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Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - May 9, 2012
![]() Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - May 9, 2012 Expand each day into something new and something creative, as each morning is another opportunity for you and another gift to make a reality what you have come here to experience. Unfolding before you is the roadmap you have drawn up for yourself, and it is this map that will take you to the places and the people that you wish to experience while you are here in this 3rd dimensional world. To leave here without experiencing all that you came here to taste would be a lost opportunity that you may not get the chance to experience again in this type of setting, as many of you will not be coming back this way as your forays into the physical are over for you if this is what you wish for yourself. This is one of the choices you will be asked to make in the days ahead, as presenting themselves to you will be opportunities for you to travel ahead or to come back behind and perhaps do things a little differently. There are no penalties for you if you choose to come back again and do things over. Not everyone is ready to leave the physical realm behind and continue their journey on into the spiritual realms of existence. There is a great deal to learn and to experience here in the physical, and there will always be plenty of opportunities for you to ascend into the higher realms. It is a wise soul who understands when the time has come to begin a new journey and when it is time to retrace the steps they have taken, and use this blessed opportunity to make different choices that will allow them to experience things that they may have missed and may wish to experience before they move on. We cannot overstep our bounds and unduly influence you to choose either course. We will always be careful to do our best to allow you all the freedom and the space that you require to make this decision on your own and according to your own terms. We of the higher realms also have decisions of our own to make, and of course, we greatly appreciate others giving us the space that we require to make our own choices according to what we feel we need to and feel we would like to experience next. It is likely that members of each Star Family may choose different directions to travel, as none of us ever has to say goodbye forever. There will be many crossroads up ahead for us to meet once again and experience together what we have chosen for ourselves, of where we would like to be, who we would like to be with and what we would like to experience together. There are no rules or guidelines as long as we honor the sacred right of free will and choice of another. This is a rule that must not be broken, as it is this rule and this one rule alone that governs this universe and preserves it as an incredibly free and glorious place for so many countless souls to call their home. Our home is indeed your home, for we share in its marvelous treasures, its mysteries, its secrets, its adventures, its beauty, its wisdom, its nurturing powers and its love. There comes a time for every soul to wish to experience more of what this universe has to offer them, and this time is now approaching for many of you of the home you call Earth. For many of you, the time has come to expand your boundaries and call home not but your planet, but your universe. We, the Ashtar Command, are here to assist you expand the borders of your current lives and set out into new pastures that you have never set foot in before. There is so much more that a universe has to offer than any individual planet can offer, and many of you are now reaching this understanding and reaching for just what it is that is possible for you and what will bring to you new adventures and wonder that you have never experienced before. We understand this desire that is burning within many of you, and this is one of the reasons that we are here, to help allow you to see that you possess the key that will open this new door for you. There are many doors that you have passed through throughout your journey, and there are many doors that you will come to as you continue your travels. The door before you now is the door that will open for you into a new and higher dimension of existence than the current caliber of existence you currently call home. It is a milestone for a soul to one day reach the door that you stand before today, and you may be proud and considerate it a glorious achievement, for indeed that is precisely what it is, a glorious achievement. Once through the threshold and beyond this door you will not, for the necessity of your advancement, need journey again into a lower dimension than the one you shall be ascending into. For many of you this will come as wonderful news, as you have reached a point where what this dimension offers you no longer stimulates you, teaches you, excites you, motivates you, entices you or calls you. For those of you who now hear the call of the higher realms, it is what is there that beckons your heart and calls you by your name. It is up to each and every one of you to decide and choose for yourselves if you will heed this call or choose to remain amongst the familiar and perhaps amongst the comfortable here in the physical realm of the 3rd dimension. We will honor each and every soul’s decision and assist you make a reality which ever path you choose. We will not make any attempt to persuade you to change your mind and alter your course, as each decision a soul makes is a sacred choice and must be honored by all of the beings within this universe. There are those of us who have already made our choices, and we will not pretend for one moment that we would not like to see some of our loved ones that are now within the physical realm make the same choice that we have made. This is only natural, as although at this point you may not remember us we certainly remember you, and we love you and we miss you and we wish to be together again with you as we continue on our adventure. There will be those of you who ask if you can learn of our decision before you make a choice of your own, and to this we say yes, there will be an opportunity in the days ahead to discuss with you or somehow make our decisions known to you of what we, your friends and your family, are choosing to experience next. You will not be left out in the cold without having the opportunity to confer with the members of your Star Family, as this is a great decision and it is important all factors are included in the weighing of your choices. You will also be given sufficient time as to reach this decision, as it will not be presented to you with little time to reflect upon what it is you wish to experience for yourself. We say to those of you reading these words to begin to think about what it is you would like to experience. Is it the current state of your existence that you wish to continue to experience, or are you now ready to experience more of what your universe offers you? It is all up to you, and no one will push you or pull you in any one direction. We will continue to do our best to make your options as clear to you as we can so as to allow you to make an informed choice that will bring to you just what you would like to experience next. Many of you will, in the days ahead, be given an opportunity to see more clearly what is in store for you if you should decide to begin your journey anew within the higher realms of this universe. Once we are able to begin working with you on the many tasks needed to be accomplished here in your world, you will get a taste of what is possible for you and what your new lives will be like as citizens of a higher dimensional society, and perhaps members of our organization, the Ashtar Command. We are your Family of Light from the stars. As channeled through Greg Giles |
--"There are no rules or guidelines as long as we honor the sacred right of free will and choice of another. This is a rule that must not be broken, as it is this rule and this one rule alone that governs this universe and preserves it as an incredibly free and glorious place for so many countless souls to call their home."--
This is a misrepresentation. And, thus, a lie. Free will and freedom of choice are, indeed, sacred principles. However, they cannot be described truthfully as 'the only rule that governs the universe and preserves it'.
