Monday, December 31, 2012

What Was An MI6 Team Doing in Paris The Night Princess Diana Died?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

What Was An MI6 Team Doing in Paris The Night Princess Diana Died?
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 31-Dec-2012 08:05:34

‘Russian intelligence agents in France had become suspicious of the sudden arrival of three senior MI6 officers in Paris before Princess Diana’s death, a new book claims.
Author Gennady Sokolov argues that she was killed in “a distinctly English murder” contracted out by the British spies.
In the book, to be published in ­Moscow next year, he will say the most likely scenario is that a microchip was planted in her car enabling its steering and brakes to be disabled on a signal from an operative who joined the chasing paparazzi.’

It's winter in Minneapolis

This is just too funny, Imagine how much time it took to make this.

It's winter in Minneapolis
And the gentle breezes blow,
70 miles per hour at 52 below!
Oh, how I love Minneapolis
When the snow's up to your butt;
You take a breath of winter air
And your nose is frozen shut.
Yes, the weather here is wonderful,
You may think I'm a fool.
I could never leave Minneapolis,
Cause I'm frozen to the stool.

Ascension Earth 2012 Update 12/30/12

Ascension Earth 2012

High Council of Orion Message for December 30th, 2012 ~ Karen Doonan

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Message From Montague Keen - Sunday, 30th December 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message From Montague Keen - Sunday, 30th December 2012
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 30-Dec-2012 18:52:59

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 30th December 2012
So many of you are hurting, whether it is through illness, emotional, or financial problems, you are being bombarded by dark energies and you are finding it difficult to rise above them.
It will not last.
It is being done to try to prevent you waking up, and seeing all the information that has been suppressed for years.
Do not allow yourselves to be distracted, no matter how bad you feel.
Because you are hurting, it does not give you permission to lash out and hurt others, whose intentions are honorable.
You are all in this battle together; all fighting on the same side, with one goal in sight – the removal of the Dark Cabal.
The Cabal uses the same formula every time in order to achieve its aims.
Do you not see that by killing your children, they hope to remove your rights, so that they can make laws that would leave you at their mercy.
Think carefully on this one, as you have everything to lose.
Infiltrators are positioned to appeal to the masses, to make it seem that you do not care if you do not do as they demand.
Learn from these terrible tragedies.
Recognise the formula and look for the real culprits.
They do not give up easily.
You need to be awake and alert to look behind the official story.
Knee jerk reactions lead to disastrous decisions.
You are not being told the truth.
Stand firm. Do not be pushed into agreeing to something that you will most certainly regret.
The truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.
Those in the Cabal are laughing at you.
They play games with you.
They actually show you, in advance, what they intend to do, and you still do not see it.
They feel they do not need to hide their plans.
They are confident that you are sufficiently asleep that you will not notice them.
How they relish the fact that they have got away with so much for so long.
It is up to all of you, now, to read all that was hidden from sight.
Brave people are now coming forward with it, to enable you to understand the real truth.
You saw, my dear, that the portals to Inner Earth were revealed.
You asked, "Who created the NO FLY ZONES?" [over the north and south poles].
Why was it so important to them to prevent you from knowing about them?
There is so much more for you to learn about your planet.
You need to know why your world is in the state it is today, and why the control is in so few hands.
Religions have done more to control the masses than anything else, yet people still cling to them because of the fear they have instilled in people about places that do not exist.
Go forward into 2013 with eyes wide open and with love in your hearts, in the sure knowledge that you are on the right path, where truth is paramount.
There is sufficient information out there in the public domain, to convince you that you have been constantly lied to, by those who make the decisions.
Stop being victims.
It takes courage to stop being the helpless victim but you must step into your own power.
Ancient history has all the answers.
Yes, you do need to go back that far in order to understand why the world is in such chaos now.
That is when the big take-over began.
You have been lied to and controlled like sheep, ever since.
"Love changes everything".
That is so true.
When mankind learns to love, instead of fearing each other as you were taught, then the killing will stop and there will be peace for all mankind.
The more love you give, the more you will receive.
Every creature on Earth needs to be loved and cherished.
Send LOVE to situations that seem hopeless, then wait to see the energy change.
Let love be your weapon.
Use it to bring about the changes that are needed.
Many of you do not understand that you must first love and accept yourself before you can love another, or use the power of love to bring about peace and harmony.
You are the knights in shining armour who will rescue your planet from the hands of the infidel.
Everything will fall into place when the timing is right.
You just need to be open to it.
Those who only strive for financial gain will be left by the wayside.
It is time to reassess your values, as this creates such fear and stress that it takes over your life completely and you fail to see the full picture and your part in it.
Many of you are targeted individuals because of your work for justice and truth.
You must recognise this fact and invoke protection and guidance.
Take responsibility for your life and wellbeing.
Close all doors to possible attacks and constantly ground yourself and ask for protection.
Protection cannot be given unless requested.
You learned this fact the hard way, my dear.
You assume it is all bad luck, but when your eyes are open, you see clearly that you have been selected for attack, to try to prevent you from carrying out your mission.
Once you recognise this fact, you can deal with it.
This goes to show the alertness of those in the Cabal:
they know who everyone is, and they know their role in bringing about the Transition.
Those of the Cabal FEAR YOU and this is why they attack you.
They consider your role important, so you must accept THAT IT MUST BE SO.
It is up to you, to use every means at your disposal, to protect yourself.
You have nothing to fear, except fear itself.
Surround yourself with love and light.
Veronica, my dear, life continues to be a struggle for you.
Trying to keep everyone on track and protected is not an easy task.
You need the support of those around you.
You are a team and should act as such.
The obstacles and blockages are sent to try you, and indeed they do.
Continue to work in the sure knowledge that we will succeed.
I walk this lonely path with you, my dear.
We have loved each other in many lifetimes.
Past love is powerful, it cannot die.
It is to be valued as it is priceless.
When you find it, treasure it.
Let us go forward, my dear, in love and light.
Your adoring, Monty.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 30-Dec-2012 20:10:19

