Results of the May 20th Dark Grid Removal Process
By Cameron Day
Source: Ascension Help Blog
May 21st, 2012
Source: Ascension Help Blog
May 21st, 2012
First and foremost, I want to THANK YOU all for participating in this historic event.
The huge amount of people participating on the ground as Galactic Conduits, coupled with the immense support from the Forces of Divine Light and other high-frequency beings who are working towards Earth’s liberation, allowed us to achieve a key victory on May 20th, 2012.
Long story short: The dark grid that was overlaid on top of Earth’s natural outer light grid was removed entirely. Supporting elements of it remain embedded within the Earth’s crust, but the outer grid itself has been restored to a Light Grid instead of being a corrupted dark grid. This is a huge step forward, but there is still much clean-up work to be done.
Now for the long version of the story from my perspective. I meditated and rested most of the day, keeping a strong Galactic Core connection at all times. I did this to act as a prime target for the ankle biters, so that they would be distracted when the time came for everyone who was participating to make their Galactic Core Connection.It may sound crazy, but I’m so used to being psychically attacked by the ankle biters that it doesn’t frighten me at all.
The alignment was scheduled for 6:30pm Pacific time, and by 5:30 I was feeling tremendous dark side pressure as they tried to attack and distract me. I sat in my meditation chair and got to work at 5:45pm. Within 20 minutes, my allies and I had arrested a few hundred ankle biters and things were calming down a little bit.They kept coming in waves every few minutes, and I was quite satisfied that they weren’t paying much attention to the thousands of people who were about to come “on line” all over the planet.
By 6:20, thousands of people started engaging their Galactic Core connections, and the ankle biters scrambled to try and interfere with them. They would rather leave one strong connection in order to darken a thousand others, and they weren’t having any luck with me (as usual). It looked like we only had about 4,000 or so people actively engaging a Galactic Core connection, but there were many thousands of people doing other types of meditation for this alignment, and all of that light work was stretching their forces thin.
Holographic Force Multipliers
The grid looked more solid than it had recently, indicating that the ankle biters had done some last-minute repairs in anticipation of the global meditation. I knew going in that we wouldn’t have the 100,000+ people needed to “organically” dissolve the dark grid, but I had a few tricks up my sleeves to make up for our smaller numbers.
Once the ankle biters dispersed to try and disrupt the thousands of people meditating, I got busy. I started off with a circular BREAKing emanating from my Pacific Northwest octahedron that radiated out through the dark grid for several miles in every direction, crumbling it like dust. I cranked up the intensity of my Galactic Core connection to widen it and fill this space.
I immediately followed this by sending in thousands of thoughtform holograms that were very specifically programmed to identify ankle biter technology and destroy it. Along with those destructive holograms, I sent in another type that are programmed to seek out sentient ankle biters, contain them and transport them to the “processing area” of a very love-oriented treatment center that will gently help them to realize their Divine connection to all of life.
This compassionate, “no-kill” approach is very important to me, and it has allowed me to massively disrupt ankle biter plans without violating their right to life and existence. I am, however, happily interfering with their free will desires to usurp human free will. This IS still a war, even though it isn’t New Age Politically Correct to call it that…
I had never used thoughtform holograms quite like these against the ankle biters before, so they weren’t expecting them. This element of surprise was very useful and allowed me to break apart huge swaths of the dark grid in a fairly short amount of time. Because I was working in concert with you all on the ground, and the Forces of Divine Light in the “sky”, I could focus on breaking apart the dark grid and let the Light forces handle the clean-up work that followed.
This was very demanding work, and I had never done anything this ambitious before, at least not in this life. It was also incredibly rewarding to FINALLY be able to make such a significant impact in our quest for humanity’s freedom.
How Come Cameron Gets To Have All The Fun?
You might be wondering why I was doing so much of the destructive work on the dark grid, when there were so many thousands of humans and millions of light beings taking part in this event. The short answer is because I asked for it! For many months, I have been training myself in breaking apart small sections of the dark grid and other ankle-biter technologies. After a particularly good training session, I asked the Forces of Divine Light that when the time was right, I would like to have the honor of being the “primary breaker” of the dark grid.
