Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Magic Beans Phenomenon

By Anna Von Reitz

When the Europeans showed up hunting for gold, the Native Americans were confused, even amused.  

The Indians used gold and silver for jewelry, the only obvious use, and thought nothing more about it. 

Indeed, what more was there to think?  

It turns out that both gold and silver are excellent electrical conductors, a use that wouldn't occur to anyone for another three hundred years, but even then, so what?  Copper gets the job done.  We don't need gold or silver for that purpose. 

So, ask yourselves--- if gold was so very important and valuable, why are there vast storehouses of the stuff, millions of tons of it, stockpiled in the Philippines, sitting around doing nothing?  

The obvious answer is that gold is really quite useless and should, as a result, have little value.  It's only tradition ----a tradition of human stupidity in this case--- that assigns gold any great value at all. 

I call it the Magic Beans Phenomenon.  

A guy with a lot of beans (and a big imagination) dyes his naturally white beans red and green and purple---  and starts telling people that his beans are magic beans, offering their color as proof.   And the people buy into this clap-trap.  Soon his Magic Beans are selling like wildfire and people are ascribing all sorts of benefits and wonders to these beans. 

So a guy with a lot of gold (and a big imagination) takes the metal and shapes it into uniform round flat pieces and stamps a fancy image of an eagle on the front and the image of a woman on the back, and starts telling people that the coin he made "represents" the value of all other things. It's a Magic Metal Bean.  And the people buy into this clap-trap and start believing that these little round pieces of metal are equivalent in value to bushels of apples and bushels of wheat and barrels of oil. 

Because the people have been duped into trading actual, needful commodities for useless little pieces of gold, gold acquires value --- in a completely backhanded way--- not because it actually has any great value of its own, but because people give it a value by being willing to trade their labor and goods for it. 

Objectively, the whole premise is ridiculous. 

Objectively, we are acting like little children pretending that rocks are dinner plates and paper cups are fine wine glasses---- and taking it seriously, too.  

We actually think that there is such thing as "real money" and that it is different from "Monopoly Money", but in fact, they are all exactly the same kind of commodity, and at the end of the day, all we are arguing over is the brand name and form.  U.S. Mint versus Hasbro Brothers.  Little gold coins versus fancy pieces of paper.  Fancy pieces of paper versus digits in a bank ledger. 

It's all Magic Beans and nobody above the age of five should be fooled by this at all, yet here we all sit, seven billion people unable to face the fact that we are, ourselves, the source of all "value".  

Read that over and over until it sinks in not only to your brain, but your soul.  

We are the source of all value.  

If we don't give something a value, it has none.  

What you value defines who you are.  It sets you free, or, it enslaves you.  

And it is all your choice. 

It is only because of our needs and our often ridiculous beliefs that things are assigned a "marketplace value" in the first place. 

Don't believe that?   Just imagine the Earth without people on it.  

There is no consumer to buy bananas, so the monkeys eat their fill and throw away the peels and scamper away on little monkey feet.  And God smiles because He made bananas for just such a purpose and gave them away for free.  

Everything that we trade is given to us for free--- even our ability to do work and to think creatively is a gift.  That, and the trees and plants and waters and rocks and minerals and metals --- all the raw materials are given to us, collectively, for free. 

But then, arbitrarily and often stupidly, we begin assigning "values" to everything, according to our actual (food) or perceived (gold) need for whatever it is, the scarcity of whatever it is, and so on. 

If we had our heads screwed on and weren't deluded by the Fakirs and all their Magic Beans, we would realize that the most important job in the world --- bringing up healthy, happy, wise children --- is disrespected and unpaid.  We would know with great certainty that love is the ultimate Standard Commodity, and that the only way to obtain it, is to give it.  

If we all just stopped and really thought about money and Magic Beans for ten minutes the world and everything in it, would change, because we would all know that this current situation is beyond silly and stop chasing after gold, which in turn would render it without value. 

And then, maybe, we could turn our attention back to the things that really do matter: sharing and caring and enjoying all that has already been given to us for free.  

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website

The Illuminati Exposed! 50 year old recording EXPOSES ALL!

Burger-Flipping Robot Taking Over In 50 Fast Food Restaurants

CBS Local — As fast food employees across the U.S. continue to protest for higher wages, a California chain restaurant has decided to hire a new staff member that works for free. The competition for the company’s low-wage workers: a burger-flipping robot named “Flippy.”

