"Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit, is a revolutionary act."George Orwell ( author of "1984").
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi of India had studied Christianity and it gave him many of his wisest and most noble concepts for mankind.
Jesus won converts by doing Miracles of God. Evil motivated and evil loving critics called His acts of charity towards the crippled, etc. "Works of the Devil."
There is a warning in the New Testament to falsely call Works of the Holy Ghost of God "works of the devil" is the unforgiveable sin which can automatically damn you to hell for all eternity. It is similar to taking the mark of the beast according to Revelation will automatically damn you to hell for all eternity.
A real Miracle of God should help lead you to moral good in life and draw you closer to God. A fake psuedo-miracle from Satanists or other evil sources normally is based on trickery, not anything genuinely spiritual. And will not lead you to good or closer to God in life. However, once many years ago, two military cadets I knew while at the military academy did have a buddha with a small supernatural manifestation, but no power to it. Satan is a deceiver but does not have true supernatural powers like Christ.
The purpose of life as I understand from the Bible is to develop good moral character before God and love God who gave unworthy you (me, and all of us) life, talents, opportunities, etc. in life. Moses could have been left by God to be a simple shepherd of sheep or whatever in Egypt and Moses be a good man, but amounting to little as a true friend of God. But God gave him the opportunity to face down the tyrant Pharaoh of Egypt and lead the Children of Israel out from slavery to freedom and greatness as a people of God.
I say many things no one else would dare to think or say! The good should thank the evil for existing. In overcoming your intended evil for mankind, you cause us to become powerful champions and great friends of God. My "Hollywood" version of understanding God's intent for us in Christianity. To create a great hero in a movie, you need great enemies for him to face and defeat. Then we cheer for the victory of good in life! When we oppose evil, we grow stronger in good for God and all that God stands for. Facing great evil can make great Christians out of us. We are given free will to either follow God or else Satan.
I admire the colossal genius of God shown by true laws of science and nature. I admire the colossal greatness and nobility of the Heart of God as shown in the Bible. And knowing that I among 7 billion or more people never had to exist in life but God gave me life, etc. I am intensely grateful to God for life, for the chance to develop good character before God and end up a friend and even a member of the family of God for all eternity. I will love God for all this regardless of the evil in society so corrupted in heart they spit at God in words, deeds, and their hearts hate God for giving them life, freedom, and a chance to live for all eternity with God in unending beauty and a society dominated by the intense love of God.
The Bible which critics mock was discovered by Israeli and Christian scholars to have in Genesis in Hebrew in math code the names of 66 leading Jewish rabbis and when they died for the last 2,000 years. These Jewish and Christian scholars calculated this defied mathematical odds of 2 1/2 billion or higher to one against this being possibly in the Bible. Evolution is a false religion and con on the gullible in scholarship. It defies mathematical odds of trillions to one according to standard math for a human body to evolve from the incredibly small organism created by mating of a man with a woman to grow into a baby and then big human starting from the simple mating act of a man and woman. And I like to throw the curves that wipe out the other side and their arguments. The British scientists Dr. A.R. Forsht and Dr. G.R. Lambert discovered years ago that enzymes exist within living cells that have just one assignment in nature. They find and faithfully correct any errors in the genetic code which prevents mutations - new life forms. This scientific discovery has been censored by the "politically correct" thought control police and scholars in science because it proves that the Theory of Evolution is scientifically impossible and never happened. That means science proves that God created all life on earth, etc. How the haters of God in academic circles, news media, members of Congress, federal judges, etc. do all in their power to censor and try to outlaw stunning truths which prove the existence of God or else they teach lies to block the truth from reaching the people. Now I cheated in knowledge of God, death, etc. God let me die as a young man and gave me back my life after I bargained for my life by promises I must keep for all my life. I later talked with Dr. Richard Eby of Victorville, CA who had been dead according to a Chicago hospital maybe 18 hours and then came alive again. My "scientific" observations on what real death is like and Dr. Eby's "medical" observations matched and he never told the public the observations he shared with me having tasted death himself.
