Monday, May 21, 2012

Fulford newsletter blurb for 5-21-12: "Time for China to stop supporting fascist US regime"

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Fulford newsletter blurb for 5-21-12: "Time for China to stop supporting fascist US regime"
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 21-May-2012 14:14:15

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120521: Time for China to stop supporting fascist US regime
We would like to start this week’s report with a special message to Chinese President Hu Jintao: The Chinese people asked the creator to grant the peaceful rise of China to the center of the world stage. You were told this would happen but that you had to promise to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. You have now presided over one of the greatest periods in China’s long and glorious history. However, you were not able to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. We ask you to please not stand in the way of people who wish to accomplish these goals. Specifically, we would like you to stop subsidizing the illegal fascist Obama corporate government with Chinese money. In 2011 alone you supplied them with $295 billion in Chinese subsidies. Please stop doing this. Thank you.
And now for the news:
full subscription newsletter available at:

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Some bullet points from the Fulford newsletter for 5-21-12
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 21-May-2012 14:41:29

Just quickly slapped these together. I apologize for any oversimplifications or inaccuracies:

  • A bootleg Soviet warhead, originally intended to be set off in London by the Satanist cabal, now is on the move and may be headed for Japanese Miura peninsula by sub

  • The Japanese are hoping to detect the warhead en route using AWACS planes

  • The Satanic group will continue to attempt to start WW-III in Iran

  • This was presumably the real NATO agenda in Chicago

  • The Satanist cabal appears to be a breakaway group from the Committee of 300

  • The $trillions promised to the "White Dragon Society" by apparent representatives of the Comm. of 300 have been frozen by a mysterious new head of the P2 fascist lodge, whom the WDS is attempting to identify

  • New support for the WDS comes from the Turkish government, from the ancient Mideast society of assassins, and a native American group. That's what it says. Honest.


    Anonymous said...

    another delay huh?:(

    Anonymous said...

    Was it not possible to simply SEIZE the funds and be done with this? Why would any member of this Cmt truly cooperate with us, and how is it that we would trust ANY member of the Cmt of 300 when their goals and efforts are to destroy the rest of us? Obviously they had in place a plan to move forward to phase 2, which is exactly what they did by moving and freezing those funds with the P2 faciast lodge. If a viper rises up to strike at you, do you stand there and allow it to? Or, knowing that they are there and their history, wouldn't it make more sense to be on the offense against them, anticipate their strikes and move against them first? How long is this cabal going to be allowed to carry out their thieving murderous plans against us unopposed? How long do they get to play their games of 'pass the hat' or 'musical chairs' while laughing at us and continuing to hold the entire world hostage? WHY wasn't the ENTIRE GROUP ARRESTED and HAULED OFF to prison while attending this meeting? Are we just going to allow them to carry on as usual and win this game? I don't take well to being on the losing side.

    Anonymous said...

    ...part1/2..Benjamin Fulford 5-22-12/in Japan/…”Time for China to stop supporting fascist USregime”… “And Turkey and the Apache nation to the Rescue”. Posted on May 21/in USA/. KAUILAPELE :There is a fair bit of “nuclear satanic terrorist cabal” talk,in this week’s Ben article.And we know that all that nuclear talk, will be just that. Talk. Reading beyond that, two key elements here, are the offer of assistance to the White Dragon Society, by first, new major power groups in Turkey, and second, William Twofeather, an Apache war-chief and spiritual war leader. I will offer little more than this, for the moment, but I’ve covered as much of this article as I felt were useful in the highlights.// Highlights: A British Intelligence source said that a bomb that was intended to go off in London, was a Ukranian SS19 that had been “dialed down” from a maximum blast of 500 kilotons, to 100 kilotons. This satanic group will also make another push to start World War 3 in Iran, he and other sources said… So that, it seems, was the real secret agenda of the meeting of NATO terrorist states, this past weekend in Chicago. …this group of criminals… can rest assured their days are numbered, even if they do manage a bit more horror.
    It is also now clear that we are dealing with a sub-group within and outside of the committee of 300, and not the entire committee. …for now the [humanitarian aid] funds, are still being frozen by people connected to the P2 freemason lodge. The public obstacle seems to be the Washington D.C. corporate government, using President Obama as his figurehead and senior Chinese government officials friendly to the P2 fascists. …recently new major power groups, offered to support the goals of the White Dragon Society: the Turkish government, the ancient Middle-Eastern order of assassins, and the spiritual war leader of Turtle Island (North America). The Turks were advised [by the White Dragon Society] to put pressure on the Gulf slave states, run by Sabbatean satanic pseudo-muslims. …the White Dragon Society was offered support by William Twofeather, an Apache war-chief and spiritual war leader of the original native inhabitants of Turtle Island (…North America)… …[the]sort of tactic needed to defeat the cabal: Concentrate on the leaders. Twofeather is also a veteran of the US marine special forces, and a proud American, who is appalled at what has happened to the country he fought for.