CaliBurger has announced they will be installing the high-tech replacement in 50 of their locations around the world. “Flippy,” the robotic kitchen assistant, was created by a California startup company called Miso Robotics and is expected to roll out in 2018.

 We are excited about the impact Miso’s AI-based solutions will have for the restaurant industry,” Miso’s David Zito said. The CEO added that their creation will likely push workers out of their current jobs.

“Humans will always play a very critical role in the hospitality side of the business… We just don’t know what the new roles will be yet in the industry.”
Ironically, the futuristic short-order cook has been developed to replace workers in one of the most progressive states in America. Several California cities have already raised the minimum wage as the state plans to push the rate to $15 by 2022.

“This wage is not sustainable for a lot of companies… in that $5 increase you’re talking about $12,000 increase per employee… where does that money come from,” warned Peter Tateishi of the Sacramento Metro Chamber.

The founder of CaliBurger appears to agree with the cost-saving strategy. At a restaurant franchising summit in London, Cali Group CEO John Miller envisioned his chain operating with no kitchen employees at all.

“The kitchen can be entirely automated,” Miller said. “We really think of ourselves as a technology company that happens to sell cheeseburgers,” he added.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for the nearly five million U.S. fast food employees in 2016 was $9.44. As “Flippy” lands in kitchens across America in 2018, workers may face a new challenge in their “fight for $15.”

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Thuggery USA -- $10,000 an Ounce for Gold -- Because We Say So!

By Anna Von Reitz

Remember the Dark Ages when robber Barons ruled the Earth?

Well, we haven't made much progress, have we?

First, it was "This paper is worth so-and-so much because we say so!"---- via "legal tender laws".

They got away with it, because though they were pretending to "represent" our lawful government, they were actually using a private corporate script "as" money instead. And they can arbitrarily declare a "value" for their own private, corporate script.

Just like I can say, "I don't care how much you sell your rutabagas for. My rutabagas cost $20 per ounce."

Assuming that they are Magic Rutabagas, it's a real bargain.

Now it looks like the rats have hit on a new theory -- "This gold is worth so-and-so much, because we say it is. So there!"

They are proposing to mix jurisdictions (and metaphors) again, trying to drag the premises of private corporation script and legal tender laws into the arena of actual money.

It's a grossly criminal proposal and another attempt by the Cabal to set up a means to arbitrarily value and enforce a grossly overstated value for gold, which they hold in vast supply, and which nobody on Earth really needs.

Think "London Gold Exchange" and "Exchange Stabilization Fund"--- huge hedge funds set up to control the value and availability of basic commodities used as money worldwide -- because if they can control the value and availability of your money, they think they can control you.

And so far, they've gone a long way with their lies and bullying and forced feeding of "value" to you, but stop and think--- how much is an hour of your life worth? How much is rain worth when your crops need it? How much is sunshine worth?

And why do you "need" gold to "symbolize" the value of anything else? As if everything else didn't already have a value of its own?
Why not use painted peanut shells to "represent" value instead?

It's just another "representation" scam, similar to what they have pulled by claiming to "represent" you. Only now they are claiming that gold "represents" grapefruit, oh, and a LOT of grapefruit, too.

Are you going to buy this? Are you really SO stupid as to stand by and let these thugs-in-suits get away with this?

The markets have pegged gold at around $1000 per ounce, and in terms of gold availability (grossly more than ever reported in the history of the world) that present value is probably grossly over-valued relative to silver and a lot of other commodities.

Arbitrarily declaring that gold is worth $10,000 an ounce in somebody's dreamland just because they have a lot of gold--- and doing so at the point of a gun--- is nothing but blatant greed, lawless thuggery, and robbery of the value of everything else on Earth.

Tell Donald Trump that he can't eat gold and it won't heat your home this winter. Tell the GCR Committee that, too.

So if he thinks he or anyone else is going to sell you gold for $10,000 an ounce, he will be waiting a long time for those sales to pour in. And pretty soon everyone will realize that they have been seeking after gold for no real reason, like dung beetles endlessly collecting their own dung.

No, instead, what we do is buy back "Federal Reserve Notes" backed by oil at the going rate of $21 of them for every one of our Silver Dollars. That will get things back on track a lot faster than trying to enforce a ridiculous valuation for gold.

Plus, as an added bonus, all the rest of us who stand to get grossly cheated by any such "$10,000 an ounce" proposal will be spared the necessity of hanging the perpetrators.

