Posted May 15, 2012
The Great Monarch Prophecies... setting up Catholic allegiance to ...
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Catholic allegiance to the Anti-Christ? | |
TheGreat Monarch Prophecies User ID: 15835318 ![]() 05/10/2012 02:39 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | Re: The Great Monarch Prophecies... setting up Catholic allegiance to the Anti-Christ? Jesus Christ predicted the Great Monarch would arise shortly before Jesus returns to earth. Jesus called him the Chief Steward (Mt. 24:45-7 , Luke 12:42-4), and Rev. 2:26-28) of His household shortly before Jesus returns to prepare the Bride Church for Jesus. St. Methodius (Bishop in Asia Minor called Turkey today) around 311 A.D. predicted this Great Monarch would be raised by God in a land to the east of Byzantium which had many Christians in it. This land as he described on the map can only be North America. St. Methodius said this "Great Monarch" would be ultra-orthodox standing for the early Christianity founded by Jesus Christ and the Apostles. St. Methodius said Jesus called him "My friend" and "What he asks you to do is My Will." This Chief Steward would force by moral influence all Christians (both Catholic and Protestant) to return to the first standards of Apostolic Christianity as heavily documented in the Christian writing for the first 4 centuries after Christ and the Apostles. I studied for years the first writings of early Christianity and know many mistakes of scholarship in both the Catholic and Protestant side. For example, Jesus was born on Hanukkah (the Feast of Lights) which was Dec. 25 that year according to the Imperial Tax Archives in Rome then which had the census records for even Bethlehem ("house of bread") in Palestine then. At that time the Pharisees thought the Roman solar calendar more accurate than their lunar Jewish calendar and so coordinated Hanukkah to match Dec. 25 on the Roman calendar. As first Christianity taught, Jesus was born 28 years after the death of Cleopatra of Egypt. She died in 30 B.C. Roman math is a little subtle, but this should work out to Dec. 25 either 3 B.C. or else Dec. 25, 2 B.C.Other references in the New Testament and other early Christian historical references to indicate Dec. 25, 3 B.C. or Dec. 25, 2 B.C. the apparent time for the birth of Jesus Christ, not 4 B.C., 5 B.C. or earlier as most Protestant and Catholic scholars evaluate not knowing a lunar eclipse also occurred in 1 B.C. and 1 A.D. Islam is planning to slaughter all Christians in the world. This Chief Steward will have a heavy military background and stop the Muslims who otherwise would win America, etc. Obama when in Kenya in promoting his Muslim cousin for President of Kenya let Kenya know that he Obama was also a Muslim. After he returned to America, he raised nearly one million dollars for his Muslim cousin in Kenya. His cousin apparently burned down Christian homes across Kenya, some Christian churches, and as recorded, Christian Black women and children were chopped down and slaughered by nearly 2,000 Muslims with machetes when they tried to escape the burning Christian church in Kenya. Obama financed all this in Kenya. Inside informants of mine in American Islam told me how American Muslims would receive a vast fortune in laundered oil money to win the White House for their Muslem Trojan Horse who would then totally gain control of Wash., D.C., then all of America, and then kill off all Jewish people in America and all Christians in America who do not convert to Islam. Let us hope that this Chief Steward twice prophecied by Jesus in the New Testament is here in America and about to stop the Muslims from taking over America and then apparently killing off all Jewish people and most Christians in America. Obama has been promoting to key federal positions devout Muslims but no devout Jews nor devout Christians. By the way, not thinking then, Obama was recorded on film saying in 2006 before a crowd of people that he had not been born in Hawaii, but in Kenya. And recently in court, his own attorney admitted that his Hawaiian birth certificate was a forgery. Apparently Obam is not legally a U.S. citizen and cannot be legally President of America according to the U.S. Constitution. But Wash., D.C. is so corrupt, who there is loyal to the U.S. Constitution or U.S. Bill of Rights and will uphold the Constiution and Bill of Rights? And Obamacare on I think page 105 uses a Muslim term meaning that the American people are now a conquered people and slaves or serfs to the Islamic Republic in Wash., D.C. now set up by the Obamacare bill. Obama is a good loyal Muslim who cons the American people and declares in the Obamacare alleged health bill that the American people are now by this bill a conquered people under Islam. But no one in Congress reads 1,000 page, 2,000 page bills, 2,700 page bills. They just vote on them and often don't have the foggiest idea what is inside the bill they just voted for! Large bills are written for the purpose of con over members of the U.S. Congress as no one ever reads them! Early Christianity taught that all Christians should read the Scriptures. They had committees of copyists in the churches who in Greek (the language of learning in the Roman Empire) copied the first writings of Paul, Peter, etc. The Catholic Church in policy did not uphold the early Apostolic policy that all Christians should