  The word "income" specifically means corporate accruals of profit separated from capital.  If you aren't an actual federal employee and aren't acting in the capacity of a federal corporation franchise, you have no "income"--- what you have are "private earnings" being mischaracterized as "income". 

This additional after-the-fact Second Helping of people's earnings is perhaps the most galling betrayal of trust of all.  Most American are owed 100% of any Social Security payments tax-free, but by continuing to tax federal employee wages a second time, even after they are separated from employment and officially "retired", the vermin in Washington, DC contrive to make what superficially appear to be claims on the pension payments they owe to people who never worked an actual day in their life for the federal government and they thereby reduce the quality of life for millions of American Seniors for no good reason but corporate greed.

Do you want to support corporations that knowingly, willfully bilk millions of innocent American Seniors out of pension payments they earned fair and square? 

I don't.  That's why I pulled the plug in 1998, revoked my "voluntary" election to pay federal income taxes, and never looked back.  It is past time for the good-natured and patriotic and generous American people to pull the plug and stop paying taxes they don't owe to foreign government corporations that have acted in gross breach of trust and promoted commercial crimes on our soil.

Let them tap all their Slush Funds and "Externally Managed Investment Funds" and pony up every penny and every service that they owe to American Seniors ---and unless you worked for the federal government your entire working life, slap their hands when they come to tax your Social Security payments a second time. Revoke your election to pay and stand there on your little flat feet and repeat after me: "I ain't no Federale."

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Saturday, February 10, 2018



Kerry Lynn Cassidy
January 27 2018
Streamed live on Jan 26, 2018
KERRY will be talking with PALADIN about the White Hat Reports investigations into high yield trading programs, crypto currency, following the money down the rabbit hole of how the secret space/ secret gov is funded.

For the first time in history the Trading Programs are revealed with proof showing the contracts (verified) revealing how the secret gov / secret space / Deep State is funded!  This group is putting their lives on the line to get this info to the public!

If you are viewing this, PLEASE HELP make this news GO VIRAL!  Help keep these whistle blowers alive!  Get the word out.

White Hats Report #63 – #ARREST the FED

"The Storm" is here.

The releases coming over the next few weeks will expose the details of the methods by which the cabal rules the world through the control of money by showing you trading contracts with proceeds as high as $3 Trillion and $25,000 Trillion. Enough to fund every TRUE humanitarian project on Earth in addition to advanced technology, free energy, the exploration of our universe, housing, hydroelectric projects for undeveloped countries, turning deserts green and other infrastructure projects all over the world. Instead, the money is used to subvert the production of the people to a select few bloodline families. This is how these people control Planet Earth.

Signatories to the trading contracts:

Federal Reserve:

Alan Greenspan

Ben Bernanke

Roger Ferguson

Janet Yellen

Timothy Geithner

US Government:

Barack Obama

Joe Biden

Jack Lew

Paul O’Neill

Neil Wolin

Trading Programs

Trading programs were created as a way to raise funds for projects that relate to humanitarian endeavors, i.e. Creating, maintaining and rebuilding infrastructure, assistance with bringing undeveloped countries up to current technologies, rebuilding communities after natural disasters….are just a few of the applications. But, as with anything to do with the financial world, the rat pack of bankster cabaliss have infested it at the highest levels to subvert the program for their own devious plans to control the world. 

History is replete with personalities whose aspirations to run the world are well known: Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, Adolph Hitler….are just a few who come to mind. Why is it such a stretch to believe that that same lust for power is not present today? Rather than be accomplished by might and power and strength and armies all out in the open, now it’s being done in secret by conning the people of the world utilizing a usury system of currency control akin to immoral grifters running a game of three card monty.

Trading programs are initiated, administered, operated and controlled by the Federal Reserve. Sound familiar? You should know what’s coming next.”

—The White Hats Report  to READ MORE go here:

WHITE HATS REPORT: Secret Government Deep State Funding

Secret Government 
Deep State Funding

BOMBSHELL: FBI Informant In Uranium One Scandal Testifies Against Obama. Here's What He Said.