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website

Hurricane IRMA -- "War Goddess" --- Hahahahah!

By Anna Von Reitz

It was a bad storm, but nothing like the mass media hysteria you were made to listen to for days and days and days.  

They were hoping you'd all believe in their garbage and make it into the "Storm of the Century" for them, but enough people chose to unlock their inherent abilities (or at least have faith enough to try) and the great frightening "War Goddess" just kinda frittered out and away.

That's the way it is with the Devil's tricks.  He has to dupe you into not taking action, or into taking action under the delusions of half-truths and assumptions. He never had any real power of his own.  He had to piggyback on your power and get you to abuse yourselves and others.  

This is what he has done with the "US Military", too.  

In point of fact, the Territorial United States and Municipal United States together don't amount to much in terms of being able to field an actual army, air force, or navy.  They've had to depend upon us being deluded and sending our sons and daughters to serve in THEIR army. 

The proper name for our armed forces is "American Armed Forces" --- not "U.S. Armed Forces".   It only becomes "US Armed Forces" or "U.S. Armed Forces" when they add in the Puerto Rican Navy, the Home Guard on Guam, and whatever U.N. forces they can bring in.   

Then, all of a sudden, the tiny, insignificant actual contribution of the "US" territories and the municipality of Washington, DC,  morphs the American Armed Forces into the United States Armed Forces ---- because now the actual American Forces are joined by the combined might of all the bureaucrats, who give up their jobs in DC to volunteer, and the aforementioned power house organizations in Puerto Rico and Guam. 

And instead of acting under the command of the Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America, Unincorporated, they are deluded into acting under the command of the Commander-in-Chief of the US Territorial and Municipal Corporations.  

Kinda like waking up in bed with a woman who you think is your wife, but then.... uh.... not really.  

Time to own your mistakes and come home, fellas. 

We all need to wake up and draw a line of distinction between the bankrupt Territorial United States and the equally bankrupt Municipal United States and the actual, factual United States --- our America.  And our American Armed Forces. 

And we also need to stop acting as unpaid "volunteers" and sending our sons and daughters off to wage wars for profit.  "Citizens" have to register to serve in the US Armed Forces when they turn 18, but American state nationals are not under any such requirement.  Just say, "No."  And keep saying it.  And remind them that citizenship is -- and has to be -- voluntary, otherwise it is enslavement, involuntary peonage, press-ganging, kidnapping, or worse.  

Once you surrender the "FEDERAL PERSON" and expatriate your domicile back to the land and soil of your birth and claim the copyright of your name, there is potent evidence on the public record rebutting their "presumptions" about you and your political status. 

The most potent threat to America has not come from outside our borders, it has always come from within. It's come via all Satan's usual tricks--- semantic deceits, similar names deceits, half-truths, assumptions, fear, intimidation, racketeering --- but it's time for us to take back both our responsibility and our power.  

Just like Hurricane IRMA.  When you face it head-on and execute your Will and tell the storm to lie down, it lies down.   Same thing will happen in Washington, DC, when you get your backs up and your heads screwed on.  

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website

The Shadow Government Testimony

By Anna Von Reitz

We do affirm that to the best of our knowledge and belief, every word of this testimony is true, correct, and placed upon the public record: 

Everyone is talking about the "Shadow Government" and "Dark Government" and "Shadow Forces".  Let's peel off all the cloak and dagger nonsense and shine a bright light and see what is really hiding under the bed and how it got there. 

This all began with Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his corporate office as "President" of the United States of America, Inc. 

He bankrupted a territorial corporation that infringed upon our unincorporated Trade Name "United States of America" --- simply named itself after our unincorporated land jurisdiction government,  and then created franchises for itself named after our states --- "State of Michigan" for example.  The fraud artists even created franchises named after all the living Americans by arbitrarily "redefining" their Trade Names as U.S. Foreign Situs Trusts operated as corporate franchises--and all without consent, disclosure, or equitable consideration, all based on false claims of authority and non-existent battlefields and wars and emergency powers never granted to these charlatans.  

John Maynard Doe = the Given Trade Name of an American baby, but....
John Maynard Doe can also = the name of a Territorial United States Foreign Situs Trust

Which is which?  And who is to know the difference?  It is an obvious constructive fraud based on deceptively similar names. 

FDR just winked and "presumed" that we were all "United States Citizens" and that our Given Trade Names were actually the names of Territorial Foreign Situs Trusts instead.   And on that basis, the Creditors of the United States of America, Inc., were allowed to harass us and bill us for the debts of our house servants. 

