Saturday, July 14, 2018

"These References Don't Match Up!" --- There Is A Reason Why

By Anna Von Reitz

I've been getting complaints from my readers --- "These references you gave as part of the China article don't match up!"  and "Title 46 doesn't exist!" and even "You are publishing false and misleading information."

So here's the explanation of where you have to go and where you have to look for those who are unaware of even such relative recent history as what when on in 1946:

You have to find and read the Old Federal Code pre-1946 when the Municipal United States took over as "service providers" and "revised" the Code and basically repealed all of it except for one small brutal section of Title 50, the Trading with the Enemy Act.   Everything referred to in the China article is pre-1946 and pertains to the time period 1922-43.  By the time the vermin in DC began their "Revised Code" scheme in 1946, the China Deal was already done and over. 

Just like when the Supreme Court goes back to the meanings of the words in 1789 to interpret the Constitution, you have to go back to the Federal Code as it was prior to being Revised to grasp what was going on in the time period prior to 1946.  The "Post-War" Era was the beginning of another round and run up of the Great Fraud.  Everything changed according to Bretton Woods and FDR's idea of America as the bank and policeman of the world.

People also need to become more adept at reading and de-coding Federal-ese.  What does that long list of corporations and "mixed-government" corporations have to do with the generation skipping trust scheme that deprives Americans of the benefit of their own actual estates?   

These are the corporations (just a small partial list of corporations) that the "government" --- and now you understand that the "government" has been operating as a for-profit corporation since 1868 --- invested your money in.

This is the admission of the start of government investment activities "in your behalf".  

Whose money are they investing in all these corporations?  Yours.  Where are they getting your money from?  Your estates and your rents and leases of your assets --- everything these pikers stole from you when you were just a baby in your cradle.  

This is the revelation of when the gross corruption started and how Walter Burien's CAFR research ties in --- where all these "un-budgeted income accounts" go and how the "US Government" became the single largest investor on Wall Street and the the controlling interest holder in virtually all Fortune 500 Companies.  

They've been seizing upon your Good Names and Estates virtually at birth, working and taxing you to death during your lives, and investing your money for their benefit after your death --- and of course, you never see a penny of.  You are never even told that YOU have a stock portfolio. 

It all gets rolled over to fund new enterprises and buy more shares in everyone else's commercial corporations and the vermin involved in this scheme claim that this is a "benefit" to the poor --- you --- because it helps pay for public services. 

This is nothing but the extension of the post-Civil War Public Charitable Trust scheme.  The "government" which was just then beginning to be operated as a private, foreign, for-profit organization set up the "Public Charitable Trust" for the welfare relief of displaced plantation slaves who couldn't find work or figure out how to make a life for themselves after the plantation system broke down in the South.  On the surface this sounds like a good and philanthropic thing, doesn't it?  

But in order to get any benefit or relief from the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) the poor blacks in need of it had to re-enslave themselves and "pledge" their bodies and labor and any possessions they had to the Federal Government Corporation --- at that time, the Scottish shill calling itself The United States of America, Inc. 
Incredible as it may seem, the bankers and politicians are trying to do the same thing again, by setting up a Scottish corporation calling itself THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, LTD. and are trying to foist that off on us right now, in 2018, as "our" government.  

And just like the poor black people who were forced to "voluntarily" re-enslave themselves by unconscionable contract with the "government" after the Civil War, the criminals responsible have colluded and schemed to establish the same kind of predatory interest in all of us and all of our estates using the same venal excuses and control mechanisms.  

First, they deprive you of the benefit of your own assets, leaving you in a state of "eternal scarcity and need", and then to survive, they entrap you into "pledging" your labor and your assets to them----that is what the "Pledge of Allegiance" is actually for.  

It's not a Pledge of Allegiance to this country or to the actual government of this country.  It's a pledge to a venal, self-interested, criminal Scottish member of the British Crown Group pretending to "represent" the republics we are owed.  

I keep forgetting that many of you are just getting started down the Rabbit Hole and things that I take for utter granted, like the existence of the Old Federal Code versus the Revised Federal Code, are unknown to you as yet.  Please forgive me for not explaining this before you went scrambling through the Revised Code.

INDICTMENT: U.S. v. Viktor Borisovich Netyksho, et al...

2018.07.12 Session 17 National Assembly Attendance

33 states and 145 callers present

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

States Not Present

North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina

The False Claims of the World Bank and IMF

By Anna Von Reitz

The attached file is a letter from Karen Hudes to officials in Japan conclusively demonstrating the false claims being made by the World Bank and IMF against our lawful government as Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt Territorial and Municipal United States corporations.

