Friday, May 25, 2018

WARNING: The “Family Friendly” Film You Should NOT Take Your Kids To See

Warning:  The  “Family  Friendly”  Film  You  Should  Not  Take  Your  Kids  To  See


The indoctrination of our children seems to be “priority number one” of the radical left.  They see our youth as the means to cement their agenda and keep it growing through future generations to the point of eradicating any remnant of traditional values.

Children’s entertainment has often been used as a secret weapon to spread liberal propaganda, and now another disturbing message is hidden in what is being billed as a “family film.”

The live-action film Show Dogs portrays talking dogs dressing up and making jokes – every kid’s idea of a must-see.  Its premise is the behind-the-scenes antics of the world of dog shows. But parents who have viewed the film are warning others – do not take your kids to see this movie.

The plot seems innocent enough:  When a new dog, Max, enters a competition, the other dogs teach him about the dog show lifestyle and what is expected of him with lots of silliness along the way. But along with the grooming and behavioral tricks Max must learn, he is told that part of the judging involves touching and inspecting his private parts.

Max is obviously upset about this — and this is where the dark message of the film emerges.

Terina Maldonado reviewed the film for Macaroni Kid, and explains the blatant and obscene message, as reported by For Every Mom:
Max, of course, is  NOT cool with this, and when his partner Frank and a former champion show dog try to get him to accept this process, a certain dark and very dangerous theme for kids emerges.
Maldonado explains:
“Since the inspection of the private parts will happen in the finals, Frank touches Max’s private parts to get him used to it.  Of course, Max doesn’t like it and snaps at Frank for him to stop. Max is then told by the former champion, who has been through the process before, that he needs to go to his “zen place” while it happens so he can get through it.  More attempts are made by Frank to touch Max’s private parts, but Max is still having trouble letting it happen and keeps snapping at him.”
Max needs to get it together, see, and LET PEOPLE TOUCH HIS PRIVATE PARTS, or he might lose the competition and fail at his mission…
Newsflash, folks: THIS IS CALLED GROOMING and it’s what sexual predators do to kids!
It is bad enough that kids are seeing the discomfort that Max experiences at the idea of having his private parts touched.  But then, Max is encouraged by other characters to go to his “zen place” so he can mentally escape the discomfort.

This shameful scene smacks of what child predators tell their victims.  They are encouraged to keep the secret and mentally go to a “safe place” to avoid dealing with the abuse.

Maldonado describes another disturbing scene in the film:
The day of the finals come and if Max doesn’t let his private parts be touched, he may lose the competition…It all rests on his ability to let someone touch his private parts.  The judge’s hands slowly reach behind Max and he goes to his “zen place”.  He’s flying through the sky, dancing with his partner, there are fireworks and flowers – everything is great – all while someone is touching his private parts.
During the movie, I kept thinking, “This is wrong, it doesn’t need to be in a kids’ movie. Everything else in the movie is good fun except for this."
Afterward, my husband mentioned that he picked up on this message, too, as did my mother who saw the movie with us.
This sickening message buried in a supposedly lighthearted film for families is typical of the left’s push to indoctrinate our kids.

And while the liberal agenda is often hidden in children’s programming, this message is particularly frightening.  It seems to say, “even if it bothers you, sometimes you have to let someone touch you inappropriately.”

Maldonado is first and foremost putting the warning out for families to avoid taking their children to see Show Dogs.  But if they have already seen it because you weren’t aware of the content, she advises using it as a teaching moment for kids – making sure they know to never let anyone touch their private areas, and what they should do if it ever happens.

Maldonado concludes in her Macaroni Kid review:
We talked about how I didn’t feel that part needed to be in the movie.  We talked about how we never let anyone touch our private parts, and what they should do if anyone tries.  We reinforced that if anyone tries to touch their private parts or asks them to touch their private parts, they should talk to us about that.  We talked about different ways children can feel pressured to participate in those types of behaviors.  A child predator is usually known to the child, rarely are they a stranger.  We talked about bribes or threats.  We discussed the fact that that type of behavior is not a game.  We reminded them the same rules apply to kids as well as adults.
It boggles the mind how anyone who worked on this film would not immediately realize how inappropriate – and dangerous – this message is for children.

It is nothing new for the far-left in Hollywood to sneak their progressive message into every film that is produced, but to brainwash children to accept a dangerous situation is beyond comprehension.

Gone are the days of truly pure family entertainment.  Parents must now be on heightened alert for any underlying messages being sent to our children through their favorite television shows or in the latest “family” film.