A few weeks later after dying, I met an amazing man who told me of my death experience when I had told no one about it and said that God had let me live after I had briefly died. He made predictions of my future which came true again and again. And he indicated that Jesus strongly liked me because I loved truth and justice. And when it counted, Jesus wanted me to help Christianity rise to the great destiny that Jesus wanted for Christianity and His followers in this last days era. This man told me many secrets of my life which amazed me. And asked me to ask my mother about a family secret I had never been told about. She confirmed the family secret I had never known about her side of the family. This man also so startled me with this vast coverage of the future of Christianity he talked about I forgot to ask him his name when he intercepted me while I was walking my dog on the city street where I lived then. And he warned that Wash., D.C. must learn to love God again and be loyal to God again as first America was or else face great judgment and punishment later on. God was not impressed with the endless cons of Wash., D.C. evading the truth and evading doing true justice in society because it was irresponsible, inert not doing required actions, colossally dumb in some key areas, and all too often loved insane ideas rather than truth and reality. My mother had once been rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to her time and later went to a university without prior formal education after self-educating herself. She was a child actress and had no time for formal education. This man said God wanted me to help Christianity win back leadership and power in the world. He said Satan knew I was deadly but could not win me over to his side. Both sides had fought for me, but finally God won my heart and loyalty.
Okay, I'll admit it, Later in Wash., D.C., they said I had scored one of the two highest I.Q. scores ever tested in Wash., D.C. and they said "beyond scientific measurement" because I completed the I.Q. test in half time which was supposed to have been scientifically impossible to do and therefore made unusable the measurement of time in testing intelligence. My mother was incredibly brilliant in academic brains and my father incredibly brilliant in common sense which I found out by observation was a different form of genius. I learned two systems of thinking from my brilliant parents. I think common sense is underestimated in society as Thomas Edison had tremendous common sense and no formal education. He skyrocketed past the American engineers in inventions he came up with and his inventions gave America giant industries, millions of jobs, great prosperity and national wealth. Academic brains need common sense to keep them producing practical answers for mankind to use or else they will become "experts" who learn more and more about less and less until finally they know everything about nothing!
Thomas Edison fascinated me and I finally knew well what he meant by creating his "invention factory" system. I was an engineering student and allowed to do one week's worth of studies each day and kept an A average doing this. But the engineers do not understand what Thomas Edison was trying to show them where their weaknesses in thinking as engineers existed. When I build my proposed Camelot Project, I will train engineers also how the "invention factory" system of Thomas Edison works. It is a different approach to engineering and not taught in any engineering school in the world. My engineers will wildly skyrocket the economy of America, the world, etc. if Wash., D.C. is not allowed to stop, suppress, and crush the super brilliant engineers I will have trained at this super research and development center I call the Camelot Project. It always takes a man possessed of a vision to launch a great engineering project such as the Suez Canal, Panama Canal, Hoover Dam, Manhattan Project (developed the atomic bomb), etc. I once met Dr. Wehner von Braun in Wash., D.C. and we became instant friends. I love brilliant people and brilliant people love me. All my life has been the privilege of meeting very intelligent and brilliant people. I learn from them. They learn from me and when we can come together, we make great teams together. I am always a fanatic in any cause. I will always have a good answer if no one else does, but I always want the best answer for any cause regardless if I come up with it or someone else, or the final answer is a combination of all our bright ideas.
In maybe all ancient cultures, they didn't need social security because the couples tried to have up to four children so these children could support them in old age. As Albert Einstein once in humor commented, "Compound interest is the greatest discovery ever made in science!" What he basically was talking about is that the compounding of numbers in math can grow astronomical in size much faster than human imagination realizes. Grant Jeffrey had the math done on how many humans would be on this earth if every generation had as many children per couple as is standard in the information almanacs. The wild figure came out that by this math, we should have more humans on earth by one million years of the human race growing even as the moderate rate of 2.5, 2.7 children that live per generation from married couple as to be more humans by then than all the atoms in the universe. Real math undermines the basis for the theory of evolution. Like Albert Einstein, the brilliance of laws in science, etc. shows me the genius of God and not random chance called evolution creating life and this universe we live in. Evolution was taught as a theory by Epicurus a few hundred years before Christ. When the Christians came into the Roman Empire,, they discredited the theory of evolution as taught by the Greek Epicurus by the simple but smart examples of "Which came first? The tree or the seed? The chicken or the egg?" Those early Christians were not so dumb in argument! The theory of random chance called evolution has for over 2,000 years been used as the argument by psuedo-intellectuals to try and disprove the existence of God in order to try and discredit the Bible used by Jews and Christians. God knowing most people are uncomfortable with scientific proofs of God showed charity and love for them by allowing stunning Miracles of God for them to witness so they could know God exists without having to be a rocket scientist genius!
