Monday, May 7, 2012


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 7-May-2012 04:43:39

How Hitler defied the bankers
Posted by Vatic Master
Vatic Note: It is amazing what we do not know about history. This is the best education I have ever gotten and I put in a lot of time in college. Add this below to the one we published about 6 months ago and you have a completely different picture of who did what to Germany and her people. Nothing is as it seems.... history is written by the winners and controllers and it appears the bankers were the winners after declaring war on Hitler and Germany when he rejected their fiat currency and his economy began to grow. The last article we put up on this, we have quotes from Winston Churchill clearly stating that Germany's economy was the reason for the war. We all now know who Churchill was, don't we?
If we get nothing else out of this insanity we are going through, we are getting a first class education in modern History. Before, I could never understand how the German people allowed Hitler to exist and do what he did, based on the authorized history that we are taught. Now we know...... it was a bogus history and he did a lot for the German people that was outside the control of the bankers. No wonder they declared war on him. For the first time I am beginning to wonder about the official version of the holocaust.
We also did a blog on the protocols... and in that blog we showed the genesis of the Russian Revolution, the German revolution and now the American revolution that they want in order to consolidate their hold on this nation and to finally achieve their global domination they have tried so hard to achieve and failed for so many centuries. The technology has now arrived that has allowed them to succeed finally. Were the Germans who were brought over here in Project Paperclip, really Germans or were they the scientists, son and daughters of the illuminati brought over to continue their work toward this New World Order. I keep thinking of the Bush family and their origins in Germany. Would that explain their role in the creation of Project Paperclip?
Anyway, enjoy the read. THEN GO TO THE LINK AND READ THE COMMENTS SECTION. Now that is where additional information was provided that surprised even me, who has a background in political systems and history. AMAZING WHAT WE DID NOT KNOW...... This has to be the end of these Zionists "control" in any nation that is not Israel. Let them do all this to themselves and leave the rest of us alone.


Anonymous said...

Welcome aboard. The holohoax was indeed a lie. According to jewish census of that period there were some 379,000 more jews after ww2 than before ww2. The marker at Auswitz has been reduced from 6 million to 1.5 million. We have been scammed. The diary of Anne Frank has also been proven a hoax. Mostly written with a BALL POINT pen which wasn't available to Anne Frank and was written by her father OTTO FRANK. Yes you are right most history is a lie but that is what the public school system is designed to do and they admit it. "OUR JOB IS NOT TO EDUCATE BUT TO INDOCTRINATE."
My copy of the book Schindler's List states that it is a work of FICTION and even has the letter {F} printed on the spine.

Anonymous said...

I have two comments 1.) John you always seem to find great information. Thanks you your efforts. 2.) Eric, will you provide "proof" about your statements concerning the "holohoax".

Anonymous said...

I am probably a little older than you folks and I know personally people who endured those nazi camps. They saw (literally) their family member tortured and murdered for not being of the right ethnic origins or religion. My next door neighbors were in a death camp and they saw their sons executed. The commanding General of the U. S. armed forces made sure that what the US troops discovered at the liberation of the nazi camps was documented on film as proof because,as he said, 50 years from now some one or group will say this Never Happened !

Anonymous said...

There is much proof concerning the holocaust. Now Read This: The 1980 Jewish Almanac at the beginning of chapter one;" Entitled Identity Crisis," are the following words and admission: "A HISTORY OF TERMS FOR 'JEWS" "Strictly Speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'jew' or to call a contemporary jew an Israelite or Hebrew."
WORLD ALMANAC 1952: World jew population in 1940= 15,319,359 World jew population in 1950= 15,713,638. an increase of 349.279 , not a decrease of 6 million. Jews in Germany approx. 600,000. [ THE JEWS ARE NOT ISRAEL.] They are not even jews, They are KHAZARS from Russia the land of Gog and Magog.
"When all the lies about Adolf Hitler disappear , He will emerge as the greatest man that ever lived. JOHN F. KENNEDY "We fought on the wrong side,." George Smith Patton. General U.S. ARmy

Anonymous said...

"THE HOLOCAUST HOAX EXPOSED" Debunking The 20th Century's Biggest Lie By Victor Thorn. Page 90, In April 1975 Nazi Hunter Simon Weisenthal published a report entitled "BOOKS and BOOKMEN" " NO GASSING TOOK PLACE IN ANY CAMP ON GERMAN SOIL." Jan. 24 1993 In Stars and Stripes, Weisenthal repeated the claim that no gassings took place anywhere in Germany. "IT IS TRUE THAT THERE WERE NO EXTERMINATION CAMPS ON GERMAN SOIL " He also admitted that supposed gas chamber at Dachau was never constructed.

Vatic Master said...

Oh, wow, Eric, do you have a link to those quotes from JFK and Patton, two of my favorite high integrity people. Thanks for adding this.

Anonymous said...

The quote from Patton comes from" THE PATTON PAPERS 1945" and it is a very thick book and I do not have the page number but the book is about letters that he wrote to his wife. Hopefully I can find the page number but many quotes in the book lead to his dissatisfaction about fighting Germany. He is still over there.
The quote from John F. Kennedy comes from the book "PRELUDE TO LEADERSHIP' the European Diary of John F. Kennedy, summer 1945. Regnery Pub. Inc. Wash. D.C. pg 74

Anonymous said...

