Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland

The Latest From ECETI
& James Gilliland


What is really going on from a higher perspective.
Today’s political environment is only an effect of what is happening on higher levels. It is like a soup the fire is on the dross is coming to the surface.  The pure chaos, lack of civility, power struggles, salacious lies and deceptions pulling out all the stops with individual and collective mind control are establishing the true character of the dark hearted politicians. If you knew the bigger picture, the end goal of the Illuminati, Malevolent ETs and the workings of the Draconian Grid or Law we have been under what is unfolding is obvious. Most are unaware of the big picture. The white hat, black hat scenario is a simplification of a multilevel event unfolding. To understand what is unfolding and who the players are one only has to go back to the goals of the controllers and who the controllers are. They are the disease and war profiteers. They enslave the masses through dependency, keep them in ignorance, separated and competitive creating a false sense of lack. They use their corporate sponsored media to perpetuate these false hoods turning the masses against the white hats.  They keep the masses dumbed down, fighting among themselves in endless cultural, religious and now gender wars. Their modus operandi is to keep the masses poor, ignorant and divided, use their wounds, traumas and grudges against them. Keep them tired and sick. They control the resources perpetuating manufactured lack tossing humanity a bone now and then and blame it on the other guy. Has this described our present-day civilization? These malevolent overseers seen and unseen are coming to an end. Those with the eyes to see are becoming increasingly aware of who is who, the masks are coming down.
New agers will often say that’s not my reality smugly oblivious to the pain, suffering and lack surrounding them. They are taught consciousness creates reality, evil is an illusion.  Many of these be lie fs were created in think tanks again to control the masses and to give evil free reign.  Some are even willingly or in ignorance serving the beast. Even the religions in error and opposition of their master’s teachings divide and separate creating the ungodly others.  Some will say this is fear porn yet why are they in fear of addressing the obvious? There have always been two sides to the coin and half-truths are not whole. How can denial, fear and ignorance be the solution? There are no divisions in God/Creater/Great spirit or the unified field. There is a lot of miscreation and actions outside of Universal Law that need to be addressed. A walk through the jungle or outback might be an enlightening experience. The inner cities at night can also be an enlightening experience. Denial can be deadly in these environments. There are creatures that don’t care about your belief system. There are cultures and religions with the same feelings.  
The reason there is so much inhumanity on Earth is because of non-human or otherworldly interference.
The Earth was created to be an Eden where life could evolve to its highest potential, all life. It is a galactic zoo, the product of many colonies from the Stars that was hijacked. This is the true history the enslavers do not want you to know.
A question one should ask is who am I serving? Am I creating Heaven on Earth. Am I operating to the best of my ability according to Universal Law. Do I promote Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All? The biggest question is Am I perpetuating the separation and division game?  Helping those less fortunate to rise to their highest potential is the goal yet do we have to take from one to give to another? This is based on a belief system of lack on both sides. We need to ask the question how did one obtain their wealth? Was it in service to Humanity and the Earth? Are they working toward the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth? We also have to ask what are we doing to better ourselves and others. So many have a sense of entitlement demanding others support them yet that only creates a dependency. There are those resorting to violence if their demands are not met while at the same time professing anti fascism.  Where is the logic? The personal responsibility?  
How do you know who is who? By their fruits, a mans/womans character is established by their actions, their lives and the way they live them. Don’t use the lame stream media as a resource in this matter. There is a lot of doublespeak coming from people living in mansions on how we need to take care of the poor. There are those who profess to be champions of human rights fighting against others ignoring other’s human rights. The fighting is usually in favor of their chosen political affiliation, religion or race. There are fascists against fascism, tyrants against tyranny, combined with a lot of wounded angry people projecting their injustices on the innocent. When does the madness end and the healing begin?   Those who are truly enlightened have transcended all religious, cultural, even gender boundaries. They take personal responsibility, own their wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences and are on a path of self- healing. Those who serve the controllers are perpetuating these divisions and boundaries not allowing the healing to come forward in a perpetual separation game. In fact they are using the victims emotional traumas against them fueling wars between the religions, cultures, and genders.
If you want to know who the controllers are follow the money. Who is financing all the political groups especially the ones engaged in violence. Who is pitting one group against the other? What is their end goal? This is not black and white there are many shades of gray, many levels of denial and mistakes will be made yet we have to ask ourselves, what is the intent?
One group wants to destroy America, why because America is the one nation standing in the way of a New World Order. Global Elites running the world in total domination having control of every aspect of your lives. America was founded by freedom lovers escaping tyranny yet unfortunately they became the tyrants concerning the indigenous people. The intent was good yet there are always those who fall away from the original intent, become self-righteous and act completely against universal law or the original intent. They use religion, cultural differences etc. to validate their actions. In truth it was the lust for power and wealth, insatiable greed at the expense of humanity and the Earth to one degree or another. There was genocide and abuse concerning every color in Americas history, the Native American, African American, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Irish etc. have all had to endure tyranny in America and abroad. There have always been those working for and against these atrocities. These transgressions are now being fueled by the very tyrants guilty of the past transgressions. The religious, cultural and even gender separation games are perpetuated by these tyrants who also perpetuate the class separation game. People have been duped into fighting among themselves ignoring the source of their problems. It’s called Tyranny, it is evil genius and playing the masses like a fiddle. They are the war and disease profiteers, financing both sides of every war since Napoleon. They are the puppets of an unseen hierarchical ladder of power and wealth involving Satanic, Child Sacrificing, soulless psychopaths who have sold their souls to an unseen negative influence that has been here since the fallen Annunaki. It began when Marduk made a pact with reptilians and turned against his own people for total supremacy.