Today's links list is attached... however the following information is for you to ponder. Question..."what exactly is Obama trying to accomplish with all he has DONE to our military?" when in doubt, GOOGLE IT
Obama decides the Ft Hood Shooting was a case of “Work place violence”; instead of Islam infiltrating Our Military;
Rips the Military Budget as he gives politicians a raise;
Cancels Military Retirement;
Changes the Rule of Military Combat Pay;
Ships shell casings of ammunition to China.
Announces to the world about the cut in Nukes;
Orders the Military to lie about Afghanistan;
Flags are flown at half staff when a hero dies — allows the American Flag at half mast for a black singer;
Decides NOT to give a Purple Heart to the survivors of the Ft. Hood Shooting calling it “work place violence”;
Fraudulent Affirmative Action Picked for Head Drill Sergeant;
Slashes 1,200 National Guard to 300 along the borders for Terrorists to enter;
Despite his approving of Sodomy and Bestiality — Military Restores Ban;
Disrespects Seal families;
Veterans’ Cemetery must ban “GOD and Jesus from Military graves.”
Violates the rights of Military Chaplains.
Lies about bin Laden’s death…won’t show pictures or video of Islamic burial at sea. lies about helicopter crash
No seals were Injured during Bin Laden raid…however, those who knew died (can’t remember the exact number)
Repeals DADT….
Wanted injured military to pay for their own medical expenses because they had volunteered to fight in the military…..
(12/28) Breaks Promise to Military and keeps Troops in Afghanistan until 2014
(01/12) Obama quietly signed the NDAA, the National Defense Authorization Act, which nullifies the Bill of Rights and declares America to be a “battleground” in which all American citizens can be arrested, imprisoned, tortured and even killed with no due process.
(2/09) Obama Guts Military and gives Bureaucrats a Raise
(2/10) Denies Hero(s) Purple Hearts — calling Ft. Hood Shootings as Work Place Violence
(2/14) Military Chaplains charged with sedition/Treason for teaching against sin
(2/16) Military to Fake Belly, Breast to better understand how females in the Military feel;
(2/25) Our Military burned Koran and Obama apologized causing the deaths of two Officers who were unarmed were shot in the back of the head in a secured location.
2/26 Obama doesn’t stand with Military as NATO tries to prosecute the Military men who burned Koran;
(2/26) Military Refuses to take orders from him;
(2/26) Takes healthcare away from Military;
Triples co-pay on their insurance.
(2/27) Obama mocks Military by burning a Bible
(2/27) Military now responsible for their own health care (even when they come back from the Middle East without a limb, etc.)
Under the Radar, he sends troops to 4 African countries
Changes Rules of Engagement
Forcing Troops to Lie about the Progress in Afghanistan
Obama threatens Chaplains: “You can’t preach against me in chapel.”
(3/4/12) Obama threatens Chaplains: “You can’t preach against me in chapel.”
(just following) Chaplains cannot preach against sin
3/27/2012 — Tax “our” Military to give to HIS New Military
4/14 – Army Generals Plead With Obama “Bring them HOME”
(4/23) – Military Rates Obama as the worst President they have served with
(4/25) Seals Blast Obama for using them as Campaign tools for going after Osama Bin Laden
(05/01/12) Forcing New West Point Cadets to become PC for Muslims
(05/04/12) Forced Our Military to shove their butts in the air praying position to Islam
(05/05/12) Cuts Military Budget “again” setting us up for defeat
(05/06/12) Chip under the skin for Military Personnel
(05/09/12) Backs Taliban as they Kill Our Military
(05/09/12) Claims Military are fighting on “his” behalf
(05/10/12) Obama Releases Taliban Terrorists while Military Man Held captive for 3 yrs
(05/11/2012) Obama Suspended Classes on Islam — The way to save the world is through Nukes (like WWII)…
05/13/2012) Slashes Military Budget for healthcare to build $750,000 exercise facilities for Muslims who are incarcerated
(05/13/2012) Obama Cuts $13 Billion from TriCare for Military
(05/14/2012) Obama offers purple heart to the victims of terror BUT NOT those at Ft. Hood+ considered Ft. Hood “work Place Violence”
(05/16/2012) The Navy just fired it’s 16th command officer for 2011 REPLACED w/Obama Appointee
Navy Commander Fired Over Falsified Records REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointee
NAVY FIRED Five Attack Submarines CO’s REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointees
Navy Fires 10th CO This Year REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointee
Navy Relieves CO of New Ship REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointee
Navy Medicine CO Fired for Poor Command Climate REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointee
NORTHCOM Commander fired REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointee
( 05/21/12) President Betrayed Troops by releasing a known terrorist killer
(05/23/12) Obama Undermines Troops Putting Taliban in Power as They KILL OUR TROOPS;
(05/28/12) Memorial Day: Makes the day to honor OUR Troops all about him
(06/01/12) Veto promise comes because House GOP leaders are breaking faith with last summer’s budget deal by cutting overall funding for agency operating budgets by $19 billion,almost 2 percent.
(06/07/12) Obama’s uses Memorial Day to Campaing in Photo-Op by blocking families of Vets from D.C. Vietnam Memorial
(06/07/12) Same Sex Marriage on a Military Base
(06/08/12) Obama cuts back on Military causing them to have to improvise
(06/10/12) More Troops Die of Suicide than from War