[Mr. Obama just pulled the same basic trick.  He created bankrupt PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITIES named after all of you, all using ACCOUNT designations like this:  JOHN Q. PUBLIC.  They are attempting to pull the same scam again, only on a global scale. ] 

And then, by a process of "debt assumption" FDR and his administration and the creditors of their private, mostly foreign-owned corporation, foisted their debts off onto the innocent American public.  

They basically sent out bills addressed to their franchises that appeared to be addressed to the living people of the same name, and those same living people innocently paid all these bills that weren't actually theirs to pay.  

And the lawyers, who have all taken oaths to "support the bankruptcy"--- most of whom don't even know that the bankruptcy they took an oath to support is long since over--- and that a new round of fraud is being booted up--- are expediting and enforcing and contributing to this fraud and lawlessness.  

How could such a thing be?  Well, it is rooted in the actions of the present Queen of England's Father and Uncle, and in FDR's actions back in the 1930's.  

In 1935, FDR created The Federal Register Act.  It was codified as Title 3, Section 301, et seq. by Executive Order.  He gave himself the power to create federal agencies, to appoint the heads of those agencies, and to give those agencies the power to tax and regulate federal citizens. This is the Shadow Government.  

As the President of any incorporated entity does not have the power to create law directly affecting or obligating the unincorporated American states or people, we may be sure that these actions by FDR pertained only to the operations of the federal territorial and municipal corporations and their employees --which are now in the process of liquidation and Chapter 11 Reorganization.  Again. 

Next, FDR re-delegated his ability to make federal "laws"  known as "statutory regulations"--- which is private, corporate, statutory law dreamed up by The National Law Institute--- to the agency heads.  

Again, under the actual Constitution, re-delegation of delegated authority is a felony-level Breach of Trust, so we may be sure that none of these actions were undertaken with respect to the actual American states and people.  The only ones subject to the rule of the Shadow Government of the Agencies are federal citizens, who are obligated to obey every title and jot, just as they are obligated to pay federal income taxes, are subject to unlawful Bills of Attainder, and all the rest.  

All this goes along uninterrupted as private corporate business affairs that are-- at least on paper-- not supposed to affect us or our states, unless we volunteer to donate our property to the cause, which of course we never do, but which the corporate franchise managers appear to do "for" us, when they pledge "the good faith and credit" of their "states and the citizenry thereof". 

Please note the language.  When they talk about "their states" they are talking about the Territorial or Municipal States of States or STATES OF STATES or..... their franchise organizations, and when they talk about the "citizenry thereof" they are talking about their employees and dependents and political asylum seekers, etc., that are obligated to obey their every whim.  Not us. 

But they "presumed" that we would "volunteer" and donate our assets as "sureties" backing their debts, and so, for the next 66 years, via an undisclosed process of odious debt assumption promoted via an equally undisclosed practice of personage against the unwary Americans, we all paid taxes we didn't owe and mortgages we didn't owe, and we made to obey foreign statutory laws that actually have nothing to do with us.  

And now they are trying to boot it up on a global scale and pull off the same constructive fraud scheme again.  

In 1999 the old bankruptcy finally settled and our Trade Names, which the Federales falsely claimed were U.S. Foreign Situs Trusts, were released. The formerly and merely "presumed to be" bankrupt entities were set free, albeit, left adrift in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  That's how your good honest Christian Trade Names came to be converted into the names of "presumed" U.S. Foreign Situs Trusts and  "abandoned" in the foreign jurisdiction of the sea, and this is the reason that Queen Bess called them "disregarded entities".  

This brings up the issue of the responsibility of the British Monarch for this circumstance, which can only result from Gross Negligence and felony-level Breach of Trust on her part with respect to re-delegation of delegated powers. 
At the end of the day, the Stench of all this comes back and lands on the Queen's lap, because the British Monarchs are obligated to act as our Trustees on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways and none of this chicanery should have ever been allowed.  

No re-delegation allowed to the Congress, either Territorial or Municipal.  No re-delegation allowed to the President.   No re-delegation allowed to the Federal Reserve.  And certainly no re-delegation of our delegated authority to any politically appointed heads of any federal corporation agencies or subcontractors. 