What many call Satan, Devils and Demons, others call fallen Annunaki, negative greys, reptilians, serpent beings, etc. If you knew the real history of Earth it is replete with encounters with these beings. It is also replete with Bearded Gods some benevolent some tyrants with advanced technology who fell from Universal Law. This is where the contradictions of a Jealous Wrathful Genocidal God and an All Loving All Forgiving God originated. The source of most religions.  This has all been written about in the past in the Sumerian Tablets, Emerald Tablets, Nag Hamadi, on temple walls and almost every ancient sacred text. Annunaki Return, the latest book covers this.
If we are to evolve and live under Universal Law we need to know our ancient history and how we fell from Universal Law. We need to know who is responsible for this fall and hold them accountable, not just in the past but NOW. Yes they are still among us. We are not alone in this endeavor, there is a multidimensional force assisting us. Just as there are the fallen ones there are the ones who did not fall, those who continued to evolve spiritually and technologically. They are what many refer to as the Star Nations, our ancient ancestors here to fulfill the prophecies. There are those who many refer to as Saints, Sages, Ascended Masters within all the cultures who have been trying to lift humanity for thousands of years back into Universal Law.
The higher realms are supporting the White Hats. The dark hats are entrenched in what many refer to as the deep state. They are entrenched throughout Hollywood and the corporate main stream media. If you want to know who they are they are the ones who are perpetuating the separation game creating divisions, againstness and wars within cultures, religions and genders. They are the accusers of what they themselves have been or are doing tenfold. There have always been problems yet these problems are being amplified and guided to an end goal. That goal is the take down of America. Why? Because America is standing in the way of the Global Elites agenda? Divide and conquer is the tool and it is being used by the lame stream media to amplify and fuel division, the religious, cultural and gender wars. There are many who be lie ve they are fighting just causes in ignorance doing the bidding of the tyrants and again the tyrants and controllers are not limited to the physical world.  You can boil it down to the self-serving and the service to others. Those who believe they are separate and entitled to those who understand the oneness, the unified field in which we all live where everything is connected. There will be a lot of doublespeak and false perspectives playing out in the days to come. People who have fooled even themselves attacking those who in truth are the very ones working to free them.
A good example of this behavior is the extreme left and the democratic party. There are rhinos in the republican party as well carrying out the N.W.O agenda yet it is replete now throughout the democrats. Here is a history lesson about the democratic party. They were the party of the southern confederates. They were against freeing the slaves, equal rights, African American right to vote, the Women’s right to vote and equal pay. Lincoln was a republican. The prisons were filled to capacity with African Americans and Mexicans during the Obama administration and his war on drugs. The pictures you see of illegal aliens in cages were taken during the Obama Administration.  Hilary Clinton said her greatest mentor was senator Robert Byrd a high-ranking member in the KKK. The democratic party is the party of the deep state. The illuminati, George Soros as their front man finance the deep state and most leaders in the democratic party who support the separation games often referred to as Media Matters, Open Boarders, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Planned Parent Hood, eugenics through abortion etc. We are living in a world of opposites.  The illuminati also own the lame stream media. In other words you are being played like a fiddle, especially African Americans who are suffering from Stock Holmes syndrome supporting the long history of enslavement and abuse from the Democrats. I was told the media is owned by the illuminati and their corporations and our President elect is owned by the same group yet why is the main stream media viscously against the President? Does not add up does it? The Democrats claim to be the voice of the African Americans and Women’s rights? This is historically incorrect. Their claims do not add up to their actions.  The greatest perpetuators of the race and gender wars are the democrats financed by the illuminati to separate divide and take down America. They are using the wounds, traumas and grudges of the past in the religion, race and gender wars to fulfill their agenda which is take down America. I heard a woman define feminists as angry, lesbian women who hate men. I would hate to put anyone in that category. What does anger and hate have to do with the divine feminine? How does that heal anything and is it not completely void of love? Hate will make you sick, wonder why? What happens when you get rid of all the men, where will the young women and daughters come from? A test tube? Many want to take all the money away from rich men and the corporations. So what happens when the money you have taken runs dry? How are you going to fend for yourself? Have you created anything or are you vampiring off others? The solutions you have been given are not solutions they are a means to an end which is a very dark future for humanity. Yes there are problems, this civilization is in need of a lot of healing. War, hate and division are not the solutions. Unity consciousness and Universal Law are the solutions.
We have to unite as a self-governing civilization under Universal Law. This will not come through religions or governments. It will come through the hearts and minds of the people. Those people who choose not to participate in the religious, race and gender wars. Those who walk away.
America was founded on the Bill of Rights and the Constitution both divinely inspired documents. It has its flaws and history where it strayed off course. Overall it is the best thing going once put back on track and though a few adjustments can be made it is the closest example to Universal Law. Don’t let it be stolen from you by the tyrants and the double speakers with hidden agendas.     
As for those who vehemently hate this message.
Thank you for establishing your character and your ignorance as well as well establishing your role in human devolution. It is wise not to become the very thing you are against. Denial will not carry you through the days to come.  
Be well, be wise, be kind to each other and the Earth.
Walk Away.