be allowed and encouraged to read the Bible which got discouraged by the Vatican for a while during the Middle Ages. They thought the people would misunderstand the Bible and lapse into heresies. God had to punish the Catholic Church for discouraging Bible reading by the people for a while by raising up Martin Luther who restored Bible reading to the ordinary people who were Christians. The Protestants lapsed into heresy on some issues such as calling false the Catholic teaching called "transubstantiation" which said the prayed over bread and wine was turned into the actual blood and flesh of Christ. Early Christianity said this turned our bodies into members of the body of Christ and we would receive glorified bodies like Jesus did for all eternity when the time for rewards and punishmenrts came to all mankind. The Catholic Church should have quoted from Justin Martyr who around 160 A.D. in a debate with a Jewish scholar who called the Christians "heretics" called Holy Communion" the Latin word of "transmutation" which in Latin means turning one substance into another. Transmutation as the word describing Holy Communion was also used elsewhere in early Christian writings. If Catholic scholars had used the actual word of "transmutation" in their statement for the Council of Trent, some Protestant scholars would not be accusing Catholics today of inventing a false teaching over Holy Communion practiced by all Christians since the time of Christ and the Apostles.A shame the Catholic scholars at the time of the Council of Trent were not familiar with the early Christian terms for certain early Christian teachings of Jesus and the Apostles. The Catholic Church had been charged by some Protestant scholars to have started in the Middle Ages the "pagan" practice of making the sign of the cross over their bodies. Tertullian around 200 A.D. wrote about the "ancient" Christian practice of making the sign of the cross over their bodies. Probably a similar practice like the Masons who give a secret sign that they are also a Mason when in the company of non-Masons. We have legitimate issues requiring reform in both the Catholic and Protestant chuches, but let's not invent lies against either side to try and engineer division in Christianity which is fragmented into over 22,000 denominations which destroys strength and unity in Christianity to stop evil and win countless millions to Christ throughout the world. Burning at the stake was advocated by Judah who founded the Tribe of Judah. Jewish people practiced this for a possible punishment for a long time in Israel. The Roman Empire did also. The Spanish Inquisition used it over a few centuries for an estimated less than 3,000 people according to a committee of scholars checking early records, and even the Puritans at Plymouth Rock as shown by the early Puritan colony at Salem wanted to burn witches at the stakes. The economy of Europe would have totally collapsed and Europe would have ceased to exist if 40 to 80 million people were burned at the stakes or otherwise executed under the Catholic Inquisition as claimed by some Protestant scholars who wanted to use mass lies to create permanent division in Christianity over invented "Big Lies" like Hitler taught. I don't support burning at the stake, but until fairly recent times, even Martin Luther thought some people should be burned at the stakes. Don't forget that Europe started with barbarian tribes that became more and more civilized as Christian teachings of the Bible won them over to real Christianity. When Europe lost one-third of its population due to the "Black Death" of bubonic plague, this nearly collapsed Europe as heavily recorded in history. A mass slaughter of Europeans by the Catholic Church as claimed by some misguided or else outright lying Protestant scholars who claimed a huge massacre of 40 to 80 million people in Europe would have collapsed Europe and that would have been the end of Christian Europe in the Middle Ages. This colossal slaughter never happened. I believe in debating key issues dividing Christianity, but not inventing massive lies and then smearing the other side with these massive lies. A major handbook which originally claimed this massive slaughter of Europeans by the Catholic Church later quietly dropped this claim in a later edition as I assume by then they knew this original claim was a massive lie and they would have no further part in spreading such a lie of hell among Christian ranks. Partisan scholarship is immaturity in Christianity. The Catholic Church does not want to admit that people called to perform stunning Miracles of God in Christianity exist and have existed in the Protestant side of Christianity. Examples include Evangelist Ronald Coyne with the "Plastic Eye Miracle" who was a good friend of mine years ago. He lost his eye and later after a Miracle of God could see out of his empty right eye socket or else with plastic eye inserted. As he said, why could the people not believe in the Miracles of Jesus 2,000 years ago when he Ronald Coyne was himself a walking Miracle of God for our age? He prayed for me in the Name of Jesus and a broken toe of mine for 4 years was instantly healed. A number of people were healed at the same time in this Pentecostal service of his in South Carolina.. Many stunning Miracles of God occurred that night! Reinhard Boonke has had many stunning Miracles of God occur at