All I was really asking for at the time was the honor of taking the first shot. What I received was an even higher honor of being able to strike first over and over again, taking out vast swaths of the dark grid with every effort, then being backed up by the light beings who cleaned up what remained. Even now, I’m amazed that it all went so well.
Rebooting the Light Grid
When the final swath of the dark grid came off, Earth’s natural light grid that had been taken over rebooted and came back to life. As it filled with light from the Galactic Core, thousands of light beings settled into the grid to protect it and keep it safe from being re-captured.
However, there are still key ankle biter strongholds on and within the Earth that are intact. These installations will be working overtime to pollute human consciousness so that they can attempt to retake this grid.
In spite of this, the outer light grid of Planet Earth looks clean, clear, light and beautiful. High-frequency light beings are constructing temples in and on this light grid that will eventually be mirrored on the surface of the planet.
Conditions Are Still Smoggy
At the end of this operation, I was shown several key dark force strongholds on and within planet earth. The ankle biters have at least one stronghold on every continent, and they produce a low-frequency energy “smog” that keeps people feeling heavy and disempowered. The big difference is that now they don’t have the dark grid to block out the incoming light frequencies! This means that you can connect to the Galactic Core with far less worry about being interfered with or attacked by ankle biters.
The dark strongholds were never revealed to me before, because my primary target was always the outer dark grid. It was only when the grid was gone and I asked “what’s next” that I was shown these strongholds. Even if the time would have been right to take them on (and take them OUT), I didn’t have any energy left to help.
There are many “grid-workers” who’s primary focus is on the surface Earth grids and these ankle biter strongholds. I will connect with them soon and help in any way that I can when the time is right to clean out those bases. I will let someone else go first next time, though. 

Some Big Biters Aren’t Happy
In the hours following this operation, two different BIG ankle biters showed up very unhappy with me. They are essentially stuck on and in Earth until such time that they are apprehended and rehabilitated, because they can’t penetrate the supercharged light-grid around Earth. Those two big biters are now getting the best treatment in the Universe and will soon remember their true identity as aspects of the One Infinite Creator.
Of course, this loss means that the remaining ankle biters will be working overtime to lower human consciousness. This means WE have to work overtime on keeping our frequency high and anchoring the light energies from the Galactic Core. Stay connected to the Galactic Core as much as you can!
For right now, we should all celebrate this big win! Thank you all so much for your support and participation.
Much Love,
Cameron Day
Cameron Day
Emitte lucem et veritatem
Send out light and truth
....part1/4.......source is: ...11 comments...///Freeing the mind from limitations, in order to become a higher frequency human being. Ascension can be defined simply as raising one’s frequency of thought and emotion. When limiting frequencies are removed from the psyche, higher frequencies of thought can flow through a person’s mind, and higher states of emotion flow through the body. As more and more people in the world, raise their frequencies of thought and emotion, the rest of the planet, is uplifted. When every person on the planet is thinking and acting from a place of inner clarity, love, compassion, integrity and giving, ...we will be able to consider our society and ourselves “ascended.”Such a planetary transformation will require each of us to "clean up" our unresolved emotions and limiting thought patterns. The Ascension Help Self-ClearingSystem and personalized remote energy clearing sessions available through this website, can help you to: • Experience infinite energy and boost your frequency right away. • Clear your energy field of harmful external projections. • Quiet the ego mind. • Identify and resolve the issues holding you back. • Completely transform yourself and your life from the inside out.//This is a complete system of highly effective techniques with over a decade of development. You will feel great after just the first 10 minute “getting started” meditation and each progressing step in the Self-Clearing System, allows you to go to the energetic core of “stuck” issues in your psyche and release them. Also available are highly transformative remote (long distance) energy clearings, that utilize incredibly effective, advanced methods of energetic clearing. Energy clearing sessions are done by Cameron Day, who has over ten years of experience in remote energy work. To learn the self-clearing techniques, start here/link/ with the Higher Self meditation. To read more about remote energy clearings, click here/link/.