Transpersonal Release Session with James

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Help support the health ranger Mike Adams!

I don't normally do advertisements but Mike Adams the health ranger is a patriot and is stepping up to help America. Mike created an alternative to the evil Google owned YouTube platform. Mike just had to do a name change to https://www.brighteon.com from real.video because of possible future legal issues with trademarks. 

Mike also has great health products that help support the new video platform and needs people to get the great products he is selling.

Shock report: US paying more for illegal immigrant births than Trump’s wall


INVASION! Dirty Democrats Manufactured This Caravan Crisis! Here's The P...

Monday, October 22, 2018

Praying Medic: Where is Q: Live Question and Answer

Download: LETTER TO AMERICA here
shared by Arnie Rosner read by Praying Medic

Oregon Protects Illegal Alien Sexual Predators; Put Marines on the Border

From:  Jim Kouri

News with Views Special Report: Oregon Protects Illegal Alien Sexual Predators; Put Marines on the Border


Oregon’s Government Blesses Illegal Alien Sexual Predators With Sanctuary

Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown had officially declared Oregon to be a Sanctuary State for all illegal aliens in February 2017.  Her executive order forbids all state agencies and employees from helping federal immigration officials locate or apprehend illegal immigrants..........
By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri. 

Trump: Put The Army And Marines On OUR Border NOW

One of the reasons I voted for President Trump is because I knew he was a street fighter and has proven himself to be someone who doesn’t back down. Not with the prostitute media and not – most of the time – the vomit that passes themselves off as members of Congress. Overwhelmingly Democrats but too many sissy, wimpy Republicans worried about votes. What can you do? I know the WH comment line is busy but keep trying: 202-456-1111.........
by Devvy Kidd
Jim Kouri, CPP, is founder and CEO of Kouri Associates, a homeland security, public safety and political consulting firm. He's formerly Fifth Vice-President, now a Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, a columnist,  and a contributor to the nationally syndicated talk-radio program, the Chuck Wilder Show. He's the author of two books: "Crime Talk: Conversations with America's Top Law Enforcement Officers" and "Assume the Position: Police Science for Journalists and Screenwriters."

He's former chief of police at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at St. Peter's University and director of security for several major organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country.

Kouri appears regularly as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Fox News Channel, Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, etc.  He also serves as political advisor for Emmy and Golden Globe winning actor Michael Moriarty (Law & Order)..

He holds a bachelor of science in Criminal Justice from Southwest University and SCI Technical School in New York City and completed training at the NYC Police Academy, FBI Continuing Education Program, and the Certified Protection Professional (CPP) of the American Society for Industrial Security.

'The thing is, you have to be as crazy as they are in order to want Democrats back in power'

Date: October 20, 2018 at 7:55:50 AM PDT

'The thing is, you have to be as crazy as they are in order to want Democrats back in power'

Let Us Destroy America, Or We Will Destroy America...'The thing is, you have to be as crazy as they are in order to want Democrats back in power' https://canadafreepress.com/article/let-us-destroy-america-or-we-will-destroy-america#.W8qGx4r9XZ4.twitter

Kyrsten Sinema Is Dropping The ‘D’ In Ads, Won’t Say She’s A ‘Proud Democrat...intentionally distancing herself from the Democratic Party’ https://dailycaller.com/2018/10/19/kyrsten-sinema-not-proud-democrat/ If you Can't STAND the Democratic HEAT, Get the heck out of the kitchen, Sinama!

Alabama Removes 55,000 Ineligible Voters! http://disq.us/t/37gz83h

POLICE DOCUMENTS: Robert Mueller Is Being Investigated For Allegedly Framing Right-Wing Man On Gun Charge https://bigleaguepolitics.com/police-documents-robert-mueller-is-being-investigated-for-allegedly-framing-right-wing-man-on-gun-charge/

Billionaire Tom Steyer donates $2 million to Gillum in Florida governor’s race https://truepundit.com/billionaire-tom-steyer-donates-2-million-to-gillum-in-florida-governors-race/  This is just WRONG! Florida, not dark money, should elect its governor

TWO Women Have Now Accused Sherrod Brown of Pushing Them Against A Wall https://bigleaguepolitics.com/two-women-have-now-accused-sherrod-brown-of-pushing-them-against-a-wall/ so where's the MSM & Dem Party Outrage?  Apparently, NON-EXISTANT!

George Soros Tries To Give Voting Rights To Florida Felons https://bigleaguepolitics.com/george-soros-tries-to-give-voting-rights-to-florida-felons/

Mob Rule or the Rule of Law? Lindsey Graham Says America’s Future Is at Stake https://drrichswier.com/?p=80453

Flight to Florida: Can the Sunshine State Survive...'As people flee their oppressive liberal states to Florida, will they turn their new home into exactly what they left behind?' https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/10/flight_to_florida_can_the_sunshine_state_survive.html#.W8qFk5dMG5s.twitter

Amish Community Puts Up Billboard In Support of President Trump http://disq.us/t/37gmxvd

JUST IN: Trump Reveals New Slogan and It’s Already Viral! http://disq.us/t/37gu34m

Texas Dems ask Non-Citizens to Register to Vote, Send Applications With Citizenship Box Pre-Checked - Gov. Abbott Responds https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/texas-dems-ask-non-citizens-to-register-to-vote-send-applications-with-citizenship-box-pre-checked-gov-abbott-responds/

Best Regards, 
@tasteofaz on Twitter  

MAGA must now become MASA - MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN!!!!!