I see corrupted souls use repeatedly arguments of sophism to try and discredit sound proofs and logic of Christians and others seriously believing in God. An example of what sounds like logic but is a fools gold con of psuedo-logic, "This room is full of American men. All these men are Republicans. Therefore all men in America are Republicans." This sounds like logic, but is a simple con like Obama, etc. uses on the people all the time. If we tax much higher those now paying 15% captial gains tax on investments in stocks, etc., we may drive this money out of America and then suddenly the stock market is hit much worse than the Depression of the Thirties or maybe America is totally bankrupted as no money was left to invest in creating new industry in America. Obama used the old propaganda con line of Adolf Hitler and the Communists, "We are going to soak the fat boys!" and they imply give you what they steal from the rich. But Margaret Thatcher of England once shrewdly observed, "The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money!"
I recently wrote up a listing of 25 economic principles taught in the Bible and all used before with success in history. First on the list was what I call "Jesus Money." The medieval name for it was "Monetarum Renovatum" which in Latin means money which renews itself. It has been used four times in history and always skyrockets the economy when used. And always the banking interests upset over all the people getting rich, end of poor and poverty in society, business booming and governments with plenty of money for everything and low taxes, the bankers overthrow this because they do not like everyone getting so prosperous. Medieval France in the falsely labeled "Dark Ages" from 1170 to 1270 A.D. used this Jesus Money taught by Jesus in the New Testament and it worked! No inflation for 100 years! No unemployment! No poverty! Men worked 6 hours a day 4 days a week and the wives stayed home to raise the kids. They had 100 national holidays on top of Sundays. Historians recorded a virtual golden age had descended on mankind. The ordinary people in gratitude to God for this golden age contributed the money to build 80 Gothic cathedrals and 500 cathedral grade large Gothic churches for this 100 year period. No taxes, bank loans, etc. needed to do this! I am only tapping the surface to tell you of what all happened such as the end of nearly all crime in society. end of wars, etc. The people practiced what Jesus taught for this life and it worked! Unhappy bankers overthrew this and then censored this history from your public education, etc.! The sheeple got took good by corrupt financial interests. In this case, early bankers. Personally, I think banking has many good features and can be given good ways to serve the public, but the corrupt parts of it need their wings clipped!
When I can reach the American people, I will teach them "Jesus Money" and 24 other economic teachings of the Bible and show them our God of the Bible is overwhelmingly on our side. Only the evil politicians and other corrupt sources of the power elite are not and love corruption, not honesty in national economics. We have intelligent Christians in both the Protestant and Catholic side of Christianity. When I can reach the intelligent, we will heal the wounds of Christianity and be the Church Jesus wants us to be. I call myself Erasmus of America because he wanted reform in Christianity, not revolution, unity, not smashing of Christian unity. He agreed with some of the stands of Martin Luther, but felt we needed to stay within reasonable reforms, not revolution in Christianity or breaking up the unity Christianity had had pretty much up to then. Early Christianity taught the greatest treason against Christ in Christianity was schism because it would destroy the power and unity Christianity possessed in the world to change the world to the standards of God. I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including one endorsed by Albert Einstein. And I tell you that Obama knows nothing of sound economics. If not removed from office, it appears he will be the wrecking crew that will end the United States of America as a nation by bankrupting it totally! I hated to do it, but also worked 30 or more professional fields in America in order to have an intense practical feel for national economics. I was vice president of an advertising agency, a top official in insurance with a multi-billion dollar insurance corporation 3 months after starting as an insurance agent in the field. I held many management positions which I rose to rapidly. I had owned an importing and exporting business. I had owned several manufacuring businesses. Wash., D.C. would savagely fight me when I wanted to set up new industries for America. I had twice been elected a labor union official. At one large union, their leadership said I had done the dumbest campaign they had ever seen. When the vote came in, I had won 90% of the total union vote. I reached deeply the "silent majority" of the labor movement. In doing this program my mother had originally suggested to me to make me practical in all aspects of public society, I spotted deadly errors in national economics even my 6 super brilliant economists I studied under did not know about as they were too academic and did not want to enter the dirty side of how national economics is practiced by a nation. I estimate that America would have even 10 to 20 times more national industry is the morons were not running Congress, federal agencies, etc. J. Paul Getty in his book "How To Be Rich" discusses a brilliant economic concept how by the correct national laws we can maximize the national wealth by minimum assets and using law to make business operations far more profitable in America. As usual, the morons in Congress without knowing it warred against the method of creating mass wealth for America J. Paul Getty tried to show America how to do.
