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Message from the Galactic
Federation of Light by Greg Giles - April 6, 2012
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light
by Greg Giles - April 6, 2012
So let go what does not serve your highest
good and focus on the things in life that bring you joy, but that also raise
your vibration to levels that will see you ascend into the higher realms with
the others around you who have made this same choice. Holding some of you
back are habits and tendencies and ways that you have chosen to live your
lives, and we say to you has the time not come to release all of these
limiting qualities that do not any longer serve you on your journey. We are
not here to tell you how to live your lives. We are here to show you that
there is another way and opportunities that present themselves to you. That
is why we are here, and we will not overstep our bounds in this way and
preach to you that you must follow the path that we have chosen. We will only
lead humbly by example, so as to allow those of you who wish for a new
beginning and a new way to be able to find this path if this is what you
All along your journey there have been those
who have traveled ahead, and they have many times left clues for you to
recognize, to allow you to follow if you wish, in their footsteps just as
they were able to follow footsteps left on the path before them. No one has
pushed us to follow a certain trail. This is something that each of us has
decided for ourselves. We extend the same rights to you, and we say to you
that you are entirely free to follow any path that you choose. We only wish
to show you a path we have chosen, and this path has brought us to where we
are today.
Your journeys have brought you to the point
where you are now more clearly interacting and communicating with us of the
higher realms, and we say to you this has been made possible through the
choices that you have made all along your journey. We have not unduly
interfered with your decision-making up till now, and we will not unduly
influence your decision-making today or anytime in your future. We only tell
you that the choices you have made have brought you to the doorstep of the
home in which we live, and we say to you one more step through this threshold
will deliver you into the kingdom we call home.
Many of you at this time are making the
choices you feel will direct you to new experiences of a higher nature, and
we say to you making these types of choices will never serve you wrong and
will guide you along the path that will lead you to the higher experiences
that you seek. If it is higher experience that you seek, we tell you they do
exist and they are here on our side waiting for you to make the choices that
will allow them to become your reality. They only wait for your arrival. They
only wait for you to take the next turn on your path. They will be there
waiting for you.
What these experiences will be shall make
themselves known to some of you even before they come into view. Not all of
these experiences will be a complete surprise, as many of you are beginning
to reach an understanding of what awaits you just up ahead. We at times paint
a picture for you to give you some idea of where some of your choices will
lead and we do that out of love, for we wish for you to have all the
information necessary for you to make your choices that will lead you just
where it is you wish to be.
We do not wish for you to journey through
uncharted territory without your map and compass. We instead will furnish you
with all the navigational tools you will need to make informed choices all
along your journey. You may do what you wish with these tools, and we only
make them available to you if you wish to use them, to help guide you along
your path. If you travel by star or travel by trail there will be tools
available to you to assist you with your navigation. Use these tools freely
and use these tools wisely, for they will help guide you along.
Along your route you will meet many others who
are navigating their way through the twists and the turns of existence. We
say to you do not pass by each other like two ships in the night, but set
anchor for a while and share with each other what each of you has learned
that has brought you together at this point, and show them the navigational
tools that you are using to guide you on your journey before you set sail
again. We see so many of you doing just this today, and it warms our hearts
to see so many of you reaching out to each other in this way and sharing the
maps that you have drawn through your experience. Remember these maps that
others have shown you, for they may assist you in some way in your travels up
ahead. There is always something new for you to learn, and you will never
reach a point where you have learned all there is to know. There is no final
port of destination for us as our journey is one of never ending wonder and
experience, and we are free to continue our sail for an eternity.
Many of you today are reaching a new port of
destination and will take on a new crew, and together you will embark on a
new expedition through this magnificent universe. All along your journey you
have from time to time joined a new crew to sail with. These are your friends
and your family who have chosen to learn similar lessons and gain similar
experiences such as the ones you have chosen. There comes a point along our
journeys where those who have been traveling with you choose different
lessons and experiences, and it is at this point where you will choose to
board different vessels and chart separate courses. You may meet these souls
again up ahead on your journey, but it may be time to say farewell at least
for now, as you have reached a point where different experiences are required
for your advancement.
You will meet new souls to journey with you who
have made similar choices of what they wish to experience next, and you may
even be reunited with some old friends and family who have missed you dearly.
Let those who now seek experiences that differ from you sail in their own
direction, knowing that you can meet them again sometime up ahead, and know
that you can always keep your memories of them close to your heart while you
set your own course and sail on. You have many new friends and new adventures
waiting for you up ahead, and they only wait for you to weigh anchor and
catch a new breeze within your sails.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
1 comment:
thank you. we are ready for contct..
beblessed wit h clear light for what you do
annaluce italy
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