See email letter to President Trump below.

The Invasion of the U.S.A. and The Deva...

Thank you, Sally Baptiste

From:  Sally Baptiste <sallylbaptiste@att.net> via Arnie Rosner

The following communication has been sent to the U.S. Senate Committee for Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

President Trump,

I sent an email to you a few days ago - see text below.   The ongoing chaos and threat underway at our southern border dictated that I write to you again about what I see as a very great risk to the sovereignty of the U.S.A.

MAGA must now become MASA - MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN!!!!!

I fear we the people of the United States of America are facing a war on our homeland.

Citizens of the United States of America must be honest with themselves and face the fact this "caravan" invasion must be treated as an act of war.  The 9-11 event should have taught every U.S. citizen that there are people, groups and countries that want to destroy our country.History supports this statement.

This caravan invasion is not about some abused/oppressed individuals fleeing their homeland.  That is FAKE new. No reasonable person can believe this is a group of oppressed people. It must be treated as an act of war.  We the People must face the truth NOW.   Failure to face this reality creates great risk of not only civil war on our homeland but could lead to a much greater worldwide event. 

The United States of America in now under attack / invasion and the so-called "Department of Homeland Security" has totally failed to secure our homeland.

This attack/invasion must be seen as an act of war. This invasion / attack is most likely funded by Soros and Steyers - maybe others like the Muslim Brotherhood or enemies like Iran with the apparent TREASONOUS blessing of the majority of Democrats and maybe some Republicans?? I see nothing being done by ether the House or Senate.  I see nothing being done at the State level - I live in Florida.

The sovereignty of the United States of America is at risk!  The people of the United States do not want war.  However, we must defend our sovereignty.  We cannot be passive about this invasive attack on our homeland. Something must done or our future is a great risk.  How can any reasonable person deny this reality?

Every elected public servant of the people of the United States (federal, state and local) took an oath to protect and defend.  Failure to take action to protect and defend the LEGAL citizens of the United States of Americas is in fact aiding the enemy. Thus, an act of treason.  This includes the GOP that has failed to protect and defend the people against the anti-USA elected in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.

Presidential Oath > "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Congressional Oath > "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Email sent on October 16, 2018
President Trump,

It was a Border Patrolman that recently stated..... "I do not lock my doors at night because I do not like the people outside.  I lock my doors because I love the people inside." 

It is time we love and protect the people of the United States.  Our lives and sovereignty are at risk under this invasion of the United States of America. 

It is time to take action and stop the invasion of the United States of America. 

What is going on at our southern border is an INVASION!  As the President of the U.S.A. you have the authority to declare a national invasion.

To allow this invasion to continue without a declaration of invasion is wrong!  This is a major security risk to our country.  Is this what we call "Homeland Security"??? 

When will we protect and defend our homeland?!?!?

The absolute disgusting failure of the Republicans to do as they promised and secure our homeland is putting this mid-term election at risk.  The fiasco of the Supreme Court nomination process alone will NOT save the GOP in the House or Senate.  This invasion of our homeland will have a negative impact on this election. 