Free will and free choice have produced both Heaven and hell. Literally, and figuratively. More is needed. Beings with free will and choice need a heart and spirit of the right kind inspiring their wills and choices.
1/3 of the angels finally chose to become demons. Free will and free choice at work, with life or death at the end of the road.
God's love freely possessing a heart and mind washes away all crime, in thought and action. Rejection of that love produces all crime, in thought and action.
All things are possible with God, and CONSCIOUSNESS is All. There is only one reality, and that is the Infinite One, of which each and every individual is a part because of the gift of free will and choice. Since All is One, expressed through the great I AM THAT I AM, we have only to choose to embrace this Truth--the Truth of Infinite Love and Light--All else is OTHER than Truth, and will cease to exist after the great event of Universal Ascension of All That Is. The choice is offered to us as unique sparks of the Divine Consciousness of All That Is, and that choice is simply between you and the Infinite Source, to cooperate with the Ascension process willingly, or to resist the invitation to ascend and thereby repeat the cycle of duality until you do choose to ascend. That is free will, and that is the Law of One. Nothing is ever forced upon you by Infinite Unconditional Love, for that would be a violation of the law of free will. A misrepresentation is not therefore a lie, for a lie implies the intent to deceive. Only Love can discern the intent of the heart, and The Infinite One is the Source of that Love. If you seek Truth within your own heart, you will find the answer you are seeking. You are only responsible for your own soul and its eventual return to Source. The way you experience that journey is through the gift of free will--the One Law of All That Is. My intent is to enlighten, to inspire, and to raise the consciousness of All That Is, for the greater good of all, not to misrepresent Truth in any way. It is your choice to accept or to reject it. I am unaffected either way.
Unconditional Love is not possible on this earth without Jesus Christ. Consciousness is a funny word, really it makes everyone feel so smart doesn't it? by what do you measure YOUR goodness in comparison to OTHER peoples goodness. Really we all fall short of the glory of GOD. We are all sinners and only through Jesus Christ can we be in the most beautiful presence of GOD. Jesus Christ is our ticket to the "GREAT CONSCIOUSNESS" which is heaven. Why do you people seek the "SELF", where has ego gotten you in your life so far? Let the ego go,and then there will be room for Christ in your heart. May your heart soften so that you may see the truth that your soul has known all along.
"Nothing is ever forced upon you by Infinite Unconditional Love, for that would be a violation of the law of free will."
There comes a point when a being's free will and choices solidify that being in the spiritual direction it has persistently and knowingly chosen. It's probationary period then ends. The next stage of Divine interaction then commences. With those who chose evil, God now executes justice. This is "forced" upon them--in the sense that there is no escape. They will reap what they have sown.
"A misrepresentation is not therefore a lie, for a lie implies the intent to deceive."
Deliberate misrepresentations are deliberate lies. They are intended to deceive. Fallen angelic beings know better than the lies they fabricate for human consumption. Their misrepresentations are deliberate, and are lies.
"If you seek Truth within your own heart, you will find the answer you are seeking."
Our hearts no more contain the truth, unaided, than a piece of petrified wood does. However, if He who is Truth is accepted into our hearts, He will bring Truth with Him, and we will have Truth in our hearts.
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