Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Life, Liberty & Levin 10/28/18 - Newt Gingrich on Life, Liberty Levin - Fox News Oct 28, 2018

News Flood Houston

Globalists Recoil In Fear And Panic As They Now Have Two President Trumps Gunning For Them

What Does it mean
October 30, 2018
Globalists Recoil In Fear And Panic As They Now Have Two President Trumps Gunning For Them
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An interesting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today shows Russia’s top leaders opining that globalists the world over must surely be hiding in fear and panic today after Brazil elected as its new leader Jair Bolsonaro, known as the “Tropical Trump”—who now joins his American namesake President Donald Trump in laying siege to these leftist-communist elites in a bid to eradicate them from our world before they can do anymore damage.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

President Donald Trump and President Jair Bolsonaro lay siege to elite globalist domination of world

According to this report, in a little less than two years from when President Trump began freeing his nation’s over 327 million peoples living in the world’s second largest democracy from globalist tyranny, 48 hours ago he was joined in this historic effort by new Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro who, likewise, is freeing his nations 211 million peoples living in the world’s fourth largest democracy from this socialist-communist menace, too.
Like President Trump had vowed to the American people before he ascended to power, too, this report continues, President Bolsonaro vowed to the Brazilian people that if elected he would govern their nation according to the Bible and his nation’s Constitution—and who, in his acceptance speech delivered upon his victory Sunday, declared: “We cannot continue flirting with socialism, communism, populism and leftist extremism ... We are going to change the destiny of Brazil”.

With President Bolsonaro now joining him in this historic and epic war against socialist-communist globalism, this report notes, President Trump remains his nation’s only leader in the past nearly 100 years not to have started a new foreign war—with his, instead, using his country’s military forces to protect their own border from invasion.
Likewise, this report continues, President Trump has just fired a shot straight into the heart of these globalist dreams to change America forever by overrunning it with foreigners by his declaring that he will sign an Executive Order stating that babies born on US soil without citizen parents will no longer become citizens (called birthright citizenship)—and fulfils his vow to the Americans that he will govern their nation by the Constitution—and in this case applies to their 14th Amendment that was created in 1866 after the Civil War by President Abraham Lincoln and US Senator Jacob M. Howard—and whose meaning of Senator Howard clearly stated:
Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States.
This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.
It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States.
This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country.
A foreigner in the United States has a right to the protection of the laws; but he is not a citizen in the ordinary acceptance of the word..."

In seeing how blatantly the American people are being lied to by their anti-Trump leftist mainstream propaganda media establishment, this report says, it is no wonder that former top President Ronald Reagan administration official Paul Craig Roberts has begun wondering if the Western world is too insane to be worth saving—with his specifically noting last weeks leftist media assassination of NBC host Megyn Kelly who said “truly, you do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface for Halloween or a black person who put on whiteface for Halloween…when I was a kid, that was okay as long as you were dressing up as like a character…I don’t know how that got racist on Halloween”—and for which she was promptly publically humiliated by these leftists and fired by NBC, but none of whose leftist assassins had anything whatsoever to say about black NBCnews anchor Lester Holt and black NBC host Hoda Kotb wearing whiteface makeup to mock caucasian peoples—with their further completely ignoring Hillary Clinton’s racist joke about blacks “they all look the same.

Though these insane leftist globalists believe that they’re immune from ever having to face the consequences for the rank hypocrisy world they’re creating for themselves, and expect to soon rule over, this report concludes, they failed to take into account the American people—who aren’t as stupid and ignorant as these leftists believe they are, and have skyrocketed President Trump’s approval rating to 50% just a week before the critical 2018 Midterm Elections—thus leading President Reagan’s chief political guru John Sununu to proclaim that these leftists will be shocked on election day when Republicans win, that’s further supported by other political experts in the US predicting that President Trump’s massive campaign blitz across America will ensure a Republican win, too—and that sees Trump warning the American people “if you want stocks to fall, vote Democrat”—and whose assessment has been joined by top US economist Stephen Moore who in agreeing with Trump said what would happen if Republicans win next week: “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet – We’re Going to See a BIG, BIG Rally.    