"I was frustrated watching the U.S. government make numerous decisions benefiting Rosatom and Tenex while those entities were engaged in serious criminal conduct on U.S. soil." 


The FBI’s informant in the Uranium One scandal involving the Obama administration gave written testimony to three congressional committees this week in which he accused the Obama administration of making decisions that directly benefited the Russian government and their goals of gaining geopolitical advantages over the United States.

The informant, Douglas Campbell, told congressional investigators on Wednesday that Moscow sent millions of dollars to the U.S. with the expectation that it would benefit the Clintons, while Hillary Clinton "quarterbacked a 'reset' in US-Russian relations" in her role as Secretary of State during the Obama administration, The Hill reported.

Key facts:
  • Campbell participated in closed-door interviews with the Senate Judiciary, House Intelligence and House Oversight and Government Reform committees.
  • Campbell said that Russian nuclear officials told him that Moscow hired an American lobbying firm, APCO Worldwide, because it was in a unique position to influence the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton in particular.
  • Democrats are aggressively trying to discredit him but are having little success as "the FBI found Campbell’s undercover work valuable enough to reward him with a $50,000 check in 2016."
  • Campbell says that the FBI told him that his work was "briefed to President Obama as part of his daily presidential briefing," which would mean that Obama was aware of the crimes committed by the Russian officials.
  • The FBI forced him to pay $500,000 of his own money to Russian officials as bribes to facilitate his cover, and the bureau never reimbursed him despite their praise of his work and the fact that the ordeal was so stressful that he developed serious, life-threatening illnesses.
  • Initially, reports indicated that Campbell was threatened by the Obama administration in an attempt to silence him before the 2016 election as they did not want this case hurting Hillary Clinton after then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch's Justice Department learned that he filed a lawsuit in a Maryland federal court. It was not immediately clear what the lawsuit was about, however Sara Carter reports: "Campbell filed a lawsuit in Maryland federal court against the Russian nuclear entities asking for the return of the money he had to launder out of his own paychecks."
  • "Russian and American executives implicated in the Tenex bribery scheme specifically asked him to try to help get the Uranium One deal approved by the Obama administration," The Hill noted.
  • He provided documentation of the corruption and crimes taking place to help Russia to the Obama administration months before they made a series of decisions that directly benefited Vladimir Putin and the Russian government.
  • He provided documentation to the Obama administration that showed that the Russian government was actively involved in trying to help Iran develop their nuclear capabilities years before the Obama administration implemented the now-infamous Iran deal.
  • He said that he was told by the FBI that the politics of the Obama administration overruled justice from taking place against the criminal activity that was happening.

“I was frustrated watching the U.S. government make numerous decisions benefiting Rosatom and Tenex while those entities were engaged in serious criminal conduct on U.S. soil,” Campbell said in his testimony, as reported by The Hill's John Solomon. “Tenex and Rosatom were raking in billions of U.S. dollars by signing contracts with American nuclear utility clients at the same time they were indulging in extortion by using threats to get bribes and kickbacks, with a portion going to Russia for high ranking officials.”

 “I remember one response I got from an agent when I asked how it was possible CFIUS would approve the Uranium One sale when the FBI could prove Rosatom was engaged in criminal conduct," Campbell continued. "His answer: ‘Ask your politics.'"

Some of the key players that were engaging in the criminal racketeering case have started to face justice, albeit years later. Sara A. Carter reports:

It wasn’t until years later in 2015 that American businessman Daren Condrey, whose company Transportation Logistics International, plead guilty to conspiring to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and conspiring to commit wire fraud, according to the DOJ.
Russian national Vadim Mikerin, who was a top official of the Russian nuclear arms subsidiary Tenex and would later become president of Tenam the American subsidiary of Rosatom, was also sentenced in December 2015. Mikerin, who only plead guilty to money laundering, was arrested for a racketeering scheme that dated back to 2004. He was sentenced to 48 months in prison.
Boris Rubizhevsky, another Russian national from New Jersey, who was president of the security firm NEXGEN Security, was also involved in the conspiracy and plead guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering in 2015. He served as a consultant to Tenam and to Mikerin. Rubizhevsky was sentenced to prison last year along with three years of supervised release and a $26,500 fine, according to a recent Reuters report.
And Mark Lambert, 54, a co-owner of Transportation Logistics International, was charged this month on an “11-count indictment with one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and to commit wire fraud, seven counts of violating the FCPA, two counts of wire fraud and one count of international promotion money laundering,” as stated in the DOJ press release. Lambert’s charges stem from an alleged scheme to bribe Mikerin in order to secure contracts with TENEX, according to the DOJ release.

