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John Kettler Investigates: ETs/EDs Thwarted Quakes As Forecast For This Past Weekend
Posted By: pax [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 8-May-2012 12:56:43
The following is submitted for your awareness and discernment.
John Kettler has posted on his website that ETs/EDs implemented the use of a "web of force fields" this past weekend to prevent massive earth quakes as predicted by renowned quake predictor Jack Coles. Mr. Coles has a history of being very accurate in his earthquake predictions as can be seen at the following link:
Mr. Coles had predicted two earthquakes of 6.5s-7.5s to take place this past weekend along the San Andreas fault thought to be caused as a result of the experienced full moon and Super Moon, (moon at perigee),
Mr. Kettler goes on to further state that the ETs/EDs have informed him that the structual strain on the earth is currently so great that in order to lessen the strain, the ETs/EDs have found it necessary to slacken the earth's containment because of internal pressures as caused by Solar Maximum energies that will eventually cause earth's dimensional shift.
Mr. Kettler's copyrighted article(s) containing more detail and links on this subject can be found at the following url:
you must be we are getting fake savior messages about fake earthquake messages.
Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. You have not done your homework and your response shows it clearly. Read and research please before your post as you are much better than this.
....part1/2......The GOD-CODE MATRIX of 188 .... LEY LINES on Earth from the 188 DAY CYCLE of MEGA- Published, 2012-03-15, by elnine11, MAJOR DISCOVERY of LEY LINES from the 188 DAY QUAKE PATTERN!?, Music by: The vib0nacci Sequence, The Elektrik Haze & BT.,,, ...23:45min...., .....(....)
from: ///
this is a link from:, which is from:*****........and......
2012-05-10'FEMA Coffins' Being Moved Northbound On Georgia Highway 5-8-2012; Are They Being Transferred To Chicago? at 04:00 Posted by Vatic Master. Vatic Note: This is being pieced together from two different sites, I am putting up a written description, the driver of a car gave of seeing the truck, and how they reacted to each other. It was so interesting, that I decided simply to copy the text here verbatim to read. He was driving in a car that was passing the truck as you can see below, took the photo, and here is what he had to say:"I was doing about 82 MpH two miles south of Elberton Ga. When I realized what they were, I slammed on my brakes and let the rig pass me. The driver was wondering what I was doing and I held up my crackberry. When he saw this, we went into a braking war and I snapped the shot. He then immediately banked right onto the off ramp of the first exit toward Elberton. I humbly thank Revbo for initiating the thread. Thanks brother. People need to see this. I almost left Elberton the messiest turd they've ever had to Hazmat. Thanks again Rev!!!" If you know anyone in the chicago area, you might want to give them a heads up. Hopefully, this going VIRAL, WILL STOP IT just as we have done over the past 4 years. I believe the internet stopped at least three false flags since 2007, and that is why the internet censorship bill, is in congress, but the good news is, work is being done as we speak, by private individuals to set up and run a private internet to replace the government controlled internet, and that should prove interesting, but we will see. maybe with luck, we won't need to. One last word, Something is definitely going on as, in my area, we are seeing massive numbers of heavy equipment trucks hauling heavy equipment, container trucks, etc with no labels on the trucks, and they were traveling from west to east in SW Colorado, I wonder if its related.
....part2....(included, the video of JesseVentura on the FEMA camps,)and remember the ADL AND SPLC RUN THE HOMELAND SECURITY, WHICH IS OVER THE FUSIA CENTERS..... Its in total violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. According to the ADL and SPLC, my just saying that these are in violation of the Constitution, ....makes me a domestic terrorist. When in fact, the only domestic terrorists around, are the khazar zionists who do such acts and continually get caught....USS Liberty, USS Cole and 9-11. That does not include the assassination of our leaders and other Americans that they have done, jointly with MI6 and CIA. They are doing to us what they do in Israel, to the Palestinians. We will soon come to understand what the Pals are going through.///also: ///
VATIC CONTACT,VaticClerk: //'FEMA Coffins' Being Moved Northbound On Georgia Highway 5-8-2012;Are They Being Transferred To Chicago? by LiveFree andDie,Before It's News,Tues May08,2012.;_Are_They_Being_Transferred_To_Chicago.html ****** When the driver of this truck noticed the photographer taking pictures, he immediately pulled off of the highway. ...for more....
Fema Camp Coffins Investigated -9:52min .. 11 sept. 2008 - Added by boomya555 NewWorldOrder 2012 Illuminati, Fema Trains, Fema Coffins & ConcentrationCamps For Martial Law.
FEMA Coffins - 2:04min.
27 august 2008 - - Added by Breal1969,The killing fields?
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