Monday, April 23, 2012

Russia Very Bizzarre


Anonymous said...

...part1/6....Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons and their Terrorist Use:Immediate Strategic Aspects of the Asymmetric War on the U.S.Cold War Development of Scalar Interferometry. © T. E. Bearden Oct. 13, 2004.*** This book,OBLIVION,is an expanded and updated version of a Close Hold briefing given in 2003, to the Head of State and Foreign Minister of a friendly nation. ... ***
Prior to 1990, our weather over North America was being steadily engineered by the KGB ⎯ particularly beginning on July 4, 1976 ⎯ using giant strategic scalar interferometers on site in Russia {1,2,3,4}. From the beginning of the development program started shortly after WW II, the KGB personally controlled the development of startling new Russian weapons, under the Soviet energetics program {5,6,7}.....(...) Again, all this is coordinated by centralized FSB/KGB planning, under its major faction, the old die-hard Communists who control the FSB/KGB and also control and operate the Russian superweapons. That Communist faction of the FSB/KGB thus has and retains the dominant power position in Russia, because it possesses the Russian super-weapons. Copiously supplying lots of Russian oil to the United States, is not the intention of the dominant die-hard Communist faction,.... Russian President Vladimir Putin comes from the younger, more modern faction of the FSB/KGB. That faction would very much like to reach a full accommodation with the U.S. Putin would like to become our trusted cheap oil supplier, and pump lots of U.S. development and royalty money, into the Russian economy, benefiting it at every level. But Putin will not be permitted to do that to the full extent {36} ...(...)
The U.S. Government, scientific community, intelligence community, and electrical power industry, seem totally incapable of confronting the desperate requirement, to replace our entire centralized electrical power system, with fuel-free self-powering “energy from the vacuum”
(EFTV) systems, as rapidly as is humanly possi-ble...(...) In the past we have used the phrase “scalar electromagnetics”and “scalar interfe-rometry” {13} to describe the longitudinal EM wave transmitters used in these interferometer weapons. Tesla did not originate the term, nor did he originate scalar interferometry, although he had indeed stumbled onto longitudinal EM waves and what can only be called force-free precursor engineering {16}. ...(...) Further, when one deals with the force-free EM field, potential, and wave as it exists in mass-free space, one does not have to “pay”to furnish the energy necessary to develop powerful working forces a priori. Instead, one only has to deliberately direct nature’s own energy flows, exhibited by the internal Whittaker composition of any EM “static”potential, field, or wave in space. Force is an ongoing effect of a more primary ongoing interaction, not a fundamental cause. By asymmetrically directing the free Whittaker EM energy flows from almost freely established “static”fields and potentials, forces in charged matter, can in theory be generated to almost any strength and in any pattern set, including with a chosen internal dynamics.

Anonymous said...

....part2..There are no “integrated (observable) forces”in space, since force and force fields, exist only in matter. Our fundamental mechanics greatly errs, in assuming a separate force in mass-free space, acting upon a separate mass. No such “separate force in mass-free space”exists, or can exist, since mass is a component of force by F ≡ d/dt(mv). No mass, no force. ... So we argue that the Drude electron precession, proves that the EM waves in matter-free space, are longitudinal rather than transverse, precisely as Tesla stated. We pointed out this anomaly in the erroneous “force in empty space”theory for years, to little avail. The Soviets weaponized it. ...The misinterpretation of the detected transverse EM force field waves as actual force-field waves in a material space, has been per-petuated erroneously in classical electrodyna-mics since its inception, and it continues today. ..The EM force fields so blithely assumed by our present electrodynamics absolutely do not and cannot exist in mass-free space, since force only exists in a mass system in and during its ongoing interaction with the force-free precur-sor fields. The elemental responses of the charged mass system are at right angles to the disturbing force-free fields. Neither do trans-verse EM “effect”waves exist in mass-free space, but only in charged mass systems (such as the Drude electron gas) engaged in an ongoing interaction with the longitudinal precursor waves. Here also, the element response of the mass system is at right angles to the force-free fields of the disturbing precursor wave.The pri-mary, longitudinal force-free fields in massless space are the more fundamental EM fields, as Tesla had realized. Tesla actually began the process later partially captured by Whittaker {18,19}, which was taken to fruition after WW II by Soviet weapon scientists as the new weapons science of energetics. It is what the present author is calling precursor waves, precursor fields, and precursor engineering. ..... The sharp-eyed reader will note that we may have (hopefully success-fully!) solved Feynman’s force definition problem, at least electro-magnetically: An electromagnetic force in static charged matter is identically the ongoing effect (in the static charged matter) of an ongoing interaction of the force-free EM field in space with that static charged matter. Further, the direction of the force field effect is at right angles to the direction of the primary force-free EM field in space. Eminent scientists such as Feynman, Wheeler, Lindsay, Margenau, Bunge, and many others have pointed out that there are no force fields in space. But our electrical engineering departments and classical Maxwell-Heaviside elec-trodynamicists refuse to change and correct the horribly flawed CEM/EE model.