For testimonials on remote energy clearings, click here/link/.******(links): Start Here, Higher Self Meditation,Cosmic Flush,Energy Refund,Ego Minimizer,Reclaiming Energy,Peeling the Layers,Self-Clearing Level 2,NEW! Morning, Noon & Night,Self-Clearing System,Genius Brain Power & Enhanced Meditation, Articles&Radio Archives,EnergyClearings & SpiritualCounseling, About/Contact,Art Gallery,Blog. **
from: ****** also:** ***
...part2....Discernment Lessons: Who’s Really On This Channel? By Cameron Day, on September 22nd, 2011///
The Veils Are Thinning and Truth Is Emerging.By Cameron Day, on November 15th, 2011 ///Never Call Them Archons – How You Can Help Bust Up the Matrix.By Cameron Day, on January 31st, 2012///Shielding Protocols to Keep Ankle Biters Away.By Cameron Day, on March 9th, 2012 ///Focus on Breaking the Dark Grid Sunday, May 20th.By Cameron Day, on May 19th, 2012 ///Results of the May 20th Dark Grid Removal Process
By Cameron Day, on May 21st, 2012 ///FROM:******
............and................Never Call Them Archons – How You Can Help Bust Up the Matrix.
By Cameron Day, on January 31st, 2012. This article has been 15 years in the making, as it took that long for me to be able to distill this information into an accessible format. This is going to represent a few very important pieces of the overall puzzle of how we are going to shift this planet and everyone upon it into an ascended frequency of being. One key aspect of this shift is going to be the “cleaning up of consciousness” of all of humanity, which is no small task, to be sure. This article will cover in detail the major obstacle to this consciousness clean-up, as well as a solution that needs your help to succeed. I briefly wrote last year about a “living cloud of shadows” surrounding this planet, populated by energy parasites. These parasitic beings have chosen to experiment with the illusions of separation, fear, darkness, isolation, conquering, enslavement, pain, suffering, torture, etc. to the strongest degree possible. In doing so, they have completely cut themselves off from the nourishing Light of Being that supports life in the universe. The result is that they must energetically nourish themselves by feeding on low-frequency energies that resonate with their chosen mode of expression. These beings call themselves “Archons” which means “Rulers” or “Lords” because they see themselves as the rulers and enslavers of humanity. (The ancient Gnostics first gave them this title in their writings based on direct psychic experiences with these beings.) While these unseen being’s clever enslavement and manipulation of humanity has been quite successful up until now, I will NEVER address them as my ruler or superior in any way, just like I wouldn’t consider physical, intestinal parasites as my superior even though they might cause me physical discomfort until I remove them from my body. Our thoughts have power – much more than we often realize. Words and titles have power because they frame our thoughts into a certain set of beliefs without us even realizing it. Calling a “royal” human “Your Highness” automatically places them above you in your mind. Calling a judge “Your Honor” achieves the same thing. Therefore it very is important that when you think about these energy parasites, that you NEVER call them “Archon” because you will be literally handing them your power and energy by doing so.
.....part3....I prefer to call them Ankle Biters. This lets them know exactly what I think of them, which is that they are lowly parasites, an infection of consciousness, that will be purged from my system, through proper use of my will via energetic clearing and transmutation. This also serves to really make them angry, which exposes them and makes them easier to deal with. In spite of their self-proclaimed status as “Rulers” of humanity, they hide like little worms in the shadows of our minds, sending impulses of low-frequency emotion and thought to our ego and emotional bodies, in order to elicit a low-frequency emotional energy that they can consume. Because they love to hide, they need to be “flushed out” into the open, in order to be dealt with, so a healthy dose of disrespect and a little arrogance, are necessary ingredients when confronting these parasites.**A Little Back Story: Once upon a time, on this very planet in the far distant past, human beings were infinitely more impressive than we are today.We were fully telepathic, multi-dimensional beings that could simultaneously perceive and navigate, many dimensions at once. We built vast cities with technology that worked in harmony with Earth’s energetic fields. We were in full alignment with our Divine Inner Self, while expressing ourselves in physicality in a wide variety of life-affirming ways. This unlimited expression of Divine Selfhood, was viewed by the ankle biters as a threat to their very existence, because the 3rd density has been dominated by them for a very long time on other worlds. To have a 3rd density world be completely free from their manipulations and feeding, was something that they could not allow without a fight. The problem for them was that Earth humans were so powerful, we could literally brush them off with a thought. These beings only have power over others... who they have manipulated and put into fear. A fully aware human who knows their Inner Divine Self, cannot be dominated by these parasitic beings, in any way. The ankle biters will simply be metaphorically spanked for misbehaving and sent away. However, these ankle biters are possibly the most clever manipulators in the universe, simply because ALL they know is.. manipulation and deceit. Practice makes perfect, after all. They studied these immensely powerful humans, lusting after the power and energy that they could drain from them, if only they could figure out a way to manipulate, conquer and enslave them. They devised a plan to very carefully manipulate a few humans in positions of power into making an innocent mistake with terrible, cataclysmic repercussions.These humans were experimenting with new methods of harnessing and transmitting energy in vast quantities. The experiments were unprecedented and very ambitious — too ambitious because the ankle biters were secretly influencing some of these humans through their ego mind, to push the envelope of what was thought to be possible.
