Only in America
Only in America, have the sheeple been so brain-washed
and conditioned to the repeatedly told LIES by the politicians,
media, church ------ that NOW when the actual TRUTH is being
shared/exposed not only do they not BELIEVE it (because
it has been broadcasted on the National BOOB-Tube), they
also look at the person sharing this information like "you are
the crazy one" for BELIEVING the TRUTH.
Only in America, can someone who worked for Big Brother
then be considered a traitor/criminal and then thrown in jail
under phoney accusations (usually something to do with sex)
for telling the truth about what is going on behind the gates
@ 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue against our country, citizens and
all that our country stands for!
Only in America, do the former LEADERS who have committed
horrific crimes against its own citizens as well as humanity, have the
audacity to then claim, at this 11th hour, to have been tortured by their
family members as a reason for their behavior/criminal acts and all of
their choices!
Emitte lucem et veritatem
Send out light and truth
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