(06/11/12) Memorial Day-Obama shuts out Military, friends/family forced to pay respect 100(s) of yards from the sit behind a fence
(06/11/12) Prior to this day, VietNam vets and family members denied access to wall
(06/11/12) Too busy to allow the Fly-Over by the Thunderbirds during the Memorial Day Celebration..he cut it short because he had places to go campaign;
(06/14/12) Pentagon Bans Bibles
(06/20/12) More Military are committing suicide than from being killed in battle.
(06/20/12) Disciplines Military for Burning Koran
(06/21/12) Obama Orders Military to Celebrate Gay Pride Month
(06/26/12) Obama Forbids Chaplains to mention Jesus
(06/30/12) Obama allows Terror-Linked CAIR Targets Navy Seals Training
(06/30/12) Obama wants Military to pay-up more on their Tricare Insurance
(07/03/12) Obama sends troops to Persian Gulf-further spreading troops thin
(07/07/12) Obama Refuses to Offer the Flag of the United States to the Family of a Fallen Hero; Gives the Responsibility to the Secretary of Defense
(07/30/12) Obama to Turn Military into Social Workers
(08/02/12) Obama to Keep Military from voting
(08/04/12) Massive Cuts to Military Healthcare
(08/16/12) Obama Campaigns Strikes Back Against Former Navy Seal
(08/21/12) Obama Dismisses Seals “Don’t take them too seriously
(08/21/12) Too many Military Deaths in Middle East — Obama
should change plan
(08/21/12) Obama Adds Military Hero(s) to his list of enemies
(08/21/12) Obama Puts Special Ops in Danger
(08/22/12) Officer Penalized for opposing Sharia Training
(08/24/12) Veterans Being Rounded Up Nationwide
(08/25/12) Obama having all of the Military Vets Picked Up
(08/24/12) Military man penalized for NOT wanting to attend PRO Muslim Training
(08/31/12) Obama making Military submit to Sharia
(08/31/12) Sends form letter to fallen Seal Team Six Families
(09/23/12) Increases btw 30% to 79% in Tricare premiums for lst year. Then plan imposes 5-yr increases from 94%
(09/26/12) U.S. Troops Are Being Murdered In Afghanistan: Pentagon’s Answer … Muslim Sensitivity Training
(09/30/12) Shhhh: US military deaths in Afghanistan hit 2,000″
(10/4/12) Obama blames US troops for attacks on them by Afghan security forces, orders Islamic cultural
sensitivity training to 345%-more than 3x’s current levels.
10/12/12 Disabled Vet Considered a Terrorist because he inquires about Cost of Surveillance Camera(s) for his home.
11/03/12 Has Military removed from voting records in Florida
12/02/12 Obama Taking Guns from all Military Vets.
(12/14/12) Obama Fires Lt. Col. Dooley for speaking out against Islam
(12/16/12) Obama Ignores Military Man in Mexican Jail
(12/00/12) Announced withdrawal date in Afghanistan. Now no Afghans will cooperate with US military because they are leaving …
leaving the Taliban behind. Allows the Afghans vet the Afghans who will train with the US military despite the insider attacks.
(12/00/12) Program where female American soldiers where the hijab to appease their ‘culture’
(12/00/12) U.S. military to disarm for his ‘surprise” visit to Afghanistan so not to offend the Afghans who disarm …
(12/00/12) New Army manual orders soldiers not to criticize Taliban, pedophilia, or Islam, or advocate women’s rights
Like I said, I supply, you decide but here's my take...
It Barry Soetoro (real name) is not a TRAITOROUS MURDERER.... at the VERY LEAST.... he is a LUNATIC!
BTW... His claim to have killed Osama Bin Laden, total utter BS and that would be a clear indication why most if not all now of Seal Team 6 are dead...
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh you're not supposed to notice or remember...
Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader.
[Fox News. December 26, 2001]
NEW YORK (AP) – The killing of Osama bin Laden during a raid by Navy SEALs on his hideout in Pakistan was the top news story of 2011, followed by Japan‘s earthquake/tsunami/meltdown disaster, according toThe Associated Press‘ annual poll of U.S. editors and news directors.
New York Times Reported Bin Laden Dead In 2001
By Amir Taheri
Published: July 11, 2002
Osama bin Laden is dead. The news first came from sources in Afghanistan and Pakistan almost six months ago: the fugitive died in December 2001 and was buried in the mountains of southeast Afghanistan. Pakistan’s president, Pervez Musharraf, echoed the information. The remnants of Osama’s gang, however, have mostly stayed silent, either to keep Osama’s ghost alive or because they have no means of communication.
With an ego the size of Mount Everest, Osama bin Laden would not have, could not have, remained silent for so long if he were still alive. He always liked to take credit even for things he had nothing to do with. Would he remain silent for nine months and not trumpet his own survival?
Even if he is still in the world, bin Ladenism has left for good.Mr. bin Laden was the public face of a brand of politics that committed suicide in New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001, killing thousands of innocent people in the process. –New York Times
Israeli Secret Agency
Tomorrow I will include a compilation of facts, evidence and video I have collected on the Sandy Hook abomination... again I supply, you decide..
"A nation...cannot survive treason from within...the traitor ...wears the face of his victims,...and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation—he works secretly...he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared......." Cicero, 42 B.C.E.
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Thousands of Americans to go without power until after the New Year