.....part4......When an advanced phase of testing at the north pole of the planet went disastrously wrong, this large, extremely powerful device, exploded with such force, that it caused tremendous cataclysms on the planet, rapidly melting huge swaths of ice and creating a flood that destroyed nearly every coastal area on the planet, within a day.The vast amount of death and destruction was unimaginable, and only a remnant of the many billions of humans, survived. Heavily traumatized, grief stricken at the loss of their loved ones and focused only on physical survival, they fled to safe locations, to try and rebuild their once great civilization. This story sounds much like what we know of as the “Fall of Atlantis” but it actually occurred long prior to the civilization of Atlantis, even though it too perished in a similar manner, many centuries later. The incredible trauma of this experience, caused a loss of perception in the survivors, making them less aware of the other dimensions that are always mingling with 3rd density. They simply couldn’t take the time to focus on any other density, but this one, because their physical survival depended on being fully focused on the physical realm. At the same time, the human’s deep emotional pain, grief and wounding, gave the ankle biters a tremendous amount of low-frequency energy, that they could consume, allowing them to feast on the suffering of the surviving humans and grow more powerful. The ankle biters found that as long as they stayed carefully hidden, that they could send a small thought-form into the minds of the traumatized humans, reminding them of all that they had lost. This would create a cascade of painful thoughts and emotions in the person, that would generate more energetic food for the ankle biters. As each subsequent generation of humanity was born, the ankle biters became more bold, and instituted a program of direct interference into human consciousness.They subliminally programmed humans to be blind to their presence, allowing them to more directly influence a person’s thoughts.They also programmed human consciousness to recoil away from any mention of the ankle biters or their dark influence over humans,... so that when confronted with such information, a person’s immediate response, will be disbelief, ridicule and mockery. Finally, in their most brilliantly sinister move,they reprogrammed the human ego, to resemble their own ego, and encouraged the ego consciousness, to dominate, all other levels of our being. They essentially reprogrammed humans to be like them:fearful, jealous, petty, dishonest, brutal, enslaving, murderous, unforgiving, punishing, etc. This insured that humans would be easy to manage as an energetic food source, for thousands and thousands of years. .....(....)For more: .....*46comments*....
Me & my girlfriend live in Warsaw, Poland. We woke up ourselves before 3 am and went to the park in order to find our trees and connect with Earth in order to get rid of the negative energies during the meditation. While she affirmed in meditation, I found myself troubled in that process coz I couldn't concentrate upon the plot I was planning within myself. In a moment I've heard a lot of noise made by few ravens/crows, evidentially disturbing us in our meditation, siting above our heads and staring at us. Then I have observed a fox, slowly treading through the grass without any fear of us. I understand that ravens could make the noise in order to warn other animals of the fox, but then I realised it could mean sth. Next day I've checked that in dreams those animals are described as predictions of negative events/plots (fox-false, ravens-mourn/deaths/bad information about sth that is valid). The state of my mind is that there's much to achieve in my life to perform sth upon aethereal plain and I'm neither ready nor able to do so. Please share your opinion with me as I consider myself as a good person and need some reference from other people who might say sth upon that case. Thanx, peace & love.
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