** ...for more... links.... ...recent posts... *********************
How Hitler defied the bankers,**** by Abdul Alhazred's blog. Many people take joy, in saying Wall Street and Jewish bankers "financed Hitler." There is plenty of documented evidence that Wall Street and Jewish (Khazar - Zionist International) bankers, did indeed help finance Hitler, at first, partly because it allowed the bankers to get rich (as I will describe below) and partly in order to control Stalin (VN: Another of the Zionists puppets that they lost control over, Gee, what a surprise).However, when Germany broke free from the bankers, the bankers declared a world war against Germany.When we look at all the facts, the charge that "Jews financed Hitler" becomes irrelevant. Los Angeles Attorney Ellen Brown, discusses this topic in her book Web Of Debt… When Hitler came to power, Germany was hopelessly broke. The Treaty of Versailles had imposed crushing reparations on the German people, demanding that Germans repay every nation’s costs of the war. These costs totaled three times the value of all the property in Germany...... Countless homes and farms were lost to speculators and to private (Jewish controlled) banks. Germans lived in hovels. They were starving. ..... Germany had no choice but to succumb to debt slavery under international (mainly Jewish) bankers, until 1933, when the National Socialists came to power. At that point the German government thwarted the international banking cartels, by issuing its own money. World Jewry responded by declaring a global boycott against Germany. Hitler began a national credit program, by devising a plan of public works that included flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities. All these were paid for with money that no longer came from the private international bankers.... The government paid workers in Certificates. Workers spent those Certi-ficates on other goods and services, thus creating more jobs for more people. In this way the German people climbed out of the crushing debt imposed on them by the international bankers.

Anonymous said...

....part2.......Within two years, the unemployment problem had been solved, and Germany was back on its feet. It had a solid, stable currency, with no debt, and no inflation, at a time when millions of people in the United States and other Western countries (controlled by international bankers) were still out of work.Within five years, Germany went from the poorest nation in Europe, to the richest... Germany flourished, since barter.. eliminates national debt and trade deficits. (Venezuela does the same thing today, when it trades oil for commodities, plus medical help, and so on. Hence the bankers are trying to squeeze Venezuela.)..This economic freedom made Hitler extremely popular with the German people. Germany was rescued from 'English economic theory', which says that all currency must be borrowed against the gold owned by a private and secretive banking cartel -- such as the Federal Reserve, or the Central Bank of Europe -- rather than issued by the government for the benefit of the people.
Canadian researcher Dr. Henry Makow (who is Jewish himself) says the main reason why the bankers arranged for a world war against Germany, was that Hitler sidestepped the bankers, by creating his own money, thereby freeing the German people. Worse, this freedom and prosperity threatened to spread to other nations. Hitler had to be stopped!...The bankers first, financed Hitler in order to control Stalin, who had usurped power from their agent Trotsky. Then Hitler became an even bigger threat than Stalin, when Hitler started printing his own money. (Stalin came to power in 1922, which was eleven years before Hitler came to power.)...(Henry Makow, "Hitler Did Not Want War," March 21, 2004)

Anonymous said...

....part3......In Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People (1984), Sheldon Emry
commented:“Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 on, which accounts for Germany’s startling rise from the depression to a world power, in five years. The German government financed its entire operations from 1935 to 1945 without gold, and without debt. It took the entire Capitalist and Communist world, to destroy the German revolution, and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers.”
These facts do not appear in any textbooks today, since Jews own most publishing companies....In reality, the Weimar financial crisis began with the impossible reparations payments imposed at the Treaty of Versailles. Hjalmar Schacht – the Rothschild agent who was currency commissioner for the Republic -- opposed letting the German government print its own money… “The Treaty of Versailles is a model of ingenious measures for the economic destruction of Germany. Germany could not find any way of holding its head above the water, other than by the inflationary expedient of printing bank notes.” /// Schact echoes the textbook lie, that Weimar inflation was caused ...when the German government printed its own money. However, in his 1967 book The Magic of Money, Schact let the cat out of the bag, by revealing that it was the PRIVATELY-OWNED Reichsbank, not the German government, that was pumping new currency into the economy. Thus, the PRIVATE BANK caused the Weimar hyper-inflation. Like the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Reichsbank was overseen by appointed government officials, but was operated for private gain...... , the government (under the National Socialists) got hyperinflation under control. The National Socialists put the Reichsbank under strict government regulation, and took prompt corrective measures, to eliminate foreign speculation. One of those measures was to eliminate easy access to funny-money loans from private banks. Then Hitler got Germany back on its feet, by having the public government issue Treasury Certificates. ....What causes hyper-inflation is uncontrolled speculation. When speculation is coupled with debt (owed to private banking cartels) the result is disaster. On the other hand, when a government issues currency in carefully measured ways, it causes supply and demand to increase together, leaving prices unaffected. Hence there is no inflation, no debt, no unemployment, and no need
for income taxes. Naturally this terrifies the bankers, since it eliminates their powers. It also terrifies Jews/Zionists/, since their control of banking, allows them to buy the media, the government, and everything else. Therefore, to those who delight in saying “Jews/Zionists financed Hitler,” I ask that they please look at all the facts. ...for more...