RT: Thousands of Americans to go without power until after the New Year

Posted on by Jean
Published: 28 December, 2012, 21:31
Reuters / Adrees Latif
The deadly winter storm that killed 17 US residents has also left thousands without power, which is unlikely to be restored until after the New Year. Many will be forced to endure freezing cold nights in states that hardly ever see snow.
In the southern state of Arkansas, 200,000 homes and businesses lost power as the storm left behind 15 inches of snow, damaged power lines and created icy roads. The utility company Entergy Arkansas said electricity would not be restored until the start of the new year, leaving many residents in the dark and in the cold.  More than 135,000 homes and businesses have still not had their power restored.
Across the state, hotel rooms are full and people are sleeping in their cars to keep warm. Some Americans are running out of money from staying in hotels, while others are low on food supplies.
“I’m coping with hot toddies and peanuts,” Arkansas Resident Lynda Johnson told the Associated Press, while Deena Brazell told the news agency that she has been sleeping in her car at night.
“Everything in the apartment is electric. I stayed in the apartment the first night. After that, it got cold really quick,” she said.“I went out to charge the phone and fell asleep, then I just decided to stay.”
Snowfall is rare in Arkansas, which usually has a humid subtropical climate and sometimes experiences tornadoes in the winter. The state hasn’t had a white Christmas since 1926 and many residents have had no reason to prepare for winter weather. The state currently has more snow than many more northern regions like New Jersey and the District of Columbia.
Still, parts of the Northeast have also experienced storm-related fatalities and dangerous conditions. In Maryland, more than 7,000 homes and businesses lost power, while in New Jersey, there were 70 mph wind gusts and flood warnings. Further north in Vermont, there were approximately 800 power outages, while New Hampshire is expecting as much as 18 inches of snow.
Many of those without power are sleeping in cars, at the homes of friends or family, or in hotels, wishing they could be home on New Year’s Eve.
“You just want to be home,” Arkansas resident Kathy Garner told AP. “You just want to be in your own bed. There’s nothing like the comfort of your own home.”
But across the US, further winter storms are expected. In the coming days, the Northeast will expect several more inches of snow on Friday and Saturday, while freezing rain is expected to fall in Arkansas on Friday.

Obama To Fully Engage Gun Owners with Armed Feds in 2013
December 29, 2012
Alex talks with Doug Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network about information released by his high-level DHS contact concerning government gun confiscation and other important topics.
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Lessons from a self-destucting empire

Subject: Lessons from a self-destucting empire

From riches to economic collapse.

From military dominance to abject

From leading the world to being
a fourth rate power.

How does it happen?


- Brasscheck

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More About the Hollow Earth: Solar Openings,Two new continents and civilization intraterrestrial ~12/29/12

More About the Hollow Earth: Solar Openings,Two new continents and civilization intraterrestrial ~12/29/12

Hollow Earth: OPENINGS SOLAR, two new continents and Civilization intraterrestrial

Why Earth is flattened at the poles?
Why no one has ever reached the poles?
What causes the Northern Lights?
Where and how icebergs form?
Why is snow in the Arctic red, yellow, orange or purple?
Why the weather is warmer near the poles than from 1000 to 1700 km of them?
Why the compass stops working in the vicinity of the poles?
It seems that the formation of planets is also different from what they told us in school.

Eva Monferrer
During recent decades has come to light many hidden information about human history, power groups, the free energy change of paradigm, the quantum world and more. Chakras, Annunaki, Lemuria, exopolitics, toroidal systems, ... are concepts that are discovered and understanding slowly but still some way to better disseminate and comprehend their true meaning. However, one of the lesser known issues what is unofficially the Hollow Earth.
A hidden reality, not a theory, supported by innumerable puebras on the structure of our planet and what it contains inside.
Here we present all data on the Hollow Earth (picked by expert Perennial Wisdom and History silenced Eva Monferrer * in his book "The change was"-published in 2009 but written years ago-), we explained that all planets, including ours, are concave with a central sun, that there are two inhabited continent in the Earth's interior and civilizations before us and characters of the past centuries knew, described and traveled to her.
If before we had to overcome the false belief of flat land, soon we will have to do with the land and lifeless compact inside.
And this is the index of the description of the Hollow Earth:
  1. The poles are not
  2. The magnetic poles
  3. The gravitational attraction
  4. The testimony of polar travelers
  5. Facts and confirm this reality works
  6. Civilization intraterrestrial
  7. The evolution intraterrestrial
  8. Shambalah, Agartha and El Dorado
  9. The Central Sun
  10. Social organization in the world intraterrestrial
(NOTE: The text of Eva Monferrer are verbatim transcripts of oral classes, hence certain expressions and comments)
The Hollow Earth Theory holds that all planets, not just ours, have polar openings and a "central sun" resulting from a concentration of light energy from the sun outward, allowing life inside. Sounds crazy, is not it true? But we'll see the evidence that this actually testify.