Early Christianity backed their God-given leaders and they won the Roman Empire in the end. No cause wins without leaders. I intend to train in economics leaders for America and other nations. But my trained leaders will all be Christians. I will not teach trade secrets of Christian economics as used before successfully in history to the enemies of Christianity! Before he died, St. Padre Pio gave me a stunning endorsement that Jesus wanted me to teach Christianity the economic secrets of the New Testament and a few from the Old Testament. I am very controversal because I tell the truth. And as I have said many times, "Truth Is an Orphan In America!" Yours for God and country! Erasmus of America in the year of Our Lord 2012 A.D.
I intend to shortly in 2012 launch a national Christian economic movement based on just economic principles that have worked in history. What works already means it is past theory whether it will or can work for America. America is close to national bankruptcy and collapse. "The Doomsday Factor to Industrial Economics" may be triggered off by our incredibly economically naive Obama in the White House. If that happens, the death toll in America due to the collapse of the cities, all industry, farms, etc. in America could kill off even 90% to 99% of the entire national population of America. I suggest Obama withdraw from the election and let someone capable on the Democratic side run for the White House. America does not want me for President of America as I am too honest, stand for too much principle of social justice of the free enterprise version, but I am the right man to be economic czar of America for a brief time until the mess created by the idiots in Wash., D.C. is cleaned up and America put back on its feet as a booming industrial economy. I will be proposing my "Omni Law" be passed by Congress and state legislatures later this year. It will enable me to bring in super talents in national economics and we will skyrocket the economy of America quickly after that. Also, key foreign governments are getting ready to dump the U.S. dollar as the world reserve dollar. I have a surprise industry for America that can be as big in business as the oil cartel and if I handle the situation, I will force the entire world to use the U.S. dollar as the standard reserve dollar of the world. I am not a friend of the Federal Reserve as they practice very deadly unsound monetary policies. I will bring in very sound money, but backed by super industry, super agriculture, etc., and spends just like money today, but with the nation skyrocketing into super prosperity using the 25 Christian economic principes of the Bible I found and were all used with success in history before. If your education was not so heavily censored by the corrupt "politically correct" leaders, you would have learned about these super economic principles long ago in America. I call myself "The Apostle of Free Enterprise" and base my program about 25 economic principles of the Bible which worked before in history. And a food for thought. An economic study back around 1987 estimated that American labor lost an estimated one trillion dollars in wages each year because the Bible and prayer had been outlawed by our dishonest fanatics in Wash., D.C. That also meant that business could have had a trillion dollars more or much more in national sales if the Bible and public prayer had not been outlawed in the name of Thomas Jefferson. By the way, when President of America, Thomas Jefferson knew the correct legal intent of his good friend James Madison in suggesting the 10 U.S. Bill of Rights and so under the U.S. Bill of Rights, President Thomas Jefferson suggested for the nation that the Bible and Watts Christian Hymnal should be the two required textbooks used in all schools of America. How our Commie judges, politicians, etc. lie in the name of Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers of America. I used to collect the first legal and political books published during and after the American Revolution as I don't like the lies of Wash., D.C. concerning the real history of the founding of America and real intent of American law which was no law was to be legal in America which was not based upon Bible authority and teachings. This concept of law now outlawed by Obama is what gave America the greatest free enterprise system ever seen in human history. Bible law creates miracles in national economics. Bible Law was first called Natural Law and Common Law in America, but our traitors in Wash., D.C. have now totaly overthrown the legal concepts which founded America as a nation.