The Republicans must take action NOW!  Stop the double-talk and do your job - PROTECT THE LEGAL CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

Thank you, Sally Baptiste

Earthquake Update - M6.8, M6.2 Vancouver Island

Read the full article here

They’ve Been Here for Thousands of Years: The UFO and Alien Phenomena

shared by OOM2

Ancient texts and depictions from cultures all over the world refer to advanced beings flying in the sky and guiding humanity.
YouTuber, Universe Inside You does a great job of bringing together Neolithic petroglyphs, Medieval paintings and modern-day videos of UFOs and gives a reasonable assessment of what’s going on.
Since the late 20th century, hundreds of credible witnesses from the military, law enforcement, academics, etc. have publicly stated that, according to their observations and privileged information, there are crafts and beings from other worlds visiting the Earth.
Since 2008, the UK, France, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, New Zealand, Canada and Brazil have been declassifying their UFO files and there are thousands of these documents publicly available – yet the topic of UFOs remains taboo and ridiculed.
The psychological elements of bias and denial are at work and these are harnessed expertly by the US military and by other interests who continue to claim that UFOs amount to atmospheric anomalies. Because the topic is off-limits to scientists, the UFO phenomenon has become the purview of cranks.

Not even the Phoenix Lights mass-sighting on March 13, 1997, with thousands of eyewitnesses and millions more on television managed to take this topic mainstream. By the time disclosure becomes official, human awareness will no longer require officialdom or disclosure.

Ben Fulford report: Saudi-Israeli “axis of evil” being taken down by international alliance 10/22/18