If You Understand Nothing Else, Ever --- Understand This

By Anna Von Reitz

Unincorporated = Sovereign.

Unincorporated = Sovereign.

Unincorporated = Sovereign.

Here are the niceties:  a man is not a name.  A name is a "person". 

A man is naturally unincorporated and sovereign in nature. He does not depend on recognition or written charters or agreements for his existence. He doesn't even have a name when he starts out, and when he acquires a name after being born, that name is "corporate" but not "incorporated".

A Given Name is a Trade Name operating within the international land jurisdiction. "John Mark Doe" is a person that belongs to one of the people.  It is a possession or gift given to us by our parents, just like a bicycle or a hope chest. Such a name is "corporate" but not "incorporated". 

For example, we often see business names like "Fletcher and Sons" and "Bo-Peep's Sheep Yarns" that are not incorporated entities. These small businesses are corporate, fictional entities, but they are not chartered by any government or parent corporation, receive no special privileges, are not franchises and owe nobody but their owners for their existence. 

In the same way, "John Mark Doe" is a fictional entity apart from the man who uses it ---the name is not the man--- so it is corporate, but since "he" is not chartered by any government or parent corporation, receives no special privileges, isn't a franchise, and owes nobody but God and his parents for his existence, he is not incorporated. The Trade Name,  like the living man, is unincorporated and sovereign.

This same rule applies to all business and trade organizations that are corporate, but not incorporated.

Thus, Santa Clara County, Unincorporated, is a sovereign entity. It's corporate in that it is fictional, but it isn't incorporated; it does not owe its existence to some other entity and is not receiving its right to exist or any special privileges from any other entity.  It operates on the land and soil of California, Unincorporated, which is also a sovereign entity.

Sovereign states and counties can't go bankrupt, have no "corporate veil" to protect stockholders, and don't receive any special benefits or privileges (like the ability to go bankrupt) from any sponsoring organization or parent corporation.

The County of Santa Clara and the State of California are totally different, non-sovereign incorporated franchises of Territorial United States corporations. They are like Dairy Queen or Burger King franchises. They all operate under constitutions that comply with The Constitution of the United States of America. They all receive privileges from and operating capital from parent corporations that sponsor them and which are responsible for their existence and for granting them privileges. 

So, when a state like California incorporates and forms a State of California territorial franchise or a STATE OF CALIFORNIA municipal franchise, it loses its sovereignty and devolves to being equivalent to any other such incorporated entity. It is no different than P.J. Mudd's BBQ, Inc. or J.C. PENNY, INC.

This is underlined and confirmed by The Clearfield Doctrine.

California (Unincorporated) functions in the capacity of a sovereign state. Santa Clara County (Unincorporated) functions in the capacity of a sovereign county. State of California is just a local incorporated  franchise of the territorial USA, Inc.  STATE OF CALIFORNIA is a local incorporated franchise of the municipal UNITED STATES, INC.  County of Santa Clara is just a franchise of a franchise: the State of California.  These all function in the capacity of incorporated franchises that owe their existence to and receive privileges from foreign governments and foreign parent corporations.

Think in terms of the French-chartered Target, Inc. stores that dot the landscape.  These are all foreign corporations.  They are all incorporated franchises of the parent corporation --Target International, Inc.

So, ask yourselves--- how could you be subject to the rules imposed by a Target store?  -- because in essence, that is the nature of the "State of California" and the "STATE OF CALIFORNIA", too.  They are local incorporated franchises of foreign parent corporations. Just like Target.

