By: Devvy
April 16, 2012
April 16, 2012
Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro aka Barry Dunham aka Barack Dunham - all known aliases of the occupant in the White House. I will refer to him as Barry Soetoro since that appears to be the last known legal name of the mystery man.
Over the past four years I have followed every case filed, read every brief submitted and a million words on the constitutional meaning of 'natural born citizen'. Only those in denial or whose ideological agenda depends on Barry staying in office refuse to acknowledge that Soetoro was born with dual citizenship. He was ineligible in 2008 and he's still ineligible in 2012.
In the only oral arguments to actually take place out in Georgia, the end result has been the same. Two weeks ago, the Georgia Supreme Court checked their manhood at the door and ruled against all the plaintiffs. Those judges followed the cowardly path taken by Judge Mahili in his original decision to allow Barry on the Georgia ballot despite the undeniable legal facts presented by plaintiffs during the original hearings. However, what the Georgia Supreme Court did was even more reprehensible according to Van Irion, Liberty Legal Foundation, who represented David Welden:
"Both LLF and Georgia Representative Mark Hatfield pointed out to the Court the date on which the Secretary of State planned to certify the election. Yet the Court sat on our filings for seven days, then ruled on the day certification had been planned. If we had been given one or two days we could have filed an emergency motion with the U.S. Supreme Court. Currently the Justice assigned to review such motions from Georgia is the most Constitutional originalist, Justice Clarence Thomas. I'm sure that the Georgia Supreme Court is aware that Justice Thomas would have been our next step, had we had time to file another motion. The Georgia Court ensured that such review was not possible by waiting until the last day to rule before our motion became moot. It is possible that this timing was nothing more than a busy court not being able to rule faster, but after what we have seen in Georgia, do you believe that? Even if that is true, what does it say about this Court's level of respect for the importance of this case? The Court didn't even bother to spell our client's name correctly! I believe that this latest ruling proves that Georgia law does not apply to the powerful."
As I have written in many columns, Barry cannot be impeached. He usurped the office of the presidency. The only legal method to remove him is through the Quo Warranto statute. A proper QW was filed on January 3, 2012, by presidential candidate, Montgomery Blair Sibley. He filed a Certified Petition for Writs Quo Warranto and Mandamus in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, the proper legal forum. The judge, Amy Jackson Berman, apparently doesn't have the courage to address this issue because she has refused to respond.
Forty days after Sibley's filing, the District Court Judge had not ruled on any part of the suit, so he filed a petition for mandamus with the Circuit Court of Appeal. The Appeals Court then ruled: “The district court's delay in ruling on the petition for writ of quo warranto is not so egregious or unreasonable as to warrant the extraordinary remedy of mandamus.” Sibley then filed with the U.S. Supreme Court: "On April 20, the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether to fast-track the determination of Obama's constitutional eligibility to be President."
Unfortunately, a new effort is underway and being heavily promoted by popular talk show hosts like Alex Jones. 'Impeach 2012' is a project by Sean Stone, son of movie producer, Oliver Stone. Another wasted effort by someone who, while his intentions may be from the heart, apparently has zero understanding of the constitutional problem of impeaching someone who never held the office. THAT is the meat of the legal issue. Alex Jones has had Dr. Edwin Vieria on his show several times and I believe he respects Edwin's undisputed status as an expert on constitutional issues. Edwin addressed this issue back in 2008:
"Seventh, if Obama does become an usurper posturing as “the President,” Congress cannot even impeach him because, not being the actual President, he cannot be “removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors” (see Article II, Section 4). In that case, some other public officials would have to arrest him—with physical force, if he would not go along quietly—in order to prevent him from continuing his imposture. Obviously, this could possibly lead to armed conflicts within the General Government itself, or among the States and the people.
"Eighth, even did something approaching civil war not eventuate from Obama’s hypothetical usurpation, if the Establishment allowed Obama to pretend to be “the President,” and the people acquiesced in that charade, just about everything that was done during his faux “tenure in office” by anyone connected with the Executive Branch of the General Government, and quite a bit done by the Legislative Branch and perhaps the Judicial Branch as well, would be arguably illegitimate and subject to being overturned when a constitutional President was finally installed in office. The potential for chaos, both domestically and internationally, arising out of this systemic uncertainty is breathtaking.
