Saturday, May 12, 2012

Open Letter to Drake, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Bill Brockbrader and Kerry Cassidy

Open Letter to Drake, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Bill Brockbrader and Kerry Cassidy

I am writing this letter in the name of all humanity. Humanity cries for freedom. Each day that passes, around 25,000 people die of hunger. Each day that the Cabal is allowed to exist, is a day of untold suffering for many. It is time for action.

It is time to forget our apparent differences and join forces in our fight for freedom. It is time to admit that nobody among us has total understanding and absolutely correct view of reality. If somebody has a different point of view, it does not mean he is automatically a disinfo agent. So it is time for each one of us to allow others to be who they are. We are all human beings. We all make mistakes. It is time now to forgive. And then join forces. United we stand, divided we fall.

This is a call from my heart to all key positive players in this cosmic drama of liberation of the last planet in the grip of the dark forces - planet Earth. We need to join forces, share resources and support each other. We need to create a coherent field of intent that will manifest through the masses of humanity. We need to show them with our example how the world can be set free.

I invite all five of you to a meeting in a location you can choose, where we can settle the differences, forgive, heal and then create a unified field of light, love and support. If such powerful and dedicated people meet in one place, many synchronicities can happen. United, we can design a strategy how we can best assist the liberation of the planet.

I know there are friends of all five above mentioned people reading my blog. Please pass this to them as they might be too busy to notice and read this on their own.

You can contact me if you are so guided at and we can coordinate things.

Victory of the Light! 


Anonymous said...

Powerful Idea, let's do's up to us...let's intend and manifest the glorious historic completion of this dark phase of our dear Earth's history! Namaste

Anonymous said...

Fair comment bro


Anonymous said...

I say absolutely not! Does anyone know who this Cobra individual is? You never place all your top Generals in a predetermined location by someone knowbody really knows! Stupid idea!
I believe half of these channelers are CIA or a division of the black opps that are stringing all of us along while they are getting ready to unleash a bio weapon or some ungodly ,nasty plague that will wipe out all of us before we can load our guns.I stated this before to Drake,you don't give your foe four months advanced notice that you are going to arrest them,then ask the most corrupt outfit, the Pentagon to lead the charge against them> Iam starting to lose my freaking mind this is like something the great Usurper would think up,completely nuts!You start taking out the main chesse and you watch how fast these pukes will crawl into their holes in the ground,they are all cowards,they have used their trillions to buy everything they have and want,let's get seal teams tohether and get rid of the problem now!
Waiting time is over,these insane bastards need to be taken out!!

Anonymous said...

They do no more than we can do our self.
Someone will disagree with me and it's because 'they do not know what they can do' their own self.

I remember when the other freedom groups were taking off. People were doing things them selves that had an affect on the system (or as Drake would say, they were getting off the couch) and were told to 'stand down' and let someone else take over, negotiations were on the way.

They've come to a difference of opinion of how to do things, there is nothing wrong with that.

People of different spiritual frequencies aren't expected to sit down and come to a common frequency.

Each in their own way are contributing to the changes and they don't need each other to do it.

All men are created equal. My youth knows that basic secret.

Pete L. said...

Great idea!! Let's all drop the ego and work together in the name of love!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For pete's sake, they are meeting in Virginia for the Bilterburg group in May and also in Chicago.... they will all be together... time is up! Time for them to get taken out one way or another, don't care how just end this reign of terror!

Anonymous said...

I would guess at this point in time that most of you aren't aware of what the Bible Scriptures tell of what is to come in The Book Of Revelation. Remember antichrist? Well he's still going to make his appearance very soon. He will cause everyone to receive a mark on their right hands or forehead and no one will be able to buy or sell save he that have the mark. He (antichrist) will be-head anyone who refuses the mark, and God said that those that refuse the mark, would have everlasting life. Look, The only way to beat this whole system is to repent and invite Jesus into your lives. He is the only way to salvation. After we die, it'll be too late to ask for salvation. The Bible makes it so clear, without Christ, we die in our sins. Now if this sounds too far fetched to some of you, I can’t help that, but believing that aliens are going to save us and bring peace to the earth is a just plain insane and a lot of nonsense and false doctrine that the dark ones have dreamed up in order to get people to stop coming to Christ. It seems like a lot of you have already bought into that false teaching. I believe I was sent by God to tell you the truth and I didn’t need a “Channeler” or a psychic, God just speaks to my heart. How crazy does that sound? No more than those who tell you they speaks to ET’s.
Just because some of you don't believe in Bible Scripture doesn't mean The Book Of Revelation will not play out. We are all God's creation, but we become God's Children when we turn to Christ. We have hope and protection when we recognize God as our father instead of the reference I hear many people speak of as "The Man Upstairs." Christianity is not a religion with a lot of man-made traditions such as not being able to eat meat on Friday! Do you honestly believe that God cares more about ones appetite than He does about how we treat one another? Christianity is a relationship between "Our Father In Heaven" and those of us that have accepted Christ in our hearts. You want to beat the Dark ones? Ask Jesus into your lives. He truly IS the only way!