The Arctic and Antarctic ends of the Earth are convex, but concave. Thus, the North and South Poles ... no! That would place them between heaven and earth, in the center of the polar openings and not on the surface.
Admiral Richard Byrd, by the 1956 Antarctic expedition flew over an area of more than 3 million km2 beyond the South Pole without ice and vegetation and animals. The rapport of this discovery goes to President Eisenhower, head of Majestic-12, and decided to deny all this information ... Why? Because the territory discovered is bigger than the United States, fearing that other country and claimed for himself the new lands, they decide to silence the issue ...
But if in 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered a new continent-officially-in 1956 Richard Byrd discover a new world!-Officially.
The truth about the "geographic poles" of the Earth: The Poles, North and South, are not "a geographical point" as we think. In fact do not physically exist, for they are concavities of 2800 km in length, so they are located in the sky!

2. The magnetic poles

As the magnetic poles, the Soviets discovered that not a point but a line perimeter, which outlines the concavity of the geographic poles. Thus, when compasses mark the North Pole, which are pointing to is the perimeter of this concavity.
One thing that really caught my attention was the knowledge that the total land area is 510 million km2, and its weight is 6 × 10 000 tons. If a compact ball should weigh more. So it must be hollow ...
When it comes down to 70-75 degrees latitude north or south, the earth begins to curve inward: the geographic pole magnetic pole coincides with delimiting the polar opening. Compasses point north stop because it has been exceeded! ! And point down ... This happens near latitude 90 °.
Furthermore, the magnetic pole is not located on the surface, but at about 2800 km depth, and this is where lies the center of gravity of the planet and not at its core geometric

3. The gravitational attraction

In the gravitational attraction has no geometric position but the dough. The ground mass is greater than the bark level. Thus, the mass of the crust such that the force of attraction exerted. The similar distribution in this gravity center of the crust allows the central sun remain suspended in the air, so that equidistant from any point on the inner surface.
To support this model, we can refer to the formation of planets, where the structure is that of a shell with an internal void and openings at both ends. This nebula, solidifies its "shell" to make way for a planet with polar openings as a joint.
What scientific verification exist in relation to the surprising fact that the earth is hollow? It has been shown in several studies seismographic-earthquakes, earthquake-which seismic waves travel through the interior of the Earth at different speeds depending on the materials they are! And the speed of wave propagation through the air is faster than through the water or soil.
If the Earth is "hollow", then no "core", what do we do with the Force of Gravity? In the model of the bubble, as the land mass would be concentrated in the crust, scientists who study this new planetary model, place the force of gravity in the "center of the earth's crust."
So those inside and not fall out either!! Bark draws us all to himself. We "paste" them both to the Earth due to the force of gravity itself!


1. What happens to reach the poles, is that the compass indicates the North or the South are inward! and in fact, it "enters Earth" from 90-95 ° latitude! The last 10-5 parallels are in the air!
2. For this reason nobody has ever reached the Pole. Airlines fly not ever, do not you know? The outline.
3. A consequence of the cavities of the poles is the phenomenon of the aurora borealis.This beautiful phenomenon is due to the drawings he does on the ice in the polar caps and clouds reflected light coming from inside the planet. Light filters and offers the spectacle of color and intensity changes. This we decíaMadame Blavatski almost 100 years ago! Besides the other planets in the solar system is observed this same phenomenon.
4. It softens the temperature when traveling to the poles from latitude 95 due to heat from the interior of the Earth.
"A north wind temperature warms, and are butterflies, flies, mosquitoes, and even well-fed grass and foxes. The north wind brings warm pollen and dust them. "
5. Colored snow observed at the poles, is a strange phenomenon if stopping to think. It is due to existing vegetation pollen inside the globe, which stains the snow over thousands of square kilometers.
6. Icebergs, which are fresh water! water from inland rivers that comes to the surface and freezes immediately. The rivers of the interior, the exterior flow into the ocean, very low temperature, becoming frozen freshwater icebergs! Sometimes house inside extinct animals in the area ...
7. Musk The bird migrates north in winter, beyond the 80th parallel.'s Gull Ross, so does.
8. Polar bears tend to go north when food is scarce.
9. Eskimo myths that speak of their ancestors refer to a "Northland" ... perennially sunlit ... (North of what?)