"The underlying problem will not be obviated if Obama, his partisans in the Democratic Party, and his cheerleaders and cover-up artists in the big media simply stonewall the issue of his (non) citizenship and contrive for him to win the Presidential election. The cat is already out of the bag and running all over the Internet. If he continues to dodge the issue, Obama will be dogged with this question every day of his purported “Presidency.”
I can't tell you how many emails I've received over the past few years from "patriots" who say they don't care whether or not he can't be impeached from a constitutional prospective, "we" have to impeach him anyway to get him out of office!
That position is no different than those we battle against who care nothing for the U.S. Constitution regarding Barry and his ineligibility. Two wrongs do not make a right. Don't people get it yet? Don't they understand if you play the game by their rules you will lose every time?
There will be no impeachment by the Outlaw Congress. Fact challenged, U.S. Rep. Walter B. Jones Jr., [R-NC] has introduced a resolution to impeach for high crimes and misdemeanors except that as a usurper, Soetoro never had legal authority to act as Commander-in-Chief.
The Republicans know such a resolution will go no where. It was introduced March 7, 2012, and has a grand total of 2 co-sponsors. As Bush was to Pelosi, Barry is to the GOP for the 2012 elections. The deal makers in the Outlaw Congress are fully aware that we the people know they are responsible for allowing the electoral college vote to proceed on January 9, 2009, installing an impostor president in the White House. Jones' resolution is simply throwing scraps to the peasants to appease. Keep them herded in the wrong direction which protects the gross negligence by every incumbent on January 9, 2009.
Those who continue to spend time and money on an impeachment are working for the wrong side whether they know it or not. If Soetoro's "presidency" is allowed to stand as legitimate, again, it will set one of the worst legal precedents in the history of this country. I hope that people like Alex Jones will stop promoting that effort.
While Sheriff Joe's Cold Posse continues their investigation, is there any other legal method to remove Barry from the White House? You can't say remove him from office since he was never eligible to run in 2008. Because Barry was never eligible to be on the ballot in any state, no one had the right to vote for him in 2008.
There's no question Soetoro's Selective Service Registration Card is a forgery. I don't believe there's doubt any longer he has been using someone else's social security number. The birth certificate he has presented to the world is a forgery. But, how do we legally deal with it as we wait to see what the U.S. Supreme Court decides on April 20, 2012, and beyond?
By demanding a special prosecutor be appointed to deal with only one issue:The forged birth certificate. The role of a special counsel is to investigate wrong doing by the Executive Branch. Barry Soetoro released a forged document in his "official" capacity on April 27, 2011. He "owns it" now and for that alone, a special counsel could be appointed.
Why not include the forged Selective Service (SS) card and use of someone else's social security number (SSN) to a special counsel? Because the SS card forgery was committed before he was "elected". I'm not a lawyer, so I can't say whether or not Barry can still be indicted and prosecuted under federal law for forging his SS registration form. The statute of limitations might have already run.
As for using someone else's SSN, Soetoro can weasel out of that one by saying his deceased mother applied for the number while he was a minor and he never had reason to question it. (Smirk)
Second, and I didn't believe it until I read the cases, courts have now given the green light in promoting identify theft. In 2010, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that a man who used his real name but someone else's Social Security number to obtain a car loan was not guilty of "criminal impersonation," overturning convictions by lower courts. That followed a ruling the prior year by the U.S. Supreme Court, quote: "A Mexican man who gave a false SSN to get a job at an Illinois steel plant could not be convicted under federal identity theft laws because he did not knowingly use another person's identifying number. The ruling overturned an opinion by a federal appeals court in St. Louis -- and contradicted earlier findings by circuit courts in the Southeast, upper Midwest and the Gulf states."
Oh, that's right. That thief used someone else's SSN to get a job, but didn't commit a crime because he "did not knowingly use another person's identifying number". Well, just whose number did that thief think he was using since it wasn't his own? Those judges should be thrown off the bench for literally opening the door for more identity theft ruining people's lives.