What these fraud artists have justified as merely private business operations of an incorporated entity like any other incorporated entity on the face of the Earth, have in fact been misrepresented as the prerogatives and actions of a sovereign government--- a sovereign government which still exists and which holds Queen Elizabeth II responsible for usurping upon the position of the actual American Head of State and for abuse of the Delegated Powers, and for re-delegating powers that are uniquely vouchsafed to the British Monarch--- which resulted in the Federal Reserve System, the surreptitious press-ganging of the American People, and the false claims that have been made against us, our labor assets, our natural resources, our copyrights, trademarks, logos, and so much more.  

Now once again the perpetrators have piled up a huge mass of Odious Debt, which they are attempting to palm off on Americans, and claiming that we have "voluntarily" subjected ourselves to their vicious and criminal hegemony.  

They were able to enforce this via constructive fraud and falsification of public records and plain brute force while their corporations were solvent, but now, something new has entered the playing field.  Their operations are under the control of the bankruptcy courts --- and bankruptcy Trustees named by Secondary Creditors --- mostly international banks.  

They have been doing this under the presumption ---again, that word -- that the Priority Creditors--- the American states and people, are "not represented" and are "Missing, Presumed Dead" in the international jurisdiction of the sea, and all as a result of their criminal fraud.  

The United States District Court for the District of Columbia has been informed of the startling information that the "missing" Americans have not only been found, they are alive and well and back on the land jurisdiction of the United States, and they reclaim their names, their Laws, and their property assets free and clear of any debts accrued "in the absence" by Secondary and merely "presumed" Beneficiaries of their estates.  

Instead of the "Agencies" we are now presented with the ridiculous presumption that we and our actual government are in the thrall of Bankruptcy Trustees appointment by Secondary Creditors in a bankruptcy in which we are, ourselves, the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors.  

U.S. Attorney General Jeffrey Sessions and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin are hereby fully informed that the American states and people are alive and well and that as the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors, we own all the bankrupt Territorial and Municipal Corporations and their franchises, including the banks which have been organized under their auspices worldwide, and the Credit Unions which have always been ours. 

This is our enchilada, not yours, not the Queen's, and the Pope has already admitted that it isn't his, either. 

(1)  As the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors , it is our determination and edict to the courts in this matter that the so-called "National Debts" are to be first off-set by Mutual Off-Set Credit Exchange, then discharged and forgiven as necessary, and that all assets naturally belonging to the American states and people and similarly all assets naturally belonging to the people of other countries are to be returned to them and their lawful land jurisdiction governments, free and clear of any odious debt.  

(2) It is also our determination and edict in this matter that the United States Marshal's Service shall be converted back to duty in the international jurisdiction of the land and the U.S. District Courts converted back into Federal Postal District Courts for the resumption of International Trade. 

(3) As we are owed the assets managed by the Federal Reserve and  as all value of the "Petro-dollar" issued by the UNITED STATES since 1971 is based on the value of oil, not gold, any conversion of Federal Reserve Notes into our currency shall be in equivalents to our traditional silver dollar and not attached to any gold standard at all, except in that our silver dollars and paper certificates representing silver dollars may trade against gold in precious metal-backed currency markets of the world. We reserve the copyright and trademarks, logos, flags, currencies, patents, treaties, and all else that is our natural inheritance as the lawful government of the free, sovereign, and independent United States. 

This news deserves to be noted and flashed all around the world, so that nobody is under any false presumption about the status of the American states and people and their continuing claim upon the land, labor, and natural resources of the actual United States, which has nothing whatsoever to do with the fortunes of the foreign "governmental services corporations" which were supposed to merely be here providing these services in Good Faith.  

It should also be noted that silver, not gold, is our precious metal-backed currency standard and has been for over 200 years.  Anyone offering to issue "United States Dollars" as a gold-backed currency is acting in fraud and without the the consent of the Paramount Security Interest Holders and is infringing upon our lawful copyrights and trademarks.

We shall leave it to you and to the political appointees responsible for the Agencies of the Shadow Government and the leaders of the American Bar Association and The National Law Institute and President Trump and the Generals acting as Trustees of the bankrupt Territorial corporations, and the Senior Judges at The United States District Court for the District of Columbia, and the Justices of the so-called United States Supreme Court  and the bankruptcy court of Puerto Rico, and the rest of the Party Hearties in the deceptively similarly named "U.S. Congress" to consider whether this present circumstance bears any faint resemblance to "Good Faith" of any kind, and we shall leave it to the Office of the Prosecutor at the World Court and the Grand Juries of the lawful government to consider whether it does not instead reek of self-interested deceit, fraud, felony Breach of Trust, unlawful conversion, breach of our international treaties with the British Monarchs and with the Municipal government of the City of London and the Territorial Government of Westminster, press-ganging, inland piracy, enslavement, forced peonage, conscription under force, racketeering, usurpation against a sovereign government, and a total disrespect by both the governmental services corporations and the purveyors of the "law" and the banks which have colluded with them against their Priority Creditors--- for the Public Law, including our international tri-lateral treaties, which have been in place for over 200 years.  