This letter fully discloses the basis of these false claims being made by the banks and the identity of the entity held in abeyance --- the Federal United States.  

Pursuant to these false claims the IMF and World Bank have proposed to take over our government administration and to declare the election of President Trump invalid. 

Please note their appeal to "the rule of law"  when it suits them, and how they totally ignore that actual rule of law and operation of law which automatically returns delegated authority to the Donor of that authority upon the incompetence of the agent exercising the delegated power. 

They had already secretively crippled the Federal Level of the United States Government during the Reconstruction Era, and now they planned to "vacate" both the Municipal and the Territorial Levels of the Federal Government by consecutively bankrupting them and leaving us at their mercy. 

They conveniently forgot the existence of the actual Donor of the Delegated Powers --- The United States of America [Unincorporated].  And the "several States" of the Union Federation, too. 

Imagine their amazement when we stepped forward with all our ducks in order and posted the Indemnity Bond for all the States?  

Sphincters must have closed all over the planet.  

This is why we have invoked our sovereign power and called for the States to Assemble.  Our country is under attack by international banks that in fact owe us more than they can ever repay.  Our debtors have "offered" to take us over and they have attempted to bribe the rest of the world into this criminal plot with promises to distribute our wealth and give our assets --- including all the gold confiscated by the criminal known as Franklin Delano Roosevelt -- to whoever would support them in their aims. 

It is an interesting side note that the original "Delano" that Franklin Delano was named after, was a drug lord in charge of Territorial United States heroin and opium trade in China.  

These are the criminals --- both Democrat and Republican --- that have been running our country into the ground for six generations.  

And it is an interesting side note to China that these parasites are no friends to the Chinese Government nor to the Chinese People, either.  By moving their fraudulent "Registry" to China they have merely involved the Chinese in a disgusting and insupportable fraud scheme which cannot bear the light of day.  

The Decree and Demand published June 6, 2018 is our acknowledgement and acceptance of our Delegated Powers and Notice to the Trustee of the Territorial United States -- the Queen--- by the Donor --- The United States of America [Unincorporated] that we are accepting their return of the Delegated Powers as a result of the final bankruptcy of the Territorial United States Government. 

Please also note that our objections to the presumptions of the French-backed corporation calling itself "The Republic for the United States of America" and to the Scottish-backed entity calling itself THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (LTD.) are hereby published for cause and as Notice to the international community and to President Trump. 

The States are being Assembled to address the large back log of business including the disposition of the commercial service contracts.  Nothing is accepted or agreed to beyond a 30 day provisional quid pro quo for any 
federal service or service organization.  

It is essential for all Americans to understand just how close our country has come to being overcome by slick criminals with law degrees.  It is also essential that those responsible for these false claims and international fraud schemes to repent and honor the actual Rule of Law. 

The people of these United States have suffered for 150 years under the scourge of criminal Breach of Trust. We have been grossly misled and mis-characterized and robbed blind and kept at constant war for the profit of these international crime syndicates and it is now time for the entire world to wake up and be set free.

Americans -- reclaim your "reversionary trust" rights, your Good Names, and your heritage.  Everyone, worldwide, realize that we are not "those" United States.  And that you have all been targeted and robbed by these same perpetrators.  

Please read the letter from Ms. Hudes posted on my website: www.annavonreitz,com and grasp the real threat posed to our "national security".  

Download it to your computers.  Send copies together with this explanation.  Make hard copies for your files.  Be prepared.  If any flunkies of the World Bank, IMF, or SwissIndo show up at your door, give them a copy of the Decree and Demand of June 6 and send them on their way.  

And if anyone is really concerned about foreign intervention in "US" elections, see what Ms. Hudes had to say.  

Bear in mind, that because of these dishonest bankers, we are still in the process of recouping American assets and we still don't have access to our own gold, silver, and other actual assets we are owed.  As a result, this entire operation --- the assembling of the Counties and States, the international diplomacy, the court suits, and everything else is being funded with Cookie Jar money from Spot, Jane, and Uncle Fred.  

And in addition to all my "other duties as assigned" am still the Paymaster: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652; Paypal account:  

Lord knows, we've been bearing the brunt and so has Donald Trump.  If you have funds you can spare to expedite our work, pay for court fees, light bills, printer ink, travel expenses --- all these things that volunteers who are already donating their time and expertise --- otherwise have to bear, please help.  And if not, please pray.  Ask for a peaceful and just resolution.  Ask for protection for all those in the field.  