45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump

October 30, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]

Defense & Homeland Security Departments News Conference on MILITARY for Border Security

Alpha News

more: Press Briefing with Sarah Sanders on The Media vs President Trump

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Sarah Defending Trump-Drops Anvil After Next Question Press Asked

Global News

ROGUE MORNINGS - Troops At The Border, Massive US Debt & Dollar Death March

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ROGUE INTERVIEW: Vin Armani - CoinText...for those interested in crytocurrency

Rogue News

Qanon October 30 - The Picture Will be the Signifier




Benjamin Fulford full report 10/29/18


Getting Wise to It

By Anna Von Reitz

Bretton Woods 2?

By Anna Von Reitz

 Let's get this straight.  There should never have been a Bretton Woods 1.

What came out of Bretton Woods 1 was a total airy-fairy disaster, an economic plan and theory so flawed that a zombie with an I.Q. of 10 would give it a thumbs down. 

The centerpiece of Bretton Woods 1 was the idea that if we can keep the world economy constantly expanding at a given rate per capita we will never have to pay our debts.  Never. Ever. 

Isn't that just a nice example of "sophistication" ---- ?  And I do not mean that as a compliment.  

It's also emblematic of a bizarre kind of out-of-touch-with-reality Wishful Thinking that seemed to invade the planet after the hostilities of the Second World War.  

Anything seemed possible --- apparently even such known impossibilities as a constantly expanding world economy.

Big surprise.  It didn't work. 

The world economy has sputtered along as it always has, and the weight of the first Bretton Woods Conference has fallen on America and we have taken it in the shorts for every discrepancy between Keynes' "Ideal World" and actual fact ever since, and now, we have Bretton Woods 2, which if possible, is even worse. 

Remember that I told you the plan of the Vermin a hundred and twenty years ago was to force us all to use fiat currencies, inflate them so as to make them worthless and meanwhile collect all the gold, silver, and platinum reserves in one huge stockpile, so that the Rats could sell it all back to the grandsons and granddaughters of the people they stole it from?  At a vastly inflated profit?  

Well, that is in fact what they are still pushing for.   

Thanks to Obummer and Biden and Company signing off on 25,000 trillion "dollars" in debt cast as "US Treasury Notes" the last viable fiat currency was tanked --- with or without the Midterm Election results.  

We have repudiated any suggestion that their actions pertain to us or any American or any "United States" related to us, and we have invited all their Creditors to collect from them directly.  Semantics being what they are, there are bound to be misunderstandings. 

I keep remembering Hillary Clinton saying, "If he [Donald Trump] gets elected, we will all hang!"   It's the only cheerful thought in all of this.  I keep imagining the criminals in bright orange, hand-cuffed, awaiting the gallows. 

Bretton Woods 2 produced two answers to the dilemma the Fraud Artists have created: (1) Depopulation of the Earth (not the first time this has happened) down to a tiny fraction of the current population, so as to "collapse the debt pressure"--- which is in fact just killing off one's Priority Creditors, as I have also described, and (2) Arbitrarily setting the "value" of an ounce of gold at $25,000 per ounce.  

Considering that the Vermin stole most of this gold and paid around $40 per ounce for the bulk of the remainder I will leave it to you to do the math and figure out what percentage of profit they are anticipating. 

As one Bretton Woods 2 Attendee snickered, "It's going to be a "killing" either way!" 

We have a different plan and vision for the world.   If you despised Bretton Woods 1 and hate Bretton Woods 2, it's time to be pro-active.  

Our government hasn't been paid for all the American soldiers who were used as mercenaries and sent out to fight under Color of Law, having been told plenty of Big, Fat Lies on their way to the Front of two World Wars and endless other wars and conflicts.  I think it's time to present our bill to the schemers responsible for all this ---  $250 trillion per life lost under such conditions sounds about right, doesn't it?  Who knows?  With a push it might be enough to buy some comforts and consolations for all those left behind. 

Paid in gold.  

Good News

By Anna Von Reitz

 Lord, love a patriot..... I do believe that the proverbial "Enforcement Nut" has finally been cracked wide open, and that we are now in position to fully credential our Continental Marshals and unleash the Bounty Hunter Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the British Territorial United States Constitution known--deceptively enough --- as "The Constitution of the United States of America" first published in 1868. 

This will have four more or less immediate and much-longed for affects: 

(1) An end to the crooked court system.  We will be able to enter, catch the Vermin evading or dishonoring the Constitutional provisions, arrest them on the spot, and turn them over to the military authorities for trial and execution for treason and other capital crimes including inland piracy, kidnapping, and fraud. 

(2) An end to the crooked banks.  We will be able to enter, catch the Vermin refusing to let depositors have access to their deposits, creating improper mortgages, manipulating credit to benefit themselves at other's expense and boom! --- replace the erring bankers with honest men much sobered up by their predecessor's experience. 