his services in Africa. Catholic side. The recently canonized St. Padre Pio who bore the wounds of Christ for 50 years on his body had endless Miracles of God occur when he prayed in the Name of Jesus for them. This amazing man wrote to me many years ago while I was a military cadet in a military academy and told me a great secret of mine no one knew about me. Two of the greatest Miracles of God workers in Christianity after Christ and the Apostles were St. Francis of Paola (around 1416-1508) and St. Vincent Ferrer (1357-1419. Miracles occurred with them daily until they died. Popes and kings stood in awe before both of these wonder workers in the Name of Christ. I respect true Servants of God whether Protestant or Catholic. Don't forget when the disciples of Christ were greatly upset over a man healing in the Name of Jesus and the disciples did not know him. They tried to forbid him healing in the Name of Jesus and Jesus in the New Testament rebuked His own disciples and told them to leave this miracle worker alone. Jesus commented for both Protestant and Catholic Christians today that he who is not against you is for you. And stepping on toes, one of the Lateran Councils said that a man baptized by even a heretic in Christ could still be saved in the Name of Jesus but officially outside of the formal Roman Catholic Church. But this baptized Christian must live by the faith taught by Jesus Christ. And it was understood that formal instruction in Apostolic Christianity from the proper Church of God was the safe, smart way to go. And a warning to all sides of Christianity. St. Paul and Rev. both talk how those calling themselves Christians and yet hardened alcoholics, fornicators, murderers, etc. were to be considered as "heathens" and not Christians. And would not be allowed to enter into New Jerusalem, etc. if they died in this spiritual state of hardened sin. Jesus said His Chief Steward just before His return to earth would supply the people with their daily bread, meat, supplies, etc. That is symbolic meaning he would be brilliant at economics in contrast to Obama who just gave to China by moron policies the money that would have paid off the national debt of America and maybe reduced permanent federal taxes by 40% as a bonus on jobs in America. Newspaper censorship run by corrupt interests just covered for Obama so he would not be exposed for money squandered and stolen from the American people through Wash., D.C. As Jesus prophesied, we would have a Chief Steward first, then Antichrist to be given to evil people and lukewarm Christians who did not want to reform Christianity back to first Apostolic Christianity as heavily recorded in the early Christian writings. Early Christianity taught that Matthew 24:27 was a play upon a Greek wording translated as equalling carcase, but in the literal sense meant to fall or the fall. As they explained, Adam fell in Paradise also called the Garden of Eden. The eagle Christians (the elect who truly love Jesus and look for His Return) would be gathered to Paradise (the Garden of Eden) while the "foolish virgin" Christians would be left on the face of the earth to flee the Antichrist when he comes like a flood after them to try and kill them. The Vatican needs policy reform in some areas back to the first policies of Apostolic Christianity. The Protestants need doctrinal reform in some areas back to the official teachings of Apostolic Christianity as both sides are short the standards clearly recorded in the first historical documents of Apostolic Christianity. I am committed to preserve the works of Jesus which is the Apostolic Christianity left us by Jesus and His Apostles. As Bishop Irenaeus wrote around 140 years after Christ, refer to the original Christian writings for the right rulings for Christianity. These historical writings recorded the teachings and rulings of first official Christianity right after completion of the original books of the New Testament. In the space alloted, this is probably the most I am allowed to write here.i I am a friend of truth in Christianity and pick no partisan side. A latter-day Erasmus who is on the side of truth and justice and not picking partisan sides. My pen name will be Erasmus for now and I belong to the private Society of the Holy Cross-bearers of Jesus Christ which will become a force to be reckoned with soon in America. - Erasmus of America in the Year of Our Lord 2012 A.D. P.S. Thought to consider. Did the ministry of Jesus begin when He was born or else when He launched His formal ministry? The wise may understand what I am hinting at concerning timing. (Copy and distribute this report everywhere in America as the newspapers are too morally corrupt and Anti-Christ in loyalty to report key needed truth in America. Also, too many of the churches are terribly scared to not be "politically correct," The head of these cowardly churches is then Wash., D.C., Obama, etc. instead of Jesus Christ they pretend loyalty to as the head of their Christian churches. For the sake of tax exemptions, they let Wash., D.C. dictate and write their Christian doctrines instead of teaching honestly from the Christian Bible.) |
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Miracles, on their own, are proof of nothing. Except that someone powerful is at work. Both God and Satan can produce 'miracles', on a daily basis. Who produced the miracle you admire most?