    Anonymous said...

    ...part2......————— Time for China to stop supporting fascist US regime, Benjamin Fulford, May 22, 2012. We would like to start this week’s report, with a special message to Chinese President Hu Jintao: The Chinese people asked the creator, to grant the peaceful rise of China, to the center of the world stage. You were told this would happen, but that you had to promise to end poverty, and stop environmental destruction. You have now presided over one of the greatest periods in China’s long and glorious history. However, you were not able to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. We ask you to please ....not stand in the way of people who wish to accomplish these goals. Specifically, we would like you to stop subsidizing the illegal fascist Obama corporate government, with Chinese money. In 2011 alone you supplied them, with $295 billion in Chinese subsidies. Please stop doing this. Thank you.
    And now for the news: satanic Sabbatean cult that illegally seized power in Western Europe and the US, is now a dangerous, injured beast, threatening to once again unleash nuclear terror. A British Intelligence source said that a bomb that was intended to go off in London, was a Ukranian SS19, that had been “dialed down” from a maximum blast of 500 kilotons, to 100 kilotons. This weapon was then traced from England to Germany, and may now be in Japan, he said. He said the weapon would be brought into Japan (if it has not already been) via submarine, from cabal bases in Sao Tome and New Guinea. The likely offloading point, would be the Miura peninsula, according to this source. Japanese AWACS planes should be able to detect the bomb, during transportation, because it will be unshielded. The bomb in London was brought in at a time when for mysterious reasons someone senior at the British Ministry of Defense, ordered all British AWACS to be grounded, he said. These nuclear missiles were part of a batch sold by Russian arms dealer Victor Bout, the source said. Iran also bought some of these weapons, he said. This new, detailed intelligence, dovetails with what other sources, including an FSB agent going by the name Richard Sorge, and a close relative of the Shah of Iran, said. This satanic group will also make another push to start World War 3 in Iran, he and other sources said. So that, it seems, was the real secret agenda of the meeting of NATO terrorist states, this past weekend, in Chicago. Read more at Ben’s site /link/
    —————————— [A subscription to Ben's full articles, is only $8 per month ("Payments can... be made with a ‘PayPal’ [account]“), but Ben will allow anyone who can not pay this, to subscribe for less (or free). On one page of his site, he says, “All subscribers will agree to pay whatever monthly subscription price, they can afford. Those who are really poor, can get it for free.” Ben may be contacted at any of the emails below, which he provides on his websites:, .....,]

    Anonymous said...

    FW: How could I waste good money, listening to you, contradicting yourself on one, while after another? Your proving/previous report , you implied China was preventing America from getting their hands on the Philippines gold. Today you blast China, for aiding America. Make up your mind. //B.Fulford: Thank you for your comment. China is not a single entity. There are powerful factions, mainly the Peking/Beijing, Shanghai, and Canton/Guangzhou factions. The problem we are having is not with China, it is with the Peking faction and Hu Jintao, who is a member of the Sokka Gakkai cult (run by the illuminati) and whose mother is Japanese. It is his faction, that is supporting the bad guys in the US. You can verify this, by the fact that last year they gave them $295 billion dollars to support military aggression around the world. My sources for this information, are Chinese. FROM: ...for more... ///////ōka_Gakkai************ ...2006...////////////
    Beijing ( /beɪˈdʒɪŋ/; Chinese: 北京; pinyin: Běijīng, [peɪ˨˩ t͡ɕiŋ˥]), formerly romanized as Peking ( /piːˈkɪŋ/ or /peɪˈkɪŋ/), is the capital of the People's Republic of China and one of the most populous cities in the world, with a population of 19,612,368 as of 2010. The metropolis, located in northern China, is governed as a direct-controlled municipality under the national government, with 14 urban and suburban districts and two rural counties. //// ***** *** Shanghai clique - The Shanghai clique or Shanghai faction is the name given to an informal group of officials in the Communist Party of China, especially those who serve in the central government of the People's Republic of China or the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, who rose to prominence in connection to the Shanghai municipal administration under former CPC General secretary, President Jiang Zemin..... ////// //// *****************
    Hu Jintao Tightens Grip Over “Shanghai Faction”. Since dumping former Shanghai party secretary Chen Liangyu in late 2006, President Hu Jintao has tightened his control over the East China metropolis—as well as the.. ( ln 2008)....** *** ******* 2009: ....and....*************** Canton Province, or Guangdong Province, a province in southern China.Guangzhou, known historically as Canton, the capital city of the Guangdong Province. One should note that Canton.. etymologically derived from a Portuguese transliteration of "Guangdong",....(...) ...