1. Groups mass disappearing without trace: Ankor Wat in Cambodia, Machu Pichu in Peru.Probably were groups that had an average level of evolution First Initiation and allowed access intraterrestrial Civilization.
2. Groups that appear mysteriously: The Essenes in the Dead Sea near Qumran Khirbert came to prepare for the coming of Jesus who was a member of the Planetary Hierarchy, were a few generations, few, and then disappeared, leaving the witness Khirbert Qumran manuscripts. These manuscripts are being translated,-but without undue haste, 'for publication,-probably past the year 2012 -.
3. Authors intraterrestrial speaking world: Aliglieri Dante, Tomaso Campanella, Jules Verne, Nicholas Roerich (1940), Raymond Barnard (1960), William Reed (1906), Marshall Gardner (1920), Gianini and Palmer (New York 1959. Withdrawal Magazine circulation), Nicolas Senn (1953), William F. Bulwer Lytton or Warren (1964).
4. Cities of the Planetary Hierarchy, intraterrestrial Civilization, have been named in different cultures with different names, mixing physical places (Agartha and El Dorado) with ether (Shambala).
Consider their different names: "Celestial City" in the Scandinavian Eddas, "Asar" in Mesopotamia, "Land of Amenti" in Egypt, "The City of Seven Petals of Vishnu" in India, "The City of Seven Kings Edom "or" Eden "in the Jewish tradition," Shambala "in Central Asia," Erdami "in Tibet," Alberdi "or" Aryana "in Persia," Land of Canaan "for the Jewish people," Maya-Pam "For the Aztecs," Tula "in Mexico," Dual "or" Dananda "or" Land of Mysteries "for the Celts," Valhalla "or" Thule "to the Germanic peoples and" The Kingdom of Avalon "for Arthurian tradition.
5. There are historical records:
5.1 In 1906 the Norwegian sailor Olaf Jansen entered the North Pole after a few months left for the South Pole, including it in his book, "Journey into the planet." It speaks in the book "The Smoky Good" written by WG Emerson and published in 1908.
5.2 In February 1947 the English Admiral Byrd, (1888-1957), of the U.S. Navy, and the testimony of all the crew, on an expedition to Antarctica, he found a land area greater than that United States, with a temperate climate, vegetation and human consciousness high living there. These people gave testimony to the then President of the United States (Eisenhawer) warning that he should not use nuclear power, that they would not consent, because the planet was shared, and offering technical assistance in using clean production energy.
Upon returning from the trip, Admiral Byrd told and gave testimony to the President, but not only did not believe him and pretended to ignore him, but forbade him tell it, under threat of death for him and his family.
The Presidency (...) created the pact called "Majestic 12" with Eisenhawer and 11 others, who put the ban on the dissemination of all that was against the use of atomic energy and presence ... is the plot intraterrestrial of Silence. In January 1956 he organized another expedition from base called McMurdo Sound Antarctica. Byrd managed to penetrate a distance of 4000 kilometers in land intraterrestrial.
5.3 In 1976 Raymond Barnard published "The Hollow Earth", which was nothing more than the adventure of his friend Admiral Byrd. This had to be the end of his life, with the penalty of not having done it before. Byrd asked him to publish it when he died.
"That continent so charming in that sky, land of everlasting mystery! I would like to see that land beyond the Pole! This area is the center of the Great Unknown! "
5.4 The November 23, 1968 the U.S. Weather Satellite ESSA-7, equipped with high resolution cameras and infrared, photographed the North Pole on a routine mission.
Photos sent to Earth where you can see the dynamic aperture of the Poles, and appears as a hole, according to the time of year appears more open or more closed, more cloudy-and-shoot can not, or less cloudy, -then it can be photographed, these holes to breathe the Planet.
5.5 A person you have trouble understanding that the planet is a living being, I will add that in 1983, scientists and Guido Pizzella Edoardo Amaldi, University of Rome, individualized vibration of Planet Earth, which is repeated every twelve hours. This vibration is called Sidereal Effect and is the heartbeat of the Earth. So Earth rotates every 24 hours, is a systole and diastole.