If you are employed by Target, you obviously have to follow its corporate policies, wear its uniforms, etc.  If you volunteer to enter a Target store, you have to follow their rules inside their store, too, or their private security guards will keep you from running up and down the escalators.

It's no different, folks--- except that these foreign commercial corporation franchises have bamboozled you into thinking that they are or that they represent the actual California state, when all they really are is an incorporated business providing government services.  

Ask yourselves what happens when you organize your unincorporated counties and your unincorporated states---- which are all sovereign entities?  Ah, so, then we get back to the actual states and the actual people and the Law of the Land.  This is the missing link. This is where the power lies--- in being unincorporated.

Unincorporated = sovereign. 

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

North Korea mishap?

There is no 'left' or 'right' ...

Friday, February 9, 2018

Don't get angry, get even!

Is and was there a News blackout on the CAFR?
by Walter Burien - CAFR1

OK, let's establish the fact that there has been a massive and cooperative effort by the Government, the News Media, and Controlled Education in creating and maintaining an almost complete blackout of the mention of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) in their efforts to keep the general population clueless as to the financial takeover of the wealth of this country by collective government over the last 70-years.
We all know Google is the most extensive search engine on the planet today. The trillions of open source records maintained by Google is of no equal.
Well, this aspect of Google can be very telling when specific time periods are selected to be searched. For this example here, we will search the "News" feature of Google. Google archives go back over a hundred years.
So was there any mention from the "Syndicated News Media" of the CAFR over the last 60-years?
Keep in mind the CAFR accounting structure started in 1946 by the efforts of GFOA (Government Financial Officers Association) and became the standard by action of GASB (Government Accounting Standards Board) across the land in 1977. The CAFR is local government's statement of Net Worth, the most informative showing of the actual and massive wealth held and income generated by every local government across the land, or in personal comparison, an individual's Statement of Net Worth.  
A document every taxpaying individual from across the land should have been going over with a fine-tooth comb to investigate and learn the "true" financial picture of their local governments that were hitting them up for decades crying shortfalls of money for more, more, more in taxes, fines, and fees. Increases perpetually enacted each and every year. The CAFR is local government's Holy Grail of accounting. So was there a cooperative effort being done to make sure the population did not have a clue?
Let's see:
The following is a Google News search from October 12th 1955 through January 1st 2009, 54-years:
Gee, a massive 2-hits. Mind boggling. Even one of the two being from the country of Liberia. Not a peep per News articles towards local "Governments" here in the USA and CAFR findings. The other was a simple mention by Forbes.
So here we can deduct one of two things:
1: The thousands of News Reporters or talking heads employed by the syndicated News media over that 54-year time period had a section of their brains lobotomized so that when hearing of local government's complete accounting record the CAFR, the response was to draw a absolute blank; or,
2: There was a massive cooperative  effort in place to make sure no mention of the CAFR came out to the population due to one fact, and one fact only: Due to the massive wealth building within local governments; those with their hands deeply in the kitty from within government and their outside players; and to create a void in comprehension within public circles as to the "collective" takeover of the wealth by local government upon review of the collective totals shown within the now 180,000 + CAFRs completed by local governments each year.
Would this be considered a conspiracy? NO, DEFINITELY NOT!
What it is by definition would be: A showing of organized crime of no equal. Masterfully wrapped and presented with the logo being: "We are here to help and serve you." Yes, right, with one small omission:as they systematically and exponentially take control over all that you have, or ever will have. Your life, wealth, children, property, income, or anything else they figure has value to it that they can take.
Would an organized crime syndicate want anyone to see their blueprint and showing of the wealth they are amassing from their victims? Most definitely not. They would go far out of their way to make sure that did not happen.. The organied crime syndicate would want their victims to think they are barely getting by, when in fact the exact opposite is true.