The battle raging at the highest levels of world power is reaching a climax of sorts, with an ongoing operation to take down the governments of Israel and Saudi Arabia and end their control of the petrodollar system, multiple sources agree. The so-called murder of Nazi Muslim Brotherhood agent and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Turkey was staged to provide cover for this ongoing operation, the sources add.
“This is all about the financial survival of certain countries (Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the bankrupt U.S. Corporation),” a CIA source explained.
The overall story as told by CIA, Mossad, Japanese intelligence, and Pentagon sources is as follows: Saudi Crown Prince and de facto head of state Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) was shot and killed in April and replaced with a body double. The people controlling the body double then had their funds frozen in retaliation, with the Khashoggi incident as cover. Now, the satanic Khazarian governments of Israel and Saudi Arabia are fighting for their lives.
So the real reason all the big corporations and government ministers cancelled their planned visits to this week’s “Saudi Arabian Davos” investment forum is because the flow of money they were hoping would be poured in their direction has been cut off.
“The global boycott of Saudi Arabia escalates, as Goldman Sachs is forced to stop sending Dina Powell and Germany’s Deutsche Bank, and Japanese banks MUFG and Mizuho join the party,” was how Pentagon sources described the situation. “This appears to be a plan to end the petrodollar, the Israeli-Saudi axis of evil, and the fountainhead of terrorism, as many things converge to collapse the old financial system so the new Quantum Financial System and Global Currency Reset can be launched,” the sources add. Confirmation of this can be found in reports that U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin cancelled his planned visit to the Saudi investment forum and will now instead visit Saudi Arabia to attend a “terrorist financing” meeting.
CIA sources also say “Khazarian war criminal Netanyahu is about to take the fall for something big that he is involved with. The U.S. is pulling the plug. Too much pressure is being put on Trump and others very close to him.” We assume this will be Netanyahu’s involvement with the 9/11 and Fukushima mass murder terror attacks.
We will get back to the Saudi Arabian troubles later in this report, but first we need to explain why the situation in Japan, North Korea, and China is the ultimate reason for the chaos in the Middle East. Members of the cabinet of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Manchu royals both contacted the White Dragon Society (WDS) last week to explain what was really going on. In essence, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the central bank for central banks, was given strong warnings to cut off the Zionist/Satanic Rothschild family “or else,” the sources say.
As a result, the control of the existing global financial system has changed hands. The Manchu royals say the Rothschilds never controlled more than 8% of the world’s gold. Now the Asian secret societies and the U.S. military-industrial complex have agreed to cut off the Zionists’ control of the financial system. The West will, in exchange, be given approximately $40 trillion in gold-backed bonds to finance major projects to clean up the planet and create new ecosystems in desert, arctic, and oceanic dead zones, among other things, the sources say. The U.S. military will be turned into a planetary protection force, a big improvement from its current status as enforcer for large Zionist-controlled corporations, they say.
An early first step in this process will be an announcement later this week by Japan’s Abe and Chinese President Xi Jinping that the two nations will set up a major joint fund, according to an Abe cabinet source. This fund will be dedicated to cleaning up the environment and dealing with aging societies and low birth rates, the source says. The U.S. military government has agreed not to interfere with this activity, he adds.
However, a lot of fighting still remains to be done before the West also can start this sort of work in earnest, so let us return to the current chaotic situation in the West.
Here, “Germany suspending arms sales may give Trump cover to do the same, and may even lead to a UN arms embargo of Saudi Arabia and then Israel,” Pentagon sources say. The U.S. military-industrial complex will be more than compensated for any losses resulting from such an embargo, WDS sources say.