Anonymous said...

....part3....(...) Most of the citizens of the U.S. and Canada already have that BW organism infecting their bodies, like a ticking time bomb waiting to erupt perhaps many years later. To this day, very few hospitals and medical clinics have the very specific type of mycoplasma test required to test for the modified BW version....(...) They had no concept of the use of appropriate amplified “antisignals”to reverse and cure illnesses, or that an extended EM can be developed to either induce or cure specific diseases to order as one desires.They certainly do not comprehend the higher group symmetry operation of the human cellular regenerative system ⎯ which is responsible for the body’s healing ⎯ and have not gone much further than Becker’s brilliant seminal studies of that system {79}. Unfortunately, Becker’s work was limited by his use only of U(1) electrodynamics. Even so, he almost deciphered the control operation of the cellular regenerative system {80}. Otherwise, Becker would have had the “anti-engine”EM healing process then and there. His EM healing method for otherwise intractable bone fractures, survived and is still utilized in some hospitals from time to time {81}.To show what simple potential (voltage) across an other-wise intractable fracture can do, it affects the red cells that arrive, reconverting those red cells to a suitable “precursor”cell (more primitive, earlier cell). The cell shucks its hemoglobin and grows a nucleus ⎯ this is dedifferentiation, and it is generated by the appositive longitudinal Whittaker waves ⎯ that constitute the voltage ⎯ acting as “pump waves”in the nonlinear optical sense. The pumped bone fracture site has thus become a pumped phase conjugate mirror site, with the input or “signal wave”being the specific physical
disorder’s “engine”. In accord with nonlinear optical pumping theory, the energy of the pumping waves then establishes an amplified “anti-engine”or “phase conjugate replica”signal. This amplified signal (anti-engine) will then quickly reverse the entire physical red blood cell back along its past travel through time in its past short life (red cells only live about three months).Hence the red cell dedifferen-tiates back to an earlier stage. The “delta” condition in the fracture site involves bone cells. So the red cell is redifferentiated by the pumping to move forward to the type of cell that makes cartilage. Then it further rediffe-rentiates yet again to the type of cell that makes bone, and that cellular material is deposited in the fracture site, healing it. .... The entire U.S. medical science community is still using an archaic old seriously flawed classical electromagnetics of the material luminiferous ether, rather than the more modern higher group symmetry electro-magnetics of mass-free spacetime. Consequently it is far more concerned with the immune system’s responses which “physically kill the bad guys”, or harsh drugs which “chemically kill the bad guys”, rather than the cellular control system responses which actually accomplish all healing within the body after the “bad guys”are already dead.The immune system and the drugs do not actually “heal”anything ⎯ not even the immune system’s own damaged cells.

Anonymous said...

....part4.....The fundamental orientation of American medicine is on physically attacking and killing the pathogens which transport the disease engines, rather than on how the damaged body regenerates its own cells and reverses its own disease engine via use of higher group symmetry electrodynamics. This strongly preju-dices and canalizes our own medical science development. ...Their own CEM/EE model never gets out of the assumed charged matter and its force fields (those ongoing interactions that are occurring), and the model never expresses the force-free E-field in mass-free space, at all. In the face of such appalling scientific ignorance for more than a century, it is little wonder that our nation is so terribly behind in understanding what can be done ⎯ and is being done ⎯ by the terrorists with the primary (precursor) electrodynamics in free space, before its interaction with matter. In short, our analysts have not comprehended Soviet energetics for a half century, and they have no intention of comprehending it now, even though it is being used against us. ...Our scientific leaders are not going to demand the correction of that terribly flawed electrical engineering model, which is our single greatest national vulnerability and the one that is being capi-talized upon by coordinated terrorism and asymmetric warfare, to destroy us, in within the next three years.//written in 2004!// We are going to unnecessarily lose millions of American lives, of many of our citizens who become ca-sualties. ...Americans would not have to die, if such EM countermeasures were intensely developed in portable treatment machines, and massively deployed {82}. We are describing a vast force amplifier, for the defending nation that has been targeted and very seriously struck. But it is a force amplifier that our own government community and scientific community do not wish to even hear about.Never mind the actual experimental proof of the type methodology proposed, already in the hard French medical literature, accomplished by the PriorĂ© group in the 1960s and early 1970s {83}. The under-standing of the PriorĂ© mechanism does not exist in NIH or in our entire medical community, which ⎯ as far as medical EM is concerned ⎯ has not yet gotten out of the terribly flawed century-old electrical engineering, with its serious foundations errors....// FROM: ** *** *******Posted By: Steve [ E-Mail] Date: Monday, 23-Apr-2012 12:24:19.RealTime TOM BEARDEN – My suspicion is that someone is testing some of the mind-control weapons that have been developed.

