Benjamin Fulford Blurb: It Is Time To Take The Ring Of Power To Mount Doom
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 16-Apr-2012 13:13:15
Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis
The battle for control of the global financial system and thus the future of the planet has reached a temporary deadlock as the committee of 300 struggles to maintain power even as the rest of the world continues to push for a fair, free and open financial system controlled by the people of the planet. The situation has reached the point where physical action against the committee (mainly in the form of mass arrests) has become the only possible recourse.
One problem, of course, lies in the issue of what to do about the “ring of power,” or the job hitherto referred to as M1, wherein a single individual has ultimate control over the creation and distribution of money. There is no M1 now according to the Swiss government and other sources. Somebody needs to make sure that never again is single individual given such power and that means metaphorically taking the centralized control of finance and dissolving it in the “Mt. Doom,” of the Lord of the Rings to ensure that humanity is once again free from debt slavery and horror.There were many meetings world-wide last week aimed at accomplishing exactly this.
Reader: "A point to think about.."Posted By: Jordon [E-Mail]Date: Monday, 16-Apr-2012 09:19:01.In Response To: Readers Respond: "There is much truth to Clif High.." (Jordon) // Reader Kwartz says: Jordon,I follow these interesting subjects with an open mind but an analytic attitude.I read Fulford through sym-bolic logic and deductive logic. It seems to me he is trying to be honest. He may be lied to, of course, but his statements show truth as he sees it.I read Wilcock the same way.Same results. Wilcock provides a great wealth of information that you could follow and study yourself if you want to. His exposition of arguments feels solid and analytic.When I read Cliff High, though, I almost always see only opinion directed towards refusal based on the premise that his analysis is objective beyond question. And that, my friend, is a fallacy. Human Linguistics is not extraterrestrial science. It can be applied by almost anyone person with an ounce of academic imperative, provided you are being honest and love to pay attention to detail.Only the fact that Cliff High is using his undoubtedly valuable time and resources to convince people that other persons whose claims are receiving attention as of late are false should tell you that he is a bit desperate for that attention himself. The way I see it, even in Fulford and Wilcock are only about 25% right, that still shows that the world is moving towards eventual awakening. For, remember, those in the dark simply need to be exposed, and truth will bring them down into reach of people. A point to think about:...(...)
Articles In This Thread: Clif High: Fulford is a Big Fat Liar, Drake is Full of S#!t, and Wilcock's Contacts are Worthless... (views: 4027)Jordon -- Sunday, 15-Apr-2012 13:25:07 // Readers comments... (views: 1736) Jordon -- Sunday, 15-Apr-2012 15:06:40//Re: Clif High: Fulford is a Big Fat Liar, Drake is Full of S#!t, and Wilcock's Contacts are Worthless... (views: 1503) Watchman -- Sunday, 15-Apr-2012 15:22:48 //Reader: "So ppl who do not have a personal radiation reader can have access to current and historical data" (views: 971)hobie -- Sunday, 15-Apr-2012 15:49:20// Uh...the West Coast of North America is not Tokyo (views: 897)hobie -- Sunday, 15-Apr-2012 16:03:50 // Reader: "One thing you can say about Clif is that he can create a roman arena (food fights) like no one else." (views: 108)hobie -- Monday, 16-Apr-2012 14:54:06 // More Readers Respond: "I think Clif needs to shut his mouth.." (views: 1253)Jordon -- Sunday, 15-Apr-2012 16:17:29 // Readers Respond: "There is much truth to Clif High.." (views: 649)Jordon -- Sunday, 15-Apr-2012 20:31:37//Reader: "A point to think about.." (views: 235) Jordon - Monday, 16-Apr-2012 09:19:01//Reader: You know Me. I don't pull punches! (Striderus) (views: 239)Susoni -- Monday, 16-Apr-2012 13:01:26// E-mail from Ben Fulford: "This is my response to Cliff High." (views: 2002) hobie -- Monday, 16-Apr-2012 20:30:52// from:
I agree whole heartily. It is frustrating at times to read comments posted by those who are more interested in their own rhetoric and regurgitated opinion without doing an ounce of their own critical thinking & research. Thanks for putting into words that which I have often wished to say myself. As far as Fulford, I agree that he isn't lieing in the truest sense but I cannot help but question if he is being duped himself in some respects. Although he is very intelligent so at times; I don't feel it would be possible? Wilcock on the other hand seems to thoroughly validate every thought, opinion, and fact. He never spouts off a word unless he has evidence to back up his claim and has no problem providing resources for the listener and encourages the listener to not "take my word for it". I respect this immensely. Only on rare occasion will he make a statement, usually in a Q&A situation where he has no control, where he will state "to the best of my knowledge or I don't know". Again, I respect that! My frustration lies in the fact that Fulford has been making claims now for 3 years. Some are exactly the same and yet they have not come to fruition. But I cannot see any motive? I can't see the monetary gain for deliberately misleading the public. Its all very confusing at times and my jury is still out on exactly what is going on. But I am working on it!
Peace, Viki
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