Monday, May 21, 2012

Free Stuff

Subject: ** Free Stuff***

The folks who are getting the free stuff don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for thefree stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.

And, the folks who are paying for the 
free stuff want the free stuffto stop.

And the folks who are getting the 
free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!

Now.. the people who are forcing the people who pay for the 
free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.

So... the people who are GETTING the 
free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff and giving them the free stuff in the first place.

We have let the 
free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.

Now understand this.   All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 
200 and 250 years after being founded.   The reason? 

The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.

The United States officially became a Republic in 
1776, 236 years ago.   The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff.   We have one chance to change that in 2012. Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it..


A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves! 

100% for PASSING THIS ON !!!

For all our sake PLEASE Take a Stand!!! 

Obama: Gone!

Borders: Closed!

Language: English only

Culture: Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!

Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!

NOfreebies to: Non-Citizens!

86% will send this on. Should be a 100%. What will you do?

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Anonymous said...

whats coming will end the need for welfare,or anybody worrying about whos getting what. there will be a lot more "free stuff" for everyone, and things you never knew could be free(or should have been already).we need to focus on the one thing this cabal has never wanted us to have, freedom of humanity. and to do that we need to realize that we are all in this together. its not about who is getting what for free,that is just another control tactic. our entire way of thinking and looking at life will change, lets focus on bringing that environment about and not on whos paying or not paying, those things are irrelavent, just like the next election or money or telling people how to live. have faith in your fellow man, have faith in the divine plan which you helped to create.there is nothing happening that we did not already plan or agree to, our existance is much grander that what is going on at point blank range.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree! When you forward things like this, you are playing into the Cabal's hands. This is what they want you to do. When we realize that we are ALL ONE, and what you do to another, you do to yourself, you will think again about what message you send. We have lived with fear, anger, hate, etc. for so long, we have forgotten who we are and our purpose for being here. God is Love and so are we. This should be our message to our fellow man and build him/her up instead of tearing down.♥

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with anonymous 1:07p.m.! Very well put! If you go by what the email is saying I guess we had best fire all teachers of foreign languages so no one speaks anything but english here in the USA. Good luck finding a bathroom using sign language if you travel to a foreign country, because Americans should only speak English? This divide and conquer thing is beyond old and moldy, I'm so sick of hearing this bunk. The borders belonged to the Native Americans before a major influx of illegal immigrants to the USA (That part of history seems to be conveniently forgotten by most). So perhaps all of the problems could be fixed if anyone without Native American blood gets kicked out of the USA? Makes just about as much sense as the demands in the above email to me! Pull your heads out people, or at least put windows in your stomachs so you can see where your going!!

Anonymous said...

IF we come together, we are bigger, stronger and better than the powers that be/were.
IF we allow them to separate us as black/white, rich/poor, freebies/paying, elite/poor, etc. we are doing just what "they" want.
I'm so happy to see many of you are understanding that together we will prevail and divided we fail.
Please, if you haven't already, get involved in your local, state and federal govt's. This is how we will change the world.

Anonymous said...

Closing the borders means I can't leave when I want or need to get the hell out of this rathole called the wonderful USA, if by chance all hell breaks loose. It ain't so great here, and to those who say this is the best place in the world have obviously NOT traveled to other lands:-)

Anonymous said...

It sounds to me that you are all well indoctrinated into the concept of a ONE WORLD Order with a world wide government "caring" for you! LOL!...We are all ONE, you say. Are we? I do not consider myself ONE with Hugo Chavez, Charles Manson, Barack Obama, Mao Tse Tung, nor millions of other people. Closing our borders to ILLEGALS is not the same as closing our borders...period! Nor is keeping our doors locked at night the same as living like a reclusive hermit. Can you think? Can you reason?

A comment from above:
"whats coming will end the need for welfare,or anybody worrying about whos getting what. there will be a lot more "free stuff" for everyone, and things you never knew could be free(or should have been already).we need to focus on the one thing this cabal has never wanted us to have"

Hm-m-m-m-m....When will having a few extra dollars change a man's thinking? And since when will human nature change? We will always have the poor, the lazy, the greedy, the ones who lust for power, the sociopaths, the ambitious and the misfits. Grow up and face reality. You're part of the problems...A BIG PART OF THE PROBLEMS.