What do you think of the disturbing message hidden in a movie marketed as “family friendly?” 


Eric Holder EXPOSED!

Eric Holder again commits SEDITION & TREASON

Eric Holder Just Activated Full Insurgency On Trump With Destructive Order For Traitors !!    

 By on

Former Attorney General Eric Holder under Barack Obama is inserting himself into the fight between Trump and Obama’s corrupt intel agencies. After the President rightfully called for an investigation into them, Holder stuck his nose where it does not belong once again. He’s trying to spin all of this in favor Obama of course. 

Holder tweeted: “Trump demand for DOJ investigation is dangerous/ democracy threatening. DOJ response is disappointing. There is no basis/no predicate for an inquiry. It’s time to stand for the time-honored DOJ independence. That separation from White House is a critical part of our system.”

There is more than adequate basis for an inquiry. Holder fears what will be found or he would not be objecting like this. How does it threaten 'democracy' to have the intel agencies be transparent as long as it does not endanger operatives? 

The Department of Justice is finally doing its job under President Trump. The DOJ is not independent. It is a government agency and is part of the Executive branch. The Department of Justice serves a different role than the Judicial branch of the federal government. Its functions are analogous to a local police department and the oversight of a district attorney. Their job is to enforce the law.

Holder called on DOJ employees to openly defy President Trump. That is called sedition. 

Holder tweeted, “More DOJ norms being eroded. Trump-a SUBJECT of the investigation-wants access to material related to the inquiry. His Congressional supporters want evidence connected to an ongoing investigation. Time for DOJ/FBI to simply say no-protect the institutions and time-tested norms.” He acts like he does not know that the DOJ answers directly to the President of the United States since they are part of the Executive branch.

Calling On DOJ Employees 
to Defy Trump Administration
 May 25 2018
Trump demand for DOJ investigation is dangerous/democracy threatening. DOJ response is disappointing.There is no basis/ no predicate for an   It's time to stand for time honored DOJ independence. That separation from White House is a critical part of our system.  

Holder telling his former employees at the Justice Department to defy a sitting President’s request of transparency and public disclosures of information related to the unprecedented spy operation launched in 2016 against the Trump campaign is unheard of. It definitely indicates that the corruption is deep and widespread over this. Holder is in effect encouraging the DOJ and the FBI to “protect the institutions” instead of carrying out their duties and protecting and upholding the Constitution.
I don’t care who you are, you don’t defy the President’s orders in order to protect government agencies. As I’ve said from the beginning, all of the alphabet agencies need an enema and to be repopulated with fully vetted individuals who are subjected to real and ongoing background checks. Holder, Obama, Kerry and others have been dissing President Trump from the start. Now, they are actively working against the President which amounts to treason in my book.

Memo to Holder… you no longer have anything to do with the White House. You have no influence or pull there, so beat it. Holder is frustrated with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and expressed it during comments at Georgetown. 

He questioned AG Jeff Sessions’ ability to stand up to President Trump. At one point, he had the nerve to say, “You run the damn Justice Department.” The comments by Holder appear to be blatant attempts to twist the truth to score political points. The man knows no shame.

  Eric Holder @EricHolder  More DOJ norms being eroded. Trump-a SUBJECT of the investigation-wants access to material related to the inquiry. His Congressional supporters want evidence connected to an ongoing investigation. Time for DOJ/FBI to simply say no-protect the institutions and time tested norms. 

Holder is the same guy that called the firing of Andrew McCabe dangerous. McCabe got caught lying and plotting a coup against Trump. He deserves far more than being fired… he deserves to go to jail. And by the way, President Trump did not fire McCabe. The FBI did and it was for corruption and lying under oath. Speaking to the Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service, Holder suggested that Sessions should have avoided firing former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe despite the FBI’s recommendation for him to do so. You mean he should have been kept on despite lying and plotting? Maybe under Obama, but not in the Trump administration.

McCabe was actually under investigation before Trump was even elected. Holder also accused Sessions of rushing the decision to fire McCabe, even though McCabe was actually forced to step down from his role as deputy director in January. That’s not rushing. The investigation into his conduct has been going on for more than a year. “It may be that at the end of the day his separation, his termination, is appropriate,” Holder said of McCabe’s dismissal. “But you know, you don’t rush that component to meet a deadline that I think the President essentially set.”

“You know, if you’re the Attorney General of the United States, you run the damn Justice Department,” he continued. “And you gotta have the guts to look at the President every now and again and say no.” You mean like you did while groveling before Obama? Right. 