And no matter what else you do, take the time to claim back your own Good Name and estate.  Protect yourselves and your families and your homes and make use of the information found on my website, especially Article 928.  

Friday, July 13, 2018

Deliberate Confusion Between Fact and Fiction

By Anna Von Reitz

People have been plaguing me this week with questions about the name game and the current status of the NAME game.   Here is an update provided by a friend in Britain and his kindly comments on the subject.  I will only add that none of these incorporated entities have anything to do with the actual country or the Federation of States dba The United States of America --- and they are all infringing upon our Common Law Copyright and in violation of international law and treaty. 

Put these references in a file on your computers and/or create a hard copy for your files, too, so that you have the information straight from the English side of it.  

Do not mistake these facts as any proof of any actual ownership interest in our assets by England.  These facts merely bear witness to piracy by English corporations and Breach of Trust by the British Government. 

And next time someone asks you who or what THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (LTD.) is, you will have the answer at your fingertips, ready to "prove" the issue to any Doubters left on the planet.

Attachment for Deliberate Confusion Between Fact and Fiction

By Anna Von Reitz

See attached document in RE: Deliberate Confusion Between Fact and Fiction

Antiquated system here won't allow direct transfer.

Once-banned videos now starting to appear on… prepare for massive attacks against Mike Adams and the entire platform

Image: Once-banned videos now starting to appear on… prepare for massive attacks against Mike Adams and the entire platform

(Natural News) Heads up, folks: Once-banned videos that were blacklisted on YouTube are now starting to appear on (see stunning example below).

This means the establishment is going to go into “attack overdrive” to try to discredit me as well as the entire platform. You should expect to see every aggressive, malicious attempt ramped up in an effort to smear and everyone involved in the project. Remember: The more they attack, the more they are revealing the importance of the information found on

Explosive Sandy Hook video banned by YouTube now available on

Now, thanks to a channel called News Paradigm, the world is able to see an explosive Sandy Hook video that was systematically banned by YouTube. This video describes the totally fake, bogus “FBI sniper” — actually a crisis actor who also played a grieving parent. We do not know the originator of this video — or the identity of the narration voice you hear — but would be happy to credit that person if they contact us.

The video describes how elements of the Sandy Hook school shooting strategy were utterly and completely faked and staged as a form of elaborate theater for the news cameras. This doesn’t mean children didn’t actually die at Sandy Hook; it just means that the real violence was clearly augmented with fake actors to hype up the story and add theatrical elements. As I’ve explained before, “The violence is real. The narrative is fake.”

This stunning video explains that a crisis actor named David Wheeler played the role of a “sloppy sniper” FBI sniper, who walked around with the muzzle of his gun pointing in random directions, carrying the sniper rifle by the magazine, indicating to every intelligent person that this individual had no actual experience whatsoever with sniper rifles. He was a stupid, sloppy actor wearing a costume for the TV cameras. He was also an actor in another low-budget film, but his most famous role to date is playing “David Wheeler” and the FBI “sloppy sniper” at the same time, this video explains. (CNN thinks the public is so stupid that they hoped no one would notice.)

According to the video, Wheeler also played the role of a grieving parent, and he testified before Congress as a tear-filled parent. His role in the entire affair was completely fictitious. Yet YouTube, Google, Facebook, etc., have all tried to wipe this clean from the internet through systematic banning of all videos and articles related to David Wheeler and Sandy Hook. The evidence of massive fakery and fraud on the part of the Sandy Hook script writers is so convincing that every gatekeeper on the internet has waged an all-out effort to ban every video mentioning this.

It all brings up the question: If this video is just a silly conspiracy theory that no one would believe, then why the all-out effort to ban it? (Answer: Because the video is actually a piece of brilliant journalism and independent investigation that exposes the blatant fake news fraud surrounding Sandy Hook events where the violence was real, but the news was faked / staged.)

Whether you agree with this video’s conclusions or not, the fact that it was aggressively banned demonstrates exactly why we need and other independent platforms of free speech that are not monopolized by Google and other evil internet gatekeepers. See more videos every hour at Also, be ready for a wave of malicious lies, fake news and false accusations against myself,, Natural News and other independent media websites. The only tactic the lying establishment has remaining is to try to smear the very people telling the truth and keeping the public informed.