Of course, the Khazarians are not taking this lying down, as can be seen in a huge push against the entire Khashoggi psy-op. For example, as Russia Today noted, “Riyadh doesn’t know how Khashoggi was killed or where his body is, Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir told Fox News, just one day after his country claimed the journalist was killed in a “fistfight” inside the consulate in Istanbul.” https://www.rt.com/news/441878-saudis-killed-journalist-mistake/
Also, the Khazarian-controlled media is putting out the story that their man MBS is still fully in control of the situation there. However, a member of Abe’s cabinet called MBS’s long-time lawyer and constant companion to confirm that he was shot twice in the head in April and died instantly.
CIA sources concurred, saying:
“Yes, Bin Salman was taken out. A Khazarian Zionist-controlled double was put in his place. The real Bin Salman was causing too much upheaval for the powers that be. The real MBS purchasing the Leonardo da Vinci painting Salvator Mundi for $450 million did not go over well with the Zionist cabal, as the purchase was made right after the Riyadh Ritz Carlton Hotel shakedown of the corrupt Saudi billionaires who worked directly with/for the Khazarian Zionists. By purchasing the painting, MBS was sending a very direct signal—the real meaning of which only the Zionists would understand.”
Meanwhile, both U.S. military intelligence and Canadian intelligence sources warned that the Khazarians (“lizards”) were going to bring out some hidden technology to try to manipulate public opinion using holograms and “voices.” Here is what the Canadian source said:
”Yes, the lizards do not want to lose “the Fed,” and yes, they have the tech to make Jesus or whoever they want to talk to you in your head. Not only that—Jesus or whoever will appear in front of you to give you a personal message as well. The only problem with this tech is that the older ‘real pot,’ naturally grown, prevented this tech from working. This is the reason it was outlawed many years ago, and who knows what Monsanto and Bayer are doing to the pot crops now. Remember that the Earth is in ‘lockdown,’ so they (the lizards) can’t get off the planet and no one can get in to ‘pick them up.’ No country wants to loan money to the USA Corp. China holds so much land as collateral across America, it’s unreal. If the people only knew. Let the chess game continue.”
We can confirm from a pot farmer nephew in Canada that yes indeed, even though Canada has legalized pot, they are trying very hard to make sure that only strains that make you dumber are available.
In any case, a retired U.S. military officer said there was widespread agreement among the ranks that it was time to simply hunt down and kill all the Khazarian gangsters, saying, “The Cabal has been using National Security Findings (NSFs) for many years against all their enemies, so perhaps like treatment should now be directed against them by the USN. It is time for the USN to put its foot down and start sanctioning Cabal kingpins who love to pedophile little kids, then torture them and sacrifice them to Baal for more satanic power.”
Apart from Israel, Saudi Arabia, and parts of the U.S., the other major Khazarian stronghold that is about to be taken down is the Ukraine. The move to take the control of the 12,000 Ukrainian Orthodox Churches away from the Russian Orthodox Church is the last straw that will provoke Russia into reasserting control there, multiple sources agree.
Here is what a CIA source had to regarding last week’s shootout by an “MKUltra-controlled” 18-year-old student at Kerch Polytech College, Crimea:
“1) He had an accomplice. Putin and the FSB know who it is.
2) This was orchestrated by [Ukrainian President] Porky (Poroshenko) with the green light given from [former U.S. Vice President Joe] Biden.
Putin has already made up his mind; Ukraine will come back to mother Russia and the neo-Nazis will be neutralized. Maybe not in that order.”
We tried to contact Russian sources through multiple routes about the reported coup attempt against Vladimir Putin and the situation in the Ukraine etc., but met with a complete wall of silence. This sort of communications cutoff most likely means that some kind of military action is imminent. In a development possibly related to this, Japanese intelligence sources say that many Japanese, Chinese, and other nations’ satellites have gone silent and appear to have been hijacked by “the British and the Americans.” Secret space program related?
FULFORD FULL AUDI0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ba0bzcH-Qmw