Regardless, Sessions needs to do far more than he is currently doing and I don’t mean defying the President. Sessions leads the DOJ now, not Holder, who seems to be trying to activate some kind of defiant insurgency. He’s still meddling where he has no business and his actions are treasonous.

 Eric Holder just activated 
full insurgency on Trump
 with destructive orders for traitors !!!
May 24 2018
  Fox & Friends First @FoxFriendsFirst  HOLDER UNHINGED. Former Attorney General Eric Holder, slamming current AG Jeff Sessions over the McCabe firing.


CNN Raided by FCC for Deceiving American Public     

 Baxter Dmitry
Your News Wire

The CNN head office in Atlanta, Georgia, was raided by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) agents Tuesday in an operation related to the “violation of press guidelines” including “publishing and promotion of blatantly false information designed to deceive the American public,” according to reports.

The FCC arrived unannounced and seized documents and hard drives as part of their investigation, including all of the “source data” the network has used for their stories.

MSNBC and the Associated Press are also reported to have been raided by the FCC for violating press guidelines, including the “printing of blatant lies“, the “publishing and promotion of stories which require immediate retractions while not promoting the retractions“, according to a source within one of networks.

According to the FCC, “Broadcasters may not intentionally distort the news.”It is understood that CNN, MSNBC and the AP are under investigation for breaking FCC rules. The FCC states that “rigging or slanting the news is a most heinous act against the public interest.

According to reports, the FCC has received “documented evidence” from within the three organizations that prove a “conspiracy to misinform and deceive” the American public. According to the FCC:

The FCC may act only when it has received documented evidence, such as testimony from persons who have direct personal knowledge of an intentional falsification of the news. Without such documented evidence, the FCC generally cannot .”

It is understood a whistleblower has leaked information that proves high-level interplay between CNN and Deep State government officials operating along partisan political lines. Newly revealed e-mails show that former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe was aware of CNN’s internal understanding of a secret briefing about the infamous Steele dossier, days before CNN published any stories on the matter.

The FCC has an informal policy that allows the agency to remove the license of individual broadcasters if the commission deems that they are “deliberately trying to mislead, misconstrue, slant or stage news.

News of the FCC raid follows the EPA’s announcement Tuesday that CNN and the AP were no longer welcome to attend the government agency press conferences.
Guards barred an AP reporter from passing through a security checkpoint inside the building, according to NBC News. CNN said in a statement that its reporter also was turned away from covering the event “after multiple attempts to attend.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Done by the people...............

Rod Class gets FOURTH Administrative Ruling....

Rod Class gets FOURTH 
Administrative Ruling

Rod Class gets FOURTH Administrative Ruling 
“Government Offices are Vacant”
All Government Officials are “Private Contractors”