Watch the full Sandy Hook / David Wheeler video here, and share the following URL to spread the word:

Breaking ITCCS News, July 12: Pope Francis and eleven prominent officials are named and subpoenaed in a lawsuit exposing the Ninth Circle sacrificial cult - Vatican College of Cardinals deadlocked in choice of probable replacement of Bergoglio

Breaking News Communique from the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
Pope Francis and eleven prominent officials are named and subpoenaed in a lawsuit exposing the Ninth Circle sacrificial cult; 
Assaulted sheriffs charge Pope with “Command responsibility for a monstrous criminal conspiracy, obstruction of justice and mass murder”; 
Vatican College of Cardinals deadlocked in choice of probable replacement of Bergoglio 

Thursday, July 12, 2018
0700 hrs GMT

Brussels and Rome:
Four common law Sheriffs who were assaulted by Vatican officers acting under the orders of Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, have filed a criminal lawsuit in European courts that names Bergoglio and eleven other officials as participants in a “monstrous criminal conspiracy”.
The claim was filed on July 11 in the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels and in the civil court of an undisclosed European nation. Subpoenas were issued the same day to Pope Francis and eleven other men, all of whom are named as defendants in the lawsuit and as active members and participants in “a centuries-old Catholic child sacrificial cult known as the Ninth Circle”.
The defendants are also named as co-conspirators in the disappearance of eight children from Catholic facilities in Switzerland, Belgium and Italy.
Besides Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, the named defendants in the lawsuit are:

- Elio di Rupo, former Prime Minister of Belgium
- Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State
- Cardinal Sean Brady, former head Catholic prelate of Ireland
- Count Georges Jacobs, Belgian Catholic businessman, head of UCB Biopharmaceuticals and Director of the Cercle Lorraine or "Club van Lotharingen" , Brussels
- Count Luc Jacques Bertrand, Belgian Jesuit banker, Director of the Cercle Lorraine
- Paul De Keersmaeker, Belgian Catholic businessman, former European Union Parliamentarian, member of the Cercle Lorraine
- Kees van Korlaar, Criminal underworld member of “Ndrangheta”, Belgian businessman, member of the Cercle Lorraine
- Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Catholic Prelate of Dublin diocese
- Bishop Charles Morerod, Catholic Prelate of Geneva
- Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary, World Council of Churches
- Bishop Mark MacDonald, Prelate, Anglican Church in Canada and North American Executive Officer of the World Council of Churches

These twelve subpoenaed defendants have thirty days to respond to the Summons and appear in person or through their lawyers in Court Examination for Discovery proceedings.
In related news, a secret conclave of the Vatican Curia, or College of Cardinals, continues to debate who will replace Jorge Bergoglio as the Bishop of Rome. According to a source in the Vatican, the conclave has been in session since July 5 and is deadlocked in their choice of a successor to the controversy-plagued Bergoglio.
According to the source,
"Either (former Pope Benedict) Joseph Ratzinger will be given the Papal crown again or more likely, an African Cardinal will be chosen, probably Arinze of Nigeria or Napier of South Africa. What is certain is that Bergoglio is finished. It's just a matter of time.”
Further updates of the court case against Jorge Bergoglio and the other named defendants will be forthcoming.
Note: The complete background to this news release can be found at and its June 22, June 24 and July 5 postings.

 July, 2018


The ITCCS office in Brussels is the coordinating center for the Tribunal.

Kevin Annett was re-nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015. Messages for him can be left at 386-323-5774 (USA). See the evidence of genocide in Canada at and . Kevin's eight latest books can be ordered at these sites:
         At the Mouth of a Cannon: 
Murder by Decree:  (This book is also posted online at )
Truth Tellers' Shield:
White People in Canada:
Common Law Manual:

Fallen: The Story of the Vancouver Four

Here We Stand: A New Reformation Manifesto 
LISTEN to Kevin's weekly blog program "Here We Stand" every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern time at  .
Kevin's award winning documentary film Unrepentant can be viewed at . 

The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part One) - 1 hr. 46 mins. - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part Two) - 1 hr. 47 mins. - Final Court Verdict and Sentencing - 8 mins. 30 secs. - Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses - 10 mins.

An International, multi-lingual ITCCS site can be found at:


Kevin Annett was re-nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015. Messages for him can be left at 386-323-5774 (USA). See the evidence of genocide in Canada at and . Kevin's eight latest books can be ordered at these sites:
         At the Mouth of a Cannon: 
Murder by Decree:  (This book is also posted online at )
Truth Tellers' Shield:
White People in Canada:
Common Law Manual:

Fallen: The Story of the Vancouver Four

Here We Stand: A New Reformation Manifesto 
LISTEN to Kevin's weekly blog program "Here We Stand" every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern time at  .
Kevin's award winning documentary film Unrepentant can be viewed at .