Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Financial Treason Escalates

EXPLOSIVE BREAKING NEWS: Financial Treason Escalates

* * * N O T I C E * * *
We apologize that this intelligence briefing is currently being hacked by the TREASONOUS U.S. State Department and Department of Homeland Security with loser and lesbian, dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton giving the orders.

Message to loser, Hillary lesbian bitch: You will cease and desist right now in violating the 1st Amendment Constitutional rights of the American People.

At the time of liberation, duly elected President Albert Gore Jr., who elected your stupid husband Bill Clinton, is going to have you arrested and prosecuted for HIGH TREASON against the American People.

Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U. S. media covers up
EXPLOSIVE Back Breaking News
Financial Treason Escalates by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence ExpertMonday May 7, 2012

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that Morgan Stanley, a holding company of JP Morgan Chase, was issued a $10 BILLION margin call today by the CME Group.

The margin call deals with the illegal cross-collateralized euro currency and S&P put options written on the London LIFFE Exchange with electronic paper IOUs aka worthless junk bonds.

Note: The underwriter for this latest ponzi scheme is The Bank of New York Mellon, Barclays Bank of England and Berkshire Hathaway, a company run by financial terrorist and money launderer, Warren Buffett.

Reference: At this hour we can divulge that The Bank of New York Mellon faces forced liquidation by the CME Group in regards to the still existing $1.5 TRILLION margin call issued by the CME Group against The Bank of New York Mellon last Thursday that The Bank of New York Mellon has yet to meet.

Item: Word on the street is that The Bank of New York Mellon is telling alleged pResident, foreign born Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro, that they are too big to fail.

Guess what, folks, they demand another bail out!

Translation: Using a financial technique called credit default swaps with crooked banks, Obama and Geithner are about to do another massive "BAIL OUT" under the radar screen without informing the American People.
How dare you, you conspiratorial tyrants and
kings and notable queens!

P.S. At this hour financial terrorist and check kiter Timothy Geithner, along with loser and bank stooge, dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton and BushFRAUD Treasury Secretary Henry 'Hank' Paulson, have been joined in China by none other than current Federal Reserve Chairman, money launderer Bernard Bernanke.

What they are doing, folks, is, once again, using U.S. Taxpayers' money aka U.S. Treasury funds as collateral in concert with Communist RED China, to try to meet the margin calls of Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan Chase and the Bank of New York Mellon in the aforementioned crooked trades.

Translation: This is another TREASONOUS, UN-CONSTITUTIONAL BAIL OUT of crooked banks by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate with the stooge, foreign born, alleged U.S. pResident Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro operating as the bagman.

P.P.S. It is no coincidence that Obama-Soetoro camouflaged this latest FINANCIAL TREASON with his announcement that he supports gay marriage.

Question: Will Obama now marry his lifelong, cocaine-snorting lover, Larry Sinclair?

Question: Will sociopath Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton now marry the former Clinton era White House prostitute "Susan"?

Question: Will nation wrecker and constitution shredder, U.S. Treasury embezzler, homosexual in the closet, AWOL, war criminal George W. BushFRAUD marry his lifelong homosexual lover and college roommate Victor Ashe?


Berkshire Profit Declines 24% on Buffett's Derivative Bets

Buffett's huge gamble: investors lied to - derivatives on S&P 500


Anonymous said...

Something that troubles me about Al Gore being our saviour is 1 the electric bill on his Tennessee home is in the 10 thousand dollar a month range, 2 took Union campaign money, then built his house non union,3 had tea parties in the white house raising campaign money,4 he and billy sold missle staging technology to the Chinese from loral for more money,5 doesnt believe in the 2nd amendment and voted that way. Though not all of these things are illegal it certainly raises questions about his ethical and moral fibre....Anon

Anonymous said...

Henegan must have some kind of love affair with Al Gore. What's with this guy?

Anonymous said...

Tom, the more you speak of "president' Al Gore, especially that he is going to arrest Clinton, the more you are losing ANY credability with the American people. Gore, too, is a traitor to our nation, shoving Agenda 21 (via 'Global Warming') down the throats of the American people. Have you researched Agenda 21, Tom? All the 'presidents' work for a private corporation and are NOT 'elected' by we the people but appointed years in advance by the globalists and 'win' these fraudulent 'elections' literally via VOTE FRAUD. It was NOT the PLAN of the global elitists for Gore to be THEIR 'president'. If the America people can figure this out, then how come YOU can't figure it out???? Any more I simply scan over your 'stuff' and move on to the next. You are one seriously deceived man.

Anonymous said...

You must not be reading my reports to you.... Mine come from the highest point on the camels hump.... Mine says you are totally off your cookie, one of the bad guys that has no Intelligence (brains), OR has yet to figure out Al Gore is one of them, and has been for a long time. Gore is as bad as they get... He carries blood in his brief case and has been seen partaking by other several times I am aware of. He is one that (without a doubt) is going to be arrested for Treason just like all the rest of the clan.... Your information on here is now totally discredited.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing this group of liars and thieves are able to have offshore bank accounts, STEAL the funds from you and me to deposit in to these accounts, and ALWAYS get away scott free to do it to us again and again? On the other hand, the American readers of this column are labeled as the 'terrorists' and are 'guilty' until and IF they can prove themselves innocent, and are NOT ALLOWED to have or to own ANYthing much less to open an offshore bank account and deposit any funds in it IF we can some how LEGALLY acquire the money to deposit in to it? Isn't it amazing that 'We the People' ARE ALLOWING THESE CROOKS AND THIEVES TO DO THIS TO US OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN?? We have NO-ONE to blame for the TROUBLE WE ARE IN BUT OURSELVES FOLKS.

Anonymous said...

I think it is in the process of being stopped in a peaceful, non-violent way, because if the people just took it upon theirselves, they would probably end up in prison, albeit the theives would be gone, permanently. So what do you think we should do? (instead of "allowing" it)

Anonymous said...

I whole-heartedly agree with this post. The other things that looses credibility, in my opinion, is all the name calling. It is so unnecessary.

Anonymous said...

Tom has been attached to Al Gore's hip for some time now. I don't know how that happened, but happen it did. Yes, his love for corrupt Gore makes him lose all credibility. So does this comment: "At the time of liberation, duly elected President Albert Gore Jr., who elected your stupid husband Bill Clinton, is going to have you arrested and prosecuted for HIGH TREASON against the American People." That's a frightening thought to think that Al Gore is involved in any "liberation". What the "liberation" amounts to then is just one corrupt set of politicians striving with another for power and control.

Tom...may I make a suggestion? I love the names you attach to these people. Perhaps if you inserted a "t" in Hillary's name it might be more effective or at least more eyecatching: Hillary RODENThurst Clinton.

Anonymous said...

EXPL. BREAKING NEWS: Financial Treason Escalates (view more)
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