Yes, you read that correctly; it is true, and is now on the court record; black ink on white paper. Please read on:
A lot of us have been exposing the crime of the UNITED STATES corporation for many years, but until recently, no one has had the proof that all government offices are vacant; no one is home; those supposed government offices/agencies are being occupied by PRIVATE CONTRACTORS and are NOT being occupied by a legitimate government body.
This is equivalent to the ice cream man knocking on your door and extorting taxes from you. He has no lawful authority to do anything other than drive the ice cream truck – he’s not a government official; he’s an ice cream man.
Your supposed government officials are nothing more than ice cream men/women who are fraudulently extorting money from you and your family, throwing you in prison; taxing you to death; stealing your children and imposing their will on you, and enforcing their own internal-statutory rules and codes upon you and your family.
Rod Class has now received FOUR Administrative Rulings that prove what many of us have felt to be truth: What you think is government; what you think are legitimate Government Officials/Senators/Congressman/Policeman/Governors/Tax Collectors, etc. are nothing more than private contractors extorting money from American
Citizens and failing to pay off the public debt as they are instructed to do by the 1933 bankruptcy.
What they have done is this:
These people have switched places with the average American Citizen. They are enforcing their own Administrative codes that are only meant for THEM  upon regular Citizens who are not being paid by the corporation. The supposed elected officials have hoodwinked the country into an employment position without pay. They themselves are taking public money to occupy government seats/positions/agencies when they are nothing more than private contractors … Felony!
They are treating us as if we are paid government employees; enforcing their own internal rules-regulations-codes, and statutes on the average Citizen, as well as conveniently forgetting to send us our weekly/monthly government employment check.
I’ve been preaching this for the last year + with no avail on this forum. Perhaps now people will begin to listen and take action.
In these radio shows, Rod explains his Administrative Rulings from the various Judges; explains the con, and shows you where in their very own US Codes the above aforementioned information is spot on.
There are a few shows you need to listen to, and here are some bullet points of those shows:
1. All BAR attorneys are prohibited from representing John Q. Public; can only represent government officials and employees within their own agencies, their BAR Charter says so.
2. Any Judge that prohibits you from representing yourself or hiring a defense other than a BAR attorney are, in fact, committing a felony on the bench in violation of the Taft-Hartly Act (running a closed union shop) and the Smith Act (overthrow of Constitutional form of Government)
3. Any time a BAR attorney represents someone in a case against you, you can now claim that person is incompetent; a ward of the state, with no standing to sue.
4. Any and all tax collectors, police officers, sheriffs departments, DOT, tag agencies, BAR attorneys, Judges, Highway Patrol, supposed elected officials, are nothing more than private contractors who can now be brought up on fraud charges for impersonating a public official while receiving federal funding.
5. Any and all home, vehicle, credit card loans are supposed to be discharged through the Treasury window in compliance with the 1933 bankruptcy laws. These scumbags are double dipping and never discharging the debt like they are supposed to. They are embezzling the funds and pocketing them for themselves.
6. Every person sitting in prison today was railroaded by a BAR attorney who’s first allegiance is to the State; who had no lawful authority to represent them; who worked in concert with the State to perpetrate a fraud upon it’s victims.
7. Orders from Administrative courts prove, for the fourth time, an agency of the State is NOT an agency under the State.
8. Elected Officials are claiming 11th Amendment sovereignty when it’s actually you and I that hold 11th Amendment sovereignty. They are getting paid by the corporation, you and I are not.
9. They have admitted to the crime of no one actually holding a public office; they are filling corporate seats and defrauding the public.
10. Political subdivisions are not getting their 40% funding from the Feds as they are supposed to get.
11. These Judges have admitted (black ink on white paper) that all these State Offices are ……….. EMPTY!
12. Now we have Administrative paperwork – ruling these public offices aren’t part of the State agencies.
13. Attorney Generals may not practice law; can’t represent the people who are not public officials.
14. If the State is a 3rd party interloper in your Marriage (marriage license); Vehicle Title (State Registration), etc., then they are liable for 1/3rd of the cost to manage the daily activities of that contract.
15. If the State demands you have a Drivers License and Tag your vehicle because it is registered with the State then, as the owner of the vehicle, the State is required to pay for the vehicle, the tags, licensing, fuel, tires, oil, etc. and they are also to pay
you a salary for driving a State owned vehicle; it says so in their own Highway
Safety Act and USC – CFR rules and regulations.
16. We now have the court orders that go back and nullifies any and all IRS and Tax cases, Foreclosures, Credit Card Debt, cases or actions. These people never had the
lawful right to demand anything of you; they are corporate actors, not a legitimate government body.
17. Judge admits the 1933 bankruptcy, and no way to pay off anything because of Federal Reserve Notes; all public debt is to be discharged through the Treasury.
18. Only the Secretary of Transportation can hear traffic cases; all traffic cases are civil, not criminal.
19. If you’re not being paid for your time, you are not required to have one of their CDL or CMV licenses; it’s prohibited.
20. Says we now have a major labor dispute on our hands; US corporation running a slave racket against American Citizens without the pay.
21. United States Codes (USC) and Titles #1 thru #50 are void; have never been passed by Congress; all have been repealed.
As I’ve been saying for a very long time on this forum: If you are not getting a weekly or monthly paycheck from the so called "federal government" aka UNITED STATES or one of it’s sub corporations such as the STATE OF ***, then their statutory rules (not
laws), codes and regulations DO NOT APPLY TO YOU ……… Period!
There is so much information packed into these last six calls, I can’t even begin to share it in this post. If you want your freedom; if you want to know with 100% surety that the foreign corporation known as the UNITED STATES has zero authority over you unless you are receiving a weekly paycheck from them, take the time to listen to call #646 through #651 here:
Scroll down the page and click on the orange “Listen” button; a pop up player will appear for your listening pleasure.
And believe me: This is pure listening pleasure, with the court filings; rulings and US Code to back it all up.
By the time you finish these few short shows, your fear of the government will be a thing of the past.
Also, many of Rod’s current filings against the infrastructure are at:
 …some may be easy to download, some may not!
And for those of you who are new to the forum and want to get a better grasp of all this prior to or after listening to the calls, here are some of my more informative posts on the matter at hand:
Public Notice to Gun Grabbing Politicians:
So the Government wants you to collect a sales tax?
Your Home Loan was paid the day you signed the note:
The real reason for the 14th Amendment:
What’s the One Document in your possession that gives you the authority to rule over my life?
Can the State be an actual injured party? ….. No, it cannot!
Having a Social Security # is not a contract with the State/Feds:
Trust Law, your Rights and how to enforce them:
Why you should never hire an attorney:
Hopefully now in light of these Administrative Court Rulings people will now come to realize the fact, that Unless You Are Getting A Weekly Check From Government,
Their Statutory Rules-Codes-Regulations They Put Off As Laws, Have Zero Force
Or Effect On You Personally
No Contract = No Jurisdiction
Did you fill out an employment contract with the State; are they paying you for your services? If not, why the hell are you following their rules?
This is how we change our current form of Government back to the Republic is was initially intended to be.
If you don’t take the time to listen to at least those last six shows at the link above, you are overlooking the most important information ever to come to light within the Liberty Movement.
Stop looking for a savior to save us from tyranny and listen to the shows I’ve provided. Now you are your own savior – Individually, now you can make a HUGE difference in our political structure and form of government.
In Liberty!