Let's throw a wrench into the gears of the smoothly unfolding equation commencing as of 1946. A slight problem for its intent starting in the year of 1998. Walter, CAFR1, goes to war with the syndicate for forced disclosure of the CAFR accounting structure bypassing the lock coming from the syndicated media, controlled education, both primary political parties, and most importantly of all, the intentional void maintained in the public's cognitive thinking . Hundreds of radio shows were done by CAFR1 through the private non-syndicate owned media; hundreds of articles were published through the private non-syndicate owned publications; conferences and action groups were implemented. Millions of individuals from across the USA and world were reached with disclosure. Internet chat that could not be controlled erupted with a fury.
Well, suppression from the syndicate went into high gear. Internet search engine results actively suppressed; government shills blasted to confuse or misdirect; silence was strictly enforced from any party the syndicate had control over. Those the syndicate did not have control over, that had the ability to reach the general population in numbers, and did, were targeted for elimination.
The population needs to get a clue as to the scope and size of the syndicate they are facing. It is the largest organized syndicate the Earth has ever know, collective government. They do not play fair, and their takeover of the wealth is now absolute and locked down in force of no equal.
Now keep in mind that from 1998 to 2005, many privately owned "News Outlets" published feature "News Articles" per the CAFR. WND, Media Bypass, Idaho Observer, The Spotlight, etc, etc. Did "one" of those "News Articles" show in the Google search results? No they did not. Again, it must have been that lobotomized factor for Google so that when seeing circulating "News Articles" of local government's complete accounting record the CAFR, the response was to draw a absolute blank.
In reality, it was just another showing of the control factor in absolute application. Did you ever hear that old expression of: "If the largest tree in the forest fell, and no-one was there to see it fall, did it actually make a sound?" The syndicate knows this factor all to well per the CAFR, and goes substantially out of their way to "only let the population be there to see what they want them to see."
The syndicate, with millions now having become aware of the CAFR, due to CAFR1's effort for disclosure, and those who took the ball and ran with it, had to do some damage control per giving some visibility to what a good percentage of the population knew existed as fact. I note when CAFR1 started with disclosure in 1998, before doing so CAFR1 did a Google search for the report and the yield was 16 (sixteen) hits on a general Google search.
As more and more people became aware of the CAFR, and local governments when confronted by residents per the CAFR, at first the local government officials played the "Deer in the Headlights"response, CAFR, what's that?" Well, that did not go over to well after the residents tracked down the CAFR for that same local government.
What local governments did then in response was to put the CAFR reports on that local government's website for the purposes of "plausible deniability" where they could say: "We are not hiding anything, look our CAFR is available on this location of our website." They would never direct the population to it, they would only mention it when confronted.
So, back to Google and the syndicated News Media and the reality they were now facing of millions of individuals from across the land now knowing about the CAFR. Let's take a look at January 1st, 2009 to February 8, 2018 per "News Articles" that the population was "allowed" to see:
Wow, 200+ News Articles. In reality if the massive censorship was not at full play, there should have been thousands. Take a look at the impression those hits try to project. They give the impression of "normalcy" but do you see any comprehensive or any editorial articles from the New York Times; Wall Street Journal, LA TIMES, Chicago Tribune, or any other syndicate owned publication in the Google News hits? No, you do not. 
Don't get angry, get even!
Share this communication with all that you know and ask them to do the same. I note a very important fact: The censorship that is in place, is very effective. CAFR1 learned a few years back that mail servers were in cooperation with the censorship. Only about 1/3 rd of those on CAFR1 subscribers list will get the CAFR1 posts. They are blocked from the other 2/3 rds getting the posts. Additionally, if a subscriber does get the post and they try to forward to their lists, the majority they send to, do not get the post. They are blocked also. If you forward, check with those on your list and ask them if: they got the forward from you?.. Most will say they did not.
So with that in mind, to be effective, posting the communication on your website will be more effective. Publishing the communication to a chat-board, social media, or a print publication will be effective also.. If you put the communication on your website, from that point forward, spread the link to it far and wide.  
Like I said: "Don't get angry, get even!"
How does the syndicate get away with doing what they are doing? It is done through a well orchestrated effort on their part to masterfully entertain the population off into distraction of irrelevancy.