Soetoro can be indicted and prosecuted after he leaves "office" for carrying out a "scheme to defraud" the public via his "dishonest services"; United States v. Frega, 179 F.3d 793 (9th Cir. 1999). He most certainly can be indicted, and hopefully convicted, under the wire fraud statute, 18 U.S.C. §1343. That is not idle speculation. The impostor president, knowing he was ineligible, solicited campaign funds via television, radio and the Internet to the tune of about $700 million dollars. Those charges alone, if convicted, would put him in federal prison for a long time.
The House Judiciary Committee has the power and authority to demand a special counsel. The conundrum is not an easy one to overcome. Current law allows the U.S. Attorney General to appoint a special counsel. The thoroughly corrupt, Eric Holder, will never appoint one to investigate the putative president's deliberate release of a forged document. A forged document that allegedly reinforces his eligibility. The House Judiciary Committee could take the extraordinary step of going to the U.S. District Court in Washington, DC and demand a special counsel be appointed.
If Rep. Jones feels so strongly about impeachment, perhaps some of his constituents can educate him on why that cannot and will not happen and to support appointment of a special counsel. To not support such an appointment will speak volumes.
If the millions of Americans who are putting their efforts towards impeachment would flood the House Judiciary Committee with letters demanding a special counsel, it would raise the stakes to a new level. It would also make Barry's situation so untenable he "resigns" or his handlers force him to leave; we know how issues "grow legs". The question of why would Barry use a forged birth certificate raises the one legal issue for which he can be removed from the White House: his dual citizenship at birth, not where he was born. A special counsel would be forced to address that issue. It's called motive.
At this time we don't know what Sheriff Joe will do with his final investigation as far as a legal enforcement body. But, every member of the U.S. House of Representatives is up for reelection this November. Remind members of the Judiciary Committee and your incumbent that if they don't stand up for the U.S. Constitution now, look for a new job. Hit your incumbent at every town hall meeting, every fund raiser and any where else he/she appears. Republicans desperately want this to go away, but we the people can show them it isn't and we will not stop until Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama is brought to justice for his crimes.
Maybe you should look at the actions taken by each Judge on each case!
They supposedly complied with the 11th Amendment as they HAVE NO JURISDICTION, or they just made an ILLEGAL decision to shut that case down.
So they are conspirators of the felony of FRAUD by Barry Soetoro so actions should be taken against them too.
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became FOOLS." (I think that is Romans 13 but I'm too busy to look it up!) How true HE speaks! ARREST the man for heaven sakes!!! Obama has violated the law! Can we think anymore?
No, it is Romans 1:22.
Can you impeach a President of a corporation? Just saying.
From personal experience and hundreds or thousands of other documentable Federal cases- the holding of decisions as well as motions for dismissal by the defendant where the government is being sued, until some time deadline, is a common tactic by the judiciary. Certainly this despicable practice is also employed at the state level. Forget "standing" issues or procedure issues, what about justice?
There was solid reasoning for the original 13th amendment and the subterfuge that thwarted it is evidence of the fraud upon the People- one of the many.
Links: 1- The conundrum of removing Obama/Soetoro from office (5.11.2011) 2- Follow up on Quo Warranto as it relates to removing Obama/Soetoro (5.12.2011) 3- Why Obama cannot be impeached (7.14.2011) 4- Obama could be removed by his own signature (7.22.2011)******Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America, and Blind Loyalty; 2 million copies sold. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country. She left the Republican Party in 1996, and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party.Devvy's regularly posted new columns are on her site at: You can also sign up for her free email alerts. E-mail is:
from: ...for more...
Arrest him. That is why Biden's Son put out a memo for all County Sheriff's not having arrest powers? Testing it and also close to Washington. NJ Ballot Hearing and Secret Service happened at the same time. How come non of the Secret Service were interviewed. Because it was done to draw attention away. The White House Admitted Fraud. Secret Service can arrest the President of the U.S. and so can County Sheriff's. See!
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Thanks for sharing
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