The soldiers who wake up in Walter Reed Medical Center are in
Maryland -- not communist China. But under the Navy's new rules,
they may not know the difference! After months of peeling away
the military's core values, Obama's army is on the move. And this
time, it has a high-value target: the Bible. In a memo obtained
by FRC, Navy officials have announced that "no religious items
(including Bibles, reading material, and/or artifacts) are allowed to
be given away or used during a visit." The new orders are
buried in a four-page document about patient care, which an Army
officer forwarded to us in disbelief. Effective immediately,
families, friends, and even pastors will have to check their beliefs at
the door to visit one of the largest military hospitals in the United
States. Last night, after we circulated the memo to leaders on
the Hill, an outraged Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) took to the House floor
and blasted the policy. "Mr. Speaker, these military men and
women who are recovering at Walter Reed and Bethesda have given their
all for America... They've defended and taken an oath to the
Constitution, and here they are. The people that come to visit
them can't bring a religious artifact? They can't bring a Bible?
... A priest can't walk in with the Eucharist and offer communion to a
patient who might be on their deathbed because it's prohibited in this
memo from the Department of the Navy?"
This is Obama's
military,. After three
years of ideological warfare, the administration's intent is clear: to
disarm the military of its biggest weapon. Faith.
Regardless of President Obama's agenda, there is absolutely
nothing in the Constitution that empowers the government to stop family
members from giving Bibles or crosses to their loved ones. And
from a PR standpoint, I'm not sure the best way to boost approval
ratings is by denying comfort to wounded warriors. Unfortunately
for our troops, who have endured so much turmoil under the Obama
administration, this is another blow. Hopefully, with the help of
Congressman King and others, it's only a temporary one.
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