6. Intraterrestrial CIVILIZATION

Furthermore, to surprise you finish, I have to tell you that our Hollow Earth contains a Civilization in its comfortable interior ... I'm raving! This will happen the same as when it was believed that the Earth was flat ... We need a paradigm shift! The degree of evolution through living beings Internal Civilization is superior to ours, thank goodness!
It turns out that, from the time when we have the First Initiation in the Evolution of "surface", we can embody in internal Civilization. We can, for example, to learn something incarnate within, and in the next life do was invent something to actually reinvent!
Interior Humans are much more evolved than us on average, the minimum level required is the Evolution VIII! (Concepts explained in the books and courses on the Evolution of Consciousness - Psychology of the Soul ), and because to this higher consciousness that characterizes them, have a vested interest in not giving us the possibility of causing a nuclear disaster!, which, due to our insanity induced, could easily generate surface in our civilization, as we share Planet!, Earth is home to all!, and also share the solar system!
Today I want to tell you that many of the ships or UFOs that look and that is said to come from outer space, made the world come from intraterrestrial. The hierarchy of spiritual beings who rules is the same, we always talk about Planetary Hierarchy! We are living a very special and important moment in which you want to raise vibration to facilitate the change of era. This is further supported by the Sun precisely, our Astro Rey, which is emitting radiation, waves and explosions of light normally does not emit. This favors the possibility of exchange between the two civilizations.
Our older brothers are protecting us, thankfully!, World War III will not, will not. There was a chance, a few years ago, but thanks to the good will that also exists in our world, the protection was driven to not happen. We are not alone! (Good).
But who really wants to occur the atomic disaster? The answer is: The Energy Luciferic . Devote several days to examine the means they have at their fingertips.
Let's see now the relationship of "initiation" and correspondence in different worlds or civilizations:human evolution are 5 Initiations. The First Initiation occurs at Level 8 and with her and spent the Angelic Kingdom. The Second Initiation is also received at Level 8, while the Third, Fourth and Fifth are received at Level 9. With them, just as Man and Evolution Evolution begins as Angel adult.
From our First Initiation can incarnate on Earth either external or in intraterrestrial Civilization.Given that in the average level of evolution is over, our Fourth Initiation corresponds to the first of them, our fifth to second them and so on. From the Sixth Initiation surface, which has already exceeded the level of consciousness of the human kingdom is evolving in the Angelic, and corresponds to the Third Initiation intraterrestrial-, you can jump to continue growing within the Solar Hierarchy, if, under the direct supervision of the Planetary Logos. This Third Initiation intraterrestrial, or Sixth Surface, equivalent to the First Solar Initiation.
From the seventh initiation of surface, and overcome the human level and being at the Angelicum, which corresponds to the Fourth Initiation intraterrestrial and Solar Second, you can work in the Sirius system, our Superior Logos, the level would be the First Initiation of Sirius.
Let set forth in the following table:
This shows that the chances of evolution are immense. Then there is also the possibility of going to other systems even higher. Recall that the Heart Center of "One about Whom Naught May Be Said" is our solar system, our Solar Logos, His Throat Centre is in the constellation "Pleiades", and Crown Center in the constellation "The Big Dipper ".
Note finally that from the Sixth and Seventh Initiation, if the Self wants to embody needs neither father nor mother, is a "begotten" as Christ was. Therefore it is said that "born of a Virgin." A Human Being will of "Chalice" of this energy will represent "The Holy Grail." This being is called "The Anointed One", and gives their bodies denser materials that Christ is in occupation. An example of this with the Master Jesus Christ and therefore intermittent time, Jesus Christ transmitted to Energy therefore is known as Jesus Christ.

7. EVOLUTION intraterrestrial

The Planetary Hierarchy consists of all members of humanity who have, at least, the First Initiation, to Sanat Kumara, which are not human, has nine initiations. In our Scripture, this Being is known by the name of Melkitsedek, King of Salem and High Priest of the Order that bears his name. This Order is none other than "The White Lodge", and the Bible tells us who is "without father, without mother, without genealogy". Strange Being who belong to the Lodge or White Brotherhood, may or may not be embodied. In fact we know that even the Fifth Initiation must embody in the physical plane, and birth "of a Mother", but from this, the incarnation does not happen.
Beings over 5 Initiations, for example the Ascended Masters or Chohans Lightning, who are 6-Initiations which no longer require physical incarnation, can "zoom in" humanity to the etheric subplanes of the physical plane-solid, liquid and gas and four ethers.
It is in the etheric subplanes of the physical plane where is the mythical "Shambala", the city of light, or White City, where "living Masters" and sits where the Planetary Hierarchy, The White Lodge, The White Brotherhood.
The dense physical counterpart of this "City", is located in "The World intraterrestrial". In the Northern Hemisphere the place is called "Agharta", and in the Southern Hemisphere, "El Dorado". From the First Initiation-Level 8 -, human beings can incarnate intraterrestrial Civilization interchangeably or in the surface of the Earth, where we are now. It is important to see this difference to not induce an error.

8. Shambalah, AGARTA and gold

Cities where lives the Planetary Hierarchy are:
  • In the etheric level, "Shambala", located in the "ether" of the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, the Masters live there who are not physically embodied.
  • On the physical level, "Agartha", corresponding to the space-intraterrestrial which is in the Northern Hemisphere, and "El Dorado" - that is the space intraterrestrial which is in the Southern Hemisphere.
It seems that both continents are connected intraterrestrial not physically, but due to the high technology of its inhabitants, moving through aircraft, or the same using the ocean floor.
Jules Verne, one of the greatest prophets of the twentieth century, wrote, and novelist who was a delicate work ... "Journey to the Center of the Earth". You know that is his only work unverified ....?
It turns out that all bodies in space are hollow inside. It can have a solid center with a rotating motion. Different satellites have photographed the planets of the solar system, and its poles are always displayed flattened! And if the pictures are taken at night, all lit poles appear!
X The Mariner American satellite, beamed back pictures of the poles open and iluninados the planet Mercury. Then the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico showed very clear images of the north and south polar openings Mercury. The American probe Clementine verified this soon after. They ran the 70.
Sunlight and electromagnetic waves penetrate through the poles of all the planets and generate their Central Sun, ie the inner light is the same as the external. Science believed that solar electromagnetic waves died on reaching the surface of a planet. Today we know that they penetrate through the poles, and in the center, twist, giving rise to a kind of coil, called "Gang of Moepbius". So the central sun appears.
Central Sun size is proportional to the amount of solar energy received by the planet. This depends on the distance from the sun to that is, and the size of the openings of its poles.
In 1996 was published in the press that the Earth's core rotates faster than the crust ... strange news. And Neptune have verified the same ... This is impossible if the bodies were in one piece!