A never ending year after year loop, of holidays; sports; celebrity; gossip;  etc., promotions that gives the population the impression everything is fine and dandy in Alice and wonderland known as the USA.
We are mass-marketed to, to see only what the syndicate wants us to see, good or bad, and done so by them so they can keep us like the little chipmunk running on the treadmill wheel, as they tap off 85%, directly or indirectly, the energy that  we on that wheel produce. It also keeps us glued to the revolving door of the News the syndicate spoon feeds us with the exclusion of the most relevant factors, in reality, we face today.
On a personal note, you, I, and all others are faced with the controlling propaganda we face and are spoon fed each and every day. It is designed to make us withdraw in apathy and to not think we can make a difference. Those in apathetic withdraw will stick their heads up once in a while but will usually quickly withdraw to their comfort zone just to watch and be influence in that zone via media designed to masterfully entertain them to be of no consequence to the syndicate.
Let me make it very clear here: We are at war with the syndicate in their efforts to maintain control over the wealth they have taken and intend to take. The open light of disclosure, and disclosure most importantly comprehended is the syndicate's Achilles heel.
Again, Don't get angry, get even! The syndicate's efforts and solid wall of censorship in place today gets broken with simple disclosure comprehended by the masses.
At this time we have maybe 10% of the population who now have a clue as to what is going on. Increase that percentage to 80% who truly comprehend, and then the syndicate is in real trouble per the errors of their ways...
I think a few of us can bypass the syndicate's blackout per the CAFR and the structure behind it per the takeover of the wealth involved. The message to the masses has to be clear. That message is: The masses need to comprehend this so share with all that you know.
Here are a few example listings of CAFRs, 4600 of them by state and category all can share  -
Keep it simple: Here are our local government CAFRs, and upon review, see what our local governments have turned into, and how they have step by step taken it all from us. Many will not understand and revert to their TV remotes or change the dial on their radio.
Oh, well. What is important, is the fact that most running a small or large business for themselves, the backbone of our country, will understand and see that our governments have evolved over the decades into ruthless, for profit operations, that have and will continued to expand their takeover of it all unless confronted with genuine effective force to change their clear intent to expand and perpetuate the same. So bypassing the syndicate with disclosure is the population's war objective. To take a trip to a destination requires seeing the road before you.
The goal needed is 80% of the population getting a clue, and even better, 80% having a good comprehension of what they are faced with. Then corrective action will come to play and the syndicate boys will really be looking over their shoulders verses what they have been use to doing over the last few decades which is laughing their butts of all the way to the bank each and every day.
On a last note, don't say to yourself: "I am but just one, how can I make a difference?" Don't lie to yourself. You see, you are 1 of over 385,000,000 individuals from this country. Passing on comprehension by one individual to 100, and done well, the 100 on to a thousand, and so on can be done. Done even though the syndicate has what can be said is: absolute power and control. As the syndicate knows: It is simply a numbers game.
So, for US the same applies. The number to reach is 80%. The individual 1 can become 350,000,000 1's, one at a time and do so very quickly "if" we all realize we are at war.
No game here folks. We are at war and the outcome for our and our children's lives depend on us being effective. So let us all stop whining to each other and let us be as "effective" as we can to walk, run, or jump over that wall of censorship and masterful entertainment well in place as we all  face today.
The syndicate's fear?  The people are coming, the people are coming..    80% folks, now make it happen. Each and every one of those 1's out there until those 1's become 80%. Time to take back our country.
Do not let the syndicate, or their disinformation agents distract you down a road that has no consequences to them. Stay focused on the "spinal cord", the syndicate's take over of it all from US.
Their CAFR is the starting point for the accounting of it all. One CAFR is but one. Collectively, the showing from them all shows and establishes; the clear takeover of the wealth of this country, in absolute form from: We the People. No ifs, and, or buts, we are at War. Winning or loosing that War will determine our futures... This is a matter of life or death folks. I choose life! What about you? In life, when there is a storm, we all can hear the thunder!
For National and International distribution.

God's speed and Truly Yours,
Walter J. Burien, Jr.
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936
Home: (928) 458-5854 Arizona

PS: A Google search on the promotion of Government budgets yields: 60,900,000 hits as of 02/08/18