"To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." -Isaiah 8:20
"If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, 'Let us go after other gods'-which thou hast not known-'and let us serve them';
"Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the Lord your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul." -Deuteronomy 13:1-3
Martin Luther is not "recent times". Protestant Reformers were beginning a reformation, in many aspects, not concluding one. They learned much, and yet had much to learn.
The millions of people put to death by the Catholic Church happened over a long period of time--1000 years plus. Misrepresenting history does not bring out the truth.
The Biblical identity of the Anti-Christ has been thoroughly ascertained for many years by many intelligent scholars of both Roman Catholic and Protestant organizations. Many people don't know this. Also, many people wish to obscure this truth by casting about with innumerable red herring.
God's Word is true. There is no need to guess.
Antichrist might end up in the jail house rock.
// This article [link to] states some anti-christish stuff... the Great Monarch will:...////////Anonymous Coward, User ID: 1483451, France. 04/24/2012 10:46 AM, Re: The Great Monarch Prophecies... setting up Catholic allegiance to the Anti-Christ? Every expert of Nostradamus knows that he used to hide symbols in his quatrains. When a lot of people expect "a great king of terror" to be a person, he metaphorically speaks about a cycle of 13 years, as if it was HADES, the King of the deads, in order to protect the secret of the Great Monarch to come, the new king Arthur, the only legendary european King ever.To better show you how Nostradamus could have expressed a cycle of 13 years to add to the number 1999, 7 months of his first line of the X-72 quatrain, I invite you to read this: [link to] Death (XIII) is the thirteenth trump or Major Arcana card in most traditional Tarot decks. The king is trampled by a reaping skeleton horseman, as the Pictorial Key to the Tarot describes him, which appears to be a personification of death. and here: [link to] Hades, god of the dead, was a fearsome figure to those still living; in no hurry to meet him, they were reticent to swear oaths in his name, and averted their faces when sacrificing to him. Since to many, simply to say the word "Hades" was frightening, euphemisms were pressed into use.
Hence, the king of terror is Hades, personification of the number 13. So, after 1999, July comes the cyle of the death (13 years) to destroy THE BELIEFS SYSTEMS through a major event in July 2012. What kind of event could possibly trigger such a destruction on a world scale?
A UFO/ET/NEW KING the 2012 London Olympic Games.
from: ***
I recently wrote up a listing of 25 economic principles taught in the Bible and all used before with success in history. First on the list was what I call "Jesus Money." The medieval name for it was "Monetarum Renovatum" which in Latin means money which renews itself. It has been used four times in history and always skyrockets the economy when used. And always the banking interests upset over all the people getting rich, end of poor and poverty in society, business booming and governments with plenty of money for everything and low taxes, the bankers overthrow this because they do not like everyone getting so prosperous. Medieval France in the falsely labeled "Dark Ages" from 1170 to 1270 A.D. used this Jesus Money taught by Jesus in the New Testament and it worked! No inflation for 100 years! No unemployment! No poverty! Men worked 6 hours a day 4 days a week and the wives stayed home to raise the kids. They had 100 national holidays on top of Sundays. Historians recorded a virtual golden age had descended on mankind. The ordinary people in gratitude to God for this golden age contributed the money to build 80 Gothic cathedrals and 500 cathedral grade large Gothic churches for this 100 year period. No taxes, bank loans, etc. needed to do this! I am only tapping the surface to tell you of what all happened such as the end of nearly all crime in society. end of wars, etc. The people practiced what Jesus taught for this life and it worked! Unahppy bankers overthrew this and then censored this history from your public education, etc.! The sheeple got took good by corrupt financial interests. In this case, early bankers. Personally, I think banking has many good features and can be given good ways to serve the public, but the corrupt parts of it need their wings clipped!