So said, and so made as a record in solemn testimony, by our hands and seals and in our lawful and lawfully copyrighted names, without the Territorial and Municipal United States, under penalty of perjury under the Public Law of the actual United States of America, Unincorporated, to the best of our knowledge and belief this 11th day of September, 2017, and provided to the respective bankruptcy courts, the people of America, and the world at large: 

by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
United States of America, Unincorporated
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

by: James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
United States of America, Unincorporated
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska, 99652

Monday, September 11, 2017





WOW! THE JEWISH QUESTION Famous Quotes: 127 pages! Put your seat belt on! Were sent to me from Australia!

Owing to the intense interest shown regarding many parts of my Power Point
presentation on Saturday, particularly that of The Jewish Question, I have
decided to send out a portion of what I have accumulated over the last 50 or
so years, as an attachment herewith.

Please open and study, read often, and file in your archives.

Put your seat belt on!
The Zionist/Jewish Question.

Due to an overwhelming number of repeated requests from the public, we have, after much study and research, produced this comprehensive - but by no means exhaustive - number of well-known and public statements, including some by Popes and Monarchs – many by prominent Jews themselves - throughout history. These quotations are for the information and education of our readers, members, electors and supporters.  Study them closely, and save them for posterity.

Meet the Kids!


Looks can be somewhat deceiving!  The stories behind these three kids would make a movie that would not be forgotten.  Rather than choosing to abort as many women in this nation would do, in an attempt to save the lives of both, Jordan and Jason were both delivered caesarean at around 7+ months, dead at birth but yet revived and survived but not without handicap issues. Both have cerebral palsy as a result of the oxygen deprivation, and Jason suffering more severe CP handicaps as well as declared to be legally blind. The lenses in his glasses are as thick as coke bottle bottoms.  Both boys have 'permanent' limiting physical issues including eyesight, coordination, etc.  

And Mackenzie - born to a young mother who was hooked on multiple drugs.  Both the birth mother and child were victims of severe child abuse (of the kind pedophelia is made of).  Mackenzie has multiple diagnoses of 3 letter 'conditions' that cause her, the family, her few friends and her school allot of problems. 

The new parents adopted Mackenzie at age 4 after a long (years) court struggle and thousands of dollars needing to be expended for her medical/psychiatric costs then and since. Mac has mental  conditions (from the child abuse suffered and that caused by the drugs, etc. her mother was taking prior to Mac's birth) that require miracle deliverance and healing.  

I am not asking for your money.  More than that, the family and the children would greatly appreciate your prayers.  Tensions get high at times - imagine if you had 3 special needs children, all tugging at you and each other at the same time, and you're trying your best to manage their health, physical, emotional and educational needs as well as your own as parents - all at the same time.  

This couple literally sacrificed their lives to protect, care and provide for the lives of these children.  Multiply their situation by the thousands and you can get a good idea of what others are also experiencing.  Today one can get an abortion easily enough to be 'rid of' a 'problem' - but this couple did NOT consider abortion despite the pending diagnosis of their two sons.  Most would never adopt a 'troubled' child no matter how cute or how badly a couple might want a child.  These three children would be cast aside, left to their own fate.  The parents have the heart and the fortitude to extend to each one their love, caring and provision as best they can. And even with their own problems that they manage to work through on a daily basis, they make themselves available to others who come to them with their problems for guidance and compassion.  The 'light and love' definitely shows forth through this entire family.

Their story would make an excellent interview for Dr. Phil and Oprah.

So why am I printing this on the blog?  Because there are many across this nation who are experiencing similar situations. This little family is in the background. Few know of the sacrifices they make and the situations they deal with every day.  Few would ever think of providing any sort of help.  Few if any would look upon this couple and think to thank them for the sacrifices they make. Most in our nation go on their merry way and have no concern for the needs and experiences of others. 

