Monday, May 14, 2012

Obama's Muslim Heritage, my Ass... .

Language pretty abrupt, but makes a point to think about.....

Muslims My Ass...
Barack Obama,
during his Cairo speech, said:
"I know, too, that Islam has always been a part
of America 's story."


Dear Mr. Obama:

Were those Muslims

that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed?

Funny, I thought they were
Native American Indians.

Were those Muslims

that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day?

Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and
Native American Indians.

Can you show me one Muslim

signature on the United
States Constitution?

of Independence ?

Bill of

think so.

Did Muslims

fight for this country's freedom from
England ? No.

Did Muslims

fight during the Civil War to free the slaves

in America ?

No, they did not.

In fact, Muslims to this day are
still the largest traffickers in

human slavery..

Your own half brother, a devout Muslim,

still advocates slavery himself,

even though Muslims of Arabic descent

refer to black
Muslims as "pug nosed slaves."

Says a lot of what the Muslim world

really thinks of your family's "rich Islamic heritage,"

doesn't it Mr. Obama?

Where were Muslims

during the Civil Rights era of this country?

Not present.

There are
no pictures or media accounts of

Muslims walking side by side

with Martin Luther King, Jr.

helping to advance the cause of

Civil Rights.

Where were Muslims

during this country's Woman's Suffrage era?

Again, not present.

In fact, devout Muslims

demand that women are subservient
to men in the Islamic culture.

So much so,
that often they are beaten for not wearing the
'hajib' or for talking to a man who is not a
direct family member or their husband.

Yep, the Muslims

are all for women's rights,
aren't they?

Where were Muslims

during World War II?

They were aligned with Adolf Hitler.

The Muslim
grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler,
reviewed the troops and accepted support from
the Nazi's in killing Jews.

And finally, Mr. Obama,

where were

Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001?

If they weren't flying planes into
the World Trade Center ,

the Pentagon

or a field in Pennsylvania

killing nearly 3,000 people

on our own soil,

they were rejoicing in the Middle East .

No one can dispute the pictures
shown from all parts of the Muslim world
celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC

and other cable news networks that day.

Strangely, the very "moderate" Muslims

who's asses you bent over backwards

to kiss in Cairo , Egypt on June 4th

were stone cold silent post 9-11.

To many Americans,

their silence has meant approval
for the acts of that day.

And THAT, Mr. Obama,

is the "rich heritage"


have here in America ..

Oh, I'm sorry, I
forgot to mention the Barbary Pirates.
They were Muslim.

And now we can
add November 5, 2009 -

the slaughter of American soldiers

at Fort Hood, by a Muslim major,

who is a
doctor and a psychiatrist who was supposed

to be counseling soldiers

returning from battle in
Iraq and Afghanistan ..

That, Mr. Obama is the

"Muslim heritage"

in America


Muslim Heritage, my Ass... .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you self righteous free masonic satanic bible worshipping fake demonized x-tian. the true history of this Zionist babylon will surface and when it does. all you propaganda hate speech spouting morans will be a thing of the past for ever more. God is love, you are Satan and you're fired!