When I can reach the American people, I will teach them "Jesus Money" and 24 other economic teachings of the Bible and show them our God of the Bible is overwhelmingly on our side. Only the evil politicians and other corrupt sources of the power elite are not and love corruption, not honesty in national economics. We have intelligent Christians in both the Protestant and Catholic side of Christianity. When I can reach the intelligent, we will heal the wounds of Christianity and be the Church Jesus wants us to be. I call myself Erasmus of America because he wanted reform in Christianity, not revolution, unity, not smashing of Christian unity. He agreed with some of the stands of Martin Luther, but felt we needed to stay within reasonable reforms, not revolution in Christianity or breaking up the unity Christianity had had pretty much up to then. Early Christianity taught the greatest treason against Christ in Christianity was schism because it would destroy the power and unity Christianity possessed in the world to change the world to the standards of God. I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including one endorsed by Albert Einstein. And I tell you that Obama knows zero of sound economics. If not removed from office, it appears he will be the wrecking crew that ends the United States of America as a nation by bankrupting it totally!
Early Christianity backed their God-given leaders and they won the Roman Empire in the end. No cause wins without leaders. I intend to train in economics leaders for America and other nations. But my trained leaders will all be Christians. I will not teach trade secrets of Christian economics as used before successfully in history to the enemies of Christianity! Before he died, St. Padre Pio gave me a stunning endorsement that Jesus wanted me to teach Christianity the economic secrets of the New Testament and a few from the Old Testament. I am very controversal because I tell the truth. And as I have said many times, "Truth Is an Orphan In America!" Yours for God and country! Erasmus of America in the year of Our Lord 2012 A.D.
The Bible which critics mock as discovered by Israeli and Christian scholars has in Genesis in math code the names of 66 leading Jewish rabbis and when they died for the last 2,000 years. These Jewish and Christian scholars calculated this defied mathematical odds of these 66 names and years of their death being in Hebrew math code in Genesis of 2 1/2 billion to one against this being in the Bible. Evolution is a false religion and con on the gullible in scholarship. It defies mathematical odds of trillions to one according to standard math for a human body to evolve from the extremely small organism to grow into a baby and then big human starting from the simple mating of a man and woman. In maybe all ancient cultures, they didn't need social security because the couples tried to have up to four children so these children could support them in old age. As Albert Einstein once in humor commented, "Compound interest is the greatest discovery ever made in science!" What he basically was talking about is that the compounding of numbers in math can grow astronomical in size much faster than human imagination realizes. Grant Jeffrey had the math done on how many humans would be on this earth if every generation had as many children per couple as is standard in the information almanacs. The wild figure came out that by this math, we should have more humans on earth by one million years of the human race growing even as the moderate rate of 2.5, 2.7 children that live per generation from married couple as to be more humans than all the atoms in the universe. Real math undermines the basis for the theory of evolution. Like Albert Einstein, the brilliance of laws in science, etc. shows me the genius of God and not random chance called evolution creating life and this universe we live in. Evolution was taught as a theory by Epicurus a few hundred years before Christ. When the Christians came, they discredited the theory of evolution as taught by the Greek Epicurus by the simple but smart examples of, "Which came first? The tree or the seed? The chicken or the egg?" Those early Christians were not so dumb in argument!
I see corrupted souls use repeatedly arguments of sophism to try and discredit sound proofs and logic of Christians and others seriously believing in God. An example of what sounds like logic but is a fools gold con of psuedo-logic, "This room is full of American men. All these men are Republicans. Therefore all men in America are Republicans." This sounds like logic, but is a simple con like Obama, etc. uses on the people all the time. If we tax much higher those now paying 15% captial gains tax on investments in stocks, etc., we may drive this money out of America and then suddenly the stock market is hit much worse than the Depression of the Thirties or maybe America is totally bankrupted as no money was left to invest in creating new industry in America. Obama used the old propaganda con line of Adolf Hitler and the Communists, "We are going to soak the fat boys!" and they imply give you what they steal from the rich. But Margaret Thatcher of England once shrewdly observed, "The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money!"