(3) An end to the crooked commodity markets.  We will be able to enter, catch the brokers fixing prices and supplies and running up situations like The Big Short, and arrest them by the boat loads, along with all the SEC functionaries that sold out and allowed all this crappola. 
(4) An end to the crooked double accrual accounting and budgetary system. We will be able to review the books in sum total and recapture the sequestered assets, aka, Slush Funds --that these Vermin have been creating and manipulating for their own unjust enrichment.  

And none of the phony local "law enforcement" fat asses who haven't done their duty by the Public and none of the "federal agencies" including the FBI and DHS and Homeland Security and all the rest will have a word to say about it, because we are the superior jurisdiction and we mandate the action. 

What was that I said the other day about --- where in the @$!$!@$ is John Wayne when you need him?   

I think we just found out. 


Regarding the Treaty of Paris 1947

The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland: News from an impartial observer

The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland

News from an impartial observer
The Caravan headed to America is financed by Venezuela, supported by Pueblo de Santarios a Honduras Left wing group. Yet where did Venezuela an impoverished country get the money?
These are people living in poverty, women and children in front being used as a tool to take down America. Literally, millions of dollars are being doled out with the false promise of an open door to America. This would create such a burden it would destroy the already over taxed fragile infrastructure of boarder states.
What is not being addressed is the Honduran government arrested over 100 Isis members, Isis and MS13 are throughout the caravan. Go to the center of the caravan and investigate.  Some are actually wearing Hate Trump T-shirts calling him the antichrist? Yet they want his administration to grant them entry? Common sense dictates a large majority of the caravan are depending on forced entry so as not to be vetted. Before jumping to conclusions, I am not saying they are all criminals, some have a legitimate desire to better themselves and are fleeing an oppressive life style. Forcing entry is a criminal offence, it is an invasion and does however put them in the category of illegal alien. Again, some very poor people are being used, given more money than most have seen in a life time and lied to about being given entry to the promised land. The real criminals, the real tyrants are the ones funding and organizing these marches under a hidden agenda.

No one knows who is funding Pueblo de Santarius, my bet is George Soros.
This will come out very soon someone will leak the information.
George Soros funds Open Boarders, Media Matters, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa as well as the DNC radical left. The plan is to destroy America from within, many politicians are a part of this process. If you want to know who just observe who is creating division, the lack of civility, playing the race and gender cards, this includes the lame stream media.
Soros the illuminati front man. No this is not conspiracy this is reality. Soros has a history of destroying countries culturally and economically by opening their boarders to flood them with refugees many of which are in direct opposition to the culture and beliefs of the country being invaded. They fuel separation, manipulate and crash their economies. Again, they play the race, religion and gender cards to create as much chaos and separation as possible. Unity is not their agenda. The Hegelian Dialectic, the modes operandi of the global elite are problem, reaction, solution. Now you know the origin of the problem.
Now have you connected the dots? America must fall in order for the N.W.O. agenda to be carried out. An elite group of oligarchs who what to dominate and control the world. If you are a willing or in ignorance participant in these separation and disunity games you are being used, controlled and manipulated by this oligarchy.  Lets spell this out your being deceived and used to fulfill their agenda to totally dominate and control the world. Opposite of what you thought. You’re a pond and a tool if you are playing this game. Those in upper management would fall under the category of treason by the strict definition of the word.

Almost every accusation coming from the left and the lame stream media is exactly what they are guilty of ten times over. Russian collusion is a good example. 145 million dollars of collusion with Russia selling off American Uranium some of which got into the hands of unfriendly’s. Muller was the mule that carried the samples to Russia.  The information stolen from the DNC was put on a thumb drive from the inside not Russian hacking. It was done by Bernie Sanders sympathizers after having the election stolen from them. There has always been meddling by foreign countries, hackers etc. yet let’s look at the big money behind corrupt politicians, the America for sale misusing their positions for their own selfish gain.  China had open access to Hilary’s private servers with top secret information on them. Weiner Huma’s husband had top secret information on his computer along with an insurance file with videos and photos of despicable acts that made seasoned NY police officers sick.  Let’s not forget the bleaching of computers and destroying cell phones under subpoena with hammers then granted immunity. Where is the special council investigating this?