Trump Ditches Entourage


By Benjamin Arie
May 24, 2018 at 10:54am

Public opinion may be split when it comes to President Donald Trump, but there’s one thing even his harshest critics can’t deny: He appreciates America’s law enforcement officers.

If there was ever any doubt, it should be erased by a video from Wednesday. While in his home state of New York, Trump noticed a group of police officers standing away from the crowd, and what happened next speaks volumes about his character.

With his entourage and the presidential helicopter Marine One waiting, the president decided that there was something important he needed to do before climbing aboard the aircraft.
“Trump abruptly turned and broke ranks with his aides and Secret Service detail and ran, or as best a 71-year-old man can run, a short jog and then swiftly walked the rest of the way over to the assembled police where he shook their hands and returned a salute from one of the officers,” the Gateway Pundit reported.

“Video was posted by Assistant to the President Dan Scavino, Jr., Wednesday evening. Scavino noted the officers were with Nassau County and New York State Police,” the outlet continued.

The video shows Trump taking the time to warmly and personally thank each of the gathered cops for their service.  It wasn’t the first time Wednesday the president spent time with first responders. 

Earlier in the day, he was spotted mingling and smiling with New York firefighters. "Thank you to all of the incredible law enforcement officers and firefighters in Bethpage, New York. Keep up the great work!” he posted on Twitter, along with a few snapshots from the day.

It’s worth remembering that Trump was in New York City on the morning of 9/11, an event that no doubt impacted his and almost every American’s views of firefighters and police officers.

“As the granddaughter of a firefighter I’m so proud to work for a president who supports the men and women of fire departments across the country, as seen here today in Bethpage, NY,” wrote Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, along with a photo of Trump surrounded by the fire department.

What is most clear from the video and photos is how genuine the president is with first responders. There is no element of it feeling forced or political, and it’s easy to imagine Trump jogging over to greet firefighters and police officers even if there were no cameras.

That’s a significant difference from former President Barack Obama’s time in the White House. In fact, one of Obama’s earliest scandals was when he declared that “police acted stupidly” during the arrest of Henry Louis Gates, who was questioned after appearing to break into a home.   Despite admitting to not knowing the facts,  Obama decided to spout off about police anyway, a decision that would set the tone for the rest of his 'presidency'.

Obama’s lukewarm response to other incidents, including the deadly Dallas ambush on police officers by a man connected to the “Black Lives Matter” movement, and failing to back police officers in Ferguson, Missouri, further soured his public image among those who wear the badge.

There seems to be far less ambiguity with Trump. America knows where he stands — and that is should-to-shoulder with the thin blue line, going out of his way to show appreciation for the men and women who have some of the toughest jobs in the country.    




The deep state is terrified!

The moment Trey Gowdy has been waiting for!
The deep state is terrified!

Congress Demands the Arrest of Hillary Clinton

Congress Demands the Arrest of Hillary Clinton 
5/22/18 part 1

Congress demands the arrest of Hillary Clinton 
5/22/18 part 2







President Trump Just Made Urgent Unexpected Prayer Request

President Trump Just Made Urgent Unexpected
 Prayer Request
and Leaves the Entire Media in Shock
May 22 2018

Deep State Actors are racing to cover their tracks

Deep State Actors 
are racing to cover their tracks

Evidence is coming that 
can rock DCs foundation