Sunday, May 20, 2012

David Wilcock - Coast To Coast AM with George Noory 08-22-11 - Time, 2012 & the Source

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

David Wilcock - Coast To Coast AM with George Noory 08-22-11 - Time, 2012 & the Source
Posted By: Revel [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 20-May-2012 00:05:51
August 22, 2011 - Intuitive researcher and filmmaker David Wilcock talked about his vision for humanity, changes occurring around 2012, and his concept of the 'source field.' This field represents the source for space, the flow of time, physical matter at the quantum level, as well as for consciousness, he said. We're actually moving into a new energy zone in the galaxy that elevates consciousness and makes us more loving people, he said, noting that studies have shown that the violent crime rate has gone down.
Wilcock suggested that we're headed into 'end times'--not in the sense of the world ending, but rather that time as we know it will end, or change its flow. He reached this conclusion from studying Zoroastrian scripture, which reportedly goes back to the time of Atlantis, and first proposed that time will end. And now, current physics models indicate we can change the rate of time with our own consciousness, he continued, adding that when there's a solar burst of energy, it slightly changes the flow of time. "I believe what's happening to us is that this energetic acceleration we're going through is making abilities that used to be in the hands of masters like Jesus, available to everyone," he said.
There is covert technology that can slow time down or speed it up, and it involves creating a rotational wave in the gravity field, as gravity is what powers time, he explained. Regarding 2012 prophecies, while there may be some natural cataclysms, he believes we're heading into a golden age, and that there's a lot more to being human than the levels we've reached on this planet. According to ET and ancient sources, "human beings apparently go through sudden energetic springboards that radically transform human evolution into some sort of light being," and this may be accomplished via shifts in the way that time runs, he said.

1 comment:

Clean said...

good lookin out g