They accuse Trump of promoting violence yet call for incivility, publicly harassing and attacking anyone who disagrees with their agendas. Hilary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Eric Holder, Mr. Fast and Furious selling guns to Mexican Cartels, Booker, Obummer and others all calling for incivility. They promote getting in the face of their opponents and telling people they are not welcome anywhere. The left wing malicia is Antifa for Gods sake. Antifa is a Soros sponsored group. It is common knowledge Soros is a self admitted Nazi, turned in his own people yet they are against Nazi’s and fascism. They refuse to allow freedom of speech, differing opinions, use violence to suppress their opposition and call Trump a fascist? Can you see the duplicity?  The paradoxical behavior. What baffles me is how can anyone miss it? Or do they?

The next question to address is the recent letter bombs. What did Trump have to do with letter bombs? As much as he had to do with the Hurricanes of which he was blamed? Who has contributed most to the lack of civility? Hollywood is calling for his assassination lock step with some politicians and left wing reporters. Who has contributed, supported and not taken a stand against the violence some have called for other than to blame Trump for everything? Could the bombs that could not be detonated be a false flag, a diversion or political move to take attention away from the left’s support of violent behavior? Playing the victim card to gain sympathy and votes? CNN has, as usual, weaponized this event to attack Trump.

Why do they show two different vans with Trump stickers as the bomber’s vehicle? The stickers are different, these are two different vans. Why are all the stickers brand new none of them are weathered?  It is classic when it comes to the modes-operandi of the left. Why did the one addressed to CNN not go through the mail or have the stamps postage marked? Were the other bombs all sent from the same city or hand delivered? Why was the CNN package hand delivered? Why allegedly according to resources were there no alarms on the clocks necessary to set off the device? Why was the powder in the packages inert non-organic?  If the true intent was to take out the people receiving these packages the person creating these bombs was either an idiot or there was another agenda. Why won’t they answer the question about the bombs not being rigged to explode or the non-biological powder? The biggest question is why was the bomber registered a democrat then recently became a republican, boasts about working for the CIA and actually worked for George Soros. Last but not least why was his social media accounts scrubbed and changed even after he was apprehended?  Are the dots connecting?

The lame stream media is outraged and blame Trump yet where were they when all the violence was carried out against republicans and their families? Did any of them call out for an end to the democrats call for incivility against republicans? Did the main stream media call out the actors for calling for trump and his family to be tortured, murdered?  How can they have any credibility when they have double standards, have a track record of extreme bias against the present administration? The left will call all this conspiracy, dismiss and avoid these questions.  Any unbiased observer can see what is unfolding, most with any intelligence and integrity would walk away. If people woke up and walked away who would be left? The brainwashed and the deceivers.  Good luck in having a logical fact based debate with them. Their entire be lie f system came from CNN. Strange how we still have unanswered questions on 911 or the Vegas shootings yet this latest bomber is all neatly wrapped up in hours? There are again to many unanswered questions as usual. Just as before I smell a patsy or a hidden agenda. These questions need to be asked and answered.  

The next topic in the news is the death of the Washington Post reporter. What the mainstream media has not told you is the Jamal Kashogi Washington Post reporter who was tortured and killed, allegedly had strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and worked for one of the 5 Saudi Officials suspected of participating in 911. These Saudi officials are being sued by 911 survivors. There is a rumor Kashogi was orchestrating a coup against the reigning Prince and the people he was bringing on board were the ones that killed him. Kashogi also had strong ties to Al Queda made millions in arms deals. Wait, didn’t Huma also have the same strong ties, Obama as well. Was Bengasi an arms deal gone bad? Anyone look into the Iran deal.  How about those Awan brothers the I.T. guys with the DNC having access to top secret files, where did they go? This is a terrible story which is common in these countries yet let’s not paint this as an Innocent Martyr. Again blaming Trump is illogical? This is a very dirty business nothing is what it seems on the surface.  Blaming Trump makes as much sense as blaming him for Hurricanes, my ice cream cone melting due to the solar system entering a highly energized place in space creating severe weather and an increase in earthquake and volcanic activity. Of course Trump is responsible for the climate and atmospheric changes on all the other planets in the solar system which I might add do not have SUVs.  Let’s also blame Trump for not putting the brakes on grand cosmic and natural cycles which I believe is outside of his jurisdiction and beyond his pay grade.      