Moreover, we also know that Planet Earth has two openings, one at the North Pole and another at the South Pole. Through these openings is where filtered sunlight, resulting in a magnetic effect inside the planet, which goes by the name "Noebius Band".
The band proves Noebius as a coil of light, electromagnetic quality, and therefore attracts a lot of light particles or photons from the sun, so they create a kind of "Central Sun", in the same nature outside the sun light, and stays stabilized in the geometric center of the planet, and may give light and heat, and allowing life inside - two continents, Agartha and El Dorado. The difference would be that there is inside night!


This information I extracted from various works that speak of the Hollow Earth:
The inland mountains are low rise, there are valleys, rivers and shallow seas, about 2 miles, the vegetation is tropical but different from the surface, the temperature is constant and is around 26 degrees, although subjectively perceived as more fresh, no insects and animal life is scarce, this being mainly of birds and fish.
The vault of these large caves internal white light shows a large blue, light is life, but depending on the earth's rotation increases or decreases. There are no stars. There is the frequent occurrence of rain, but no wind. The 60% ​​of its area is covered by the sea, with the balance land (on the outside, the percentages are 71% sea and 29% of land).
The air outside is like but with a greater amount of oxygen (60/62%) and less nitrogen (15%). The population in the North is about 4.2 million inhabitants, and in the South of about 800,000 . People look the same to us, but their developmental level is much higher. A intraterrestrial civilization is accessible through caves that lead to tunnel network that covers practically the balloon, and passing through the crust communicating both worlds.
The crust has a width of only 1400 miles, equivalent to 2,200 miles. We know that through thenetwork of tunnels, it is possible to travel under the sea from America to Europe. Eric Von Daniken, Swiss investigative journalist, has documented decades fabulously in his book: "The Gold of the Gods" .


In Peru, the "Brotherhood of the 7 Rays" has a place of retreat called "The Abbey", near Lake Titicaca. There exists a rock formation called Ayumarca Gate or The Aran-Muru Portal.
Another point of access to the world's intraterrestrial Manu in La Selva, in the Mother of God, called "The Paititi"-means the heart of the heart, in the Valley of the Blue Moon.
In Ecuador, in the Cordillera del Condor, a network of tunnels that connects all the Amazon jungle. There is an entrance to the intraterrestrial between Coango and Santiago rivers, is called "The Cave of the stems."
This is the place where Andreas Faber-Kaiser made ​​important discoveries in relation to the tradition which places them at the library holds the golden forgotten history of man ... never told.
The entries are stored and protected by very primitive and savage tribes, which, due to a basic intuition, instinctive consciousness of the mass-, know the intentions of those who approach them. Based on these intentions are let through or not. (I normally eat them, because almost all explorers who dare to venture into these places looking for the gold of the Spanish or the like).
But our friend Andreas let him go .... Not eaten! ... And go ... let him go after teach many things! Anyway, when he returned to Europe, others killed him ... That was his last adventure ....
In Brazil, the Serra do Roncador in no tickets, and the Sierra de Portiaria, in the State of Goyas is Paraúna the jungle valley where walls are 4 meters high and 4 km long. They are built by basaltic rocks together magnetically. Stepped pyramids care areas covered by vegetation, which open to the world intraterrestrial tickets.
Perhaps entries or accesses that are most talked about: The Bermuda Triangle, Lake Titicaca, Lake Guatavita, The Potala Palace in Tibet--the Alps, the Pyrenees, or up the mountain Montserrat in Catalonia, but in fact there are many more, less popular, for example, to quote a well nearby, Lake Banyoles, in Gerona.

10. WORLD SOCIAL ORGANIZATION intraterrestrial

Civilization is a supercivilization intraterrestrial. Is governed by a political-religious structure Sinárquica. Indeed, The Synarchy is "the power of Initiates", such as a Council of Elders, so that the Spiritual wisest, most loving, the most will and firmness, in short, the most luminous, directs and inspires others. Imagine a Cabinet Sages, what strange, no?, - With the need to make in our world, but, Think of it for a moment, do not you think that things would be better?
When the boss, really know, advocated that spirituality grow on people, ideal for light the way of all,and strives for personal virtues and coexistence are favored, ennobled, defended and respected. With such a leader, the human being can evolve and transcend smoothly, fulfilling God's plan for man and the earth. Had a good friendship, a brotherhood, between civilization and our inside, our civilization would update in a short period of time, the evolution recover it needs to comply with changing times without too much conflict.
But this does not matter to the dark forces! Since we are against the evolution of our planet Earth, and ours with him. If all this were uncovering, and soon uncover, you should change human history, thoroughly revise and rewrite.
Eva Monferrer
* Eva Monferrer Perennial Wisdom is expert, for over 20 years, spread these teachings through classes and workshops in their school of Barcelona (School of Evolutionary Studies "Indra"), online classes and books that are available in bubok, print and pdf. He has already published seven of his series "The Evolution of Consciousness. Psychology of the Soul ".
Eva lets her work speak for her, taught by his own authority and combines ancient messages, they have always been available to those interested in them, with explanations of modern quantum physics, transpersonal psychology and other disciplines, transmitting a language close and understandable to those seeking answers and want to live more consciously