I know this family and am personally aware of all that they have been going through for many years now.  I am posting their story to give honor to them for the love and caring they show to others daily DESPITE their own needs, and to make America aware that there are several of our brothers and sisters 'out there' who could use your prayers - and even offers to help.  THIS FAMILY ESPECIALLY NEEDS DIVINE INTERVENTION on their behalf.   

Olive Oyl

United we stand - divided we fall. ( tand,_div ided_we_ fall)

Gal 6:10  As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith

Your Inheritance

By Anna Von Reitz

A lot of my work concerns helping you all to claim back your natural inheritance -- your Given Trade Name, your natural domicile on the land of your organic states of the Union, your assets both on the land and at sea.   That's all well and good. These are your belongings which crooks have tried to steal.  We must pay attention and work together (and separately) to undermine their schemes and put an end to their bogus claims against us and our property interests.  

But there is an even greater inheritance that all people must become aware of. We are the children of God, made in His image, endowed with his powers and creativity. We are all demi-gods and there is nothing boastful or blasphemous or hoo-doo-voo-doo about this statement: it is clearly written in the holy scriptures and Jesus demonstrated this throughout His life.  His Disciples went on and continued to demonstrate it with their lives.  Indeed, the true saints among us have always borne Witness to what one man or woman can do.  

If we "tune in" and become one with Jesus, and He is one with Our Father, then indeed we tap into the full force of the Creative Power and Genius of the Universe. As conduits of that Power, we can do anything truly good that we wish to do.  

Jesus told the winds to be still on Lake Galilee and they were stilled.  He told his Disciples that in the future we would do even greater miracles than He performed. Do you think that Jesus had any reason to tell lies?  Why do you take part of His teaching so seriously, yet discount all the rest as if He must have been talking to someone else?  

Who, me?  Lord?  You're talking to me?  I'm able to do miracles?  What??? 

He spoke to the Disciples then and He speaks to you now.  

As part of the "waking up" process, everyone needs to wake up to their own divine nature.  Instead of moaning and groaning because we are not wholly divine and immortal, turn your attention to what is highest and strongest and best in you. Realize that this physical body is like a space suit that has its limitations, but the consciousness that dwells within the body is not limited. 

Why does it surprise anyone that I have encouraged you to take control of Hurricane Irma?   Haven't we seen enough destruction from Hurricane Harvey?  
Anyone want seconds?  

Many "lightworkers" are already assembled and beginning to explore their natural abilities to control weather phenomenon. 

Such efforts and the "hauling the net" exercise I gave everyone can move both storms and mountains, but it certainly helps if you practice an even more fundamental skill: focusing your attention on what is good. 

I, myself, can call rain and make it go away, can re-direct the path of cyclones, and change the winds.  Jesus could do this, and His followers can do this.  It has been given to us as a gift, so, instead of standing around like sheep being rained on, explore your abilities.  The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.  Literally.  

Because meditation is a relatively familiar concept nowadays, many of those who are trying to awaken people to their true inheritance use the word "meditation" to describe the means of exercising these abilities, and others, like those who preach "visualization" and "manifestation" have other ways to explain it, but I have a slightly different way of approaching access to this divine gift that is virtually fool-proof.   

In my view, we are rather limited at this stage of our development--- much like small children who are only beginning to become aware of ourselves and clumsily discovering our abilities, we don't have answers for many questions.  

We can't answer "how" or "why" or "when" or "who" or "how much" or "where" very well, but there is one question that we can answer with great individual accuracy. 

We can answer the question of "what" we want, and the more our hearts dwell on good and just and humble aims, the more quickly and surely all our needs are met and our wishes are accomplished without us having to worry about who or when or where or why or how or how much.  

All those issues are taken care of for us.  

All we have to do is to give our attention to what is good, instead of what is bad. Choose life.  Choose health.  Choose peace.  And realizing that we are all neophytes, babies just toddling along, ask for help from your Father in Heaven and from your Righteous Savior to better know what is good.  

Just like a grown-up who sees a toddler reaching for a bowl of oatmeal, they are in a position to guide your movements and help you navigate the spoon-to-mouth action.  

Giving our attention to something is different than meditating on it and also different than visualizing anything in particular.  It is more a matter of simply looking and seeing and letting our focus dwell on whatever it is in a detached, impersonal, observing way.  

You have to be able to latch onto the concept of "dog" before you can differentiate down to the reality of your own individual dog, Brutus.  