Before you send the hate mail and accuse me of being a Trump supporter, racist, fascist white privileged male, take a deep breath and ask yourself, is this a program? An automatic response? Do I not have the right to ask obvious questions? is not denying that right a form of fascism? I find Trump hilarious, the ultimate button pusher. This is a massive process-oriented therapy session. He plays the left and the lame stream media like a fiddle. If he is an insider why do the insiders, the status quo deep state hate him? Did that go over the lefts head? Ask that question again let it sink in.  Why does the corporate sponsored lame stream media hate him? Why do the corrupt politicians hate him? The 99 dollar question is why are you siding with the insiders, the deep state and lame stream corporate sponsored, victim, race and gender card playing lame stream media? A media that redundantly spins, accuses, lies, deceives and never prints a retraction when their high-level sources turn out to be less than truthful. A rush to judgement, guilty until proven innocent, character and career destroying heartless media with a proven agenda which bears a remarkable resemblance to the same agenda of the global elite. Coincidence, NOT! Yet so many say they are against the system while doing the bidding of the corrupt system inherited by Trump?

There is a bigger picture unfolding very few are aware of. It is planetary liberation from Tyranny. It is a series of steps with an end goal. The world of opposites is going to be revealed. Universal Law is coming to Earth. In its most unlimited understanding is Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. Unity consciousness. The Mayans call it the 9th wave. Power returning to the individual combined with personal responsibility. It is when the left wing and the right wing realize they are attached to the same bird living on the same planet of the same race, the human race all created by the same Creator. It is when the separation and entitlement game ends.

On a lighter note President Trump was giving 6 possibilities by NASA, never a straight answer,  to choose from concerning the new Space Force.

1.     One send up some fire crackers with sleek new housings hoping they won’t explode.
2.     Act like we are going back to the Moon and Mars on new sleek fire crackers.
3.     Steal some counter gravity technology from the “non-existing” Aliens which seem to be appearing everywhere.
4.     Build a giant catapult to shoot men/women in space suits into space with a spray can and a parachute for reentry.
5.     Have the caravan stand on each other’s shoulders until they reach space.
6.     Admit we already have a space force and have been going to the Moon and Mars since the late 60’s colonizing both with the counter-gravity technology we have had for decades to take ET home.
I vote for number 6 and no I will not ever run for office. I do however support a Council of Grandmothers advised by a Galactic Federation. 

President Trump goes one-on-one with Laura Ingraham

Fox News

*BREAKING NEWS* That You Will Only Get Here: To the FBI, let this video stand as a request for information owed to the good people of Denham Springs, Louisiana.

Douglas M. Ducote Sr.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Nurse Gives Explosive Flu shot speech before cdc advisory committee

shared by OOM2

War at the Southwest Border, Arizona Getting Ready, Citizens Need to Mobilize Immediately +Videos - Capt. Dave Bertand, Ret.

Before It's News read article here

POTUS: America has no room for the ‘vile, hate-filled poison of anti-Semitism’

The White House | October 29, 2018

America has no room for the ‘vile, hate-filled poison of anti-Semitism’

The American flag is flying at half-mast above the White House today as our Nation grieves the 11 victims of a despicable act of mass murder Saturday at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
“Anti-Semitism and the widespread persecution of Jews represents one of the ugliest and darkest features of human history,” President Donald J. Trump said from Indiana on Saturday. “The vile, hate-filled poison of anti-Semitism must be condemned and confronted everywhere and anywhere it appears.”
What unites Americans is our common destiny, President Trump continued. “We mourn for the unthinkable loss of life that took place today, and we pledge in their name to fight for a future of justice, safety, tolerance, morality, dignity, and love. We must all rise above the hate.”
President Trump and the First Lady will visit Pittsburgh tomorrow to meet with family members of the victims and mourn with the entire Pittsburgh community. The 11 Jewish-Americans killed “represented the very best of our Nation,” Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said from the White House today. The President “adores Jewish-Americans as part of his own family,” which includes his daughter, son-in-law, and several grandchildren, she noted.
As always in moments such as these, America’s heroes in law enforcement do some of the most difficult work. Four of these brave officers were wounded while confronting the attacker this weekend. “They do so much for us,” President Trump said. “And they’re really unsung heroes. They don’t get the credit they deserve.”

Photo of the Day

Photo of the day

Official White House Photo by Carlos Fyfe

The American flag is flying at half-staff above the White House as our Nation grieves the victims of the shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh | October 29, 2018

Anna Von Reitz: Good News

Paul Stramer

Monday, October 29, 2018

Good News

By Anna Von Reitz

Lord, love a patriot..... I do believe that the proverbial "Enforcement Nut" has finally been cracked wide open, and that we are now in position to fully credential our Continental Marshals and unleash the Bounty Hunter Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the British Territorial United States Constitution known--deceptively enough --- as "The Constitution of the United States of America" first published in 1868.  

