Message from the Inner Workings of the Earth by Greg Giles - May 20, 2012
Today we find ourselves basked in a great workload, where beings from many different star systems throughout this universe are coming and going and assisting in their own ways make this a smooth transition for this planet and her people. We busy ourselves with pressing matters of the day that often deal with matters concerning tectonic and environmental structures that need to be monitored and need to be constantly adjusted to safeguard all that is precious on this planet. We sometimes journey to the outer surface of this planet to perform tests and to monitor seismic events and the effects they have on the outer surface world throughout your cities.
We have made plans to prepare your outer world for the coming seismic events that could cause a few problems for you. We wish to assist you, our brothers and sisters, when it is deemed an appropriate time for a meeting between our two worlds that share the same planet. We have eagerly anticipated a meeting with your people for quite some time now. We find it surprising to learn how many of your people on the surface world have no idea about our existence. This has been one of the better kept secrets of your civilization. Cover-ups and outright lies have led your people to believe the inner Earth is comprised of nothing but rock and sedimentary layers. This is hardly the truth, as the inner realm of this planet is a place of great expansiveness beauty, color, sunlight and beings from many different places, not just from this planet.
We wish soon to escort a team of selected individuals from your people down into the realms of your inner planet. We wish to show you the beauty possessed inside your mother Earth, as she is not only gorgeous on her outside, but she possesses great beauty within her as well. We look so forward to this day when we can see the utter surprise on your faces when you travel down below what you used to feel was the bottom of your world beneath your feet. We have so much to show you and so much to explain to you, though the days are growing very short and there is not much time to do all the things that we wish to do and speak to you about.
As many of you have begun to learn, our entire planet that we call home is set to elevate herself into the higher dimensions of this universe. Things will never be the same here for you as well as for us once this ascension takes place. We wish to give you the royal tour of our palaces and our homes, our fields and our forests, our rivers and our streams, our lakes and even our ocean. Yes, we have all these beautiful gifts here in our world and we wish to share them with you. Do you wish to meet us as well? Do you wish to learn about your ‘long lost’ brothers and sisters who have been away from you and your society for many long eons of time? If you wish to meet us say “I wish to meet you”. If you wish to share in our treasures and explore our great inner Earth then it will be, as this planet, this entire planet, is our planet that we share together and no longer will we be separated by the crust of this Earth that today acts as a wall between our two glorious civilizations.
There are important matters to deal with before this reunion can take place, but we promise you that this meeting will take place and will take place before the curtain rises on our ascension into the higher realms. There is so much to do before this incredible event and we must busy ourselves with each task at hand that arises on an almost daily basis. We below the ground that you walk on are very busy, just as we see many of you helping to bring about the changes so needed here on this planet. We are assisting in our own way make this an easy transition for you, and in the days ahead we will fully explain to you what our efforts have included in service and in love to you, our brothers and sisters of the surface world.
For today, we will say that much of our time is spent curtailing efforts of those of your world committed to destruction and mayhem and control of your people. We monitor their movements, their actions and even their thoughts, and we wish to be clear with you and say that they will never be permitted to carry out their dastardly agenda, as we will not permit this as it cannot be permitted, and we must do everything that we can to protect our precious mother which is the planet that we share together.
You have nothing to fear of the cabal and their minions scattered all throughout your world as we have plans for them and they will need to face up to the crimes they have been committing against you, their own people, in the name of greed and thirst for more power and control. We have dealt with them several times before throughout your history. This is not the first time that we have been forced to make a stand against them. There have been incidents in your past where we have been forced to mount military campaigns against invading forces controlled by your dark ones. This might come as very surprising news to some of you, yet we are aware that there are those among you who have read accounts of at least one of these military battles and we say to you what you have read is a true accounting of historical events in your not too distant past.
We were forced by the hands of your militaries who trespassed into our realm and who had conquest as the reason for their presence here. We were forced to use our craft that fly through your skies at lightning speed and eradicate the threat that we saw as very real and very threatening to our people and our way of life. We wish for you to understand that we would never take up arms against any beings in this entire universe unless we were at first threatened with our lives. This was certainly the case here in your past, and we spared as many lives and ships of your Navy as we could while we still made a point to demonstrate our military powers of protection for our people and our cities beneath your ground.
We do not foresee another need for military intervention as accords have been reached with many different military factions of your surface world. We see instead the days ahead passing by peacefully, with no military interventions on the part of any rogue or official government militaries of your world. We certainly will never be the ones who will pick up arms first, you can be assured of this, as our intentions are honorable and peaceful always and we want nothing more than a peaceful resolution to this period of your history that is soon to come to pass.
There are better and brighter days ahead for all of us, and your surface world is about to experience changes on an extraordinary level that will bring the end to so much suffering that many have experienced for so long. This en-joys us so very much, as we have wanted to intervene and help you in so many different areas for such a long period of time, but have not been able to due to the military threats of your forces controlled by the cabal all over your world. Soon this will not be the case, as the time has come for all militaries of your world to lay down their arms and raise the flag of truce, of peace, of love, of unity, of tolerance, of understanding and sharing. The days of old that have been filled with greed and profiteering, torture, murder, mayhem and war with scattered periods of peace are ending for you. Instead, rising upon the horizon is a new day of peace and prosperity for every member of your society, and this will never end for you as you will never experience a return to the old ways of war and violence ever again. This is the way it will be, as this is the way it must be for this planet, our planet, to continue her journey throughout this magnificent universe.
We will do all that we can to see this day come forth, and we will continue our efforts from here, making this new day and this new vision a reality for each and every one of you that wishes to enter a new paradigm and experience more of what this universe offers you. Help us in our efforts to help you by spreading the word of our existence here below the surface of this planet. Tell your friends and your family and even people that you meet for brief conversation that you have inner Earth family who have been separated from you for many eons of time, but this is all that separates us as we are one with you and have always been one with you and always will be one. Say to them that we look forward to our reunion with you and that we offer many gifts of peace and of friendship, in love and in service to our human brothers and sisters who have called the surface world their home while we have called the inner Earth our home for thousands of years.
There was a time when we also called the surface world home, but events on the surface of this planet necessitated our need to seek shelter below, away from the harmful effects that can sometimes be experienced while making home on the surface of a planet. This is all part of geological changes that a planet experiences through its journey. There is really nothing secret or mysterious about it as it is merely a matter of science, and we will fully explain to each of you that express an interest all that we have learned about the science of tectonic plates and of the Earth's crust and mantle. There will be no more secrets kept from you, and your science books and even your history books will receive incredible upgrades that will surely keep so many of you reading with great interest for many days to come as there is so much more for you to learn about science and about the events and the beings that have come and gone here on this planet that have shaped her into what she is today.
We look so forward to this day when we can share our wisdom with you, and we look so forward to you sharing so many of your gifts with us. We would love to hear more about your stories of your personal journeys, as well as the journey you have traveled as a collective society. There is so much that we can learn from each other, and there are no problems that can or will arise that we cannot handle working together. We look forward to this working partnership with you, and say to you it will not be very long before our two worlds that have been divided for so very long become one again.
We are your friends and your family from your inner Earth. We are the Argarthans. Be at peace, and be well my friends.
As channeled through Greg Giles
1 comment:
Can you get rid of the UN (United Nations)? It "says" it's goal is to establish peace and safety, yet it is filled with corrupt people as it's representatives. It says in the word of God that when they say peace and safety... then sudden destruction. Here is an interesting article about the purpose of the UN.... http://askmarion.wordpress.com/2011/03/29/un-ordered-depopulation-of-3-billion-people-by-food-malnutrition-has-started-pbspecial-report/
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