Anonymous said...

....part5.....Cancer, in fact, is very often due to a direct "order" by that system to a cell (aerobic) to start back down the "chain" to an anaerobic cell, because of severe hypoxia and the sustained inability of the regenerative system to maintain the cell in aerobic form. It doesn't just send an "order", but sends a "precise set of spacetime curvature engines" that go to work on that cell and all its parts. The first major step back is to break it loose from centralized control of its growth -- whereupon we recognize it as a tumor cell. There are two requirements: (1) cellular damage, and (2) "promotion". Biologists do not really understand "promotion", because they do not understand the cellular regenerative system—which used time-polarized EM waves, and non-linear optical pumping of the cell and all its parts in the TIME-energy domain, rather than the SPATIAL energy domain. That sort of pumping creates an "antiengine" to its forward time engine resident in the sick cell, thereby time-reversing the cell and all its parts back to a previous state on the trail from the early anaerobic single cells, to the present aerobic cells. .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...***
20 April, 2011, Dear (high level Correspondent):
Sadly, there are MANY things and MANY startling developments that our Congress and our news media, do not seem to even be aware of. Either they just ignore them, or just don't care. Here's one very strong example. If you never do anything else "off the beaten path" in your life, please have a good physicist check out the Klimov work (at Los Alamos National Laboratory) and explain it to you. This work alone could eventually solve the debt problem, for it gives the U.S. (and the world) ABSOLUTELY FREE ENERGY taken directly from the seething virtual state vacuum. THE SOLUTION TO THE WORLD ENERGY CRISIS HAS BEEN ACHIEVED AND PROVEN FOR FOUR YEARS.
The work by Dr. Victor Klimov at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is the rigorous scientific proof, including nanocrystalline scientists easily building and demonstrating actual working systems.Klimov and his team have produced ultra-tiny nanocrystalline solar cells that freely output far more electrical energy (voltage x current) than the tiny amount of energy that is input via the incident photons. Also, the input photons can easily be freely furnished by a tiny bit of photon-emitting materials (such as tourmaline).

Anonymous said...

.....part6....This excess output electrical energy is FREELY taken directly from the seething virtual state vacuum, and that has been rigorously proven by Klimov's working models. Thus the Klimov team has proven and demonstrated practical "free electrical energy from the vacuum" for all time. Real physical systems have been readily produced, and the process and the entire area has been rigorously validated by two great U.S. national laboratories (LANL and NREL)....(...)Since the Russians have apparently already developed these systems, and since they have already developed precursor engineering (the direct engineering of physical reality itself, via controlled patterning of the tickled Dirac Sea vacuum in which physical objects or physical processes, are ongoing), it appears that this is a deliberate "gift" to the U.S. from Russia. Russia is already in the process of very, very slowly releasing some very useful (healing) aspects of its long-developed pre-cursor engineering, apparently planning to gra-dually increase the amount released, very slowly over about 30 years or so.Well, why would the Russians give us such a startling and tremendous "free gift"? We refer you to the statement by Soros that the U.S. Government should be eliminated and replaced by a World Government. As superb chess-players the Russians always look many moves ahead on the chess board, to ascertain which way things are headed. So they consider this powerful but secretive movement toward World Government (which would eventually subjugate every present national government, and thus lead to total world dictatorship) quite unacceptable. They have no intention of allowing Mother Russia to be returned to a dictatorship, and they thus will be taking very odd moves having the power to deviate the world from that hidden objective of what is called The World Order, etc. ...(...) ***********Nanotechnology and Advanced Spectros-copy Team.Victor I. Klimov (505) 665-8284; Point of Contact for ... May 13-18th, 2012, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. ... - ///
....has constructed a solar cell which can ab-sorb the light of a specific wave length in such"Energy... -///Victor I. Klimov is a Fellow of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), the Director of the Center for Advanced ... ... - /// Fluorescent Light - Like Wireless Nanodevice Developed...New Technique Uses Super-Resolution ... process is so efficient, ... Simon Kos, Darryl Smith, and Victor Klimov - /// Exciton-Exciton Interactions in the Regime - /// ** - ///
basing its electrical grid power on new Klimov.. - //// Bald Faced: Solar Panel for an Unsexy Machine. Also, please check the rigorous recent work by Dr. Victor Klimov et al. - ///