This will have four more or less immediate and much-longed for affects: 

(1) An end to the crooked court system.  We will be able to enter, catch the Vermin evading or dishonoring the Constitutional provisions, arrest them on the spot, and turn them over to the military authorities for trial and execution for treason and other capital crimes including inland piracy, kidnapping, and fraud. 

(2) An end to the crooked banks.  We will be able to enter, catch the Vermin refusing to let depositors have access to their deposits, creating improper mortgages, manipulating credit to benefit themselves at other's expense and boom! --- replace the erring bankers with honest men much sobered up by their predecessor's experience. 

(3) An end to the crooked commodity markets.  We will be able to enter, catch the brokers fixing prices and supplies and running up situations like The Big Short, and arrest them by the boat loads, along with all the SEC functionaries that sold out and allowed all this crappola. 
(4) An end to the crooked double accrual accounting and budgetary system. We will be able to review the books in sum total and recapture the sequestered assets, aka, Slush Funds --that these Vermin have been creating and manipulating for their own unjust enrichment.  

And none of the phony local "law enforcement" fat asses who haven't done their duty by the Public and none of the "federal agencies" including the FBI and DHS and Homeland Security and all the rest will have a word to say about it, because we are the superior jurisdiction and we mandate the action. 

What was that I said the other day about --- where in the @$!$!@$ is John Wayne when you need him?   

I think we just found out. 


See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

Donald Trump to END GRAVY TRAIN of the swamp!

President Trump is against the Congress Gravy Train! That is why so many of the Congress are retiring. They hope to freeze their retirement as it stands. This makes too much sense not to be passed on. At least we can make our wishes known and hope. Im with Trump on this one and always will be. Trump is asking everyone to forward this Email to a minimum of 20 people, and to ask each one of those to do likewise. In 3 days, most people in the United States will have the message. This is why the idea should be passed around, regardless of Political Party.
The Trump Rules: Congressional Reform Act Of 2018:
1 РNo Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman / Woman, collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they ̢re out of office. No more perks go with them.
2 – Congressman / Woman ( past, present & future ) participate in social security. All funds in the Congressional Retirement Fund move to the Social Security System immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security System, and Congress participates with the American People. It may not be used for any other purposes.
3 – Congress must purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.
4 – Congress will no longer vote themselves pay increases. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.
5 – Congress loses their current Healthcare System and participates in the same Healthcare System as the American people.
6 – Congress must equally abide by all the laws, they impose on the American people.
7 РAll contracts with past and present Congressman / Woman are void The American people did not make these contracts with Congressmen / Women. The Congress made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators should serve their terms, then go home and go back to work, and not get all kinds of freebies! No wonder they ̢re fighting everything Trump does!
If each person contacts a minimum of 20 people, It will only take 3 days for most people in the United States to receive this message. Its time for us to take action now!


Conway: Trump Will End Washington 'Gravy Train'...see article here

Conway: Trump Will End Washington 'Gravy Train'

EyeTheSpy on Twitter re Indonesian air crash

EyeTheSpy on Twitter re Indonesian air crash
I am watching reports come in about the Indonesian plane crash. It appears that the crash is related to Golden Agri, a billion dollar palm oil company which sells oil to McD, P&G, Mars, Kellogg. 5 members of the Indonesian attorney general’s office and supreme court were aboard. They had just arrested seven Golden Agri bosses yesterday. Obama had just completed a trip to Indonesia, his homeland. 20 members of the Indonesian Finance Ministry were also aboard.
Whistleblower and intelligence worker EyeTheSpy tweeted: #JT610 crashing was not an accident. There were many important officials on board. Passenger manifest will confirm this. My sympathies to those innocent lives lost once more for the sake of protecting the corrupt.


189 feared dead in 1st ever Boeing 737 MAX 8 crash in Indonesia

189 feared dead in 1st ever Boeing 737 MAX 8 crash in Indonesia

Above Majestic | Official Trailer #2 [HD]

Destroying the Illusion

4D CHESS MOVES OF A STABLE GENIUS: Bait The Press! [Venezuela]

Black Conservative Patriot

THIS MUST END 🔴 Vice President Mike Pence URGENT Statement and Prayer

Alpha News