Monday, May 14, 2012

Only by God's rule will we see prosperity, health, peace, hope, happiness.

From a comment on this blog - Excellent and in full agreement!

The war that broke out in heaven began with the first world war in 1914....according to the Encyclopedia Britanica, 1914 was the year the world went mad.

When Jesus was being tempted by Satan, he was offered ALL the kingdoms or governments of this earth if he would just bow down and do one simple act of worship to Satan. When Jesus refused, Satan left, but Jesus NEVER refuted the FACT that Satan was the God of this world and had the authority to offer anyone he chose leadership over any or part of this planet.

People have been praying for 2,000 years for God's KINGDOM (or when literally translated, GOVERNMENT) to rule this earth as it is done in heaven. Only by God's rule will we see prosperity, health, peace, hope, happiness. Man has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he cannot rule over himself and it is time for people to awaken from their deep sleep and look at the 39 composite signs Jesus told us about that would happen within one generations life time. 

We are on the LAST prophecy as we speak and very SOON, the wicked will be no more. We are living in a time parallel to Noah....Once God slammed the door to that ark shut, there was no hope for those outside. but there were survivors and there will be again without anyone having to leave their home, their planet and go elsewhere. This is a JUST war and one based on judgement of the heart which only God and Jesus can read/see.

If we are privileged to obtain comfort from the RV, great. But if not, not to worry because just a little while longer and this earth will be cleaned up of all wickedness and sorrow.....Rev. 21: 3,4 


Anonymous said...

Come, Lord Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Yes, VERY, VERY soon and most will not know what is happening to them. Only the remnant will know.

Steven Monroe said...

Better have the mark of G*d exodus 13:9

Hobgoblin238 said...

Yeah but witnesses predicted the end for 1975 and nothing happened. Jesus said his yoke was kindly and light.
Dubs brag their religion is the "hardest religion in the world."

The Bible tells children to honor their parents.
The WTS tells children to betray their parents.

If dubs really live in a "spiritual paradise," why do their lives have to be threatened to stay in it?

If the rules for God's salvation matches the rules for Watchtower salvation, a Publisher's Record Card will count for more than all the good a dub does.

The Bible teaches to make your confessions before God.
The WTS teaches to make your confessions before men.

Dubs ridicule little booths used to make confession to men who are sinners but think it's fine to use little ROOMS to make confession to men who are sinners.

Who judges your sins and repentence from your sins:

Other Christians: "God"
Dubs: "a judicial committee"

Anonymous said...

"Man cannot rule himself"

well that's pretty obvious when every human has been part of this matrix that utterly denigrates, destroys and abuses Man for thousands of years. Humans are playthings for the genetic psychopaths that walk among us imitating us and what seems to be a myriad of nasty hyperdimensional critters having a lark feeding off us. the twin forces of these nasty monsters have so severely retarded us simply by using our will and love against us in fear and dread. What would happen to normal, messy, but compassionate, loving humanity if natural-born Evil psychopaths and those "critters" were removed?

Anonymous said...

I believe that our Lord and savior will bring our blessing to all of us. He did say if my people will humble their self and pray and turn from tbeir wick it way. He will come down to heal the land. So I know that everyone been praying for this breakthu. His timing it will manafest. All good things come together for though who trust in the Lord. Everyone be bless