Desert Owl said...

"It is time to forget our apparent differences and join forces in our fight for freedom. It is time to admit that nobody among us has total understanding and absolutely correct view of reality. If somebody has a different point of view, it does not mean he is automatically a disinfo agent. So it is time for each one of us to allow others to be who they are. We are all human beings. We all make mistakes. It is time now to forgive. And then join forces. United we stand, divided we fall."

Once we unite and join forces with Him who is in ultimate control of this universe,we will stand and not fall.
It is written: "All who had spread terror in the land of the living are slain, fallen by the sword." So let us just take Him by His Word, which will never pass away. His sword is mightier than any of our handmade idols.

siriusvoid said...

Can the PTB, or anyone deny our sacred connection to SOURCE? Deny the Holy sustenance afforded to all created beings By GOD?
If a person is in doubt as to accessing the next breath of air, they will quite suddenly begin 'waking up' to the urgency of their situation... If they have become convinced that they will very likely be denied that next breath, a state panic will likely ensue. The next seconds and minutes will be a time of abject horror and utter insanity. Such is the power of human addiction. Any and every means of ensuring survival and continuity of the flow of free air and therefore the survival of this precious body (the only one we have) will be undertaken by the individual who percieves their life to be threatened... Even if that individual happens to be a parasite. Surviving by stealing or otherwise usurping the life energy of others...
I remember meeting Swami Hariharananda Giri many years ago, back in 1981. I spent approximately two hours with this man. This beautiful radiant saint and in the course of those two hours my life was changed forever. I watched carefully, face to face, at a distance of 2 feet away, and I waited 20 minutes to see when this man would next need to take another breath.. He wasn't 'holding' or 'hoarding' his previous breath.. In fact he had been talking for several minutes just before all external signs breathing completely ceased in him... The time I so urgently awaited (for Swami to 'need' to breathe) never came. This is because Swamiji's every need was met by the Divine... Apparently GOD supplies all of creation with enough electromagnetic energy or 'Prana' to meet all our needs. And this very energy is something Swamiji had learned to conduct and to channel.
I know that fearful people do horrible things to one another.. There is no excuse for this, and I feel strongly that justice should be made available for all.
But... Instead of cringing, and wallowing in our weakness, We should find our true and real strength In GOD's gifts to us... After all, We each carry a portion of Original Source within us... Therefore there can be NO LIMITS placed on our Sacred lives.

Anonymous said...

I get so SICK of these Bible quoters. Each person has his OWN thoughts about his religion/outlook. Why do you CONSTANTLY "push" YOURS on others? Is it POSSIBLE to read a news article WITHOUT your religious comments -- just ONCE?

Anonymous said...

In my reality the Book of Revelations will not play out.
Why? Because I haven't read it to manifest that reality into fruition.
Anyone can pop up and 'be called the AntiChrist' by others, but my Higher Self informed me that a Christ, any Christ, Pro-Christ, Normal-Christ, Anti-Christ, or otherwise is not more powerful that the Creator that created them.

That same Creator created me.
My allegiance is with the Creator that created me, and not one of His Creations.

All things are possible, so my reality WITHOUT a playbook of Revelations and WITHOUT an Anti-Christ is just as possible as the one you are looking for.

When you experience your Revelations (to reveal), I will experience mine, except mine will not have an Anti-Anything.

Much Love to You

Anonymous said...

To: Anonymous May 13, 2012 5:55 AM
If you new the truth, you wouldn’t have asked me that question!
The Bible specifically states that when we leave this earth, we will ALL stand before The Judgment Seat Of Christ and we must ALL give an account to Him what we did while we were in our bodies while we were alive in earth, will you still be sick of hearing the truth when it's your time to meet God and explain to him why you rejected his doctrine of Salvation? Do you want to be separated from God for an eternity? If the answer is yes and I’ll take my chances, then you go ahead and stay a fool, for the fool says in his heart, there is no Salvation in Christ, that there is no hope in the shed blood of our Lord Jesus. You have the free will to stay lost without hope and without a Savior, the powers that be (Satanic influences) are all counting on it!

Anonymous said...

You are correct in that not taking real action at the build a buger conference was a mistake. It was entirely possible, and a serious mistake to let such an opportunity pass by.

Now, Now, Now, Well here we are at the point in time referred to as "now". So what can be done now?

Any strike at the head will have them all taking cover, and the whole head will not be taken in on stroke of the hand. The head is not a tangible target.

The only way is from the bottom up. Start at the counties and move on to the states. Counties are tangible, but you must network starting in your neighborhood.

MikeR said...

Your book is so open to misinterpretation as to be literally (sic) incredible to most of us mere world citizens. If you will not or cannot quote from any other Big Book, do NOT expect most of US to take yours seriously my friend.

Try reading sanscrit and hebrew and budda-ese.... enjoy

Meanwhile We the People have a few targets to eliminate....