100 ISIS Terrorists Caught in Guatemala as Central American Caravan Heads to U.S.

In a startling revelation, Guatemala’s president announced in the country’s largest newspaper that nearly 100 ISIS terrorists have been apprehended in the impoverished Central American nation. Why should Americans care about this? A caravan of Central American migrants is making its way north. Let’s not forget that Guatemala is one of the countries that bombarded the U.S. with illegal immigrant minors under Barack Obama’s open border free-for-all. They came in droves from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala through the Mexican border and for years Uncle Sam rolled out the welcome mat offering housing, food, medical treatment and a free education
A terrorist could have easily slipped in considering the minors, coined Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC), were not properly vetted and some turned out to be violent gangbangers who went on to commit heinous crimes in their adopted land of opportunity. In fact, the nation’s most violent street gang, Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), was energized by the barrage of UACs. The Texas Department of Public Safety even issued a report documenting how the MS-13 emerged as a top tier gang in the state thanks to the influx of illegal alien gang members that came with the UACs. At the time more than 60,000 UACs—many with criminal histories—had stormed into the U.S. in a matter of months. Tens of thousands more eventually made it north.

Guatemala has long been known as a major smuggling corridor for foreigners from African and Asian countries making their way into the U.S. Last year Guatemala’s largest paper, Prensa Libra, published an in-depth piece on the inner workings of an international human smuggling network that moves migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh to the U.S. Individuals are sent to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates then flown to Brazil before heading to Colombia. Once in South America, the migrants are transported to Panama before moving on to Costa Rica then a central point on Guatemala. One Spanish news report refers to Guatemala as a human smuggling paradise because it’s so easy to get fake passports. A few years ago, the head of Guatemala’s passport division got arrested for selling fake passports to a group of Colombians, according to a government announcement.
All this makes ISIS terrorists operating in Guatemala incredibly alarming. President Jimmy Morales confirmed it during a recent security conference attended by Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as well as the presidents of Honduras and El Salvador and other Latin American dignitaries. Morales said that his administration has captured “close to 100 persons completely involved with terrorists, with ISIS and we have not only detained them within our territory, but they have been deported to their country of origin.” Several of the terrorists were Syrians caught with fake documents, according to Guatemala’s head of intelligence. At the same event, President Morales also revealed that Guatemalan authorities captured more than 1,000 gangbangers, including members of the MS-13.

Many more probably make it into the U.S. via the Mexican border and a lot of them get released inside the country. In fact, Border Patrol agents in Texas have been ordered to release illegal immigrants caught entering through Mexico because detentions facilities have no bed space, according to a news report. Earlier this year Judicial Watch exposed a secret program—started by Obama and continued by Trump— that quietly relocates illegal immigrants to different parts of the country on commercial flights. Years earlier Judicial Watch uncovered a similar DHS initiative that transported illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to Phoenix and released them without proper processing. The government classified them as Other Than Mexican (OTM) and transferred them 116 miles north from Tucson to a Phoenix bus station where they went their separate way. The OTMs were from Honduras, Colombia, El Salvador and Guatemala and a security company contracted by the U.S. government drove the OTMs from the Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector where they were in custody to Phoenix. Some could have been ISIS operatives.