Jesus won converts by doing Miracles of God. Evil motivated and evil loving critics called His acts of charity towards the crippled, etc. "Works of the Devil." There is a warning in the New Testament to falsely call Works of the Holy Ghost of God "works of the devil" is the unforgiveable sin which can automatically damn you to hell for all eternity. It is similar to taking the mark of the beast according to Revelation will automatically damn you to hell for all eternity. The devil if involved nomally resorts to counterfeits of real Miracles of God. Satan is not so powerful as stupid Satanists think he is. The purpose of life as I undestand from the Bible is to develop good moral character before God and love God who gave unworthy you life, talents, opportunities, etc. in life. Moses could have been left by God to be a simple shepherd of sheep or whatever in Egypt and Moses be a good man, but amounted to little as a true friend of God. But God gave him the opportunity to face down the tyrant Pharaoh of Egypt and lead the Children of Israel out from slavery to freedom and greatness as a people of God. The good should thank the evil for existing. In overcoming your intended evil for mankind, you make us into champions and great friends of God. We are given free will to either follow God or else Satan. I admire the colossal genius of God shown by true laws of science and nature. I admire the colossal greatness and nobility of the Heart of God as shown in the Bible. And knowing I among 7 billion or more people never had to exist in life but God gave me life, etc. I am intensely grateful to God for life, for the chance to develop good character before God and end up a friend and even of the family of God for all eternity. I will love God for all this regardless of the evil so corrupted in heart they spit at God in words, deeds, and their heart.
I may have just posted in the wrong order... It is supposed to start with... Jesus....and end with... in the year of our Lord 2012 A.D. If you can put the right one in, you won't have to post twice. Thanks
Jesus won converts by doing Miracles of God. Evil motivated and evil loving critics called His acts of charity towards the crippled, etc. "Works of the Devil." There is a warning in the New Testament to falsely call Works of the Holy Ghost of God "works of the devil" is the unforgiveable sin which can automatically damn you to hell for all eternity. It is similar to taking the mark of the beast according to Revelation will automatically damn you to hell for all eternity. The devil if involved nomally resorts to counterfeits of real Miracles of God. Satan is not so powerful as stupid Satanists think he is. The purpose of life as I undestand from the Bible is to develop good moral character before God and love God who gave unworthy you life, talents, opportunities, etc. in life. Moses could have been left by God to be a simple shepherd of sheep or whatever in Egypt and Moses be a good man, but amounted to little as a true friend of God. But God gave him the opportunity to face down the tyrant Pharaoh of Egypt and lead the Children of Israel out from slavery to freedom and greatness as a people of God. The good should thank the evil for existing. In overcoming your intended evil for mankind, you make us into champions and great friends of God. We are given free will to either follow God or else Satan. I admire the colossal genius of God shown by true laws of science and nature. I admire the colossal greatness and nobility of the Heart of God as shown in the Bible. And knowing I among 7 billion or more people never had to exist in life but God gave me life, etc. I am intensely grateful to God for life, for the chance to develop good character before God and end up a friend and even of the family of God for all eternity. I will love God for all this regardless of the evil so corrupted in heart they spit at God in words, deeds, and their heart.
The Bible which critics mock as discovered by Israeli and Christian scholars has in Genesis in math code the names of 66 leading Jewish rabbis and when they died for the last 2,000 years. These Jewish and Christian scholars calculated this defied mathematical odds of these 66 names and years of their death being in Hebrew math code in Genesis of 2 1/2 billion to one against this being in the Bible. Evolution is a false religion and con on the gullible in scholarship. It defies mathematical odds of trillions to one according to standard math for a human body to evolve from the extremely small organism to grow into a baby and then big human starting from the simple mating of a man and woman. In maybe all ancient cultures, they didn't need social security because the couples tried to have up to four children so these children could support them in old age. As Albert Einstein once in humor commented, "Compound interest is the greatest discovery ever made in science!" What he basically was talking about is that the compounding of numbers in math can grow astronomical in size much faster than human imagination realizes. Grant Jeffrey had the math done on how many humans would be on this earth if every generation had as many children per couple as is standard in the information almanacs. The wild figure came out that by this math, we should have more humans on earth by one million years of the human race growing even as the moderate rate of 2.5, 2.7 children that live per generation from married couple as to be more humans than all the atoms in the universe. Real math undermines the basis for the theory of evolution. Like Albert Einstein, the brilliance of laws in science, etc. shows me the genius of God and not random chance called evolution creating life and this universe we live in. Evolution was taught as a theory by Epicurus a few hundred years before Christ. When the Christians came, they discredited the theory of evolution as taught by the Greek Epicurus by the simple but smart examples of, "Which came first? The tree or the seed? The chicken or the egg?" Those early Christians were not so dumb in argument!