This process of giving your attention to things determines what you bring into or cast out of your experience.  

I once knew a woman who complained that what she wanted was a tall, dark, handsome man, but all she ever got were short, pale, ugly chaps.  She was lavishing her attention on what she didn't want. 

So I taught her how to re-focus and dispassionately give her attention to what she wanted, both in terms of appearance and behavior.  In no time at all, she had half a dozen tall, dark, handsome men who were also kind and competent and -- guess what? --interested in her, even though she was middle aged and overweight.  

We can all have such abundance of any good thing we desire, so long as we learn to give our attention to what we want -- as if we were curious about what it is we are seeing.  

I told my friend -- look at tall, dark, handsome men -- not as objects of desire, but as phenomenon. Whenever you see one, even in a magazine--- observe them like a scientist. What makes them dark?  What makes them handsome?  Even more important, what makes them kind?  What makes them competent?  

What are you giving your attention to today?  

Hurricane Irma?  Are you allowing yourself to replay television footage of wildly swaying palm trees and flapping electrical lines?  Or maybe you are looking at the thermal images of the storm moving like a rainbow-colored wheel across the blue of the sea?  

Okay, well, you saw all that and more on TV.  Is that what you should give your attention to?  No, you need to redefine what you are giving your attention to and take it away from what you don't want, just like my friend who was drawing an endless stream of short, ugly men into her life. 

Focus your attention on other things, other aspects of weather, that you do want. Find a picture of a peaceful Caribbean island scene, bright sun, calm waters. Look at that. Observe it.  Reflect that back without comment, without urgency, without desire--- like a camera simply reporting what it sees.  Sink into the feeling of it. What does it feel like?  How does it smell?  What does the gentle lapping of the waves sound like?  

Focusing your attention on what you want instead of what you don't want reprograms the whole delivery system of the Universe, which is created to serve your every need.  

Some people desiring evil for others have created ugly technology that delivers fear and physical damage.  They give their attention to such things, but their attention is not stronger than yours and they don't get to dictate what you give your attention to.  

So if you give your attention to still winds and quiet waters and bright sun and blue seas and healthy marine biospheres, that's what you will create. If you give you attention to peace and to having plenty of everything you need, that is what you will create, just as reliably as the grass grows. 

Just define what it is that you truly want and then, casually, back up your focus with your actions.  Remember that your Father is the Creator, and as His child, you also create --- mindfully or not --- we are all creating the world around us. 

So learn how to give your attention to what you want, instead of what you don't want.  Stop letting the faceless, bought, irresponsible "media" focus your attention on sex and death and disaster.  Take control of Hurricane Irma, instead. 

Unwind the spiral of the wind.  Make the wind lie down.  Just do it, dispassionately, happily, as a matter of course.  We don't need a hurricane.  So enough of that nonsense.  

And while we are at it......

You want a government that serves you, instead of one that serves itself at your expense?  What does such a government look like?  What kind of structure does it have?  What does it require?  What's the easiest way to deliver public services? What objectives does such a government have?  What kind of people create such a government?  

The scriptures promise that Our God will bring to ruin those ruining the Earth, but destroy the World -- the fictional world created by men -- with fire.  How can He do both?  Is it not said that Our God is a "consuming fire"?   Are we not baptized with the Holy Spirit's flame?  

As each one of us catches fire and begins to burn with the Spirit of love and peace and health and sharing and fearlessness and calm and truth, the chaos and darkness and dishonesty and fear and idolatry and illness and violence and all the rest of what is threatening and ugly, gets burned away by the holy fire and creative vision burning brightly within us.  

Those who have been deceived by the idol-makers and defrauded by con men can suddenly see what they've been doing and believing in and giving their attention to--- and so, are enabled to know the Truth and choose differently,  

Wake up, Children of God!  Daylight in the swamps!  Claim your inheritance!

What will you give your attention to?  What will you create this day?  

Hurricane Irma, supposedly "the worst storm in history", has just been downgraded to a Category Three.   This was done by a relatively few people who gave their attention to calming the storm and turning it away.  Imagine what happens when all the good people on Earth become adept at using their natural gifts to build a peaceful paradise?  

We will indeed say, "Go!" and the mountains will move and "Be still!" and the winds will lie down.  To the servants and sons of Satan, we will say, "Depart!" and they will go, because they have no choice.  Earth belongs to us, not to them. 

And that's the facts of your inheritance.  

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website