Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dinar good advice from 'soonerpatriot'

9:29 AM [soonerpatriot] I want you to know I’ve been reassured by my
banking sources that they are on high-alert for your safety. So I
don’t want you to be paranoid, just watchful and aware of what’s going
on around you. [soonerpatriot] One thing I want you to do is write
down the phone number of the bank branch your appointment is scheduled
and bring it with you to the bank. Have it easily accessible so you
can dial it in if necessary without digging around looking for it.
9:29 AM [soonerpatriot] When you drive up to the bank and before you
step out of your car, look around. When you look around, observe
people outside of cars and within. Look to see if someone might be
suspicious. [soonerpatriot] Do not confront someone yourself. You need
to be protecting yourself, your family, and not putting your dinars or
dongs in harm’s way.
9:29 AM [soonerpatriot] If you feel you are in potential danger, call
that bank branch and ask that security come out and escort you into
the bank. The banks are truly concerned about your safety, so don’t
feel you are imposing upon them. [soonerpatriot] You may feel the need
to be escorted out to your car as well, especially if you’re
appointment happens to be after dark.
9:30 AM [soonerpatriot] You’ve already been brow beat about safety
measures during exchange. If you don’t feel comfortable that you can
remember everything, there’s no sin in writing things down, much like
a shopping checklist. Hey, this is really an important transaction in
your life. [soonerpatriot] One other thing that I can’t stress enough.
Don’t bring attention to yourself. Wear conservative clothes and the
flashing lights that say, “I’m a millionaire,” have to go! Try to stay
under the radar at all times – do not bring undue attention to
9:30 AM [soonerpatriot] Folks we are so close to the end zone. When we
get into the end zone, and we will get into the end zone, let’s all of
us look like we’ve been there before. No flashy dances, no chest bumps
with friends, just hand the ball (dinars/dongs) to the referee
(banker) and wait until you get home to party. [soonerpatriot] Refrain
from showing over excitement until you’ve got your deposit slip in
hand and you’re in your home. Then you can release all that excitement
stored within. The process isn’t completed until you’re safe and sound
at home after the exchange and deposit. BE SAFE!
9:31 AM [soonerpatriot] Enjoy your blessing, but it's always good to
prepare for every contingency, and this is one contingency that I
think most are missing - that trip in and out of the bank.
[soonerpatriot] Got to run, but enjoy your day to the fullest - we're
close and this blessing can happen when you least expect it!


Anonymous said...

I was planning on dancing naked on Times Square. Am I not supposed to do that ?

Anonymous said...

No need to plan any parties yet. They still have a lot of work to do. The bad guys still control all the money and they are in negotiations.

Anonymous said...

You do not pray for what you do not want. These dinar guru's are giving bad advice by acting out in a mode of protecting yourself. You will draw to you the very thing you do not want.

The very reason to protect yourself will show up, so you can justify your thinking of having to always look over your shoulder in fear of being attacked.

Whatever you hold near and dear in your consciousness is not judged by the universe. Everyone has the use of their own free will and it is being extremely misguided and misdirected from people who do not know what they are talking about.

The universe does not determine how strongly you feel between your "don't wants" and your "wants". It simply delivers the goods according to your will.

As the saying goes, be careful what you pray for, because you just might get it. What you think about all day long is what you are praying for.

If you follow this kind of illuminati paranoid negative programming you will be delivered the reason to justify protecting yourself, so you can say you were right in doing so.

There will be no reason for a need to look over your shoulder for fear of attack in the new world. Either you prepare now to let go of your fear of the unknown or you will be receiving the help to do so, since you are unable to do it on your own. O'ye of little faith.

Anything to do with security measures are going out the door with the coming changes. What is it about the word "freedom" don't you understand? You might start behaving like it, as if it was already a fact of life.

Easier said than done on a prison planet operation, I do understand what you are up against in your mind. This is one of the very grave circumstances keeping the wars going with each other on the planet. The idea that someone is out to get you. Your own attacks are perceived as self defense.

Mind control is a beautiful thing for the illuminati. The more they do to you, the less you seem to believe they are doing it. A bunch of irresponsible party animals are easy to control, they are not serious enough to take their lives back from those who have stolen it from them.