I see corrupted souls use repeatedly arguments of sophism to try and discredit sound proofs and logic of Christians and others seriously believing in God. An example of what sounds like logic but is a fools gold con of psuedo-logic, "This room is full of American men. All these men are Republicans. Therefore all men in America are Republicans." This sounds like logic, but is a simple con like Obama, etc. uses on the people all the time. If we tax much higher those now paying 15% captial gains tax on investments in stocks, etc., we may drive this money out of America and then suddenly the stock market is hit much worse than the Depression of the Thirties or maybe America is totally bankrupted as no money was left to invest in creating new industry in America. Obama used the old propaganda con line of Adolf Hitler and the Communists, "We are going to soak the fat boys!" and they imply give you what they steal from the rich. But Margaret Thatcher of England once shrewdly observed, "The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money!"
I recently wrote up a listing of 25 economic principles taught in the Bible and all used before with success in history. First on the list was what I call "Jesus Money." The medieval name for it was "Monetarum Renovatum" which in Latin means money which renews itself. It has been used four times in history and always skyrockets the economy when used. And always the banking interests upset over all the people getting rich, end of poor and poverty in society, business booming and governments with plenty of money for everything and low taxes, the bankers overthrow this because they do not like everyone getting so prosperous. Medieval France in the falsely labeled "Dark Ages" from 1170 to 1270 A.D. used this Jesus Money taught by Jesus in the New Testament and it worked! No inflation for 100 years! No unemployment! No poverty! Men worked 6 hours a day 4 days a week and the wives stayed home to raise the kids. They had 100 national holidays on top of Sundays. Historians recorded a virtual golden age had descended on mankind. The ordinary people in gratitude to God for this golden age contributed the money to build 80 Gothic cathedrals and 500 cathedral grade large Gothic churches for this 100 year period. No taxes, bank loans, etc. needed to do this! I am only tapping the surface to tell you of what all happened such as the end of nearly all crime in society. end of wars, etc. The people practiced what Jesus taught for this life and it worked! Unahppy bankers overthrew this and then censored this history from your public education, etc.! The sheeple got took good by corrupt financial interests. In this case, early bankers. Personally, I think banking has many good features and can be given good ways to serve the public, but the corrupt parts of it need their wings clipped!
When I can reach the American people, I will teach them "Jesus Money" and 24 other economic teachings of the Bible and show them our God of the Bible is overwhelmingly on our side. Only the evil politicians and other corrupt sources of the power elite are not and love corruption, not honesty in national economics. We have intelligent Christians in both the Protestant and Catholic side of Christianity. When I can reach the intelligent, we will heal the wounds of Christianity and be the Church Jesus wants us to be. I call myself Erasmus of America because he wanted reform in Christianity, not revolution, unity, not smashing of Christian unity. He agreed with some of the stands of Martin Luther, but felt we needed to stay within reasonable reforms, not revolution in Christianity or breaking up the unity Christianity had had pretty much up to then. Early Christianity taught the greatest treason against Christ in Christianity was schism because it would destroy the power and unity Christianity possessed in the world to change the world to the standards of God. I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including one endorsed by Albert Einstein. And I tell you that Obama knows zero of sound economics. If not removed from office, it appears he will be the wrecking crew that ends the United States of America as a nation by bankrupting it totally!
Early Christianity backed their God-given leaders and they won the Roman Empire in the end. No cause wins without leaders. I intend to train in economics leaders for America and other nations. But my trained leaders will all be Christians. I will not teach trade secrets of Christian economics as used before successfully in history to the enemies of Christianity! Before he died, St. Padre Pio gave me a stunning endorsement that Jesus wanted me to teach Christianity the economic secrets of the New Testament and a few from the Old Testament. I am very controversal because I tell the truth. And as I have said many times, "Truth Is an Orphan In America!" Yours for God and country! Erasmus of America in the year of Our Lord 2012 A.D.
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