I have no staff yet, but if you want to join me in saving America from economic collapse as the fanatics in the Democratic Party are liable to do because they are too dumb to understand national economics, send me an email giving me contact information for you when this movement of mine breaks loose in America. And I can roast the Republicans also. They are a little better than the Democrats, but their tactics are Mickey Mouse level where the right answers are not known by them, but frankly by me. I intend to become Economic Czar of America through the Omni Law as briefly as possible as I don't like the cesspool morality level of Wash., D.C. politics, but to help the Americans out and America as a nation, I will briefly agree to do this. My Camelot Project is the permanent answer to make America skyrocket as a super nation again. Send your contact information to fastboomamericaneconomy@gmail.com. I will not be able to answer you back for now, but you will be registered. When the steamroller starts, I think by using the old Gandhi tactic of the national day of national prayer and feasting which crashed overnight the British hold over India, we can likely pass the Omni Law maybe as fast as 4 weeks after we stop the national economy of America for one day which will create heart failure in our disloyal politicians across America. And on that day, the American people regain control of their nation, their laws, and their government. So there is no misunderstanding. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies, heavy background in military intelligence and several times credited with keeping America out of a pending nuclear war with the then Soviet Union, and let no nation think America weak the moment I let the U.S. military serve America correclty, not weakly as the politicians force them to. I am a Gen. Patton and a Teddy Roosevelt all rolled into one. My economics will make the Pentagon super strong to the shock of other nations and as President Ronald Reagan said, a strong America would be an effective deterenet for world peace. I got the top ultimate weapon design left over from Nazi Germany and the most brilliant defense engineer of America and I finished their technology. Let Russia, China, Iran, etc. be warned. Forgot your nuclear warfare dreams against America. I nicknamed this ultimate weapon system "The Wrath of God." We did not share our technology with high treason Wash., D.C. of politicians. I also got the technology for the Soviet Doomsday Bomb designed to annihilate entire continents. And the defector from the Moscow Institute for Nuclear Studies who turned this over to me also by my suggestion trained me as the equivalent of a Russian general in nuclear warfare tactics. Putin of Russia, I know all your nuclear tricks! I got the same training you secretly did! It is time for serious peace between America and Russia. I am also a descendant of the royal line of Russia and no enemy of Russia. Behave yourselves and we will get along great. And I have suggestions how America and Russia can work together on great projects that will help both national economies become more prosperous. And I am a strong friend of the Russian Orthodox Church as well as other serious branches of Christianity. Haven't we had enough nonsense of wars that threaten all mankind with annihilation? Like Henry Ford, I believe in strong international trade can make peace popular in the world. But I believe in fair trade, not free trade as Karl Marx said would be the secret Communist weapon to bankrupt the capitalist nations and collapse the world into Communism. I am not naive. I know the secrets of the enemies of America. Yours for God and country.
Erasmas of America, May 21, 2012
This guy seems like a very clever and very deceptive political operatives have utilized a “mental processing technique” known as Hegelian Dialectic. The Hegelian Dialectic technique structures “thought patterns”; that can be used to manipulate people into frenzied circular pattern of thoughts and actions. Couple that technique; with what psychologists called Cognitive Dissonance; a psychological condition that creates “confused reasoning” in individuals and its no wonder it’s hard to think straight!
Hegelian Dialectic The technique is as old as politics itself. It is the Hegelian Dialectic of bringing about desired change in a three-step process: Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis. The first step (thesis) is to create a problem. The second step (antithesis) is to generate opposition to the problem (fear, panic and hysteria). The third step (synthesis) is to offer the solution to the problem created by step one: A change which would have been impossible to impose upon the people without the proper psychological conditioning achieved in stages one and two.
See at http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/05/dialectic.htm
Cognitive Dissonance is a theory with the basic premise that people like to be consistent in their thoughts, opinions, attitudes, and behaviors. Cognitive dissonance is central to many forms of persuasion to change beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviors. The tension can be injected suddenly or allowed to build up over time. People can be moved in many small jumps or one large one. See at http://changingminds.org explanations/theories/cognitive --dissonance.htm See Edward Bernay’s “Proaganda” at http://www.infowars.com/propagandas-founding-father-edward-bernays-exposed/
I think he is just pushing is own agenda, the right vs left double reverse
It looks like you are quite happy with the Communist Agenda that is now pulling down America to it's lowest levels of bare existence. You sound like a psychiatrist, and those people are trained by the Nazis to control other people through the use of drugs, and made up names of disorders. I'm pretty sure people are not liking what is going on in America. There is a whole group of Greedy, Power-hungry, Evil Nuts out there who don't even know how to think and who are paid off by the Power-Elite to go along with their Devilish Plans to wipe out mankind from off the face of the planet. You people need to be Stopped!! God is stronger than you, and the light shineth in darkness. Thank you to everyone who participated in the Reboot of The Grid on 5-20-2012 Keep focusing on these light and enlightened thoughts. There is Power in the light!!
I forgot to press the reply button in the comment below, but this comment below is directed at the first commenter of this article... the hegelian.
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